Dec 19, 2018 4:24 PM
WymsicalDec 19, 2018 5:31 PM
Dec 20, 2018 1:00 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • 0/15 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E - Survival Drive (Passive) Negates CHM, but allows to survive until -25 (-15 for every Rank beyond E) Negative Health. Negative Health Mode ends upon Health Restoration and is reduced in capacity by the amount of damage sustained in NHM. Class Skill: Blessing (Passive) Recovery-Type Skills are 10% more effective. Only applies to skills with a set base value. Attribute Modifiers can affect Statistics with half of their value. [Rank E] Lifeward - SPELL
By intuitively binding some of her own life force and vitality, April is able to make prana that gently fuses together with another’s life force. Greatly improving the life force of anything that comes in touch with it. Eventually this ward of rejuvenating prana blooms in restorative energy, healing injuries. - Effect: Grants 10 temporary health to the target character for as long as Lifeward is present. After the character with Lifeward has recovered a total of 30 stamina, 20 health is restored and the ward is removed. If the temporary health is lost, 20 health is restored immediately. - Attribute Modifier: Willpower - Cost: 20 Prana 20 Stamina - Type: Active - Duration: Depends upon targets stamina recovery. - Affinity: Recovery - Prerequisites: April would turn around to look at GU Gu has unlocked taxi service She would pick the blob up, if GU was fine with it and then move out for the quest for candy. "Let's go!" April would leave the area. |
Dec 22, 2018 1:54 PM
Guinsoo Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 AG: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C Current Status: Confused(?) Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: None Guinsoo received a message from Alex and read. It seems he was on an escort mission and it would take awhile before he got back. Seems like he'll be spending some time on his own for now... Although he had no idea what to do. There were no missions for him to do at the moment, so he could only wait it out.. or maybe go back to the Sparring Hall. Maybe he should try and contact Lyka.. "Lyka! It's me, Guinsoo. Where are you?" He noticed the group leaving the mission hall, but he was still waiting on a response from Lyka. After awhile of no response, Guinsoo would look on his friend-tracker, as he would call it, and see no sign of Lyka's location on the map either. Seems like that's also not an option. Guinsoo sighed, he was slightly late for some missions, and he felt like he needed to do more than just save the city to grow stronger. He'll probably just wait until he could find a mission, or maybe wait until Alex is back and figures out what to do. |
Dec 23, 2018 5:55 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Ciela had gone back to her duties, ignoring the conversation which took up so much space between the low rank SOULs who weren't on a misssion. As always, before she could get anything done, her concentration was disrupted as she got a call. "Astraea Mission Reception. ... Understood. I will cancel the mission." Ciela was surprised to hear there had been an explosion in the mines that had caused them to collapse entirely, not that she showed any signs of it. With the mines inaccessible thanks to what the mining company suspected was sabotage by a competitor attempting to hide any evidence that they had put the CS there, there was no way to continue the mission. However, since the company had already paid Astraea for the mission and wouldn't get any refunds, the participants would still receive some rewards. She definitely wasn't being generous because two of the SOULs there were cute. Ciela then sent out a notification to all SOULs who participated in the mission, even the ones who had frozen before reaching the village. @alatartheblue42 @Zeno @Elvario @Valkan "Attention, all participants in "Help clear out the mines!": The mining company has reported that a series of an explosions which they suspect to be a result of sabotage has caused the mines to collapse, making it impossible to enter them. It is likely all CS and any surviving miners were crushed in the process. Because of this, the mission is now considered 'complete'." Ciela would then send out the notification including the rewards for all participants. (CP would not be visible) MISSION COMPLETE! The mission "Help clear out the mines!" has now been completed. Mission Reward: • 10 RP • 7,500 Yoki Side Objective: -Failed Individual Mission Rewards: • Amice Bellamy: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki • Alastra Nendarnde: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki • Alatar Irving: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki • Miyu Ogawa: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki • Valencia Ortiz: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki • Ryan Zokkendov: 10 RP, 7,500 Yoki Individual CP Rewards: All participants: 0 CP |
