Jan 29, 2019 7:13 PM
Calamity Seed Compendium Calamity Seeds are dangerous enemies that have begun to appear in recent years. They do not resemble ordinary animals and it is unknown whether or not they are a mutation or a completely new lifeform. What is known is that these beings can cause destruction on a great scale if left to its own devices. Conventional weapons usually do not have any effect on them and only Astral Gears and magecraft have been shown to be one of the few methods capable of harming Calamity Seeds. It is for this reason that Astraea employs SOULs and aids them in fulfilling their mission of protecting the world. Like SOULs, Calamity Seeds are also ranked in accordance to their destructive capabilities. All encountered Calamity Seeds can be seen below. The database automatically updates after new variants are reported. Back to the Guidance Thread |
TubaJan 29, 2019 7:33 PM
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Jan 29, 2019 7:14 PM
Rank E: The weakest stage of Calamity Seeds. Largely infantile and freshly born, these beings do not cause as much harm as their older brethren, but they still can easily swallow an adult person whole. Known Variants: Aratomi (Threat Level: 12) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 50 Prana: 100 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: D • SPD: D • AGL: D • PER: C • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A relatively small, spider-like CS that usually inhabits dark places such as caves and ruins. Although they are not all that powerful on their own, their habitats and tendency to live in colonies makes Aratomis difficult to fight against. Beware their fangs, as their poison can bring down even the strongest foe after enough time. In addition, they have been seen to shoot small beams of concentrated energy out of their eyes in order to bring their prey down from a safe distance.
Garm (Threat Level: 15) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 100 Prana: 50 Stamina: 150 Attributes: • STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A fierce wolf-like CS that often inhabits plains and forests. They mainly travel alone, but when under the command of a Fenrir, groups are commonly formed. As a quite fast hunter, it searches for prey with its superior senses which can even detect targets from 1-2 km away. Once a prey has been found, rarely will it escape from a Garm as it will chase anything to the ends of the world. Its weak points are its head (1.5x) and neck (2x).
Lumibee (Threat Level: 8) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 50 Prana: 100 Stamina: 50 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: C • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A bee-like CS often found in forests and meadows that uses light and healing magic. Lumibees fight more defensively than most CS, using barriers to protect themselves and healing to restore any injuries, prioritizing defending their leader. However, they are still not to be underestimated as they mainly travel in swarms, and their numbers can make up for the lower offensive power of their beams and life-draining stings.
Piran (Threat Level: 5) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 50 Prana: 50 Stamina: 50 Attributes: • STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: D • AGL: C • PER: E • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A ferocious aquatic CS, often found near bodies of water. It is highly aggressive and will attack anyone who enters its territory. It resembles a mutated piranha and thus it has been dubbed "Piran". Although the creativity of its name reflects its strength, it should still not be underestimated as it often travels in groups. Even though it prefers an environment where water is abundant, it can actually float indefinitely and does not need any liquid to move around. Its sharp teeth combined with its powerful jaw can easily crush bones like twigs.
Sharite (Threat Level: ??) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 100 Prana: 50 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: C • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: E • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Frail: Description: ???
??? ??? ??? ??? Simice (Threat Level: 17) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 100 Prana: 50 Stamina: 150 Attributes: • STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: D • SPD: D • AGL: D • PER: E • REC: C Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: An icy monkey-like CS that often can be found in cold and snowy environments. It uses its cold breath with an estimated range between 3 and 6 meters to slow down prey, finishing them off with its powerful fists. Due to its simian origins as the name implies, its intelligence is higher than average, and it often works in groups when a Primice acts as a leader. It does not tire easily and is very quick to recover, making an exhausted Simice a rare sight.
Vencris (Threat Level: 7) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 50 Prana: 50 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: D• AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A flying insectoid CS that often travels in groups and is quite agile, with its estimated height limit being approximately 10 meters. Along with its evasiveness and height it possesses the capability to fire a blast of air from a safe range at its opponents, although its claws and sharp horn allow them to swarm an enemy in melee range as well. Its weak points are its wings (2x).
