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Mar 3, 2018 1:03 AM
Jul 2015
Sorrowsenpai said:
solomon585858 said:
This episode was disgusiting. I hope Marine dies horrible death. She never deserved such man as Alexis. Whore, woman with blood on her hands....

Curious, why do you despise and call her a whore instead of pitying her?

I'm curious why you think she deserves pity? Other than her fathers death of course.
She Chose to sleep with the arab, he didn't even say sex was a condition, only he wanted to "make her his conquest". He more than likely would have joined her with or without the sex with very little persuasion, they both want a military rule, where as her enemies want peaceful resolution. The decision to sleep with him only lost her credibility; she seemed weak, and ignorant, unable to stand up for herself, very much in contrast to the perceptive/clever being we've been shown until now. I cannot honestly say I understand her motivation anymore. She feels less like a character and more like a plot device at this point.
Mar 3, 2018 1:25 AM
Jul 2015
2LongDidntReview said:
The premise of her not marrying Alexis is still not very well understood. However, her having sex with Milza made it all the more interesting.

"Interesting" is not a good enough reason to undermine her character. It only made her look inept at negotiation, a must have skill for a ruler (military or not), and one she should have due to her shown perceptiveness. This also painted her as weak, another blow against her capabilities. This episode dressed her more like a pawn than a queen, I wonder if she plays chess in reverse.

Honestly an inner monologue could have saved that ending. Self punishment, forced detachment, but without one it just comes off as fan service. Bad fan service* as the number of drops skyrocket.
Mar 3, 2018 1:49 AM

Aug 2013
that ending breaks my heart, esp for Alexis..

even if you think with normal mind
a virgin woman who was (failed) about to be a bride with her love one, slept with other man..

one of harsh ntr I know, because those flashback story about the couples last episodes
Mar 3, 2018 2:00 AM
Jul 2009
AbattoirRat said:
2LongDidntReview said:
The premise of her not marrying Alexis is still not very well understood. However, her having sex with Milza made it all the more interesting.

"Interesting" is not a good enough reason to undermine her character.

And that character would be? She's never been a great leader from what we could tell. She lost against Theo and she basically follows her mage's advice without questioning. She was a romantic, marrying for love rather than class. She wanted to throw that away since she decided she couldn't marry for Alexis (again for w/e reason). Now she's really stepping up to becoming the ruthless ruler she's been saying she needed to be.

You'll have to support your claim about her character being undermined.
Mar 3, 2018 2:11 AM

Mar 2018
Was Marrine's situation really so desperate that she'd take the risk of meeting an enemy like that *alone*? He could've easily killed her or gone back on his word or both. So she's going to trust a person who switches sides just like that? And what were her maids thinking delivering a message like that, they should've known it wouldn't end well.

Marrying for political gain is one thing but what medieval princess would resort to this? None of it makes sense to me.
Mar 3, 2018 2:18 AM
May 2011
Story and characters seem pretty weak. No real reason why whore didn't marry Alexis, why she wants to become ruthless ruler.

And I also didn't like Siluca at the beginning of this episode while she was talking to that long-haired dude. And it seems that Siluca is in the command here, not Theo. It's like Theo already doesn't have his own opinion and starting to look like weak-minded Alexis. Siluca looks more and more like her father. Cunning bastard.

One way or another I'm dropping this show. Especially after what I knew from spoilers regarding whore's fate.

solomon585858Mar 3, 2018 2:21 AM
Mar 3, 2018 2:34 AM
Mar 2018
decided its about time to make a mal account since i read the spoilers that was written here and it pissed me off. i don't care about the so called rape scene as far as i'm concerned she traded her body for power to me this puts her in a better light than your average dictator since it means she is willing to make personal sacrifices to achieve her goal. i do understand why people are upset about it but the thing i hated most about this episode was the terrible slaughter that happened weakened greatly by the miasma and then not even given the chance to surrender. its why i like theo he never killed anyone who surrendered . now reading the spoilers i want to know if marine faces consequences for violating the lords code or any form of punishment.
Mar 3, 2018 2:48 AM
Jul 2015
2LongDidntReview said:
AbattoirRat said:

"Interesting" is not a good enough reason to undermine her character.

You'll have to support your claim about her character being undermined.

