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Oct 4, 2018 5:40 PM
Mar 2016
Eastern Ivalia Plains
A place of agriculture...

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alatartheblue42Jan 17, 2019 12:06 AM
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Jan 4, 2019 9:47 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 107/110
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

After running out of the Northeastern plains, Sho headed southeast and towards the eastern plains. It was nice to be out of the creepy fog and back to the usual plains, but he didn't let his guard down since he was still looking for CS. There probably wouldn't be any out here since there was farmland nearby, but he would check just in case.
Jan 5, 2019 4:14 PM
Mar 2016

Sho made his way back out into the sunlight of the daytime, overlooking sweeping fields of farmland from a small rise. Things seemed generally peaceful out here too, like they had in the Northern plains. A band of Vikings could be seen raping the fields and pillaging the woman, but that was normal in these parts. A small platoon of guards could be seen riding along one of the roads, spreading out every now and then to check spots more likely to hide monsters or to chat with farmers, but they seemed to be having an easy job today.
Jan 5, 2019 5:44 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 110/110
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: 40/40
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +25 Stamina)

After a little searching, Sho found nothing out of the ordinary in the eastern plains. There were some guards riding around doing the same thing as him and checking for any CS, but there weren't any to be found here. So, he used his COMB to call Londo again, letting him know the area was safe. "I checked the eastern plains for CS, but it's all clear here. I'll try searching the forest next, unless you've got a better idea." Then if Londo didn't suggest searching somewhere else, he would end the call, enjoying the view for a moment before running off to the Rinhain Forest in the northeast, leaving the area.
Jan 13, 2019 4:08 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice didn't know which way they had to go, but assuming someone else knew, she'd just follow them. I'm still posting first though. As a result, she'd end up following the group through the city, through the outpost, and then across the Eastern Yvalia Plains, heading towards Abberton. Before that, there had been more talk between the others. Guinsoo had introduced his weapon, which made Amice wonder. After gathering some courage to approach the man, as he was still kind-off scary, she'd ask; “Why does your axe have a name, mister?” After all, she wondered why some things had their own names, while others hadn't. Maybe she should also name her book of pixies?

Another thing that captured Amice's interest, was Evalye's transformation. “You can change clothes like that?!? That's so cool!” Amice was clearly impressed. “I wish I could do that too, then I won't have to take a bath if I get covered in mud again, I could just do that!” It was a power that seemed to have quite some good uses. That said, she was confident that Emerald could handle the healing. “Emerald is really good at it, and I've got Lucia's lesson on whom to heal, so I'm sure it'll go well!”

After being surprised that girls could also be good at fisting fighting with their fists, Ryan went on to talk tactics. That said, Amice only needed to take one thing away from it, which was having Tangerine help Ryan or Guinsoo. “Alright~ You can stay close to them, Tangerine!” Meanwhile, Timberwolf seemed to go with Guinsoo's suggestion, and attempted to land atop Kurome's head, if the catgirl would let her.

That reminded Amice of another thing. “Oh, is there anyone that uses a lot of prana? I can ask Indigo to stick with them!” Yes, Amice was becoming a true strategist at this point.

Pixie Locations
Indigo – Sitting atop the head of whomever first said to use a lot of prana / fluttering around.
Emerald – Atop Amice's head.
Tangerine – Fluttering around Ryan.
Chartreuse – Fluttering around Amice.
Timberwolf – Sitting atop Kurome's head?
Jan 13, 2019 2:58 PM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn

As they head out, Lucia and Ryan started discussing strategies. Hmph, strategies, smategies. Real men head out and punch their problems away. He listened to their input. He also thought about how they could make the most use out of what they had right now. Obviously, someone had to protect Amice. As he was thinking, Amice approached him and asked about Ornn. Why it had a name. "Because it's my partner!", a hearty smile he showed, "Your partners also have names, don't they?", he was talking about her pixies. Generally, he hadn't seen pixies before. Also very generally, he didn't even think they could talk. So how could one know their names? Obviously, that means she cares about them! Like he cares about his axe!