Jan 1, 2019 7:14 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 75/75 • Ire: 25/25 • Malice: 0/10 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck. Kurome would arrive to the mission hall, only to notice that apparently most of the tasks for the day were more orientated towards the morning people. She found it perplexing, although this also meant that there had not quite been anything acute. And as things stood, she was more in for the jobs that required quiet of the night rather than the early rays of the morning sun. She’d just walk up on a computer screen and start practicing on how to use one . . . 100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: BLUE Character class: Cleric Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding. Evalye would visit the mission hall. Although as they would make it to the entrance, she would find her hands trembling. Taking a step back she would lower head: ”I don’t even know where to start from.” She gave a look at Lucia. She felt a strange fear over facing with her past. How would she even introduce herself. |
Jan 2, 2019 5:30 AM
Jan 2, 2019 1:56 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: BLUE Character class: Cleric Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding. Evalye would take a deep breath, she'd quickly check her COMB one more time for a reassurance. And then would proceed to walk down. "Thanks." She'd say at Lucia looking at her one more time. She walked down the stairs and met up with Ciela. There were very rare cases where Evalye had been even briefly at loss of words. yet now was one of those times. She quickly drew a character into her left palm with the index finger of her right before fixating her eyes at Ciela. "Hello. I believe I am a new addition as a SOUL. As is my friend here." Evalye would give a very odd and bothered smile. "With the given circumstances. I was hoping to find a mission or request of any sort. I would very much appreciate anything. I understand that the COMB initially had stated that there are only ongoing missions. I'd like to find just anything. I don't mind, if it's further away than what you typically deal with, please." |
Jan 4, 2019 3:41 AM
Guinsoo Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 AG: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C Current Status: Confused(?) Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: None Two new people walked in, and he hadn't seen them before. It seems that they're also looking for a mission, but Guinsoo was wondering if he should wait on Alex' return. "Nah.", he shook his head as he muttered that under his breath, smacking himself across the face to wake up. "Alright!". Guinsoo stood up and walked towards Ciela, "I'll have what they're having!", first pointing towards himself with his thumb as he slams his hand flat onto the counter, and then pointing towards the new people. "What are they having?". |
Jan 6, 2019 6:33 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Ciela went back to her duties for a few minutes, until a few SOULs she didn't recognize showed up to ask some questions. Even though she was newly summoned, one of them was practically begging for some kind of mission or request to go on. "Like you said, there are currently no available missions or requests, and they are made based on importance not demand. If you were only just summoned, try going to the dormitory first instead of rushing into battle." It always confused her how some SOULs somehow had no problem with going on missions right after summoning, even though there was so much to adjust to, like not being dead and in some cases being in a different time, and always a different place (with a few exceptions for SOULs who lived in Yvalia). |
Jan 6, 2019 7:07 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: - /20 • Mode: RED STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: RED Character class: Knight Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned. Evalye's eyes would shift to red as she'd lean her head backwards and look up at the ceiling, she'd then quickly focus her concentration at Ciela: "Look, I was KIA... There is a different meaning behind that when you are not some quasi-immortal super soldier summoned via magic that breaks all the basic principles of summoning magic. So I apologize for my over enthusiasm and all the trouble caused. I am not going out there to play house and pretend that everything is fine. Any information on a sighted CS or anything like that would work just fine. I'll wait, if it asks for that." |
