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Combatants Will Be Dispatched! (light novel)
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May 23, 2021 5:29 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, the princess actually came up with a clever plan involving Snow but of course, Six just has to be part of it with the others. I think Grimm had too much fun.

Shame on Six for using a hostage against a kid in their operation but you know, it's Six being Six. Tbh, he and his crew made this episode's diplomatic mission into a much more entertaining experience.

May 23, 2021 5:37 AM
Jan 2021
This episode was pretty hit or miss for me. Pacing was all over place and I feel like they rushed it. I didn’t get exactly what was happening all the time but I could be just dumb. Well at least we saw best girls in new outfits.
And a new character got introduced: male Gawr Gura
May 23, 2021 5:40 AM

Jan 2021
I'd run away too if I need to say that in front of so many people
Don't say that to Grimm, she's at the perfect age 0.0
God, Snow and Grimm couldn't screw up more

Nooooooo n6, I know he took your Harem, but that was a trick I wouldn't wish on anyone πŸ˜‚
Punished with a dangerous adventure, this is going to be interesting
May 23, 2021 5:40 AM

Nov 2019
Engel's smug face while having two girls fighting over him was gold.

The reveal at the end implying Grimm's spell of impotence affected Engel made it even better.
May 23, 2021 5:40 AM

Jul 2017
What a way to start the episode: Princess Tillis mentioning "Dick Festival" lols, and her father the King ran away probably due to embarrassment. She has mastered the art of blackmailing, and No. 6 smells an expedition for exchange of information.

Another nation (Toris) on loan for Water Stones, and bribery is commonplace in this day and age. Funny how No. 6 executed a Kazuma moment to roast Grimm for her fashion sense, and there no decent girl in the face of such luxury. Grimm is love-crazy, Rose is eating, and Snow is flattery to the end.

OH? Another capsule in the depths of the castle, and another case of the Elite Four showing up unattended. No. 6 got his evil deeds done like the scum he is for withholding Heine against another Elite Four: Russel, a kid demon. Oh well, used to his heinous act.

A diplomatic situation gone totally awry wrong, and the scene of a "harem protagonist" of the fatty prince, All for love and the harem Np. 6 so desired, Zipperman's back at it ON FULL DISPLAY. WHAT A FARCE.

Everyone's so pissed off at their current ploys, but a shameless display for the chuckles.
May 23, 2021 5:44 AM

Apr 2014
This is what happens when the wrong ambassador group was chosen, the war declaration. lmao. Poor Tillis, she must be very stressed from everything that Six have done in this diplomatic trip.

Suddenly, Engel turned out to be a harem protagonist. No wonder why Six really got angry about it because it should be him instead of Engel.
Well, the best thing from this episode is Grim in her gorgeous dress.
May 23, 2021 5:47 AM

Jul 2020
As usual an utterly nonsensical yet fun filled episode that didn't stop me dying from laughter and cringe.

Tillis being adamant that she won't say d*** festival caused her to send her elite unit - consisting of snow and co- to a neighboring country to get the water stones that they refused back. Like 6 pointed out, tillis is hella conniving and her adamantly refuses to say the words in front of a crowd really cost her a lot eh?

Quick side note where did the king go? I don't exactly remember what happened to him lol. EDIT: Nvm turns out he just ran away refusing to unlock the cube lol

Snow, grimm and rose trying to be 'ambassadors' isn't exactly the best thing to think about, especially when grimm can act like a clingy ex, snow has no respect for her own body if money is involved in one way or another and rose just wants new food, painting such a positive image of the kingdom they're supposed to represent lol. Rose eating the bones of the meat was jokes ngl, and snow's advances being shut down was even more fun to watch.

Agent 6 and alice going underground to uncover the weird homunculus tube and that heine is there was such a stupid gag, and the amount of points 6 got from that was ridiculous, using a woman to protect himself against a child xD.

6 confronting the prince then causing heine and snow to fuirther their advances was a haphazard mix of cringe stupidity and banter but then agent 6 whipping it out to prove that he's the true man in a japanese ' top-knot' that is the standard culture really got him a lot of points.

Tillis still being adamant not saying the secret code now causes the 'elite' squad to go and risk their lives once again, and its funny how they want 6 and snow's lives if they dont want to war.

We do figure out where that impotency orb went in the end, suggesting why the philandering prince lost his libido even though he was in a harem situation as pointed out by 6 unsurprisingly.

And agent 6's quick quips never cease to amaze me
Grimm - Zenarith stop this man from mast********
Agent 6 - If that hit's I'll use you instead

LeviathanHWDMay 23, 2021 6:02 AM
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

May 23, 2021 5:57 AM

Jun 2015
Its adorable seeing Tillis say that activation phrase. Still her father vanishing rather than say the prayer sure was pretty weak of him. The dresses for the girls though looked nice. Grimm though really tried to pull pretty hard at the party. Its unfortunate how that ended for her though. Snow and Heine's attempts to influence the prince sure was amusing especially the lack of effect they were actually having on him. Six's desire to get revenge sure went overboard and ending up having the entirely opposite results to what they desired though. Poor Snow getting demoted again and being sent on another impossible quest.

