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Oct 30, 2019 1:24 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Just watched it on theaters today and I found it to be really average. Its trying to have romance as one of its central themes but they literally had to make the main female character be worthless and lacking in personality. She's just there for the plot to happen and really did not have that much significance throughout the film. The conversations between Naomi and the girl is as generic and doesn't feel like any heart was put into the script at all. It made the whole motive kinda hard to swallow and I was very indifferent in the events that unfolded. I'm not really too sure what the significance of the plot twist was. This movie is reminiscent of that to Uchiage Hanabi. If people were complaining about the relationship between the mcs on that movie, how much more in this movie. Everyone feels detached from one another. Apart from some visual presentations, there's really nothing to write home about. |
Oct 30, 2019 4:19 AM
just watched it here in the Philippines. and all I've got to say that it was a 6/10 for me. There's really nothing to write home about, it was just a kinda overhyped movie because of the trailer's visuals. While the movie's visuals itself were decent for a CGI film but really dint standout as much. The characters have little to no development especially the main girl like "why should i care for her?" because she's shy? an introvert? because shes the love interest? these questions would have answered if her character would have been developed because it felt to me the romance between the girl and the main guy was rushed and was basically only there for the plot to be pushed onward. The plot itself was interesting but a bit too far fetched especially in that climax sequence where it felt more like an acid trip more than a proper scene. The ending was the only time I felt satisfied throughout the film because all of the small details if you paid attention made sense in the ending. The soundtrack was meh not RADWIMPS quality but just meh. Honestly this movie for me atleast would have been better if it were an anime series as the Romance and the development of the characters would have been more fleshed out same with the Plot that was all over the place. |
Oct 30, 2019 7:43 AM
Went into the theaters without knowing shit: didn't see the trailers, didn't know who it was made by. The animation was good. At first the 3D caught me off-guard but I eventually warmed up to it and didn't bother me at all. Most scenes were okay but there are some standout scenes that looked absolutely fantastic because of the 3D. The ending sequence was dope- I thought I was high. It was a visual acid trip but a superlative one. The story is definitely the weakest point although I think I understood it?? Spoiler incoming: From what I understood from the ending, it seemed like Naomi was the one in coma right? During the firework festival he was the one hit by the lightning and has been in coma ever since. The whole movie is inside his head- trying to go back in time via the AllState (not sure if it was called that, I forgot) to rescue Ruri when it fact he was the one hit by the lightning? The characters were pretty forgettable too except for maybe Naomi because he's on the screen throughout the entire movie. Really thought that one redhead/idol-ish character girl would do something but I guess not. It was an okay experience, I guess. Went in blind, pleasantly surprised by 3D, got confused by the story, felt like I understood it, got confused again, contemplated if I was high or not, got confused, felt like I understood it again, and left. |
Nov 2, 2019 5:54 AM
Hello World really did suprise me I just know some parts but didn't watch the trailer at first glance I really wonder if I was on the right film because why is it 3d or CGI animated but nonetheless I thought as the Film progress it would be a smooth animation I was wrong because the whole movie is CGI or 3D but that's what makes it interesting because you could notice the beauty of it even though the animation is like that. 9.5/10 For the Score it's direct to the point and yes there is going to be a 3 episode spinoff from the original film episode 1 is already out. Of all the animated Film that are created this film is the one who will give it's viewers a satisfying ending. The story lacks background but hei not all movies are perfect. But what stands among the rest is it moves beyond the boundary of what is normal. Even if the person is not that much of a fan of Science Fiction or Sci-Fi that person will still hook up to the story. It's like hal but unlike this film. Hello World gives the audience a satisfying ending in just a short scene not going to spoil it. Over all the film is a great film to end the year after Weathering With You this is now the movie people are talking about. Yes it has it's cons in story wise and animation but all movie has it's own flaws and specialty and this movie shocks the world for it's uniqueness. Watch the 3 episode spin off guys. God Bless ^_^ |
