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Sep 11, 2022 7:56 PM
Aug 2021
I hope kisara is okay and gets her memory back shu as well (: ----------------------------------------------------
StephSep 26, 2022 1:44 PM
Sep 11, 2022 7:57 PM

Jan 2009
Shu already got all his memory back as for Kisara i got no idea if its permanent amnesia or not
Sep 11, 2022 9:00 PM
Jul 2015
Me too. I wish there's a manga to read more about. I can't wait another week aaaaaaa
Sep 11, 2022 9:08 PM
Oct 2014
Seriously thanks for the spoiler dude u need to put it as a spoiler warning next time I hate to sound rude but common, I hadn't watched the newest ep and I'm probably not alone now I'm a lil annoyed going into ep 11 rn but I guess I'm also prepared
Sep 11, 2022 10:54 PM
Aug 2021
PastalNightMare said:
Seriously thanks for the spoiler dude u need to put it as a spoiler warning next time I hate to sound rude but common, I hadn't watched the newest ep and I'm probably not alone now I'm a lil annoyed going into ep 11 rn but I guess I'm also prepared

Oh I'm so sorry πŸ˜₯ I forgot my fault do you know how I can edit that I don't comment much I will do better on that sorry
Sep 11, 2022 10:57 PM
Oct 2014
I-IentaiLover said:
PastalNightMare said:
Seriously thanks for the spoiler dude u need to put it as a spoiler warning next time I hate to sound rude but common, I hadn't watched the newest ep and I'm probably not alone now I'm a lil annoyed going into ep 11 rn but I guess I'm also prepared

Oh I'm so sorry πŸ˜₯ I forgot my fault do you know how I can edit that I don't comment much I will do better on that sorry

it's alright accidents happen but it just sucks since I hate to get spoiled on anime at times and I've been really enjoying this series and all the shocking moments and i wonder how i would have reacted if i hadn't seen this post before hand πŸ˜… but like I said accidents happen and I really hope they have a happy ending , it sucks tho cause idk who i want him to be with I love absolutely love both Ayano and Kisara so I wonder who Shu will end up with if he does end up with one of them
Sep 11, 2022 10:59 PM
Aug 2021
PastalNightMare said:
I-IentaiLover said:

Oh I'm so sorry πŸ˜₯ I forgot my fault do you know how I can edit that I don't comment much I will do better on that sorry

it's alright accidents happen but it just sucks since I hate to get spoiled on anime at times and I've been really enjoying this series and all the shocking moments and i wonder how i would have reacted if i hadn't seen this post before hand πŸ˜… but like I said accidents happen and I really hope they have a happy ending , it sucks tho cause idk who i want him to be with I love absolutely love both Ayano and Kisara so I wonder who Shu will end up with if he does end up with one of them

Yeah I've been loving it too. I hope they have a happy ending as well. I will do better about that, I HATE getting spoiled too. Yeah I don't know who he'll end up with or if we're looking at a harem situation which for me is still fine I know some don't really like that though
Sep 11, 2022 11:02 PM
Oct 2014
I-IentaiLover said:
PastalNightMare said:

it's alright accidents happen but it just sucks since I hate to get spoiled on anime at times and I've been really enjoying this series and all the shocking moments and i wonder how i would have reacted if i hadn't seen this post before hand πŸ˜… but like I said accidents happen and I really hope they have a happy ending , it sucks tho cause idk who i want him to be with I love absolutely love both Ayano and Kisara so I wonder who Shu will end up with if he does end up with one of them

Yeah I've been loving it too. I hope they have a happy ending as well. I will do better about that, I HATE getting spoiled too. Yeah I don't know who he'll end up with or if we're looking at a harem situation which for me is still fine I know some don't really like that though

the only reason I'm meh with harems even though I'm technically watching 2 this season ( Rent A Girlfriend And A Couple Of Cuckoos ) is I end up LOVING the 1st girl introduced in said harem so for ex Mizuhara in Rent A Girlfriend and Erika in A Couple Of Cuckoos its definitely a curse and tbh I feel that's what the writers go for
Sep 11, 2022 11:06 PM
Aug 2021
PastalNightMare said:
I-IentaiLover said:

