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Apr 9, 2012 4:52 AM

Mar 2012
eric65dart said:
why did yukki drink zeros blood can someone explain that whole senario that happened there plzzz!!! im confused

I'm not so sure also but I think zero wants yuki to understand what he's thinking? Remember what zero tells yuki when he drink her blood, that he understands yuki's feelings through her blood. Thats what I think.. :D
May 8, 2012 1:47 AM
Oct 2011
Lame last fight (If you can call it a fight), kinda sad ending, a love confession capable of bringing tears to Akhmed's (The dead terrorist) eyes, but it wasn't a bad end really, sometimes it's better when things aren't easily predictable.
May 22, 2012 3:06 PM

Mar 2012
It was a sad ending, I feel really bad for Zero
Jun 15, 2012 8:24 AM

Jun 2011
Zero to Yuki: "When I find you again, i'm going to kill you." WHAT THE HELL!?
dammit, I really wanted Yuki and Zero to make up and be friends again at least. But no, she's going to leave with her lover/brother, Kaname. So gross. I don't understand why they all can't stay at cross acadamy. The ending was horrible. This anime gets a 7 because I like the story and I still ship Rima/Senri.
Jun 15, 2012 8:28 AM

Jun 2011
sn0w said:
WTFFFFF kinda ending was that!? get me all worked up about zero and yuki, then she leaves him??! >< and jeez wtf kinda fight was that XD he didn't even put up a huge fight, zero was all like "IM FIRING MAA LAZOOORZ" and poof.. lol x.x anyways except for the ending (which sucked) the rest of the series was pretty good, they should make a season 3 to make up for such a crappy ending. :'(

My thoughts exactly.
Jul 20, 2012 7:42 PM

Feb 2011
There's alot of room for a 3rd season , but I highly doubt that it will be done
Jul 20, 2012 7:54 PM

Mar 2011
I am disappoint.
(Why I went ahead a read the manga)
Jul 27, 2012 3:51 PM

May 2012
Well the fight was quite short and a bit disappointed about it being that sudden over, the end in it self was VERY OPEN so they could make a third season though I doubt it... Still was a nice 2 seasoned Anime 9/10
Sep 20, 2012 3:44 PM
Aug 2012
a few things

zero's only reason for life was for yuki he knws how she feels she now knws how he feels to save him seeing as she was now safe she had to make him chase her down to continue his life without it wld have killed himself (she was trying to save zero again by saying to get revenge on the vampire who is now yuki)

zero is now with his brother and now feels no shame for taking away his brothers strength most likely effecting any emotions he has for yuki.

as for rido the fight was short because he just wasnt a strong as u all thing he was only way he killed haruka was by cheating (hunter sword) when haruka hesitated to kill him the first time he attacked. should be noted haruka has stopped him before (hinted at in the same scene) so that is why haruka's son(kaname) could hurt rido so easily and seeing how zero seems to be as or more powerful then kaname with a hunter gun it was an easy victory.

i doubt this makes any sense but it does in my head and thats fine with me and i think that the anime's ending was fitting and no worse or better then any others ive seen.
there will not be another series seeing as most if not all the story was unraveled leaving only kaname and yuki fighting with zero if he does intend to hunt down the vampire yuki (he wldnt kill her if this did happen)

it would be nice for a few episodes maybe a series if his story is that intresting (13 episodes max at a large stretch) to explain kaien crosses story into why he no longer kills vampires and how he came to have a close relationship to the kuran family
Sep 22, 2012 8:34 PM

Jun 2012
What happened to Ichijo? D:
Nov 8, 2012 10:25 PM

Aug 2010
Wow. Rushed much? Overall I liked it.
Dec 29, 2012 9:33 PM

Jul 2012
Quite the bittersweet ending IMO; though this is me rewatching this series for about the 4th time, I'm still torn between choosing Kaname or Zero for Yuuki. >.< However, ultimately, I'm on Kaname's side; however I do feel for Zero T.T

Love this series, one of my top faves <33

Kyaa, totally spoiling myself of the manga by reading you guys' comments -.- >.<

That's just what I read though, not totally sure what's going to happen in the ultimate ending of VK >.< I really do hope for a YuukixKaname ending though >.< <33
Mar 25, 2013 12:57 PM

Dec 2012
I gave VKG an 8/10 because of this episode.
I liked the ending to be honest. I've obviously never read the manga and I don't really care if the ending is better there. I just know I liked this one. It's sad and happy at the same time

I liked the fact that Yuuki chose Kaname ..but I feel as though she did it only because Shizuka told her previously that if a pureblood gets with a human, that'll only make him suffer..although Zero is not really human but that's what I understood.
I feel bad for Kaname and especially for Zero..and that scene where he was remembering how she used to help him keep those horny bitches from the Night class students is just..painful.

