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Apr 21, 2021 6:27 AM

Jul 2017
To see Sueharu's family being so star-struck, no wonder he's a child actor prodigy...formerly in name. Even people like Abe-senpai are so inspired...they'd do it to humiliate people like Sueharu. Damn these fascistic perfectionists, and going against Abe with a play for the cultural festival of their own (and involving Shirokusa on the script), hope he succeeds on that front that for now, does exchange contacts on LINE.

Dayum, Sueharu's life is just swarm with girls and only girls outside of school life, but does not have a conscience of his own and always getting teased by Shida...he's no Jouro, that's for sure. But as someone who paved the way before them in acting, you could say that he staged the entire drama from his young days from stardom and into hiatus, what a rollercoaster ride. This aspect reminds me a lot of Imouto sae Ireba Ii. on the early episodes of character development side, but adding the rom-com flare into it.

Still though, what Shida had surmised that Sueharu is walking into Abe-senpai's trap during the Cultural Festival, it could be and then not, who are we to really say. Looking forward to next week's episode at the very least, and keeping the family honor kicking and alive.
Apr 21, 2021 6:30 AM

Jan 2021
I think Abe deserves a punch in the face ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ
Well, I was already expecting them to have known each other since they were kids
Top 10 saddest childhoods in anime..., okey jokes aside, I was touched
I still prefer Kuroha (°◡°♡)
Apr 21, 2021 6:46 AM

Oct 2017
Title of the anime "Romcom where childhood friend won't lose". And then it turns out Kachi is also a childhood friend. Is this going where I think it is lol? If it is then that title's a big bait.

Kuro was freaking adorable yet again, damn we got another kiss bait. Just kiss already, she's perfect gf material.
Apr 21, 2021 6:48 AM

Jul 2020
I won't say the twists weren't obvious but they could have at least done it in a more subtle way xD
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Apr 21, 2021 6:48 AM
Jun 2020
They really accelerate the steps in this episode. The fateful moment will be in the next episode, and I can't wait for it.
Apr 21, 2021 6:53 AM

Sep 2019
Shiro was his childhood friend too lol. Kuro was so cute but I don't think she'd be this cute without her voice, Inorin truly is a blessing. I liked the ED.
Apr 21, 2021 6:53 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm thats an interesting connection to the entertainment industry. To think that Sueharu had that kind of record within the industry when he was active. That was quite the challenge from Abe though. Thats quite the nickname for the Shida sisters. Still handy to have a childhood friend live next door. Cute seeing Kuro get flustered. The reason for Sueharu's retirement from acting though really was tragic. To think that Kachi and Sueharu had such a intertwined past that had long forged the links that he desired for in the present. Overall an excellent ep thats served to expand greatly upon Sueharu and Kachi's characters via insight into their backstory. Curious to see how the play will go though as Kachi's feelings seem to have resurfaced. Pretty catchy ending theme.
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Apr 21, 2021 6:55 AM

Jul 2020
how the hell he didn't recognize her? what is this?
Apr 21, 2021 6:57 AM
Aug 2020
It’s not bad, it just feels like almost all the drama and character reactions are really forced. I did enjoy it more than the first episode though, so I think I’ll stick with it and see how things unfold.

Also the ED is pretty fun. Kuro and Shiro are rather enjoyable to watch.
Apr 21, 2021 7:00 AM

Feb 2018
well most of the storyline of this episode is flashback about the MC, how the MC was in childhood and how the accident made him. Indeed, some scenes seem new and the comedy is also fresh, the dinner scene, the telephone, to the scene in the school health room. Sometimes I'm a little uncomfortable with the MC's actions that always do dogeza, the more you ask, the more meaningless your petition will be, you know. Besides that, the lively scene like about to kiss is also very good, I mean I really like how the MC seduces Heroine, even though it's bear but it's good enough for romance Comedy anime. Somehow you respond to this but, after all, Osamake is growing more and more interesting to watch.
Apr 21, 2021 7:03 AM

Jul 2019
This anime is rly like saekano. AND I LOVE SAEKANO LETS GOOO finally slice of life anime with good plot
Apr 21, 2021 7:08 AM

Feb 2018
that's a big brain move to make both of them childhood friends and give that title, i certainly didn't expect that
Apr 21, 2021 7:17 AM

Mar 2018
Man if this title baited me into thinking Kuro was going to win, but make the winner Machi cause they were also childhood friends I will actually cry.