Honestly you may very well be right. I don't have any quotes backed up to support my image of her. I was under the assumption that she was designed to be a leader, strong, intelligent, hopefully cunning.
But as I think on it, I have no examples. She may very well have been weak all along.
My confusion now is, why the extreme change of character? If she was a kindly, romantic person, and this isn't some cunning strategy, what line of thought brought her to become a warmonger, give up on love, and without reason, give up her self respect so easily? Where is her motivation?
Either way, cunning or ignorant, the ease at which she threw away her virginity is appalling; specifically from a writing stand point. It's like they painted her just a tad too much of a villain, and tried to force sympathy, in hopes we'll forgive her down the road. Color me unimpressed. Especially considering the creators wit until now.
Mar 3, 2018 2:58 AM

Nov 2014
I feel better with Theo and Sil now..

for Marrine..
it's one of many dark parts if we deal with political issue..
even on the Hentai plot.. they're always be the same pattern..

that's why prepare yourself for the worst,, if there are a story with Women ruled the Kingdom.
Mar 3, 2018 3:16 AM

Dec 2011
lol wth, too many sensitive ppl here, it's just fictional ppl! If you get triggered by this you should have get triggered by those serial killer animes etc. Thank god nobody here watch kara no kyoukai, if not there's no way the movies will be rated highly since everyone is "dropping" it eh?
Mar 3, 2018 3:33 AM

Nov 2014
amc9988 said:
lol wth, too many sensitive ppl here, it's just fictional ppl! If you get triggered by this you should have get triggered by those serial killer animes etc. Thank god nobody here watch kara no kyoukai, if not there's no way the movies will be rated highly since everyone is "dropping" it eh?

that's wrong dude.. I watched it.. and still "enjoyable".. lol
the problem is, It doesn't have "NTR vibe" like this one.. that's the most people complained about.
Mar 3, 2018 3:38 AM

Aug 2014
amc9988 said:
lol wth, too many sensitive ppl here, it's just fictional ppl! If you get triggered by this you should have get triggered by those serial killer animes etc. Thank god nobody here watch kara no kyoukai, if not there's no way the movies will be rated highly since everyone is "dropping" it eh?

Mar 3, 2018 3:52 AM
Jul 2009
it's hilarious how the biggest problem that people have is that she's a "whore". Man sucks to be stuck in a delusion and unsociable.
Mar 3, 2018 3:57 AM

Jun 2016
MrMushin said:
It happened a lot sooner than I thought!

First half was full of developing the relationship between Shiruka and Theo, It had a gentle music approach and I think the rookie voice actor of Theo did a great job of portraying him.

Second half was more serious as the battles continued and that last few minutes...

4/5 Why is this still rated PG-13?

Mar 3, 2018 3:58 AM

Jun 2016
araneathedragoon said:
This series has just destroyed some BD selling potential...

NOPE if it has a special episode just for this scene...
Mar 3, 2018 4:25 AM
Jul 2009
AbattoirRat said:

If she was a kindly, romantic person, and this isn't some cunning strategy, what line of thought brought her to become a warmonger, give up on love, and without reason, give up her self respect so easily? Where is her motivation?

It has to do with that initial massacre, but it's still a crappy explanation for why she won't marry him (she said that they're not fated to be together). Her giving him her virginity represents her committing to decision to conquer the continent. The poison was the first step, but it's easy to make decisions when you're not carrying them out. Her offering herself is much bigger sacrifice from a psychological point of view.

Personally, I haven't been a fan of the writing and I feel like there will be cop outs later on.
Mar 3, 2018 4:32 AM
Mar 2018
DROPPED , say no to NTR.
Mar 3, 2018 5:02 AM

May 2012
JeffxBrian said:

All let me inform you...when you blackmail/coerce someone..say you tell a girl you'll only take her home or drive her home if she sleeps with you. She has the option to walk but she goes through with it but she doesn't want to..that's rape. Coercion doesn't have to be a you only have one choice situation.'s like..saying I spent this much on you, now give me sex.

Rape doesn't have to be straight sex...say you're having sex and the girl looks uncomfortable and obviously says no nonverbally. You stop. Otherwise you'd just be raping her. The facial expression, the body language, the tears...if you continue, that's called rape. This was forced sex. Look at her expression.

I just hope they follow through with some realism and have her experience ptsd or other symptoms raped victims express. She was just sexually violated.

