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Attack on Titan
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Feb 19, 2021 4:10 PM
Dec 2020
Blackkatsu001 said:
Have you guys seen jjk episode 19 ? it's really sad that AOT is just a side project for mappa and it's not getting the same godlike treatment as jujutsu. :(

This just makes me less nervous for Chainsaw Mans adaptation.
Feb 19, 2021 4:12 PM
Dec 2020
Zprotu said:
Kaasfondue said:
Are you telling me the super-cuts from Imai don't completely blow anything JJK has done out of the water? I definitely disagree with that.

You are overselling JJK's visuals imo. While the animation is good it's not ''insane'', and who cares with that poor camerawork and ugly ass CGI backgrounds it has most of the time anyway. JJK peaked in episode 2.

JJK's action scenes are average sloppy blowjobs, not veteran hooker blowjobs.

Looking good visually ain't the same thing as having great animation although it is possible for both to happen at the same time (With the Imai super cuts in AOT for example). I agree that visually JJK is not anything special but its week to week animation, in general, is really smooth and in the fight scenes the amount of sakuga can be considered insane, while the only time we've really seen insane animation in AOT has been with the Imai supercuts but the reason they look better is that they are also insane with everything else in terms of art. I was speaking strictly on animation and sakuga while you are also bringing up other aspects of art if you know what I mean.

TLDR: AOT looks amazing but strictly speaking sakuga wise JJK takes the cake compared to everything bar the Imai cuts.

And then you have AOT s1 level of sakuga. Imai, Ebara, Ebisu and a lot of very talented freelancers.
Feb 19, 2021 4:14 PM
Dec 2020
Alright here’s the truth JJK looked great today as it has many times before. MAPPAs AOT is probably not going to have any juicy sakuga like this. A few high frame scenes here and there but nothing on the level of JJKs complexity. Also JJK a looked great but still not on the complexity of WITs AOT. I still think that WIT has a large amount of sakuga in just its 59 episodes. See here:
Feb 19, 2021 4:27 PM
May 2019
ArthurBragg said:
Alright here’s the truth JJK looked great today as it has many times before. MAPPAs AOT is probably not going to have any juicy sakuga like this. A few high frame scenes here and there but nothing on the level of JJKs complexity. Also JJK a looked great but still not on the complexity of WITs AOT. I still think that WIT has a large amount of sakuga in just its 59 episodes. See here:

Aot s1 still better (but s2 is above it)

JJk animation is nice too but the characters design is so simple so they can all out for the animation. meanwhile aot design is so complex.
just think about 3dmg gear.

as we know wit animation style back then was very detailed (Thick borderline,light shade on character, complex detail) but after season 2 the quality is dropping drastically.
and now they had military stuff + massive war
+ collosal titans

look at that new 3dmg.that detail will torture everyone who gonna animate it
Hiro4ka11Feb 19, 2021 4:48 PM
Feb 19, 2021 4:35 PM
Dec 2020
Hiro4ka11 said:
ArthurBragg said:
Alright here’s the truth JJK looked great today as it has many times before. MAPPAs AOT is probably not going to have any juicy sakuga like this. A few high frame scenes here and there but nothing on the level of JJKs complexity. Also JJK a looked great but still not on the complexity of WITs AOT. I still think that WIT has a large amount of sakuga in just its 59 episodes. See here:

Aot s1 still better (but s2 is above it)

JJk animation is nice too but the characters design is so simple so they can all out for the animation. meanwhile aot design is so complex.
just think about 3dmg gear.