Nice episode overall, I really enjoyed it.
Insert wise quote here
May 26, 2013 1:41 PM
May 2013
It's been a while now since the first episodes of VK came out. I watched VK & VKG for the second time with nostalgia. I don't know the manga but I understand a lot of things happen differently in it then in the series... especially the part about Yuuki&Zero at the end, at least for the kissing part, even though drinking his blood was another way of understanding his feelings.

Many of you thought there's no need of a third season but I don't know....just to see how everyone is doing...Is Ichiou reallly dead ? Will Zero continue to hunt vampires ? Will Cross Kaien never use his sword again ? Is it the very end of Night Academy ? Will Zero and Yuuki meet again ? Will Yuuki and Kaname be lovers or just brother&sister since she said she wanted to "protect him"...?

So many questions....Do I need to read the manga ? Or will it be too far from the anime ?

Anyway, nice series! There's something about it that touches me more than other series...

What do you think ? Will there be a third season ( fans have been waiting for so long now....) ? I secretly hope it's not the end ...:)
Jun 21, 2013 1:20 AM

Dec 2010
One of the most frustrating anime I have seen in a while. So much potential and such a letdown. Yuuki was one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen, Zero wasn't far behind.

The only way I would watch a 3rd season is if at the end Yuuki leaves Kaname for Zero and Kaname kills them both.
Nov 5, 2013 2:41 PM

Jan 2013
Well that was an awesome anime, though a bit disappointing ending. Rido-sama should have had a much more grandiose death than that.. also an ending with an episode of their future would have been nice.

Even so a 10/10 anime in my list. I'm quite sure there wont be a third season.
Feb 22, 2014 7:29 PM

Sep 2011
Horrible ! Wish I hadn't watched VKG. VK was way better than the second season. Yuki was so bloody annoying and so was Kaname.

Jun 14, 2014 8:16 PM

Oct 2013
i think the end of the anime was a serious crap, too many things was wrong, open ending like this make me sick,(dont get me wrong, open ending is pretty normal, but there is a way to do it....)

p.s conclude kind dissapointed by the show because of the end honestly, 6/10
Jun 22, 2014 6:31 PM

Jan 2014
I didnt want that ending :/
Sep 6, 2014 8:12 PM
Aug 2014
I have never been so bored and unimpressed watching any other season finale in my life, uff.

I don't even know what to say.

Zero had so much potential to be this badass rebel fighter who doesn't take shit from anyone but what do they give us? A soppy weakling who doesn't even get the girl! kdsjnhgsaj IM SO MAD!!

Maybe this episode would have scored a little point if Zero and Yuki ended up together BUT NO, once again incest wins
Jan 9, 2015 2:10 PM
Jul 2018
I'd have to agree with so_kawaii that in this episode Zero had a chance to be powerful and developed. With all of that talk about him being "the one" to kill Rido that spanned two or three episodes I expected him to win the fight in a single round and without having to rely on a gun.

What bothered me about the ending was the hypocrisy. Zero decides to promise the woman he loves he'll kill her one day, because she's a vampire. Despite the fact that he himself, is a vampire, something Yuki doesn't think is worth mentioning.
Jan 19, 2015 6:02 AM

Nov 2014
I haven't read the manga, only volume 3 but from watching both the seasons I much rather preferred Zero over Kaname. This is my opinion, no offense meant to anyone! C:
So anyways yeah, thats just how I feel about it. The whole season was very good I must say, it's only the last episode that really put me off. :'C
Jun 13, 2015 7:41 AM

Jun 2010
Bad ending.
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Jan 14, 2016 8:00 AM

