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Jan 8, 2010 10:32 AM

Mar 2008
Well, this season doesn't has much to offer and this is one of the more interesting first episodes. At least not another plotless ecchi show. I will watch a few more episodes before making a judgement.

@Jaapsneep: It's obviously not normal that he is that popular. I think it's part of the mystery plot.
Jan 8, 2010 10:48 AM

Apr 2008
I'm disappointed - this somehow managed to be worse than my lowered expectations.

I'll start with the obvious and say that this struck me as a poorly-done Higurashi ripoff. It's like Ryukishi was trying to return to the plot he did so well and forgot what made it work. Things seemed so normal in Hinamizawa that it was actually somewhat shocking to see them go awry - here, as in Umineko, the supernatural element is played-up far too much and it seems like they're trying to shove down your throat that something about this town is messed-up. I felt like I was getting my head repeatedly bashed in by foreshadowing. And all of this is said, of course, without mentioning that there were so many recycled elements from Higurashi that I lost count about halfway through the episode.

The characters did nothing but drive me up a wall. I hate clingy people like that in real life, but she was the only person in the entire series apart from the dad who even had a spark of life in her. The dad was the only character in the episode I actually found likable, and was also one of the two redeeming factors of the show (the other being the direction during that nighttime encounter, particularly the close up of the scythe). This was simply another area where Ookamikakushi fell short of its spiritual predecessor - Higurashi had characters; OKK had human-shaped pieces of cardboard.

The art, which everyone seems to be saying is "sooooo much better than DEEN's work," was really not all that great. I'd be lying if I said I preferred these character designs to Ryukishi's (which is really saying something) - the white uniforms everywhere was way too much, the eyes are obnoxiously large and just look bad in general, their hair is much too shiny, and I thought the main character was a girl for half the episode, whereas everyone else was utterly undifferentiable. The wheelchair's CG animation was lazy and unnecessary and made my eyes bleed. Now I may be the only person here who actually liked what DEEN did with the Higurashi anime, but I thought that Higurashi's art was far superior to this (although admittedly this is still better than Umineko). At least the scythe part looked cool.

I wasn't paying too much attention to the BGM and I don't remember the ED that well, but I will say that I didn't care for the OP. Why? It sounds exactly the same as every other FictionJunction song I've heard. I guess that's kind of fitting, considering that this whole episode was just a lazily-assembled remake of Higurashi.

I'll give it a chance to see if it picks up as the arc goes on, but I don't have much hope for it, especially because I didn't like the characters - a factor which rarely fails to sink my enjoyment like a pair of concrete shoes.

2/5 I am disappoint.
BokuSatchiiJan 8, 2010 11:57 AM

The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai. You will be honored to accept his invitation.
Jan 8, 2010 11:04 AM

Jul 2009
Nothing spectecular really, just feels like a bad copy of Higurashi but without the interesting characters. And the main character, a weak four eyed wimp...

I give this show one or two more episodes unless it improves allot it's not worth watching imo.
Jan 8, 2010 11:05 AM
Jun 2009
gg subs were horrible, another stupid attempt to troll.
Anyone knows if this will be subbed by a real group?
Jan 8, 2010 11:11 AM

May 2008
"The theme is good."
"It might sell well enough, but it won't be a big hit."
"For example, in the beginning..."

Haha. Stab at metafiction?
Jan 8, 2010 11:14 AM
Jan 2009
The first episode was meh though i'm sure there is some twist to this that removes it from being so higurashi like and makes it worth it

hopes wheelchair girl goes insane and kills someone
Jan 8, 2010 11:22 AM

Jun 2008
Am I the only one who liked this? :c
Jan 8, 2010 11:28 AM

Feb 2009
Darkii said:
Am I the only one who liked this? :c

No.I also think that it was a decent start despite the similarities with Higurashi and I think that Ryukishi prepared some new and interesting things for us...
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
Jan 8, 2010 11:35 AM

Jun 2009
Well for those people think it's just a watered down Higurashi, I can understand that, but you should also try to see this series as something that tries to stand on it's own.
It really is quite well written in the original and the characters come off much more lifelike...even Isuzu, but that doesn't mean I like her one ounce more in the VN.
And back when Higurashi started, there wasn't much character development in Onikakushi all those not familiar with the source, let's not be too hasty by comparing one episode with a finished series of over 50 episodes.