as we know wit animation style back then was very detailed (Thick borderline,light shade on character, complex detail) but after season 2 the quality is dropping drastically.
and now they had military stuff + massive war
+ million collosal titan incoming
I would actually say that season 2 and 3 have some of the nicer animated parts. The transformations in season 2 and some of the ODM scenes in season 2 are really dynamic and with high frame counts. Season 3 does have less Sakuga but when it does, for example the Levi vs Kenny scene, it’s absolutely mind blowing that someone was able to think of that leg alone a team animating it. Also the battle of shiganshina has some of the most complex scenes when it comes to animation. Sure there are less of them but when they come the detail is insane. The frame counts are inane. The camera movements are insane. Levi vs Beast Titan was absolutely insane. Sure it was short but it did what it needed to do. There were some moments in the Marley arc where only a short amount of sakuga was needed to really elevate a scene to its maximum potential. Also with the time and effort put into season 1 I feel like the final arc could be done. Though unlikely as this production team is really pushed for time. I will say that JJK really impressed me today because of how consistent the animation was. The whole episode was filled with some really framy moments. Though I think the direction could’ve been more dynamic. This is why WITs attack on Titan impresses me so much.
Feb 19, 2021 4:36 PM

Sep 2020

Can you spoiler tag the incoming stuff so you don't spoil the anime-onlies of AOT lurking here?
Feb 19, 2021 4:45 PM
May 2019
Zprotu said:

Can you spoiler tag the incoming stuff so you don't spoil the anime-onlies of AOT lurking here?
don't worry i
ArthurBragg said:
Hiro4ka11 said:

Aot s1 still better (but s2 is above it)

JJk animation is nice too but the characters design is so simple so they can all out for the animation. meanwhile aot design is so complex.
just think about 3dmg gear.

as we know wit animation style back then was very detailed (Thick borderline,light shade on character, complex detail) but after season 2 the quality is dropping drastically.
and now they had military stuff + massive war
+ million collosal titan incoming
I would actually say that season 2 and 3 have some of the nicer animated parts. The transformations in season 2 and some of the ODM scenes in season 2 are really dynamic and with high frame counts. Season 3 does have less Sakuga but when it does, for example the Levi vs Kenny scene, it’s absolutely mind blowing that someone was able to think of that leg alone a team animating it. Also the battle of shiganshina has some of the most complex scenes when it comes to animation. Sure there are less of them but when they come the detail is insane. The frame counts are inane. The camera movements are insane. Levi vs Beast Titan was absolutely insane. Sure it was short but it did what it needed to do. There were some moments in the Marley arc where only a short amount of sakuga was needed to really elevate a scene to its maximum potential. Also with the time and effort put into season 1 I feel like the final arc could be done. Though unlikely as this production team is really pushed for time. I will say that JJK really impressed me today because of how consistent the animation was. The whole episode was filled with some really framy moments. Though I think the direction could’ve been more dynamic. This is why WITs attack on Titan impresses me so much.

Kenny chase levi is good (but in first half)
after that 3dmg scene is a bit awfull.
for example battle in the cafe (levi squad vs kenny squad) in season 3 3dmg animation seems like the rope is very long because they are talking very long in mid air (just like Naruto running on the tree forest scene) and mostly it just still image with moving background + gass effects
Feb 19, 2021 4:47 PM
May 2019
Zprotu said:

Can you spoiler tag the incoming stuff so you don't spoil the anime-onlies of AOT lurking here?
don't worry. i only cover stuff until current aot episode.

thank you for remind me
Feb 19, 2021 4:49 PM
Jul 2019
MappaPrefersJJK said:
Hahaha let's gooo

You're already showing a bad part of the jjk fanbase. Don't get so cocky
Feb 19, 2021 5:02 PM
Dec 2020
Hiro4ka11 said:
Zprotu said:

Can you spoiler tag the incoming stuff so you don't spoil the anime-onlies of AOT lurking here?
don't worry i
ArthurBragg said:
I would actually say that season 2 and 3 have some of the nicer animated parts. The transformations in season 2 and some of the ODM scenes in season 2 are really dynamic and with high frame counts. Season 3 does have less Sakuga but when it does, for example the Levi vs Kenny scene, it’s absolutely mind blowing that someone was able to think of that leg alone a team animating it. Also the battle of shiganshina has some of the most complex scenes when it comes to animation. Sure there are less of them but when they come the detail is insane. The frame counts are inane. The camera movements are insane. Levi vs Beast Titan was absolutely insane. Sure it was short but it did what it needed to do. There were some moments in the Marley arc where only a short amount of sakuga was needed to really elevate a scene to its maximum potential. Also with the time and effort put into season 1 I feel like the final arc could be done. Though unlikely as this production team is really pushed for time. I will say that JJK really impressed me today because of how consistent the animation was. The whole episode was filled with some really framy moments. Though I think the direction could’ve been more dynamic. This is why WITs attack on Titan impresses me so much.