Dec 2013
Am i the only one that was satisfied with the ending and went immediatly to read the manga (which is better btw) O.O
Feb 9, 2016 9:41 AM
Feb 2016
I honestly thought that zero would end up with yuuki even though she was a vampire
Oct 23, 2016 7:14 PM

Aug 2013
I really enjoyed most of this season, it's just those last couple of episodes seemed a pretty off to me. All in all I found Vampire Knight far more enjoyable then I thought it would be, definitely enough to make me want to read the manga.
Feb 2, 2017 11:55 AM
Feb 2017
Was it just me or did anyone else hate Kaname? I didn't like him from the beginning and after all Yuuki and Zero had been through and she chooses the vampire anyway. I know Zero is a vampire hunter but still come on. He isn't human anymore either. I feel like they could have worked it out. It pisses me off that Kaname got his way and everything worked out as he planned. Guess I will have to find another Anime to forget about this one.
May 25, 2017 2:43 PM

Jul 2013
They defeated Rido way too easily! I mean it looked cool but I expected more of an epic battle, it was over with one blast of Zero's awesome gun though.

Then Yuki sucking Zero's blood to prove she was a vampire and he vowed to kill her one day! so unexpected.

It was obvious Yuki wouldn't let Zero kill Kagame and Kagame really had planned everything ahead of time, he's smart.

She ended up wandering off in to the sunset with Kaname in the end after all that, seems logical. And the other three that had nothing better to do.

But what curse was Senri on about?

Kaien will no longer be a hunter again. Yagari gets help fixing up the academy from the other hunters and the other students are finally remembered and released lol!

I still thought it was a great show and would give it a 10/10 though! I loved it <3

Zero and Kaname <3
stephtastropheMay 25, 2017 2:47 PM
Jun 9, 2017 1:44 PM
Jun 2017
Surely I'm not the only one who loved the final episode? I mean yeah many seem to hang onto Zero but for me it was Kamame. Also, why are so many confused? Isn't it pretty clear Zero stated he would eventually kill Yuuki because of her nature just like her last thought was she would be ready for him when he comes.
As for the drinking Zero's blood he pretty much demanded she did for confirmation, Yuuki also chose to go with Kaname, he was expecting her to stay behind but instead she packed her stuff to leave with him, they both admited that they're trying to protect each other but it seems to have an oposite effect, and their love for each other has always existed.
If only Kaname was real😍😍
Aug 31, 2017 6:12 PM

Aug 2016
The whole anime I watched while I am so interested to know who she chose in the end. so this ending leaves the end pretty open beacuse she says that she will wait to Zero.
I really wanted her to be with Zero, the whole anime Kaname used him and he only suffered again and again for Yuki, even he was the one who killed Rido and then Kaname takes all the credit and takes Yuki?!
honesly I don't like the character Yuki, she is useless the whole anime. she does nothing.
I really like Zero and I am sorry for this ending for him. I hate Yuki for leaving him by this way...

This ending really dissapoints me. I liked the first season.
May 16, 2019 11:45 AM
Nov 2015
i was expecting where zero goes full out and destroys every one of them not this stupid end
Aug 7, 2019 11:36 PM

Mar 2014
This is a 7 for me
Fairly good not knowing the anime.
Got me hooked up most of the time.
Sure few things got somewhat on my nerves but I dont regret watching this and I will read the manga one day for sure!

May 15, 2020 6:48 PM
May 2020
I JUST finished the last episode, and I’m STILL trying to process the insanity that this series gave me. I call the Vampire Knight experience “If Goths Took Acid.” What sober person can come up with this?! The series was fun though. I had a great time watching it.
Aug 16, 2020 9:26 PM
Oct 2019
Not a good finale, 4 or 5/10. Have to drop season 2 down to a 6/10 overall because of how bad it was. Season 1 was a little better (7/10). The general plot was great. But some of the specifics were not.

1. That was way too easy of a kill on Rido. Lame.

2. Yuki and Zero's goodbye scene was terrible. All of it. And Zero saying he's going to indiscriminately kill vampires? Huh? I thought hunters were supposed to only kill E's?

3. A flashback of Yuki apologizing to Kaname for hurting him for 10 years by leaving him "alone". Acting like that was actually her fault and intention? Gtfoh. Just shows how dumb Yuki is.

