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Jun 10, 2020 8:50 AM

Apr 2019

Hi Guys!


So, since the club is new and quite a bit of people have already joined, how about we introduce ourselves! That way we can know who everyone is and get to know them a little bit better.
For those who already introduced themselves on discord: yes, you can copy and paste your introduction. For those who are in the discord server and didn't introduce themselves: I am going to delete your kneecaps.

If you're having trouble with what to write we made a template you can copy paste or use as inspiration:

❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜






A little about yourself:

Have fun with this! Write what describes you the best
andy_the_duckyJun 16, 2020 11:14 AM
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Jun 10, 2020 9:01 AM

Apr 2019
I created this thing, so lemme introduce myself

❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Est
Age: 18
Country: Netherlands
Likes: sweets, plushies, k-pop, anime, make-up, skincare, phasion. Basically everything girly oops-
Dislikes: school, being sick, sweet corn, and Andy. Also lying and being fake. Don't do that! :(
A little about yourself: It is I, the est. The one who made a discord server and then forgot about it for a year. And now I'm here, with a fun little community of friends and future friends!
estEMPATHYNov 4, 2021 1:14 AM
Jun 10, 2020 9:05 AM

Oct 2018
As co-owner I will go second :D

❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Andy
Age: 18
Country: UK
Likes: Good games, plushies, sound of rain on my window at night, shitty photoshop, tasty food, Ester sometimes
Dislikes: Spiral staircases, heights where I could fall, mean people, hot weather, messy rooms, alcohol, Ester sometimes
A little about yourself: I’m open to talk to anyone, I’m shy in real life but I’m mostly pretty confident on here. My catchphrase is a very energetic “Hi :D” whenever I join a vc on discord.
Jun 10, 2020 9:25 AM
Jun 2016
Name: Snip, Snippy, Snippo, Hidde
Age: 20
Country: Netherlands
Likes: Games, Anime, Manga, Books
Dislikes: Liars, French
About me: idk man, lets have a good time i guess
Jun 10, 2020 9:50 AM
Jun 2019
Name: George
Age: 20
Country: Greece
Likes: Anime, Pizza, Beer, Football, Hanging out with friends
Dislikes: my country (lol)
About Me: I'm a lazy bastard
Jun 10, 2020 10:20 AM
Jan 2020
Hiiiiiiiiii 💖
Name : cyan (like the color)
Age : 14
Country : the good ol usa
Likes : ashley, tea and coffee, planning and lists, anime and manga, videogames and talking
Dislikes : stuff?
A lil about me : you wont catch me in vc all too much but when you do im pretty easy to get along with :) im talkative most of the time in chats and have alot of intrests so convo topics are nooo problem ; D
Jun 10, 2020 11:30 AM

Feb 2019
❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Caio (pronounced like Kyle)

Age: turned 18 today

Country: Brazil

Likes: Resident evil, Metal Gear, wasting time I could be using to study, watching anime and getting drunk sometimes

Dislikes: My mom, fake people, being alone, or being alone in the middle of fake people

A little about yourself: I'm kind of depressed, I do like making, I dont speak english 100%
Jun 13, 2020 2:35 PM
Sep 2018

Name: Andrew

Age: 20-something

Country: UK

Likes: anime, music, coins, snails, soft toys, pokemon

Dislikes: avocado

About myself: I am autism and I like my coins :3
Jun 14, 2020 12:06 AM
May 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Lilac
Age: 16
Country: Fl
Likes: Drawing/art, Singing, Gaming, Food, Sweets, Plushies, Manga, Anime, Crying, Making people happy/smile, Hugs, Plants, Cute animals, Lilacs, Cute things, Pretty things, Being healthy, Criticizing everything about myself, Love, Loving almost anyone I meet in a friendship kind of way, Happiness, Being annoying, Being weird, Wholesome things, *cough* Did I mention anime? Yeah, I love anime. ♡(Ù^Ú) that's all I can think of rn-
Dislikes: Myself, bEiNg sIcK aLl tHe TimE, Liars, Hate, Discrimination, People who have no respect for anything at all, Social anxiety, Anxiety attacks, Depression, Crying, Bullies, Certain bugs, My "dad", Being dirty, Being used and then thrown away like trash, Art block, annnd,… hm…that's all I can think about ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。
A little about yourself: I sing songs for fun, make art, watch anime, read manga, and play games~!♡ I lack the talent of communication and many other things~ *cries in useless idiot TwT* I would like to make lots of friends and become good friends♡ but then again I can't even talk to people much, not even online unless I'm really comfortable with it. I am a really anxious person on the inside. I blush a lot for no reason at all. I wish I could be surrounded with the things I love and just be free to be me💜 I've currently been really liking Tbhk and kny. (ÙwÚ)/♡
Jun 15, 2020 7:16 AM
May 2019
Name: Morella