Nov 9, 2019 1:18 AM
The plot is good, but in the first the CGI disturb me but I get used to it they used primary colors in his powers and gem-like hair at some point that I didn't like so the main character is not, in reality, they are just recorded event and emotion that I don't understand in the end (he wake up and they are in the moon (my theory he sleeps many years and he brought in that place because he contributes a lot in their project (but I know he died, that impossible to revive him (and wait who is that girl beside him? is she the heroine?(sorry I'm bad at remembering names and their name was not written on mal))))) so he needs to make a sacrifice who should be erased from reality I was been heartbroken from that and he let his lover go well it's his own fault to bring her in their world, well I feel him you want to bring back your loved one and feel him again in your hands and see her smile |
Anoo-DominiNov 9, 2019 3:20 AM
Apr 9, 2020 9:35 PM
I honestly just like the first half... the second half was confusing. I sorta get the ending but I was still not satisfied. |
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine." ~Fruit Basket |
Apr 9, 2020 11:10 PM
The character animation was not great, but serviceable. The background art and environment models on the other hand, were stunning. The architecture and lighting was just gorgeous. Stills from this film look amazing - in motion not as much. Based on the premise, I thought this was going to be a rom-com with the future self trying to stop the past self from falling in love to save the girl. What actually happened was completely unexpected. The twist in the middle made the first part of the movie a lot better. The older self's behavior didn't make sense with his initial goal, but with the twist revealing his real plan, his actions made sense. I was really annoyed by the match-making thing, so that twist was such a relief. I think I might liked this movie if the pacing wasn't such a mess. There's really no emotional development, so near the end when the flashbacks were happening, I was just laughing out of embarrassment instead of feeling anything the film makers intended. While watching, I joked that there was going to be another twist where the girl was the one actually outside of the matrix and that the real world would be in 2D animation while the simulations were 3D.... I can't believe it actually happened LMAO. Pretty cute that the girl was the crow all along. |
Apr 9, 2020 11:39 PM
The story is very confusing. Anyone have a good explanation on what actually happened at the end? |
Apr 10, 2020 12:17 AM
This one is so easy to figure out. lmao pay attention to the art! that's my only advice to those who haven't seen it. 3D isn't the only thing in this anime. I heard negative stuffs about this before watching, but once I watch it it just click at the end. Pretty good concept, probably one of my hidden gem since this isn't popular like Your name. greycld said: The story is very confusing. Anyone have a good explanation on what actually happened at the end? I hope this help answer your confusion. The whole story is about bringing brain dead people back through by technology that connect to a virtual world (mostly in 3D). Brain dead = dead in real life too imagine your grandparent revert acting like kids because of old age. But it this situation, you got a brain dead patient in their 20s or 30s. Therefore, it necessary for them create another life and have put it through a simulation in side that 3D virtual world for it to mature and create thought process. Adding the younger MC and his 3D world is just a spice to series to bring out the concept of alternate world. Halfway through the show, you realize the older MC is also data which mean he, himself isn't real either. At the second ending, you see him awake in the 2D world (should have notice it right away it wasn't 3D). Yes that is the real world. As for the 2 young HS kids in the 1st ending clip, they're pretty much in an alternate/parallel world. Happy ending for both the MCs. |
Fuwa_sanApr 10, 2020 12:29 AM
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃: |
Apr 10, 2020 12:47 AM
Pretty average, the characters aren't likeable, I couldn't relate at all to the wanting a girlfriend crap, I mean ofc I wanted a girlfriend back in my hs days but this was just bad writing but ofc I know hs is not the main of theme of the show but this plot has been done so many times before, didn't even surprised me it was a simulation within a simulation, imo the show tried so hard to be smart and too focus on the plot and pace was bad too that it failed to make me invested in the characters, like the happy ending is pointless if I don't care about the characters Null Peta is better 5/10 |
Haunt88Apr 10, 2020 6:22 AM
