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Jan 18, 2021 12:33 AM

Jun 2020
Tbh I really enjoyed the anime. Maybe it was because I went in with the mindset that I will get a trash. There was not much of story and the final couple episodes were forced to add some narrative. But imo it was really funny and overall an entertaining watch.
Jan 19, 2021 5:00 AM
Dec 2017
The arguments from the haters is lame to subjective. It's pointless to argue with them. For example:

Portopolis said:
WARNING: I'm gonna spoil a scene here. First comment so unsure how to hide a spoiler. Also tell me if I did too much, and it's best not to talk about the show to in depth outside of the discussion threads for episodes.

A specific scene several episodes into the show is what killed the vibe for me, way to illogical. Outside of that it's bang-average and people would expect better from the guy who created Angel Beats and worked on other relatively highly rated shows.


Those men are equivalent to America's FBI. If the official police and federal government are after you, then there isn't much you can do other than become a fugitive. They ran away initially to become fugitives living off the grid. However, with the tech of this world, the omniscient God calculates there is no way they can hide, and it is pointless to struggle without proving the government correct "that they are evil". In addition, her cure/existence was against the law from the start. It's basically the fear of Ghost in the Shell coming true. Police/FBI don't kidnap people. There is a clear difference.


-They did call the police, why are you so ignorant? Did you even watch the show? The police couldn't find the missing person and the FBI government is stone walling them. That was one of the few things they could think of doing. Once again, when the Federal Government apprehends/arrests people using warrants, that is not called kidnapping.

-The reporter didn't whistle blow on the situation because she had no proof. There was no direct family to argue for custody too. It would have made her seem crazy and potentially ruined her career.
-Did you know, there exists many cases were protesters have been executed by the FBI? For example, in January 2021 Trump protester at the capital of USA was executed for trespassing. There will be no punishment for the FBI agent. I don't think you can do very much to stop these FBI agents short of sacrificing your own life to buy a little bit of time. There were more than just five agents. So, I don't think they were surrounded by just the five agents following them. Slowing down the five agents would have done almost nothing.


-They do it all the time. Just because you are stupid, doesn't mean it has never happened before.
-Ever heard of Fukushima Nuclear reactor melt down? The Japanese government decided to save money (refused to use poison to stop the meltdown), and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people.
-Ever heard of Chernobyl? Weapons of Mass Destruction 2002 where the United States invaded and mass murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent familes (women and children)?
-Also, ever heard of the definition of fictional stories? Akira, a story of the government kidnapping and doing experiments on humans must be a terrible story for you to watch.


- You assumed this story takes place in REALITY. One of the main characters is LITERALLY A GOD!!!!111!!!!
charliechuckleJan 19, 2021 5:15 AM
Jan 19, 2021 5:04 AM
Dec 2017
Darth_InVader said:
BCS she didn't die. Considering she still has that degenerative genetic disorder. She should die now that her chip is removed.

Well, I figured the chip cured her over a long period of time. It was then unable to be removed safely, because the grand father died.

This is a fictional story by the way!

EDIT: I just found out that she wasn't cured. She ended up dying in the end. If you do research on the disease, then you will find out she has all the symptoms and is degenerating.
charliechuckleJan 19, 2021 5:16 AM
Jan 19, 2021 5:08 AM
Dec 2017
If the haters were honest, then they would say this anime wasn't what they expected. That would be a more reasonable explanation, verses the ignorant trash talking they are providing.

Why did you watch all 12 episodes? Because I thought it would be a happy, not so serious, story.