What about prostitutes who have sex with their customers, because they are doing it for money and not because they want it. So, do you think that this also "forced sex" ?!

Just replace money with "political/military power". This what Marrine did

xx_BeastMaster64 said:
DROPPED , say no to NTR.

Say Yes to NTR
Mar 3, 2018 5:24 AM
Mar 2018
There were many children and crying people who watched this episode and was horrified, while at the same time were seeing in other episodes innocent people being brutally murdered and did not speak or criticized anything, but now with a scene of conflict and adult drama are in this mimimi , how much hypocrisy ...! I found the episode very good, it made the anime rise in my concept, becoming even more adult to contextualise a fantastic work of "War" and "Adult Personal Conflicts" ...!

Waiting for the next episodes!
Mar 3, 2018 5:31 AM

Jan 2013
This episode ruined the anime, the studio and my day...

This was the last straw: I now have a blacklist, and this studio's first on it!
Mar 3, 2018 6:15 AM
Apr 2017
People are wondering why Marrine refused to allay with Theo but went to such lengths to get Milza. Do you remember what Theo did? He was a wondering knight who defeated an alliance lord and claimed his territory. Then he went on to defeat other alliance lords to defend this territory. Theo literally stole territory from Marrine and was now asking to be part of her alliance. If she accepted she would be setting a dangerous precedent and showing she cares nothing about her current lords. It would be political suicide. And I will repeat what I wrote before, why marring Alexis is no longer an option.

Marrine marring Alexis after the deaths of their fathers would not stop the war; it would only make it worse. Marrine has no control over her faction, she is a leader in name only, and the alliance lords want war .If she married Alexis she would be abandoned by her faction and lose all political power. She would be nothing more than Alexi’s wife who, as we have seen, is a weak, puppet ruler. Alexis is a loving, kind man with a big hart but he is a weakling with no power. That’s why Marrine is trying trough conquest, to prove herself worthy and get the loyalty of the alliance lords. Alliance lords respect strength, which is how alliance got founded in the first place. So, there is logic behind her actions and no, marring Alexis wouldn’t solve anything.

I am a woman and I don’t think that was rape. It would have been if he was in a position of power over her like if she was his prisoner or servant but they were of equal standing. What it was is a political transaction, a business deal. She is a grown woman and if she wants to use her body as a weapon in a political war it is her right. It was uncomfortable to watch. She definitely didn’t enjoy it and he is a bad person for suggesting and going through with it but I don’t think he is a rapist or she a whore. She did what she did in order to help her country. Is it better for her to have sex once with one guy or to have hundreds or more of her soldiers die fighting his army? And after breaking up with Alexis she is under no obligation to stay faithful to him.
Mar 3, 2018 6:19 AM

Jun 2015
Darkrealms said:
There were many children and crying people who watched this episode and was horrified, while at the same time were seeing in other episodes innocent people being brutally murdered and did not speak or criticized anything, but now with a scene of conflict and adult drama are in this mimimi , how much hypocrisy ...! I found the episode very good, it made the anime rise in my concept, becoming even more adult to contextualise a fantastic work of "War" and "Adult Personal Conflicts" ...!

Waiting for the next episodes!

Yes as said these children the products of USA's prudist ideology, you know the country where almost everyday school shootings with many dead, these kids reared by western games which are glorified killing simulators
But lets stay on this anime:
The little spoiled princess commited war crime using chemical weapons, and "take no prisoners kill em all" Noone from the insecure bloodthirsty teenagers minded this, but losing their minds when based on give and take, she trades her body for a very strong military ally.

This is most entertaining list commes together:
"Princess was raped"--- she willingly invited the Arab and traded her body for power
"Worthless not virgin anymore"-- LoL
"The scene was to intense"-- barely anything was shown
"Cried, disgusting NTR"-- there is nothing between her and the spinless prince, as she said he is past
"Dropped"- Lol
"Unrealistic"-- Probably never had any relationship, newflash people cheat all the time... Not to mention princess and Alexis wasnt even together at that moment. Also this how women it is, you show weakness they leave you
"Theon should have harem with mage grill and princess"- Lol

