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Feb 20, 2021 2:24 PM
Feb 2019
NeonGirl said:
I dont feel like it will turn into bl because bl is diffrent genre, but it could have some romantic scenes unless if Adam will wont do something stupid because yk.

this. It might have been an ok anime without the gay stuff or stuff that hinted towards gay stuff, but it was really a turn off. I'm bi, but like, just keep your shit in your pants you know, it doesnt help develop the plot in anyway and the point of it is to attract shitty fanservice
Feb 20, 2021 3:31 PM
Apr 2012
Well *I* hope this turns into BL. It would be awesome, there's plenty of hetero anime in the world already.

Just two guys romantically liking each other in a sports anime, I like it.
Feb 20, 2021 10:37 PM
Nov 2018
the chances that this turns into a BL is unlikely because they would market it as such in the first place. The characters are also seem to regard each other as friends although some scene ofc have some fujobait added in for some appeal to the girls uk ( which isn't a bad thing btw i love it so much LOL )
Feb 25, 2021 2:42 PM

Jan 2021
SMH at all the homophobes who think they aren't homophobes. There has been explicit heterosexuality in the show (strait kissing) and ya'll aren't mad about that, but you would drop it if it shows boys love? Maybe deal with your internalized homophobia. If you think dodging gay shit is hard, try dodging strait shit. I promise, you'll have it'll be a festival of suffering.

@itcouldbedeep Why do you point out ace? Cherry Blossom's interest in tech? As an ace, I don't consider what I have seen satisfactory asexual representation. It actually seems like it might be poking fun at ace specs. Honestly, after 7 episodes, any of the characters could be ace. That's based on experience and understanding what it means to be ace.

I'd be very happy to see good queer representation in this show. I think it could fit well with the story. It could be so beautiful. Plus, we deserve more queer rep. QUALITY queer rep.
Ryuk is somewhat relatable

Feb 25, 2021 5:01 PM
Dec 2018
BLs are stories focused on romance. At most this would be a shonen where there happens to be a gay character or characters. And for me that would be fine. I want to see more works where a character being gay isn’t their whole personality or the whole point of the show. Gay people can have hobbies and interests and stories outside of their sexuality and I want to see that.
Feb 27, 2021 1:13 PM

Mar 2014
Alrigth calm down guys, the ones who said they will drop this, you're attracting very sensitive BL lovers by the looks of it.

You know the deal, a cast mostly full of men and are getting along (As friends mind you) will always likely be deemed for BL...or Yaoi.

As long as there is still awesome skating and comedy between the cast, what could go wrong. Not likely they would randomly turn the anime into romance genre and focus solely on that....I hope
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Feb 27, 2021 1:16 PM

Aug 2018
If you look at what the director has done before this it is possible that this will turn into bl
_______I like rocks__
Feb 27, 2021 1:30 PM
Feb 2019
StormxNightmare said:
itcouldbedeep said:
Why is gay people existing with hobbies and enjoying their youth with or without having a light element of romance considered unfavorable?

you guys do know that gay people have hobbies right?
a lot of people consider the legend of korra wlw so maybe we don't have to assume that an element of bl would take away from the focus of skating and friendship.

While I completely agree with you, most of the people who said they’d drop this instantly if there was any romantic interest between the characters are most likely either homophobic or afraid to catch the gay/be called gay if they watch a show with same sex romance.

And before anyone who just said that this won’t turn into BL feels attacked: I’m not talking about you (I specifically mentioned the people who announced they’d immediately drop it) and also said “most”.

I personally don’t think it will have any BL elements either by the way, but I also wouldn’t mind if there were any. I don’t care either way, the show is great so far.

are you mentally ill? it's just uncomfortable as fuck to watch
Feb 27, 2021 2:49 PM
Sep 2012
payment said:
StormxNightmare said:

While I completely agree with you, most of the people who said they’d drop this instantly if there was any romantic interest between the characters are most likely either homophobic or afraid to catch the gay/be called gay if they watch a show with same sex romance.

And before anyone who just said that this won’t turn into BL feels attacked: I’m not talking about you (I specifically mentioned the people who announced they’d immediately drop it) and also said “most”.

