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Mar 2, 2008 8:24 PM

Jan 2008
why is this thread created: we need a thread with no pictures to load.. so its only text based. and to get to know others in this club :D

start by me !

x0x0 said:
i started taking pictures some years ago. within those years, i really have no interest in photography, it's just that, the people around me had so much expectation and figured that i should just live with their expectations. but honestly, my aesthetics never really matured during that time.

it was just last may 2007 when i started to really like photography (i'm already 20 btw) when i was influenced by my cousin. it's true that i had more experience than her but she seems to be more passionate and i was inspired by her passion.. so yeah, now i'm trying to learn more about photography. i haven't been taken pictures of anything other than people though. it's kinda like my greatest weakness so i'm currently practicing on how to take photos on people.

how about you rin? your photos are pretty impressive, seems like you already know your camera so well.

well.. i wasnt rlly interested into photography as well.. and same.. around 2007 i start loving it.. <3 i took it as my passion now.. :) capturing moments is a really divine job for us photographers. and i really want to treasure the past.. thats why i get to respect photography more and more.. :x

thanks for the compliments :D well.. at uni i take several subjects of photography.. so i starting to know my camera better and better :) im so grateful that i get into photography.! well. what i took with my camera is merely random objects.. i just have to feel that i will make the subject become pretty. and think about a concept in my head.. XD it works out sometimes.. but sometimes, not :(

also, im still not used to take many shots in small time.. since im still learning. (n00b) :P and uhm. i still am struggling abit with my meter reading ( setting perfect apperture + shutter speed + iso = light) x.x;; im working on that ;D the bad thing here is.. i dont really have an access to a studio.. so yea.. i wud like to have a studio of my own really T_T!! well maybe when i get to a pro basis :D

p.s. im getting my d80 this wednesday :D!! <3<3 *excited*

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Mar 3, 2008 6:21 AM

Jan 2007
i actually had my regrets, 5 years ago, i was supposed to enter a regional photography contest. but i didn't grab the chance since i only have a digital camera and digital weren't allowed that time. little did i know (hey, i just found out earlier this year) that my family actually had a film SLR and it was still in perfect condition that time. it might have been my stepping stone if i did enter the contest.

we also had a photography subject once but we couldn't relate that much since we don't own a DSLR nor are we allowed to use the school's DSLR, so we were limited to point and shoots and concentrated on the composition instead.

i'm still experimenting with the camera also, currently focusing on shooting an event and i guess i'm slowly learning on how to use the camera. i often produce blurry photos since my lens doesn't have an image stabilization. and yeah, figuring out which settings to use is very problematic.

and.. let me be the first from this forum to congratulate you with your new toy, you should treasure it. wish i could upgrade mine as well, but i just got it last november, i guess it's way too early to upgrade. hopefully when i'd find a job, i can upgrade mine.
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 3, 2008 6:29 AM

Jan 2008
eh oh thanks.. <3 and lol.. toy.. i wud never call my camera a toy.. :p it will be a part of me.. you have to put your soul into ur camera if u want to produce a good shot.. imo :P <3 well uhm.. u have 400d yea? i kinda.. checked out ur blog XD <3 well i reckon 400d is good enuf :p i like my 400d.. its easy to use and it produce quite good result <3 ^_^ and also i wud not call getting d80 after 400d is an upgrade since.. i reckon its as good :D its just.. i more to nikon myself.. than canon :x tho canon is good too! <3

also. its too bad u missed the competition. i hope one day i can get into a competition. im really excited hehe.. i wish ill someday be like you :D go into competition XD <3

Mar 3, 2008 7:12 AM

Jan 2007
photo hobbyist here pretty much call it a toy so i adapted the term as the time goes by. and yeah, i got a 400d last november, it's my first DSLR and i'm definitely loving it. but of course, i have my eye on much better DSLR cams like 30d and d300 but i guess it's still quite impractical for me to buy coz i'm honestly not that good yet. for now, i'm adding a macro lens and a telephoto lens on my wishlist.

and yeah, i really felt so bad when i found out that i could actually join the competition, if only i knew, i might have progressed a lot within those 5 years.

i've only joined the contest twice, the first one was a national contest, that's when i was supposed to take photos on old architectures but i miserably failed since i took photos on human interest instead of architectures. the second one was last january and once again i failed since i don't know my camera that much yet (DSLR controls were quite new to me), and considering that i ain't good with human photos, also i didn't have much interest that time since my friend kept on borrowing my camera.. so yeah... I FAILED!!!

but anyway, i'm practicing now and i already know which settings to use on some condition. i'm giving way with the school's event to practice photography.

btw, have you heard about lomos? what do you think?
Life without Purpose
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Mar 3, 2008 7:16 AM

Jan 2008
huwa.. u type so much lol.. u shud be more relax.. D: i always feel like i shud call u a senpai.. when talking to u T.T since the way you talk is so pro <3 ehe.. well i can get a d300 if i want to. but i reckon i should first learn more bout photography then.. upgrade ^_^;; uhm and the.. lomo.. isnt it those 35mm compakt camera? :o for fun stuff.. my friend has em.. i reckon .. theyre.. weird.. lol.. anyway.. im putting 10.5mm nikkor fisheye lens to my wishlist <3 i rlly want a fisheye lens ..!! SO BAD!!!

