Mar 11, 2018 6:51 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 16, 2018 11:12 PM
@/Lokester remember to add your name next to the deliv part <3 thank u sm !! !! skip all posts with "skip" , they didn't follow the rules [size=85][center][img][/img] [spoiler="☀"][quote][url=][color=grey]vivid bad squad edition[/color][/url] [color=#e3b1b1]•[/color] [url=][color=grey]cards[/color][/url] [/quote][quote][color=grey]cards by: saelogy [color=#90d6d5]•[/color] delivery: [/color][/quote] [/spoiler][/center][/size] |
saelogyMay 30, 2022 2:49 AM
Oct 12, 2018 12:39 AM
A message from CK Managers Hey guys, we just read through the two messages posted in the staff chat over why they left. We took some time, talked with everyone involved and we now bring forth what really happened. We know the old staff members already know that CK isn't toxic/biased or whatever words they used to defame us. However, for the new people joining as well as the new staff in the future joining us, we decided to make everything transparent. So if you are curious, please read through. Thank you for your time and patience. Issues 1. The Reina Incident - CK has always tried making it easy for everyone, regardless of the mistakes they have made in the past because we believe in second chances. In summary, Reina gave you her gfx profile because you requested from her. You took the psd, changed the colour and called it yours then submitted to the Mal Profile Contest. At that time you were part of a private discord server with her. After the incident instead of explaining you left the server due to guilt. You couldn't talk to them so you came to us to use CK Staff chat to show your letter to them. There are screenshots of you wanting to make your announcement public to CK Staff. By no means was CK involved with that matter. The issue was an issue in a private discord server you shared with that person. Because after you plagiarized, they kicked you out of their group and you wanted to use CK Staff chat to convey your apology. That's all. We never intend to bring up the past. We always forgive but you know what they say, history always repeats itself. 2. Betrayal by your Staff Team due to Bias - --a. You approached us about your queued collection but afterwards revoked your complaint. CK wanted to help you, but you took your complaint back so we had no other choice but to brush it aside. To add on to this, you queued the edition and you never bothered to make cards for it for 4 months straight. We have a general rule in the club, that if you queue an edition, please launch it within a month. That way we don't have any backlog. By no means were we showing favouritism, we were just following the rules laid out in the club. --b. Project Recognize is a contest for everyone and not just CK staff members. We don't care about their history or past, we judge layouts based on how they look using a preset rubric. Judges are completely unbiased AND members are also allowed to vote for whoever they want. The nominations are open for everyone, so even you can nominate yourself if you wish. We apologize if you or someone you thought should have won the contest hasn't. Better luck next time, this is a website not some political vote. As you can see, after the 5 judges voted for the project recognize based on a rubric, we selected the top 5 (6 because 5 & 6 person's score were 0.01 difference) we put them on a google form to let CK members publicly vote. There is no bias involved of any sort as every vote are unique & their ip address are checked for duplication. If a person nominated did not win this month, that's okay. Better luck next time. Every contest will have winners & losers. That's just how things are. --c. Okay, who is this omikami squad and who are even in it? We are not affiliated with this squad nor do we partake in any drama that you & that squad have. If you have issues please go to them. If you involved an admin or another friend and they have sold you out, sorry to hear that. We are not here to deal with any of that. We are here to deal with you plagiarizing CK content. --d. If you don't trust anyone from CK, well there are over 2K members in CK. If you wish to not trust those people, we won't force you to trust them ever. Trust is a two way street. Just like how we want to trust you and hope you don't steal any of our content. 