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DokiDoki! Precure Movie: Mana Kekkon!!? Mirai ni Tsunagu Kibou no Dress Episode 1 Discussion

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Apr 27, 2014 5:07 AM

Sep 2012
Well I'm surprised.

I mean. There was blood ! Wooaaaa. If only it was more often :o

Overall that was a good movie. Funny with a touching story.
Apr 28, 2014 12:05 AM
Jun 2011
well i just sew the movie with french subs even if i understend only a little and it was pretty good movie i suprised there was blood in precure
Apr 29, 2014 12:17 AM

Sep 2012
Well, the french fansub for Precure is kinda fast. It's the last series I'm watching with french subs.

The blood was indeed surprising. And still that wasn't really a battle oriented movie. Even if her injury didn't last, it was refreshing to see precure getting really hurt once in a while.
May 1, 2014 2:11 AM

Nov 2008
Urgh. This is a pretty bad Cure movie. Up there with the Smile and first Max Heart movies or so. Be warned, I swear again. Hooray.

First and foremost, Mana is a terrible, terrible hog. I'm not going to detail every scene which comes as awful Mana bias because that's pretty much 90% of the movie. The only one I'm really going to emphasize is Engage Mode. Apparently Mana is so fucking awesome she gets not one but TWO exclusive upgrades while all other four Cures get shit. Also Engage Mode is anything but engaging: She appears, fires a nameless arrow and Evil Clarinet of Doom dies. Done. Seriously, what the hell is with recent Cure movies and shitty final battles, New Stage 1 and Smile were also equally anticlimatic. This movie had BLOOD even, and yet it ends like Mana finishing off a generic Selfish with her first upgrade. Bah. She also got it in a very random way, but better than how Miyuki did at least.

But that was hardly the only nonsensical moment in this crappy movie. First, Marshmallow's entire motivation is Mana forgot him. Leaving aside the convenience of him and Grandma never showing up outside of this movie that's not true, she just told her friends about him early in the movie and she loves him so much she refuses leaving the memory world, how is that proof she forgot about him? It's like they thought the horrible Nico twist from the Smile movie was a good idea and decided to do it again. Same for the wedding dress, it can't count as forgotten when Mana was talking about wearing it on her wedding and apparently does so. On an unrelated manner I love how a villain that favors the ones forgotten hates Mana so much, it's deliciously meta-ironic.

Speaking of being forgotten, why the hell is Aguri absent from 70% of the movie? This is all rethoric of course, I know the real reason: She has no memories to show and thus Toei had to bullshit things, like Vegeta conveniently not showing up for the second Broli movie. Kinda spoils things by omission too, way to go champs. Still, she lives closer than Arisu and Makoto, so it's dumb. Equally dumb is Cure Ace gets her transformation to last 10 minutes, but if DBZ showed us something is Toei doesn't know what "5 minutes" means.

Also, for the memories. Rikka and Arisu already know something is missing, as soon they see each other they remember things a little, and for both and Makoto their mascots showing up is enough to break from the illusion. Mana? Mana is fully aware Rikka and Arisu are missing, but screw them since she has her grandma and dog we've never heard of beyond this movie, who cares about her best friends. This is really, really fucking selfish of her, and it makes the TV finale look even WORSE than it already did. Way to make our hero look sympathetic, pals.

Lest us forget the worst twist in the movie and possibly in the franchise: Evil Clarinet of Doom goes back to the future, great Scott, and this is bad because present and future are linked and thus if he kills the future Cures that'll kill the current ones too. WHAT. THE. FLYING. FUCK. Are Cures Cabadath now? That doesn't make any goddamned sense. Hello, hello, anyone home? Think, Toei, think, you're confusing the future with the past now! Besides, given how the TV series ended it'd be far more logical to think Future Mana just transforms into Pantheon Mode and murders the garbage whale in 5 seconds. This movie makes Robert Zemeckis sad.

The fighting... is okay. Some moves were cool but there were a lot of dumb things. I liked how Rikka used two different moves to do the damn same thing, guess Toei is aware how all her attacks but the last one are identical to each other. Also, everyone gets new attacks. Because DokiDoki doesn't have way too many attacks already. Meanwhile poor Smile girls get their new attacks forgotten entirely in New Stage 2, when the villain's power was knowing what moves the Cures had and pulling their new moves would've been a good surprise. And as said above Engage mode sucked, but at least it didn't hug anyone.

