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Oct 4, 2009 4:52 PM

May 2008
I just finished watching the Movie, and all I've got to say is, this movie kicked ass!

A bit different from what I expected, yet not that different. It was a nice touch with the comments by historians, veterans and psychologists. I liked that you can reach your own conclusions about what was real and what was not. And the action scenes were simply superb!
Really great movie.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Oct 4, 2009 7:58 PM

Aug 2008
It was different. Though I'm not a big fan of Russian dub. Good storyline with good animation. Was not a big fan of the commentary though, they could have just used a narrator instead.
Oct 5, 2009 4:33 AM

Oct 2008
Yeah but never expected to be this way tho XP
well at least i learn some new history =))
Oct 5, 2009 6:18 AM

Mar 2009
Такая хуита. ужос.

Oct 5, 2009 7:15 AM

Feb 2005
Would have been better without using the phony historians to portray pseudohistory conspiracy theories about the Ahnenerbe and such as real imo.

But not bad. More WW2 anime can only be a good thing.
Oct 5, 2009 8:51 AM

Jun 2007
They tried to mix the reality and bitterness of that war and theories about supernatural occurrences together.
And mixing fiction and reality has always been a thing walking on very thin ice.

But I think they did really well and I found this to be an very interesting attempt at visualizing a part of World War II.
They also did a fine job including facts, like the nazi's abuse of runes and Germanic mythology.

Also really loved that they used Russian and German natives
and I didn't really have that much of a problem with those historians and war veterans,
though it would have been nice if they just had used them a little less.

Baman said:
More WW2 anime can only be a good thing.
Oct 5, 2009 10:05 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
That was good, I liked the mix. Some animations could've been better but the CG was amazing. Especially the scenes with the black limousine on the snow. I liked the ending theme, too as well as that somewhat-open end itself.





[H+] ³  
Oct 5, 2009 10:10 AM

Feb 2008
I think the interviews did fit into the movie. Really liked almost everything. The colours, voices, music, cg, ~ were great. Just as cy said, there were some animations that could've been a bit better.

Oct 5, 2009 10:37 AM

Mar 2009
1/10. Miserable mockery of Russian history.
ps: yep, im russian.

Oct 5, 2009 11:11 AM

May 2008
I don't know why people are criticizing the movie based on history. I don't think there was ever a claim that what was portrayed was real. It was clearly fictional, it was clearly stated as such at the very beginning. The historians did their job, there was a comment where a historian denied the existence of General (what was his name again, the chief of Division 6); as for the psychologists, we should all know that psychology is a pseudoscience to begin with, and psychologists always take their crap very seriously. I, for one, got the hint from the very beginning that the actual events that were happening were a lot more like a hallucination on Nadya's part, with her war-damaged, drug-altered and injured mind; hell, the very first thing said about her is the comment that she wasn't completely sane.
And as for some members of the SS digging into the occult and Russian "scientists" messing with concepts such as going in the beyond are in fact true. There were all kinds of deranged mids during, and before, and after, the war.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Oct 5, 2009 12:03 PM

Feb 2005
georgi said:
as for the psychologists, we should all know that psychology is a pseudoscience to begin with, and psychologists always take their crap very seriously.
Correction, Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience, certainly not all of psychology. It didn't surprise me to see they were all Psychoanalysts. It's much easier to stretch reality when you're handling those guys.
And as for some members of the SS digging into the occult and Russian "scientists" messing with concepts such as going in the beyond are in fact true. There were all kinds of deranged mids during, and before, and after, the war.
Indeed, at least the Ahnenerbe existed, but they hardly dabbled with magical rituals, that was more the Thule society's area.

I did like the hint that everything might have been happening in our protagonist confused little head.
Oct 5, 2009 1:55 PM

May 2009
I was a bit disappointed. I expect a war movie with a hint of supernatural and I got a "zombie war". The way the characters accepted every situation also annoyed me a bit. I know they were prepared for war, but they showed no shred of doubt or remorse.

In terms of quality, I'd give it a 9/10.
In terms of enjoyment, I'd give it a 7/10.
ZulyOct 5, 2009 2:00 PM
Oct 5, 2009 2:00 PM

Jan 2009
I'm sorry but this, imho, was a smishmash of bullshit, comparing reality with fantasy is definetly not a smart move. The first half of the movie was just a ridiculous documental of people relating the war of Soviet Union with Russia then the second half was just a psychological brakedown of a kid with supernatural powers. Certainly the animation was really good, but lets not forget that a good animation doesn't come up always with a good story. It definetly had a good battle/jump moves scenes but thats all.