3. Twilight Symphony - Alright, it's really weird that when you talked to us via group chat, you admitted you did steal but now that you are writing this you completely turned it around. It's easy to say never and just scream at a problem to make it go away. However, we have shown you evidence and these evidence were shared to us by Valiso. Valiso himself told us, that you, Venelia, have done all the coding for TS and his major contribution were the Staff badges. As for other clubs having award or point system. We never had an issue with the idea of a point system. Our major issue was you just copied our 10 commandments, our format word for word and just changed cookies to notes, as displayed through our evidence. We only asked you to change that or just state it was inspired by CK. That's all. We never had an issue with your club being music themed and having a thread for music. We merely just said, the bb-coding was word for word with ours. You just added you banner to it. That's all. Also no other club does it with a point system like how Maze did. She created this two years ago. You basically took it and just calling it your own "Breaking MAL Rules" 1. Trolling, abuse and/or harassment will not be tolerated. Only 5 people were handling this issue at hand. Not the entire club. There were no organized shunning. What are you even talking about? If our message that was posted on your club comment section was harassment then you copying our materials and choosing not to come to us and tell us or ask for permission... What do you call that? We did not push you to a discussion we merely asked for a discussion and tried getting a suitable time. You cannot "trap" someone or physically back them into a corner, as this is online not real life. We did listen to you and you said everything was an accident which after 2 days of discussion ended up being a lie. Also the apology letter is formality. If you wrong someone on MAL, you apologize to them. You can call it a letter or a paragraph which sort of resembles like a letter as it is not an open dialogue. We were wronged, we just wanted to know why and hoped for an apology. That's all. No twisting of words happened. The only twisting going on is Venelia turning an entire issue of her plagiarizing CK stuff into some long winded goose chase. 2. Issue of Multiple Accounts The account CK_Bot was created for a specific purpose. it's purpose was to relieve our managers pm getting flooded from receiving event related notifications. Each month we host events, contests, & challenges. We have this account just so we can handle and go through all the submissions. This is created as a work email. Just so our personal emails do not get bombarded. Everyone knows the importance and ease of mind it provides. To think this would be the issue to attack us with... well then here is the real MAL rule regarding accounts as such. As MAL stated, you can have a club bot account as long as that account doesn't score any anime/manga so it can't influence the average score MAL system has. Heck, even the MAL Anime Challenge team has a bot account for similar purpose. If the admin team of MAL acknowledges this method and is using it, how are we being criminalized for it? Please do your research before blaming us. Thank you. "Actual Discussion Pertaining to Plagiarism" 1. The whole our server our turf. So CK has a special channel called Timeout Zone in the CK Discord Server. We notified this to every member that joins our CK Discord in our CK Welcome Page. It's beautifully laid out and everything is explained. This channel is only used when we have to resolve issues with any wrong doers and we resolve it professionally & amicably between members and admins. This never changed in the last 2 years. We never forced btw. Also, no other staff members from CK can oversee it or look over the shoulders. You need a special role to access that channel which the people involved in the discussion had. You can ask any regular members or even staff members that are part of CK. Not even Gunter (our discord mod) has access to it. Also, keep in mind, Wonka Wizards are a role given to bots. So if you see Sigma or Tatsumaki online. They are not staff members, they are just bots. They are by no means people. Throughout the whole thing, we did keep it professional. We approached you calmly. We offered time slots to resolve the issue. We checked in every day to see if you two are ready to chat with us in a group setting. You keep throwing the health issue at us. It's really hard to talk to you if every time we talk it will worsen your health issue. Due to that, we wanted to talk to Venelia, who has no health issues and can talk to us calmly. As you stated, you are over emotional. It's hard to have a professional talk about matters such as plagiarism when they are constantly yelling at you and swearing and exclaiming they might have a heart attack anytime. What are we supposed to do in that scenario? So we bit the bullet and just said let's rather talk with Venelia instead. We do not want you to die of a heart attack over an issue of plagiarizing content on MAL. By the way, it is important to note, throughout this whole process our admin body was never hostile unlike Valiso, who even went on to threaten Darth via DM. How is that even professional? Also we recently found out, a friend of Venelia irl failed to show up at a friend meet and guess who threated her via DM and told her to commit suicide. We won't say the name, but you can see this irrational pattern of behaviour. This is the evidence that shows we didn't back you to any corner. We said let's talk and you said fine. No trap involved. 