Jan 29, 2019 7:14 PM
Rank D: The stronger stage of Calamity Seeds. They have matured quite a bit and managed to gain new abilities as a result. Though some Calamity Seeds begin their growth stage here, all of those in this class can cause large destruction. If left unattended, they might grow even further... Known Variants: Araneith (Threat Level: 66) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 3] Health: 200 Prana: 200 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: D • SPD: D • AGL: D • PER: B • REC: D Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: An Aratomi that has grown to massive proportions. Its main body is as large as a car and its legs are each several meters in length. Its mediocre durability is overshadowed by its great mobility and ability to trap its prey with web and eliminate them with accuracy and efficiency. Its venom is far more potent than its younger brethren’s. It has also been seen to fire a devastating beam of energy from its eye that makes its younger brethren's lasers seem insignificant. Observations have shown that the large eye of the Araneith will glow shortly before it unleashes this beam, so extreme caution should be taken if such a glow is seen. Of those that wander into its domain, few are ever heard from again...
Arvencris (Threat Level: 45) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 150 Prana: 150 Stamina: 150 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: B • PER: D • REC: C Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: Arvencris, unlike their smaller brethren, have grown large and incapable of flight, instead using their weight to crush enemies with their large tails, while Vencris that swarm along side them assist. Additionally, their breath attack has grown from a mostly moderately damaging gust to a devastating blast dealing much more damage. Its weak point is its underside (2x).
Dinedge (Threat Level: 51) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 150 Prana: 150 Stamina: 150 Attributes: • STR: C • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: C • REC: D Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: An aggressive dinosaur-like CS that can often be found in hot environments. The Dinedge begins at this stage unlike most Calamity Seeds and possesses great strength and speed along with an affinity for fire. It has the ability to breathe fire to incinerate its prey at a distance, and can coat its razor-sharp tail in flames to easily cut through armor. However, despite its power it is relatively fragile.
Fenrir (Threat Level: 74) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 3] Health: 250 Prana: 100 Stamina: 150 Armour: 50 Attributes: • STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: None Weak: None Description: A giant, wolf-like CS who often leads groups of Garms as they travel together to hunt for prey. It is the mature form of a Garm and its height rivals that of a truck. Being in the upper echelons of D-ranked CS, its incredibly hard, green armour protects it from harm and thus it can afford its reckless and territorial nature. Despite its size, it is surprisingly fast and can easily decimate prey in seconds with its razor sharp claws and powerful fangs. Beyond just using melee attacks, the Fenrir can also stun everyone within its vicinity with a roar after taking a deep breath. Its last resort is to double its size, after which it increases its power and resilience dramatically, but also lowers its speed and agility. Its weak points are its neck (1.5x) and underbelly (2x).
Illumibee (Threat Level: 54) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 150 Prana: 200 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: B • SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: An oversized bee-like CS that leads groups of Lumibees. It can act in coordination with its lesser variants in a way similar to a hive mind, able to protect or heal all of its subordinates at once while they remain near it. It can also unleash a blinding flash of light from its stinger to disable its prey, and can finish them off by draining their life force or blasting them with beams of light. Its body is highly resistant to magecraft, making physical attack the best way to eliminate it. Known Weak Points: Head (2x)
Lepiran (Threat Level: 30) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 1] Health: 200 Prana: 50 Stamina: 100 Attributes: • STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: D • RES: E • SPD: D • AGL: D • PER: E • REC: E Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A large and unrelentless, aquatic CS, often found near bodies of water. It is the evolved stage of a Piran and twice as aggressive as well as as big as a truck. It likes to inhabit lakes and roam the seas, devouring any prey it comes across. However, its movement on land is quite developed as well and thus can reach great speeds both in water and on ground. Its hard scales are difficult to penetrate, but are especially vulnerable to magic. It also possesses 3 cannon-like protrusions from which it can fire powerful water orbs that explode upon reaching the ground, covering a rather large area. One should be especially careful not to get trapped in its mouth...
Primice (Threat Level: 54) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: 2] Health: 200 Prana: 100 Stamina: 200 Attributes: • STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: C • SPD: D • AGL: D • PER: E • REC: B Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: A large ape-like CS that mainly inhabits cold locales. As the evolved form of the Simice, it is over 3 times as large and very strong. It is also quite durable, but retains its vulnerability to fire. Its stamina is even greater than before, making it extremely difficult to tire. Its freezing breath is especially dangerous, allowing the Primice to freeze prey solid before shattering them to countless pieces with its huge fists.