Plotwise; this shit sucked balls. 5/10 because the last scene was definetly entertaining for me.

RANDOM: Also I already requested moderators to remove Monster from the recomendations of First Squad, they're nothing related on and first of all, comparing such a masterpiece as Monster with First Squad is just a blasphemy.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Oct 5, 2009 2:19 PM

Jan 2009
We really need more WW2 animes. And this movie was great but i think it was a little too short and made it feel rushed but in the end good.
Oct 5, 2009 3:23 PM

May 2008
Lol, Monster a masterpiece. Seems more like an absurd soap opera to me.
And Baman, correction duly noted; though psychology that is not pseudoscience is often so trivial that we already knew the answers to begin with. The truly interesting claims in psychology are usually not really well backed scientifically. At least, that's my opinion of the matter.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Oct 5, 2009 3:36 PM

Mar 2008
Certainly something different with the use of those interviews in between. Russian dub is also something nice for a change - but for the movie itself: almost nothing happened. A little bit action at the end of it and I feel like there was pretty much no plot at all. Of course that's because with all those interview scenes and only 1:10 hours overall length this was really short for a movie. But even then you could compress that little story into 10 minutes. It wasn't even that interesting or original. Pretty forgettable movie.

Going with a still somehow good 6/10.
Oct 5, 2009 5:03 PM

Feb 2005
georgi said:
though psychology that is not pseudoscience is often so trivial that we already knew the answers to begin with.
But we don't really know anything that isn't gained through scientific rigour. Those would be simple assumptions. Psychology also frequently suffer from people's hindsight.
Oct 5, 2009 9:46 PM
Feb 2009
it was bad, really bad!
paladins, druids, zombies - wtf? this war, not a kunstcamera

btw, it's not a WW2 - it's Great Patriotic War. feel difference
waste100daysOct 6, 2009 2:00 AM
Oct 6, 2009 12:47 AM

May 2009
it's a f*cking horrible. Probably, the most awful anime I've ever seen.
и больше на ингрише написать ничего не смог Т_Т короче, XYNTA

где она?!?!?!
Oct 6, 2009 4:44 AM

Mar 2008
TsubasaKnight said:
где она?!?!?!

Реалистичность? В аниме? Bwahaha.
Oct 6, 2009 9:44 AM

Feb 2009
Use English kids!!!

And... this anime is seriously weak.
Oct 6, 2009 10:13 AM

Jul 2009
I love Leo and Valya. Good character style. =)
IMHO, mixing story with comments was good move too. There was actually many fabrications though.
Don't get so serious. It's just an anime after all. ^_^
If I could fly...
Oct 6, 2009 11:18 AM
Nov 2008
I think this anime was created just to troll stupid slavs.
But what we got is awesome b-movie styled masterpiece full of Kurozuka and Jubee Ninpucho TV level win.
Fuken epic. 9/10
Oct 6, 2009 12:54 PM
Aug 2008
Didn't really care for this movie. It wasn't bad, but it was good either. I thought that the interviews would have been better if they were all ran together at the beginning, to give the viewer the basic setup and then let the anime tell the story. As it was I didn't find myself caring for any of the characters because any time we got with them was quickly interrupted.

This felt like a CliffsNotes version of a better movie.
5/10 (Average - not bad, not good)
Oct 6, 2009 2:23 PM

Apr 2009
man, the movie really was Lame..

though the animation was awesome
Oct 6, 2009 5:41 PM

Jan 2008
soulless, unmotivated nonsense.

Super lame and extremely boring

Oct 6, 2009 6:28 PM

May 2008
Actually, I guess it was kind of boring when I think back on it. I was kind of glad when it finished, in that I wouldn't have wanted it to last any longer.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Oct 7, 2009 9:46 AM

Feb 2009
Such stupid movies are necessary to make us (russian people) fools.
Thanks Mr. Putin for it.
Аккаунты: rutracker || fansubs || World-Art
Oct 7, 2009 1:25 PM

Aug 2007
Aglenn said:
Such stupid movies are necessary to make us (russian people) fools.
Thanks Mr. Putin for it.
Having some paranoid delusions aren't we? Teh "Mr. Putin" has nothing to do neither with anime industry nor with this movie in particular. And it's not like it's aimed at making anyone fool - just an example of a lame take on the russian history, that's all. No need to get so worked up - the key is not to take it too seriously (it's just entertainment after all ;)