Apr 10, 2020 11:21 AM
Everything that last minute before the credits started made me bump up my score for this movie by a whole point. It wrapped things up in a satisfactory manner and a lot of things made sense in that moment, especially because the art style shifted from 3D to 2D. Apart from that I thought the movie was a nice watch, looking forward to watching the ONAs! 8/10 |
BlackCiceroApr 10, 2020 8:14 PM
Apr 10, 2020 12:44 PM
Well, I liked it. Notably, the first half or so. The character development got the job done, but I feel I would've card much more if there was more time dedicated to it. Not to mention the scenes just about Naomi working with his future self was simply enjoyable to watch. I wish there was more of it. That said, an issue I felt near the end, was that it was essentially climax after climax. The movie seemed to drag out the later half more than it needed to. That said, I still had a good time with the movie. Like I said, the first half was really enjoyable. The animation was pretty good aside from some odd character movements. A few plot points like the crow and the concept of being inside a "world" that's just composed of data were intriguing. Overall, pretty good. I'm teetering between a 7.5 and 8. The complaints I had would make it seem like it would score much lower but it really comes down to a movie that's a genuine pleasure to watch in the first half to just a "good" second half. I'll probably go see it in US theaters assuming it'll be released months down the road. Note that I watched the OVAs prior to the movie, which I feel made me care slightly more than I would have not seeing them prior. The OVAs are really solid for being a prequel, and honestly work just fine on their own. I suggest seeking them out. |
zamandzoeApr 10, 2020 12:52 PM
Sorry, the user you are looking for is not available at the moment. You are currently reading text generated by APSAB or "Auto-Programmed-Signature-Mataining-Bot" (patent pending). ERROR CODE 1979-NIPUL-W3EB Please Install the Latest Version of MAL.OS as Some Features of Certain Signatures May Not Appear Correctly. You are currently running MAL.OS.V4. Click here to download MAL.OS.V5. APSAB Version: Beta.99 "If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly." - Me |
Apr 10, 2020 11:40 PM
Finally Watched it... and Loved it.. The Feelings, the Visuals, the Trama, the Music, the Characters, i liked them all. I think the score is a bit low, because most of the people didnt liked the CGI or didnt understood it at the end... not like "Your Name" that was very ez to understand, so most of the people ended loving it.... Also, dunno why people compare so much this with "Your Name"... but in my humble opinion "Hello World" is better than "Your Name".... Why? Because, beside all the things ive already said i liked of this movie... the number one, and the one that rule my opinion over all the Anime in General are the "Feelings".. and i got more Feelings from this Movie, than from Your Name. 9/10. |
Apr 11, 2020 2:19 AM
Damn that last plot twist was great. The scene where grown up Naomi wakes up and Ruri hugs him was in the real world and not in the grown up Naomi's data world. So in real world Naomi was the one who was in coma and Ruri used alltale to bring him back. It's not specific how Naomi became brain dead in real world but we can take a guess from the entire stuff that happened in the data world. It's most likely that he was the one who was struck by that lightning and ended up in coma in the real world. Then Ruri used alltale in real world to bring him back like how grown up Naomi used it in the data world to bring back Ruri. Also damn that crow was actually Ruri. She was there helping Naomi in every step and she managed to merge grown up Naomi's data with the real world Naomi's body. Well this movie turned out a lot better than what I heard. The visuals, animation, ost, character design were all great. As for the story the first hour was really good and then it felt kinda meh but it was actually all a build up for the final plot twist. At first I thought that I wouldn't feel much sympathy for some stored data but ended up feeling bad for the grown up Naomi after it was shown how hard he worked to get her back and even when I found out that he was also a stored data I still felt bad for him. Specially that scene where high school Naomi erased grown up Naomi was touching and there was that last twist which really got me. Anyway I'm glad I watched it. This movie was really great, I totally loved it. |
Apr 11, 2020 3:11 AM
