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Mar 16, 2020 7:57 AM

Dec 2015

Here lay the beginning of this ancient city. The name of which originating from the former Aztec leader which the city was built upon.

An epicenter to a sprawling city, one which has begun to rot. Yet it is also a boundary, a boundary that gathered those whom practice magic and sorcery, here within the rotting epicenter lay the Metropolitan Cathedral atop the former Aztec sacred precinct.

The Metropolitan Cathedral. For various people it refers to a holy Cathedral, a place of importance to the Catholic Church. For Magi like the Vatican Church a location where the Holy Church prospers. Yet this is not the only place of importance for these Magi, as essentially neighboring to this holy precinct lay the Palacio de Correos the headquarters of a large association, one which brings countless magi together and aspires to be like The Clock Tower.
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Mar 24, 2020 6:02 PM

Dec 2015

Despite the small drizzle from the skies, Archer stood atop the Torre Latinoamericana while wearing the tailored suit he was given. Why? Well, it is far more discreet than his actual clothes... and his master didn't give him any strict orders on how to go about the magical beacon at the Olympic Stadium. So, he decided to simply observe from a distance and maybe figure out a thing or two about his competition. While observing, a thought came to mind, so he sent a telepathic message to his master [1.] Other than that, he continued to watch the situation over there unfold.
Mar 25, 2020 3:45 PM
Mar 2020

HP: ???/???
Mana: ????/????

After leaving his Masters’ hideout, Saber ran around all over town to various places, jumping and running around trying to find a decent place to ‘dine’, as well as trying to get a good feel of the city. One of the places that he felt obliged to visit was, of course, a cathedral.

Saber was disappointed. He knew he would be. He knew, as he was coming here, he’d be stricken with some level of grief. Nothing was as it should be. Despite having knowledge of the modern world, to experience it… For Saber at least, was interesting. Enough grief though, it was unbecoming of him. He was a warrior not a poet.

As he was walking around, drenching himself in the storm at an alarming rate, he noticed a presence of a servant nearby, coming from one of the buildings around him. Looking around he could see someone up there, someone fancy looking actually..

SeibahSeibahMar 25, 2020 3:52 PM
Mar 25, 2020 4:06 PM

Dec 2015
As the storm continued to show no time of settling, those outside like an idiot caster and her larping master would be drenched in no short manner of time or had found refuge in their own cars as they made their way throughout the city.

Here within the cultural center it was no different. As the strong winds coursed through the streets from the tall buildings that stood between. Saber whom passed by only one man, a priest wearing one's regular garb whom had walked throughout the storm under a black umbrella southward.

Both parties would begin to feel the presence of another servant nearby, and as Saber looked upwards to gaze towards the direction he would see high up, more then a hundred and fifty meters off the ground stood a singular man on the top of Torre Latinomericana, one of the largest buildings within the city whose gaze was set, yet it was not as if he had gone by unnoticed either.
ByakugaranMar 26, 2020 1:59 AM
Mar 25, 2020 4:35 PM

Dec 2015

Things seemed to be going kind of wild on the stadium, as what seemed like Saber was threatening, or asserting dominance or something on Caster. Not long after, Lancer made his appearance, and Saber went after him. The first fight of this war has just begun. As Archer contemplated the situation, he realized that the presence of a servant he noticed a while ago was particularly close. The presence had not been bothering, even though he was noted by him a while ago. It was not after him, not at the moment. He stopped watching the show at the stadium and scanned the streets below. Sure thing, there was a man, no, a servant looking above.
Just as discreetly as he climbed the tower he was standing on, he made his way down, looking for any suspicious activity in his surroundings. A few seconds later, he popped out of a corner near the other servant, and walked towards him. Once he got in speaking range, he would look up and down, as if scanning him, then asked "You weren't looking for a fight, now were you?" wanting to confirm the servant's intentions, without actually threatening him.
Mar 28, 2020 11:39 AM
Mar 2020

HP: ???/???
Mana: ????/????

As Saber tried to look around, he passed by a Priest, but took little notice in him. He seemed a bit strange to Saber, but that didn't matter. Saber main point of attention the servant, whose presence he had noticed on the rooftop of Torre Latinomericana. After the servant came out of a nearby corner, Saber looked at him and thought: "Ah, this is someone I can drink with.

"Not in town, that's for sure. Was thinking of going for a taste of the local beverages, before the real storm hits. Although, it seems like it's already started over there."

Saber pointed his hand in the direction of the stadium and then continued on to ask about more pressing manners: "So, wanna go for a drink?"
Mar 29, 2020 1:55 AM

Apr 2013

"Tch, change of plans my arse, cursed master!"