Kenny chase levi is good (but in first half)
after that 3dmg scene is a bit awfull.
for example battle in the cafe (levi squad vs kenny squad) in season 3 3dmg animation seems like the rope is very long because they are talking very long in mid air (just like Naruto running on the tree forest scene) and mostly it just still image with moving background + gass effects
Again I think it’s the defining moments that matter. A system like ODM aid hard to animate so when they can they simplify it then I’m fine with it. I think WIT shows look good enough that when the animation is just normal it’s fine. I think seasons 2 and 3s sakuga moments outshine season 1. Season 1 overall is the best animated as it’s a lot more consistent but seasons 2 and 3 still look great it’s just mainly because of the shows general aesthetic. Lines look sharper and colours are more distinct in the later seasons. Character models also look their best. So I feel like it’s a pretty good trade off. Season 1: characters look pretty good animation is great throughout. Season 3: characters look the best out of all the seasons and the animation is amazing but only for the defining moments (main fights etc). Unfortunately MAPPAs AOT doesn’t really have any trade off. The characters look very off model and some of the character designs look kind of questionable. Obviously the animation isn’t amazing either and we have had no defining sakuga moments. Also there is almost a blurry filter over the whole show which kind of ruins the effect of MAPPAs line art. The colours are also a lot more blended together rather than very contrasty with WIT. This makes it harder to see the detail put into the drawings.
Feb 19, 2021 5:17 PM
May 2019
ArthurBragg said:
Hiro4ka11 said:
don't worry i

Kenny chase levi is good (but in first half)
after that 3dmg scene is a bit awfull.
for example battle in the cafe (levi squad vs kenny squad) in season 3 3dmg animation seems like the rope is very long because they are talking very long in mid air (just like Naruto running on the tree forest scene) and mostly it just still image with moving background + gass effects
Again I think it’s the defining moments that matter. A system like ODM aid hard to animate so when they can they simplify it then I’m fine with it. I think WIT shows look good enough that when the animation is just normal it’s fine. I think seasons 2 and 3s sakuga moments outshine season 1. Season 1 overall is the best animated as it’s a lot more consistent but seasons 2 and 3 still look great it’s just mainly because of the shows general aesthetic. Lines look sharper and colours are more distinct in the later seasons. Character models also look their best. So I feel like it’s a pretty good trade off. Season 1: characters look pretty good animation is great throughout. Season 3: characters look the best out of all the seasons and the animation is amazing but only for the defining moments (main fights etc). Unfortunately MAPPAs AOT doesn’t really have any trade off. The characters look very off model and some of the character designs look kind of questionable. Obviously the animation isn’t amazing either and we have had no defining sakuga moments. Also there is almost a blurry filter over the whole show which kind of ruins the effect of MAPPAs line art. The colours are also a lot more blended together rather than very contrasty with WIT. This makes it harder to see the detail put into the drawings.
ArthurBragg said:
Hiro4ka11 said:
don't worry i