Mar 3, 2008 7:49 AM

Jan 2007
better call me x0x0-sama... lol

kidding aside, i personally think that your photos were pretty amazing, i should be the one calling you that. and i don't really talk like a pro, i don't even know my camera that much yet.

and yeah, it's those russian-made film cameras, most of them uses a 35mm film. i had my eye on their fisheye cam since it's much much cheaper than a fisheye lens... while i had that in mind, i grew to like their effects.

although it's pretty much prefer a normal DSLR than this one, it would be great if you took a beautiful photo without relying on the effects that the camera can offer. but maybe if i'm good enough, i'll move from using digital to film, taking beautiful photos on film makes me feel more accomplished, it would be great to take pride on taking photos without editing.
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 3, 2008 8:18 AM

Jan 2008
lmao. i reckon.. taking picture with film is eazy.. D: i did it all the time. but its waste of money for film.. and process.. :x ehe.. XD i reckon my pictures still need so many works for it to be good.. :) i just started photography and i hell know bout it.. lol.. but i WILL!! get better and better! :D!! <3 dont u think this club is abit.. o.o quite.. only both of us talks.. lol

Mar 4, 2008 12:12 AM

Jan 2007
yeah, it's sad that the others won't participate the discussion... people, you can talk about anything related to photography here, even with point and shoots!!!

anyway, not with me though, i started with digital, the problem with film is, you won't see the outcome unless you've developed it. i guess it's fine when you're taking still objects but with subjects like photographing people or any moving objects, it's much harder to compensate, not unless when you're really good in timing.. that's what's photography all about, aside from the obvious elements, timing is very important in photography.... and that's where the money is $$$
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 4, 2008 12:14 AM

Jan 2008
thats true :x uwoh x-x

Mar 4, 2008 12:15 AM

Jan 2007
wow! you sure reply even faster than i thought..

anyway, i just hope that the members here will at least cooperate
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 4, 2008 12:37 AM

Jan 2008
lmao.. well when im doing nothing.. i always in MAL XD

Mar 4, 2008 6:22 AM

Jan 2007
don't you have school these days?
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 4, 2008 6:43 AM

Jan 2008
yea.. college.. :D i mean. when im not doing anything and not in college. im on mal lol

Mar 4, 2008 12:55 PM

Sep 2007
hey I'm back and I feel like it was a month since I last posted but I had some dead lines I crossed long ago... anyway I did my homework this sunday I shot two rolls I hope more than 10% is usable.

I'm a "do it yourself" maniac who always wanted to take pictures but never been in to until last year I bought my camera (needed repair), followed by around 15 lenses, yes I know I'm crazy but 7 of the 15 need to be repaired and takes time to find all the screw drivers needed, as you can see I not only love taking photos but repair old things, and kind of makes sense because until last year I worked as a charpentier in the restoration of old buildings, in the north of Spain.

As for taking photos I like nature photography but still not the best result, taking pictures of people or streets is not my favorite because I don't feel comfortable, and I really don't know why because I'm not shy.

I kind of envy you two because you are still in college, young, pretty... hehe, for me that's a bit far, I mean the pretty girls, because I live close to my city college, the same I quit 6 years ago bur who knows may be next year I'll come back, do you still need to pass exams to graduate?
Mar 4, 2008 4:38 PM

Jan 2007
how old are you susonauta?

and wow! 15 lenses! i'd rather have that than having a DSLR with only one lens... i still have a minolta film slr here, a Minolta Vectis S-1 and i really wanna try film, i don't how much damage it has already but is it pricey to ask someone fix an old SLR camera?
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 4, 2008 10:51 PM

Jan 2008
not really.. i kinda broke mine.. abit.. then i got it fixed.. its pretty cheap.. :o

Mar 4, 2008 11:48 PM

Sep 2007
x0x0 said:
how old are you susonauta?

and wow! 15 lenses! i'd rather have that than having a DSLR with only one lens... i still have a minolta film slr here, a Minolta Vectis S-1 and i really wanna try film, i don't how much damage it has already but is it pricey to ask someone fix an old SLR camera?

I'm 26, and is not so old you camera is like 10 or 12 years old.

I'm happy Rin was able to fix it because here usually the repair fee is well beyond the cost of the camera and, as for the lenses the repairs cost goes from 50€ to take dust or fungus from the inside of a lens to 100€ on lens mechanics (you can find 50mm to 125mm lenses for less than that).