lol wtf that was awesome Japan ignored this movie just because its 3DCG? i love simulation argument or The Matrix stories like this the ALLTALE or quantum computer got infinite space and maybe infinite computation power anyway so ye they should have made an infinite multiverse in it right from the start, or maybe its not actually a multiverse but a simulated universe within a simulated universe but in the end i think they created a new universe within one of the simulated universe there its nice that both the young and future Naomi got a happy ending in the end the young Naomi living in the new simulated universe together with the simulated Ruri and the old Naomi finally wakes up from his brain damage and reunited with the real world (or base reality) old Ruri first half was like the boy is trying to save the girl and wake her up from brain damage then the ending was like its actually the girl that is saving the boy from brain damage *insert they got us in the first half not gonna lie gif meme here* Hello World indeed because he finally wakes up from brain damage thanks to the ALLTALE data about him also i like that the real world (or base reality) is 2D animation lol and old Ruri is hot with the glasses on |
Apr 11, 2020 5:44 AM
Apr 11, 2020 8:15 AM
Ever time I look at CGI I'm very thankful to all those animators who spend time on drawing each and every frame. CGI movements makes me feel like I'm watching everything in slow motion. Coming to the movie itself it was boring, couldn't get invested in the characters at all. Felt like watching just a bunch of random stuff thrown in together. Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete which had a very similar premise was definitely much better in every aspect. The twist at the end was kind of weird. |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Apr 11, 2020 9:05 AM
Well at first I honestly didnt like sci-fi anime that much but this one is different from what I watch. I like the characters too and how they grow. for me 9/10 |
"Where ever you are in this world. I will always going to find you.." "Who cares if we can't see any sunshine, I want you more than any Blue Sky.." "I hope you'll remember me, even just a little bit.." "Even if the world is destroyed, I still want to see your smile again.." "I'm the one who lived my life just to meet you, just like cherry blossoms waiting for the spring.." |
Apr 11, 2020 9:50 AM
I'm just gonna paste what I wrote elsewhere Short_Circut said: Ok update, watched the film and I loved it. Beginning was cute as fuck and man, that confession scene blew my heart (especially that sudden blushing lmao). True to Mado Nozaki works it does have an out of nowhere plot twist somewhere along the middle where it basically becomes like a sequel, I did think the 1st half was better than the 2nd. Art was great, it was basically KyoAni minus the bloom/lens flare and in CG. OST was phenomenal. Characters, I personally liked although I can see people not really liking some like the heroine cause she was kinda a walking plot device lmao Overall though like I assumed, if you’re a fan of Nozkai’s other works, or if you want a nice romance film, then I’d recommend this otherwise you might not end up liking it I find it funny though how MAL decided to remove the romance tag for some reason. This movie was all romance, sasuga indeed 9/10 for me, was a very cute film and glad everyone got a happy ending. Ngl I'd honestly love to see a full series based on just the 1st half alone (i.e., SoL romcom between young Naomi/Ichigaya) |
'On-Hold' is another way for a completionist to say 'Dropped' |
Apr 11, 2020 3:54 PM
this could have been a 10/10 anime for me if they took time to explain the gist of the simulation hypothesis especially base reality (mentioning the basic ideas of it is enough) because if i did not know those ideas before then im sure as hell gonna be confuse too, the side story prequel/backstory never explained it too that scene where they talk about what is reality the old Naomi could have said or added "reality can be a simulation, like this computerize world is as perfectly real as the real world and the real world that i live in maybe a simulation too so who knows where is base reality (or real real world)" that also can be a nice foreshadowing for that ending |
Apr 12, 2020 3:17 AM
So who get shocked by lightning lol. Idfc with this movie. |
Apr 12, 2020 5:15 AM
At the beginning, I didn't quite like the CGI animation. But at the last scene, they changed animation style and not using CGI. This was mind blowing. I feel like i know the reason why they did CGI at first. |
Apr 12, 2020 5:35 AM
Love the character design, and the story is nice too. Im just surprised that the girl is not on coma state when they have back in their own world. The concept of this story is like a time machine thats why some are confused at the second half of the said movie since when they return to their world, the girl must be on coma state or unless when he did save the girl from the lightning thats became the starting point thats why she is alive. |
Apr 12, 2020 5:50 AM
Way better than I expected. Do you want a girlfriend ? Kaneki-Rize flashbacks !! |
Apr 13, 2020 8:58 AM
Apr 13, 2020 11:21 PM
Is this a paradox? being a paradox though implies the real world at the end is also apart of the simulation. Decent to good movie, personally wished for more time with Ruri and Naomi though. |