Jan 19, 2021 8:34 AM
Jan 2021
I think my expectations is too high for this series and the story end up like that.
Jan 19, 2021 10:00 PM

Apr 2020
Because it’s very cliche,
And the anime is trying to be sad
But honestly
It’s generally not sad at all

But the anime is entertaining to watch
That’s why I rated it a 5/10 because I seen worse anime before
But I wouldn’t recommend this anime to anyone
Nina supporter for life💕
Jan 24, 2021 4:32 PM
Apr 2008
For me, it were mostly two things.
First, the only redeeming quality of the protagonist is that he is not Hina's dad. Other than that, he absolutely comes at or near the top of my personal "the dumbest and most irritating anime protagonists" list. He is so incredibly egotistic and insensitive, that the final episodes are quite hard to watch just because of that.
Second, the direction was, for my taste, very clumsy. Tone shifts are usually not a problem for anime as the medium, but here they were quite rough. During some episodes, the show felt completely directionless.

It's a pity really, the premise and the female lead were great. I think this could've been great as a full-fledged visual novel.
DracusJan 26, 2021 7:53 PM
Jan 27, 2021 3:23 AM

Aug 2017
I've just finished this anime. Its not only worse than Charlotte, the anime made me hate almost everyone. U know a show is terrible when I'm not enjoying it.

-Angel Beats! 9/10
-Charlotte! 4/10
-The Day I Became a God 2/10
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Feb 3, 2021 7:57 AM

Oct 2008
First I would like to say, I cried my eyes out at this anime. The last three episodes, were just non stop crying. So its safe to assume I liked this anime immencely.

The anime's begining is generic, up until ep 7 it was borderline boring. Subjectively speaking, I was annoyed at the male mc, at how ridiculous the female mc's plans were and yet they still worked.

But from an anime I was prepared to rate a 3/10 or 4/10 out of sheer spite, it turned in to an anime I rated a 7/10. Watch the whole thing, expiriance the things I did and you will understand.
Feb 4, 2021 10:14 AM
Apr 2020
I honestly enjoyed this anime. The ending kinda cliche and too rush. But that's all. I enjoyed the story and the humor. 9/10. Better than Charlotte imo
Feb 19, 2021 2:33 AM
Jan 2011
This anime put me to sleep.
Feb 21, 2021 6:39 AM
Jul 2020
There are lots of plot holes in this anime:

1. Which institution or company took Hina chips by force, are they legal or illegal institutions / companies?

2. Grandpa Hina is not fully told where he picked Hina.

3. Narukami Youta's parents were not told in detail about what they meant to study with Grandpa who picked Hina, a conversation when Hina's parents admitted they were indebted to Grandpa who picked Hina.

4. What made Suzuki's parents beat Suzuki when he was little? Did he work at the same institution as a teenager?

5. Where are Chips located?

6. Did the rehabilitation pick Hina up from the street, or was it given by the CEO after she finished picking up Chips?

Maybe this is another reason that caused the anime's rating to drop dramatically from the lure "This will make me the saddest anime"
Mar 23, 2021 9:05 AM
Sep 2020
Tbh i quite enjoy the show until eps 7 ,it's a decent romcom anime.
but everytime the hacker kid show up i feel confused , what the hell is going on with the story. And from eps 9 ,the story went down hill. I f*cking hate it. And the mc became very annoying
Mar 28, 2021 7:12 AM
Feb 2021
I just watched Kamisama ni Natta Hi. I love this anime. Although it's not as good as the other Jun Maeda anime I know (because of the Jun Maeda anime I just watched Angel Beats!), I admit this is one of the anime I like. I don't know why everyone hates this anime so much. The drama is quite touching. Even the sad part was enough to tear me up. The graphics and music are great too.
(This is just my opinion, sorry if my English is not good)
Apr 7, 2021 6:58 AM
Jun 2016
LiveSiGnimoc said:
There are lots of plot holes in this anime:

1. Which institution or company took Hina chips by force, are they legal or illegal institutions / companies?

2. Grandpa Hina is not fully told where he picked Hina.

3. Narukami Youta's parents were not told in detail about what they meant to study with Grandpa who picked Hina, a conversation when Hina's parents admitted they were indebted to Grandpa who picked Hina.