Yeah I've been loving it too. I hope they have a happy ending as well. I will do better about that, I HATE getting spoiled too. Yeah I don't know who he'll end up with or if we're looking at a harem situation which for me is still fine I know some don't really like that though

the only reason I'm meh with harems even though I'm technically watching 2 this season ( Rent A Girlfriend And A Couple Of Cuckoos ) is I end up LOVING the 1st girl introduced in said harem so for ex Mizuhara in Rent A Girlfriend and Erika in A Couple Of Cuckoos its definitely a curse and tbh I feel that's what the writers go for

Yeah I get you, I feel the same way at times you want kazuya to be with chizuru because she was first but than meet Ruka and she's also great. And btw how you feel about the new cukoos op glitter because I think sumika killed it really icapsalates the show
Sep 11, 2022 11:09 PM

May 2013
it's pretty obvious she will soon remember again, there's also still the final boss to beat and shu x kisara are the only ones able to do so. It would complete ayano's character and would be so maruto like if she helps kisara remembering shu again even if it means that she can't have him for herself or even losing him to her rival. It's also very suspicious that shu retrieved kisara's broken off horn, it will help trigger her memories.
Sep 12, 2022 1:31 AM
Jul 2020
Spoiler tag needed, thanks πŸ™„
Sep 12, 2022 6:27 AM

May 2013
Likely shu won't leave now cause that's exactly what kisara wanted to prevent with canceling the contract and giving him back his memories so that he remembers his goal of saving kanna again. And if ayano finds out he is back to his old self it may give her the push to repay kisara and realizing that she was never the kind of bad demon trying to destroy and monopolizing shu all the time.
Sep 12, 2022 7:26 AM
Apr 2022
Nah they both suck and bring the show down
Sep 12, 2022 8:27 AM

May 2021
Look at you just casually spoiling it to can be-watchers. Here's a tip, post it in the episode discussion threads next time.

Sep 12, 2022 12:28 PM
Oct 2014
I-IentaiLover said:
PastalNightMare said:

the only reason I'm meh with harems even though I'm technically watching 2 this season ( Rent A Girlfriend And A Couple Of Cuckoos ) is I end up LOVING the 1st girl introduced in said harem so for ex Mizuhara in Rent A Girlfriend and Erika in A Couple Of Cuckoos its definitely a curse and tbh I feel that's what the writers go for

Yeah I get you, I feel the same way at times you want kazuya to be with chizuru because she was first but than meet Ruka and she's also great. And btw how you feel about the new cukoos op glitter because I think sumika killed it really icapsalates the show

I absolutely love Sumika so I am loving the opening , and also the ending I love EirAoi shes fantastic
Sep 12, 2022 12:33 PM
Aug 2021
PastalNightMare said:
I-IentaiLover said:

Yeah I get you, I feel the same way at times you want kazuya to be with chizuru because she was first but than meet Ruka and she's also great. And btw how you feel about the new cukoos op glitter because I think sumika killed it really icapsalates the show

I absolutely love Sumika so I am loving the opening , and also the ending I love EirAoi shes fantastic

I know right really great Opening and endings this season like come on secret girlfriend, hollow hunger, darekarescramble, is art man
Sep 12, 2022 11:44 PM

May 2013
Klerikant said:
I hope so, but Kisara now lose all her power because she give all her memories back to Shu.
We will see if the amnesia is permanent or not in next episode.

let me explain how it works: first and foremost the contract was lifted which wasn't powering her up all the time, it was actually restricting her powers as an intention of shu to keep her under control. Now with the contract lifted she gave all of the payment memories from the last years back, her own still remain it's just with so many memories revolving around shu now suddenly gone she can't properly remember him right now just like shu couldn't remember his family anymore despite those memories weren't taken.
So tl;dr she now can go full power anytime and it just needs a trigger to make her recall shu again.
Sep 21, 2022 11:51 PM
Aug 2017
TheIsOtaku said:
Likely shu won't leave now cause that's exactly what kisara wanted to prevent with canceling the contract and giving him back his memories so that he remembers his goal of saving kanna again. And if ayano finds out he is back to his old self it may give her the push to repay kisara and realizing that she was never the kind of bad demon trying to destroy and monopolizing shu all the time.