Age: 15

Country: Philippines

Likes: Flood, Playing guitar and piano, Drawing and painting, writing stories, Dancing, singing, gaming, reading and collecting books, and of course watching anime allday

Dislikes: Disrespect, cockroaches

A little about yourself: I am an Asian and dumb. I am currently learning Japanese languange.
Jun 15, 2020 7:33 AM
Feb 2020
Name: Antonie

Age: 14

Country: America

Likes: Anime and Manga (lmao), video games, books, and sports

Dislikes: Toxic people and toxicity.

A little about yourself: I spend lots of time watching anime, reading light novels and manga, and try my best to draw and write.
Jun 16, 2020 3:27 AM
Jun 2020
name : Shawna
age : 14
country : Australia
likes: music, school, tea, reading and of course ANIME !!
dislikes: people who don't watch anime ( i like those people but ...) and who judge people who watch anime ( in a bad way )
a bit more about my self : i play flute and piano , I dance and I am a girl .
Jun 16, 2020 5:11 AM
Feb 2020
Screw it i'll do it.

Name: GreenMeteor but everyone calls me Green so go ahead

Age: Years Old

Habitat: Ocean

Location: Wales

Likes: Not Anime obviously, Art, drawing, animation, Animated shows, checkers, board games and DiXit (never heard of it? SHAME ON YOU jk)
Dislikes, mean people and Kale, oh and i dont like people who threaten my knees >:(

About: I live in Wales but most of my family is Polish so i like to see myself as both Polish and Welsh. Im vegetarian and i lost 2 half of my 2 front teeth. my favourite cuisine is pierogi, parowki, chrupki and bread.
Also my real age is 13, the ripe old age for a certain someone on the server.

Anyway signing off,

-Towel Man
-Towel Man
Jun 16, 2020 6:46 AM

Apr 2020
Name: Zuzia kinda weird one so everybody calls me Sus

Age: 15

Country: Poland

Likes: sleep, RomCom series, fluffy things, salty food, nice people

Dislikes: spicy food, sports, school idols

A little about yourself: soo sorry for my English mistakes, it's not my national language. My life is kinda boring so I'm watching anime in free time. I love to talk with people. nice to meet ya all!!
Jun 16, 2020 9:23 AM
Jan 2020
Name: Wakanda, yea
Age: Legal
Country: Indonesia
Likes: Random anime moments, fellow weebs, free food, anyone nice enough to care to talk to me
Dislikes: Formality
A little about myself: Just a casual degen looking for other degens
Jun 17, 2020 10:16 AM
Jul 2019
Name: Adela
Age: 16
Country: Romania
Likes: Anime, music, nature, drawings, making new friends
Dislikes: school, people who judge and make other to cry or to feel uncomfortable, fake people
A little about myself: I'm an weeb and an otaku, I'm a shy person since I got bullied many times. I love to share and talk with people about my hobbies
Jun 17, 2020 11:31 PM
Apr 2020
Name: Agent3510

Age: 16

Country: Philippines

Likes: Anime, Games, Books, Hololive/Nijisanji

Dislikes: Spicy Food, Horror, Boring stuff

A little about yourself: I'm the 3510th Agent in the Agent Corp. Only started anime 3-4 years ago so I'm pretty much a newbie. My internet sucks so I haven't been watching much anime recently. Nice to meet you!
Jun 18, 2020 2:20 PM

Jan 2017
So this is my first introduction ever...