I personally don’t think it will have any BL elements either by the way, but I also wouldn’t mind if there were any. I don’t care either way, the show is great so far.

are you mentally ill? it's just uncomfortable as fuck to watch

Yeah, that’s called “homophobia”
Feb 27, 2021 2:58 PM
Jul 2017
๐ŸŽต Two bro's chilling at the sk8 park
Five feet apart cos they're not gayyyyy ๐ŸŽต

If they weren't going in on the fujobait before, episode 7 is really leaning in hard to the "when your boyfriend gets cooler friends and your self-esteem take a hit" story beats
Feb 27, 2021 3:11 PM

Feb 2015
payment said:

are you mentally ill? it's just uncomfortable as fuck to watch

No, I'm just not sensitive enough to have a problem with two dudes being in love or kissing, lmao.
It's the same as two girls or a heterosexual couple kissing/hugging/holding hands.
It's not like there would be any sex scenes, so you shouldn't really find it "uncomfortable as fuck to watch" as long as your not a homophobe.

@NihilisticAngst pretty much explained that to you already tho ^^
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 27, 2021 3:15 PM

Jan 2008
I think we need to stop making a big deal about these sort of things.

There are gay characters but a real lack of anime where being gay is not the focus of that character.
Feb 27, 2021 4:27 PM

Aug 2016
I don't think so.
I just see series like this as the opposite side of the coin to, cute girls doing cute things anime.
It's stylist boys, doing stylist things, or something like that.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Feb 27, 2021 5:41 PM

Feb 2020

Feb 28, 2021 6:31 AM

Oct 2017
It's director from Free with a 5 male casts and 0 female cast
What do you expect?
Feb 28, 2021 9:27 AM
Jul 2018
just in my opinion, this show can't be a bl. even if there are one or more canon lgbt characters/couples by the end of the show it still wouldn't be bl, because the focus was never placed on romance. it would just be a sports anime with lgbt characters. if it was bl, it would probably be marketed that way from the beginning and the main focus/plot of the anime would have to be romance between two boys, which it isn't. so yeah, please don't call all anime with gay themes, characters, or relationships bl or yaoi.
Feb 28, 2021 10:04 AM

May 2019
IIT: "I'm not an homophobe, but..." *proceeds to show that they're indeed homophobic*

Back to the topic...

1-Having a gay MC doesn't equal BL, just like having a straight MC doesn't equal romance.

2-Japan doesn't like gay MCs. An example of this is Yuri on Ice where the staff had to be very roundabout about YurixVictor to avoid the censhorship. And how can we forget Banana Fish (same director as Sk8, btw) where the Director wanted the guys to be a couple, but the higher ups said no (we all know what she did on spite, lmao). It's very unlikely that this series will explicitly tell you that Reki or Langa are gay.

3-The director is a pretty well known fujo, so she probably ships Langa and Reki. I don't mind, because their interactions are more wholesome than those of romance anime lol.

Feb 28, 2021 2:40 PM

Oct 2017
Medialuna said:
IIT: "I'm not an homophobe, but..." *proceeds to show that they're indeed homophobic*

Back to the topic...

1-Having a gay MC doesn't equal BL, just like having a straight MC doesn't equal romance.

2-Japan doesn't like gay MCs. An example of this is Yuri on Ice where the staff had to be very roundabout about YurixVictor to avoid the censhorship. And how can we forget Banana Fish (same director as Sk8, btw) where the Director wanted the guys to be a couple, but the higher ups said no (we all know what she did on spite, lmao). It's very unlikely that this series will explicitly tell you that Reki or Langa are gay.

3-The director is a pretty well known fujo, so she probably ships Langa and Reki. I don't mind, because their interactions are more wholesome than those of romance anime lol.

That's the good part of sport anime.
Almost all of them have some sort of intense male x male intimate relationship but usually they'd covered up with the match and goal so normal homophobic people wouldn't despise about it. They make sure those elements are not too explicit (such as kissing/ sex).