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May 23, 2021 6:02 AM
Apr 2016
Damn, I've never seen exposed (although censored) genitals in any non-hentai anime... Even in the most ecchi one.

May 23, 2021 6:10 AM

Apr 2020
This is the first regular anime that I've seen a dick in. Even Redo of Healer didn't go that far. 🀣
May 23, 2021 6:14 AM
Jan 2021
JanPri said:
Damn, I've never seen exposed (although censored) genitals in any non-hentai anime... Even in the most ecchi one.

Funny, I actually to the discussion thread of this series for the first time to comment something similar. That being that this is only the 2nd non-erotic centric series I've seen show genitals. The first being Gintama. And Gintama does it a whole lot more than once.
May 23, 2021 6:16 AM

Jan 2014
Ironic how for the first part, the one that was on 'good behavior' was six himself. Alright episode.
May 23, 2021 6:21 AM

Jun 2019
The only ones who are normal there are Alice and Six. Other members are hilarious AF. One is looking into young men, another one is chomping on whatever in front of her, and the last one is trying to seduce the prince. LMAO.

At this point, Six knows how to earn evil points. Groping women. LOL Heine is nowhere safe. She becomes the victim of his harassment every time. Too bad for both Heine and Snow, Engel is now a pure soul. He isn't interested in girls anymore. Six really showed his Zipperman talents today. XD
May 23, 2021 6:43 AM

Aug 2020
So Grimm is the reason why there's going to be a war now. That's pretty funny.
May 23, 2021 6:43 AM

Nov 2016
Thanks for the invitation to laugh at you Grimm, but I would've done so anyway. Indeed a pitiful woman.

Her impotence spell is nasty, tho, 6 dodged a deadly bullet there hahaha. RIP prince. That topknot was some major disrespect on top.

Was also great to see Heine again. Her dress was hot.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 23, 2021 6:58 AM

Sep 2018
"You're using a woman as hostage against a kid. I've never respected you more"
Alice you absolute Madlass!
well that's just my opinion.....
May 23, 2021 7:05 AM
Jan 2020
That Toris Prince just triggered Agent Six with his lucky harem chance and being paid 10-fold of shame lol

"TOP-KNOT" I glad that I don't even eat or drinking while seeing that, cause it might be killed me if I did XD

10/10 for this episode. ~Looking forward for the next episode!!
Kur4y4m1May 23, 2021 9:02 AM
May 23, 2021 7:06 AM

Feb 2014
So he just went and put his junk on that guy's head, it was pixelated, but we all still saw it, on a TV anime, ok.

Heine and Snow bringing the goods this episode, tho they all looked cute in their dresses.
May 23, 2021 7:12 AM

Oct 2017
I underestimated Snow, this girl is truly shameless. Also so it was Grimm's fault huh.
May 23, 2021 7:21 AM
Apr 2016
The topknot! The ultimate earthling culture.

May 23, 2021 7:22 AM
Oct 2020
A truly great ep
Six is reaching new heights.... that party was a blast lol
Six good job on escaping true hell and RIP Prince
Can't wait for the next one
Blah blah blah blah .... So annoying. Are you bastards in heat or something?
- Sakata gintoki
May 23, 2021 7:25 AM
Oct 2020
ZzLow96 said:
The topknot! The ultimate earthling culture.

they didn't show it on utube so I was wondering what it looked like in the censored version ...hilarious man πŸ˜‚
And is it me or it looks huge...well I guess six has got Great pride
A truly great one
Blah blah blah blah .... So annoying. Are you bastards in heat or something?
- Sakata gintoki
May 23, 2021 7:35 AM

May 2018
I love six's party tricks! I hope he uses the topknot on me too Hnnngh
May 23, 2021 7:46 AM

Oct 2020
Haha, seeing snow and Heine fight over Prince Engel's attention was funny. Ah yes, topknot, the greatest trick in the book.
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May 23, 2021 8:01 AM
Oct 2016
Who would've thought ambassadors like these would cause such trouble, never would've guessed tbh. To say things went sideways in the most hilarious of fashions would be an understatement. Snow immediately going after the money as always, trying to seduce an old fat bastard prince was gross. Snow just wants that cushy lifestyle instead of dealing with these bozos. Its funny how during the party Six and Alice were causing the least amount of trouble, usually it's the other way around but I'm glad that the tables were turned and those two just at back and looked at how wacky their subordinates are. Of course then Six had to go and do what he did. That guy is crazy I swear, its so funny. The demons being there did surprise me, Heine trying to secure this kingdom's support with their own water problems. Her and Snow both trying to seduce the prince got really competitive, he was savoring every minute. This Sand King guy ravaging the land is a problem. Glad that our heroes are being made to go there so maybe he could be stopped.
May 23, 2021 8:02 AM