4. What made Suzuki's parents beat Suzuki when he was little? Did he work at the same institution as a teenager?

5. Where are Chips located?

6. Did the rehabilitation pick Hina up from the street, or was it given by the CEO after she finished picking up Chips?

Maybe this is another reason that caused the anime's rating to drop dramatically from the lure "This will make me the saddest anime"

Every single one of those is answered. Maybe you should pay more attention to what you're watching.
Apr 8, 2021 1:24 PM

Mar 2019
I found the first half to be fine, nothing special, maybe a 6/10. I found Hina to be pretty annoying, and the story didn't feel great.
Then the second half happened, and especially the last few episodes, it just felt like forced drama to make this into a tear-jerker. That's when I lowered my score to a 4/10
Apr 12, 2021 7:41 PM

Mar 2021
I personally dislike Maeda Jun's work since Charlotte, because he still think that his archaic style of 'melodrama' writing still relatable to common audience in general. Also Kamisama should have a 24 episode instead 12 and a whole 24 episode of 2nd season because that's how Maeda can write a good story or he could just make a more fast-paced, focus on the conflict/main story instead of the side characters that aren't memorable at all type of anime. Honestly though, Kamisama is a wasted potential of a supposedly serious life drama anime.

Apr 14, 2021 12:48 AM

Nov 2014
I don't understand how Angel Beats has a 8 and Charlotte has a 7.7 overall MAL score. Angel Beats is actually an unfished show, yet people love it. Kamisama ni Natta Hi & Charlotte have the same formula, yet now so many people suddenly hate Jun Maeda's work.

Writing a 1 page review and rating a show you've completed with a 1 is so moronic. Why waste your time with something you hate that much. The last 3 episodes didn't ruin the show and actually set itself apart from all the other generic SoL anime.
Apr 19, 2021 6:48 AM

Jun 2020
The writing was so bad.....I really liked the characters tho but the story was bad. It was all over the place. I got disinterested so quick. Which was so disappointing as I had high expectations for this, it had so much potential with such an interesting premise & turned out be everything I did not expect, in a bad way. I was so glad to be done with it by the end. Such a shame tho!

Didn’t think it was sad. And I usually cry at like, everything lol. The only episode that even drew an emotional response from me was Izanami‘s episode. I think that’s one of the better episodes for me.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Apr 20, 2021 7:08 AM
Mar 2020
This could have been good if it wasn't rushed
May 23, 2021 9:52 AM
Jan 2021
The second half turned more and more annoying. I watched this anime a while after clannad+after story, angel beats and charlotte. At first i thought alright atleast i find it funny here and there and it probably builds up to something massive. Well it is kind of tragic but i couldnt relate at all and most episodes turned out to be him doing something sudden and she starts crying whatever. Now that i watched little busters i cannot give it higher than 6 honestly because compared to little busters refrain this is doesnt even come close. Probably would feel the same if i rewatched clannad with kamisama in mind
May 24, 2021 2:48 PM
Dec 2018
for me it wasn't bad, i'm just a little disappointed at the end because i and i'm sure a lot of people also expected a tear train ending like Angel Beats and Clannad and pretty much every key show.
overall it's good and has a beautiful music (as usual)
Jun 26, 2021 10:33 PM

Oct 2012
For a Jun Maeda work, this isn't like him. Angel Beats was a hit for 12 or 13 episodes and Charlotte was decent enough, but this one just don't cut it. I know him for some randomness here and there but I couldn't even consider it random. More like forced and annoying.

The trailers and teasers surrounding this was also interesting and built up some hype. Few episodes in, I was ok for about 2 episodes. Then 3 to 7, I'm starting to not feel the enjoyment. I just wanted to end it quickly. By 8 and till 10, I stopped and dropped it. I couldn't really drag it any longer and stopped lying to myself.

