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To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts
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Jul 30, 2019 5:48 PM
May 2016
So I recently watched the first three episodes, and read the first three or four chapters and I gotta say. The anime isn't the best adaptation.

To start is the beginning. The first episode is original, which isn't a bad thing, but it does lead to a problem. In the manga, it states that the sacred beasts become corrupted, but because it's tell don't show, we don't quite understand how immediately, and the early chapters make it seem more like society has pushed them a certain way or their emotions have been enhanced, maybe war trauma or something along those lines. This makes it easier to understand Schaal's advocacy for their humanity. In the anime, we clearly see that they become more beast-like or go crazy. This makes Schaal seem like an idiot, because we know there's no way to appeal to their humanity.

On that note, The characters aren't as good as in the manga. The manga versions were expressive, and quirky, with Schaal stopping them in the middle of the road for tea time, or playfully pointing her gun while she talks about how she's going to shoot Hank. Hank is also the one who asks her to join him on his adventures, which makes it seem more like he needs a companion of sorts, like THE DOCTOR, if THE DOCTOR was a werewolf. In the anime, everyone has very little expression, and a lot of fun tends to be cut out, there's some expression, but it's very tame. Schaal is also the one who decides to follow Hank if I'm correct, which in the anime it makes her seem like a pest to Hank's amazing adventures.

They also make Schaal an idiot with how in the anime, The Spriggen's back of treasure had blood on it, whereas in the manga, there wasn't. Adding the blood makes Schaal look like an idiot. When the minotaur is destroying people's livelihood, Schaal accuses Hank of planning to kill it because it's a sacred beast, which makes Schaal look like an idiot again. The director doesn't like Schaal is what I'm getting.

There's one scene where Schaal walks into Hank's room. In that scene, you might notice that Schaal and Hank's past girlfriend, Elaine, look very much alike. Hank is having a nightmare about Elaine, so you have to wonder, "what's the pay off", as that visual point feels like a clear setup. In the anime, nothing happens, making the visual set up pointless. In the manga, we haven't actually seen Elaine yet with the exception of the nightmare where we get a glimpse of her. Hank even comments on how Schaal and Elaine have the same eyes, set up, and pay off.

The anime original content feels more like a detriment to the story(even the stuff with Schaal and her Father didn't add much because it was a bit lifeless), the series makes Schaal out to be an idiot, the story is lacking in charm and fun(which doesn't mean a series can't be completely serious, but Re;Zero and Berserk had fun moments in them, so there's argument that contrast is required), and that one scene just really bugs me since it ignores a rule of writing, even if unintentional(that one is more of a nitpick). I feel the anime would be better if they made it a 10 episode series rather than twelve, that would basically eliminate multiple problems I have, as they'd also be able to put more budget into making the characters more expressive rather than just making sure the action and beasts are animated well. i wanted to enjoy the anime and did at several moments in the first three episodes, but there were also moments where I just had to pause and take a second with how stupid they made Schaal. It has plenty going for it, but honestly, I'd rather go back to watching Fairy Gone, as that series was pretty fun despite the places it was lacking in. good night.
Jul 31, 2019 2:17 PM
Apr 2016
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much. And in my book, this is worse than Fairy Gone. Fairy Gone at least uses tropes well. This series? A walking cliche that's like ancient-tier cliche. When people did not know how to properly write stories.
Jul 31, 2019 8:32 PM
May 2016
Daniel_Naumov said:
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much. And in my book, this is worse than Fairy Gone. Fairy Gone at least uses tropes well. This series? A walking cliche that's like ancient-tier cliche. When people did not know how to properly write stories.

Personally, I think the concept for the series is great for emotional storytelling, and it delivers on that at it's best. The anime fails when it's not at the manga's best while the manga isn't always at it's best points, but still manages to be pretty decent at it's worst points. Fairy Gone is better though.
Aug 3, 2019 1:27 AM
Jul 2018
NG_Chloe said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much. And in my book, this is worse than Fairy Gone. Fairy Gone at least uses tropes well. This series? A walking cliche that's like ancient-tier cliche. When people did not know how to properly write stories.