And, of course, it had too much Mana. Every scene was either centered on Mana herself or on the characters talking about her, the villain's motivations revolved around Mana for the most dumb of motives, Mana got a new exclusive upgrade because, and we got told a lot of Mana backstory for no reason. The worst part is that her name means LOVE, when we already have a Pink Cure named LOVE who was FAR better than freaking Magical Girl Savior of the New Century.

At least I'm done with Mana hog- fuck, New Stage 3 in July or so. The nightmare never ends.
ZettaiRyouikiMay 1, 2014 2:14 AM
May 1, 2014 4:32 PM
Sep 2011
Rikka: A world without Mana...

Alice: ...Has no meaning for us!

Diamond: Let's return to our world, Cure Rosetta.

Rosetta: The world where Mana is waiting for us!

You mean the world that IS Mana. If there was any proof we needed that Mana is the center of this series's universe, it's this. They don't even mention their friends and families. Heck, we don't even see the Cures re-unite with their families in the end, it's all about Mana and her issues.

And I love how the "Mana is getting married" thing basically amounts to a throwaway scene near the very end of the movie and we don't even see the groom. I spent 70% of the movie wondering where the marriage was gonna play into it and then I realized "Oh wait! Regina isn't in the movie!"

The part about Ace not being in this movie mentioned above is a good point, that she couldn't have her memories shown because of spoilers (or they didn't think up a backstory about her because let's be honest, her arc in the show was a mess). But also I love how she was able to get into Makoto's memory film without being detected and her only excuse for this is "Love transcends time and space!" Cure Ace, you are officially the clarion of utter BS.
May 1, 2014 4:40 PM

May 2010
I can't believe Mana was bleeding. o_o

Overall, I thought it was good, I enjoyed it. And i'm 20 yrs old. :P
May 1, 2014 11:59 PM

Nov 2008
RLinksoul said:
You mean the world that IS Mana. If there was any proof we needed that Mana is the center of this series's universe, it's this. They don't even mention their friends and families. Heck, we don't even see the Cures re-unite with their families in the end, it's all about Mana and her issues.

Absolutely. Hell, they don't even say "Mana-tachi" or "Mana and the others" in a weak attempt at fairness. Just Mana. Because everyone cares so much about her. And yet while her friends are putting her in a pedestal Mana is all "Rikka and Arisu disappeared, but meh, I have GRANDMA" instead. I thought Mana's personal trait was caring about others so much she forgets about herself entirely? She's the exact opposite here.

RLinksoul said:
And I love how the "Mana is getting married" thing basically amounts to a throwaway scene near the very end of the movie and we don't even see the groom. I spent 70% of the movie wondering where the marriage was gonna play into it and then I realized "Oh wait! Regina isn't in the movie!"

That too, as for example the Yes movie sold itself on the mirror fight and that took about half the movie or the Smile one on the fairy tales and that took well over a third. This, yeah.

Fan theory: The groom is Regina in drag, for 2025 Japan still doesn't allow same-sex marriage.

RLinksoul said:
The part about Ace not being in this movie mentioned above is a good point, that she couldn't have her memories shown because of spoilers (or they didn't think up a backstory about her because let's be honest, her arc in the show was a mess). But also I love how she was able to get into Makoto's memory film without being detected and her only excuse for this is "Love transcends time and space!" Cure Ace, you are officially the clarion of utter BS.

Definitely. Not only she doesn't have a reason to be late or to show up there, she also kicks much more ass than Sword and makes her look bad, because poor Makoto can't catch a break. Even her fairy outperformed her! Tho to be fair every single thing Davi did in this movie was awesome.
May 2, 2014 4:20 AM

Jan 2008
IchigoHollowfi said:

And i'm 20 yrs old. :P

I'm 22 (23 this year), so I don't think you have to be embarrased ;)

Ending my adventure with DokiDoki for now, because it will take fair amount of time for me to get to All Stars/New Stage movies, I suppose. I'm definitely glad I watched Mana's Marriage half of a year after DD finished airing, so Heart's being the main focus wasn't that much of a deal for me. Sadly, there are still more cons than pros in this movie.

What was nice:
1. Mascots were doing something and heck, was it useful. As mentioned above - Davie owns this movie. Also - Sebastian. Gotta love this dude.