Lucia seemed to be unfit to actually frontline. Why? Because she didn't seem to be using a melee weapon. Kurome, the assassin, is probably unable to frontline as well. Although an assassin's job is much further than the frontlines, they normally can't survive for too long. That leaves the trio, Ryan, Evalye and Guinsoo. Guinsoo takes a look at their mission details once again. "Seems like we're not an attacking force.", he sounded a bit more serious than before, it was because being a defensive force didn't really suit him, "Well, we'll make it work! Tangerine can stay with Ryan, Amice. I'd rather have Emerald with me.", cracking his knuckles, "I want to take on the big bad wolf."
Jan 13, 2019 4:24 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Amice was pretty enthusiastic about having Tangerine help him now, and it seemed like a generally good idea. It was kind of hard to keep of Tangerine though with how small she was and how she was just generally fluttering around his head,not always in his field of view, so he just stopped himself from getting distracted.

Lucia was asking who he thought she should target with her slowdown powers. "Hmm, I'm not sure they're gonna approach in separate waves like that, although it'd be nice if they split themselves up. But yeah, it would help a bit if you could take their speed down a notch."

Ryan had to agree with Guinsoo's idea of having Tangerine stay with him. "That sounds good. But aren't you the beefiest one of us here, Guinsoo? I'm not sure you're really going to need any healing for a while." It would depend a bit on if the Garms realized to focus on Guinsoo and him, but hopefully they wouldn't. In the meantime, the ones most likely to be in a little trouble were the other melees besides him and Guinsoo who would be needed to stop the garms from hitting their 2 supports. "Since they're E ranks, and there are a lot of Garms, I think Kurome and Evalye might be in the most trouble as they try to stop the Garms from reaching Amice and Lucia. And I think you could probably keep the Fenrir occupied for a little while all by yourself."

They would try to thin down the numbers to stop their more frail E rank members from getting overwhelmed, but someone had to keep the Fenrir busy. Ryan knew his Paralysis wouldn't work against it if it used its howl that somehow stunned people with the sheer volume. He could still probably keep it busy for a bit on his own, but that would have been easier if there were less teammates to defend and he could make maximum use of his more evasive style of fighting compared to Guinsoo's brute force. Just because these high rank CS seemed big didn't really mean they couldn't be stopped head on, and he was pretty sure Guinsoo would be able to do that.
CanaasJan 13, 2019 4:32 PM
Jan 14, 2019 7:05 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 95/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

As they walked, Amice continued to talk excitedly. Hestia had never talked that much, but Lucia knew that it was common for kids - even if Amice was a teenager - to talk a lot. She mentioned Evayle's transformation, which had also taken Lucia by surprise. It was quite the flashy display although Lucia thought it looked just a tad bit silly. Nonetheless, she wasn't going to judge someone for their taste in clothes, or rather, battle attire.

Guinsoo put in some input about how they were not really an attacking force. Lucia didn't feel like this was true though, they had three people who could front line, one could provide stealth support, and the last two could provide support for the front liners. It seemed like a good formation to Lucia for both offence and defence. Regardless, it was irrelevant if they were an offensive force or not since their mission was to defend the village, not attack the Calamity Seeds. Lucia wondered if there would be terrain that they could use to their advantage.

Ryan agreed with Lucia, although he did voice some misgivings over whether or not the Garms would attack in waves. "Hopefully there aren't too many," Lucia would say simply. Lucia observed their surroundings with interest as they walked, the city they had passed through was a little overwhelming for her. Experiencing such an influx of new information and experience always put her on guard, it didn't help that this was a city unlike any on Earth. However, now that they were out in the vast plains with rolling clouds in the sky and mountains in the distance, it was a lot more relaxing and Lucia found herself at ease. She pulled up her COMB and looked up Garms.

She began to read over the information there, noting that Speed was the Garm's greatest asset. Reading through the description of Garms she discovered that they were primarily solitary animals but travelled in groups when united under a Fenrir. Lucia clicked on the link leading to the Fenrir's information and read through it. Now this was an opponent that would be quite a problem, not only was it faster and stronger than the Garms, it also had better Vitality and Agility. It would be a tough battle for sure. Lucia would need to save enough prana to deal with the beast - depending on whether it attacked with or after the Garms. Lucia glanced up at Ryan and activated her Blackfyre Sight.

