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Jun 2, 2009 6:13 AM

Apr 2008
Okay, we will continue here with the mission Lyon.


"Sure. Good speed" Zonta says and close his cockpit, open the garage door and flies away.

You activate your mecha, doing a quick search for some errors but don't find any and you flies out while closing the door after you. After just some seconds you are far up in the sky and heads for the BFF arm forts.

As you are getting closer, you notice that Line Ark and Anatonia is very close to each other, just 20 mils from each other. Suddenly you get a voice only message.

"This is Line Ark. Please identify yourself or we will engage."

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Jun 3, 2009 4:37 AM
Feb 2009
this is lyon vigarde of the independant group "Ravne's Ark" im crossing borders to engage BFF arms fort spirit of mother wil, as proof, this is the mission request i have recieved" i pull up the mission profile and send it to line ark
Jun 3, 2009 5:28 AM

Apr 2008
"Rodger that, Lyon Vigarde. I don't know what Anatonia have told you, but this is a coop mission and if you have a minute to spar you can come down and meet your fellow allies. We promise not to any stupid things" a old man answer, he sounds a bit stressed but manage to not say anything wrong.

I might have describe everything a little dull, you are at Megalis. That huge tower^^

Jun 3, 2009 3:56 PM
Feb 2009
negative on that, im only to engage the arms fort, you are all not my concern. as a side note, you can all stay behind, i can take care of that oversized walker by myself, if any of your men engage, im leaving the mission prior to half of its destruction
Jun 4, 2009 5:09 AM

Apr 2008
"Well then you arrogant kid" a younger male voice interrupts. "If you want to die, be our guest, the main problem isn't the fucking AF it's the AC guarding it. It's rumored that nr. 5 - 8 is guarding it, and judging from your stats you are dead meat. You still sure you don't want our help, kid?"

Jun 5, 2009 4:48 AM
Feb 2009
"dead Meat" hahahahaha, my ac has properties you all only wish you could have,

Computer- VOB overheating, explosion from heat will occur in t-minus 30 seconds

Perfect, now watch and learn how you purposefully launch 50 missles and a VOB when its about to over heat, with a explosion that large, no primal armor can withstand it, oh, and by the way, if im lucky, it will damage the entire front of motherwill
Jun 5, 2009 6:53 AM

Apr 2008
"I hope someone will visit your grave, kid. 'cause I won't" the man finish and cut the line with you.

You are still about 15 min away from the AF.

Jun 10, 2009 4:42 AM
Feb 2009
fine, if you dont want to help me, then dont, i do have somthing you can do though. launch 5 kojma based warheads at my vob, have it target track and lock and "only" at my VOB. then, watch the fireworks
Jun 13, 2009 2:11 AM

Apr 2008
"Listen, kid. If you want help from us, come down here. It will only take about 5 min or so, and sorry, we can't wast Kojima weapons at this point." the man answer.

Jun 13, 2009 9:17 AM
Feb 2009
VOB engine overheating, self destruct in 1 minute *computer

Man i love the sound of that, rockets away

VOB attatchment is unidentified, increasing speed *computer

now watch as the entire front is painted with explosions
Jun 13, 2009 9:51 AM

Apr 2008
Lyon: You can't decide those things by your self, that is up to me the GM to decide. You are still 13 min away from the AF, is currently talking to Line Ark and is surly on your way to die due to high numbers of enemies. All kind of reasons tell you to get more allies.

Jun 14, 2009 4:19 PM
Feb 2009
fine, bring em in, ill take the back up
Jun 16, 2009 10:32 AM

Apr 2008
"So you are coming to the meeting then? That's good, kid. Just land on the ground and we will send a truck to pick you up, unless you want to take the meeting over the radio of course." the man says a little more nice now.

Jun 27, 2009 6:24 PM
Feb 2009
make it over the radio please, i was hired to destroy this scrap, oh, by the way, i want dibs on any ac parts found in the wreckage
Jul 10, 2009 5:42 AM

Apr 2008
"Hmpf. If you are first to the site, sure" the man simply answer and close the channel, after a few seconds your radio makes a few sounds and then begins to send the incoming transmission.

"Coperal Natsu, currently in charge before Commander Cold arrives." a young women says as the radio starts.

"Well, then. We just got news that Com. Cold is on his way over here. So we can begin the meeting" one from Anatonias side says "As the REF is here on the planet our companies have began to seriously think about take back the planet with your help. That is our first discussion point, the second is the AF heading towards our main HQ, we priory that now." the man countinues. "We have hired one Raven, we don't have much money currently, and he is the only we was able to convince to take the mission." he sigh.
"Line Ark will send in White Glint to deal with this problem" Fiona says.
"What are you planing to do, Coperal?" she then says to the young women.
"As far as I know, Com. Cold is planing on looking for allies to save this planet from the Invid" Natsu says simply.

