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Feb 28, 2019 5:08 PM
Oct 2018
Please understand that This theory is only a theory and nothing more, I have no concrete evidence as I am inferring everything only from what has been presented to me in the anime. You should treat this as only a thought experiment unless you know of something I do not. The reason I am writing this theory is twofold. The first one is because I would be remiss to have conjectured such a thought and passed on the possibility of calling something out that could be stopped. The second reason is that The theory was persuasive enough to ruin the entire latter half of the series for me, making it both impossible for me to enjoy, and score correctly. So without further ado I present to you the theory.

The show Minami-ke is a propaganda, or written issuance in support of Pedophilia. I want to restate that this is entirely something that could be just in my mind.

PS: Note that I know that I am a narcissist, and will be quite wordy. And yes I know this is an anime, Thus Why I am not telling you that it is for sure, but that there is enough to infer as to the nature of the anime+.

So why do I have such a preponderance of opinion? I will try to explain. At first I took everything as a light hearted set of jokes, some which were funny and some which were not funny to me, but that all changed by the time I started noticing the logo designs that were on "Chiaki's" clothing. Up until I noticed the symbols on her clothing everything I had seen was innocent enough. But I will propose the noted factors for my Theory.

I think that the biggest issue other than the logo is "Chiaki" and her personality. She is presented as the most intelligent character, and in fact generally the most mature character in the show, A tactic to make you View her as older than she is, lessening any perceived problems with any child being seen in said nature. The personality itself essentially flips our perception of reality in the realm of the show, or so that is the planned effect. She is shown to be possibly the most intelligent person in the show, hard working, and able to actively manipulate others for her benefit, in fact it is almost as though the producer of the work is actively trying to get you to admit she is fully acceptable of being considered an adult. The dangerous thing here is that the writer is unable to produce a fantasy like situation where the child would be attainable to themselves.
-----In contrast take the show "Dance in the Vampire Bund". The main heroine there is a vampire with the body of a child of assumedly 9-10 years of age. The writer knows that they will be considered a lolicon fetishist, and so they take steps to protect themselves from it, both from the public and from the possibility of their own personal desires. They give you reasons why this is a logical outcome, for a person with the body of a child is dating, or in love with some one who is auspiciously an adult. They say That "Tepes Mina" is a vampire of hundreds or even thousands of years old, therefore escaping the proverbial trap of loli. It is an excuse but the writer goes out of their way to produce an escape route, furthermore they remove themselves from he situation by putting it forth in a situation that they believe is far beyond the realms of reality, meaning that it is entirely something they would never pursue.

The very first episode, is an amusing situation to watch people squirm around the idea of explaining what "Naughty things" are to their children. And if it had been left at that, if things did not keep compounding I would have payed this no thought, But as it is the episode is all about making a joke about a child, I am guessing of age around 7-10, asking about naughty things and the of course silly jokes that come along with it, was it just a set up to desensitize you. Perhaps it was intended to make it look as though the child is rather innocent for all the future things that happens, for if they had not changed the outlook here everything could perhaps have been much easier to spot. This is a pretty big setup device and should not be ignored.

The next thing I noticed was that the children of around the same age as "Chiaki" kept getting put into Promiscuous situations. Of note there is "Makoto" causing "Yuka Uchida" to get into a rather exposed position of her being face first on the ground, and her but being faced up in exposure to "Makoto". The second time this happened I started to think this is possibly more than just a gag. But as it happened more than Once I can not say that it was just a gag. Or perhaps the fact that it was done once made the author panic and think, If I keep doing this people will take it only as a gag, and look no further into this. Another instance of this is gag of "Kana" constantly pulling down "Chiaki's" pants.

After that the next thing I had noticed which was a bit odd was "Makoto's" Attraction to the elder sister who is in high school "Minami Haruka" Again by itself a younger person trying to get the attention of a senior, or older person is not unusual and as far as a joke it is generally ok. We could take this as a slice of life joke and understand that at least a few of us have been in, or at least privy to this situation in real life. But it does not end there. The child "Makato" begins cross dressing to be able to spend time with "Haruko". This is of course another perversion meant to encapture a very specific audience. This same fetish is repeated later with a sort of Flip of the same trope. Where "Chiaki" wants a younger brother so she finds a girl named "Miniami Touma" and has her cross dress to be a little brother figure.