Apr 14, 2020 5:23 AM
I expected much more. The basic transfer theory is not unlikely, since even the last scene can be a new world 5/10 |
Apr 14, 2020 11:02 AM
Maou_heika said: Ever time I look at CGI I'm very thankful to all those animators who spend time on drawing each and every frame. CGI movements makes me feel like I'm watching everything in slow motion. Coming to the movie itself it was boring, couldn't get invested in the characters at all. Felt like watching just a bunch of random stuff thrown in together. Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete which had a very similar premise was definitely much better in every aspect. The twist at the end was kind of weird. Boring ? Just wow What bad opinion |
Apr 14, 2020 11:11 AM
TGAvi said: The characters were dull, couldn't care about any of them, the premise was more of a fantasy than sci-fi. Creating things out of almost nothing, weird monsters appearing in the real world from what is supposed to be records from the past. You could brush off all of it saying that all of it happened in the guys dream when he was in a coma but that just makes things even more pointless, what am I doing watching some dream that the MC is having. My opinion is of course no match for your bad taste though.Maou_heika said: Ever time I look at CGI I'm very thankful to all those animators who spend time on drawing each and every frame. CGI movements makes me feel like I'm watching everything in slow motion. Coming to the movie itself it was boring, couldn't get invested in the characters at all. Felt like watching just a bunch of random stuff thrown in together. Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete which had a very similar premise was definitely much better in every aspect. The twist at the end was kind of weird. Boring ? Just wow What bad opinion |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Apr 14, 2020 11:50 AM
Maou_heika said: TGAvi said: The characters were dull, couldn't care about any of them, the premise was more of a fantasy than sci-fi. Creating things out of almost nothing, weird monsters appearing in the real world from what is supposed to be records from the past. You could brush off all of it saying that all of it happened in the guys dream when he was in a coma but that just makes things even more pointless, what am I doing watching some dream that the MC is having. My opinion is of course no match for your bad taste though.Maou_heika said: Ever time I look at CGI I'm very thankful to all those animators who spend time on drawing each and every frame. CGI movements makes me feel like I'm watching everything in slow motion. Coming to the movie itself it was boring, couldn't get invested in the characters at all. Felt like watching just a bunch of random stuff thrown in together. Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete which had a very similar premise was definitely much better in every aspect. The twist at the end was kind of weird. Boring ? Just wow What bad opinion Sensie is good character and his reason was Logical and clear + Alot of people enjoyed this movie All of them have bad taste ? Ok... |
Apr 16, 2020 5:36 PM
This movie is really similar to Steins gate and to Sword Art Online (that also really similar to Shichisei no Subaru). It's similar to steins gate because they go back and forward from future to past, and there are a lot of worlds and paradoxes, this kind of makes the movie hard to undertand, but I love this kind of movie! This movie is also similar to SAO because it's like a couple being together inside a game, everything is possible, even ilogical things in the real world. BELOW I WILL ASK A FEW QUESTIONS THAT I HAD CONCERNING THE END OF THE MOVIE, IT'S FULL OF SPOILERS!!! 1 Did the kid version of Naomi Katagaki deleted his future Naomi Katagaki version? 2 Why did they appear on the moon? (this didn't seem to be something happening inside someone's mind!) 3 So actually the movie showed in the end that Ruri Ichigyou was alive during these 10 years, and because she loves Naomi Katagaki she was the one that tried to synchronize his mind and body, instead of being the opposite? (Actually the whole movie (Except for the end) shows that Naomi Katagaki is the one trying to "Save" Ruri Ichigyou) If my 3 question is true (Ruri Ichigyou was trying to save Naomi Katagaki AND NOT THE OPPOSITE) 4 Did Naomi Katagaki took the lightning instead of Ruri Ichigyoui? who was as the crow? (I was thinking that was the own system, but this doesn't make sense), the theory about this question in It's really good and nice, but I'm not sure if it's true... also on in "1.4) what are they doing on the moon?", his theory is good too, but I'm not sure if it's true... There's this link about the ending theory too, but it's useless |
hacker09Apr 16, 2020 6:02 PM
Click here to see My Tampermonkey Scripts For MAL If you like my work, please consider supporting it! Cryptos |