Kenny chase levi is good (but in first half)
after that 3dmg scene is a bit awfull.
for example battle in the cafe (levi squad vs kenny squad) in season 3 3dmg animation seems like the rope is very long because they are talking very long in mid air (just like Naruto running on the tree forest scene) and mostly it just still image with moving background + gass effects
Again I think it’s the defining moments that matter. A system like ODM aid hard to animate so when they can they simplify it then I’m fine with it. I think WIT shows look good enough that when the animation is just normal it’s fine. I think seasons 2 and 3s sakuga moments outshine season 1. Season 1 overall is the best animated as it’s a lot more consistent but seasons 2 and 3 still look great it’s just mainly because of the shows general aesthetic. Lines look sharper and colours are more distinct in the later seasons. Character models also look their best. So I feel like it’s a pretty good trade off. Season 1: characters look pretty good animation is great throughout. Season 3: characters look the best out of all the seasons and the animation is amazing but only for the defining moments (main fights etc). Unfortunately MAPPAs AOT doesn’t really have any trade off. The characters look very off model and some of the character designs look kind of questionable. Obviously the animation isn’t amazing either and we have had no defining sakuga moments. Also there is almost a blurry filter over the whole show which kind of ruins the effect of MAPPAs line art. The colours are also a lot more blended together rather than very contrasty with WIT. This makes it harder to see the detail put into the drawings.

I disagree.

MAPPA character design are upgrade than s3.
my complain is just the lighting. its too dark
the animation too.i have many complain on season 3 because its lack of animation
wit using lots of still image. but in s4 they using animation even in dialogue scene(episode 2)
also wit can't handle massive crowd animations. but mappa grisha childhood flashback to current marley arc.
if necessary go back to Berthold S3pt2 transformation scene when they show up hanji squad charge to dying reiner. it just image with 3dmg gass sound.

for me animation is an upgrade (but if you don't gave cgi allergy)
Feb 19, 2021 5:20 PM
May 2019
for me from best to not in terms of quality =

Feb 19, 2021 5:21 PM
Dec 2020
Hiro4ka11 said:
ArthurBragg said:
Again I think it’s the defining moments that matter. A system like ODM aid hard to animate so when they can they simplify it then I’m fine with it. I think WIT shows look good enough that when the animation is just normal it’s fine. I think seasons 2 and 3s sakuga moments outshine season 1. Season 1 overall is the best animated as it’s a lot more consistent but seasons 2 and 3 still look great it’s just mainly because of the shows general aesthetic. Lines look sharper and colours are more distinct in the later seasons. Character models also look their best. So I feel like it’s a pretty good trade off. Season 1: characters look pretty good animation is great throughout. Season 3: characters look the best out of all the seasons and the animation is amazing but only for the defining moments (main fights etc). Unfortunately MAPPAs AOT doesn’t really have any trade off. The characters look very off model and some of the character designs look kind of questionable. Obviously the animation isn’t amazing either and we have had no defining sakuga moments. Also there is almost a blurry filter over the whole show which kind of ruins the effect of MAPPAs line art. The colours are also a lot more blended together rather than very contrasty with WIT. This makes it harder to see the detail put into the drawings.
ArthurBragg said:
Again I think it’s the defining moments that matter. A system like ODM aid hard to animate so when they can they simplify it then I’m fine with it. I think WIT shows look good enough that when the animation is just normal it’s fine. I think seasons 2 and 3s sakuga moments outshine season 1. Season 1 overall is the best animated as it’s a lot more consistent but seasons 2 and 3 still look great it’s just mainly because of the shows general aesthetic. Lines look sharper and colours are more distinct in the later seasons. Character models also look their best. So I feel like it’s a pretty good trade off. Season 1: characters look pretty good animation is great throughout. Season 3: characters look the best out of all the seasons and the animation is amazing but only for the defining moments (main fights etc). Unfortunately MAPPAs AOT doesn’t really have any trade off. The characters look very off model and some of the character designs look kind of questionable. Obviously the animation isn’t amazing either and we have had no defining sakuga moments. Also there is almost a blurry filter over the whole show which kind of ruins the effect of MAPPAs line art. The colours are also a lot more blended together rather than very contrasty with WIT. This makes it harder to see the detail put into the drawings.

I disagree.