Definitely not how it went in Episode 12. Ayano called Kisara a terrible girl and said Shu was too soft on her. Really? After everything that Kisara has done? Ayano is annoying. I am glad Shu now loves Kisara. He was in tears when he spoke with Kisara but he didn't show any emotions when he reunited with Ayano and even chided her for pulling that dirty trick on Kisara in Episode 5.
Sep 22, 2022 1:42 AM

May 2013
DragonTheOne said:

Definitely not how it went in Episode 12. Ayano called Kisara a terrible girl and said Shu was too soft on her. Really? After everything that Kisara has done? Ayano is annoying. I am glad Shu now loves Kisara. He was in tears when he spoke with Kisara but he didn't show any emotions when he reunited with Ayano and even chided her for pulling that dirty trick on Kisara in Episode 5.

Yea maybe I expected a bit too much from ayano in the sense that she repays kisara for the many times she saved her life and now with shu being back. Tbh not even kisara spilling the beans about the memories in ep4 paid off properly but still you can say her actions in ep5 kicked off the whole shu x kisara development. Her being so angry at her in the latest episodes cause of seeing how shu is falling apart is understandable but she never managed to notice or even trying to figure out that kisara feels so bad about the whole situation. This frustration about ayano's stagnating character peaked for me in episode 11 where her reaction after kisara was defeated by kanna was 'are you kidding me' in the sense of how could you lose the fight, not a second was she worried about her.

And yea it indeed was great seeing shu's emotions towards kisara, on top of it show made it pretty clear she is the first and only girl now even ayano basically admitted her defeat. Tho I think she will still follow shu and disturbing his relationship with kisara but more in comical sense. I don't really hate ayano I just think she is a poorly and lazily written character who barely got any development and was in the end just a plot tool to advance shu and kisara's relationship.
Sep 22, 2022 1:50 AM
Aug 2017
TheIsOtaku said:
DragonTheOne said:

Definitely not how it went in Episode 12. Ayano called Kisara a terrible girl and said Shu was too soft on her. Really? After everything that Kisara has done? Ayano is annoying. I am glad Shu now loves Kisara. He was in tears when he spoke with Kisara but he didn't show any emotions when he reunited with Ayano and even chided her for pulling that dirty trick on Kisara in Episode 5.

Yea maybe I expected a bit too much from ayano in the sense that she repays kisara for the many times she saved her life and now with shu being back. Tbh not even kisara spilling the beans about the memories in ep4 paid off properly but still you can say her actions in ep5 kicked off the whole shu x kisara development. Her being so angry at her in the latest episodes cause of seeing how shu is falling apart is understandable but she never managed to notice or even trying to figure out that kisara feels so bad about the whole situation. This frustration about ayano's stagnating character peaked for me in episode 11 where her reaction after kisara was defeated by kanna was 'are you kidding me' in the sense of how could you lose the fight, not a second was she worried about her.

And yea it indeed was great seeing shu's emotions towards kisara, on top of it show made it pretty clear she is the first and only girl now even ayano basically admitted her defeat. Tho I think she will still follow shu and disturbing his relationship with kisara but more in comical sense. I don't really hate ayano I just think she is a poorly and lazily written character who barely got any development and was in the end just a plot tool to advance shu and kisara's relationship.

The past few Episodes just sealed Kisara's lead ahead of Ayano by so much (for those who actually care about plot and character development) that it's no longer a balanced love triangle anymore.