Apr 19, 2020 10:17 AM
It was...ok i guess, but way to surrealistic for me. |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
Apr 19, 2020 10:38 AM
Just finished the movie. I really enjoyed it. The premise is interesting. 7/10 |
Apr 20, 2020 9:38 AM
Apr 22, 2020 6:47 AM
Apr 22, 2020 9:17 AM
Weird anime. The cg aren't bad but the logic keeping from giving this 10/10. Enjoyable anime tho so 7/10 |
Apr 25, 2020 11:17 AM
I really enjoyed the animation. Even the CGI. All of it was beautiful. The AllTale premise was awesome. Great sci-fi concept. This could have easily been a 9/10, but its logic fails very fast after the lightning which is a huge turn off for mind-bending premises like this. On top of that comes the greatest fail of all: the love story is shit. Dude has a crush in high school. Girl pretty much dies on their first date. He never gets over it and wastes his life trying to bring her back. "Succesfully" brings her back after ten years, by stealing her from his younger self, and thinks all's just fine make out time. Dude. She's been in a fucking coma. Get it back in your pants for a second. Then plot twist again, it was him in a coma all along, and she was the one with the mental health issues of not being able to let go. I really loved the animation even though it's CGI. The conversation between the young MC and the raven was filled with incredible psychedelic eye-candy. The story was quite enjoyable right up until the lightning, after that we're just going through the motions of big reveals that don't mean anything cause nothing real is at stake. All in all I give it a 6/10, for not being a waste of time. PS: The whole "do you want a girlfriend" thing is undeserving of hate. When Sensei first says it to his kid self, yes, he's saying 'girlfriend'. The other times, after he's already in love, that sentence starts to mean "do you want HER". Kanojo means she/her as well as girlfriend. So it's about wanting HER. |
Apr 25, 2020 2:41 PM
Very very goood!!!!!!🤗 Loved it! 😊😮😢😍👍 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤..... |
Jones81Apr 25, 2020 2:49 PM
Apr 28, 2020 1:49 AM
Overall I enjoyed the movie. Great concept, the story is amazing, stunning animation, the music was great, but the only flaw I saw was the movie being rushed. I'd say they must've made this at least a 2-hour movie to give more emphasis on the characters. Like we're already getting on the climax while not digging deep yet on the characters. This had a happy ending as well. I'm Glad things worked out on both worlds, though I thought older Naomi's really gonna die. If the movie had been longer and added more details about the characters' lives it would've been a lot better! |
Apr 29, 2020 4:23 PM
Extremely average plot. The girl didn't even get enough screen time She was like a nobody in the film |
May 1, 2020 2:58 AM
The concept of the story was interesting and despite its twists was not hard to put together in the end, but the densely packed action sequences after the middle of the movie were too much for me. There should have been much more screen time for flashing out the characters and their evolving romance in the first half of the movie and less for the action and I am sure in that case the last part would have made much more emotional impact on me. Though my main problem was with the CGI: the backgrounds were fine but the character animation put me off all the time and made for me almost impossible to immerse myself in what was happening on the screen. I have been vacillating between 6/10 and 7/10 but because of the CGI I give it only a 6. |
IshitatesoMay 1, 2020 3:19 AM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡 |
May 14, 2020 10:39 AM
The homeostatic system with its infinite foxes was really annoying Who designs a stupid system like that to defend the integrity of the overall memory of the past |
May 14, 2020 5:09 PM
I found the story to be very interesting, though it became somewhat mind-boggling in the second half. The themes were good enough, but I believe the characters could've been better developed too. |
Rely on nothing under heaven |
May 15, 2020 9:13 AM
I've been meaning to watch this for a while, and it certainly turned out to be an interesting watch for sure. I feel like with more screen-time though, it could've been so much better especially with the handling of the Characters in particular because this department honestly fell a little flat to say the least. Plot-wise, it was certainly something that's very appealing for a Romance fan like me and, on that note, it was fruitful. Quite the complex tale with the 3 "worlds" and such but I feel like it tied up pretty well aside from a couple of plot-holes or so. CGI use was a bit stiff at the start but the Studio did a wonderful job in this regard ultimately, in my opinion. Ichigyou's character really shined through with this 3D Animation, for instance lol. Some fantastically