MAPPA character design are upgrade than s3.
my complain is just the lighting. its too dark
the animation too.i have many complain on season 3 because its lack of animation
wit using lots of still image. but in s4 they using animation even in dialogue scene(episode 2)
also wit can't handle massive crowd animations. but mappa grisha childhood flashback to current marley arc.
if necessary go back to Berthold S3pt2 transformation scene when they show up hanji squad charge to dying reiner. it just image with 3dmg gass sound.

for me animation is an upgrade (but if you don't gave cgi allergy)
Im not one to complain about the cgi. I feel like it’s the least of the issues I have with this season. Except for when it’s used on people. Yes the animation when it comes to dialogue is an upgrade but are you really sure about the character designs. For example they have just changed Levi’s bone structure in his face and they have completely changed mikasas literal whole bone structure. She’s literally a different build. Her nose looks way different and as a matter of fact that has a large effect on the differences between people’s faces. Season 3 looked so polished but season 4 just doesn’t have that same polish. Especially for a show like AOT.
Feb 19, 2021 5:24 PM
Nov 2020
Blackkatsu001 said:
MappaPrefersJJK said:
Hahaha let's gooo

Don't get cocky, Chainsaw man is coming and mappa soon gonna prioritise it over jujutsu.
its not coming anytime soon. There's a lot of time for them to start production process
Feb 19, 2021 5:27 PM

Aug 2020
AOT Season 4 has better animation then JJK

you're just ungrateful haters

thank you mappa for your hard work
Feb 19, 2021 5:33 PM
May 2019
ArthurBragg said:
Hiro4ka11 said:

I disagree.

MAPPA character design are upgrade than s3.
my complain is just the lighting. its too dark
the animation too.i have many complain on season 3 because its lack of animation
wit using lots of still image. but in s4 they using animation even in dialogue scene(episode 2)
also wit can't handle massive crowd animations. but mappa grisha childhood flashback to current marley arc.
if necessary go back to Berthold S3pt2 transformation scene when they show up hanji squad charge to dying reiner. it just image with 3dmg gass sound.

for me animation is an upgrade (but if you don't gave cgi allergy)
Im not one to complain about the cgi. I feel like it’s the least of the issues I have with this season. Except for when it’s used on people. Yes the animation when it comes to dialogue is an upgrade but are you really sure about the character designs. For example they have just changed Levi’s bone structure in his face and they have completely changed mikasas literal whole bone structure. She’s literally a different build. Her nose looks way different and as a matter of fact that has a large effect on the differences between people’s faces. Season 3 looked so polished but season 4 just doesn’t have that same polish. Especially for a show like AOT.

oh if that case it is not off model.
we all know there's 3 years timeskip everyone has new appearance.
mikasa is still the same.the scene you pick is from moving scene so it won't get the point.(well literally all anime nose is that's why anime has colorful hair and eye to made difference).
manga reader back then is complain about it too. new mikasa isn't too appealing

I don't know about levi. he still looks same but better (even he is already 30years old)

for better reference and shoot. check episode 9-10.
for past and then comparison.

oh there's one offmodel. its floch.
Feb 19, 2021 5:38 PM
Dec 2020
Hiro4ka11 said:
ArthurBragg said:
Im not one to complain about the cgi. I feel like it’s the least of the issues I have with this season. Except for when it’s used on people. Yes the animation when it comes to dialogue is an upgrade but are you really sure about the character designs. For example they have just changed Levi’s bone structure in his face and they have completely changed mikasas literal whole bone structure. She’s literally a different build. Her nose looks way different and as a matter of fact that has a large effect on the differences between people’s faces. Season 3 looked so polished but season 4 just doesn’t have that same polish. Especially for a show like AOT.

oh if that case it is not off model.
we all know there's 3 years timeskip everyone has new appearance.
mikasa is still the same.the scene you pick is from moving scene so it won't get the point.(well literally all anime nose is that's why anime has colorful hair and eye to made difference).
manga reader back then is complain about it too. new mikasa isn't too appealing

I don't know about levi. he still looks same but better (even he is already 30years old)

for better reference and shoot. check episode 9-10.
for past and then comparison.

oh there's one offmodel. its floch.
The characters look very off model to even the MAPPA promotional material. They also just aren’t as precise and accurate with their drawings. A lot of the scenes where I think the characters look bad are when they are literally in frame in a still image.
Feb 19, 2021 5:38 PM

Aug 2019
To be fair to MAPPA, they have done an outstanding job with JJK.

