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Oct 8, 2009 1:58 PM

Sep 2008
I loved it! it was so cute~ Definitely lived up to my expectations.
Now I'm gonna start the manga. :D
Starrlightx3Oct 8, 2009 2:05 PM
Oct 8, 2009 2:04 PM

Jun 2009
I'm speechless... awesomeness beyond imagination. My favourite show for this season for now.
Oct 8, 2009 2:16 PM

Apr 2009
Amazing first episode, the best show so far this season by a mile.
Can't wait for more. 5/5
Oct 8, 2009 3:39 PM

May 2009
Great opening episode, I love that the animation and sound is almost movie like.
Oct 8, 2009 3:40 PM

Sep 2008
loveholic18 said:
I like the OP & ED. The animation was cute reminds me of Honey and Clover. I'm not fond of Sawako's voice but I wish that it'll grow on me along the way.
YOU LIE! The voice doesn't grow on you, you grow onto the voice.
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Oct 8, 2009 3:56 PM

Feb 2008
Oh that was just wonderful~♥

The animation style is perfectly suited to the series and Noto Mamiko's voice fit really well for Sawako. Cute, well-paced episode. I'm in love. Easily my favorite so far of the fall stuff.

Oct 8, 2009 4:10 PM

Jan 2009
I Hate most shoujo animes but i love ones like this and Nana. And the base doesn't seem like stupid people either this should be very enjoyable.
Oct 8, 2009 4:16 PM

Mar 2008
I love the animation and fuzzy feeling :)
Though it's a bit slow and the romance doesn't feel that real...
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Oct 8, 2009 4:52 PM

Nov 2007
This was pretty sweet. Love the animation.
Oct 8, 2009 5:09 PM

Nov 2007
Pretty good first episode.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Oct 8, 2009 6:13 PM

Apr 2008
KyokoBeat said:
I swear I went through this whole ep with the biggest and goofiest grin on my face XD...
This!!!!!! *carries on grinning*
Oct 8, 2009 6:26 PM

Apr 2009
Love the manga, and I'm liking the anime.

This was cute! Chibi Sawako in animation form is adorable. And Kazehaya! <3 The colors. I loved the colors used in the anime. Soft and blended together nicely. I also liked the opening and ending. They were entertaining to watch. Oh, and some very lolz-worthy scenes in there. XD Such as Sawako frightening the other girls in the bathroom. Oh, and the awesome voice acting was... well... awesome. ^^;

Even after watching just one episode, I already want to give this anime a high rating! :D
RyzumOct 8, 2009 11:05 PM
Oct 8, 2009 6:30 PM
Jul 2009
First of all, already a promising anime since it's under Production I.G.
This should be another ' must watch' shoujo anime apart from
( honey&clover,OURAN and nodame cantabile )
Oct 8, 2009 6:40 PM

Apr 2008
Sawako so poor thing x_x people dont even call her by her real name

Oct 8, 2009 6:55 PM
Feb 2009
just awww on this ep :)
Oct 8, 2009 7:25 PM

Jun 2009
Oh my gosh I loved it
I was almost crying
Oct 8, 2009 7:35 PM

Aug 2007
loved this episode! I almost fainted when Kazehaya told Sawako that he wanted to see her during the summer. lol. Also the ghost scene was hilarious, honestly I don't think she's that scary.
Oct 8, 2009 7:57 PM

Oct 2009
I thought it was alright, but like some others I felt the pace was a bit rushed and for that reason I couldn't get too into it.

The animation is beautiful, though.
Oct 8, 2009 8:13 PM

Nov 2007
Admit, it was rushed for sure, but none the less I like it alot.
Has a abit of a Bokura ga Ita feel to it, for me ~
Oct 8, 2009 8:33 PM

Sep 2008
Just watched under SFW subs... definitely prefer FMS.

I don't quite get how it's rushed though. The title of this episode is "Prologue" and directly correlates with chapter 0 of the manga, well they cut out about 2 minor scenes. I think it was a must to end it with Kazehaya talking about seeing Sadako over summer, I mean that's how things start, right? It'd be kinda sad to know that see a prologue fail to conclude what it brings up.