animated moments in the 2nd half to really elevate some moments though, it must be said. Favorite part of the movie was undoubtedly the scene of the Adult Naomi "dying" and in the process returning back to the real world. And the soundtrack in the background, "Lost Game" plus those shots of him and Ichigyou-san in the past, that's just too good! Now, time for theories, explanations and everything in between: All in all, it was a surprisingly deep movie in terms of the plot but a heart-wrenching love story at the same time. A short 6-episode tv series would've really done the trick here, I reckon. Expand on a few bits and more screentime for side-characters and Ichigyou - But, that aside, this was one thrilling Sci-Fi show. I'm totally in for these kinds of stories! Same Director as that of SAO's, that's a fine decision. My mind says 7/10 but my heart an 8/10 so it's a 7.5/10 from me. I really want to see more shows like this! Edit: Forget 7.5/10. Re-watched the Movie and it's a definite 8.0/10 now! Definitely the finest work from the Director and Script Writer, in my honest opinion. |
_MushiRock11_May 16, 2020 2:55 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni |
May 16, 2020 4:17 PM
No wonder it gets kyoani character designs vibes, its the same character designer lol, in some scenes Ichigyou is soo similar. That aside I loved the film so much. |
May 17, 2020 9:12 AM
I watched, but I ended up not understanding what is false, what is true, what is past, present or future... lol It's confusing and I don't feel like watching it again for details until I understand (or try to) what happened. Also, I wish Ichigyou-san had more screen time. She is a good girl but she didnt have much attention or screen time in all of this. That sensation that "she was just there - as a plot device" didn't please me much, consequently, it made the romance feel forced specially because the MC was just following his older self lead most of the time. Anyway, it was an enjoyable anime per se. 7/10 |
Vi-May 17, 2020 9:27 AM
May 27, 2020 4:50 AM
Finally getting around to watching this after holding back a month or so, and I'd say "Damn, should've set time to watch this movie earlier", because it took my breath away for majority of its screentime. Addressing the elephant in the room, Mado Nozaki's scriptwriting, and if you'd know this infamous person (whose the same author of Kado: The Right Answer, and the most recent Babylon), his storyboarding tending to start out strong and then meandering around until the ending that makes no sense, yeah, and this movie suffers from an easy understanding of the plot and heavily relies on plot devices to make-do of the situation. But thank God (and I mean really) for Tomohiko Itou, this director of a man, his skills aren't praised highly enough I'd feel, even with Nozaki's writing, he'd wedged a hella lot of linear storytelling amidst the confusions that I'd have feeling lost in the middle. Absolutely love his directorial skills, and I have a higher sense of respect for this guy (ever since SAO) now. This movie is one of the more visually eye-popping recent movies I've seen, and while it is full CGI, it isn't as bad as others day IMHO. Graphinica definitely flexed its CGI potential to the max, but I'd admit, even with this movie, 3DCG still has a long way to go to impress us. Soundtrack? Piece de resistance, that's all I have to say. In a nutshell, a story that crosses dimensions to get back lost feelings is a very compelling move, and characters are lost in the distance somewhat (with motives clear and unclear), and while Hello World manages to ooze its charm (albeit decently), the end effect is surprisingly good and wraps up OK-ish. But still, one of the better movies of recent times, and I really cannot fault this statement. Strong 8 - Very Weak 9/10. |
KANLen09May 27, 2020 4:54 AM
May 28, 2020 8:43 AM
Lmao. Still dont have the character information here? Despite having trouble process so much odd data on this movie, referring how mess the whole plot to only save one girl. Summary, the movie was a fun being and really be a masterpiece to me. The moral lesson for this show was : you never mess with your past and change it, if you ever found any time machine out of nowhere. Even if you had so much power to control the huge data processing like that ALLTALE machines (?), the result might be unpredictable and you will only feel a failure. For this movie i must say: Plot twist over the plot twist. Thats what this show can tell much to me. Its so good, i am shocking. The entire movie premises was just to save the girl from the future adult Katagaki. But he fail realise something important. He destroying his world, and say HELLO to ANOTHER WORLD in the end, because the past world of theirs just gone deleted for the sake of some human being. I am laughed so hard when seeing that shit in the first place. And i must believe thats was the real thing happen in that