The point is this happens all the time, insecure teenagers with few expections, cry, complain, if things doesnt go their way, seen countless time on anime sites. These sad ones only want to watch a "badass" protagonist with a harem.
Mar 3, 2018 6:30 AM
Sep 2017
the only thing that was good this episode is Siluca confesses to Theo and The Kiss was so sweet I like them more now <3 <3 They will be a good couple for sure
Fuck Milza and the most fucked up shit is Marrine is not doing it with Alexiz
She gave her virginity to Milza ........
Mar 3, 2018 6:35 AM

Apr 2014
lord23 said:
This was a bullshit episode this man could have been just a worrier why did they add that unnecessary rape shit now everyone is just going to hate on him smh.

edit it sucks to since I liked this show up until this point.

adamfreddy said:
dropped. cant handle this rape shit anymore

Sorry, but that was no rape. Rape makes it sound like the "poor woman, she didn't have a choice", but here it was entirely her choice.
Mar 3, 2018 6:45 AM

Oct 2012
I'm the only one who hopes for Marine death, it honestly reminds me Arisa Kuhouin Guilty Crown that does everything for power ..... Disgusting
Mar 3, 2018 6:57 AM
Jul 2012
Spoilers that made my day a bit better... Thank You guys.

Still I didn't enjoy the scene at all, one of the saddest scene of betrayal. Btw You don't have to be a teenager when You don't like what happen in anime. I'm almost 30 and I just think that what she did was bad and wrong no matter if it was rape or trade just to get some power.

But I have some questions: Will Marrine ever tell Alexis what she did? Will she face some consequences? How will Alexis react if she ever tells him what she did?
If he will be like "oh don't worry about that, I love You to much to care about such a thing"
It will be so stupid.

Any1 who reads LN can spoil me that?
garnizonMar 3, 2018 7:30 AM
Mar 3, 2018 6:57 AM

Sep 2010
JeffxBrian said:

Well my bad, she was given a choice but not really. She was coerced.

The thing is - she wasn't. She is obviously in a position of power and asks him to betray his side.

JeffxBrian said:
Sexual violation is different than death. You live with it. She did something horrible but now she has to live with being raped. We're victim blaming here if we say it's her fault.

Same with treason - we're victim blaming here if we say it's his fault when she is obviously using him.

JeffxBrian said:
The guy went through with it despite seeing her cry, despite seeing her facial expressions showing "no." She agreed but did she fully consent? No. If a girl tells you yes but you obviously know she doesn't want to.

You have to be mind reading to be sure that it's "no" and not "it's my first time and it's painful, but please do as your experience say" without exact signs.

JeffxBrian said:
She can take you to court.

And win even when it was consented, on the other side he can also go to court and say she forced (you can't unite continent with your fraction and I will use magic gas against you) and seduced him (because she is obviously young attractive female).

I don't say that this kind of deals are ok, but their crimes are pretty similar and Marrine is an initiator of unreasonable requests that surprised even him.
Mar 3, 2018 7:03 AM
Jun 2015
i went here for spoilers, i can't find any wikipedia episode synopsis yet and i don't want to get shocked with any shit that's coming. yet here it is, NTR. NTR = shit.
Signatures only exist
to tell more about yourself.
I decided not to.
It's better to stay void and null
than stay in the cattle's line
and be processed under chains.
Anarchy prevails.
Mar 3, 2018 7:05 AM

Jul 2017
Swim_Swim said:
Darkrealms said:
There were many children and crying people who watched this episode and was horrified, while at the same time were seeing in other episodes innocent people being brutally murdered and did not speak or criticized anything, but now with a scene of conflict and adult drama are in this mimimi , how much hypocrisy ...! I found the episode very good, it made the anime rise in my concept, becoming even more adult to contextualise a fantastic work of "War" and "Adult Personal Conflicts" ...!

Waiting for the next episodes!

Yes as said these children the products of USA's prudist ideology, you know the country where almost everyday school shootings with many dead, these kids reared by western games which are glorified killing simulators
But lets stay on this anime:
The little spoiled princess commited war crime using chemical weapons, and "take no prisoners kill em all" Noone from the insecure bloodthirsty teenagers minded this, but losing their minds when based on give and take, she trades her body for a very strong military ally.