2. Health Issue Let's talk about the health issue. By no means did we bring about this health issue to your co-owner. As far as everyone knows, this is a health issue he had since birth. We acknowledged that. We even said, if you want, we can talk at another time when things are better for him. We even said if he wants, we can just talk with Venelia instead. We didn't force him to talk with us. We do care about physical health. Time after time in CK we prioritize two things. School & health. Every staff member who has worked here, knows that. Also this is MAL. If you guys were right and no instance of crime was ever committed, why would anyone be stressed in the first place. Also, there is no "interrogation" happening. This was an issue of you guys plagiarizing our stuff. What are we supposed to ask you in the group chat? How your dog is doing? Ofc we are going to ask you why did you plagiarize and what was the intention. As for delaying it? We never delayed. We sent the message Thursday, Oct 3rd. We were ready to resolve it but we couldn't get hold of Venelia (because she had exams), only Valiso (who again claimed he was already stressed due to health issues). We value school. We always told that to everyone. Keep in mind, our admins were dealing with this issue at 1am - 3am the morning. They too had surgical exams and uni next day. They took time out of their sleep schedule just to comply with your needs. So on that night, we didn't devalue or belittle Valiso's contribution. We just wanted to know who did the coding so we can speak with them and ask them why they did it. However when after talking to him he states that he only thing he made were the staff badges and Venelia did everything, we said, if we can then talk to Venelia instead plus it was getting really really late. Valiso agreed. We requested/suggested and Valiso agreed. Next day, we approached Venelia. We talked in the group chat and Venelia first tried to brush it off by stating everything was an accident despite last night the co-owner said some of it was copied. Then Venelia said okay yes things were copied but not intentionally, everything was unintentional. What is unintentional copying? Anyways, Venelia & Valiso tried to be coy with their words and frankly we were just getting tired at that time. We showed a website called and said based on the accurate description and definition do you think you committed plagiarism. You finally admitted yes you did. Had this been simple and you just admitted from the get go then none of this would've happened. We could've moved on to the solution. 3. Key Evidences Small evidence of why this all started in the first place. When we asked Valiso to see the bb-codes. The reason theirs were different was because they made their text size 90 whereas ours was 87. That's the difference... Yours vs the one we have have been always using in CK vs Ours Evidence of Venelia admitting and her wanting to abolish everything here is the evidence that you agreed with everything. we finished everything well professionally. we didn't have any issues. Also it was Venelia's idea not ours to delete your club and restart or rebuild everything as she felt that way the copying issue would not happen again. We said fine, whatever you feel just. We were glad we came to a solution and everything was alright. This is how we ended the group chat. No hostility and everything remained calm. We never delayed or wasted time. Darth checked in with Venelia every day. Evidence of us being understanding and never over working Evidence of Darth reaching out to her yesterday night Now yes you mentioned you were ready but since the discussion was supposed to be in a group setting we weren't ready. Is that our fault? Sure it is. However, we only wanted a few more hours since Maze was asleep at that time. She is in a different timezone compared to the rest of us. if we were ready to wait for you why couldn't you wait just few more hours for us. We only asked for a few more hours. not weeks, not months. not years. Also, after said amount of time and we were ready, we messaged you that night at 2am. here is the pictorial proof but you never messaged back. When Monday came, the entire day passed and Venelia didn't message our admins at all nor reply to that message or acknowledge that message sent last night. Darth also mentioned earlier that he had thaksgiving holiday and he would be busy with his family. We understand this is MAL but we can't speak for others but for us, we do value the little holiday time we get to spend with our family. Darth is extremely busy and all his close friends know it. So he cherishes these family times and you being his friend knew that as well. You knew he would not be online at this time. So you went ahead and wrote this message. Knowing we wouldn't be aware of it and say your piece. If this isn't a clever use of timing to benefit your need... then Idk what is. 4. Maze's Dilemma Now you make a point that Maze joined 4 days in and didn't speak up. Idk about you but here's the thing about not only Maze