The hell, I actually posted once, in here, already. I don't remember doing that.
EfraymJul 6, 2021 9:52 PM
Jul 1, 2021 7:37 PM
Jan 2021
im probably very late but when i watched this when it first came out i had high hopes for it, but it was so boring honestly
Jul 4, 2021 7:43 AM
Sep 2007
I overall liked this story, despite some odd plot changes. The characters were all likeable in their own way. The odd way it changed from comedy to heavy drama felt rushed. This series needed more episodes to make that change. Once it did, I still kept watching as I wanted to see what happened. At the end, it at least resolved much, many anime's just end and leave you hanging.
Jul 4, 2021 8:13 AM
Oct 2018
Allow me to take a run at why people hate it wíthout spoilers. Several of the explanations have storyline errors. As long as you're only looking for a light-hearted romp 75% of this anime will be okay (not good). But, the back-end of this anime calls for such an outlandish level of suspension of disbelief, it makes JoJo look like a slice-of-life.

It's a dumpster fire. There are many scenes which had me coaching the protagonist as the script clearly gave him very poor instructions. The quality of the ending is far worse than the beginning.
Jul 9, 2021 1:08 AM

Jun 2020
It was a fantastic anime. Seeing the hate against it, I went in with the mindset of seeing a trash, but instead I was pleasantly surprised. The comedy in the anime is really good. Don't know why people expect a guy to make the same thing again and again. Imo this anime was really funny. Yeah, the ending felt a bit rushed, but other than that , I don't think the anime has any faults. It's just that people wanted to see another Clannad/Angel Beats which they didn't get.
Jul 19, 2021 2:08 AM

Dec 2015
This is just another Maeda's lame try to repeat success of Clannad After Story.

I mean even Clannad seems already outdated today and it's shocking how Maeda hasn't developed at all as a writer since then.
Sep 11, 2021 11:39 PM
Sep 2021
Imo, people expecting they would cry as jun maeda has made people cry before. But they never really understand the story and ended disappointed. The story almost like Maeda's previous works, but a bit darker.

The organization never really explained because it may mentioning real organization irl or insert a new idea into people's mind. (If you read thriller novel a lot, you might realize that).

The composition is almost the same as before. Just a bit darker with good resolution (unfortunately not so happy because Hina would suffer maybe for her entire life).

At least, because people don't like it doesn't mean the story is bad.
Sep 11, 2021 11:46 PM
Sep 2021
SouthRzVa said:
Imagine having the first half of the show being only focused on the cast doing random stuff just to remember there is a plot and only less that 6 episodes to aboard it. Of course everything would feel rushed and forced in the end.
This anime has a lot of flaws but this one particularly was my main problem with it.

Your opinion so funny lol. If you remember Charlotte starts the real plot after Yuu's sister dead, the same happen to AB. Before that is so cliche but people still like it. If in your opinion the story itself is a trash, it may due to the lack of your competence to understand the story itself.
Sep 12, 2021 4:58 AM
Jul 2020
Probably becuase people are getting tired of the Maede Jun cliches, i liked this anime but thought some parts were pretty weak.
Sep 12, 2021 8:52 AM

Jul 2016
Chabakura said:
SouthRzVa said:
Imagine having the first half of the show being only focused on the cast doing random stuff just to remember there is a plot and only less that 6 episodes to aboard it. Of course everything would feel rushed and forced in the end.
This anime has a lot of flaws but this one particularly was my main problem with it.

Your opinion so funny lol. If you remember Charlotte starts the real plot after Yuu's sister dead, the same happen to AB. Before that is so cliche but people still like it. If in your opinion the story itself is a trash, it may due to the lack of your competence to understand the story itself.

MAL account created this same day + Completely empty list.

Yeah, I won't even bother with you.
Sep 12, 2021 9:08 AM

Sep 2021
It's not even that the ending is bad, it's alright, but the my problem with it was that the writing wasn't good.
Sep 12, 2021 10:40 AM
Sep 2021
SouthRzVa said:
Imagine having the first half of the show being only focused on the cast doing random stuff just to remember there is a plot and only less that 6 episodes to aboard it. Of course everything would feel rushed and forced in the end.
This anime has a lot of flaws but this one particularly was my main problem with it.