Also those sport show's bromance feel more genuine/ real than many of the so-called romance BL yaoi anime, which are mostly completely over the top and exaggerated as far as the actual romance goes.. Also those BL yaoi anime tend to escalate too quickly for the relationship most of the time. (kiss/ developing feeling way too quickly)

There's a "kid oriented show" named Digimon Universe Appmon which the male lead and the side male mc clearly showed to be into each other with lots of memories/ setup / dialogues hinting it, but the show make sure to never cross the line (such as kissing) so normal audience wouldn't oppose to such element. I end up getting presented with one of the best romance I've seen in an anime between males :P. (It's genuine, it feels real, and it's impactful in the end)
Ventus_SMar 1, 2021 12:16 AM
Feb 28, 2021 5:57 PM

Feb 2020
Oh i think Langa and Reki have a cute bromance going on. We don’t know anything about Langa‘s sexual orientation so could be he is gay in canon. I wouldn’t be mad if it turns out that one was in love with the other as long as it focuses on the skating plot. Actually it would be nice to have a queer MC in a shounen anime.
Mar 1, 2021 12:22 AM

Oct 2017
Weebslayerr69 said:
To be honest if this turned into some bl shit I'd drop it instantly, I came here for the skating not to watch two dudes fall for each other.

I always find these kind of comments funny cuz ep2 , ep6 , and ep7 are already gay enough yet some people are in denial that they didn't recognize this as gay :P. (Not to mention Adam being the gayest of all throughout the whole show)
Mar 4, 2021 4:45 PM

Nov 2014
Fruitpie said:
No, this is not BL and never will be. There was one tasteless fanservice episode, but that's all. Reki and Joe are canonically attracted to women, Cherry ideal is Carla who has female voice and female name, Shadow is in love with his female boss and Langa is... Langa. Adam is the only one who's into both genders, but everyone hate Adam anyway.
So just because Joe is flirting with women and Reki trying to flirt with a girl makes them automatically straight? There is something called "bisexual". We ain't sure of Kaoru's and his ideal type of partner, can't just assume he is straight because Carla is a female AI. Definitely sure that Shadow is straight and Langa could bi for all I know, same goes for ADAM.
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Mar 4, 2021 4:51 PM

May 2018
Disgusting, I hope this is just people trolling. This would ruin this great sk8 anime.
Mar 4, 2021 7:34 PM

Nov 2015
Only_Brad said:
Disgusting, I hope this is just people trolling. This would ruin this great sk8 anime.

Boys Love is "disgusting" ? And would ruin it?

HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Mar 4, 2021 7:37 PM

Jan 2017
wsh4d0w said:
I will instantly drop it if that happens, I hate Free because of this kinda gay references, not because I'm against homosexuality but because it just makes the plot annoying.

I don’t see how its any different from an anime having a straight couple though. If it makes the plot annoying but other romance doesnt I would say you are against homosexuality and dont realize it.
you're cool
Mar 4, 2021 7:42 PM

Jan 2017
Kcitkat said:
good lord okay first of all the people saying "I'll drop it if it ends up being BL but I'm not homophobic I just think it will ruin the plot" shut up you are 100% homophobic

Secondly: Yaoi and BL are different. Yaoi is a fucked up sexual genre made to fetishize gay relationships. BL is just gay romance. Also Fujoshi's and BL fans are different. Fujoshi fetishize, BL fans just enjoy gay romance.

Lastly: who cares if it ends up being BL or not?? Yeah it might just be a bromance, or maybe it will end up being BL but like who cares?? It's a good skateboaring anime either way and I'm enjoying the friendship of Langa and Reki and I will be happy either way it goes. Although it would be nice to have more gay representation that isn't specifically made just for the purpose of being gay. Like another comment was saying gay people have hobbies like yeah exactly. Plus a lot of gay anime out there is mostly made for the fujoshi type, so I would love it if anime including gay relationships and lgbt in general would be normalized more. If this anime is set up as a skateboaring anime and then the two mains end up falling in love, but that's not the focus that would make for really great representation,

Yeah honestly Id love to see a decent gay romance out of this, sports are wonderful way to bring people together and build a sweet relationship. Would be refreshing to see I’m tired of all the straight romance cause more or less all the time at this point.
you're cool
Mar 6, 2021 11:11 PM
Mar 2021
wsh4d0w said:
I will instantly drop it if that happens, I hate Free because of this kinda gay references, not because I'm against homosexuality but because it just makes the plot annoying.
you could've just said you were homophobic without making us read your excuse
Mar 6, 2021 11:12 PM
Mar 2021
Only_Brad said:
Disgusting, I hope this is just people trolling. This would ruin this great sk8 anime.
how would it ruin the show?
Mar 6, 2021 11:49 PM

Aug 2008
_devilkrrish_07 said:
I'mma drop if it does

lol, if u watched 80% what point will have, it is ending in 3 eps anyway
and no, it wont happen
chill ppl
The spider is watching
Mar 7, 2021 10:30 PM
Feb 2020
Tbh, it feels like it. The past couple of episodes have become very "two boyfriends in a rut" based.