Maybe the question would be for those saying it was rushed; Where would you have stopped the episode or changed about it?
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Oct 8, 2009 9:36 PM

Apr 2009
Don't really like the character designs, but otherwise it's the best fall 2009 show I've seen so far.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Oct 8, 2009 9:45 PM
Jul 2009
God her voice is annoying when she's shy...Not too crazy about the art style. Show isn't bad though.
Oct 8, 2009 9:51 PM

Sep 2008
unlisted said:
God her voice is annoying when she's shy...Not too crazy about the art style. Show isn't bad though.
What is this I don't even.
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Oct 8, 2009 10:04 PM

Mar 2008
Best show, this season so far. That's not saying much but it does really seem to be rather good. The ED is really nice, and lol @ HawthorneKitty for favouriting it already.
Oct 8, 2009 10:06 PM

Sep 2008
Kurisu said:
Best show, this season so far. That's not saying much but it does really seem to be rather good. The ED is really nice, and lol @ HawthorneKitty for favouriting it already.
Am I exuding too much fanboy-ism?
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Oct 8, 2009 10:11 PM

Mar 2008
HawthorneKitty said:
Am I exuding too much fanboy-ism?

A pinch.

It was easy for me to love the first episode because it's so adorable but I just hope it can keep it up.
Oct 8, 2009 10:16 PM

Oct 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
Just watched under SFW subs... definitely prefer FMS.

I don't quite get how it's rushed though. The title of this episode is "Prologue" and directly correlates with chapter 0 of the manga, well they cut out about 2 minor scenes. I think it was a must to end it with Kazehaya talking about seeing Sadako over summer, I mean that's how things start, right? It'd be kinda sad to know that see a prologue fail to conclude what it brings up.

Maybe the question would be for those saying it was rushed; Where would you have stopped the episode or changed about it?

I haven't read the Manga, so when I say it felt rushed I mean as a first episode alone. I felt like it ran through events too quickly, and didn't develop any of the moments enough to capture my interest in the characters.. which lead to a lack of interest in the series in general for me. If it was taken at a slower pace I would have enjoyed it more.

The odd thing is that I expected to love this show. The comedy all felt flat with me for the most part. And I'm a big horror geek too, which is why I was interested in this in the first place (Sawako).
kissbangOct 8, 2009 10:21 PM
Oct 8, 2009 10:36 PM

Aug 2008
Wow, wasn't expecting it to be this good, I enjoy the voice acting and thought the character design may be different, it certainly is fitting. Looking forward to this one

Oct 8, 2009 10:48 PM

Feb 2008
unlisted said:
God her voice is annoying when she's shy...
I can already see the Heavens and God not letting you in the gate to paradise. -shakes head-
Shame on you. v_v
loveholic18 said:
I'm not fond of Sawako's voice but I wish that it'll grow on me along the way.
WHAT?!?!? O_O
A-are you serious?!
Are you...SRSLY SRS!?!? O__________O
I think...
I think...
a part of me just died when you mentioned that.
-runs and cries at the corner- NOOOO!!
robbydesu said:
hikky said:
"Shouldn't" means a person in his position normally would not do so because of his social status relative to hers. That's why "shouldn't" was in quotes. That does not mean he "doesn't" or "can't" love her.
Yes and let me reiterate that there is no indication of any struggle with Kazehaya's social status. Kazehaya is just liked a lot by others and is very outgoing and nice to everyone - that is the key thing in the series.
As far as I'm concerned (since I've read at least the prologue and the 1st chapter.) Sawako's only starting to admire him and want to be just like him. On the other hand, I see Kazehaya-kun liking her from the beginning if not from the beginning, STARTING to like her anyway...well, that's how I felt when I reread the 1st chapter yesterday anyway. :'o
vinesage said:
This is a shoujo show for sure, in fact, it has the word shoujo written all over on any poster of it. If this isnt a shoujo show, i dont know what else can possibly come near to that definition...
Yes, it's "shoujo."
Get over it. If you don't like it because of that, then...GTFO.
That was the first time I ever said "GTFO" at someone who I barely know.
I must really love this series to be that overprotective. (I mean, not a big fan of the manga, but this anime is just wonderful! O.O)
HawthorneKitty said:
Am I exuding too much fanboy-ism?
I wonder if I'M exuding too much fangirl-ism... O_O
Both the anime series + Sawako + Noto Mami-chin all and all.
-shifty eyes- o,o

Anyways...LOVED this.
Like I said, I'm not a big fan of the manga since I've only read 2 chapters of it back then.
But I was quite delighted when I found out that there was an anime adaptation.
I wasn't expecting anything (but the fact that Mamiko-chan's gonna be in it so it's gonna be good xD) at all, but this episode was a CLEAR "AWESOME" in my book!
So I'm so continuing with it.
And it just gave me motivation to go continue read the manga x'3 Wewt~ (didn't drop it, I was just on-hold when it came to manga's these days. :'o)
Since I'm a huge fangirl of shoujo series and Noto Mamiko, I prolly wouldn't be able to stand any bashing.
And to whoever that idiot who voted 1 in the poll. I hope you die a s low, torturous death. MWUAHAHAHA!