but Vmel as well. They are really shy people. They've been on MAL for a long long time. Over time, they have been oppressed, bullied by bigger voice and had their contents stolen time after time after time. If Maze didn't speak up, it was only because she was being polite. In her heart real pain was going through. Can you imagine, inviting someone into your house, show them the creation of art you made only to go over to their house and see they create a knock off replica of your art and just call it theirs? How does it make one feel? What did Maze do? She first went on our main page and made this message Then she went on various threads, active and old and put banner credits and bbcode credits. We really don't ask much from our stuff. We just want some mutual respect and not steal our work and effort that took us more than 2 years to create, build, modify and hopefully perfect. This craft, this art, it's very precious. Creativity is really a hard thing. If everyone was creative then we would never have plagiarism issue. However sad part is, everyone isn't. So we have to have rules and laws in place to protect artists and creators from their content being stolen and used in manners to benefit them. At the end of the day, did you never pause to think maybe Maze was just waiting & trusting in the goodness of your human nature that you would come forth and tell us yourself, hey, sorry for doing this plagiarism issue. Sorry we took inspiration from CK. We really admire the club and we simply borrowed a few things. Even if you didn't mention it publicly but a small pm to us would've been enough. You know Maze and us. We never dabble on drama. We just want peace and everyone to be happy while making sure people aren't wronged. You mention knowing true face and about toxicity & hate but after all of this and the way you treated us and used a shrewd time knowing we would be absent, is it not you that finally showed your true face. You could've just replied last night at 2am. You could've asked us today, hey sorry i couldn't check in on you last night, are you two free?. You could've messaged us and sorted everything out on friday and saturday night. You could've joined the chat on thursday night to resolve everything. You could've just came to maze and told her in pm. you could've just not copied & plagiarized things from ck. there are so many things you could've but in the end this is the true face you show us. "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it." 5. To quickly acknowledge Valiso's piece. Valiso says no copying but Brii says yes copying. If you guys are educated and say you know the definition of plagiarism, why is it that it's Brii's 3rd time (that we know of) being caught with Plagiarism? First time, Reina's profile. 2nd time, copying Ryuubus's private club's BB-Codes. 3rd time being CK's club codes. We don't cyberbuly or cyberstalk. We stated before and we will state it again. Members, Staff Members (From our club & your club & SJ club) have come to us showing evidence of similarity. During the resolution Brii said please look it over before we launch. We agreed. This way no confusion would happen. How is it that when you ask us to check things over we in turn become the bully? Also we acknowledge that every card clubs are similar in the sense that they have card editions. However, CK always stands out as the club that has not only card editions, but anime challenges, profile contests, gfx & illustration contests, monthly events, grand point system and a Mal interview system plus more to come. Show us another club that has all of this & maintaining them all. Also we didn't target your club. In the past another club also copied our content. We sent them evidence. They apologized, rectified mistakes and everything was resolved and we moved on. Did any of the staff members other than the managers knew about this or got involved? No. So we don't go around targeting people. We have better things to do and we honestly spend most of our days improving CK and helping other clubs out. Maze is overworking making card editions for god knows how many clubs. Darth is busy making discord servers for god knows how many clubs. Everyone knows that. This isn't brand new information. When we went to you, we just said, look your club is yours and your own identity. Please keep that throughout your threads instead of copying ours. You even deleted the evidences since you know if other new members saw it they would immediately connect the dots with CK. Guess what, most of your club members are from CK. They also have eyes. In conclusion, the whole CK is a place of hate/toxicity is a complete lie. We are a family, we have always been a family. Sure sometimes argument happens between people but keep in mind people aren't just working for one club on mal. So an argument between another person isn't CK's responsibility. Now if the argument happens on CK Discord server, we take care of it. However, this whole server hostility is a complete lie. Almost all the staff