Rider continued his prior plans, as a grand strategy was forfeited due to an unfortold chain of events. He rode towards the cultural center, since the cathedral was a strategic point that he had to patrol and scout anyways. Riding from rooftop from rooftop, soon he would sense a servant atop the tallest building in the area. He grinned under the metal that covered his face, and he rode faster towards the area, seeing the servant drop down from the tower.


He then rode atop the tower in the servant's place, and saw that there were now two serants, seemingly speaking cordially.

"according to the information we have, Berserker, Lancer, and Caster were probably the ones involved in the stadium. If that's true, then these vermin are two of either Saber, Archer, or Assassin. I do not see anyone resembling a master nearby either... himm.... tch, I hate this, but it seems I'll have to standby. The question is... do I leave them, or do I keep watch over them and potentially-no definitely-reveal myself...? "

He grinned.

"Heh, this seems interesting anyways, let's just listen to what these vermin are sayin' and just git when things get tough, like usual, hah!" he enthusiastically whispered to himself.
Mar 29, 2020 12:57 PM

Dec 2015

Things took an unexpected turn for Archer. The servant in front of him showed no sign of agressiveness, and instead, asked if he wanted to go for a drink. Archer rose an eyebrow, but, the servant seemed honest enough with his intentions. He pondered on the request briefly, before nodding, "Sure, why not? Any place in mind?" he sounded cordial enough as he spoke, until he added, in a more serious tone "That one, up there, friend of yours?"
Mar 31, 2020 10:45 AM
Mar 2020

HP: ???/???
Mana: ????/????

Archer was up for drinks. Awesome. Saber wouldn't have to go explore the modern day all on his own. He noticed the presence of another servant nearby, but didn't particularly care about making this a full on heroic spirit drinking contest. "More or less. I asked some locals on the way here, there should be a decent bar a small walk east."

Archer asked Saber about the other servant, to which Saber looked at the servant: "Nope. Let's just ignore him if he wants to stay out there." Saber saw no need to invite him, if he'd want to join, he could come and join, if not... well, too bad.

Apr 1, 2020 3:07 PM

Apr 2013

Rider smirked and began to get excited as he heard them speak. "A drinking contest huh? Heh, seems perfect for me. Time to join in I gue-" He stopped and looked back, gritting his teeth.

"Tch, damned master.... And just when I thought I could get a little fun. "

He was about to turn around, but stopped. [color=red]" know what? Screw them! I'm gonna go drink! It's not every day that you're revived after all! Hehe!" [color=red]

He then kicked his horse, which leaped into the area where Archer and Saber were talking. "oi oi, what's this I hear about drinks?" he smirked.
HarukaApr 1, 2020 3:43 PM
Apr 1, 2020 4:06 PM

Dec 2015

Luckily, the servant already had done some research into the issue, so that certainly sped things up. Archer was about to say something regarding ignoring the servant nearby, since this was no place for a fight; when a horse unceremoniously landed near them, with the other servant up top. Seeing no purpose in stirring more issues, other than a surprised look here and there, that is, Archer stated "This fellow here wanted to go for drinks..." he said as he pointed to the servant next to him. "I doubt you can enter a bar with a horse though... But if you want to join regardless, fine by me" unless he needed to answer anything else Archer would say "Lead the way... Hm. Well, I suppose it's time for introductions. I'm Archer" then, he would wait for the introduction of the other two servants and follow the first servant he met towards their drinking spot.
Apr 2, 2020 6:28 AM
Mar 2020

HP: ???/???
Mana: ????/????

It seemed that Rider certainly liked attention. I mean there was a massive downpour, so most people probably weren't around and visibility wasn't the best in the world, but still. Leaping from a building to Archer's and Saber's location would've probably give quite a show to any normal human spectators, but seeing as there was alcohol on the line, Saber understood why Rider might not care for appearances and keeping this war somewhat secret.

Rider wanted to join them for drinks apparently. Which was fine. The more the merrier? Saber just hoped no one else would pop up and make this into a full on party.

"We're going to enjoy some local drinks. It's not every day you can enjoy the taste of alcohol after all!" Saber said to Rider.

As they started walking Archer introduced himself, as Archer. So Saber returned his introduction in kind.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Saber."




After a bit of walking they had arrived at the bar. The gang of servants must've stood out a bit. The wet clothes Saber wore, tightly stuck to his honed and highly muscular body, making sure everyone could see his muscly bulges all around his glorious, god-like figure. After all, they were, most likely, completely and utterly drenched by the rain. Well, they probably weren't the only ones. Probably.