This is most entertaining list commes together:
"Princess was raped"--- she willingly invited the Arab and traded her body for power
"Worthless not virgin anymore"-- LoL
"The scene was to intense"-- barely anything was shown
"Cried, disgusting NTR"-- there is nothing between her and the spinless prince, as she said he is past
"Dropped"- Lol
"Unrealistic"-- Probably never had any relationship, newflash people cheat all the time... Not to mention princess and Alexis wasnt even together at that moment. Also this how women it is, you show weakness they leave you
"Theon should have harem with mage grill and princess"- Lol

The point is this happens all the time, insecure teenagers with few expections, cry, complain, if things doesnt go their way, seen countless time on anime sites. These sad ones only want to watch a "badass" protagonist with a harem.

You seem to be particularly obsessed with this "insecure teenager" strawman. I think you're projecting a bit too much. I responded to you pages back why generalizing everyone who didn't like this is as an insecure teenager is retarded, but you never got back to me. I'm sure some people do hate the scene for reasons you state, but not everyone dislikes it for the same reason. I'm the spoiler guy, so let me tell you right now this scene was simply bad writing and shock value for the sake of shock value, and the entire plot would have literally lost nothing if this hadn't happened. But you'll see that for yourself as the anime continues.
Mar 3, 2018 7:13 AM

Sep 2016
I do not know why people are considering dropping this purely because of one (albeit disgusting scene). This scene is supposed to be disgusting and shows us how far she is willing to go for power and also to increase our hatred for Milza even further. Was it truly necessary? Not really but I think it served its purpose. It is very effective and hopefully the payoff will be Milza's death.

In Medieval stories sex is often portrayed as a purely political affair without love or sensation so it really is not out of the ordinary.

The episode itself was okay. Romantic development and set-up episode..
Mar 3, 2018 7:37 AM

Nov 2016
I'm not even a big fan of this anime overall, but I can't tell how many times I rewatched that kiss scene. It was beautifully done. It felt real.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 3, 2018 7:44 AM
Oct 2017
Does anyone have link to it's Light novel version ..??
Mar 3, 2018 7:45 AM

May 2012
Furisuu said:
I do not know why people are considering dropping this purely because of one (albeit disgusting scene). This scene is supposed to be disgusting and shows us how far she is willing to go for power and also to increase our hatred for Milza even further. Was it truly necessary? Not really but I think it served its purpose. It is very effective and hopefully the payoff will be Milza's death.

In Medieval stories sex is often portrayed as a purely political affair without love or sensation so it really is not out of the ordinary.

The episode itself was okay. Romantic development and set-up episode..

Milza did not noting wrong. Marrine had consent sex for political gains (just like prostitute who have sex for money)

Darkrealms said:
There were many children and crying people who watched this episode and was horrified, while at the same time were seeing in other episodes innocent people being brutally murdered and did not speak or criticized anything, but now with a scene of conflict and adult drama are in this mimimi , how much hypocrisy ...! I found the episode very good, it made the anime rise in my concept, becoming even more adult to contextualise a fantastic work of "War" and "Adult Personal Conflicts" ...!

Waiting for the next episodes!

Yea, people here seems to care more for the feeling of this whore (Marrine) than many innocent people getting killed. I did hate Milza for killing the two daughters in episode 6 (not sure if he killed them but he probably did), but this scene with Marrine did not have any impact on me at all. In fact, I did enjoy it and I don't give damn about Marrine and her relation with Alexis

I guess the "feeling" of one rich woman in more important than the lives of countless innocent people
thepathMar 3, 2018 8:01 AM
Mar 3, 2018 7:50 AM

May 2014
That shit at the end was not cool dude. Not cool.
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
Mar 3, 2018 7:54 AM

Mar 2018
mnedel said:
People are wondering why Marrine refused to allay with Theo but went to such lengths to get Milza. Do you remember what Theo did? He was a wondering knight who defeated an alliance lord and claimed his territory. Then he went on to defeat other alliance lords to defend this territory. Theo literally stole territory from Marrine and was now asking to be part of her alliance. If she accepted she would be setting a dangerous precedent and showing she cares nothing about her current lords. It would be political suicide. And I will repeat what I wrote before, why marring Alexis is no longer an option.