Not that I don't like BL or anything, I just feel like the romance is unnecessary. I was really excited about this anime because unlike other sports anime like Haikyu or whatever, it wasn't painfully boring. They didn't spend so much time building up characters and barely show the sport until the end. I really really liked that.

I don't mind bromance and all. Though, it feels kinda not needed. I'm sure a lot of people are excited about it

Edit: I also just wanna clarify I don't really watch a lot of romance in general. I'm not a big romantic. I've watched plently of romance stuff before, especially when I was younger. Nowadays, I mostly just read yuri or yaoi whenever I want the "romance" package. (Yeah, I know yaoi isn't BL but I prefer sexual relationships over romantic ones).
JittinxMar 7, 2021 10:42 PM
Mar 8, 2021 2:47 AM
Jan 2021
Did somebody say Yaoi for this anime?? I hope so!! Reki defa needs some love right now!! I agree! There is nothing gay in Free! I guess it depends if the viewer has had any experience in sports that brings a certain intimacy between your team mates. Those who haven’t had such an experience would think that they’re making gay references - but they are not. It’s about friendships and team bonding. Wish viewers can watch these shows with an open mind.
Mar 9, 2021 1:50 PM

Feb 2018
I do get strong vibes from this... I hope it doesn't really comes to that or just stays as brotherly love.

I'm a strong fan of Air Gear and this really fills the gap even if isn't as good. But even AG had BxB smooch but also had a lot of steamy scenes with female characters.
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Mar 10, 2021 4:45 PM
Sep 2020
That's kinda where it feels like it's going? Especially with the way the last episode went.
Mar 10, 2021 5:38 PM

Jan 2020
I feel like it's just good fanservice to trip us lol. So far I feel like it's one-sided, we only know that Langa might have some feelings for Reki, but then again it could be just how much he cares for him as a friend and nothing else. I see it develop into a stronger friendship and them realizing that skating isn't just about winning and losing, or technique, but more about making friends and enjoying the sport with other people. At least, that's where I see it heading.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Mar 10, 2021 5:48 PM
Apr 2018
DRACO238 said:
The director's previous project were Free and Banana Fish.

And if you've seen Banana fish,I think it solidifies your query.

And if you notice the lack of female leads,then it makes even more sense
Ooooooh soo that's why Langa Reminds me of that Yellow Haired guy from Banana fish
*Too lazy to make another signature*
Mar 10, 2021 5:50 PM
Apr 2018
samashi20 said:
I feel like it's just good fanservice to trip us lol. So far I feel like it's one-sided, we only know that Langa might have some feelings for Reki, but then again it could be just how much he cares for him as a friend and nothing else. I see it develop into a stronger friendship and them realizing that skating isn't just about winning and losing, or technique, but more about making friends and enjoying the sport with other people. At least, that's where I see it heading.
I totally agree. I saw it as admiration for Reki because he looks up to him and stuff ( even tho Reki always gets beaten to a pulp on the earlier episodes). Welp there's nothing wrong with BL, I've completed a lot of BL series myself. But seeing a blooming bond/ friendship is also nice to see ๐Ÿ˜Œ
*Too lazy to make another signature*
Mar 10, 2021 6:03 PM
Apr 2018
Ahaha well people please don't get angry if others want to drop this if it's BL. It doesn't necessarily mean they're homophobic, they probably just want to watch it for the sports and for the cool skating + getting to know more people, make friends with awesome skaters+ developing skills without anything mixed in. And they're completely free to do whatever they want. I'm a bisexual and my best friend is gay, and we watched this anime together aha but we kinda wanted this anime to focus on sports and their growing frienship. It's already interesting on its own way
__EyeCandy__Mar 10, 2021 6:11 PM
*Too lazy to make another signature*
Mar 10, 2021 6:48 PM
Jul 2018
honestly i don't know what people are so worried about. we're already 9 episodes into a 12 episode show, so even if they added a romance of any kind, gay or straight, it wouldn't suddenly turn into a "romance" show. it's a sports anime, that doesn't change if a romance is added, and if a minor romance between two guys is enough to ruin a show i don't know what to tell you, you might be homophobic.