Another point against the writer's is that they go out of their way to again lessen the distance, or entirely muddle up the view of the younger sister to that of attainable age. In the episode where each of the sisters wears the others school uniform, "Chiaki" wears "Haruko's" Highschool uniform, while "Haruko" wheres "Mina's" middle school uniform, and "Haruko" of course wears "Mina's" uniform.

Back on the "Makoto" front there is the shopping scene, where "Haruko" offers to help "Makoto" pick out a bra, and ends up feeling up his chest, thinking he is a girl, It is a situation of her trying to be helpful to a junior, but still none the less it can be viewed as something entirely different.

Something of a recurring joke is the soap opera relating to "Sensei", supposedly a teacher of some sort, and the very very unlucky "Ninomiya" A girl obviously of a schoolgirl age, as evident from her sailor style uniform, is of course about their relationship. A taboo relationship being turned into a lighthearted, and admittedly often funny joke, but nonetheless it is a taboo relationship.

In the final episode the story involves getting many of the underage kids to drink alcohol, and it includes a game of twister between "Chiaki" and "Haruka", that of course had them be in a rather precarious situation. One of the last things that happen is they both pass out and"Chiaki" cuddles up to "Haruka" in a possibly cute, but more often than not what could be considered a lovers sleeping position, Which plays into the recurring theme of "Chiaki" wanting "Haruka's" attention through out the entire show, even getting jealous of "Matoko's" actions which he obviously takes because he wants to be in a relationship with "Haruka".

To be honest I did take almost all of this as the jokes they seemed to be, if it was not for the symbols on "Chiaki's" Sweatshirts. The hearts within hearts, being officially recognized by the FBI as a symbol pedophiles use to communicate. Though it is portrayed as a standard girlish design, and one can easily imagine it being made up by any artist on the spot to make something more girly. Which is exactly the point of the choice of imagery by those who use it. It is easily denied as such, a chance action fully unintended. It does change to another design later in the show, to another heart design that is strange in and of itself. Honestly had it not been for the simple design on her sweatshirts, I would have willingly pushed all of the jokes aside as coincidence and in line with the humor of the show.

The fact is that there is an overwhelming amount of actions that are about taboo relationships in the show, that are subtly introduced as normal everyday occurences, in fact I daresay that I feel like a crazy person for entertaining the idea that my theory might be correct, but Perhaps that is the extent that the perpetrator, or even perpetrators went to. A finely crafted disguise meant to make you question whether or not you are correct.

It does not end there, I offer you another set of issues here, They do not pull punches in their ideaology, in fact the relationships in the show that are seemingly normal are always at odds, or in a bad situation. Takeru, has broken up with his girlfriend, even though he seems like a kind and caring enough man. "Fujioaki" is given a rather derogatory name, of Gangleader, as well as being used as a punching bag by "Kana". "Hosaka" being all levels of weird, and giving off the aura of a player. And then "Minami, Natsuki" being forced into a situation where he has to be punched by "Haruka" in order for her to save face. All of this, when put under a microscope could be a means of making it seem as though no matter how good the guy can be, he will not be able to get a good relationship with any of the females, in other words an attempted attack on the subconscious minds of any males viewers turning them into possibly what could be considered a degenerate.

There were a few other incidents, but I have taken too long on this in the first place, Especially considering that everything could literally just be a set of jokes made by a bunch of people who truly have no idea or intent to do anything other than make us laugh. That being said, I can not support this show, or even rate it as the thought that it could be a masterful level of propaganda, or in fact a joke by a lolicon against the rest of society, for not being able to see the show for what it is. In fact had it been an actual story, I could have dealt with it as something other than subtle propaganda but the way it was does really does just set off a set of alarms for me.

Again I offer the idea that I am crazy, and read way too much into all of this. Please do not go on any witch hunts against the writers, or producers. But if you have anything to disprove it I would very much appreciate to hear it. The problem is, that the idea became so pervasive to me that when I came up with this theory if something funny occurred I would think, "This is something I would laugh at had, it not been for all of the other stuff."