Saber went ahead and ordered the finest wine this place had and took went on to take a seat next to a small table with 3 chairs on the side of the bar.
Apr 2, 2020 11:54 PM

Apr 2013

"Heh, who could resist a drinking party? haha! Anyways.." He looked at his beige, stocky horse, its mane fluttering in the wind as he jumped off it. "Well, as ya can see with old Beige here, it's pretty obvious that I'm Rider."

He raised his hand, and Beige the....beige horse, disappeared without a trace. He followed the two to what seemed like a tavern. Rider's stocky appearance with his leather armor, and especially his metal mask would be very eyecatching indeed, but it's not like he cared about that.

He saw Saber take a seat next to a small table and sat on one of the chairs, just letting himself loose and looking at the ladies and booze in the bar. "Heh, this era's not too bad"
Apr 6, 2020 9:47 AM

Dec 2015

The friendly servant was none other than Saber, while the flashy one was Rider. Archer made a note of that "Hm, so in the stadium... Berserker?" his brief moment of thought was cut off, as they had arrived at the bar. It had a pleasant atmosphere, and despite the odd look or two aimed at the group, most likely due to Rider, it seemed tranquil enough.
Soon enough, Saber had ordered fine wine."Mind sharing some of that?" Archer asked, once the beverage arrived at their table. Otherwise, he would order a small bottle of good "tequila". He heard it was popular around here.
Apr 10, 2020 10:38 AM

Dec 2011
Berserker & his master

Jackemo was sitting in the cafe with his son and his servant, sipping on tea with his left hand, then set the cup onto the table. His son was also sipping tea, but Berserker was not. Berserker was sitting there at the table, still in its armor, getting weird glances from passerby.

Jackemo's plan was to wait for another master/servant pair. Preferably Caster. Caster seemed the most easy-going and friendly, so maybe they could make an alliance, for now that is. Besides, Berserker stated that it would like to attempt to alliance with either lancer or caster.

"The weather seems nice, for now."

The son was silent, still reading a newspaper from this morning. It seemed someone important had died. Was it a master, or someone completely unrelated to the war. He took another sip of tea and took a bite of breakfast. Only thing to hope for was to wait and see if someone recognized Berserker. If they did, then maybe they could talk things out...
Apr 21, 2020 10:29 AM

Dec 2011
Berserker & his master

Jackemo finally finished off his drink, and looked at his watch. It would be a long day ahead of them.

Suddenly, Jackemo Jr. spoke up, "Um, father? I don't think sitting around like this will be a good idea. Who knows how long it'll take, or even if they show up to begin with?." To which Berserker nodded.

jackemo looked once again at his watch, "Hmmm. Ok you have a point. Maybe we can do the same thing we did as last night then..." To which the son nodded.

Jackemo nodded in reply, then, after making sure noone was watching, sent a magical beacon into the air, signalling there was a master/servant pair here. Hopefully to draw the attention of other masters...
Apr 21, 2020 10:46 AM
Mar 2020

HP: ???/???
Mana: ????/????

Day 1: Night

Truly, if there was one thing that Saber was currently happy to enjoy in the modern era, it was the alcohol. He wasn't looking down on the vine that he enjoyed, while still alive, however, he did think that the modern alcohol had its own little differences that made it absolutely amazing. Not the best drink he's had, but definitely pretty high up there!

When Archer asked Saber if he could join in, it was a stupid question. "But of course! Tonight, we drink!"

As hours passed, bottle after bottle being emptied, the bar becoming more and more rowdy and then calming down again, Saber decided to get the opinion of the other 2 as well. "So? how is it? The alcohol? Quite good, but so much different than it used to be!"


After declaring his identity, because of the jolly mood he was in after the alcohol intake, he left the area.

Apr 22, 2020 10:15 AM

Dec 2011
Berserker & his master

As the other servant approached, Berserker readied itself, it was someone whom it did not know. It kept on guard as Jackemo talked to her, "Ah, I see. Very well, then we should go there." Jackemo said, taking his son and the servant with him.


Back at their hotel, Jackemo knocked on his door, then shook his head, why was he even knocking on his door when the room belonged to him? He opened the door, hesitantly looking inside saying, "Hello?"
Apr 29, 2020 12:55 AM

Apr 2013

He simply took what he wanted and paid with his master's money, indulging himself in multiple drinks as he leered the women in the bar. He had a blast that night, speaking to the other two servants mostly without care, only saving his identity. As the night went on, [2].

Rider grinned widely/ "Well of course! Haha!" he drank his wine until it was all gone, and then continued until he could hear the nagging of his master in his ear. "Tch. Fine. I gotta go heh. See ya later fellas. Don't die before I get to ya, heheh." He then left the area
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