Pretty cute episode for both of the main heroines and we also get some information regarding MCs past. Mom death kinda weird tho, did she die on set? Why did they even have her walk into the car lol.
Apr 21, 2021 7:18 AM

Apr 2014
todorooo said:
how the hell he didn't recognize her? what is this?

Because at that time, in the past, Shiro has worn short hair with a tomboyish appearance and Haru also thought that Shiro is a boy. Kachi's appearance and personality are totally different when she was young.

There were a lot of animes, manga, a light novel that the male mc didn't recognize the female mc at first because their appearances have been changed from when they were young and the male mc also thought that they are a boy.
Apr 21, 2021 7:19 AM
Oct 2016
This certainly throws a new wrench into things. Both Kachi and Kuro are the childhood friends! Maru has known Kuro since they were little always been neighbors but Kachi he meet a long time ago too! Dropping some crazy reveals this episode, learning about Maru mom why he stopped acting. Really sad to hear about his mom dying while trying to act out a scene. They were both almost in a show together with her finally living out a dream. Definitely makes you feel for the guy more now. It had an effect on Kachi since now she wants to support Maru. Interesting how with their meeting all those years ago leading to her wanting to get stronger to spite Maru. But now she knows the truth and it changes how she feels. I'm glad that Maru is going to act again, think it will be a moment of great growth.
Apr 21, 2021 7:22 AM

May 2018
Much better than the first episode! We get Su-chan's backstory and we see how much Kachi loves him
Apr 21, 2021 7:24 AM

Mar 2019
How to make a childhood friend not losing? Make every girl a childhood friend. More coming as well?!

Dat Abe guy though...poor guy living just for the revenge. Nothing better to do in life.
Apr 21, 2021 7:25 AM

Jul 2020
AkeZZZ said:
todorooo said:
how the hell he didn't recognize her? what is this?

Because at that time, in the past, Shiro has worn short hair with a tomboyish appearance and Haru also thought that Shiro is a boy. Kachi's appearance and personality are totally different when she was young.

There were a lot of animes, manga, a light novel that the male mc didn't recognize the female mc at first because their appearances have been changed from when they were young and the male mc also thought that they are a boy.

I see that's make sense.

Thank you

ps. I said that because young Shiro for me looks like a girl.
Apr 21, 2021 7:27 AM
Feb 2021
honestly this episode was a huge step up from the first. think they cleaned up the stiff animation from the first ep and the story really picked up. we got some backstories and they were surprisingly good. but of course, theres another twist and it turns out kachi is also a childhood friend. im not gonna lie this kind of pissed me off since i hate the same stupid tropey shit in every romcom where the mcs best friend that always has short hair (my favorite) who is always supportive and loving to the mc gets shafted by the long hair elegant beautiful composed whatever the fuck girl.i dont know about you but im tired of seeing the same shit every time. almost enough to make me say that the japanese have a problem with originality. or conformism. lmao funny thing is that its actually true.
Apr 21, 2021 7:30 AM

Feb 2019
Kachi grew on me a lil bit after this episode, but Haru still best girl by a country mile. Of course she’ll lose; because anime logic is first girl=winner. Which is stupid.

There’s actually a really cool and unique story going on here with the MC’s child acting days, death of his mother, etc. nice commentary on the entertainment industry as a whole. I’m pleasantly surprised. Great ep.
Apr 21, 2021 7:47 AM
Jul 2018
todorooo said:
how the hell he didn't recognize her? what is this?
Maybe he thought Kachi was a man when she was a child.
Apr 21, 2021 7:49 AM

Nov 2020
Maaaaan this title is so clickbait. How do you make the childhood friend win in an anime? Easy, just make all the main girls childhood friends... Still looking forward to how the story develops though. Overall this episode was a nice watch.
Apr 21, 2021 7:51 AM

Nov 2011
Yeah, I feel bad for Haru now but at least we know more about him from a character story perspective.