4. I also want to get something off my chest. I can't stand how Yuki's English voice actor says Kaname. The final syllable is totally different than how every other character pronounces it. I even listed to a few clips of the Japanese version to see how they pronounced his name. And it sounded more in line with the other English voice actors than Yuki's. It bothered me every episode for 2 seasons haha. That and her big big eyes that looked awful. And obviously her stupidity in almost every episode. A truly awful character through and through.

5. The vampire hunters randomly showing up to help the clean up? Corny.

6. Senri and Rima are good together. Their relationship feels believable. Yakima died? Why else would he have left his sword? Senri was going to give it back to him? What?

7. Ruka is going to be pining for Kaname for the rest of her life. Embarrassing. Aido got better as the series went on. Akatsuki seemed likeable.

8. What was the Senate's grand plan? The world will never know.

9. Yuki choosing Kaname just It *did* feel like an obligation or gratitude, as Kaname put it. I'm glad Zero didn't end up with her, though. He's way too good for her. It's just that Yuki + Kaname didn't have any spark at the end. Felt forced. Felt "blah". Whatever.

10. That they're was no final confrontation/battle between zero and kaname was just crap. They had been hyping it up for several episodes and NOTHING.

11. This was the only time I watched the ending - hoping there would be *something* in it, anything. Obviously there was not. Oh well, that's fine. But I realized I didn't like the ending credits. Mainly, I just didn't like seeing Yuki. Haha

12. I would have no desire to watch a season 3. There's nothing I would want to see. I really don't care what happens to any of them at this point.
HagePotPotatoAug 16, 2020 9:38 PM
Sep 15, 2020 1:49 PM

May 2019
Gave it a 7/10. It was better then season 1 but the plot twist from Yuki made a mess of the second half...
Jan 5, 2021 12:36 AM
Jul 2018
I really thought Yuki would choose to be with Zero especially they're both vampires now and Kaname is prepared to set Yuki free.
Aug 19, 2021 4:54 AM
Jan 2016
Well this sucked though and though. The romance, the fighting, the writing, the characters, honestly I can't think of anything I actually liked about this show. what a waste
Nov 1, 2021 6:31 AM

Dec 2012
Finally got around to watching this again for the first time since it aired. Looking back, I really hated this ending and it probably had to do with not really understanding the industry or that this was an incomplete adaptation. I thought Yuki just chose Kaname and abandoned Zero, but I can see now that the story was still a work in progress. I came back to this ready to bash it as a bootleg Twilight and now I'm actually interested in picking up the manga. Despite my feelings towards it over the years, it undeniably had a strong presence as one of the few dozen anime I watched years before really getting into it as a medium. Leaving it unfinished just doesn't sit well with me at this point.

As for the story itself, I'll admit it went better than I thought. I was definitely immersed into the unfolding mysteries surrounding Yuki's memories as well as Zero's battle with his past. While the vampire theme isn't a novelty, I still like how VK requires taking a step back from being a human viewer and observing the world of these characters through their crimson soaked eyes. It especially makes the motives of the purebloods more intense - both the passions of Kaname as well as the nefarious bloodlust of Rido.

For Guilty, I'll move my score up to a 6/10 and see if the manga will sate my appetite for more.
Feb 10, 2022 10:43 PM
Mar 2020
the ending just felt like a cliffhanger
Oct 1, 2022 6:46 PM
Sep 2018
iykyk... :( i dont even wanna say it
Oct 8, 2022 7:12 PM
Aug 2022
I simply loved HOW Yuki went with Kaname, it made me super super happy, but i feel bad for poor Zero, I mean his brother died, and now YUKI left him?!
Yuki is Kaname sister BTW:)
Mar 17, 2023 11:26 AM

Dec 2022
I won't give my opinion yet until I read the manga but Generally the Ending was a Meh ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ 

I was expecting more the fight with Rido kinda sucked like he is more powerful to end just in a few sec 
I still loved Rika and Shiki together til the end 
Also the Trio following Kaname 
The Promise between Zero and Yuki kinda Meh too, they already know their true feelings
Feb 11, 2024 8:05 PM
May 2017
This season was quite underwhelming. The fight scenes were butchered and many character were reintroduced or developed.
Dec 20, 2024 1:54 PM
Dec 2024
Da fuc
Yuki should’ve ended up with zero lmao
Also incest not goOd y’all
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