What I think was the worst thing in this episode, and it shows in many negative opinions, is the fact that they played the similarities to Higurashi up too much omitting the whole investigation and mystery that started to kick in earlier...
I admit that the introduction chapter is rather redundant as you go through many things from there again, but I now (after reading further) like it for setting a certain mood of mystery and the anime there was just something missing, especially the rather moody, eery and still sad atmosphere that accompanies the fleeting last days of summer in Jougamachi.

Concerning the art, that was a decision from Konami as far as I know, they hired Peach Pit as the character designers and Ryukishi to write the plot...well at least Peach Pit tried to emulate the feeling of Ryukishi's stories, I think even though they're their usual porcellain dolls, it somehow fits Ookamikakushi.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Jan 8, 2010 11:56 AM

Jul 2009
Not a fan of the art style, not a fan of any character, not really a fan of this anime :/

.. and I liked higurashi.

Powered by hinatachan - TaigaForum
Jan 8, 2010 12:08 PM

Jun 2009
I "feel" this anime. Nice epizode, looking forward to next.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jan 8, 2010 12:22 PM

Jul 2008
Nothing special as the first episode. And imo PEACH-PIT's character design didn't fit here.

But gosh, the ending theme was somehow really beautiful imo ! :--))

Jan 8, 2010 12:26 PM

May 2007
Need moar Isuzu hentai action.

Jan 8, 2010 12:36 PM

Oct 2009
No matter what people are saying about this season, I was fine with everything I've watched so far, so that one counts in too. All the mystery behind this show seems to be kinda interesting, but I'm hoping for a little more action and suspense next time, since this episode was dull, lacked of action and seemed more like a loli/shota-fest, no trace of screwed horroristic elements and the Japanese sickness I was expecting.
Isuzu-chan, or whatever the annoying short haired girl is called has some weird greeting gestures indeed, and lead character's seiyuu would fit more in a yaoi as uke lead, but whatever. Hopes up for something better next time.
Jan 8, 2010 12:49 PM
Nov 2008
tomin said:
no trace of screwed horroristic elements and the Japanese sickness I was expecting.
Isuzu-chan, or whatever the annoying short haired girl is called has some weird greeting gestures indeed, and lead character's seiyuu would fit more in a yaoi as uke lead, but whatever. Hopes up for something better next time.

There was plenty foreshadowing. The seiyuu is female and she has done lots of great roles before, but this one felt ... meh.
Jan 8, 2010 12:51 PM

Feb 2009
sayami said:
garfield15 said:
I think Isuzu is this season's Yuka :P

Exactly my thought... I hope it won't turn out to be something crap like 11eyes.

This wasn't a really good starting to me getting irritated already in the first episode. To be honest I don't expect too much of this. Using the "main character moving to the town" cliché again. Something like Higurashi? Maybe...
However, the animation was pretty and I also liked the opening and the ending. Well, I shouldn't judge just by the first episode, something awsome might turn out in the end.

My first time getting irritated already in the first episode...though...yeah,we should give it a chance,but as for this episode:
Hiroshi is way too girly,and Isuzu is too damn clingy.Indeed she might be this season's Yucka...


Here i thought:"Sugooooi!Clingy girl smashed by a truck right from the start!What an awesome show!!!"
But was more like "dinamic exit" or something...what a let down ;(
ChaosLegionJan 8, 2010 12:54 PM

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Jan 8, 2010 12:58 PM

Jun 2009
BokuSatchii said:
I'm disappointed - this somehow managed to be worse than my lowered expectations.

I'll start with the obvious and say that this struck me as a poorly-done Higurashi ripoff. It's like Ryukishi was trying to return to the plot he did so well and forgot what made it work. Things seemed so normal in Hinamizawa that it was actually somewhat shocking to see them go awry - here, as in Umineko, the supernatural element is played-up far too much and it seems like they're trying to shove down your throat that something about this town is messed-up. I felt like I was getting my head repeatedly bashed in by foreshadowing. And all of this is said, of course, without mentioning that there were so many recycled elements from Higurashi that I lost count about halfway through the episode.