❛❛❃ Introduction❃❜❜

Name: Robert

Age: 20

Country: Slovakia

Likes: GAMES yes i'm passionate gamer, i love games, i grew up on games, i like Anime (Offbrand too), i also like to read Manga and Novels, i like to read books too from time to time, i love Hiking and Mountain biking, also i do lots of sports like skying, ice/skating, in the past i also did skateboarding, swimming etc. , i like to watch movies and serials, i like mountains and nature in general, sweet stuff, nice people,

Dislikes: to be sick (i'm sick often), loud noises (i have good ears), crowds of people (sociophobia), to get drunk, bitter food and drinks

Bad side of me: i'm lazy :D, also moody sometimes (i hate it)

A little about yourself:
Hi! I'm 20 yrs old, i'm cca 174cm tall, i graduated from High school last year as an mechanic-electrician, i had 1 job for 9 months but got fired due to the corona crisis, now i'm unemployed.
I discovered anime when i was 12yrs old it was some older ecchi anime, i don't remember, but of course i watched anime from the young age - aka the famous Pokemon and Naruto and even Fullmetal Alchemist, my favorite genres are Action, Adventure, Magic, Fantasy, Game, Supernatural, Romance and so on (i like a lot of other genres too).
I have all kinds of great disorders like ADHD, dyslexia and other learning stuff problems, weak imunity, stomach problems (weaker digestion and small hint of celiac disease)
I'm suffering from sociophobia aka Social anxiety disorder so i don't really have much friends online nor irl, i have this disorder from cca 2016 i don't remember exactly when it developed, but it got worse recently so i finally decided to go to a psychiatrist for help and started to taking prescribed antidepressants and it's getting a lot better for me since then, so here i am writing this hoping i can make new friends to talk to, so if you are interested i would be more than glad to talk to you guys and start to socialize :D Also hope my english is good/makes sense! :)

Edit: also you can consider me a little bit like an anime veteran :D so if you want some recommendation i would love to recommend you anime/manga/novels
kanter123Jun 18, 2020 2:29 PM
Jun 18, 2020 9:06 PM
Feb 2020
Name: Pheonix

Age: I'd prefer not to say

Country: The US of A

Likes: alpacas, playing guitar, knife collecting (as an innocent fascination I swear lol), a good mystery or psychological show, and arts and crafts, reading books (as in novels but manga are occasionally thrown in there)

Dislikes: avocados, waking up before 9:30, loud noises (loud music at parties, vacuum cleaners etc)

A little about yourself: I'm not anti-social but not particularly social either. I love a good pun and appreciate when people get an anime reference when one is made. I was introduced officially to anime after a friend recommended I watch Fairytail when I was only 13. I have a little more info about myself in my profile as well. If you have similar interests or dislikes as me, or even just want to ask a question, feel free to shoot me a message :)
Jun 18, 2020 11:12 PM
Jan 2016
white boy here whaddup
Name: Matthew :)

Age: 16, almost 17 :)

Country: Straya mate :)

Likes: anime, sport and women :)

Dislikes: uh don't think there's anything lmao :(

A little about yourself: i don't really think there's much to my personality outside of sports and anime, so that's upsetting.
i obsess over women a bit too much but it's mainly a joke
i think
Jun 19, 2020 6:27 AM
Mar 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Alex

Age: 17

Country: Brazil ;-

Likes: Manga, Anime, Books, Music, Art

Dislikes: the only thing in the world i really dislike is nanatsu no taizai

A little about yourself: i'm not really good introducing myself ;-; i like to watch anime/read something when i have some time; i'm also trying to write a book but that's hard bruh ;( i like rap music, rock, metal, classic music and i think that's all ;´) i just want to make friend to talk about something and give some recommendatios ;p

Jun 19, 2020 7:41 AM
Jan 2019
Name: Julie
Age: 20
Country: USA
Likes: anime, soccer, cosplay, food
Dislikes: i cant think of anything to put
A little about yourself: I am a software engineering student in Georgia and i love to play soccer and watch anime. I picked this club because I love no game no life and just meeting new people overall!
Jun 23, 2020 5:32 AM
Jul 2018
Hello , I hope everyone is doing fine
I would prefer not to say my real name , hope you understand
I am 14 years old , almost 15 born on 1st October 2005
I am from India and likes reading books , staying in company of my friends , music , Football ( I support Tottenham Hotspur ), drawing (mind you I am pretty good ), am a casual gamer and of course like anime and manga
Feel free to add me as your friend and we can have a little chat
Jun 25, 2020 8:50 AM
Feb 2020
❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Milena