[-5 Prana]

She raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw his attributes, he was quite strong. He possessed more strength than the Garms and matched the Fenrir's strength too. He also matched the Garms in speed, agility, perception and vitality, although his recovery was better. He would be one of the more important team members here, probably alongside Guinsoo.
WymsicalJan 14, 2019 11:21 PM
Jan 14, 2019 8:46 PM

Nov 2015
【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome had the perfectly blending pixie with her hairs and ears, sitting atop her head. Somehow it was making her smile a little. Kurome would look at Amice briefly. She was quite impressed by the halfling strategist. Kurome shook her head, she didn’t quite think of herself as someone who would use a lot of prana. So instead she chose to be just quiet. And focused on the pixie atop her head, occasionally twitching one of her ears. Timerwolf could evaluate that for a stranger to just pet her silky ears would probably be good enough compensation to have Kurome claw out their ears like an angry cat.


100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye would let out a quiet chuckle as she heard Guinsoo explain back to Amice about the axe. Although her turn would come very quickly: ”Well maybe it comes handy with my clothes. But you still want to wash your hair and face.” Evalye would then look at the rest: ”I should be also able to take a few hits. However, if I try to heal people, that’ll hamper my physical abilities... That said, I think I can handle quite a lot of beating. Don’t underestimate me too much.”

Evalye would then look at Amice: ”I don’t know yet how much prana I will use. But I have this feeling that I might take quite a lot of beating. I can't really see myself as the evasive type.”
Jan 15, 2019 7:36 AM
Aug 2014
Sho asked me if I was okay with using some of the stuff I originally made for this route in Celestia's mission, and I am, so I'm doing a little bit of NPC posting just for a bit of flavour. I'd also like to to clarify that we agreed to say that the wolf-pack is still far enough away for there not to be too much of a rush, so there is no need to worry about IC time-constraints.

As the group was heading through the eastern Yvalia plains, they would soon spot a figure in the distance. It was a halfling, sitting along side the road with a pull-cart behind her. However, as she noticed the group approach, she quickly got up and studied them.

Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A simple pull-cart.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Alodia had taken a short break from pulling her cart towards Valindral. After all, it was a tough job, being a travelling halfling merchant. To make matters worse, she hadn't sold as much as she had hoped to sell in Yvalia. Maybe the people there were more resistant to her her cute charms? Or maybe she had competition Kirys? In either case, it had been rather disappointing. If she didn't meet her daily quota's, she'd have to rely on charity, and while that worked out in most countries, she'd rather work for her money by making people pay overly high prices for anything she could get her hands on.

Even so, Alodia would never become a successful halfling merchant if she didn't seize every opportunity to sell something! The group that approached her seemed like exactly such an opportunity. Sure, one of them had a big axe strapped to his back, one of them looked like she was a witch directly from a horror film, one looked like she was said witch's pet cat-girl, one looked like she had come straight out of a magical girl's show, one looked like a 404 Error, yet one of them looked surprisingly normal, and they even had a fellow halfling with weird flying creatures among them, so she didn't expect them to be trouble. At least not more trouble than trying to sell them something would be worth.

That's why she decided to head over to them, and stop them in their tracks to show them her wares!

“Hello there! Hello there~ You look like people whom won't be too shy to walk away from an amazing deal, and guess what! I've got one for all of you.”

Before anyone had a chance to stop her, the halfling girl dug up something out of her cart.

“This is the newest and latest development in bathroom entertainment! No longer will you have to feel alone when soaking away, now you can have your own companion with you! He won't peek at you, he won't try anything perverted, but he'll gladly keep you company. These floating dreams come at the meager price of 400 Yoki, or you can buy 10 of them for only 3600 Yoki, which means that you get the tenth for free!”

Setting the rubber duck aside, Alodia picks up another thing from her cart.

“Now, I'll be the first to admit that all of you seem to be in absolutely in top condition, but even the best have to be careful not to go down the slippery slope called slacking! That's what makes this product so perfect. It's simple, fast, and incredibly efficient. Swirl it around your body and jump over it to burn calories like never before! Of course, like the previous product, it also makes a great gift for kids! I've only got two left, but for 400 Yoki, you can be the proud owner of one of them, and for only 700 Yoki you can get both!”

Seemingly unstoppable, Alodia continued.