Jan 6, 2019 7:36 PM
WymsicalJan 6, 2019 7:46 PM
Jan 7, 2019 12:37 AM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela The newly-summoned SOUL didn't like Ciela's suggestion, enough that her eyes surprisingly turned red. Not only that, her personality was a lot more aggressive and annoying in her response instead of begging for work like earlier. The other one tried to be more calm about it but also had a complaint, saying that Astraea should do more to introduce newly-summoned SOULs. However before Ciela could respond to any of it, she got a call on her headset, which she responded to right away once they were done talking. "Astraea Mission Reception. ... Understood. I will list the mission immediately." She then sent out the mission notification to all available SOULs. In a strange coincidence, a mission had shown up right after people started asking for one since Evalye has plot armor. It was even one that fit for a newly summoned SOUL since it was only an E+ ranked mission to defend Abberton Village against a group of wolf-like CS that had been spotted in another mission. It seemed familiar for some reason...Once the notifications were sent out, Ciela responded to their complaints, first Evalye then Lucia. "A new mission is now available. You may sign up for it if you want to fight that much." "My job is to manage missions, not argue about Astraea's policies. However, most SOULs have managed to adapt to their new life here already, which is likely why my superiors have not changed this policy." Ciela hoped that would be all they had to say so she could get back to her work without distractions. She was the mission receptionist after all, not a complaint receptionist... |
Sho_the_MageJan 9, 2019 2:17 AM
Jan 7, 2019 9:30 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: BLUE Character class: Cleric Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding. Evalye would let out a mellow sigh, her eyes turned blue and she would just fiddle with her COMB. ”Must be that one … And send.” Mission Application Applicant: Evalye Applicant RANK: E Mission: Wolf Pack Defense Mission Difficulty: E+ She’d then look at Ciela and furrow her brows: ”Thank you for your hard work.” Evalye curtsied at Ciela and then look at Lucia. ”Sorry for dragging you into this.” 100/100 • 100/100 • 75/75 • Ire: 25/25 • Malice: 0/10 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck. Kurome would perk her ears as she heard that a new mission was available. She would check her COMB and fill in the details. After confirming this she would continue teaching herself how to use computer with different type of guides and available information. Although at this point her focus was slowly slipping away as she knew that the mission would start shortly. Mission Application Applicant: Kurome Applicant RANK: E Mission: Wolf Pack Defense Mission Difficulty: E+ |
Jan 8, 2019 1:48 PM
Guinsoo Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 AG: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C Current Status: Confused(?) Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: None As luck would have it, a mission became available around the same time as they asked for it! What a coincidence! Even though it didn't seem like a hard mission, he tried getting himself pumped for the occasion. This would be the first mission he got, actually, not counting the defense of Yvalia against that invasion. He just filled in the form and then turned at the others. Mission Application Applicant: Guinsoo Applicant RANK: D Mission: Wolf Pack Defense Mission Difficulty: E+ He held out his hand for a shake, "Name's Guinsoo! Guess we'll be stuck together for awhile, huh?", with a smile on his face, he introduced himself to his comrades in arms, and potential friends! |
Jan 8, 2019 5:53 PM
Jan 9, 2019 2:43 AM
Jan 9, 2019 3:27 AM
Jan 9, 2019 12:42 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: - /20 • Mode: RED STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: RED Character class: Knight Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned. Evalye’s eyes would brim with spirit, melting away the blue ice into fiery red and she would make a wide grin revealing her fangs, she would offer her hand for a tight handshake with Guinsoo: ”I really like your guts! Name’s Evalye.” Her ears would perk as she heard some others being mentioned although she would look suspiciously at Ryan who didn’t introduce himself. ”So how does our party look like?” She’d voice with confidence. Although possibly giving a brute appearance at first, Evalye’s eyes would dart around wildly and her ears would perk as she did her best to evaluate each of the participants that she