I'm still not feeling the story at all, and feel nothing towards most of the characters, but the fight sequences are all extremely well choreographed.

If only they had an OST worthy of all these HQ episodes they're churning out.
Feb 19, 2021 5:50 PM
Apr 2020
xenosys said:
To be fair to MAPPA, they have done an outstanding job with JJK.

I'm still not feeling the story at all, and feel nothing towards most of the characters, but the fight sequences are all extremely well choreographed.

If only they had an OST worthy of all these HQ episodes they're churning out.
This. Idk why but I’m not invested in the characters or the story at all. I just watch it because it’s entertaining and bc of the fight scenes. There are some nice likeable characters like Maki or Gojo but besides those I am not feeling the story
Feb 19, 2021 5:53 PM

Nov 2016
xenosys said:
If only they had an OST worthy of all these HQ episodes they're churning out.

That's indeed still missing and it would be the icing on the cake. The OST's so far have been mostly serviceable, I could vibe with some of them, but only "Yuji's Rage" was really able to gave me chills.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 19, 2021 5:54 PM

Apr 2013
I mean JJK has better art and is better animated than season1-3 of AOT as well. These threads are just redundant tbh.
Feb 19, 2021 5:59 PM
Dec 2020
Sourire said:
I mean JJK has better art and is better animated than season1-3 of AOT as well. These threads are just redundant tbh.
Are you tripping. Did you not see the level of detail in WITs attack on Titan. JJK looks great but it does not have the level of detail as WIT
Feb 19, 2021 6:05 PM

Aug 2019
Sourire said:
I mean JJK has better art and is better animated than season1-3 of AOT as well. These threads are just redundant tbh.

You are correct. They are redundant and was created just to rile up Attack on Titan fans.
Feb 19, 2021 6:11 PM

Aug 2019
FMmatron said:
xenosys said:
If only they had an OST worthy of all these HQ episodes they're churning out.

That's indeed still missing and it would be the icing on the cake. The OST's so far have been mostly serviceable, I could vibe with some of them, but only "Yuji's Rage" was really able to gave me chills.

Yep, if it truly wants a Demon-slayer like episode, it needs to have an OST that hooks you and connects everything together. The OP/ED are great, the rest of it is just meh.
Feb 19, 2021 6:11 PM
Oct 2020
If they were given enough time like JJK, yeah, this season would be much much much more banger than currently being a banger rn.
Feb 19, 2021 6:21 PM

Nov 2016
xenosys said:
FMmatron said:

That's indeed still missing and it would be the icing on the cake. The OST's so far have been mostly serviceable, I could vibe with some of them, but only "Yuji's Rage" was really able to gave me chills.

Yep, if it truly wants a Demon-slayer like episode, it needs to have an OST that hooks you and connects everything together. The OP/ED are great, the rest of it is just meh.

As far as this season is concerned. If not next episode, then never.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 19, 2021 6:55 PM

Jan 2020
I don't think we should compare here. The drawing style, the art, the action, it's all very different in my opinion. You people really try to make it sound that animating AOT is THAT easy. It's not.

Besides, JJk is pretty new, so if they f'ed up the animation, it would be over for it. And the schedule on JJK is a lot more lenient than AOT schedule. If we want to blame someone, it'd be the person that thought 10 months were enough to animate a 16 episode season.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Feb 19, 2021 7:08 PM
Feb 2021
Mappa are doing well with those season the animation really is not that bad. It still look incredible dispute the short time they have been given to produce it. It may not be Levi vs Beast Titan quality but it’s u reasonable to expect that for more then a few scenes. People will always hate on it no matter what. Just enjoy this fantastic anime we have.
Feb 19, 2021 7:13 PM
Feb 2021
Meh, although it has good animation I could care less about the characters or the story of JJK.
Feb 19, 2021 7:26 PM
Oct 2017
ReegrezSNK said:
We are more lucky cuz we like better anime, god blessed us with higher intelligence.
dude you are no better than anyone just because you like a different anime, i hope you were joking there
Feb 19, 2021 7:39 PM