“What is tastiness and healthiness combined in one single root? It's ginger! It comes fresh from Rihain Forest, meaning that is unmatched in flavor. For merely 100 Yoki per 10 grams, you can start adding this incredibly tasteful and healthy ingredient to your daily diet! After all, its broad applicability will make sure that it'll spice up any meal of the day!”

For a moment Alodia seemed to rummage through her cart, but then she pulls out a...

“So what comes up next, after a day of hard work and tasty meals? A good night's rest. Now, a lot of people don't realize this, but the amount of time we sleep takes up a huge chunk of our lives! So why should we waste away such a huge chunk of our lives on second-hand materials? We shouldn't! That's why these pillows are absolutely essential to the daily life. Their filling contains only the best feathers from purebred Vanibo's, which will allow you to lay your head down in unimaginable comfort for the best sleep experience ever. After all, better nights give better days! What's best, is that they are only 3300 Yoki!”

This time around, Alodia seeded to dig really deep into her cart, almost vanishing entirely while leaning down into it.

“Now, I wouldn't just sell this amazing invention to everyone, but you seem to be a very special bunch~ This amazing product gives off an absolutely dashing glow at night, but what's best, is that the only requirement is that you put it in the sun during the daytime. The only energy needed for it to give off its marvelous glow, is the free energy from the sun! Now, this is admittedly not proven, but many people claim that staring into these lamps at night has made them experience the world like they have never known it before. If you want to broaden your horizon, you definitely want this amazing item in your hands for only 5400 Yoki!”

Once again, Alodia started rummaging through her cart, but by now, most of what was in it has already been shown, except for...

“Now, I'll be the fist to admit that this thing isn't for everyone. Not everyone has the amazing skills, the unmatched patience and the outstanding intellect that is required to handle this amazing instrument with the grace it deserves. However, those whom wish to put themselves, and their lung capacity, to the ultimate test, will find this instrument to be their greatest friend. Especially for you, I can part with it for only 6500 Yoki.”

Finally, Alodia stopped talking, with her items now on full display for everyone. It was more than clear that she expected sell more than a few of these items.

Jan 15, 2019 11:27 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Lucia said she hoped there wouldn't be too many of them, but it wasn't like they could really control that. They'd just handle them as they showed up.

The conversation basically just petered out into nothing, as they just walked along. Ryan really didn't like going slow. Why couldn't they go faster, like on those Vanibo's he'd gotten to ride in his first mission? It was giving him bad memories of the ultra long trek he'd been forced to take on foot in escorting the douchebag rich guy. He almost would have preferred that they had less time to get there and were ordered to run. At least the weather forecast showed there would be no rain today, and their destination wasn't incredibly far.

At first it seemed like there was just going to be nothing happening at all, but then they actually saw someone on the road. He couldn't really tell at first from the distance, but apparently there was a halfling carrying along some kind of cart. Apparently they didn't have a car. But eventually, probably 10 or 20 minutes after they first saw the person way in the distance with how wide the terain was, said Halfling finally got near them.

She wasn't going to take no for an answer and had to advertise everything in there. Actually, she almost talked more than even him. A disturbing thought indeed.

She then began picking up items from her pretty low-to-the-ground cart. The first one was...A rubber duckie. 1/10.
Next one was some ropes, but more importantly, she thought they were all in top condition. At least she recognized their goals to all iimprove their body although apparently they weren't really humans anymore. 6/10.
The next one was a food ingredient, but sadly, unlike those on the other mission, they weren't getting the ultimate in sweets. It was a vegetable root or something. 5/10.
But next was really the ultimate item. For all he knew, at that price it was better than Astraea's provided pillows. It wasn't like he needed to save all of his Yoki for combat items anyways. 10/10.
Before she'd move on to the next item, he'd first ask if he could buy the pillow. "That one seems great! I'll take it."Ryan would give her the Yoki amount she wanted. He realized he'd inevitably have to leave the pillow with one of the guards later on when they went off to fight the wolves, but he was sure they could do at least that for him when he was going to go fight the CS without them having to do anything.