but, like a lot of people have said the director is known for fanservice/fujobait that doesn't really amount to anything, so just chill out a little bit
Mar 11, 2021 2:22 PM
Apr 2020
well, sk8 studio is the same as No.6 (it's a seinen sci-fi anime, but there was romance between the two main characters) so i don't think they would be afraid of turning langa and reki canon :v
Mar 12, 2021 12:51 PM

Feb 2018
KatsukiBakugo666 said:
Ahaha well people please don't get angry if others want to drop this if it's BL. It doesn't necessarily mean they're homophobic, they probably just want to watch it for the sports and for the cool skating + getting to know more people, make friends with awesome skaters+ developing skills without anything mixed in. And they're completely free to do whatever they want. I'm a bisexual and my best friend is gay, and we watched this anime together aha but we kinda wanted this anime to focus on sports and their growing frienship. It's already interesting on its own way

Those are some wise words right there.
35 years old ossan who still watches anime
Mar 13, 2021 11:59 AM
Jul 2020
BL or not why does it matter if it is a good anime? Just enjoy it.
Mar 13, 2021 6:46 PM

Mar 2016
_devilkrrish_07 said:
I'mma drop if it does
Same. I genuinely cannot stand homosexuality and that is what made me drop Kuzu no Honkai on 8th episode. It's tiresome to see alot of homosexuality support in games that win awards like Last of Us 2 and some anime as well.
Mar 13, 2021 11:45 PM
Feb 2021
Istg if they don't get together...I'll be so pisses if we all just get queerbaited
Mar 14, 2021 3:58 AM
Dec 2019
OK so time to drop it i dont like gay shit don't get me wrong I'm not a homophobic it just cringe that's all
Mar 14, 2021 4:27 AM

Nov 2014
SPIDEY_rockzzzzz said:
TheOneOfSeven said:
So just because Joe is flirting with women and Reki trying to flirt with a girl makes them automatically straight? There is something called "bisexual". We ain't sure of Kaoru's and his ideal type of partner, can't just assume he is straight because Carla is a female AI. Definitely sure that Shadow is straight and Langa could bi for all I know, same goes for ADAM.
Your signature.... Where did you get that 8-bit version of Persona 5?
I was searching a Persona 5 gif online and found it among the images.
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Mar 14, 2021 4:31 AM

Nov 2014
"I am not homophobic, but..." Look, guys, I can understand why some aren't comfortable with gay stuff in anime without being a pair of homophobes, BUT reading that line makes me think twice and wonder:

"Is it so hard to accept homo stuff in anime as much as you can accept straight stuff?" If you guys wanna drop it, drop it, but don't bring in that "I am not homophobic, but..."-excuse, it's tiring and makes you sound like one.

So what if there are some gay aura in the anime? It shouldn't hurt you, but the sound of many of the replies here makes me think it's hurting their pride, it's not harming the anime, it's harming you and sounds like a you problem. Grow up, you are here to watch skating, yeah? Why should a gay couple stop you from watching? Jesus, it's not even the main point of the anime.
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Mar 14, 2021 6:23 AM

Nov 2015
probablymaan said:
Istg if they don't get together...I'll be so pisses if we all just get queerbaited

2 people don't need to get together to be queer. Langa already said he likes reki. Is that not enough?

And BL anime and manga are usually made for female shippers rather than queer (even if those shippers are lesbians or bisexuals) LOL
HACKs! ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ
Mar 14, 2021 8:26 AM
May 2011
SPIDEY_rockzzzzz said:
_devilkrrish_07 said:
I'mma drop if it does
Same. I genuinely cannot stand homosexuality .

Wtf is it really that serious?

And I find this thread hilarious considering adman is flaming and all the Adam and Eve references between him and Langa.
Mar 14, 2021 8:32 AM
May 2011
Medialuna said:
IIT: "I'm not an homophobe, but..." *proceeds to show that they're indeed homophobic*

3-The director is a pretty well known fujo, so she probably ships Langa and Reki. I don't mind, because their interactions are more wholesome than those of romance anime lol.

I didn't know this. I love her now. We need more cute boys doing cute things
Mar 14, 2021 12:03 PM

Mar 2016
xSugarBits said:
SPIDEY_rockzzzzz said:
Same. I genuinely cannot stand homosexuality .

Wtf is it really that serious?

And I find this thread hilarious considering adman is flaming and all the Adam and Eve references between him and Langa.
I have only seen ep.1, but if it hints to BL, I'm out.
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