That's all.
FukuWijaOct 8, 2009 10:52 PM

Oct 8, 2009 10:52 PM
Feb 2009
It was cute. Some aspects of the art are annoying though.
Oct 8, 2009 10:56 PM

Jul 2008
Wow.... that's all I really have to say about the first episode. Definitely the best show of the season from what I've seen.
Oct 8, 2009 11:04 PM

Jul 2009
Lija-chan said:
unlisted said:
God her voice is annoying when she's shy...
I can already see the Heavens and God not letting you in the gate to paradise. -shakes head-
Shame on you. v_v
loveholic18 said:
I'm not fond of Sawako's voice but I wish that it'll grow on me along the way.
WHAT?!?!? O_O
A-are you serious?!
Are you...SRSLY SRS!?!? O__________O
I think...
I think...
a part of me just died when you mentioned that.
-runs and cries at the corner- NOOOO!!
robbydesu said:
hikky said:
"Shouldn't" means a person in his position normally would not do so because of his social status relative to hers. That's why "shouldn't" was in quotes. That does not mean he "doesn't" or "can't" love her.
Yes and let me reiterate that there is no indication of any struggle with Kazehaya's social status. Kazehaya is just liked a lot by others and is very outgoing and nice to everyone - that is the key thing in the series.
As far as I'm concerned (since I've read at least the prologue and the 1st chapter.) Sawako's only starting to admire him and want to be just like him. On the other hand, I see Kazehaya-kun liking her from the beginning if not from the beginning, STARTING to like her anyway...well, that's how I felt when I reread the 1st chapter yesterday anyway. :'o
vinesage said:
This is a shoujo show for sure, in fact, it has the word shoujo written all over on any poster of it. If this isnt a shoujo show, i dont know what else can possibly come near to that definition...
Yes, it's "shoujo."
Get over it. If you don't like it because of that, then...GTFO.
That was the first time I ever said "GTFO" at someone who I barely know.
I must really love this series to be that overprotective. (I mean, not a big fan of the manga, but this anime is just wonderful! O.O)
HawthorneKitty said:
Am I exuding too much fanboy-ism?
I wonder if I'M exuding too much fangirl-ism... O_O
Both the anime series + Sawako + Noto Mami-chin all and all.
-shifty eyes- o,o

Anyways...LOVED this.
Like I said, I'm not a big fan of the manga since I've only read 2 chapters of it back then.
But I was quite delighted when I found out that there was an anime adaptation.
I wasn't expecting anything (but the fact that Mamiko-chan's gonna be in it so it's gonna be good xD) at all, but this episode was a CLEAR "AWESOME" in my book!
So I'm so continuing with it.
And it just gave me motivation to go continue read the manga x'3 Wewt~ (didn't drop it, I was just on-hold when it came to manga's these days. :'o)
Since I'm a huge fangirl of shoujo series and Noto Mamiko, I prolly wouldn't be able to stand any bashing.
And to whoever that idiot who voted 1 in the poll. I hope you die a s low, torturous death. MWUAHAHAHA!

That's all.
ROFL tell them..XD
Oct 8, 2009 11:29 PM

Jan 2009
Great first episode, i don't think this was rushed. It did a prefect job as a first episode setting up everything to come. By far the best anime this season(Although not saying much). I'll give it a few more episodes before i judge it anymore, but if this anime lives up to my expectations then this will definitely become one of my favorite series.
Oct 8, 2009 11:56 PM

Apr 2008

it wasn't rush... it was the FIRST chapter
as in if you read only the first chapter that is the first episode

i'm sorry that i refered your name to that but i saw several posts saying this is too "fast pace" or something when in terms is pretty accurate with the first chapter which is what ~26-34 pages long ?
Oct 9, 2009 12:47 AM

Sep 2008
Lvhina said:

it wasn't rush... it was the FIRST chapter
as in if you read only the first chapter that is the first episode

i'm sorry that i refered your name to that but i saw several posts saying this is too "fast pace" or something when in terms is pretty accurate with the first chapter which is what ~26-34 pages long ?
Well, I can understand why it could possibly feel rushed when you're not comparing it to the manga since a lot actually happened from the bathroom to the end. I thought it was necessary though to focus on the relationship between Sadako and Kazehaya while they would be introducing the supporting characters in future episodes. As with the page numbers, KnT utilizes a lot of internal monologue and that takes up a few pages.
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Oct 9, 2009 1:00 AM