Marrine marring Alexis after the deaths of their fathers would not stop the war; it would only make it worse. Marrine has no control over her faction, she is a leader in name only, and the alliance lords want war .If she married Alexis she would be abandoned by her faction and lose all political power. She would be nothing more than Alexi’s wife who, as we have seen, is a weak, puppet ruler. Alexis is a loving, kind man with a big hart but he is a weakling with no power. That’s why Marrine is trying trough conquest, to prove herself worthy and get the loyalty of the alliance lords. Alliance lords respect strength, which is how alliance got founded in the first place. So, there is logic behind her actions and no, marring Alexis wouldn’t solve anything.

I am a woman and I don’t think that was rape. It would have been if he was in a position of power over her like if she was his prisoner or servant but they were of equal standing. What it was is a political transaction, a business deal. She is a grown woman and if she wants to use her body as a weapon in a political war it is her right. It was uncomfortable to watch. She definitely didn’t enjoy it and he is a bad person for suggesting and going through with it but I don’t think he is a rapist or she a whore. She did what she did in order to help her country. Is it better for her to have sex once with one guy or to have hundreds or more of her soldiers die fighting his army? And after breaking up with Alexis she is under no obligation to stay faithful to him.

I agree to almost everything you said that she had not many choices to begin with but she's making too many bad moves. Every move she's making is leading her to a bigger downfall and extremes. She's not respecting the chivalry code or her own "feelings" (as I said before she never decided something even her love was forced upon her by Alexis). She's moving blindly upon ideas of those "strong characters" around her like Siluca's father or Milza. She believes that they are correct choices but fails to see, or it's better to say ignores, the soldiers or maids disagreement.
A leader has to be ruthless with everyone and more so with himself and she's trying to do it but fails because she's disregarding the values she's been sacrificing to achieve victory. She's ignoring the big picture and in that picture we find Theo with his high values and peaceful conquest. A conquest loved by everyone and with less casualties and people gather towards this kind of rules if given choices.

What's for sure it's that I didn't wrote the novel and this whole affair could be seen as a two ways to achieve the same dream. There's even this deep split between the two parts of the episode. The author perhaps wanted to show us the honourable way like Theo and the ruthless way like Marrine and so the extreme act of giving herself to the dark side of the force.
If this was what the author wanted then everything it's good and acceptable and so I expect more dark events in the future episodes but as some spoilers said it, it won't happen. If this is not going to happen, as someone said, then the author makes his characters do everything they want and then gives no punishment back. One can do the worst of worst and have the happy ending. That's not reality, that's not teaching us nothing but that your bad choices have no consequences at all.
Now I'll wait the next episodes to see if the thought process of the author makes some sense.
Mar 3, 2018 8:49 AM

Aug 2015
I knew it was coming and I was still sad Marrine did it with Milza. Like I'm literally tearing up after that scene. She obviously loves Alexis and yet she still went through prove how serious she was about uniting the empire by any means. I feel so bad for Alexis because once he finds out I know he'll be so devastated. He deserves so much better than this.

Edit: glad to see Theo and Silluca confess to each other and the battle afterwards was cool even if they used those dirty tactics. Just another showing of how serious Marrine is. Still can't believe she went down this.road.
So many boobs in fairy tail, it's crazy.
Mar 3, 2018 9:20 AM

Feb 2017
AbattoirRat said:
Sorrowsenpai said:

Curious, why do you despise and call her a whore instead of pitying her?

I'm curious why you think she deserves pity? Other than her fathers death of course.
She Chose to sleep with the arab, he didn't even say sex was a condition, only he wanted to "make her his conquest". He more than likely would have joined her with or without the sex with very little persuasion, they both want a military rule, where as her enemies want peaceful resolution. The decision to sleep with him only lost her credibility; she seemed weak, and ignorant, unable to stand up for herself, very much in contrast to the perceptive/clever being we've been shown until now. I cannot honestly say I understand her motivation anymore. She feels less like a character and more like a plot device at this point.

Because the author is incompetant, its a metaphor for domination, make her his conquest is sleeping with them, there is no other meaning to that sentence, the act itself is used to show a few things, that she is willing to do anything to win* that he wants a person with ambition to follow* that the relationship is non existent and simply used as a contract of allegiance however temporary*

*= these points are stupid, pathetic and utterly nonsensical because the situation has not been expanded on at all, as has been pointed out, why did she and alexis not simply get married even after their loser parents were assassinated? Why are there two factions? Why does she listen to that utterly incompetent adviser mage of hers? That guy is a complete failure and clearly evil as fuck.

