Sep 27, 2018 6:18 PM
◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ ◇ Character Creation ◇ ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ In this thread you will be able to create an Eden SOUL. Before you create one, you need to be in possession of an Eden Creation Ticket. The usual rules of creation apply. However, although all Eden SOULs will start at Rank A, all Rank Abilities (Awakened/Alternate Talent, Union/Over-/Ex-Skills etc.) need to be created within their respectives threads. As a result, it is advised not to spend all CP at once and save some for Rank Abilities. Every new character will be created according to the "Character Points System". Click the spoiler below to see how it works: Character Points System: The "Character Points System" allows you to create your character individually. Every starting character will be given 80 Character Points (CP) which can be distributed to several categories depending on your preference. Every combination is allowed. Also, you don't have to use all points, though can certainly do so. The following categories are available: 1. Talent:
- Definition: Talents are the speciality of your character and the area in which your character has the potential to excel. They are described as "unique powers that man can only dream of yet never reach". Unfortunately, as a stand-alone, talents do not have much impact in combat. However, talents enable your character to use Skills related to them and you may only choose 1 talent at the beginning, so make your decision wisely. - Rules: 2. Skill:
2 CP - Rank E 4 CP - Rank D 6 CP - Rank C 8 CP - Rank B 10 CP - Rank A - Definition: Skills are manifestations of your Talent that come in various shapes and forms. They can be special attacks, abilities or amplifications with various effects that can be both beneficial and harmful. As of now, only E-Ranked skills can be created, but as your character grows stronger, so will their skills. - Rules: 3. Attributes:
2 CP - Rank D 4 CP - Rank C 8 CP - Rank B 12 CP - Rank A 18 CP - Rank A+ 24 CP - Rank A++ - Definition: Attributes constitute your character's body. They are defined by average SOUL standards. By investing points into attributes, your character can exceed these standards by a multiple without any relation to powers or abilities. Refer to the section "Character Attributes" in the Guidance Thread to see how great the multiple is. (Example: C-Ranked Strength costs 4 CP and makes your character twice as strong as an average SOUL.) - Available Attributes: Astral Gear Guide: Every character possesses an unique weapon called "Astral Gear". In general, they are like ordinary weapons at the start with no distinct features. They simply act the same as they ordinarily would. They do have some rules that govern their creation:
Firearm AGs (such as Handguns, Shotguns, Snipers etc.) have three additional sections namely "Rate of Fire", "Projectile Speed" and "Pattern": Rate of Fire means the amount of shots that can be fired within 1 Phase. Some firearms, mostly shotguns, also can state "# per shot" which means for every pull of the trigger, an amount of up to # bullets are fired. If nothing like that is stated, it is simply 1 trigger pull = 1 bullet. Every trigger pull also counts as a single Attack action. Projectile Speed is, as the name implies, the speed of the fired projectile. By default, Projectiles move at speeds between its current Rank and the next higher Rank. Thus a speed of E means it is faster than standard E speed, but slower than standard D speed. To illustrate this, projectile speed ranks are marked with a ⭡ symbol. Pattern describes the trajectory of the projectile when it is fired. Rate of Fire, Projectile Speed and Pattern depend entirely on the type of Firearm used. Below is a list of types (If you do not see a firearm you wish to use, please contact the administration so we can add it ^_^): - Firearm Types: Magic Staff
Magic Staff AGs (Wands, Rods, Scepters etc.) can also fire projectiles, similar to firearms. The difference is that firearms cause Physical Damage, whereas magic staves cause Magical Damage. Projectile Speed is also equal to Willpower. Skill Value Guide: As you know (or should know), all skills have a base value depending on Rank. It is possible to increase the value by adding costs, prerequisites and limitations. However, you might be uncertain how much something may cost such as a 1 Phase Buff. For this reason, we have compiled a Skill Value List so it becomes easier to make your skills balanced. Do note that these values are not absolute and can be subject to change. Skill Value:
Status Condition Cost:
Statistics Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as cost.
Prerequisite Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as prerequisites.
Limitation Value: Determines how much value you gain when listed as limitations.