I agree with you that Ayano did not receive any character development since Episode 5 and might even be worse now from those scenes where she displayed a lack of empathy.
Sep 22, 2022 3:47 AM

May 2013
tho I enjoyed the first half when it was all about the love triangle, the girls differences and how they didn't hestitate for a second expressing their desires. It was great how it peaked with ep7 and kisara's emotional outburst, sharon although not part of the triangle even spiced it a bit.

I think it was also due to the stronger focus on the main plot, shu's backstory and kisara's development that ayano didn't get much time to shine anymore. In ep6 already although it was supposed to be W moment for her visiting shu and doing the househould, onward she more and more felt like a bystander not even a main character despite she should be one technically.
Sep 22, 2022 8:13 AM
Aug 2017
kakeguruitwinxx said:
TheIsOtaku said:

Yea maybe I expected a bit too much from ayano in the sense that she repays kisara for the many times she saved her life and now with shu being back. Tbh not even kisara spilling the beans about the memories in ep4 paid off properly but still you can say her actions in ep5 kicked off the whole shu x kisara development. Her being so angry at her in the latest episodes cause of seeing how shu is falling apart is understandable but she never managed to notice or even trying to figure out that kisara feels so bad about the whole situation. This frustration about ayano's stagnating character peaked for me in episode 11 where her reaction after kisara was defeated by kanna was 'are you kidding me' in the sense of how could you lose the fight, not a second was she worried about her.

And yea it indeed was great seeing shu's emotions towards kisara, on top of it show made it pretty clear she is the first and only girl now even ayano basically admitted her defeat. Tho I think she will still follow shu and disturbing his relationship with kisara but more in comical sense. I don't really hate ayano I just think she is a poorly and lazily written character who barely got any development and was in the end just a plot tool to advance shu and kisara's relationship.

I mean Ayano accidentally let go of a demon on her birthday when they were dating, Shu caught the demon for her but her problem was that he didn't see her in her new lingerie. Was hopeless from the beginning like... how her friends avoided her after she started going crazy on and on about Shu and threw a party when they broke up should speak words. Also she slept with Shu, then was mad about Kisara 'telling' Shu about it. Wasn't she the one mad like crazy everytime Shu forgot about her and blamed Kisara every single time too? Despite her knowing it was his own wish?

Ayano's character was likable in the early episodes and I have as many reasons to root for Ayano as I have for Kisara. But in the later Episodes, she becomes sidelined and there isn't any compelling reason to root for her anymore. Kisara essentially took all the limelight in the recent episodes and it is even clear that Shu now loves Kisara and not Ayano. I guess the author just wants to give us a strong reason to pick Kisara over Ayano and with the limited screen time, there wasn't any more time left to develop Ayano once the focus of the story shifted towards advancing the plot.
Sep 22, 2022 5:07 PM
Aug 2017
kakeguruitwinxx said:
DragonTheOne said:

Ayano's character was likable in the early episodes and I have as many reasons to root for Ayano as I have for Kisara. But in the later Episodes, she becomes sidelined and there isn't any compelling reason to root for her anymore. Kisara essentially took all the limelight in the recent episodes and it is even clear that Shu now loves Kisara and not Ayano. I guess the author just wants to give us a strong reason to pick Kisara over Ayano and with the limited screen time, there wasn't any more time left to develop Ayano once the focus of the story shifted towards advancing the plot.

I agree her development is practically nonexistent but my point was that she was always like that from the beginning. She didn't get annoying after getting dumped she was annoying even when they were dating.

Can't really agree with you on that because I remember liking Ayano's character in the beginning. I believe the part about her friends throwing a party to celebrate Ayano's break-up is from the audio drama inside the preview of Episode 11. To be honest, I sympathized with her in that scenario and friends are real douchebags to be celebrating her heartache. In that scenario, Ayano is just a girl with an enormous crush on her childhood friend that can't stop raving about him so she does not warrant being treated that way.

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