This had been an interesting encounter. Random run ins with merchants didn't really happen that much anymore. It was nice to be able to interact with the seller in person.
Jan 16, 2019 12:35 PM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn

Ryan called Guinsoo the beefiest person there, and Guinsoo had a chuckle. He did seem to have the most meat! "I guess you're right! Maybe Emerald is better off with someone else.", Guinsoo responded. He didn't see anything wrong with the idea. "So then we keep Emerald with..", looking into the group, he wondered.. who? Maybe Kurome because assassins tend to be quite vulnerable. Or maybe Evalye, since she's an E rank and she mentioned that she was going to take quite the beating. Maybe they should just both stay close together? But that wasn't how assassins operated right? Then he made up his mind! "I'll let you guys figure it out!".

On their way to the village, it didn't seem like anything interesting was going to happen and so, they seemed to be on a fun field trip! Until a figure could be seen in the distance. Not too big, couldn't say the same about small. Seemed like a halfling.

It wasn't long until they were approached by the halfling and she didn't seem to hesitate showing off her money makers. It didn't seem like she had anything that seemed eye catching, although some stuff seemed like fun. Guinsoo just looked at the wares, "Hm...", after she finished showing everything, Guinsoo decided once again! "I want the duck and that weird thing that looks like a horn! An instrument!", Guinsoo looked pretty excited, his tail slightly waggling along. He would pay the amount of Yoki that was required and put the rubber duck in one of his pockets and hold the instrument, "Now, how do I use this..". Without instructions, he would just blow into the instrument.
Jan 16, 2019 7:03 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Lucia collapsed the COMB display and thought as she walked, she wondered how this first encounter with Calamity Seeds would go. They were the main enemies that SOULs were supposed to fight for Astraea, and considering Astraea's apparent power and wealth, they had to be a pretty serious threat. Although, the company could have become such before the existence of Calamity Seeds and taken on that role after their appearance. Regardless, Lucia was both nervous and excited for her first encounter with them. At least this mission was taking her mind off other things, which she definitely needed.

At some point, a figure appeared in the distance - a very small one at that. Lucia squinted and held a hand up to shield her eyes from the sun, attempting to get a better look. After about 10 or so minutes of walking, they got close enough that the figure came into proper view, revealing that they were a halfling with a pull-cart. The halfling promptly started pulling various items out of her cart and attempting to sell them to the group. Lucia raised an eyebrow, this sort of thing rarely happened back on Earth. She supposed people had stalls and things but it was rare for a vendor to be travelling such an empty road with their goods in tow.

The others didn't seem to think it was strange, however, as Ryan and Guinsoo both ended up buying things. Guinsoo bought a rubber duck and a tuba, which he decided to test out right there and then by blowing into it. Lucia grimaced at the horrible noise that came out. Lucia stood a couple of meters behind Guinsoo and called out to him, "Maybe you should play that for the Garms, send them running faster than any of us could," she said with a half-smile. A rare bit of humour, Lucia supposed that might be the nerves. She meant no offence by the statement, evident by her light tone.

Lucia herself wouldn't be buying anything, she found the whole thing rather unusual and the fact that they were on a mission was deterring her from acting unprofessionally. She didn't mind the others buying something from the halfling, but Lucia was determined to treat the mission seriously. It was her first one for Astraea and she was keen to make a good impression. At the same time, she didn't want to be uptight, which is why she simply hung back and let the others do what they wanted while watching everything with a neutral expression.
Jan 16, 2019 9:37 PM

Nov 2015


100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye still kept on with Guinsoo. There was something in his voice that was slightly ticking Evalye off but she allowed it to slide. With a very faint and low sigh, she would look around and realize the shopping card. She was almost going to think about lecturing the halfling about traveling alone but as everyone else jumped into the bandwagon, she would end up smiling. Despite of all the purchases, it was truly Guinsoo who caught her attention.

Tries best to not make anything dirty out of blowing the Tuba. Evalye would instantly start clapping excitedly. She didn't even have words to describe the primal howl that would come out of the instrument. "That sounds ... Amazing." Evalye really thought that it was amazing to get that much sound out of it for the first attempt.

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome would just look past the halfling merchant like she didn't exist. While everyone else was preoccupied, she did not enjoy the notion of being ambushed by the wolves which were known to roam around and had a very keen sense of smell. Kurome would walk a few meters past the carts, observing the road ahead and the surroundings.