Dec 2020
AoT is so clear of JJK production wise 😭😭😭.
Sure JJK moves well... but it looks ugly and inconsistent as hell. Glad we actually got a functional team.
Feb 19, 2021 8:27 PM
Mar 2020
Don't get me wrong or consider this hateful towards jjk but that's all the more reason I'll never watch jjk, it always reminds me of all the corners they had to cut for AOT...
Feb 19, 2021 8:32 PM

Feb 2021
Who cares both are garbage 🤢
Feb 19, 2021 8:36 PM

Dec 2013
Attack on Titan still has it a lot better than most shows do.
Feb 19, 2021 8:36 PM
Jan 2021
badmintona said:
GoZha said:
MAPPA is doing their best with the production schedule they have

People like you are the reason why AOT s4 sucks.
that makes absolutely no sense. AoT S4 isn’t even close to being bad. It’s a near masterpiece. I bet the only reason why you think it sucks is because of the “bad” cgi
Feb 19, 2021 8:39 PM

Jan 2020
That jjk episode was amazing

Feb 19, 2021 10:11 PM
Jul 2018
Blackkatsu001 said:
Have you guys seen jjk episode 19 ? it's really sad that AOT is just a side project for mappa and it's not getting the same godlike treatment as jujutsu. :(

I'm watching both and idk what you're talking about. Both are God tier(aot as in anime and animation but jjk in only animation,overall anime is 7/10). Mappa nailed it in both anime. Idk what's the fuss. (The only episode that I think was off was ep 6 in aot)
Feb 19, 2021 10:21 PM

Oct 2013
GoZha said:
MAPPA is doing their best with the production schedule they have

Indeed. I was very surprised after hearing that AoT Season 4 encountered some problems in the process of production. MAPPA did something incredible: despite having problems with the production schedule, they managed to create something looking good enough to a point that I would never think there were any problems at all.

@Hiro4ka11 , @L0sMichal0s - can't agree agree. Those scene made with techniques you have mentioned in your posts not only made this show looking special and even better, but also enriched it with some features that are not commonly seen in many animes.
Feb 19, 2021 11:10 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
FMmatron said:
AoT had it's moment of greatness and at one point(hopefully after Shibuya Incident) the quality in Jujutsu will drop hard as well.

That said, AoT fans are overall still damn lucky.

Just look at One Piece and be grateful for what you have.
Dude, OP's treatment by Toei is not even bad considering how bad other long-running shows look, tsk tsk Black Clover. And I bet you, if OP were to be seasonal, it would look way better since you know how big One Piece actually is and how much revenue it rakes in.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Feb 19, 2021 11:14 PM
Jan 2019
Nostalgik said:
I'll explain

Jujutsu is a battle shounen with fights EVERY damn episode, it NEEDS great animation to be memorable because that's its main appeal.

AoT is a war drama, it needs good writing, directing and art. That's it
exactly on point there not much going for jjk in story department, therefore it needs to look as fancy as it can. On the other hand we have aot with such a masterpiece story that it won't be needing anything it's story is gonna carry it nevertheless.
Feb 19, 2021 11:51 PM

Oct 2017
Blame the producers for rushing the schedule, it's not MAPPA's fault afaik.
Feb 20, 2021 12:07 AM
Oct 2018
I love both sm but yeah jjk is definitely getting animated better. Makes me sad :’(
Feb 20, 2021 12:28 AM
Nov 2019
MappaPrefersJJK said:
Hahaha let's gooo

Lucky bastard, wish I could be in your shoes. I should have read the fucking JJK manga when it was fresh.
Feb 20, 2021 2:19 AM

Dec 2018
Elyxx said:
ReegrezSNK said:
We are more lucky cuz we like better anime, god blessed us with higher intelligence.
dude you are no better than anyone just because you like a different anime, i hope you were joking there

Of course I did XD But in these kind of threads joking is the only way.
Feb 20, 2021 2:23 AM

Dec 2018
cchigu said:
FMmatron said:
AoT had it's moment of greatness and at one point(hopefully after Shibuya Incident) the quality in Jujutsu will drop hard as well.