Feb 2008
Laevantein said:
ROFL tell them..XD
Will do. xD
Btw...ADORABLE sig & avi.
Wanna just squeeze them to death!
I think I'll make a Sawako sig one of these days~ x'3 teehee♪

Oct 9, 2009 1:36 AM

Nov 2008
Very nice first ep.
comedy/romance/character development it got everything.
if they can keep things going than it will be one of the top show for the season.
Oct 9, 2009 1:36 AM

Nov 2008
Very nice first ep.
comedy/romance/character development it got everything.
if they can keep things going than it will be one of the top show for the season.
Oct 9, 2009 2:14 AM

Oct 2009
Lvhina said:

it wasn't rush... it was the FIRST chapter
as in if you read only the first chapter that is the first episode

i'm sorry that i refered your name to that but i saw several posts saying this is too "fast pace" or something when in terms is pretty accurate with the first chapter which is what ~26-34 pages long ?

o _ o If it's the same exact as the manga then I might feel the manga was too fast paced for my tastes too. I don't know because I haven't read it. It's just my subjective viewpoint on the episode.
kissbangOct 9, 2009 2:18 AM
Oct 9, 2009 4:40 AM
Nov 2007
Absolutely fantastic. I really have no complaints. A perfect first episode in every way. It's easily a 5/5 and I'm eagerly waiting for the next episode.
Oct 9, 2009 4:45 AM

May 2008
Sawako is one of the best female leads woohoo

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Oct 9, 2009 4:49 AM

Jul 2009
kissbang said:
Lvhina said:

it wasn't rush... it was the FIRST chapter
as in if you read only the first chapter that is the first episode

i'm sorry that i refered your name to that but i saw several posts saying this is too "fast pace" or something when in terms is pretty accurate with the first chapter which is what ~26-34 pages long ?

o _ o If it's the same exact as the manga then I might feel the manga was too fast paced for my tastes too. I don't know because I haven't read it. It's just my subjective viewpoint on the episode.
I must say i'm agree too, when i read the manga i think that way too, but this series is not only tells about the romance between Sawako and Kaze, but Sawako's relationship both romance and friendship, so i guess the pace is running in optimal pace, they still have a lot pack of beautiful story..
Oct 9, 2009 5:28 AM

Dec 2007
greenmush said:
Sawako is one of the best female leads woohoo

I really enjoyed the first episode. I think this might end up being A LOT better than I originally thought it would be.
Oct 9, 2009 5:39 AM

Nov 2008
Woah it was much higher than what I expected before.
The story was soo sweet, love the characters(Kazehaya & Sawako)<3 and the Seiyuu :3
Although I don't like the Animation(just like Lovely Complex) but it's still enjoyable, also don't know what others think but I think this Anime is a Comedy too.
Oct 9, 2009 6:37 AM

Apr 2009
I really loved it. Opening and Sawako's voice are awesome!
Can't wait next week to watch next episode :)
Oct 9, 2009 7:02 AM

Nov 2007
I really loved this episode, definitely going to keep up and continue to watch it!! :)
Oct 9, 2009 7:34 AM

Oct 2007
This episode was great. It was so close to the manga, even the art, I am very pleased!
Sawako is so adorable! Though I thought Yano would have blonde hair, but I don't mind brown/orange either.

I hope the anime can keep it up like this and it will definitely become a favourite for this season. :3
Oct 9, 2009 8:03 AM

May 2008
Very much liked this episode ^^
laughed a lot.
ill definetly keep on watching this, as i love the concept,
the music in the background was simply amazing, suited very well,
and sawako, she is so innocent ^^
Oct 9, 2009 8:08 AM

Sep 2009
pretty promising anime hope it doesnt epic fail randomly >.>
Oct 9, 2009 10:37 AM

Oct 2007
I love how sweet and honest this episode came across. I was in dawww teary-eyed sparkle mode the entire episode. IT's funny how pessimistic anime has made me though, i kept waiting for something to go horribly wrong. The two girls to trick her with the courage test, Kazehaya to be rude to her in front of the other classmates...something. I was so on edge idk if i enjoyed it as much as i should have lol

All in all it was super cute romantic and refreshing and gave me some Bokura ga Ita vibes. Art and Animation were fantastic. Looking forward to more
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