The characters did nothing but drive me up a wall. I hate clingy people like that in real life, but she was the only person in the entire series apart from the dad who even had a spark of life in her. The dad was the only character in the episode I actually found likable, and was also one of the two redeeming factors of the show (the other being the direction during that nighttime encounter, particularly the close up of the scythe). This was simply another area where Ookamikakushi fell short of its spiritual predecessor - Higurashi had characters; OKK had human-shaped pieces of cardboard.

The art, which everyone seems to be saying is "sooooo much better than DEEN's work," was really not all that great. I'd be lying if I said I preferred these character designs to Ryukishi's (which is really saying something) - the white uniforms everywhere was way too much, the eyes are obnoxiously large and just look bad in general, their hair is much too shiny, and I thought the main character was a girl for half the episode, whereas everyone else was utterly undifferentiable. The wheelchair's CG animation was lazy and unnecessary and made my eyes bleed. Now I may be the only person here who actually liked what DEEN did with the Higurashi anime, but I thought that Higurashi's art was far superior to this (although admittedly this is still better than Umineko). At least the scythe part looked cool.

I wasn't paying too much attention to the BGM and I don't remember the ED that well, but I will say that I didn't care for the OP. Why? It sounds exactly the same as every other FictionJunction song I've heard. I guess that's kind of fitting, considering that this whole episode was just a lazily-assembled remake of Higurashi.

I'll give it a chance to see if it picks up as the arc goes on, but I don't have much hope for it, especially because I didn't like the characters - a factor which rarely fails to sink my enjoyment like a pair of concrete shoes.

2/5 I am disappoint.

It's things like this that really annoy me. Reviewing an anime judging by only the first episode is like eating a starter at a restaurant and leaving before you get the real meal. It's just downright stupid.

Now to address the person above me. This was based on a VN so of course it will start off slow. You ever play a VN? Fate stay night took about four hours before the plot kicked in.

I will admit that it was more similar to Higurashi than I would like. But as for the characters we have only got the first impressions which are most probably incorrect. It's clear there's more to the short haired girl that meets the eye considering the beginning of the episode.
But if this all turns out to be the work of a virus then I will be disappointed. But I am putting my trust in Ryukishi. I am not going to judge this until at least half way though the series.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

Jan 8, 2010 1:04 PM

Oct 2009
Malestel said:
There was plenty foreshadowing. The seiyuu is female and she has done lots of great roles before, but this one felt ... meh.
Yep, well, I've just watched it up and she has had some quite nicely done roles, like Sa-chan, Hisagi and Nice Holystone, the list just goes on and on. All of those were fine, but the epic screaming scene mentioned by you earlier was terrible in all ways.
Jan 8, 2010 1:06 PM
OG Rewriter

Aug 2009
Really good first episode. And Hiroshi does looks like Jun Sakurada.

I blogged about it here.

btw, I like that scythe.
Jan 8, 2010 1:39 PM
Nov 2008
Lol at double-post with 4 hour time difference... WTF?!
MalestelJan 8, 2010 2:50 PM
Jan 8, 2010 1:44 PM

Apr 2009
Not bad... I won't say anything else, because like it was in case of Higurashi - never judge anime for its first few eps.

However, I hope another group will sub this one, or gg stop doing these retarded, americanized subs...

Jan 8, 2010 1:47 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah. I can't watch this. I already hate Isuzu too much to make it through another episode.
Jan 8, 2010 1:48 PM
Dec 2008
it was a nice episode. there is certainly an air of mystery thats very interesting
there seems to be am obvious REASON for why the ppl are
so nice to hiroshi. maybe the ppl of that town act strange to new ppl to the town? and those who go over (like the guy who sat behind hiroshi) get killed by a group of a sort?
i have a good feeling about this anime, and will continue to watch
OP and ED were amazing
characters werent that great, but i really liked
nemuru girl. she reminds me of bern~
Jan 8, 2010 2:40 PM

Mar 2009
thought it was an interesting episode. Really intense scenes with that Nemuru girl.
Jan 8, 2010 2:45 PM
Jan 2009
I'm looking forward to the next episodes. The studio has placed so many question marks above the heads of the characters that I'm curious to know what part they'll play in the bigger scheme of things.
Jan 8, 2010 2:59 PM

Oct 2008
I could make a huge list of ways this is a rip off of Higurashi, but I still liked it. Looking forward to more episodes.