had not seen before. She also knew that one of them had pistol, and one carried quite openly a sword. Guinsoo felt like a honest brawler to her eyes; Kurome felt like an assassin; Amice was probably a mage. But she was uncertain about Lucia and Ryan. 100/100 • 100/100 • 75/75 • Ire: 25/25 • Malice: 0/10 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck. Kurome would get close to Amice; footfall like that of a ghost, she would kneel down and lower her guard for a moment and smile like a cat at her. Followed by her brushing her forehead against Amice’s hair and letting out a very deep purr. She would then get up and pet Amice twice before looking at the rest suspiciously. ”Name is Kurome. I’m honoured.” She would make one deep bow, however she wasn’t going to shake hands. And with the natural complexions of her eyes, it was very difficult to read where she was looking at. Even, if someone had an eye to discern the qualities of others, she would stand there like a locked book, full of little secrets. She'd look at Evalye on to her inquiry and let out in a quiet hollow tone: "Assassin." She would then look around at the people, reading at their reactions. Surprisingly the way she stood, she appeared to be very protective towards Amice. |
Jan 9, 2019 2:25 PM
Guinsoo Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 150/150 AG: Not Summoned • STR: B • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E • SPD: C • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C Current Status: Confused(?) Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive) Current Equipment: None Guinsoo shook the hands of both the girls. "Great to meet you!". One was called Lucia, and the other introduced herself as Evalye. A peculiar name indeed! And he was pretty sure he heard the name "Lucia" before.. now.. where did he hear that name.. But that didn't really matter for now. Since there was someone else with them. No handshaking from them, but at least they introduced themselves. A person called Kurome! As well as a small person that came to introduce herself called Amice as well as introducing smaller people. She seemed to know Kurome already. Someone called out for his name and the voice sounded a little familiar. Maybe? He looked at the direction and found RyanC! Mentioning something about this being their first mission together. "This'll be my first mission at all!", he said with a hearty laugh afterwards. Evalye started by asking how their party looked like and Kurome answered "Assassin". She did give off an assassin-like vibe. Guinsoo put his hand resting on his chin as he nodded, doing the very generic "mhmm, mhmm" gesture and rolled a natural 20 on FLEXING flexed to show off his well-maintained six pack abs and toned biceps. "I'm striving to be a Warlord! But for now, I'm a guy that just hits things hard and fast." |
Jan 9, 2019 6:39 PM
WymsicalJan 9, 2019 6:44 PM
Jan 10, 2019 1:22 AM
Jan 10, 2019 2:22 PM
CanaasJan 10, 2019 2:32 PM
Jan 10, 2019 3:43 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 75/75 • Ire: 25/25 • Malice: 0/10 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck. Kurome looked at Lucia who approached and at that point she only rested her right hand on top of Amice. No longer petting the halfling. The frozen porcelain doll-like facial expression of Kurome would slowly crackle as she opened her mouth and exhaled one long feline hiss and reached on to the blade on her left hand, slowly unveiling it’s grime filled blade underneath it’s oriental sheathe. Dark in ebony, the blade was probably the dullest you had ever laid your eyes upon. It was like it told a story long forgotten. The object was cold and chilling, like haunted by the crimes of the sinner who wielded it. There was no doubt about it’s cursed nature. ”Back off.” She would say in a quiet tone. Her voice was calm and collected. Like there was nothing strange going on with the situation. Rather, it was not even demanding. It was sweet, unlike her nonchalant introduction. It did not feel like a threat, it was simply same as describing: Lovely weather, eh? - or something along the line during an afternoon tea with an acquittance. All while Kurome’s height had dropped for an inch and she closed her mouth, it was blank again. 