Your minolota looks OK but you can open it and check the shutter and may be you can check the lightmter with your canon, and to know if the aperture is working set a small perture like 11 or 12 and shot with the camera open while looking trough the lenses, don't forget to choose the lowest shutter speed or B otherwise you won't see anything.
susonautaMar 4, 2008 11:51 PM
Mar 5, 2008 8:20 AM

Jan 2008
ehe... xD iono.. got it fixed in my country.. Indonesia.. where everything is cheap ass.. HAHA.. uhm btw guys, got some new pict. like.. 4.. new pict. which is not that good. but.. yea.. check it out! i took it with my new D80! omg is awesome <3

Mar 5, 2008 5:00 PM

Jan 2007
susonauta: lol, you haven't seen it yet, i'll post some pics sometime soon.
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 6, 2008 1:10 AM

Sep 2007
o0RiN0o said:
ehe... xD iono.. got it fixed in my country.. Indonesia.. where everything is cheap ass.. HAHA.. uhm btw guys, got some new pict. like.. 4.. new pict. which is not that good. but.. yea.. check it out! i took it with my new D80! omg is awesome <3

cool I want to be in a cheap coutry too, I'm kind of desperate looking for color slide film and the cheapest is 6€ I'm sure you won't get the idea of the price in € but normal film usually cost less than 2€ {T_T}

So may be I will ask a friend (to tell the truth he is one of my friends boyfriend and he is a pro cameraman) to order like 20 rolls and since he is a pro he gets the best price.
Mar 6, 2008 2:07 AM

Jan 2008
lol he's cheating D:

Mar 7, 2008 8:52 PM

Jan 2007
talking about film, i've been canvassing about films for a while. films does make a difference! there was this film called kodak elitechrome (found it from this blog post) and i was fascinated with it's outcome. i feel like ditching my dslr
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 7, 2008 10:02 PM

Sep 2007
that's exactly the film I was moaning before is crazy expensive, not the "kodak elitechrome but any color slide film" in this moment In envy a lot that guy, color slide is amazing and sure is because there is less chemistry process than negative film, and I hope you understand me because I'm not able to explain better (7:00 am now).
Mar 8, 2008 2:35 PM

Jan 2007
yes, i kinda understand films now, or at least i already know the difference between negative films and slide films. film shopping online here is crazy, once there's an item available, it's already gone in an hour or less. it's like a flea market no matter how expensive it is. not to mention that local shops here sells the items almost twice as expensive.

i just ordered 5 kodak elitechromes, $5.50 for a fresh roll and 1 provia at $5.00. it indeed is very expensive, my pocket's currently crying now :(

what do you use on your films?
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 9, 2008 12:57 PM

Sep 2007
x0x0 said:
[...] $5.50 for a fresh roll and 1 provia at $5.00. it indeed is very expensive, my pocket's currently crying now :(

what do you use on your films?

Guaaaa that hurts

I use "Polaroid High Definition plus 200" and I decided to buy 20 rolls of color slide, but still the only thing I know for sure is that will be 200 iso because it's the speed that better adapts to my zoom lens.
Mar 9, 2008 9:17 PM

Jan 2007
i know, i had to borrow money from my mom, i gotta get a summer job!

which color slide do you recommend? so far, i only liked elitechrome and provia. do you have some examples from the film you mentioned? is it a negative film btw?
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 10, 2008 1:26 AM

Sep 2007
yesterday surfing the Ebay I found an online store in the US that ships worlwide and I'm bidding for 5 rolls of fujicrome sensia 200. I can't recomend you anything because I never used color slide

the polaroid film is negative film

this is the online sotre
Mar 10, 2008 1:29 AM

Jan 2008
oheee... susonauta, uploaded a pic in the Art Jam contest?

Mar 10, 2008 1:42 AM

Jan 2007
susonauta said:
yesterday surfing the Ebay I found an online store in the US that ships worlwide and I'm bidding for 5 rolls of fujicrome sensia 200. I can't recomend you anything because I never used color slide

the polaroid film is negative film

this is the online sotre

now that i've realized the wonders of slide films, i'm never gonna use negative films, i guess i'd better use a digital camera than wasting my money on the negative film and for developing.

and omg... visited the site.. don't you think it's a bit too pricey? elitechromes cost $19.99, sensia's $13.90..
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 10, 2008 1:49 AM

Sep 2007
yes is an urban landscape I should be working on it right now
this is the place in more less the same perspective
Mar 10, 2008 1:51 AM

Jan 2007
can't seem to view the photo
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 10, 2008 1:54 AM

Sep 2007
sorry I've just edited while you posted
Mar 10, 2008 1:57 AM

Jan 2008
I still see no photos >_>
Mar 10, 2008 2:00 AM

Jan 2008
ara ara.. (◌⌒∀⌒◌) Aero-kun, irashaiii..

Mar 10, 2008 2:05 AM

Sep 2007
Mar 10, 2008 2:45 AM

Jan 2007
how much does a sensia film cost in your place?

and sorry, but i kinda didn't see the relevance on the last photo posted.
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 10, 2008 3:09 AM

Sep 2007
susonauta said:
yes is an urban landscape I should be working on it right now
this is the place in more less the same perspective

yes it's expensive but the best so far, and for me 1€ is 1.5$ so is much cheaper than here

is this photo I was unable to link before.
x0x0 said:
how much does a sensia film cost in your place?

and sorry, but i kinda didn't see the relevance on the last photo posted.

the cheapest color slide is 6€ per roll, may be good quality rolls are around 10€
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