Jan 17, 2019 1:31 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice was confused. How could an axe be someone's partner? It wasn't alive, and it couldn't be actively helping you, you just swung it around. Axes were nothing like the pixies. That said, Amice didn't dare to oppose this still somewhat scary man's words, so she just nodded along. Tangerine was told to stick with Ryan, while Guinsoo asked for Emerald's aid. Oddly enough, Amice couldn't help imagining the fight between Guinsoo and the Fenrir as a fight between two big bad wolves. Luckily enough, the humanoid one was on her side. Tactics changed short after, Ryan asked for Emerald to stick around Evalye and Kurome. In the meantime, it seemed like nobody wanted Indigo's aid, throwing the pixie in a deep depression.

As Evalye explained the mechanics of magical girl transformations, Amice proceeded to take mental notes. Changing clothes didn't really clean you, and Evalye was planning to get beaten a lot. Amice wasn't exactly sure why, as normally people didn't want to get beaten a lot, but Evalye seemed to count on it. “Emerald and Chartreuse can both help you, in that case!” Chartreuse could help her from being beaten by making barriers, and Emerald could heal her whenever needed! Truly, Amice was becoming a masterful tactician.

As Timberwolf became one with Assassin Catgirl, a stranger was seen in the distance. It turned out that this person was a fellow halfling, whom wanted to sell them stuff. The first item had already charmed Amice. “It's so cute!” She couldn't help herself from commenting on it. She didn't really care about any of the other items, but that ducky instantly charmed her. Besides, it could even function as a boat for the pixies! She quickly checked her money, realising she had just enough to buy one! “I'll buy one of the ducks, please!” With that, Amice made one of the most important purchases of her life.

Ryan's toy merchandise reviews ended up selecting the pillow, while Guinsoo also bought a duck and the instrument. It made a really weird sound, but Evalye complimented it, so apparently that was what it was supposed to do. Amice didn't dare to comment on it. Dark Lucia even said that it had the power to chase away Garms, so apparently it was quite a wonderful thing to have. Even so, Amice was afraid she wouldn't even be able to carry it. That's why she'd just put her own purchase away as safely as possible. She was pretty happy with it, so she really didn't want to loose it. With all that out of the way, she'd leave the area once the rest was also moving on.

Pixie Locations
Indigo – Fluttering around in the most left-out way possible.
Emerald – Atop Amice's head.
Tangerine – Fluttering around Ryan.
Chartreuse – Fluttering around Evalye.
Timberwolf – Sitting atop Kurome's head.
Jan 17, 2019 1:32 AM
Aug 2014
Yoki reduction and addition of items on the profiles will be done once Sho gets around to it, as I can't edit stuff. @Sho_The_Mage

Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A simple pull-cart.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

It seemed like her halfling charms and her luck hadn't left her yet!

Ryan Collins:
  • Vanibo feather filled pillow.

Total ¥oki: 3300¥

Her first customer bought a pillow. “Thank you for your purchase! I'm sure you'll have the sweetest dreams from now on~”

  • Rubber duck.
  • Tuba.

Total ¥oki: 6900¥

Her second customer bought a rubber duck and the tuba. Considering how long she had been dragging that instrument around, she was glad to sell it, even at a reduced price. Blowing Tuba simply wasn't that popular any-more lately. She decided to add some free advice to it. “I've heard you can look up a lot of free online tutorials on how to play it, so good luck practicing, and thank you for your purchase~”

The witch-like person and her pet catgirl didn't buy anything. They seemed to live up to their appearances. After all, only those whom were stone-cold or evil wouldn't buy something from someone as cute as her. She figured the other girl whom didn't buy anything was probably broke, as she didn't look evil.

The last customer was the fellow halfling. Sure enough, when cute meets cute, something magical happens. So Alodia gladly dealt with this customer~

Amice Bellamy:
  • Rubber duck.