That said, AoT fans are overall still damn lucky.

Just look at One Piece and be grateful for what you have.
Dude, OP's treatment by Toei is not even bad considering how bad other long-running shows look, tsk tsk Black Clover. And I bet you, if OP were to be seasonal, it would look way better since you know how big One Piece actually is and how much revenue it rakes in.

If One piece were treated like Kimetsu no yaiba they would be the best battle shounen of all time with an unimaginable advantage, One Piece ---- Mount Everest----- Others.
Feb 20, 2021 2:40 AM
Jan 2021
ReegrezSNK said:
cchigu said:
Dude, OP's treatment by Toei is not even bad considering how bad other long-running shows look, tsk tsk Black Clover. And I bet you, if OP were to be seasonal, it would look way better since you know how big One Piece actually is and how much revenue it rakes in.

If One piece were treated like Kimetsu no yaiba they would be the best battle shounen of all time with an unimaginable advantage, One Piece ---- Mount Everest----- Others.

Nah man, One piece anime is a basic 7. The techniques they invent to waste time is just admirable. In an episode we have the opening, a recap of the preview episode, then we have people staring at each other for like 5 min, we see some buckets in a corner with which a cat plays, then we proceed to flashbacks where we see waves at the beach for like 2 solid minutes, then they scream, start to fight and end of the episode. Manga is good, but anime is just a big solid 7, but there are occasions or arcs where it gets better. One Piece anime is just an over extended rubber band, that keeps getting extended for no reason.
Feb 20, 2021 2:42 AM

Dec 2018
imbAF said:
ReegrezSNK said:

If One piece were treated like Kimetsu no yaiba they would be the best battle shounen of all time with an unimaginable advantage, One Piece ---- Mount Everest----- Others.

Nah man, One piece anime is a basic 7. The techniques they invent to waste time is just admirable. In an episode we have the opening, a recap of the preview episode, then we have people staring at each other for like 5 min, we see some buckets in a corner with which a cat plays, then we proceed to flashbacks where we see waves at the beach for like 2 solid minutes, then they scream, start to fight and end of the episode. Manga is good, but anime is just a big solid 7, but there are occasions or arcs where it gets better. One Piece anime is just an over extended rubber band, that keeps getting extended for no reason.

That is why I said " treated like Kimetsu no Yaiba" I meant better adaptation with perfect packing and more.
Feb 20, 2021 2:55 AM
Apr 2017
Mappa only had like 8 months to produce the Anime so they did pretty good with the time they had
Feb 20, 2021 4:18 AM

Nov 2016
cchigu said:
FMmatron said:
AoT had it's moment of greatness and at one point(hopefully after Shibuya Incident) the quality in Jujutsu will drop hard as well.

That said, AoT fans are overall still damn lucky.

Just look at One Piece and be grateful for what you have.
Dude, OP's treatment by Toei is not even bad considering how bad other long-running shows look, tsk tsk Black Clover. And I bet you, if OP were to be seasonal, it would look way better since you know how big One Piece actually is and how much revenue it rakes in.

Considering the nature of One Piece it really isn't, recently it has been even great, yet if you look at the last decade, then it left a lot to be desired. I'm understanding regarding the production, but it doesn't make it any more enjoyable to watch. I'm not necessarily unsatisfied with the animation (key moments have nice sakuga) or character designs. The problem for me are stretched episodes with poor storyboarding. You have countless episodes that recycle frames over and over again, a character taking forever for an attack or repeatedly yelling etc. It's just exhausting to watch.

When I look at adaptations such as AoT then I can't help but mire hard.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 20, 2021 4:57 AM

Jun 2020
JJK fans are lucky to have a good animation but we have the best story isn't it more than enough?
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