"I am com. Cold, I am here for the meeting.." a elder man suddenly says, everything goes quite for a few seconds before a younger male voice says:
"What info have you gathered on the Invid sine they came to your planet?"

"Welcome, commander. Please have a seat" Fiona answers.
"Since our radar have mostly been disable by the Invid, we don't know that much. However, we know they have 3 Hives in this area and those are the only ones on the planet as far as we know. All of them are at the opposite side of us" the leader from Anatonia answer. "We don't have enough manpower to face them alone, and feared to send our troops to far away if we should be attacked." he continues and then go silent with the rest of the room.

"What kind of support can you give us, Commander?" Fiona suddenly says. "Can we expect any kind of help from your fleet or are you the only help we get?"

"That depends, how far can your communications system reach?" Cold answer.

"Well, if we connect our radio antenna we are able to send over the whole planet, I think, and a bit out in space not so far though. You need something that reach longer?" Fiona ask in return.

"If I may" another young women suddenly says. "Why don't we also try rally more allies? There most be some more who hate the Invids"

"I think everybody hate them some how, but there is actually some who appreciate them here and it isn't that easy to find those who are truly allied to our cause and those who fight for the Invid. But you have a point" one man from Line Ark says.

"I need something that can reach all the way to nearest REDF outpost if I should have even the slightest chance of contacting my fleet. Otherwise I am all that's here." Cold answers to Fiona. "Do you think your communications can get so far?"

"So, you are from REDF then and not REF is that it?" Fiona ask surprised, same with the rest of the room. "Perhaps we can reach them"

"Cold" Natsu says. "We need to talk after this, okay?"

"We can leave this room so you can talk" one from Line Ark says, the rest nods and leave the room. Once all is out Natsu rise from her chair and walk around.

The radio goes silent for a minute or two, before it starts again.

"Well, if you guys help us in the battle with liberate this planet and help us clear and independence, we will help you as much as we can. SGT. Gearhead ask us earlier if we had any spacecraft available, sorry not for the moment. The last ship are presumably at "Omer Science Technology" HQ, they are the largest and most powerful company here except the Invid. Any questions?" Fiona ask as everybody have taken their seat.

"I take it they are not on your side then" one young man asks Fiona.

"Are they on the bugs side?" the elder man ask.

"We simply don't know. We can't reach them over the radio and if we get to close to their HQ the Invid are all around us" she sighs. "However, it's rather strange that they don't send their best soldier guarding the AF, nr. 1 Otsdava" she look around the room. "That might be a slim chance for them to tell us that they might support us" she continues with a smile.

"Or he is ill, or he is simply on another mission destroying another faction who is against the Invid" one man from Anatonia says.

It becomes quite in the room.

"Have you tried using a mecha of the allies of Invid to get pass the Invid when you approach?" the young man ask.

"We tried once after have captured one mecha, didn't go well though" Fiona answer.

"What the the chance of stipping down one of our VTs to carry a sensor and comm system that could hopefully contact them and give us an idea of the situation"

there was one model like that...a VEW-1. Electronics warfare and random dish for superior radar..." another women suddenly says out of the blue.

"Do you have shadow fighters?" the elder man ask.

"Shadow what?" Fiona ask surprised. "When REF had a HQ here, we saw some kind of mecha that was special, but all was destroyed when the Invid arrived."

"That might work, John. But we need to use a legios in that case, since Alpha fighter can't breach the atmosphere." Natsu answer with a smile. "But perhaps we should do that after we have finished our battle with the current enemy?" she continues.

Jul 18, 2009 9:26 AM
Feb 2009
*Silently thinking to himself* "they worry themselves over such small trivial matters, the ark of old would easily be able to handle any situation, to bad me and vinny are the only two in it"
Jul 18, 2009 11:22 AM

Apr 2008
"That was... unfortunate. Shadow fighters are mechas made to fight the Invid..." the older man answer to Fiona and goes quite.

An younger man ask: "Are there caves or tunnels we could strike at the hives from?" and you can hear as Fiona press some buttons on some computer and finally answer.
"We think that there might be some tunnels to one or two of them, but not the third. And by the way, it just got my attention that Anatonias hired Raven nr. 15 Lyon is listing to us. Hello, Lyon. Do you want to say anything?

Jul 18, 2009 11:24 AM

Apr 2008
Ignore this post.

Jul 20, 2009 4:58 PM
Feb 2009
Lyon- the fact of the matter is, i thought this would relate to my current mission details, i care little about the ongoing war with the invid, what ever side wins wins, its not in my juresdiction to care at all, im just here to assist in destroying motherwill.
Jul 27, 2009 12:47 AM

Apr 2008
"How survivalist...Did you not consider the Invid were a common enemy to all and that can used as leverage to get more allies?" a young women ask you.