Total ¥oki: 400¥

“Here you go! I'm sure he'll be a great friend~”

Having sold everything she thought she'd sell, she packed up her cart again. “So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you all headed? I'm heading for Valindral myself.” Even though Alodia wasn't afraid to travel alone, it was safer in groups, and with some luck she might sell them even more at a later point in time. In either case, she'd soon leave the area heading towards Abberton on her way to Valindral.
Jan 17, 2019 2:55 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Tuba

After having paid for his purchase, Guinsoo blew Tuba. It made a magnificent sound! A sound befitting of war! It seems Lucia had the same idea as she mentioned that the sound would be enough to drive away the Garms. Guinsoo nodded, "Yes! It's truly the sound of war!". It seems that Evalye had also known about the great sounds of war. She even called it amazing. Seems like he wasn't wrong to think she was a woman of culture!

"I shall sound this.. horn when we charge into combat!", Guinsoo proudly exclaimed, his tail waggling back and forth. The merchant halfling had given him the advice that he could search up online tutorials. Having no idea what it is, he made sure to search it up on the COMB later!

After everyone had bought, or not, their stuff, it seemed they would could go on their merry way once again. Except for the halfling, who asked where they were headed. "We're going for Abberton!", he didn't seem like he minded giving away information to someone they didn't really know, and she was headed to Valindral. Abberton was on the way to Valindral, so maybe they could help each other out! "If you're heading to Valindral, we could travel together! You guys dont mind right?", he turned to the group to ask for their opinion.

Once everything was settled, he would leave the area with the group and head towards Abberton.
Jan 18, 2019 6:57 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Guinsoo seemed to think Lucia's jest was serious, she found his obliviousness amusing but kept her thoughts to herself. When he said he would blow the horn before they charged into combat she couldn't help but smile, this guy was overzealous - and probably a bit bullheaded - but at least he wasn't arrogant about it. Alodia said she was heading for Valindral, Guinsoo said that they could all travel together which suggested that Abberton was on the way to Valindral.

Lucia had her doubts about travelling with a stranger when they were on a mission, but the others didn't really seem like they minded as they all started walking again. Lucia followed suit, she pulled up beside Ryan as they walked, she supposed that getting to know her companions better was a good idea. She would most likely work with them again after all. "So how long have you been a SOUL?" she asked as they left the area.
Jan 18, 2019 9:35 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Guinsoo was fine with not getting healed. It seemed like Amice wanted Chartreuse, the one he remembered her saying casted barriers, to stick around with Evalye and Kurome along with Emerald who could heal them. It seemed like that'd be alright.

In the meantime, Ryan got to take the pillow. The halfing said she was sure he'd have sweet dreams from now on. It sure felt soft, so he believed it. His first thought after what she said was that he definitely would, as long as he didn't suffer one of those Freeze Occurrences in his sleep or something along those lines.

Guinsoo seemed like he was having fun with his new tuba. Apparently he'd gotten Evalye really excited by making a weird noise with it. And now he was going to make it their warhorn!"Perfect! Now we'll have our own warhorn!!"It wasn't like Guinsoo was going to try to preserve it at any rate.Plus, blowing into the Tuba could probably count as using Battle Cry.

Then she asked where they were going, it turned out they were headed the same way. And Guinsoo said she should tag along with them. "That's fine with me."It was probably better that way.

Then Lucia, choosing not to be as edgy as Kurome, started talking to him. She wanted to know how long he'd been a SOUL. It really did seem like she was entirely new here. "About a week. I've gotten to do quite a bit here. You seem new around here. Is this your first mission?" He didn't remember seeing her before at all, so she probably was newly summoned. Either way, while things might be a little tough on the first mission or two, it'd definitely get easier as she did more missions and got rapidly stronger. Well...That or she'd just vanish like half the new summons seemed to. He'd leave the area with the rest of them.
CanaasJan 22, 2019 1:53 AM
Jan 19, 2019 3:45 PM

Nov 2015

100/100100/10080/80 Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

After having dealt with everything and having Ryan misunderstand her sarcasm and evasion with the instrumental play; Evalye would distance herself slightly unless pushed upon. It felt just weird seeing a merchant so happily selling off goods. While on the meanwhile a dangerous calamity seed was lurking around. She would leave the area, while listening to the conversation of others. With her blue cerulean eyes.

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome kept on going like a good little rogue scouting for the party. Standing a twenty meters ahead of everyone else. Upon noticing that everyone else had finished shopping, she would fall off with rest of the group and seek out near to Amice as the group ventured out. leaving the area.
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