In order to make it easier for you to create your character, here is a form you can simply copy & paste and then edit: Please only fill in and replace the italicised words with the appropriate information. Character Creation FORM: [quote] [list][*][b]Name:[/b] *First Name, Last Name if possible* [*][b]Age:[/b] *Any number that is reasonable* [*][b]Gender:[/b] *Male, Female* [*][b]Race:[/b] *Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Beastkind, Halfling, Automaton, Unholy, Divine* [*][b]Racial Skill:[/b] *Select 1 Racial Skill from your chosen Race. You can find a list in the Guidance Thread* [*][b]Class:[/b] *Warrior, Knight, Mage, Cleric, Rogue, Duelist, Archer or Fighter* [*][color=#0000A0][b]Total Character Points:[/b][/color] *count all points you have spend and list it here (ex. 50/100, 80/100...)* [*][b][color=#808080]Overall Statistics:[/color][/b][list] [*][b][color=#C11B17]Health:[/color][/b] *Value 100-700, max. 900 total for all stats* [*][b][color=#2554C7]Prana:[/color][/b] *Value 100-700* [*][b][color=#4CC417]Stamina:[/color][/b] *Value 100-700*[/list] [*][b][color=#990012]Talent:[/color] *Enter Talent Name here*[/b] *Enter Talent Description here, Reminder: Costs 4 CP* [list][b][color=#4CC417]Skill List:[/color][/b] [spoiler="Skill List"] [*][quote][size=110][b][center][Rank E] *Enter Skill Name here* (*TECHNIQUE or SPELL*)[/center][/b][/size] [list]- [b]Description:[/b] *In the Skill Description you should explain about the general outline of the skill as we as how your character uses it. Is it a combo attack where he charges at the opponent from a distance and slashes him 7 times? Is it a powerful punch that knocks the enemy back? Or perhaps a special gun shot that can light the target ablaze? Choose what you desire.* - [b]Effect:[/b] *Here you should put only sentences such as "Deals 10 Physical Damage." or "Renders target immobile for 1 Turn" or "Heals 25 Health". Note that if you are using an offensive skill, you should either state whether or not the damage inflicted is physical or magical. Please make the effect description as short and as concise as possible.* - [b]Attribute Modifier:[/b] *Choose among any of the available attributes as long as they are reasonable. You can also put in None.* - [b]Cost:[/b] *Put cost of the skill here (like "10 Prana + 5 Prana per person, 10 Prana & 5 Stamina per Turn etc."). Your character will mainly use Stamina if he is using Techniques and Prana if using Spells. Skills can also have no cost.* - [b]Type:[/b] *Active, Active Continous or Passive.* - [b]Duration:[/b] *Either in Phases or Turns. If your skill has a continuous effect, please put the duration here. If not, delete this section. If its permanent (often in case of passive skills), put in Permanent* - [b]Affinity:[/b] *Offensive, Defensive, Support or Recovery.* - [b]Prerequisites:[/b][list][*]*Any conditions your character needs satisfy before activation of the skill. More/difficult conditions can increase the power of your skill. Note that after effects of skill usage (such as loss of Health) need to be listed in the Effect section. (Copy [*] if you want to use more Prerequisites)* [/list]- [b]Limitations:[/b][list][*]*Any restrictions your character has when or after using the skill. More/severe restrictions can increase the power of your skill. Note that this only concerns restrictions placed on your character, not penalties (such as reduced attributes). (Copy [*] if you want to use more Limitations)* [/list][/list][/quote] [/spoiler][/list] [*][b][color=#348017]Attributes:[/color][/b][list] [*][b]STRENGTH:[/b] *E-C, Reminder: Costs 2 CP per Rank. Also put an appropriate Rank for all attributes below. Don't forget your innate class attributes!* [*][b]VITALITY:[/b] [*][b]WILLPOWER:[/b] [*][b]RESISTANCE:[/b] [*][b]SPEED:[/b] [*][b]AGILITY:[/b] [*][b]PERCEPTION:[/b] [*][b]RECOVERY:[/b] [/list] [*][b][color=#FDD017]Astral Gear:[/color][/b] *Enter name here if applicable* [u]Type:[/u] *Sword, Lance, Shield, Bow etc.* [u]Rate of Fire:[/u] *Only if using firearms* [u]Projectile Speed:[/u] *Only if using firearms/magical staves* [u]Pattern:[/u] *Only if using firearms* [u]Summon Cost:[/u] [b][color=#2554C7]*Any amount of Prana you wish to use, the more Prana, the more durable your Astral Gear may be* Prana[/color][/b] [u]Description:[/u] *Simply describe your Astral Gear here. Avoid using terms such as "sharper/lighter/stronger than normal blades" and anything that increases its power. Only durability can be increased and is directly related to Prana.* [*][b]Biography:[/b] *The biography should be the longest section. Unless you like your character to be boring and uninteresting. You know, scratch that, you can make short bios, but still have an interesting character if you roleplay well ;)* [*][b]Personality:[/b] *Should complement your biography. Let your character show his/her individuality.* [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler="Appearance"][img]*Put your picture or description here*[/img][/spoiler] [*][b]100x100p Picture:[/b] [spoiler="100x100p Picture"][img]*If possible, please put a 100x100px picture here. If you want to have a fancy Character Profile that is. Also, it is preferred if you focus on the face.*[/img][/spoiler] [/list][/quote] Some Things to Note:
alatartheblue42Dec 18, 2018 11:54 PM
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Oct 31, 2018 7:17 PM
Important Note These profiles are last-ditch efforts in case a backup of the character in the original club was not made. There is no guarantee that these profiles are up to date. Please save a copy of your character in some other backup program. Last updated: 10/31/2018 |
Oct 31, 2018 7:17 PM
Julius "I don't want a war - but I want to be free." Character Information
Nov 11, 2018 10:09 AM
Cero "Just stay still, will you?"
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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