Shirokusa and Haru's relationship will probably be a core part of this show. Characters change including their appearances, for the case of Shirokusa. I must say, this anime (or at least this episode) has a more serious vibe than I had originally thought.
Apr 21, 2021 7:56 AM
Apr 2021
Tsubasavo said:
that's a big brain move to make both of them childhood friends and give that title, i certainly didn't expect that
its annoying cause kuro is better but hes miat likely gonna end up with shiro
Apr 21, 2021 8:00 AM
Jan 2021
todorooo said:
how the hell he didn't recognize her? what is this?
have you tried rembering somone form 10+ years ago after a traumatic imcident
Apr 21, 2021 8:11 AM

Jun 2019
Another cute episode. The OP is pretty good. I'm glad Kachi is helping him out with his drama as well. Felt bad for Haru. So... Shiro was her. LOL
Apr 21, 2021 8:14 AM

Oct 2020
Damn, Abe truly is a devious man. Maru's backstory was pretty sad. Kuro was once again very cute. I still like her a little more compared to Kachi. I can't wait to see more!
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Apr 21, 2021 8:19 AM
Dec 2020
She acted so hard she fucking died. I liked this episode a little more than the first but I'm still not sure how to feel about the series
Apr 21, 2021 8:31 AM

Apr 2020
WTF, technically everyone is his childhood friend. 🤣
Apr 21, 2021 8:55 AM
Sep 2020
Wow... both of them is maru childhood friend

Apr 21, 2021 8:58 AM

Jun 2020
Damn so that's why the childhood friend won't lose.
This anime shit is addictive
Apr 21, 2021 9:04 AM

Jan 2021
Childhood friends eh!?. For some reason this anime looks like Gotoubun no Hanayome
Apr 21, 2021 9:11 AM
Oct 2020
Criticiza said:
I won't say the twists weren't obvious but they could have at least done it in a more subtle way xD

Yeah it was def like turning a switch on and off. Like literally the next ep he's (was) an actor and EVERYONE knows him. The Ice queen girl also warmed up to the MC rather quickly although it actually went over their reconnection over the summer in episode 1 so it gets credit for that. But hey this is more of a comedy then a drama so theres no reason for them to take things Oregairu or Jaku-Chara slow when it comes to development. And I mean the MC is already much more likable then Kazuya given that this is more of a redemption story then coming of age meaning that he's really just trying to get back what he lost 6 years ago.
Cobalt-BlueApr 21, 2021 9:19 AM
Apr 21, 2021 9:13 AM

Jan 2021
This was very great episode, looking forward to next week 😄
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Apr 21, 2021 9:24 AM

Mar 2021
So far episode 2 was the better compared to episode 1 because it explained why Maru act so cowardice in the previous episode and that is probably because of the mental scar he received from the past which either affect directly or indirectly to his present action.

Apr 21, 2021 9:41 AM

Apr 2018
Okay, so the MC's mom did her best Kuzuma's impression
Apr 21, 2021 9:42 AM
Feb 2021
It feels pretty fast paced lmao. It felt like they let out like 20 plot twists in an episode. I still like it so far though.
Apr 21, 2021 9:50 AM
May 2020
Am i the only one that doesnt have subtitles on any kind of new vid? Its so annoying and idk why i dont have them anymore
Apr 21, 2021 9:58 AM

Mar 2020
Kachi is also a childhood friend of Sueharu. Not only that but Sueharu was Kachi's first love, inspiration and fan when he was a child star. Sueharu's past was also uncovered which revealed why he quit being an actor.
Apr 21, 2021 10:13 AM
Apr 2020
Everyone is a childhood friend. Wow. Things did seem forced as others are saying.

The pacing is a definitely fast. Just see how many scenes there were: meeting Abe, asking for script from Kachi, his house date, his acting rehearsal and fainting, the flashback story of his childhood acting and his mother's tragic demise, flashback from Kachi's perspective, Kachi reminiscing on the bridge, and then back to another house date. If I missed something, it proves the point even more.