Jan 2012
Well uhhhhh that penis may have been pixelated but it was clear enough to where I dunno why they even bothered. Probably the first adult penis I've seen depicted in a non-hentai anime too. If they were going for shock value with that it certainly worked. And yet I can't help but find it a bit tasteless. Interesting, I didn't think I'd be so repulsed by such a thing, but here we are. No laughing when that happened just wanting to punch the mc for being a douche. This episode was much lewder in general though I suppose. Tit talk, masturbation talk, tit groping. Felt like watching an American Pie movie or something. I actually did think the impotence curse was gonna hit someone else when it flew off too, but when no immediate payoff came I just assumed I was wrong and forgot about it.
May 23, 2021 8:13 AM

Feb 2020
Oh Princess Tillis, why so embarrassed saying that holy password? Well, she left the mission to them? Thats sounds a bad idea!

Bla, bla, Snow had no shame. As expected as a cultured woman like her. Then, Agent Six evil action again, and, well. A fuckin Zipperman strikes again!
Thats all i want to say. Agent Six indeed a pure madlad. Not satisfied enough harassing that demon voluptuous chick, he also harrassing the baldy prince. His dick exposed like a champion in that banquet. Grimm expression fuckin amazing. And, yeah, rip to their kingdom relationship. Lol.

Well, not enough Alice action this time. But her comment replying the scumbag Six always a peak entertainment for me. So, yeah. I think thats it. Next!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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May 23, 2021 8:26 AM

Sep 2019
What the fuck was that topknot lmao. I certainly did not expect to see that but it still made me laugh. Grimm's reaction to his dick was great. I really liked this episode, them trying to seduce the king was funny. "You're using a woman as hostage against a child. I've never respected you more" this scene made me laugh so hard.
May 23, 2021 8:41 AM

Feb 2020
Goodness that was one funny episode! So cringey yet everything landed so smoothly.

the topknot though! Wonder what "parties" Six goes to...
May 23, 2021 9:14 AM

Jul 2009
Question to manga/novel readers:
May 23, 2021 9:30 AM
Apr 2021
kei78 said:
Question to manga/novel readers:

No-no, in two weeks.
May 23, 2021 10:17 AM

May 2016
How old is grimm?
also i thought when i got on that thing he was gonna like rip the guys hair off and show he was bald. i was NOT expecting that. LMFAO
May 23, 2021 10:25 AM
Jan 2020
kei78 said:
Question to manga/novel readers:

It should be in next 2 or 3 weeks
May 23, 2021 10:42 AM

Jul 2015
This episode was probably the best.. all these faces OMEGALUL.. even the Princess had some humor..
this went from 7 to 8/10.. easily!
May 23, 2021 10:49 AM

Nov 2020
It was a good episode, really funny. And, also, was great to see our girls in new outfits
[Translator's note: "Keikaku" means plan]

Just according to keikaku...
-Raito "Light" Yagami
May 23, 2021 10:56 AM

Mar 2008
Grimm and Snow were thirsty this episode .lol

The topknot. I'm fucking dead. lmao xD
May 23, 2021 11:33 AM

Jun 2019
I thought that I was going to watch this anime to the end, but this episode was the one that pushed me to drop it.

Most of the time I watch this show I find myself uninterested save for a few parts in an episode where I blow a little air out of my nose or for a few parts that I roll my eyes at how lazy the writing is.

What really killed this anime for me was that most of it felt uninspired. The voice actors are doing a good job, but aside from thatI didn’t feel any passion coming from this. The art and animation is mediocre at best, the music (aside from OP and ED) is very forgettable, and the writing is a lazy rehash of Konosuba.

It isn’t an awful anime, but it’s not worth my time.
May 23, 2021 11:50 AM
Dec 2018
Loved this episode, incredible how they all separately contrive to create a disaster out of a pretty routine mission. Grimm, Snow and Six managed to completely mess things up.

Heine becomes Six's victim again but her being on a peaceful mission pushed Six over the edge so I suppose she actually won this week, seeing as Grace are now at war.

Alice really is supportive of Six, maybe a bit too much at times. She always blushes when Six does something evil, they really are very close now.

Snow and Heine arguing, Heine is without doubt the more honourable of the two of them, Six wants them in his harem, can see them competing for some time to come. Snow definitely went further to seduce the impotent Prince, she really took her task seriously!