Jan 8, 2010 2:59 PM

Aug 2008
A Higurashi wanna be

but it could be a good thing that it is though
Jan 8, 2010 3:20 PM

Jul 2008
so this story is going to be about wolf spirits?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jan 8, 2010 3:38 PM
Jul 2008
As a first episode, it's really great.
Jan 8, 2010 3:44 PM

Apr 2009
I hate Asuzu already.
if we die we'll meet again in valhalla...
Jan 8, 2010 4:03 PM
Jul 2009
I really liked the episode. It didn't disappoint. The ending song was really good.

Overall, there are many good things I'd like to say about this, but I'm not in the mood to type a lot right now, so I'll just say that it was a great first episode. Looking forward to the next episode. ^_^
Jan 8, 2010 4:25 PM

Apr 2009
I wish that they hadn't shown the weird wolf things, it's just that much creepier when whatever is killing isn't shown.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Jan 8, 2010 4:41 PM

Nov 2007
"Kuzumi is everyone's Kuzumi"

That was freaky....

Lol at the foreshadowing and the wolf commercial.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jan 8, 2010 5:16 PM

Nov 2007
A lot of mysteries in the first ep.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Jan 8, 2010 5:19 PM

Apr 2009
Cute OP
Didn't care for the first 15 or so minutes AT ALL, but the last 5 or so saved it. The beginning felt far too much like some moe loli harem shit to me, not my thing at all. And I want to stab that chick that likes him in the face every time she starts talking. So annoying. :|
The rest of the characters felt kind of generic, but it's only the first ep, so there's plenty of room for improvement.
Interesting enough for me to give it a chance, but this ep was kind of "meh" for me.
Jan 8, 2010 5:26 PM

Feb 2009
Higurashi 2, 'nuff said. Seriously, if they pull this off, I'm gonna be one happy viewer. :)
Jan 8, 2010 5:33 PM

Jun 2008
Hope this doesn't turn into a better-animated clone of Higurashi, not that i've watched Higurashi to compare.

I reeeally like the character designs. I need to get around to watching Shugo Chara.
I like the uniforms a lot, specially the girls.
I like that Hiroshi's a megane. XDD
I also liked that they lampshaded his instant popularity.
Kaname's cute to me cause she's weird. XD
I really love Nemuru's design. *_*
I like the OP and ED songs a fair bit too. Though the ED animation did my head in.

Hiroshi's voice is so obviously a girl, it's annoying. When I found out it was Kobayashi Yuu I was very dissapointed.
Before I watched it,I thought everyone was overreacting when they said how annoying Isuzu was...I now realise I was wrong. Ugh. And her design is so cute too T^T
I was terribly depressed when I found out she was played by Katou Emiri. WHYYY? She's usually so awesome but Isuzu's voice made my ears bleed >o<

So umm. I'll continue this for a bit since it's not too bad so far, but I dunno how much i'll like it.
Jan 8, 2010 5:49 PM

Feb 2009
Well shet.
You'd think they'd have the initiative to come up with something less like Higurashi...

However, I am a Peach Pit fantard, so for that I am going to continue watching. Also, there is a yandere. d('-'d)
Jan 8, 2010 5:53 PM

Dec 2007
As much as I'm interested in the story, the character drawings really annoy me, and it's been too often that I'm hearing Yuu Kobayashi voice acting roles.
Jan 8, 2010 6:16 PM

Jul 2008
lolz kay.. interesting start
ill guess ill give it a try XD
Jan 8, 2010 6:24 PM

Dec 2009
confused_kitsune said:
- Too many dramatic moments showing the moon. We got that already.

Agree a lot with this one.