world. Atleast, the happy ending come as a result for both of Katagaki, in young and in adult form. I am satisfied enough with that fact, more or less. Nice movie! Amazing end, great punch there to put the scenery like that! Such a sweet romance moment in both of couple! I couldn't resist myself when everything just come to normal i like that very well! Omg, what a kawaii design for Ruri, and that red hair girl! All girls there were just so cute that i even realise they are only a 2D! Fuck my real world, here. I want to go to that WORLD! Damn. Sorry. I might be crazy for watching that shit. Really touched my lonely soul. Yeah, atleast the happy end bring me more joy. Not even talked about the mess with the SF elements of matter on this show. Logic doesn't really matter in my first place. That Science were never really exist on the real world, no bad feeling. Fantasy and Drama Tagged must be the real mark for this show. Referring how much the heart-warming scenery happen on the entire show. Even the end must be so good, to even attach it as a canon, its enough to be my reason for liking this show! I believe, its the real world for that couples in the end. Ruri try hard to waking up Katagaki, she success. Like the other Katagaki trying hard in ALLTALE Illusion, they both success to defend their own soul and mind data. So both of them get alive in the end of the movie. So fun! Amazing movie! Great performance over the story telling, the characterization felt cute, the soundtrack were really great even 3D art here settling in such a nice exposure too. Making all of them feel alive like the real world. Obvious 10 per 10 for this. No other opinion from me. Its enough to explain this whole movie. If the story and its character kick my heart so hard and i become so crazy with that, the show proved as a masterpiece. Its include this movie, so, yeah, congrats, and HELLO WORLD! |
badabassMay 28, 2020 9:03 AM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
May 28, 2020 4:55 PM
got interested with the title at first... after reading the synopsis, directly put it into my watchlist and didn't regret it at all it's been long time since i watch Sci-Fi theme anime/anime movies with some paradoxial in it. the soft yet light romance that bloom between two MC's (NaomixRuri) really felt heartwarming, the soundtrack was really good too (Yesterday by Official HIGEDANdism and Lost Game by Nulbarich and so on). I think this movie quite confusing if we didn't see it thoroughly, because there are quite few interesting plothole (IMO the plothole itself didn't make any flaw to the movie itself moreover it making more interesting). one of the fun part for me beside the romance itself(since i am also a romance genre fans) was when i felt that i need to find reasonable and plausible fact/logic that can explained the plot of story itself. Back to the story itself, from what i can take there are several points that explained the whole story for me ( plus after i watch all 3 ova episodes too) :
after reading some of people theory regarding the ending, there are several things that still lingering in my mind like who's the one that got strucked by the lightning, if Ruri, then both of them were actually dived into system help each other from the comatose (1st one to dive Naomi and then Ruri). But, if the one who actually got strucked was Naomi that means the event take on Naomi's head(mind) when he actually created a nested alternate world inside his mind. after all, almost of the event of stories happened inside the ALLTALE itself, with the representation of the security systems as monsters and how the individual in that world can materialize an object( like a execution of function/procedure in the program that instantiate object). somehow the creature itself had "persona/SMT" vibe in it and i liked it. Loved the light and heartfelt romance both NaomiRuri gave, and somehow made me thought hardly about what exactly happen in this movie, and somehow i still not satisfied with that( even with my theory and the bunch of theories that already explained). Maybe I'll dive into the official book of the movie later to really ensure what exactly happen in it. i am fully satisfied with it thank you for creating this wonderful movie, abs 10/10 for me. |
r16fourarmMay 28, 2020 7:34 PM
May 30, 2020 3:30 PM
This actually has to be one of the worst things I've ever seen. I sincerely don't understand how the score is a 7.81/10 and why so many people seriously seem to love it. For me, the writing was absolutely awful and the plot was incoherent and characters' actions were nonsensical. It really feels like the sole purpose of this was to show off impressive CGI fights and they just said "screw the story". I'd have to watch this again to properly write up a lengthy review of why I thought this was so awful, but as of now I'm pretty much just stunned by how positive it was received. |
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