From these you can draw a simple conclusion really, the author is a MORON, that is why I pity the character as much as I do, if she did not have a past with Alexis (or basically a past guy that she loves and was rubbed in our faces a few minutes earlier) I would not care overly much, but it was pointed out, for shock value, simple childish shock value, it was a one time thing and she had to endure, for whatever reason that was not given, calling her a whore is confusing at best and pretty stupid really.
Mar 3, 2018 9:22 AM
Mar 2018
Haaa i read everyone comment and trust me i am frustrated as well, its like they gave us candy of theo/siluca but what if siluca also ntr with some lord or king in late episodes?
Marine showing her resolve and for her resolve she is ready to get pregnant? Whats next? Incest or she wont go back to alexes coz now she had a taste of something bigger then him now hahaha just like those stupid ntr hentai stories?
I left hentai world coz netorare ruled there, but here as well??? Unacceptable.
Yes i have no shame to accept that i used to watch hentai and when i complain all ppl go against me and showed me a door, and so i left, we are humans not psychopaths, if they make rape, cheating, cruel murdering, lingering to death fair and acceptable... then its time to leave to this world as well coz i am not that frustrated or criminal mind to see this sh!t.
MohsinwolverineMar 3, 2018 9:29 AM
Mar 3, 2018 9:24 AM

Feb 2017
Uchiha-D-Ichigo said:
Does anyone have link to it's Light novel version ..??

I could not find it anwhere and have several places that do light novels :/ I think people are reading the japanese raw perhaps, would love a spoiler from any of them!
Mar 3, 2018 9:40 AM
Mar 2017
Totally smiling at Theo and Siluca finally confessing. But that ending! Totally wasn't expecting. Marrine gave herself to that asshole Milza.. He was totally enjoying ramming her. Damn it. I like Marrine and it hurts me to see her do that. She was too clean and pure. It's a mix of pity and anger. I was wondering how Marrine could make that guy side with her based on the opening.. Now I know, she had to pay the price, her virginity. That Milza is way too cocky and ugly..He deserves a thousand deaths. Poor Alexis. This would break him :( He belittled Theo too.. Waiting for Theo to be OP and take his head off..
Mar 3, 2018 9:41 AM

May 2014
That ending...:/ i guess they search a way to kill marrine and now they find it. She can happily die
Just watch what you may like.
Don't watch it and don't make bad comment about it.
Every anime wants to be praised.
Mar 3, 2018 9:41 AM

Aug 2008
GreenEmu said:
Jesus those last few minutes. They made that scene pretty explicit. To be honest I felt disgusted watching it.

I honestly felt the same way, that was too much. It could have been left implied that it happened. I'm a fan of ecchi anime, and fan service... yet that just left a horrid taste in my mouth.

Mar 3, 2018 10:20 AM
Mar 2017
GreenEmu said:
I would appreciate if people put spoiler tags on my spoilers if they quote me. I don't want to get in trouble lol.
Thank You I feel better now!
Mar 3, 2018 10:30 AM
Mar 2017
Enternal said:
Everyone, just forget about that scene and remember the true scene in this episode, the Theo x Siluca moment. That moment was rose gold.
Totally agree.. Theo x Siluca are now together..faster than expected.
Mar 3, 2018 10:59 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I swear to god, every time I think that this forum cannot possibly get even more hilariously stupid, I end up being horribly wrong

Like Jesus Christ what is this thread even lol, do any of you vanilla posters even know what rape is? How in the flying fuck was this anything close to rape xD This woman gave consent and that alone warrants this as not being rape

And don't get me started on this NTR shit too lol, her and Alexis aren't even together....Like have any of you ever watched any type of medieval program before? Rulers of kingdoms like this always do this kind of stuff whether or not its marrying off into another family to unite them or cases like this

I can't believe that this thread is full of all this bitching lol....Regardless, this episode was GREAT, the only ship that matters fully took off, the action scenes were awesome, the example of guerilla warfare with the miasma attack was spot on (It's supposed to be petty like that) and that ending was just wow lol....Did not expect that to happen at all but hey, stuff like this happens

Mar 3, 2018 11:43 AM
Mar 2018
that last part of this episode is stupid. Its kinda dump because she trust a person who would betray for his own greed. She is also a fuckin royalty she should act like one.
Mar 3, 2018 11:44 AM
Dec 2007
AbattoirRat said:
GreenEmu said:
Jesus those last few minutes. They made that scene pretty explicit. To be honest I felt disgusted watching it.