Jan 29, 2019 7:14 PM
Rank C: Rank C Calamity Seeds are highly dangerous and possess power that reaches far beyond the threshold of mortal effort alone. With the strength to raze entire villages on their own, these threats need to be dealt with swiftly lest they reach even greater heights and become even more destructive than they are now. Known Variants: Amarok Overall Statistics:Health: ???/??? Prana: ???/??? Stamina: ???/??? Armour: ???/??? Attributes: • STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ? • RES: ? • SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ? Elemental Affinities: Resist: ? Weak: ? Description: A Fenrir, who has left behind its pack, either due to being a sole survivor or for another Fenrir to succeed him, will eventually become an Amarok. As a literal lone wolf, they now search and hunt for prey without needing any aid. It is slightly larger than a Fenrir and stands about 3,5 metres tall. By shedding its back armour, it has become much faster and agile while the armour on their front paws have grown and become much more durable. It has also completely overcome its initial weakness to fire and made the element its own with the help of its red ribbon-like organs on its back. As a result, it can rend its prey asunder not only with its powerful claws, but also engulf them in red hot flames that burn targets on contact as well as unleash a fiery breath that can incinerate nearly everything.
Bladino Overall Statistics:Health: 250 Prana: 200 Stamina: 200 Attributes: • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E • SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: C • REC: C Elemental Affinities: Resist: Weak: Description: ???
Vencroid (Threat Level: ?) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: ?] Health: ??? Prana: ??? Stamina: ??? Attributes: • STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ? • RES: ? • SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ? Elemental Affinities: Resist: ? Weak: ? Description: A ferocious insectoid CS that can move at lightning-fast speeds. Contrary to common belief, it has four legs rather than three. Despite being smaller than its predecessor, it is much more dangerous. It can decimate its prey by enhancing its claws with wind or knocking them away with an air blast, and its high aerial mobility allows it to avoid most attacks with ease. It also constantly emits an oppressive wind current that makes it difficult to even approach, slowly pushing away everything nearby. Known weak points: Fang (x3)
Jan 29, 2019 7:14 PM
Rank U (Undefined): Calamity Seeds in this category either do not fit within the established ranking due to certain special traits or are often rare and thus their hard-to-find nature has made them able to elude categorization. As such, all captured specimen of Rank U Calamity Seeds will be rewarded handsomely. Known Variants: Golpi (Threat Level: ??) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: ?] Health: ??? Prana: ??? Stamina: ??? Attributes: • STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ? • RES: ? • SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ? Elemental Affinities: Resist: ??? Weak: ??? Description: An extremely rare, golden version of a Piran that can be found near water. It is extremely swift, agile and, curiously, not aggressive. Although it appears to lack any actual attacks, it can release blinding light with a wide range to thwart pursuers, leaving them blinded for an extensive period of time. Furthermore, it possesses impressive resilience. It is also prone to running away from threats if it feels endangered. It is unknown why this particular CS demonstrates such an abnormal behaviour that is contradictory to its brethren, yet so far, attempts at catching live specimen have ended in failure. Upon death, its remains seem to form a hexagonal-shaped crystal that contains pure mana. It has been affectionately dubbed "Golpi" by our scientists. Live specimen are rewarded handsomely.
Maere (Threat Level: ??) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: ?] Health: ??? Prana: ??? Stamina: ??? Attributes: • STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ? • RES: ? • SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ? Elemental Affinities: Resist: ??? Weak: ??? Description: A female humanoid CS, born as a result of corruption of a female human host through contact with CS. With a focus on magecraft, this CS has gained the ability to levitate and can briefly turn invisible if hidden in darkness. It can also release a black mist from its body that can steal the vision of its targets in addition to unleashing darkness elemental projectiles. It possesses long arms that can easily grab unsuspecting victims and devour them in the shadows if not careful.
Melkar, Marsh King (Threat Level: ???) Overall Statistics:[CP Yield: ???] Health: 500 Prana: ??? Stamina: ??? Attributes: • STR: ? • VIT: ? • WIL: ? • RES: ? • SPD: ? • AGL: ? • PER: ? • REC: ? Elemental Affinities: Resist: ??? Weak: ??? Description: ???
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