Personally, I think the concept for the series is great for emotional storytelling, and it delivers on that at it's best. The anime fails when it's not at the manga's best while the manga isn't always at it's best points, but still manages to be pretty decent at it's worst points. Fairy Gone is better though.
fairy gone is Pure trash dude
Aug 3, 2019 8:41 PM
May 2016
Isidoro4567 said:
NG_Chloe said:

Personally, I think the concept for the series is great for emotional storytelling, and it delivers on that at it's best. The anime fails when it's not at the manga's best while the manga isn't always at it's best points, but still manages to be pretty decent at it's worst points. Fairy Gone is better though.
fairy gone is Pure trash dude

that's not an argument. if it were a series like eromanga-sensei or Domestic girlfriend, I could immediately agree with you, but Fairy Gone is neither of those things. If you wish to explain why "fairy Gone is trash", then I would be open to hearing your argument.
Aug 12, 2019 4:02 PM

Oct 2007
NG_Chloe said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much. And in my book, this is worse than Fairy Gone. Fairy Gone at least uses tropes well. This series? A walking cliche that's like ancient-tier cliche. When people did not know how to properly write stories.

Personally, I think the concept for the series is great for emotional storytelling, and it delivers on that at it's best. The anime fails when it's not at the manga's best while the manga isn't always at it's best points, but still manages to be pretty decent at it's worst points. Fairy Gone is better though.

Fairy Gone is shit, waste of my time.
Aug 12, 2019 5:29 PM
May 2016
Liddo-kun said:
NG_Chloe said:

Personally, I think the concept for the series is great for emotional storytelling, and it delivers on that at it's best. The anime fails when it's not at the manga's best while the manga isn't always at it's best points, but still manages to be pretty decent at it's worst points. Fairy Gone is better though.

Fairy Gone is shit, waste of my time.

that's not an argument. if it were a series like eromanga-sensei or Domestic girlfriend, I could immediately agree with you, but Fairy Gone is neither of those things. If you wish to explain why "fairy Gone is trash", then I would be open to hearing your argument.
Sep 2, 2019 4:03 PM
Nov 2010
I have never read the manga (trying to only watch the anime this time) and I can definitely see the potential for a good story to be there but then every thing seems to fall flat. Which is a bit annoying as I wish I could see where it could really go than where it’s currently at :/
Sep 2, 2019 6:48 PM
May 2016
HarukoWitch said:
I have never read the manga (trying to only watch the anime this time) and I can definitely see the potential for a good story to be there but then every thing seems to fall flat. Which is a bit annoying as I wish I could see where it could really go than where it’s currently at :/

you and me both, friend.
Sep 3, 2019 12:04 AM
Nov 2014
NG_Chloe said:
So I recently watched the first three episodes, and read the first three or four chapters and I gotta say. The anime isn't the best adaptation.

As someone who has read all the translated material for this series, this is an understatement. The early episodes veered off of the source in many ways but honestly those weren't even that bad. Not until "Coup de grace" our Anti-Incarnate military unit comes in did the Anime adaptation just take a sharp left into completely ignoring the source material. The unit's gear is complete rubbish with basically machineguns, grenade launchers, jet packs, and rocket boots. It's utterly ridiculous. In the source these men were brave soldiers fighting beasts with normal arms and equipment, not some super special hi-tech nonsense unit. It completely removes any sense of the post-Civil War-esque time period the series is set in and ruins a lot of the weight of their battles.
Sep 3, 2019 2:20 AM
Apr 2015
firebringeraxel said:
NG_Chloe said:
So I recently watched the first three episodes, and read the first three or four chapters and I gotta say. The anime isn't the best adaptation.

As someone who has read all the translated material for this series, this is an understatement. The early episodes veered off of the source in many ways but honestly those weren't even that bad. Not until "Coup de grace" our Anti-Incarnate military unit comes in did the Anime adaptation just take a sharp left into completely ignoring the source material. The unit's gear is complete rubbish with basically machineguns, grenade launchers, jet packs, and rocket boots. It's utterly ridiculous. In the source these men were brave soldiers fighting beasts with normal arms and equipment, not some super special hi-tech nonsense unit. It completely removes any sense of the post-Civil War-esque time period the series is set in and ruins a lot of the weight of their battles.