Basically each episode is like half a season's worth of story. But I kind of like it, dunno why. Will see what the future holds for our mc and his childhood 'friends'. Not dropping as of now.
Apr 21, 2021 11:00 AM
Nov 2019
I'm going to drop this - I'm 99% sure I've sussed the plot and none of the characters have any depth I want to bother feeling about.

penrhosApr 21, 2021 11:06 AM
Apr 21, 2021 11:29 AM

Nov 2015
I really don't like Kuro. She's so manipulative and selfish.

I laughed at Su's mother dying. It was one of the worst death scenes I have seen in a while. She dies because she acted her heart out. The car didn't even hit her. Like wtf
KyleRileyApr 21, 2021 11:38 AM
Apr 21, 2021 11:30 AM

Jun 2019
While this episode wasn’t as gross as the first episode, it still frustrated me to a borderline unreasonable degree.

My frustration has to come from the plot and characters. The plot itself is already a mess with the revenge aspect set up in the first episode being pushed to the side (a good thing) and now there is going to be an act-off at the festival. Trying to juggle all these different characters and motivations severely impacts the cohesion of the narrative. The characters themselves are all dumb or assholes for the sake of being assholes. None of them are likeable.

The naming girls after flowers bullshit that was ripped-off from Oresuki is even more obnoxious in this anime. Between the writing and the numerous other elements this product has ripped-off from other anime/manga, this anime feels very unlikeable.

Sure, it looks good and sounds good, but all those aesthetics don’t make up for trash writing.
Apr 21, 2021 11:42 AM
Jul 2018
So Shiro has loved the MC for a long time, but she was disappointed in the MC because she thought the MC broke the promise they had made when childhood. finally she decided to become a beautiful girl to take revenge on the MC. very cute to see it looks like Kachi really loves MC even she has a doll like Maru LOL. also I wonder how MC past relationship with Kuroha I only know they have been friends since childhood.
Apr 21, 2021 12:45 PM

Feb 2014
I feel bad for saying this, but the way Sueharu's mother died because of her acting too hard was a bit on the unexpected and rather weird side. I still feel sad for Sueharu, though.

What we did learn was that because of his mother's death, he did have some trauma over it which caused him to quit acting and his attempt to get back into acting for the school play caused those memories to surface up again, which rendered him unconscious. It did make for a nice scene between him and Kachi and we also learnt that she does love him as well and that she met him when they were both younger.

In a way, they're childhood friends, but Sueharu and Kuroha's relationship feels more natural and amusing, so I'll ship them for now. Abe, on the other hand, needs a solid punch to his smug face. >_<

Overall, this episode was an improvement over the previous one. I also like the aesthetics of the ED animation and the catchy song, too. =3
Apr 21, 2021 1:03 PM
Sep 2020
ok but, short hair >
Apr 21, 2021 1:07 PM
Dec 2018
Kachi is best girl. Talented and cares for MC. Haru was vindictive and seems more hell bent on holding him back. Kachi wants him to do as well as he can. She's done nothing wrong, she hasn't started a petty revenge plot that didn't concern her. You don't seek revenge on someone just because they start seeing someone else. Haru just appears jealous and so wants to hurt Kachi. She's not doing it for Sueharu. Haru recognised Shiro in the picture and chose to deceive Sueharu.
Apr 21, 2021 1:11 PM
May 2020
Kachi deserves to lose fam. idec
Apr 21, 2021 1:14 PM
Dec 2018
penrhos said:
I'm going to drop this - I'm 99% sure I've sussed the plot and none of the characters have any depth I want to bother feeling about.

Point 1 doesn't happen. Point 2, so so, but the plot keeps returning to her, which is a worry. They may not be the only candidates.
Apr 21, 2021 1:31 PM
Jan 2012
I actually laughed out loud when they showed the flashback of his mom dying. She didn't even get hit with the car, she died because she was so focused on acting?

Her death is literally on par with Kazuma's death from KonoSuba, except it was delivered completely straight, which made it even funnier.
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