members are in the CK Staff chat as well as the servers. They know themselves none of that takes place. This was just a lie to make CK look bad while they can run away from the real issue at hand which was Venelia coping CK's codes. Not to mention, this whole ordeal is very staged. The intended audience wasn't just CK admins but apparently this Omikami squad that they could never come to a resolution with so they used the staff chat to convey their feelings toward it. Grow up you two. You guys aren't 12. You know what. Just forget it. These two have wasted our time and patience over the course of 7 days. If this was their intention from the beginning why lead us on to think you are a changed person, a decent person. We are all busy with our IRL obligations like work, school, hospital etc. Just because one yells louder in a civilized argument does not mean they are right. It's also really funny they threw evidences our way yet they never bothered to justify the evidences we sent their way to be wrong and incorrect. This just further shows this whole message was a fluff piece to make CK & our admins to look bad. However, we believe in people. We know people are not dumb and have appropriate intelligence to see right from wrong. Victim from Bullies. Nevertheless, we wish them all happy days and hope their health is in good shape. No matter how bad and evil things they wish upon us, we only wish them the best. Please live a good life and please do not do the injustice you did to us to anyone else both IRL & on MAL. No one deserves the treatment you have given us. P.S. I currently work as a Graphic Designer for a company. In the professional field, the things that Venelia did, we do not take such things lightly. People are given lawsuits and fined. I sincerely hope, in the future, should you two decide to embark on this field, please learn from the mistakes committed here. It will only be beneficial for you guys. |
Nov 26, 2020 6:45 AM
hello jasu o__O or erm . good morning ig ?? hope u had a good night sleep mwah <3 i had this idea in my head for a while now but the actual coding of it took ... a lot longer than i had thought it would so erm ... and the rendering GOD the rendering ... childe why u got ur finger out and ur scarf and water daggers . r u built to make my life hard T__T anyways heres the full hd render of chili boys btw incase u wanna use it or sth idk bless me eyes pls the quality isn't 100% but i got lazy ,, ehem . click spoiler button for the preview .. oh and idk why but sometimes mac displays and other computers aren't the same so u might have to adjust T__T</3 next is the code which . mind u . is very very er not edit friendly ??? but ure goddess so i'm sure u'll figure sth out and make it amazing owo)b [img align=left][/img][img align=right][/img] [size=250][b][color=#675e61]TAKO[/color][i][color=#447fdb]![/color][/i][/b][/size] [color=#d07b33][b]she/her[/b][/color] 18 asian aries infp [right][b][color=#447fdb][size=130]note[/size][/color][/b] insert sth here.... 2 sentences work best imo but ur choice !![/right] [size=130][b][i][color=#447fdb]!![/color][/i][u][color=#675e61]list[/color][/u][/b][/size][color=white]------------------------[/color][size=200][b][color=#d07b33]CURRENT[/color][i][color=#675e61]![/color][/i][/b][/size] [color=#d07b33]>[/color] this is a [color=#d07b33]list[/color][color=white]---------------------[/color][u]genshin[/u] [color=#675e61]insert uid[/color] [color=#d07b33]>[/color] feel free to [color=#d07b33]do wtv[/color][color=white]---------------[/color][u]fgo/azur lane[/u] [color=#675e61]id[/color] [color=#d07b33]>[/color] 4 points look [color=#d07b33]best[/color][color=white]-----------------[/color][b][color=#675e61]status[/color][/b] saving [color=#d07b33]>[/color] :D [color=#d07b33]yea[/color][color=white]---------------------------[/color]lifeforce for xiao [right][b][color=#447fdb][size=130]listening to[/size][/color][/b] life goes on - bts[/right][size=130][b][i][color=#447fdb]!![/color][/i][u][color=#675e61]friends[/color][/u][/b][/size] list friends .. again 2 lines work best but i did 1 line friends other line sth else o__O [size=200][b][color=#675e61]LiNKS[/color][i][color=#447fdb]![/color][/i][/b][/size] [url=][color=black]goe[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]tumblr[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]twt[/color][/url] [url=][color=black]anilist[/color][/url] bbcode by [b][color=#675e61]saelogy[/color][/b] oh right the dp ehem the dp ...... is here :D have fun !! i can't wait for us both to reach ar45 and is constantly needed each other's help pls i can see it happen in the future cry ,, also i keep failing the ascension rank quest when im so close to clearing ..... so now i'm T__T worried KLDNFSKFDN oh and um . i hope i got at least the top mini details right *sweats* |
saelogyNov 26, 2020 6:59 AM
Apr 4, 2021 7:44 PM