How about you change your perspective here. I mean, while they enjoying their daily life and worry nothing, they didn't know that the problem already made their move to destroy their life. It is not meaningless, isn't life always like that? If you think what the writer wants to tell the audience, it may help you a lot to understand the story better.

If you said about the plot, is there a plot hole that out of your understanding and you need it to be explained? If not, then the opinion about how the story goes is just a half baked opinion.
Oct 2, 2021 11:20 PM
May 2019
kaiki_fan_boy said:
I havn't watched this anime so can you explain to me why the score is so low ?

No clue because it's 10/10 to me.. best Key anime since Little Busters!
Feb 27, 2022 1:29 AM

May 2020
I enjoyed it. Gave it 7/10. But I give most anime a 7. I've seen bad writing and this ain't compared to that. But I do admit. The show could've done better. It's just felt off to me. The characters, they had no thoughts behind them eyes. Just 2d characters, nothing complex, and the whole super computer thing, it just felt very out of place and it makes less since that they took that away.
Jun 20, 2022 8:02 PM
Apr 2016
The beginning was goofy but had potential. Then it became cry point. There was nothing organic about it, it was like flipping the channel to a completely different show.
Aug 13, 2022 10:41 PM
Oct 2020
SouthRzVa said:
Imagine having the first half of the show being only focused on the cast doing random stuff just to remember there is a plot and only less that 6 episodes to aboard it. Of course everything would feel rushed and forced in the end.
This anime has a lot of flaws but this one particularly was my main problem with it.

Wow its almost like the whole slice of life aspect served a purpose. Hina was trying to help them with their everyday problems while experiencing a normal teenagers life.
Aug 28, 2022 2:20 PM

Apr 2007
The biggest issue that triggered this is because Jun HYPED the anime and claimed it was going to be the saddest anime ever made. People used to Jun's works knows that he creates sadness by introducing death. The opening of the anime implying a tragic ending along with half the anime hyping the "end of the world" amplified people's expectations on top of his own hype. Spoiler alert, it was all a lie. People hate being lied to, especially by those they trust. That played the biggest role in the score. Otherwise, we'd just see it as a beautiful piece of generic dog water.
Nov 17, 2022 11:36 AM
May 2017
I think it's the high expectation that's placed of this, it really feels different when you know nothing about the show then watch it then recognizing what you'll see and when you heard this recommended/gonna be a good show. To me that coming from know nothing or never heard of this show i find this show is enjoyable only the uneasy is the sudden u turn from shouldn't taken serious to a very serious
Oct 3, 2023 12:20 PM
Jan 2021
First half is good. I would have given it a 7 if it ended there.. It is double sad because this is the anime that mindbroke Maeda. I feel he could still write a good story but not like this
Nov 21, 2023 9:03 AM

Sep 2008
Getting into this series, I wasn't aware one of the creators behind the series of Key visual novels were at the helm with directing this. Upon learning of this detail, realized what sort of territory the series would dabble with its tonal dissonance, pushing things heavily with its believability, and melodrama. The rather absurd plot twist in the final third of the series and things with a number of the character backstories feeling rushed doesn't help matters and would at least consider this the weakest of Jun Maeda's works I've seen up to this point.
Nov 24, 2023 3:43 PM
Apr 2020
the ending is half assed at best and story -destroying at worst.

it's too cliche, nonsensical, you're made to root for a guy who's egotistical enough to rip a sick, clearly traumatized girl out of a hospital because he can't let go of her, it all was super predictable except for the Hiroto redemption twist which honestly was somewhat of an ass pull and strangely executed. overall this anime had great themes, a great start, cast and so on and so forth but failed to deliver when it was most important, at the climax of an otherwise interestingly told story
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