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❀ ‘ How Did You Start Watching Anime? ₊˚.༄ ೃ -

Jun 11, 2020 4:52 AM

Apr 2019

Hi Guys!


So, as you probably read in the title this topic is about how you started watching anime! Everyone started in a different way and we would love to hear how you got started! You could make it as detailed or simple as you want. Some stories are ofc more epic or simple than others.

Like for me I started watching anime because I saw my brother watched it! And after that I got stuck in an endless YouTube anime hole and never got out. We do have very different tastes in anime now though, so my taste developed through the years to something that is unique to me :D But we can still talk about certain anime's we both enjoy! And now I'm here, about 6 years later.

I challenge you to go next :D
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Jun 11, 2020 9:33 AM

Oct 2018
I started watching anime through a kinda strange way I guess.

Some of you might know of a game called Doki Doki Literature Club, i watched some people play it and i fell in love with the artstyle. I never really thought much of anime but that artstyle was so cute and i loved it (the actual game is horrifying though).

Anyway i discovered initial d and since i love cars, it looked amazing. it wasnt my first anime howeve. that crown goes to Another, which is a strange anime to be your first being a horror BUT i liked it and loved the artstyle. i went on to watch stuff like re:zero and angel beats and fell in love with anime.

I joined a discord server last year to talk about anime with friends and met a bunch of people from the following adventures and i hope to meet more cool people in the future :D
Jun 11, 2020 6:31 PM
Jun 2016
My oldest brother was watching dragon ball z because we had gotten a game called dragon ball z something for our ps2 and then around highschool time i found sword art online and since then tada i am corrupted
Jun 12, 2020 8:32 AM
May 2020
When my mom was younger she was watching dragon ball, sailor moon etc and she showed me these when i was in kindergarten, i liked it so i watched it with my mom. But i didn't know that it was an anime. So i watched my "first" anime *and i knew that it is anime* in 2014 or 2015 bc i saw on youtube amv with Yuno Gasai and i liked it
Jun 12, 2020 12:05 PM
Jan 2020
Ashley (another member of the server) told me about sao when i was like ten and from there i spiraled
Jun 12, 2020 3:55 PM
Mar 2018
I only got proper into anime after I started playing OSU since I thought a lot of the openings were really cool. In the period of time around when I started watching anime, my internet was down so I would spend literally all day just playing OSU and watching steins gate in my breaks. Shit was wild.

tichi taachi miichi no majimun to
yuuchi ichichi no sanshimai
muuchi nanaachi niji no hashi
sora kara shichisei futte kuru
tokidoki samishiku naru to
osora wo miageru no
agijabi yo!
haitai (haitai!)
nan kuruu nai sa
haitai (haitai!)
yasashii ano ko no egao ga ukande kuru
(hai hai hai!)
haitai (haitai!)
haato ga tokun
haitai (haitai!)
hibiku yo
kokoro de tsunagaru yuimaaru waarudo
Jun 14, 2020 9:19 AM
Feb 2020
Shorter answer: my sister
short answer, the first anime i watched was Ponyo, at the time i didn't know what anime was, i just thought it was another movie ( which it was but you know what i mean)
I started watching Pokemon at like 8 i guess (funny thing is even back then i was watching illegally) but i still never heard of Anime.
The person who got me into Anime was my sister, she showed me 2 episodes of attack on titan dubbed (and considering my age at the time i'm surprised i wasn't traumatised) however i STILL never heard the phrase Anime, i didnt even know atot was an 'anime'.

My inner Anime weeaboo really started rolling when my sister would nag me to watch Hunter X Hunter. So i did, i liked it even though i dont think some parts were apropriate for 8 year old me. After that, in a couple of years i would pick up other anime like My hero Academia, One punch man, konosuba, Mob psycho, Jojos and much, much more.