Edit* I am not saying we should stop the show from being shown or anything, I am just saying there was enough questionable content that I am questioning the purpose of this anime, and maybe the morals of the people involved. It was a credible enough thought for me that I could not enjoy it. So if some one can please just tell me I am imagining it, I would appreciate it.
WhatShouldIBeMar 1, 2019 8:26 PM
Apr 19, 2019 8:38 AM
Apr 2019
WhatShouldIBe said:
Please understand that This theory is only a theory and nothing more, I have no concrete evidence as I am inferring everything only from what has been presented to me in the anime. You should treat this as only a thought experiment unless you know of something I do not. The reason I am writing this theory is twofold. The first one is because I would be remiss to have conjectured such a thought and passed on the possibility of calling something out that could be stopped. The second reason is that The theory was persuasive enough to ruin the entire latter half of the series for me, making it both impossible for me to enjoy, and score correctly. So without further ado I present to you the theory.

The show Minami-ke is a propaganda, or written issuance in support of Pedophilia. I want to restate that this is entirely something that could be just in my mind.

PS: Note that I know that I am a narcissist, and will be quite wordy. And yes I know this is an anime, Thus Why I am not telling you that it is for sure, but that there is enough to infer as to the nature of the anime+.

So why do I have such a preponderance of opinion? I will try to explain. At first I took everything as a light hearted set of jokes, some which were funny and some which were not funny to me, but that all changed by the time I started noticing the logo designs that were on "Chiaki's" clothing. Up until I noticed the symbols on her clothing everything I had seen was innocent enough. But I will propose the noted factors for my Theory.

I think that the biggest issue other than the logo is "Chiaki" and her personality. She is presented as the most intelligent character, and in fact generally the most mature character in the show, A tactic to make you View her as older than she is, lessening any perceived problems with any child being seen in said nature. The personality itself essentially flips our perception of reality in the realm of the show, or so that is the planned effect. She is shown to be possibly the most intelligent person in the show, hard working, and able to actively manipulate others for her benefit, in fact it is almost as though the producer of the work is actively trying to get you to admit she is fully acceptable of being considered an adult. The dangerous thing here is that the writer is unable to produce a fantasy like situation where the child would be attainable to themselves.
-----In contrast take the show "Dance in the Vampire Bund". The main heroine there is a vampire with the body of a child of assumedly 9-10 years of age. The writer knows that they will be considered a lolicon fetishist, and so they take steps to protect themselves from it, both from the public and from the possibility of their own personal desires. They give you reasons why this is a logical outcome, for a person with the body of a child is dating, or in love with some one who is auspiciously an adult. They say That "Tepes Mina" is a vampire of hundreds or even thousands of years old, therefore escaping the proverbial trap of loli. It is an excuse but the writer goes out of their way to produce an escape route, furthermore they remove themselves from he situation by putting it forth in a situation that they believe is far beyond the realms of reality, meaning that it is entirely something they would never pursue.

The very first episode, is an amusing situation to watch people squirm around the idea of explaining what "Naughty things" are to their children. And if it had been left at that, if things did not keep compounding I would have payed this no thought, But as it is the episode is all about making a joke about a child, I am guessing of age around 7-10, asking about naughty things and the of course silly jokes that come along with it, was it just a set up to desensitize you. Perhaps it was intended to make it look as though the child is rather innocent for all the future things that happens, for if they had not changed the outlook here everything could perhaps have been much easier to spot. This is a pretty big setup device and should not be ignored.

The next thing I noticed was that the children of around the same age as "Chiaki" kept getting put into Promiscuous situations. Of note there is "Makoto" causing "Yuka Uchida" to get into a rather exposed position of her being face first on the ground, and her but being faced up in exposure to "Makoto". The second time this happened I started to think this is possibly more than just a gag. But as it happened more than Once I can not say that it was just a gag. Or perhaps the fact that it was done once made the author panic and think, If I keep doing this people will take it only as a gag, and look no further into this. Another instance of this is gag of "Kana" constantly pulling down "Chiaki's" pants.

After that the next thing I had noticed which was a bit odd was "Makoto's" Attraction to the elder sister who is in high school "Minami Haruka" Again by itself a younger person trying to get the attention of a senior, or older person is not unusual and as far as a joke it is generally ok. We could take this as a slice of life joke and understand that at least a few of us have been in, or at least privy to this situation in real life. But it does not end there. The child "Makato" begins cross dressing to be able to spend time with "Haruko". This is of course another perversion meant to encapture a very specific audience. This same fetish is repeated later with a sort of Flip of the same trope. Where "Chiaki" wants a younger brother so she finds a girl named "Miniami Touma" and has her cross dress to be a little brother figure.