Anyway I just finished watching the subbed version and I have to say it was good. Higurashi was one of the my best animes in my opinion, and I found a lot of similarities with this and Higurashi. Guys you have to wait until around ep 5 to judge this series, because (Don't know if this is true or not) around episode 6 (Just like Higurashi and Umineko) the story resets itself to an alternate universe.

1st episodes are always slow, but in Ryukishi07's works (Higurashi) you have to wait for EP 4 to find the series exciting.

Unlike other Umineko VN-haters in this thread, I actually hated the animation. It was just to bright. Umineko and Higurashi's artwork were fine.

Even if DEEN did produce this series, the only difference I will actually notice is the artwork. It's not all DEEN's fault Umineko didn't fit your expectations, it was the director.
Jan 8, 2010 6:36 PM

Aug 2008
Rail_Tracer said:

Even if DEEN did produce this series, the only difference I will actually notice is the artwork. It's not all DEEN's fault Umineko didn't fit your expectations, it was the director.
Thing is, Ookami Kakushi has one of the worst directors out there...
Jan 8, 2010 6:42 PM

Jul 2008
I thought it was pretty good. I didn't have a problem with the animation or the character designs. I thought the OP and ED were fitting, and it set up the story pretty well.

I felt that the class was really creepy. They acted really nice too him...too nice. And is Nemuru the same girl wielding the scythe? Isuzu is a horny freak.

Mana is cute though.
Jan 8, 2010 6:53 PM

May 2008
The guy looks like a girl

and wth is with that hug in first meeting, thats so retarded in many terms,

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jan 8, 2010 7:07 PM

Aug 2009
GarLogan78 said:
I thought it was pretty good. I didn't have a problem with the animation or the character designs. I thought the OP and ED were fitting, and it set up the story pretty well.

I felt that the class was really creepy. They acted really nice too him...too nice. And is Nemuru the same girl wielding the scythe? Isuzu is a horny freak.

Mana is cute though.

THIS! I was thinking exactly the same thing. :O

Really hope it turns out to be a good show. :)
Jan 8, 2010 7:10 PM

Jul 2008
First episode was good, I'll keep following it.
Jan 8, 2010 7:31 PM

Aug 2009

Art work was not bad. Pretty impressive. However, failed to contain that ominous mood I felt in Higurashi.

That yellow haired girl is annoying. Seriously, kill her off first damn it.

I have filling that mana will become Rena like. She has that some... dark inside her whatever.

Oh hell, Kobayashi yuu here too? Damn she is working restlessly, recently.

Overall, not bad job, but pretty boring episode. The first 15 minutes were dragged out.
Jan 8, 2010 7:59 PM

Jul 2008
I couldn't stop thinking Hiro was a girl...and it isn't even Kobayashi Yuu's fault! <facepalm>

The beginning really wasn't all that great. This was somewhat expected since Higurashi only became exciting after episode 4...But I was hoping that not everything 07th Expansion does is related to Higurashi, my hopes were crushed. They had a relatively different plot in the beginning, until they pulled that "he moved away" part. I love Higurashi and Umineko, but this just doesn't look like it all.

Did I mention Hiro looks like a girl? D<
Bleed for me.

Jan 8, 2010 8:24 PM

Oct 2009
Rail_Tracer said:
confused_kitsune said:
- Too many dramatic moments showing the moon. We got that already.

Agree a lot with this one.

Anyway I just finished watching the subbed version and I have to say it was good. Higurashi was one of the my best animes in my opinion, and I found a lot of similarities with this and Higurashi. Guys you have to wait until around ep 5 to judge this series, because (Don't know if this is true or not) around episode 6 (Just like Higurashi and Umineko) the story resets itself to an alternate universe.

I'm not sure about that, although it could be true. I haven't played the game of course, but I read that its structure is not exactly like Higurashi/Umineko. I think it's more like a traditional VN.
Jan 8, 2010 8:26 PM

May 2008
Am I the only one who DOESN'T think Isuzu's annoying? Either that or there's something going wrong with me..because out of all the people that hated Yuka from 11eyes, I was one of the ones that actually liked her.

Yup..I'm defective.

I like where this is going though. Everything's pretty weird though, but still good.

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