So yeah, i gotta hate my sister and hunter x hunter for turning me into this procrastinating weeaboo mess of a human being

- Towel Man
-Towel Man
Jun 14, 2020 4:56 PM
Jun 2019
i started to watch anime 4 years ago, my friend had a backpack with luffy's bounty poster on it and i asked him who is luffy. he suggested to me to watch one piece and that is how everything began.
Jun 15, 2020 6:40 AM
May 2019
I started watching anime when my sister sent me episodes of 'Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge'. Incomplete episodes tho and then, my classmate that time was a female weeb and interested on the anime I was watching. She then recommended plenty of animes for me to watch and encouraged me to be a weeb like herself lol😂 . And Yeahhh I continued watching anime ever since
Jun 16, 2020 3:57 AM
Jun 2020
so in grade 4 , I was REALLY into miraculous ladybug ( don't ask ) and then I started watch miraculous ladybug comic dubs on youtube then i saw this comic dub , and it went like this ; YASS adrien you are killing the tamaki suoh vibe right now !! * goes to the bath room and there is a picture of tamaki and the picture says: this is how you please the ladys adrien . OK back to the story so then I was like ( in my head ) ho the heck is tamaki suoh ? So I searched him up then I saw the word ouran highschool host club and then I started watching it on youtube . Now you may think that's it well NO ... so then in year 5 it was summer and I was in the pool with the rest of my family. My brother was asking me ; do you know who sanji is ? I said no do you know who nami is ? said no AGAIN do you know who robin is ? I said yea it that guy from the teen titans ! ( now looking back at that I am just so dissapointed in myself . Then he asked if I knew who Luffy was and I said yes it was the guy my brother was always talking about . Then he was like ok then give me an anime character and then I said tamaki suoh ( because at that time I finished ohshc) and he was like did you just make that up ? Then I was like - oh wait this is getting long well what ever then I was like yea it is an anime character and I will prove it ! ( by showing him a picture of him (tamaki suoh )) then a few days later , I showed him a pic of tamaki and then he was like ... like he didn't say anything . Then even MORE days later , he was like do you want to watch one piece together ? he told me a bit about it and then I started watching it then when school started in febuary, I started watching EVEN MORE anime like , luckystar, yuri on ice . my little monster , no game no life and so on ...

Jun 17, 2020 11:38 PM
Apr 2020
I started watching anime when my friend started telling me stories during recess at school. I always found the stories he told funny, weirdly funny, and downright awesome/hilarious. One day when he was telling me a hilarious story, I asked him where he got it from. You know what he said? He told me, "Dude, just watch it. It's called "Idiots, Tests, and Summoned Beings/Beasts". That was my first anime. As he continued telling me stories and sauces, I delved deeper into the anime pit of degeneracy. That's my origin story.
Jun 18, 2020 1:41 AM
Jun 2020
In the arabic country there is a channel in the TV named spacetoon
We watch anime in this channel but in that time i think it's cartoon
Then i go to my mother's phone and write anime because i see this word in that channel in that time i know what anime mean and what's the deffirent between anime and cartoon
Jun 19, 2020 7:26 PM
Jun 2020
I started watching anime because of Detective Conan, I remember watching it when I was 5 and I was completely into it and I'm still watching it to date. Then One Piece came, Yu yu hakusho, Hajime no Ippo, Inuyasha. I didn't really know it was an anime since it was aired on our tv and it was dubbed, so when I learned that detective conan is Japanese I was completely shocked and then I started looking for more anime and stopped watching the ones on tv since it airs one episode a day. I'm 14 now turning 15 and I still love anime
Jun 22, 2020 1:55 PM

Jan 2017
I started watching anime (seriously) in 2016? i guess can't remember correctly, it was some ecchi anime that i again don't remember :D but i knew anime since i was 12yrs old from pokemon, naruto, FMA
Jun 25, 2020 8:54 AM
Feb 2020
My brothers watched anime, and one day we watched Bleach, I got into it and now I'm here watching anime everyday!
Jun 26, 2020 1:25 PM
Jun 2020
Well I was a hater of anime although I haven't ever seen one and I also always said that I would never watch anime and well... Here I am seeing a hundred chapters each week.
English is not my mother tongue sorry if I made mistakes :-P
Long live queen Shiro
Jun 26, 2020 6:41 PM