Country: Italy

Likes: Anime, art, plushies, fluffy things

Dislikes: Liars, fake people

A little about yourself: I'm a girl who really likes anime and drawing! I hope I can be friends with all of you :3
Jun 26, 2020 1:58 PM
Jun 2019
Name: Sarah

Age: 15, turning 16 this summer :)

Country: Czech Republic

Likes: anime (how surprising, right?), manga - mostly yaoi, music, animals, sushi, horrors (as in general), procrastinating, walks, rain, i also really love the smell after it lol

Dislikes: insects

About me: i started watching anime thanks to my cousin. i'm a lil shy, don't really talk to people. this is my first time interacting with such a big group. kinda have anxiety, but i'm tryin' my best. i have no one to talk with about anime, and that's why i'm here. need some extrovert to adopt me lmao
Jun 26, 2020 6:36 PM

Aug 2019
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Just call me Alkimia

Age: 17

Country: Mexico

Likes: Anime, gaming, reading, writing and rock music

Dislikes: Smoking, alcohol and toxic people

A little about yourself: I can be a bit shy at times, but I'm totally open to chat for a bit. I've had a MAL account for a while now but never really bothered with clubs until now. I'm here mostly to make friends and meet people with similar interests. My favorite animes are FUll Metal Alchemist, Noragami, My Hero Academia, Steins Gate and Erased. I hope you have a nice day, stay safe! ^-^
AlkimiaJun 26, 2020 7:04 PM
Jun 26, 2020 7:28 PM

Jan 2020
name: angela
age: 14
country: canada

likes: discovering interesting music (right now i like rina sawayama, clay and friends, saint motel), high school bp debate, making graphics, food, memes, that feeling when you're just running and skipping on a beach, that feeling when you're laying on grass (that isn't pokey>:[) and staring at the blue sky and pretty clouds, uwu, nwn, :), exclamation marks!, being enlightened

dislikes: government corruption>:((, doing homework, myself lol, checking my emails!!, toxic media tropes, i hate procrastinating despite always procrastinating

hi there! im shy and scared of ppl irl but i rlly want to make friends that can talk about anime with me and i rlly want to have a fun time and grow as a person (and height too pls;-; am short). i rlly want to learn sign language and maybe a european language. i can speak english, french, and chinese, but i'm pretty bad at all of them ono. my current biggest goals in life are to be less lazy, work hard for what i want in life, and to be able to love myself! it's been about 6 years since i first got into anime, but only this year did i make a mal account. this is the probably the first club where i have introduced myself lol. hope to have a fun time:))

☆ c h a o s ☆
^ check out my club :)
Jun 26, 2020 7:51 PM
Nov 2019
❛❛ Howdy, Friendorinos ❃❜❜

Name: Evan

Age: 16

Country: US

Likes: Isekai, manga, strategy games (Fire Emblem), animals, reading

Dislikes: Beef, and Politics. I tend to avoid that "beef"

A little about yourself: I read a bunch of manga and I would love suggestions, I don't really watch much anime though. I also looove fire emblem, they're such a good game series and if u want to try it out play fe awakening or fe 3 houses.
Jun 29, 2020 1:15 PM
Jun 2020
Name: Caleb

Age: 17

Country: Canada

Likes: Sports, anime, drawing, camping

Dislikes: Bullies

A little about yourself: I started watching anime about a year ago and found MAL a little bit ago.
Jun 29, 2020 1:35 PM
Aug 2017
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Na :)

Age: 16

Country: England

Likes: Anime, Music, Loona, Piano, pain, Reading, Excercise, Cycling, Girls🥺

Dislikes: Ignorance, Hate, Bugs

A little about yourself: Hmmm I made a lifesize cardboard cutout to school one day and that’s basically the unboringest thing about me I guess (´・_・`)
Jun 29, 2020 6:01 PM

Aug 2018
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Amatniki

Age: 19

Country: Canada

Likes: anime, manga, video games, tabble tennis

Dislikes: ugly girls

A little about yourself: Ive been watching anime for 7 years

Jun 30, 2020 11:36 AM

Jun 2019
Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Alex

Age: 22

Country: Austria

Likes: anime, manga, video games, table tennis, sports, going out and meeting friends, my girlfriend