I disagree with you
Adaptation not good but same time not bad
Its just gave you little diffrent Experiment of manga
Sep 3, 2019 10:13 AM
May 2016
firebringeraxel said:
NG_Chloe said:
So I recently watched the first three episodes, and read the first three or four chapters and I gotta say. The anime isn't the best adaptation.

As someone who has read all the translated material for this series, this is an understatement. The early episodes veered off of the source in many ways but honestly those weren't even that bad. Not until "Coup de grace" our Anti-Incarnate military unit comes in did the Anime adaptation just take a sharp left into completely ignoring the source material. The unit's gear is complete rubbish with basically machineguns, grenade launchers, jet packs, and rocket boots. It's utterly ridiculous. In the source these men were brave soldiers fighting beasts with normal arms and equipment, not some super special hi-tech nonsense unit. It completely removes any sense of the post-Civil War-esque time period the series is set in and ruins a lot of the weight of their battles.

wow, that sounds horrible. it's a good thing I didn't make it passed the first three episodes
Sep 3, 2019 10:56 AM
Nov 2014
ziad1419 said:
I disagree with you
Adaptation not good but same time not bad
Its just gave you little diffrent Experiment of manga

If by different experience, you mean it completely loses the entire point, then yes. This adaptation is trying entirely too hard to be a badass action series, and that's not what Sacred Beasts is about. MAPPA dropped the ball here on many levels. It's not a bad anime, but it is a bad adaptation.

NG_Chloe said:
wow, that sounds horrible. it's a good thing I didn't make it passed the first three episodes

Read the Manga. It's a fantastic delve into the psychological and emotional trauma of war and the struggle against losing your humanity. Schaal is a much better character and the impact and weight of the events is treated with a lot more care.
firebringeraxelSep 3, 2019 11:01 AM
Sep 6, 2019 5:56 PM
Apr 2015
firebringeraxel said:
ziad1419 said:
I disagree with you
Adaptation not good but same time not bad
Its just gave you little diffrent Experiment of manga

If by different experience, you mean it completely loses the entire point, then yes. This adaptation is trying entirely too hard to be a badass action series, and that's not what Sacred Beasts is about. MAPPA dropped the ball here on many levels. It's not a bad anime, but it is a .

Anime is triyng give more drama to beasts
Not badass action
Episode 1 was to clarification Relationship between beasts
Anime want you feeling sorry to them
Manga give you more mystery and dark fantasy
Charecter schall in anime same manga
But mappa make her development be in ep 10
You should watch it

Anime overall not bad adaptaion there episodes have good adaptaion like eps 1,4,10
But in same time there eps have bad adaptaion like eps 2,5,7
TGAviSep 6, 2019 6:03 PM
Sep 6, 2019 6:50 PM
Nov 2014
ziad1419 said:
Anime is trying give more drama to beasts
Anime want you feeling sorry to them
You should watch it

If this anime adaptation is trying to be better at being dramatic, they've failed spectacularly. They have done an awful job of evoking any emotion whatsoever. The manga did 10x better at making you empathize with the Beasts. There has been literally 1 episode of the anime where they did a remotely decent job trying to make you feel for them and that was Siren's episode. The rest have fallen flat because they were too busy putting all the focus on the fight scenes. I've watched every episode and all I have felt is disappointment.
Oct 23, 2019 4:54 AM

Oct 2008
Daniel_Naumov said:
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much.

The manga had a good idea and art, just bad execution, the anime's art was decent, the promising dark fantasy idea was there. But the execution was very bad. I had hoped that the anime would not be loyal and they would play around a bit but, sadly now we have another poor atempt at a "dark fantasy" series.
Oct 23, 2019 5:01 AM
Apr 2016
zieek said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Something tells me the original material sucks just as much.

The manga had a good idea and art, just bad execution, the anime's art was decent, the promising dark fantasy idea was there. But the execution was very bad. I had hoped that the anime would not be loyal and they would play around a bit but, sadly now we have another poor atempt at a "dark fantasy" series.

I also liked the idea and I agree with you.
Oct 28, 2019 3:58 AM
Oct 2019
How much of the manga did this actually adapt?

Also, has anyone here read all the way up through volume 9? Elaine is clearly still alive based on the final scene of the anime. And that leads me to believe that the series will devolve into some tedious love triangle nonsense between her, Hank and Schaal.

Am I right?

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