2. Mana's past trauma was pretty solid to me (talking about Mallow and Grandma exclusively) - solid enough so I won't whine about Rikka and Alice not having much to say. Well, as always, so I didn't expect the movie to suddenly revolutionize it. Especially given the title, where Mana is mentioned outrightly.

3. New attacks for girls. ... Or were these the old ones but they were used so rarely I forgot about them? Well, new animation, yay!

4. BLOOD. IN MY PRECURE MOVIE. I'm not into gore but I remember times when people doing cartoons for kids weren't shy to show some dark stuff or REALISTIC stuff (like people dying - how many cartoons shows death of the loved ones nowadays?). It was nice to see, that Toei can still go there if they want.

5. Girls in the future ^^ Alice is such a refined lady!

6. Love her or hate her, Mana's saying that she won't give up with explosion in the background was Badass Tier.

Aaaaaand, that's all. What was stupid or just bad then?

1. Art. It was painfully obvious they didn't have cash for this movie (or just didn't care at all). The only parts that looked okay were the action scenes and then again majority of them were done in CGI, which was even less fluid, because it kept going back to drawn art like revolving door. And I gave up upon this aspect as soon as I saw CGI HANDS ON CGI CLARINET. If you are using CGI for such a scene, that early in the movie - you're doing it wrong.

2. Ace's inclusion. I kinda laughed in "it's so bad it's good" manner when she answered Makoto how the hell she found her way into her memories. Comedy gold, but not in the way creators would like it.

3. Makoto's situation forgotten again. Okay, as much as it saddens me, I get it - Rikka and Alice didn't have any traumatic experiences (altough you could still touch their Parental Abandonment-esque background BUT OKAY), so they didn't get much of that BUT MAKOTO LOSING HER PRINCESS AND ENTIRE KINGDOM didn't get a spotlight? Potential to make her break right there was terrific. But nope, no time for that. ARGH. I think I stressed that enough in discussions about episodes but what I didn't like most about Doki Doki was the fact, that Makoto's hardships were handwaved just like that and she was reduced to extra faster than Rikka. WITH THAT PLOT. ARRRRGH x2.

4. Mana's marriage is just an excuse plot, loosely tying this movie together. And by "loosely" I mean "like, we just wanted to show Mana in a white dress!".

5. The fights. Oh God, the fights. At least Alice and Rikka acknowledge the fact they need constant saving by Mana but still... Even the fact that their powers are mainly supportive doesn't help, because Makoto is getting her ass whooped just as much. And adding that Mana doesn't do much save for shooting that goddamn arrow and running around a little... yeah. No.

6. It's kind of alarming that girls aren't much fazed about their loved ones being kidnapped by giant trash whale. Sailor Moon almost lost her mind when ChibiUsa was taken away by a flying ship...

7. Ah, right, Clarinet of Doom. Riding on Spaghetti Monster... Whale. What were they thinking. WHAT WERE THEY TAKING.

8. You know, that Miracle Light wasn't even that nonsensical in Smile movie. But here? Even Rikka has her doubts...

Overally it's 5/10. Kept me entertained, got some nice things, but overally was made only because every season got a movie.
CiaraMay 2, 2014 11:20 AM
May 2, 2014 6:11 PM
Mar 2012
I enjoyed it more than I expected. Plot-wise, it was cliched, however, the execution was great.
May 2, 2014 10:37 PM

Jul 2011
Just got done watching the movie and I thought it was alright. It was not a good movie, but there are parts in it that make it kinda good.

For one is this is probably the most darkest Precure movie they made. With Mana bleeding, finding out the sad story of her dog, seeing him dead, The other Cures using different attacks, and the dog giving his life part was good. Those were part's I liked, but, the movie still had many problems.

The song's were good to. I was tearing when I heard them.

Why did this movie have to be focused around the wedding dress? It just felt like a really weak part of the movie. Even the topic of getting married was weak. Seeing as none of them even care right now. It kinda felt like, they just wanted to show fans what a Precure looks like as an, adult. That to me is the only reason why they did that.

Another part that bothered me was the, Evil Clarinet. Why was this the bad guy and why is he doing this? I thought Nightmare and Eternal villains had weak meaning's for being evil. This thing doesn't even get a story to why he is doing this. Besides weak story, they give him a weak form. They couldn't come up with at least a cool final form or something? Also beaten way to easy. This was just weak.