i tried to be poetic at first when i wrote this ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━message but then i really quickly realised that i, saenna, 18, cannot be poetic for poop. so yes . have this pure 100% authentic love letter-y bd message instead :D ... oh and it's best viewed on desktop i think .. i didn't exactly make it easy to read on mobile ,, QUERENCIA; letter | playlist | img creds |
saelogyApr 4, 2021 9:10 PM
Sep 25, 2021 8:29 AM
- atelier series edition - tears of themis edition - honkai edition - herrscher edition - prsk edition (separated by unit .. probably) - enstars edition (separated by unit .. again .. birthday ?) - mhyk edition - ganqing edition - orv edition - flame chaser edition - genshin scenery edition - sanrio prsk edition - hi3 skins edition - ptn edition |
saelogyJan 15, 2024 2:22 AM
Oct 24, 2021 7:53 AM
Oct 26, 2021 1:38 AM
🎃 S I B L I N G S C L A I M / / G A R D E N O F E D E N / / opening oct 26, 2021 🎃 closing nov 1, 2021 gif here - I N T R O D U C T I O N words here R U L E S 🎃 one claim per person 🎃 yes yes there's a claim list 🎃 bold the character's name you want on the banner 🎃 high quality pics please. will ignore if not R E Q U E S T F O R M A T [size=85][color=gray] 🎃 username: max 10 charas 🎃 deliver: 🎃 character: 🎃 source: 🎃 pics: 🎃 comments: here[/color][/size] S A M P L E S tsukasa & saki / ena & akito |
saelogyFeb 23, 2022 9:16 PM
Feb 14, 2022 6:57 AM
Feb 24, 2022 11:47 PM
Mar 2, 2022 4:31 AM
■ O M N I S C I E N T R E A D E R ' S V I E W P O I N T E D I T I O N G A R D E N O F E D E N E D I T I O N Opening On feb 26, 2022 ❀ Closing On mar 12, 2022 I N T R O D U C T I O N u dont wanna know how many times i've read the 551 chapters of this novel (its at least 6 times now) but i don't regret any second of it. i still randomly remember parts of it and cry ... thank u sing n song for writing literally the best piece of literature to exist :pray: also choosing pics with no spoiler was ............. hard the spoiler-y pics r so HMMMMMM FOOD R E Q U E S T F O R M A T [size=80][color=gray]▌ [b]Username:[/b] ▌ [b]Shortened name:[/b] ▌ [b]Deliver to:[/b] ▌ [b]Card:[/b] ▌ [b]Comments:[/b] Here[/color][/size] C A R D S Everyone: 1 u can get bonus if u want i just wanted even number of cards HAHA art by blackbox ❀ ❀ 1 | 2 3 | bonus |
saelogyJan 15, 2024 7:07 AM
Mar 25, 2022 7:38 AM
✩ 25 O N D E R L A N D S X S H O W T I M E E D I T I O N G A R D E N O F E D E N E D I T I O N Opening On may 30, 2022 ❀ Closing On jun 13, 2022 I N T R O D U C T I O N text R E Q U E S T F O R M A T [size=80][color=gray]✩ [b]Username:[/b] ✩ [b]Shortened name:[/b] ✩ [b]Deliver to:[/b] ✩ [b]Card:[/b] ✩ [b]Comments:[/b] Here[/color][/size] C A R D S Everyone: 1 @/Taiyaki can save ❀ ❀ 1 | 2 3 | 4 |
saelogyMay 30, 2022 2:33 AM
Mar 25, 2022 7:59 AM
Mar 26, 2022 7:04 AM
hi ai. i originally had a v diff idea in mind .. i even rendered akito's unidlz summer fest art for it ... but then i just T___T couldn't get it to work gomen .. what idea u ask ? i wanted to retry ?? revisit ?? idek the scrapbook style and ... its not great gomen </3 my sig-ness has been non-existent recently i cry and uh .. i made a mizuki one to match bc i had a non-existent sig i hope u dun mind :pray: honestly idk if u can tell what it says but its "i’ll make sure we’ll be connected this time, no matter how many times it takes" from lower :topkek: |
saelogyMar 26, 2022 7:09 AM
Mar 30, 2022 3:05 AM
hello ai :D it's me again ........ ITS 4/4 TODAY SO BAM BAMM HAPPY BIRTH !!!! thank u sm for being my aibou for yet another year of ur life. and thank u always for going along w random stuff i do. eat lots of yum food and have a nice nice day today !! u dont hv to use it yet pls continue showing off the 86 :pray: |
saelogyApr 1, 2022 5:58 AM
Apr 29, 2022 6:50 PM
🖊️ C L A I M Y O U R M A N G A C R U S H / / G A R D E N O F E D E N / / opening oct 26, 2021 🖊️ closing nov 1, 2021 gif here - I N T R O D U C T I O N some times manga only charas are just better shrugs R U L E S 🖊️ one claim per person 🖊️ yes yes there's a claim list 🖊️ bold the character's name you want on the banner 🖊️ high quality pics please. will ignore if not 🖊️ they must be a manga only character R E Q U E S T F O R M A T [size=85][color=gray] 🖊️ username: max 10 charas 🖊️ deliver: 🖊️ character: 🖊️ source: 🖊️ pics: 🖊️ comments: here[/color][/size] S A M P L E S sauce |
saelogyMay 29, 2022 11:46 PM
May 3, 2022 8:00 PM
May 5, 2022 11:36 PM
May 9, 2022 5:02 AM
Jun 9, 2022 8:47 PM
Jan 5, 2024 8:16 PM
˗ˏˋ𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ##´ˎ˗ kuromi wakes up to the world in shambles, she tags along with dokja to explore and survive ; omniscient reader's viewpoint ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 participating in this chapter 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 copy and paste to request [size=80][color=#ccccff][b]reader:[/b] (+shortened) [b]mailbox:[/b] [b]characters:[/b] [b][color=#d1cfcf]: ̗̀➛[/color] kuromi:[/b] [b]comments:[/b] [/color][/size] ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ |
saelogyJan 15, 2024 5:13 AM
Jan 15, 2024 5:11 AM
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