Aug 2019
I think I really started to watch anime back in 2017-2018. The first animes I really enjoyed watching around this time were Blue Exorcist and Full Metal Alchemist (2003 and Brotherhood). I was first introduced to anime back in 2014-2015, when I watched the Pokemon anime, Sonic X and SAO.
Jun 26, 2020 7:10 PM

Jan 2020
During the summer going into Grade 4, my cousin 'babysat' my brother and I and she showed us Naruto. After, my brother and I watched Naruto together, but at some point, I think when grade 4 started, we started watching separately and I lost interest in anime around episode 105 of Naruto Shippuden. I think I got interested in anime a bit more in grade 5, but really I got into anime in grade 6 when I met a girl in the class beside mine who watched a lot of anime. After that, there were months where I would watch a lot of anime, but then months where I wouldn't. But I think for the past year I have been consistently watching anime!! Thank you cousin, you weren't a great babysitter, but thanks for introducing me to anime:)!!

☆ c h a o s ☆
^ check out my club :)
Jun 26, 2020 7:44 PM
Nov 2019
howdy! I started watching anime in a really weird way because I started reading manga in the 7th grade and it was Death Note, I was borrowing the volumes from a friend and I read a lot of it than didn't have any more volumes to borrow sooo, I went to a library and read a lot more manga, eventually I watched Devilman Crybaby and it was pretty good
Jun 27, 2020 2:29 AM
Jun 2019
It was just last year. I'm still kinda a newbie hehe
So, my cousin has been watching anime quite frequently lately. She even started buying posters and drawing in anime style. That was still acceptable. But what was really driving me mad was her endless talk about it. (such a typical weeb lol)
I was wondering... what's so great about anime?
I told her I wanted to try it too. She mentioned Mirai Nikki. I was like yeah whatever, it's not like I'll be a damn weeboo after that anyway.... dude? I was so wrong lol. That was just perfect. And that was when I started goin' crazy over anime boys lmao
Jun 27, 2020 4:15 PM

Oct 2019
I went to this video store (imagine that) about three years ago and saw Studio Ghibli's movie's on a shelf. Me liking Western animation; I thought the style was attractive and I took out Castle in the Sky. And OMG I was hooked. I watched all of their movies very quickly and then I watched Little Witch Academia for some reason shortly after but then I stopped watching anime until I went to Japan. Now here we are. The first anime I did every watch though was Akira yet I was unaware that it was anime.
Jun 29, 2020 9:26 AM
Jun 2020
I started watching anime thanks to my brother because he was watching Fairy Tail and Bleach and at the time I didn't understand anything about anime.

I thought it looked cool and my first anime was Fairy Tail and it had so many cool and new things for a tv show. I have been watching anime for about a year now and I can't wait to watch even more.
Jun 29, 2020 5:57 PM

Aug 2018
My sister forced me to watch an anime with her and after that I kinda started watching anime regularly and now I'm a fatass weeb

Jul 31, 2020 1:56 PM
Jul 2018
My best friend is an internet friend, and she lives in a bigger place so is more exposed to these kinds of things than what I am, I live out in no-where in Norway ;-;
So she mentioned and talked about some anime series and just anime in general. Then after a while I became interested and watched Attack on Titan as my first anime, she recommended it deeply, and I absolutely loved it

That show was kinda my road into the community :3
Feb 9, 2021 9:21 AM

Oct 2019
Back at 5th grade my bestie and only friend moved to another school :<. After that I got new friends, who just kept talking about this "Attack on Titan" thing. Curious me looked it up and got really hooked into it.
Feb 11, 2021 4:19 AM
Aug 2016
My journey started in high school when my classmate introduced me to some shojo anime. As I always loved drawing and art, it was really easy for me to fall into the great pit of anime. :D Eventually, it led me to love Japanese language, culture, history, etc. so much that I chose to study Japanese Studies at my university and am finishing my BA studies this summer. And now, I can't see myself in any other field of work/study. I still find it fascinating, how watching anime can lead one to their future career path.
Feb 17, 2021 7:23 AM

Dec 2011
Well tbh the first anime that I watch was evangelion in 2001, i was just a little kid so it was an incredible revelation, so amazing, so mature, I loved it, then it was digimon, medabots and all the childhood animes, but I was just a kid so I moved on to the next exiting thing that I found after that..