The fairies and Makoto had to ask what happened to the dog? They go over to Mana's house almost everyday and have never once's seen a sign of a dog leaving there. True, they could have sent him away to live in the country with another family member, but it should have been obvious the dog was dead.

Ace was barely in the movie. Now I've read other peoples comment's on why she can't be in it. Still why couldn't she be in the start of the film? Is she just not allowed to be in the main group or something? They could have still put her in? Just make her not be affected by the cameras. Another thing I didn't like about Ace in the movie is, how she broke the forth wall. I know they do this is the Precure movies, but they at least have fun with it. This one they just had Ace ask the viewers to give them hope. The was just dumo. This had to be the weakest one to give the Cures power. They always get big groups to give the Cures power. But for this it was a Dogman, a Bunny thing, and Ace.

Also the ending theme, they could not come up with anything better? Just turn Mana into Hyper form and have them go la, la, la, la like a Smurf. Smile at least put 2 different ending themes in their movie. The second one was just the second ending theme, but at least the first one was a good song and it was at least fun to watch.

So in the end it was an alright movie, but nothing really great.
May 2, 2014 11:38 PM

Nov 2008
animedude1287 said:
Ace was barely in the movie. Now I've read other peoples comment's on why she can't be in it. Still why couldn't she be in the start of the film? Is she just not allowed to be in the main group or something? They could have still put her in? Just make her not be affected by the cameras.

While I agree she needed to be in their early conversation, having her not be affected by the cameras would be just as big of a cop-out as not having her if not more so. Maybe Toei should've realized having a plot about memories on a season with a Cure that has none is a terrible idea.
May 16, 2014 1:04 AM

Jun 2011
At first everything was going so well, but after watching half an hour of Mana's sob story and thinking that, that was just beautiful. I get greeted with the other Precures sounding so fucking weak, I mean really WTF! They were never that weak in the series. They made Cure Sword get an ass whoopingl, and reduced Rikka and Alice to extra roles where they are entirely dependent on Mana. But why am I not surprised, this movie just screams MANA and how much she's friggin God! I would have been so much happier if they concentrated on each of the girl's pasts equally and maybe changed the name of the movie while your at it? Its so stupid, the whole show, the whole movie is about Mana so you might as well call it, "Mana Mana Precure" No seriously why is this show called Doki Doki? I swear the only love I see in this anime is love for Mana and thats it.
May 16, 2014 1:17 PM

Nov 2007
Ehh she didn't even looked who her future husband would be?...
Anyways average movie I guess, I mostly like Precure movies but the entire movie I was only waiting for Ace to appear, apart from that I guess the movie was ok... I'm disappointed thought,,,,
May 18, 2014 3:17 PM

Mar 2009
never watch a precure before this is the 1st time... and it made me laugh so hard specially the one getting power from the audience~

this movie is all about Mana this, Mana that... its more like they all cant live without Mana...

the action is good~ love seeing all of them getting beaten up and not a one side slaughter... Sword got beaten up but theres a help from Ace that comes from who knows where

wow~ destroying the future will destoy the present? really?

Mana's getting married in the future and they all look to Mana instead of the groom~ they're really devoted to Mana XD
May 20, 2014 11:45 AM

Feb 2011
To be honest I liked this movie better than the whole show, but again it's centered around Mana waaaay too much. I'll give it a 7 though cuz I did enjoy it after all.
May 26, 2014 8:39 PM

Jul 2011
ZettaiRyouiki said:
animedude1287 said:
Ace was barely in the movie. Now I've read other peoples comment's on why she can't be in it. Still why couldn't she be in the start of the film? Is she just not allowed to be in the main group or something? They could have still put her in? Just make her not be affected by the cameras.

While I agree she needed to be in their early conversation, having her not be affected by the cameras would be just as big of a cop-out as not having her if not more so. Maybe Toei should've realized having a plot about memories on a season with a Cure that has none is a terrible idea.

I'll give you that it would have been a cheap cop-out for her not to be infected by the cameras, but I would have taken that over her not being in the whole movie. I mean what was Ace doing for the last hour or so, while the city is being attacked by a giant flying whale made out of garbage?

It just seem's to random for her to show up in Swords movie memory without having any problem's getting into the ship and not being found.
May 29, 2014 2:24 AM

Nov 2008
lobkestar said:
Dead is something they almost never touched and use for a story.