Tillis just needs to say the words and use the water artifact! I'd say the citizens have seen enough strange stuff since Alice and Six showed up so her saying 'dick festival' is hardly going to faze them, even if the king did do a runner.
Gab5May 23, 2021 12:05 PM
May 23, 2021 11:53 AM

Nov 2011
More Heine please. She is the sexiest character in this anime.
Grimm is a close second with Snow being dead last.

They kind of just leave the other Kingdom with the declaration of war on the table to go get a water stone. I guess they decide to put that Tube and War on the back burner for now.
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May 23, 2021 11:59 AM

Jul 2014
Best episode of the series so far, with some remarkable Konosuba energy throughout as Six and co turn a fairly routine diplomatic mission into a complete and utter disaster. I never would have seen the "topknot" coming, but what a gag that was and what a thing to do to end up in a war. Other entertaining moments include Tillis' low-key, adamant refusal to say "Dick Festival" in front of the entire country and determination to do literally anything else to avoid that humiliation and the eventual realisation that Grimm's impotence curse was what caused Engel to act so differently and caused things to fall apart as they did (I'm glad the episode waited until the end before directly spelling that out, as the budding realisation of what Grimm had done made Heine and Snow's advances on Engel all the more entertaining).

Damn, Six has got a big dick.
May 23, 2021 12:18 PM

Nov 2013
mmmmm more sexual harassment yass no but fr a decent episode, agent 6 was lucky not to get cursed with impotency lmao
May 23, 2021 12:40 PM

Feb 2014
Bloody hell, this is probably the funniest episode of this series so far, including one moment I was definitely not expecting whatsoever.

Princess Tillis looked rather cute when she kept shouting "Dick festival!" with no success and voicing how she'll never say something like that in front of her citizens. XD

Thanks to her father being the wimp that he is by running away, Tillis tasked Agent Six and company to go to the neighbouring country on a trade mission for more water and that was where the comedy got into its stride.

Agent Six wasted no time to taking Heine "hostage" in front of the kid demon, Russel, which earned him Alice's seal of approval, although thanks to Grimm's earlier spell, it ended up hitting the crown prince, which made the scene with him as both Heine and Snow used their sex appeal to persuade him even funnier.

However, nothing of the earlier humour would match what Agent Six had in mind, as he should behind the crown prince and unleashed his "Zipperman" skills to its fullest. For a non-hentai show, I was VERY surprised to see, for only a second, Six's actual genitals. Even though it was pixelated, you can see the shape of his dick so easily. What made this even better was the blushing reactions of Heine, Snow and even Rose, but it was Grimm's smiling reaction to it that made me crack up laughing! XD
May 23, 2021 12:42 PM

Apr 2018
Lmao the topknot, man down bad but a chad

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
May 23, 2021 1:01 PM

May 2018
Does that topknot thing suppose to be funny, cu'z if it is, then why am I not laughing ?

So, far, Snow, Grimm and that Demon woman were the thicc-est eyecandy around
May 23, 2021 1:47 PM

Jan 2015
Did I miss something? Why is not Grimm in wheelchair anymore?
May 23, 2021 2:21 PM

Sep 2020
JanPri said:
Damn, I've never seen exposed (although censored) genitals in any non-hentai anime... Even in the most ecchi one.

Same, exactly what I was thinking
May 23, 2021 2:28 PM
Jul 2018
Meh, I know what this anime is trying to be but to me it's just a failed Konosuba copy.. The constant douchebag/wierd behaviour from pretty much all the characters, the constant fanservice that is only sometimes satisfying, the actual plot that is a mess... and then we have those 3 big boobas girls at the end rambling about other things that aren't important...

All of this makes it hard for me to like any character besides Alice which actually has a decent combination between knowledgefull/intelligent and evil... No girl likes Agent Six besides that blue haired with big tits that is barely even showed in the anime... But to make it worse, they are actually "kinda" disgusted by him... And wierdly enough he is "kinda" disgusted by them aswell in certain times, which is confusing as hell. At first I thought that he will be that intelligent harem protagonist that acts stupid/funny at times.... But he is really just stupid and has some wierd fetishes to say the least...

I guess that I'll continue to watch this for the fanservice since it's the only thing that keeps me awake from the boring story... But I'd like to atleast see Agent Six get laid instead of a fatass prince next time...
May 23, 2021 2:36 PM
Jan 2019
begija said:
Did I miss something? Why is not Grimm in wheelchair anymore?

See ep 2, 21:05 onwards

May 23, 2021 3:03 PM

Jun 2017
Major wtf moment with the topknot but at least it was somewhat funny, unlike the literal genital fight this week in the Shaman King reboot which was just plain disgusting.

And what's up with Russel, she looks like a reskinned Rose.
May 23, 2021 3:18 PM

Dec 2016
Criticiza said:

Grimm - Zenarith stop this man from mast********
Agent 6 - If that hit's I'll use you instead


I didn't found any official info only on wiki that she looks about 18-19 years old.
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
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