10 years later, I started to watch digimon again just because I never really finished it so I watched digimon 1 2 and 3.. Later I started to talk to my friends at school about it, and in that conversation, someone mentioned the "real" ending of Captain Tsubasa(the famous no-legs ending) and we just keep talking about anime endings until someone mentioned the School days ending and how "unexpected" it was.. I didnt pay much attention really...

After a few days I was watching videos on youtube and suddendly the "real" captain tsubasa ending video popped up in my recommended videos, so I watched it.. The video was so ridiculous that I even laughed at it, but the next recommended video was the School days endind, I was curious so I watched id... I was so surprised I didnt knew how to react..

And then, the next recommended video... There was where everything actually started, the next video was the one actually made me crazy about anime... "Highschool of the dead - Episode 1"... All the animes that I'd watched until that day were cool and everything, but that anime, was something else, it was so amazing that I couldnt stop watching it until I finished it.. Then I watched Bleach, then I watched B gata H kei, then I watched Dance in the Vampire Bund(one of my favorites anime until this day) and just never stopped...

Im so grateful with HOTD that when I read the news that it was cancelled and never finished I literally cried and my heart is still broken until this day, such an amazing story, it will always have a special place in my heart because without that video, maybe I'd never watched real anime...

It's been 11 years since I started, and Im sad to say I do not watch as much as before, nor I haven't watched as many animes I would've love to.. My love to anime is fading at speed it scares me.. Kono Oto Tomare was the one that actually made me love anime again, but I feel just one good series is not enough to keep going.. I hope you guys never reach to my point where I don't even enjoy the animes I liked the most in the good days...
Akiraa-kunFeb 17, 2021 7:26 AM
Apr 9, 2021 3:43 AM

May 2020
My first anime is pokemon, I watch it when I was young. At that time I didn't know what is anime. The first anime that I watched when I realized what is anime is Naruto(Avatar if you thinks its an anime)

How I started watching anime?? In 2019
When I came home from school, at the time my dad had just finished Avatar the last Airbender Live action movie. My dad didn't enjoy it, so he watched the animated series. After that we watched Naruto. That's the story.
Apr 9, 2021 11:00 AM
May 2011
almost 10 years ago

well grew op with pokemon and digimon.
dragonball z in high school.
but never knew it was anime.

so 10 years ago i saw a classmate in college watching anime.
and curiosity took over and i started to look at what he was watching.
it was interesting, liked the concept (Fairy tail).
later i was watching it together with him.
and i was hooked.

he introduced me to MAL and a site (I watch for free, a bit stingy but yes I am Dutch)
he gave me some good tips. which I follow to this day.

in the beginning it was following his list. see what's fun. and at some point I started searching for anime myself.
I have no specific taste, an anime should appeal to me, interest me, should want to know more about it within 3 episodes.
nowadays i watch some seasonal anime's and love getting recomendations.

last year i got a good friend crazy to watch anime.
and he has also become addicted.

spread the love for anime
Apr 19, 2021 9:37 AM

Nov 2020
Well, I have actually always hated anime (until I didn't :O). My friend did introduce me to AoT and SAO years ago, and I did think AoT looked pretty cool. But I never started watching it.

I don't remember if it was 2019 or 2020, but my first anime was techically Initial D. However I didn't think any different about anime at that time. I only watched Initial D becasue I really like cars and my firend recommended it to me.

Then, last year, I started watching the flash on netflix... Yeah, at that time I still hated anime, but the flash was so incredibly boring that I checked out anime. I decided to watch Darling in the Franxx, which I consider my first anime. Since it was, I, ofcourse, thought it was the best anime ever made. After having watched it 5 times though...