100/100 • 100/100 • 100/100 • Astralfire: -/20 • Mode: BLUE STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: BLUE Character class: Cleric Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding. Evalye would look at Ryan who finally introduced himself. Her slowly twirled into blue, as if someone was dropping inks of colored water into a pond. It was most definitely a long speech, opposed to everyone else here. Evalye also noticed at the warnings given by Kurome and she would just casually shrug it off. ”Don’t tease the cat.” – whispering loudly enough for Lucia to hear, she’d continue to look over her shoulder at Lucia who was trying to make an approach on Kurome and Amice, giving a playful smile. She then turned her attention back at Ryan and Guinsoo: ”I punch really hard when I feel like it. And I can mend your injuries when I feel like it. So better make sure I stay in the mood, 'kay?” Evalye would stick out her tongue for a moment. Evalye would then open up her COMB and go over the map, there was already some level of fiddling with the settings and making it more customized. One of the multiple applications developed for the platform. ”Remember to be careful when you punch a wolf. You might get the fang.” Evalye would point this out on Ryan followed by a playful tone and giggle. ”Is everyone ready to head out? Those who prefer to stay away from frontlines should say so. I trust that everyone else is ready to punch some wolves. So let’s go there and give them a kick. Receptionist girl, I believe everything is in order, yes?” Evalye's smile would transform into a very faint smile, almost shrouded in slight mystery, as she gave Ciela a stare. |
Jan 10, 2019 5:30 PM
WymsicalJan 10, 2019 5:46 PM
Jan 10, 2019 6:35 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela As usual, it wasn't long before enough SOULs gathered in the mission hall and submitted their applications. Some applied with their COMBs while others filled out the forms, and she went through approving them. The first was the new SOUL who begged for a mission, and the second was one who had been around for some time but hadn't been on any missions yet, so Ciela could only wait and see how well they performed. There was also the beastkind fighter who was ironically on his first non-urgent mission. Of all the ones who submitted their applications without talking to her, she was the most surprised by the fact that there was a second SOUL named 'Lucia' in the same branch of Astraea...then again, there had been a lot of strange coincidences lately. Then another SOUL suddenly appeared next to Ciela instead of standing in front of her desk, due to being was so adorably tiny that she couldn't even reach the desk's height. It was Amice's third time applying for a mission, so Ciela kept her composure more this time, being almost used to the excessive cuteness now...Almost. "...Y-yes, of course you can join. Amice Bellamy on duty for "Wolf Pack Defense" confirmed..." Ciela suspected the others might be troubled at the idea of sending Amice on this mission, but she couldn't exactly deny her from choosing to join. It helped that she wasn't as young as she looked due to being a Halfling and had a supportive power, so she at least wouldn't be on the front lines... Soon enough, all the applications were sent virtually or handed in, and Ciela approved all of them for the mission. Their team was more than strong enough for an E+ rank mission, with half the SOULs being D rank, assuming they were competent enough as well. "Your applications have all been processed. Evalye, Kurome, Lucia Roy, Guinsoo, and Ryan Collins on duty for "Wolf Pack Defense" confirmed..." After that, it was time to start the mission. Ciela addressed all six participants as she spoke, giving them their orders for the mission. "Attention all participants for the mission "Wolf Pack Defense": You are to head to Abberton Village and defend against the group of 6 Garms and one Fenrir spotted as well as any other enemies encountered. The village can be found on the road leading east of Yvalia, and you should speak to the guards there for any further information. Your objectives include minimizing military casualties if possible, but more importantly use whatever tactics necessary to ensure the village's safety. If there are no further questions, then you are to move out immediately." Then Ciela waited to see if they would ask anything else. They weren't extremely short on time to get to the village, but they didn't have forever either, so they would be better off talking strategy as they went. |
Jan 11, 2019 12:18 AM
Jan 11, 2019 4:02 AM
Jan 11, 2019 11:17 PM