Dislikes: hypocrits, close minded people

A little about yourself:
Hi i am alex, i started watching anime when i was really young, started with dragonball, pokemon and digimon, a bit later a friend in kindergarden introduced me to one piece.
Then i got a bit silent and when i was 15 i relit my passion for the medium again by watching shingeki no kyojin, ive been growing my list ever since and i do like to talk about all stuffs weeby :3
Jul 2, 2020 7:03 PM
Apr 2020
Name: Laila (Lay-la)

Age: 14 (though i'm gonna be a sophomore this year. my bday is a bit before the cut-off)

Country: USA

Likes: animal crossing new horizons, anime, Disney, dermatology, drawing, painting (although i don't do it a lot lol), and pointe (though my feet can hurt like crazy sometimes)

Dislikes: homework :P, mean people :(

A little about yourself: i came here in the hopes of making some weeb friends. i've been dancing for a while now, specifically ballet with 2-3 years of pointe, but i've done mostly all different types. i'm a Cuba-Rican mix, so i love me some arroz y frijoles con pollo (rice and beans with chicken) :) i really just want some people that i can talk to about my interests, also if u have ACNH we can visit each other's islands!!
Jul 5, 2020 2:53 AM
Jul 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: violet

Age: 15

Country: usa

Likes: cute things, anime, manga, sleeping, hospitals, love, mountain dew, girls, plushies, cosplay, kpop

Dislikes: discrimination, meat, mean people, boring things

A little about yourself: i'm very very very bored this summer!!! please feel free to chat with me so we can talk about our favorite things and give each other recommendations(⁀ᗢ⁀)
Jul 8, 2020 6:38 AM
Apr 2019
name: cherry
age: 15
country: poland
likes: anime lol, manga, games, i totally love snakes and foxes <33, sweets, drawing
dislikes: false and toxic people, mostly meat
about me: hi i'm joining here hoping that i find some friens and nice people in here :flushed: hope you'll like me
some fav animes, mangas and games: madoka magica, vinland saga, danganronpa, kimetsu no yaiba, watamote, also i love playing osu ;3
Jul 11, 2020 8:45 AM
May 2020
Ohayooo!!! :3

Name: Asklipios

Age: 26 (currently lol)

Country: Athens, Greece

Likes: Psychological/Horror Anime and Manga, Crust Punk, Post Metal, Vegan Meals,

Dislikes: Narrow Minded People, Animal Consuming, Homophobes, Fascists :) (:

A little about yourself: I finished film school, and since then I have watched almost zero movies with real actors lol. Mostly into horror, but I can enjoy almost any good written story :) Musician as well (here: huh nice meeting u all! :)
Jul 13, 2020 5:44 PM

Aug 2016
Hello everyone!

Name: Hannah

Age: 23

Country: Pennsylvania, USA

Likes: video games, anime, manga, art history, movies, music, reading, basically anything media-related; i also like to cook and bake despite being gluten-free tehehe

Dislikes: racism and homophobia, fetishizing LGBT+ people or really anyone for that matter, being around a lot of people, working......

A little about yourself: I'm a non-binary person just struggling through this world. I've always loved anime and manga since I was a kid. I lived in Japan for a while but when I got back it was too painful for me to engage with because I missed it so much and believe me when I say anime looks EXACTLY like the real place. It just made me too nostalgic/sad. But during quarantine I've finally opened back up to it and am fully enjoying finding new series to read and watch. I'm hoping being a part of a group will allow me to discuss these sorts of things! Can't wait to interact with everyone!
Jul 23, 2020 1:18 AM
Jun 2020
Name: Reece

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Country: America

likes/hobbies: skating, cardistry, music(rap), drawing, fashion

A little about yourself: fuck shit

hit up my friend list its lookin dry
mcsqueeze_Jul 23, 2020 1:23 AM
Jul 23, 2020 3:53 AM
Jul 2018
Hello ^^

Name: thomas

Age: 18

Country: France

Likes: the sky, donut, anime with a beautiful city background

Dislikes: hot weather

A little about yourself: Normal person just chillin... just wanna enjoy talking about hobbies, sharing opinions, everything like that
Jul 23, 2020 3:54 AM
Jul 2018
Hello ^^

Name: thomas

Age: 18

Country: France

Likes: the sky, donut, anime with a beautiful city background

Dislikes: hot weather

A little about yourself: Normal person just chillin... just wanna enjoy talking about hobbies, sharing opinions, everything like that
Jul 23, 2020 3:56 AM
Jul 2018
Hello ^^

Name: thomas

Age: 18

Country: France

Likes: the sky, donut, anime with a beautiful city background

Dislikes: hot weather

A little about yourself: Normal person just chillin... just wanna enjoy talking about hobbies, sharing opinions, everything like that
Jul 23, 2020 9:31 AM
Jul 2020
Name: Milan


Country: Canada

Likes: Music, video games, writing, anime, reading, rugby, movies

Dislikes: school, eggplants, Tokyo ghoul root A

A little about yourself: I'm just here to talk and share opinions lol.