So yeah, I have been watching anime for half a year now and my favorite anime (and manga/LN) is That time I got reincarnated as a slime.
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Apr 19, 2021 10:15 AM
Mar 2021
Man i stumbled upon Prison school on yt as well as inazuma eleven haha...weird start but i guess it got me excited(also not a good word to use when you are talking about prison school). Than i watched anime on yt until i found out what anime is and where to watch it.
Apr 20, 2021 12:20 AM
May 2015
I got introduced to the style by Pokemon and Studio Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service.
Apr 23, 2021 5:52 AM

Nov 2019
My friend all the time talked only about Mirai Nikki and SnK then in August 2019 I gave a try this first and I wasn't really bewitched. In September teh same year we watched together 1st episode of Darker than Black. She never complete it but I started to watching it at home. Next was Death Note, Another (first completed anime ever), Kakegurui and my beloved Yakusoku no Neverland thanks to what I went so into anime community
May 10, 2021 10:40 AM
Feb 2021
i didn't really like anime from the start i never really thought that i whould ever watch Anime, i wasn't intrested in it. ( but now i love anime with all my heart)

my first anime watch naruto, becuase my brother convinced me to watch it, but after i watched about 7 seasons i stopped and moved on with my life (i know i should of finished naruto and to this day i'm sad that i didn't finish it back then)

Until one day i was scrolling on my phone and saw a scene from maid sama after many searching for the anime title and finaly finishing it i started to explore that i started romance genre of Anime

after watching alot of decent Romance animes i moved onto horror anime and mystery and now i back to watching all types of anime ( And... yes.... Finishing Naruto and Naruto shippuden)
( i don't think think that i will ever stop wathing anime)
May 10, 2021 11:34 AM
Oct 2020
My first anime was "My hero academia". I was reading some articles and theories about Marvel's "Strange Academy" and someone in the comments wrote that it's similliar to "My hero academia". I thought that I should watch it, cause I read about it before in some fanfictions on Wattpad. I have no idea what was I reading or why was there anything about animes. I started watching many different animes, but I'm still pretty new to it so compared to others it's probably not a lot.
May 10, 2021 11:54 AM
Jul 2018
My friend said I was too weak in physical strength and needed to watch some violent stuff. I started out with Naruto but nowadays I mainly watch non anime Toho films.
May 11, 2021 10:16 AM
Jun 2020
I started watching anime when I was younger with Pokémon, but I suppose most people watch something like that when they are younger.

The first anime I watched knowing it was actually anime was Fairy Tail because my brother was watching it and I loved the music and the design of the environment and characters. I only recently really got into anime thanks to all of the free time.
May 12, 2021 7:57 AM
May 2021
i randomly saw "the undefeated bahamut chronicle" and WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH my weebnes was born :´}
May 12, 2021 7:57 AM
May 2021
i randomly saw "the undefeated bahamut chronicle" and WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH my weebnes was born :´}
May 17, 2021 8:27 AM
Feb 2021
Just as some background information, I used to be one of those people who said: "Anime is just pictures with the mouths moving, and all they do is fight for 1 episode and talk for 30."

I started out by finding a lewd online game which featured a bunch of characters from many different series, a lot of which were anime. However, the characters that caught my attention were some of the characters from RWBY. After that I ended up checking it out, enjoyed the show and stopped at that.

Suddenly, during one of my lewd crusades, I stumbled upon some 02 fanart from Darling in the FranXX and ended up going through some more pictures. However, after researching the pictures I ended up forgetting about it for a while.

Some time later, I got into PewDiePie and someone posted a Kaguya Sama meme (the "I raised that boy" meme) and I decided that I would check out that show sometime soon (I did not).