But I agree, it was quite mediocre/
Oct 7, 2009 1:44 PM
Feb 2009
Xuchiel said:
it's just entertainment after all ;)
it's just a cartoon after all, just a cartoon)))
Oct 7, 2009 1:58 PM

Aug 2007
noym said:
it's just a cartoon after all, just a cartoon)))
Indeed!)) And cartoons are supposed to entertain (unless it's a propaganda cartoon which obviously isn't the case here). Should take an example from the japanese - they have a lot of fun parodying their own history (Sengoku Basara).
Oct 7, 2009 9:29 PM
Feb 2009
Xuchiel, you mix up the terms. parody and this bullshit haven't nothing similar
Oct 7, 2009 10:30 PM

Jun 2009
Russian people mean srs business, lmao. Its only an animated movie people, why get so worked up about it? You have to remember the Germans have had it worse and they don't seem to bitch ;).

As for the movie, it failed imo. It had good animation but that's about it since the plot was weaksauce and the RL commentary didn't manage to fit well. I give it a 5/10
Oct 7, 2009 10:48 PM

Feb 2009
Xuchiel said:
Having some paranoid delusions aren't we? Teh "Mr. Putin" has nothing to do neither with anime industry nor with this movie in particular. And it's not like it's aimed at making anyone fool - just an example of a lame take on the russian history, that's all. No need to get so worked up - the key is not to take it too seriously (it's just entertainment after all ;)
But I agree, it was quite mediocre/

It`s widespread delusion. All our modern culture (including movies, cartoons, TV shows and music) works on this purpose.
First Squard - anime?)) No, it`s cheap stupid trash under strong patriotism cover.
Аккаунты: rutracker || fansubs || World-Art
Oct 7, 2009 11:38 PM

Aug 2007
noym said:
Xuchiel, you mix up the terms. parody and this bullshit haven't nothing similar
No, I don't mix up anything. What I meant is just that the japanese aren't afraid to make fun and sometimes in a pretty trashy way of their own history because they know the line between reality and entertainment. It's rather we who mix up everything like unnecessary looking for patriotism and falsifications of history in some stupid cartoons.

Aglenn said:
First Squard - anime?)) No, it`s cheap stupid trash under strong patriotism cover.
Agree about the "cheap stupid trash" part but don't see anything to do with patriotism - it's not like it's going to be shown on history lessons anywhere and even as entertainment only very few people will see it since anime is still not as widespread in our country. As I said just try to take it easy and have some fun ;)
Oct 8, 2009 1:25 AM

Feb 2008
You see, there was quite a fuss about FS in russian press or internet.
As for me, I never had any good expectations for this crap. But, hey, what all these "awesome japanese animation meets russian story" or "thrilling story about brave pioneers & WW2" revealed into?
Like a juicy horse fart into fanboy`s face

Animation and graphics were OK so japanese did well. However, two dunderheads, named Misha & Aljosha failed miserably. Along with all these naive belivers ("Oh, anime about Russia, supa-cool. Written by russians, so have no fear)

So, troll sovs, you say? ))

I knew that "First Squad" is gonna be awful. And it realy is, lol, what a surprise!
CorvaXOct 8, 2009 1:31 AM
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Oct 8, 2009 1:29 AM

Aug 2008
In short

+ Animation (sometimes too static)
+ Music (but not for everyone)

- Shallow, emotionless realisation of story
- Soulless voice acting
- Pacing is off
- Lacking historical facts

Was it suppose to be historic? Or action anime? Maybe supernatural genere? Only thing that I know is this title was boring and unenjoyable.
Oct 8, 2009 7:52 AM

Nov 2008
i was expecting soo much from this...truth be told it wasn't quite that bad, but it felt very dull at times, even the animation sucked at certain points. The characters weren't that great and barely gor screen and it felt a bit rushed too, still it was entertaining.
Baman said:
I did like the hint that everything might have been happening in our protagonist confused little head.

yes, very nice indeed.