"Or at the very least a place route you enemies to to so they get killed off?" she continues.

Jul 29, 2009 10:30 AM
Feb 2009
hey, no offence but, i care little for the current war, im a mercenary, i do what i do for the pay. you company types are the ones who are always fighting between each other instead of joining forces for the common good
Aug 1, 2009 9:57 AM

Apr 2008
A young women suddenly ask:
"So do anybody have a plan?"

Everybody know that she tries to ease the tension in the room.
"I'll be sure to remember that fact." the other women says to you.

"I think given the substantiation we either need to stage a number of small hit-run attacks at all the hives or one massive attack at the main hive with every thing we got" one man says.

Aug 3, 2009 12:31 PM
Feb 2009
Lyon- im only a mercenary, but why not send those expensive infiltrator units you guys created. if im correct, all companys have highly trained marines that can easily break enemy lines
Aug 5, 2009 10:43 AM

Apr 2008
"Whatever your opinions is about the planet we still have to take down the AF now. I suggest that our guest go to their mechas and make themselves to attack while Lyon wait for the other, what do you all think?" a man suddenly ask, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

Aug 9, 2009 6:28 PM
Feb 2009
Lyon- heh, suit yourselves, make em hurry up, my trigger finger is gettin itchy. by the way.......if ok to ask, who do you have workin for you as mission opperators?
Aug 21, 2009 11:32 AM

Apr 2008
A man ask just before you:
"So I guess its time to fight but I take it are going to be an independent unit?"

"Yes, you are all independent units but are still allies of course" Fiona says and answer. "Now, you know the way back to your own HQ and I strongly recommend you have a lot of ammo with you during this mission" and you can hear that a door opens.

"See you guys on the field then" a young women says.

"In the field" the women says who you had an discuss with before.

"We wish you all luck" Fiona says and the door close. You can see after a while a truck leaves Line Ark, heading towards a strange looking box.

Aug 24, 2009 10:22 AM
Feb 2009
Lyon- *opens his com link to talk to his allies* AC fury Angel standing by, awaiting unit movement, do you have a reply?
Sep 12, 2009 5:46 AM

Apr 2008
"This is Commander Cold, I am ready."

"This is Gearhead, I'm ready"

"White Glint is ready"

Sep 14, 2009 5:01 AM
Feb 2009
Lyon- were done waiting, lets go lets go!! *starts playing "whats up people" on a radio rigged to his ac*
Sep 30, 2009 11:35 AM

Apr 2008
The Veritech pilots launch from the Titan and make a formation around it, the Titan then begins to head for Anatonias HQ. From the huge building White Glint is seen heading towards the Titan and join the formation of the REF troops.

The group soon arrive at Anatonias HQ, it consist of a wall 12 m high, 3 medium size barrack, 1 large building in the center and many small houses. As soon as they have left the HQ, the can see far away their target. ... 952403.jpg

Your allies react fast.

"request permission to fire on site"

"Gearhead requesting order to open fire"

"This is Commander Cold to squad. You have permission to open fire at will."

Oct 9, 2009 1:26 PM
Feb 2009
Lyon- im on standby, awaiting your orders for me to join the fray........not that i care at all but watch it, that flak fire is heavy, unit 4, be careful, you have 3 missles on course for your flank
Oct 16, 2009 6:51 AM

Apr 2008
The group quickly move into action, using the smoke from one of the aircraft missiles the Titan open fire with it's huge cannon hitting it in the front, while the Veritechs and White Glint fly through the smoke, however the mood soon goes down.

The AF is just smoking from the hit, but nothing more as can be seen and what is even more troublesome is then they all spot four mechas heading their way.
"Our information was correct this time" Fiona mutters. "Those are nr. 2, 3 and 5. Some of the highest ranking members allied with the Invid"

The Titan fire once more, now however aiming on one of the legs it makes more visible damage. The AF looks like an angry bee when it starts firing all of it's huge cannons and missiles.

"White Glint here. We need to get closer to that thing or we are doomed, I'm going ahead." one of your allies says, and you can see how it starts moving faster and faster finally activating it's OverBoost flying towards the incoming hostile mechas.

Lyon: You have over 30 missiles heading your way. You now need to roll a d20 and add any kind of dodge or strike bonus.

You add dodge bonus if you want to dodge it and add strike if you want to shoot it down.

Oct 20, 2009 4:44 AM
Feb 2009
Lyon- ill gun them down, weapons opening fire!
Oct 20, 2009 4:50 AM

Apr 2008
And you still have to make rolls.

Oct 26, 2009 8:37 AM
Feb 2009
Lyon: rolled, got 15
Nov 5, 2009 10:57 AM

Apr 2008
Sorry, but I'm closing this RPG down. Thanks for the good time, Lyon.

Nov 5, 2009 11:46 AM
Feb 2009
ok, ty
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