Both Urara and Yayoi had episodes about one of their parents being dead. Yuri sees her mascot, her father and her sister die in front of her. Setsuna more or less died and got better. Mepple and Mipple sorta die at the end of the first season and the Queen dies but is reborn into Hikari sort of. Kaoru and Michiru are taken to be dead until it turns out they were just kidnapped, but Saki and Mai still griefed. Ako sees her dad fall into a magical coma which is almost-dying. Same for Hime's parents, the international Cures and a lot of people in HapiCha. Marie Rose dies as technically Aguri and Regina are different people. Wasn't the motivation of the GoGo villain losing a dear one?

You're right, they almost never use it, because they used it in EVERY SINGLE SEASON SO FAR.

animedude1287 said:
I'll give you that it would have been a cheap cop-out for her not to be infected by the cameras, but I would have taken that over her not being in the whole movie. I mean what was Ace doing for the last hour or so, while the city is being attacked by a giant flying whale made out of garbage?

It just seem's to random for her to show up in Swords movie memory without having any problem's getting into the ship and not being found.

That's why I said Aguri should be in the early conversations, so she would at least get something. But yes, they could've said Aguri happened to be outside the city and then have her break in with the pets or something. But then we wouldn't get DB being awesome. Drats.
ZettaiRyouikiMay 29, 2014 2:36 AM
Aug 7, 2014 3:12 PM

Jul 2008
"I can't go back to a world where Mallow is dead..."

I mean, if it's just grandma dead, sure, but not the dog we had for a few years.

Also the Cure Ace stuff was ridiculous.
Apr 13, 2015 4:20 PM

Sep 2012
ZettaiRyouiki said:
Urgh. This is a pretty bad Cure movie. Up there with the Smile and first Max Heart movies or so. Be warned, I swear again. Hooray.

lol I still think it was better than the original precure movies. Where they just ended up fighting each other/etc.

Lyfa said:
Ehh she didn't even looked who her future husband would be?...

O please we all know Mana is getting with Rikka.
While the others will be there for whatever.


I thought the movie was fine I give a 6. Worth mentioning actual blood in a precure and there were some pretty deep thought put into it to a point.
RPGX_OmegaApr 13, 2015 4:24 PM
May 25, 2016 12:52 PM

May 2008
GarLogan78 said:
"I can't go back to a world where Mallow is dead..."

I mean, if it's just grandma dead, sure, but not the dog we had for a few years.

Also the Cure Ace stuff was ridiculous.

You make my day XD

I think a movie is ok... Basic precure things.. only thing i hate when they barek the 4th dimension. That show stupid...

I don't hate the miracle light thing but when they know it's just a movie it kill the story 4me...
May 19, 2018 7:43 AM

Apr 2012
movie was okay...

first part I was like, oh, another movie about forgotten things getting pissed off.. so kinda like the fresh one? Toymajin 2.0?

Some nice fight scenes, I did get entertained so.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Aug 5, 2019 5:37 PM

May 2016
Finished watching Dokidoki Precure movie. They reused the idea of the Fresh movie: objects have a soul.....
But I have to say only two things:
1) there was blooooood. I can't believe it.
2) CGI for action scenes and dinamic parts....
Oct 4, 2020 5:16 PM
Sep 2019
The evil clarinet made me giggle I’m sorry

Aside from that, it was decent. Almost veering into good territory a few times, but as always with DokiDoki those potential moments of great writing are whisked away quicker than the March speedrunning scene in the Smile OP. I still find it weird they let there be blood in the movie and then never use it again, it could make a bunch of moments later on in different seasons more impactful.
Jan 30, 2021 2:00 PM

Apr 2018
Pros: They showed blood. That was actually quite unexpected, even Heartcatch didn't show any blood. It was cool to see.

Cons: Basically everything else.
Apr 21, 2021 3:16 PM

May 2007
This was bad

"If Mana is not on screen, the other characters should be discussing Mana"

Also, I spent the vast majority of the movie wondering where the heck Cure Ace was then she finally showed up and her explanation of how was "love overcomes stuff".

4/10, I should probably go lower but the villain ship was pretty cool and blood
My anime list
Aug 15, 2021 7:26 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Very bad move. I didn't like this at all. :/

SerafosMay 16, 2023 10:40 AM
Jan 26, 2022 3:32 PM

Aug 2013
I almost finish it but I didn’t see that coming with blood but it alright

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