100/100 • 100/100 • 75/75 • Ire: 25/25 • Malice: 0/10 STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck. Kurome looked like being on an edge for a moment but as Lucia did not get closer to her personal space, she took one step backwards and appeared to be standing a few inches taller. And it was as if, she had never unsheathed her blade. And not only that the feline had a smug smile as she kept at a constant vigil around Amice talk about yandere parenting. Either way she didn’t pay that much attention to it. And if anything she even appeared to look at Lucia with a different eye. Like a cat, first pushing someone away and then pushing itself unto them. The feline would follow-up without an incident.Leaving the area. (However as they’d be walking – depending on Lucia’s lipreading skills, Kurome would at some point turn around move her lips; only to her: “You better help keep Amice safe. Or else.”) However she would then turn around her head and pretend like nothing happened. 100/100 • 80/80 • 100/100 • Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E Current Mode: RED Character class: Knight Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned. Evalye would focus for a little, summoning her astral gear as everyone seemed to be ready. Her eyes turned red although a color of rose would emanate from her hands and feet. And as she started with the mission, her school girl outfit would flare up, evaporating as if burning in rose flames. As she underwent a brief magical girl transformation. ”Well I hope that we’ll do just fine. I trust healing for you lady Emerald and miss Amice. I'll help you, if it gets too hard. On the meanwhile. I can stand in front to protect you. I'm quite strong..” Evalye would make a quick flexing gesture before continuing with her advance. She then glanced back at Guinsoo: ”Umu, let’s have fun!” Evalye would leave the area with rest of the group. |
Inaru-samaJan 12, 2019 5:48 AM
Jan 12, 2019 1:36 AM
Jan 13, 2019 2:50 AM
Jan 16, 2019 2:38 AM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela Ciela was going about her work when she received a call."Astraea Mission Reception." It was from one of the Mission Navigators. "Understood."Apparently, the river clearing mission had been a full success, despite most of the members freezing. A majority freezing in one mission was a rare event, but it was fortunate that it hadn't posed a problem this time. Ciela then posted the rewards, sending out a notification to the other participant who hadn't arrived to check in. (CP would not be visible) MISSION COMPLETE! The mission "Clear the River!" has now been completed. Mission Reward: • 15 RP • 6'100 Yoki Side Objective: • 7 RP Mission Bonuses: • Victorique: Combat Bonus[Rank A]:10 RP • The Savant: Combat Bonus[Rank B]:8 RP Individual Mission Rewards: Due to lack of team support from frozen members, the remaining members received additional rewards. • Victorique: 22 RP, 10'000 Yoki, and 5 CP • The Savant: 22 RP, 8'000 Yoki, and 6 CP |
CanaasJan 16, 2019 8:36 PM
Jan 29, 2019 6:43 PM
[Mission Receptionist] Ciela A notification flashed on Ciela's computer, drawing her attention to the message that had been sent. A Mission Navigator messaging Ciela probably meant that whatever Mission being overseen had been completed. And, as expected, the message delivered was the form and relevant information indicating that the mission had been completed. Normally, this message would be received by Ciela just about the time when the SOULs themselves were arriving to report in the Mission in person, but with the SOULs in question being either dead or in Valindral, the message had come first. Everything seemed to be in standard order, with the sole exception of the personal addendum at the bottom of the message: a request to take the rest of the day off as a personal day. Naturally, Ciela was puzzled for a moment, but glancing back through the mission summary cleared things up. It was never pleasant to watch even SOULs die, and three had died on this mission. Well, they weren't particularly short on staff today as it was, so Ciela messaged back her approval of the request. Then, after reviewing the suggested rewards and making a couple small edits, Ciela sent out the notification of reward distribution to all of the participants. (CP would not be visible) MISSION COMPLETE! The mission "Escort Celestia Mayer von Rothschild" has now been completed. Mission Reward: • 25 RP • 7,000 Yoki Side Objectives: • 10 RP • 1,000 Yoki Combat Bonus (Grade C) awarded to Arona, Eukina Watashi, and Edward Durand: • 6 RP • 3,000 Yoki Combat Bonus (Grade D) awarded to Alexander Reinhardt and Lysett Blythe: • 4 RP • 2,000 Yoki Combat Bonus (Grade E) awarded to Lucia Flores: • 2 RP • 1,000 Yoki Exploration Bonus (Grade C) awarded to Eukina Watashi: • 6 RP • 3,000 Yoki Exploration Bonus (Grade E) awarded to Alexander Reinhardt and Lysett Blythe: • 2 RP • 1,000 Yoki Individual Mission Rewards: • Alexander Reinhardt: 41 RP, 11,000 Yoki • Arona: 41 RP, 11,000 Yoki • Edward Durand: 41 RP, 11,000 Yoki • Eukina Watashi: 47 RP, 14,000 Yoki • Lucia Flores: 37 RP, 9,000 Yoki • Lysett Blythe: 41 RP, 11,000 Yoki Individual CP Rewards: • Alexander Reinhardt: 6 CP • Arona: 7 CP • Edward Durand: 5 CP • Eukina Watashi: 5 CP • Lucia Flores: 3 CP • Lysett Blythe: 4 CP |
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