About a year passes by and I get my self interested in Doki Doki Literature Club, after which I thought to myself: "Maybe I do like anime". Soon after, I go through some of my saved collection of images and recalled Darling in the FranXX which I stumbled across a while back. I decided to watch it and boy, did my life change. I thought that was the greatest show I had ever seen and spent a couple weeks contemplating my life existence as many others of may have after watching that show. Soon after I remember that Kaguya Sama meme I saved and it all went downhill from there, in a good way.
May 18, 2021 7:16 AM
Jan 2021
I just went on youtube (this is like 2017, when anime was like REALLY popular). and watched a few clips. being the person I am I wanted to watch the whole anime so I watch it on crunchyroll. Then I go to that genre and watch more anime, I find myanimelist and I watch more and more. I think I liked it because it was like a place where I didn't need to think about, but I just watch in in enjoyment not worrying about what is going on around me.
May 21, 2021 6:20 AM

Sep 2017
In 2015 we went to Singapore and at that time my brother was a huge anime fan I think he watched over 800 anime or something but anyway I saw a poster of attack on titan live action movie I was only 11 years old and kept staring at it and thought the poster was really interesting so my brother said that’s attack on titan it’s based on an anime he told me why don’t you try watching it and that is when my life changed , and I’ll tell you something so annoying happened so we traveled from my country to Japan then to Singapore, right after we left Japan I started watching anime and what’s more annoying that we went to universal studios Japan and I say a sign leading to the aot statue I was going to tell my brother let’s go there but cuz I’m stupid I avoided it .
Jan 11, 2022 5:15 AM

Oct 2019
I grew up with it and I guess it just grew within me.
Jan 12, 2022 7:17 PM

Aug 2019
Kinda an odd way, but I played a Gacha game for 4 years called Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle (at the time, I wasn't aware of the concept of a "Gacha Game"), and my really good friend at the time was talking about the One Piece collaboration the game was having. This was probably my first real exposure to anime; however, I remember thinking this exact phrase: "the hecks a One Piece?" This kinda shows my general knowledge at the time, so I at least have a general idea of how long I've been watching. I then watched Dragon Ball Super (yes, I skipped OG and Z idk what kid me was thinking), and I was hooked from there. I must say that watching the tournament of power arc and seeing Crunchyroll break was quite the opening experience! I think my second anime after that was Konosuba so clearly 14 y/o me had his priorities straight ;)
Jan 17, 2022 6:59 AM
Sep 2019
for me when i was a kid there was a TV channel that dubbed the anime into my own language (Arabic) bu didn't complete theme as well as it was prevent things that should not child see theme. So I while i become young i conscious that some anime i watched didn't finished till the end, so i get started watch my first anime and my favourite one in my childhood and still it's dragon ball , and hxh after that one piece and so on
Feb 1, 2022 9:22 AM

Nov 2021
When I was little watching on my TV when it broadcasted such as pokemon , on YouTube when a lot of animes were pirated such as to love - ru , Naruto && many more 🎀🦑
ㅤㅤ࣪◜。 ࣪⊹ ANiMELiST ◜。 ࣪⊹ MANGALiST
Feb 4, 2022 1:12 PM
Jan 2022
HELLO I m from Serbia I m 21years old and I started watching anime 2016.
I started watching them earlier but I dont count ordinary anime like Dragon Ball,Naruto,One piece,Digimons,Yugioh ,...
First anime I watched 2016 was Mirai Nikki(The future diary)
But now I have few Favourite animes like Fullmetal Alchemist,Youjo Senki,SAO(first 2 seasons and Alternative gun gale)Diamond Ace
Feb 17, 2022 2:38 AM
Jul 2018
I started watching animes when a friend recommended me Nanatsu No Taizai. After that, I never stopped , especially after the pandemic, I watched three animes a week xD
Feb 24, 2022 4:15 PM
Feb 2022
One day in 2019 I was watching this cartoon called OK KO Let's Be Heroes. My dad noticed me watching that and thought that I be interested in My Hero Academia. I watched it and instantly fell in love with it and i found out that there was different kinds of anime and i started watching other anime's ever since. And ever since then i mainly watch anime.
Jun 4, 2024 10:55 AM
Apr 2023
I started anime a very long time but I never really thought I was watching "anime" back then. ex: pokemon, yugioh, dragon ball z, fairytail, beyblade, etc. I was really into anime until a friend recommended me watching bleach.
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