I'll give it a 7/10 'cause i'm in a good mood.
...might change it to a 6 in the future...
Oct 8, 2009 1:10 PM

Jun 2009
It was mediocre, but it get's additional +1 score because of beautiful animations and art.
Oct 8, 2009 8:55 PM

Feb 2009
Where can you find this movie...(need to watch it)
Oct 9, 2009 9:02 AM
Oct 2008
Well... I'm from Russia, and I haven't expected much from this anime, but it turned out even worse than I've expected. The movie is very beautiful drawn, but it's only positive thing I can say about it. I'm interested in WWII history and legends, but the plot is uninteresting and weak even for me. The characters are poorly developed, and the "documentary" live-action parts are just annoying. The voice acting is bad too, just like Cuba77 fandubs (if you know what I mean). So, if you like that kind of anime, try to watch Wolf's Rain instead.

Oct 9, 2009 12:26 PM
Nov 2007
TempzJun 20, 2022 2:11 PM
Oct 9, 2009 1:24 PM
Dec 2007
Baman said:
Would have been better without using the phony historians to portray pseudohistory conspiracy theories about the Ahnenerbe and such as real imo.

That felt particularly strange... and awful. I don't know how to rate this piece of animation, it didn't feel like a movie at all, more like a con documentary, it was so peculiarly structured and ostensibly ridiculous that it could have been funny. But unfortunately, it seems that First Squad is not some sort of parody, and its producers were serious when doing this film, which I really can't understand. To describe it more precisely, it ressembles some kind of Blood: The Last Vampire meets Vampire Hunter D in a wrongly rendered WWII in Russia, and mixed with the phony Otaku no Video interviews. Extremely weird to say the least.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Oct 9, 2009 2:00 PM

Nov 2008
I'll take the courage to say that I am Russian and I LIKED most of the movie.
It was expected that it will contain fiction and supernatural and something history-related. I was afraid to see a much worse historical part, so I even feel relieved it turned out this way. I don't see any problem with the patriotical feeling in it. Russian guys who connect patriotism only to the government just amuse me. Милые, убейтесь об стенку)) Разве это не наши деды вооевали? В самом аниме не было ура-патриотизма, Надя выполняла задание, а её друзья помогли ей. Понятно, что "они сражались за Родину", но как раз прямо об этом не говорится. Самые патриотические высказывания были слышны от самих ветеранов, реальных людей, участвовавших в войне, испытывающих эти чувства. У вас с этим проблемы?)
There was no Stalin, there were no even hints for any government, no real historical key figures have been involved in the plot - and it was ok for me, because anime should not be about politics. Personally I liked this.
This movie doesn't pretend to be a great drama show. To me, it's just an interesting attempt to imagine "How it could be if..." This genre has the right to exist, and why should it be a parody I can't see.
According to "how it was done" - I liked Nadya's seyu (lol we have seyus now in Russia too))), but disliked how all male characters sound. I greatly disliked one more thing. The movie is too much centered around the first squad. On the other hand, the authors called the movie so, nothing to grudge about)

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Oct 11, 2009 3:24 AM
Nov 2008
>But unfortunately, it seems that First Squad is not some sort of parody, and its producers were serious when doing this film
Sugoi monogatari, aniki.
Oct 11, 2009 10:45 AM

Jul 2007
i always thought english dubs are bad and germans are even worse but that was a verbal slander. Quess the only way to watch anime is in japanese with english subs.
Oct 11, 2009 11:25 AM

Nov 2008
Grummel said:
i always thought english dubs are bad and germans are even worse but that was a verbal slander. Quess the only way to watch anime is in japanese with english subs.
Ehm... Have you possibly thought that it was done in Japanese first?)))

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Oct 11, 2009 12:56 PM

Aug 2007
Actually, it seems the russian dub is the original for this movie as I couldn't find any information on japanese seiyu involved with the project. Same as with Afrosamurai where english dub is the original, not japanese.
Oct 11, 2009 1:29 PM

Nov 2008
Xuchiel said:
Actually, it seems the russian dub is the original for this movie as I couldn't find any information on japanese seiyu involved with the project. Same as with Afrosamurai where english dub is the original, not japanese.

Guys, seyus are Russian, as well as the creators of the plot. Only animators team is Japanese.

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
Oct 11, 2009 1:32 PM

Nov 2008
Ah, and I remembered what else I liked in the movie: sceneries. Moscow sights. When I saw the Bielorussky railway station, my heart somewhat trembled - I've been there so many times before. I am sure that when I'll be there next time, I will remember Nadya jumping from the bridge to the roof of a train.

Credits for the av go to =)
I used to be Dolce_Vitka here, but Vitka_Lynx is my nickname at alost all other sites, so I decided to take it here, too ^___^
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