It felt like fan service at the cost of character development. I'm confused what the ending scene meant to convey. I could see her throwing her virginity away, tarnishing herself in a "point of no return" kind of way to sever her feelings, to focus on her goals, but in this way? It just felt like sloppy writing. There was room for debauchery and character development, but on a whim? It wasn't even a condition for their alliance. He just asked and she said okay.
And I know this goes beyond anime logic, but yes, please, lets strip defenseless in front of the assassin who currently works for my enemy.

TL; DR - The sex was pointless and hurt the show.

I think that before they did the Deed, Milza hinted that he is aware of Marrine's love for Alexis. I think he didn't do it for the sex, but to test Marrine's character (Victory > Love), or to put in her in a mental state where she's not fit to be with Alexis anymore. Mirza always sought to support a strong leader, and it would make sense for him to get a little insurance so that Marrine won't pull out at the last second because of her love for Alexis.

She will probably love-cope-out tho lol. Anyhoo, just an opinion.
Mar 3, 2018 12:04 PM
Jun 2015
Did someone know about Theo's age?
Mar 3, 2018 12:19 PM

Nov 2013
AbattoirRat said:
GreenEmu said:
Jesus those last few minutes. They made that scene pretty explicit. To be honest I felt disgusted watching it.

It felt like fan service at the cost of character development. I'm confused what the ending scene meant to convey. I could see her throwing her virginity away, tarnishing herself in a "point of no return" kind of way to sever her feelings, to focus on her goals, but in this way? It just felt like sloppy writing. There was room for debauchery and character development, but on a whim? It wasn't even a condition for their alliance. He just asked and she said okay.
And I know this goes beyond anime logic, but yes, please, lets strip defenseless in front of the assassin who currently works for my enemy.

TL; DR - The sex was pointless and hurt the show.

It was basically a test from Milza. Its common knowledge that Marrine and Alexis were to marry, and he was seeing if she loves Alexis and won't go all the way through with her methods she just showed to unite the crests.

But the thing is, theres like no other person shown who has the volition to unite all the crests with the means to an end attitude that Milza wants, so I'm pretty sure Milza would've temporarily joined them anyways or at the very least introduce a new person with that attitude or the guy just decides to do it himself. Worst case scenario, he would attempt to kill her if she refused and take her crest (which would've been interesting to me to show if this princess actually has some power or physical might).

This scene just comes off as for the shock value and it was hilarious to me. Its seemingly worked judging by some comments lol
DGemuMar 3, 2018 12:32 PM
Mar 3, 2018 12:36 PM

Apr 2014
Tokoya said:
I swear to god, every time I think that this forum cannot possibly get even more hilariously stupid, I end up being horribly wrong

Like Jesus Christ what is this thread even lol, do any of you vanilla posters even know what rape is? How in the flying fuck was this anything close to rape xD This woman gave consent and that alone warrants this as not being rape

And don't get me started on this NTR shit too lol, her and Alexis aren't even together....Like have any of you ever watched any type of medieval program before? Rulers of kingdoms like this always do this kind of stuff whether or not its marrying off into another family to unite them or cases like this

I can't believe that this thread is full of all this bitching lol....Regardless, this episode was GREAT, the only ship that matters fully took off, the action scenes were awesome, the example of guerilla warfare with the miasma attack was spot on (It's supposed to be petty like that) and that ending was just wow lol....Did not expect that to happen at all but hey, stuff like this happens

It's considered coercion rape (legal phrasing is sexual coercion) where one party pressured the other into sex through promising something. In this situation, he basically gave her a "choice" between having sex with him to win or don't have sex with him and lose. A bit similar to having your family held hostage and the perpetrator give you a choice to save your family by having sex with him. You don't have to save your family. In addition, her expression and tears during the whole thing was clearly saying "no." Even the maids were crying. That's clearly a "no." That's what made the whole scene disgusting. Added to the insult, apparently neither were actually enjoying it. It was simply a test of conviction.

Either way, like you said, what matters is the true ship that took off and that was GLORIOUS.
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