Jul 23, 2020 6:29 PM
Jul 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Adrianna

Age: 13

Country: USA

Likes: Sushi, Kagamine Len uwu, anything and everything anime, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, learning new riffs on my guitar.

Dislikes: My little brother lmao, when people say anime is emo (it kinda depends tho ngl), i also dont like liars. boooo!

A little about yourself: as ive already said i play a guitar. i play a Fender Stratocaster squire; ma baby. i also play the cello but it kinda sucks because i wont be able to play with my orchestra because i wont have any school but hey, extra practice. me and some of my friends are trying to start a band but we still need a drummer . my favorite anime is boku no hero. my favorite j-pop pand is polkadot stingray and i also really like vocaloid. len is ma favorite too u3u
Jul 25, 2020 3:51 AM
Jul 2020
Well looks like im finally going to intorduce myself :)

Name: Yourkamisama

Age: def not legal

Country: Somewhere

Likes: Video games, anime, manga, long ass novels and sports : )

Dislikes: when your opinion isn't same as mine(jk), toxic fandoms, trashy animes and........THINGS

A little about yourself: just a guy who loves playing games and watching anime. Nothing particularly interesting about me but im one of those smart weebs that you harldy find(jokes).
Jul 25, 2020 5:56 PM
Jul 2020
Name : Fate (alias for online)

Age : Unspecified

Country : USA

Likes : yaoi, horror, romance, lolis/shotas, CATS!!!! :3, drawing

Dislikes : mean people and creeps, spelling... (Idk what else)

About myself : pan, Scorpio, I'm so weird sometimes idk what I'm thinking or doing, I can dance and draw, the only sports team I would ever want to be in is volleyball (Haikyuu!!), I am also a fish... I love swimming
G00f13fateJul 25, 2020 6:00 PM
Jul 28, 2020 11:53 AM
Jul 2018
name: Eemil
age: 17
Country: Finland
Likes: Fantasy Books, anime, manga, chess, swordplay, mythology
Dislikes school,
A little about yourself: I am playing a game of chess. I sometimes watch whole anime seasons a day. I am a social person who's talking with other gladly
removed-userJul 28, 2020 12:02 PM
Jul 31, 2020 2:29 PM
Jul 2018

Name: Cecilie
Age: 16
Country: Norway
Likes: Books, anime, k-pop, language, religion and mythology, cats
Dislikes: People with negative influence, parties, smoking
A little about myself: I'm very awkward and bad at conversations, but if we have something in common I will more than gladly talk with people. I'm a walking encyclopedia, not bragging, it's a terrible trait, and I throw out random facts all the time :3
Aug 5, 2020 12:15 PM
Apr 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: canthinkofone (an alias, obviously)

Age: 15

Country: England

Likes: Anime (all genres, literally all genres), reading, and philosophy.

Dislikes: People. Well not all of them. I used to have incredible friends but I moved two years ago and now I'm surrounded by people that just stress me out.

Heya, I'm canthinkofone. i joined this club because I wanted to be part of a community with whom I share intrests with. I've only really been an avid anime fan since the beginning of quarantine. The first anime I ever watched was Spirited Away (I was seven or something) and my favourite is either Banana Fish or Death Note. I used to obsessed with Kpop but now I'm more of a casual fan. I really like writing and like to think I'm decent at it. Naturally, I love all kinds of music.
HeadEmptyNo_Aug 5, 2020 12:21 PM
Aug 5, 2020 1:22 PM
Jul 2018
i introduced myself in the discord so i'm just going to copy and paste that :p

hi everyone :)) i'm kei, i'm 19, from the uae :)) i like watching anime, reading manga and listening to music (mostly kpop but i'm open to recommendations)
Aug 8, 2020 1:07 AM
Jul 2020


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