Another point against the writer's is that they go out of their way to again lessen the distance, or entirely muddle up the view of the younger sister to that of attainable age. In the episode where each of the sisters wears the others school uniform, "Chiaki" wears "Haruko's" Highschool uniform, while "Haruko" wheres "Mina's" middle school uniform, and "Haruko" of course wears "Mina's" uniform.

Back on the "Makoto" front there is the shopping scene, where "Haruko" offers to help "Makoto" pick out a bra, and ends up feeling up his chest, thinking he is a girl, It is a situation of her trying to be helpful to a junior, but still none the less it can be viewed as something entirely different.

Something of a recurring joke is the soap opera relating to "Sensei", supposedly a teacher of some sort, and the very very unlucky "Ninomiya" A girl obviously of a schoolgirl age, as evident from her sailor style uniform, is of course about their relationship. A taboo relationship being turned into a lighthearted, and admittedly often funny joke, but nonetheless it is a taboo relationship.

In the final episode the story involves getting many of the underage kids to drink alcohol, and it includes a game of twister between "Chiaki" and "Haruka", that of course had them be in a rather precarious situation. One of the last things that happen is they both pass out and"Chiaki" cuddles up to "Haruka" in a possibly cute, but more often than not what could be considered a lovers sleeping position, Which plays into the recurring theme of "Chiaki" wanting "Haruka's" attention through out the entire show, even getting jealous of "Matoko's" actions which he obviously takes because he wants to be in a relationship with "Haruka".

To be honest I did take almost all of this as the jokes they seemed to be, if it was not for the symbols on "Chiaki's" Sweatshirts. The hearts within hearts, being officially recognized by the FBI as a symbol pedophiles use to communicate. Though it is portrayed as a standard girlish design, and one can easily imagine it being made up by any artist on the spot to make something more girly. Which is exactly the point of the choice of imagery by those who use it. It is easily denied as such, a chance action fully unintended. It does change to another design later in the show, to another heart design that is strange in and of itself. Honestly had it not been for the simple design on her sweatshirts, I would have willingly pushed all of the jokes aside as coincidence and in line with the humor of the show.

The fact is that there is an overwhelming amount of actions that are about taboo relationships in the show, that are subtly introduced as normal everyday occurences, in fact I daresay that I feel like a crazy person for entertaining the idea that my theory might be correct, but Perhaps that is the extent that the perpetrator, or even perpetrators went to. A finely crafted disguise meant to make you question whether or not you are correct.

It does not end there, I offer you another set of issues here, They do not pull punches in their ideaology, in fact the relationships in the show that are seemingly normal are always at odds, or in a bad situation. Takeru, has broken up with his girlfriend, even though he seems like a kind and caring enough man. "Fujioaki" is given a rather derogatory name, of Gangleader, as well as being used as a punching bag by "Kana". "Hosaka" being all levels of weird, and giving off the aura of a player. And then "Minami, Natsuki" being forced into a situation where he has to be punched by "Haruka" in order for her to save face. All of this, when put under a microscope could be a means of making it seem as though no matter how good the guy can be, he will not be able to get a good relationship with any of the females, in other words an attempted attack on the subconscious minds of any males viewers turning them into possibly what could be considered a degenerate.

There were a few other incidents, but I have taken too long on this in the first place, Especially considering that everything could literally just be a set of jokes made by a bunch of people who truly have no idea or intent to do anything other than make us laugh. That being said, I can not support this show, or even rate it as the thought that it could be a masterful level of propaganda, or in fact a joke by a lolicon against the rest of society, for not being able to see the show for what it is. In fact had it been an actual story, I could have dealt with it as something other than subtle propaganda but the way it was does really does just set off a set of alarms for me.

Again I offer the idea that I am crazy, and read way too much into all of this. Please do not go on any witch hunts against the writers, or producers. But if you have anything to disprove it I would very much appreciate to hear it. The problem is, that the idea became so pervasive to me that when I came up with this theory if something funny occurred I would think, "This is something I would laugh at had, it not been for all of the other stuff."

Edit* I am not saying we should stop the show from being shown or anything, I am just saying there was enough questionable content that I am questioning the purpose of this anime, and maybe the morals of the people involved. It was a credible enough thought for me that I could not enjoy it. So if some one can please just tell me I am imagining it, I would appreciate it.

I think you overthought it.
Apr 23, 2019 11:06 AM
Oct 2018
Thank you. That is what I wanted to hear.

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