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Jan 31, 2018 9:46 PM

Nov 2015
The headmaster's office. Here he will see new recruits as well as issue any orders to groups he sends out to complete tasks or missions for the Order.

Ze-LemFeb 1, 2018 2:53 PM
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Jan 31, 2018 9:55 PM

Nov 2015
Eris Lilith

Having arrived at the main building, Eris had brought the two new recruits up to the Headmaster's office, opening the door and walking in, leaving knocking or announcing herself behind, having also just passed the guards without a word, though they also didn't react or tried to stop her from just entering, perhaps based on past experiences.

"Old Timer, There's some more people here for you to babysit" she commented to the man in the room, motioning for the two to walk forwards towards his desk. She turned around already to walk out before remembering something, turning once again to face the headmaster once more.
"By the way, there was an accident during cannon inspections on the walls, one soldier was sent to medical bay. Got behind it." She commented.
Feb 1, 2018 11:22 AM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Following Eris into the headmaster's office, Anna gained the impression that Eris was a person of rough mannerisms (as if the explosive event at the wall had not managed to tip her off to this). "At least she's probably very forthright," she thought. As Eris talked to the headmaster, Anna gave the office a quick look, keeping her attention from the comments of the guardian. Noting Eris' gesture to step up to the headmaster's desk, Anna fixed her eyes on the "Old Timer" and stepped forth.

She considered telling the headmaster the truth of the "accident" Eris mentioned as she left, but decided against it. He either already knew about it, or he did not mind the event much. Instead Anna bowed lightly and introduced herself. "I am Anna Carina. I have come, accepting the offer to join the Order. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Feb 1, 2018 2:50 PM

Feb 2010
It seemed like quite the walk just to check in. Most places would have that be done at the front. Then Eris moved into an office he hadn't expected. The one labelled "Headmaster". They were meeting the headmaster first thing? He hoped this wasn't just on Eris's whim, as she seemed rather... well... the type that wasn't confined by normal societal standards, like respect for the system. She had put it best when she "asked" the headmaster to babysit them. Didn't he have something more important to do than babysit new recruits? Wondering about all this, he didn't catch Eris's comment about the cannon firing.

If Anna was thrown off by this, she didn't show it, stepping up when Eris signaled them. Kaden followed suit, watching her introduce herself. Kaden chose to salute rather than bow, standing straight and speaking clearly. He was going to be a solider, after all. "Kaden Maarku from Wheldrake reporting in. I arrived as soon as I could sir." He wasn't sure what else to say... he'd been planning to ask for his basic duties and where he'd stay, but that wasn't something to casually bring up with the headmaster.
Feb 1, 2018 3:00 PM

Dec 2013
Wulfard Messeril

The headmaster sat behind his desk, all quite, lost in some book he was reading. When Eris entered, he quietly nodded at the fact that she brought some newcomers to his office.
After Eris left, he still sat quietly behind his desk, even as these new people introduced themselves.
It wasn't till it seemed he was finished with the page he was on, that he finally began to react.
Quietly marking the page he left off and then putting the book to the side, he looked up at the two people before him.
"Do you two know why you're here before me? Why you were asked to be here? Why I recruited you?" He began to speak, slowly getting up, his towering figure only complimenting his deep voice.
"Well? Can either of you two explain to me well what the purpose of your presence here is exactly?"
As he asked both Anna and Kaden the grandmaster would walk over to a small table nearby where he had some liquor in a fine glass bottle. He served himself a glass, before turning around and waiting for one of the two reply.
Ze-LemFeb 1, 2018 3:04 PM
Feb 1, 2018 6:15 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Anna was surprised to hear someone other than her introduce themselves to the headmaster. She made a cursory glance towards Kaden, then returned her attention to the Headmaster. Or rather, to the book he was reading. When Anna noticed no reaction from the man sitting in front of her, she looked at Kaden and quizzically raised an eyebrow, an action that she cut short when the Headmaster finally closed his book.

As the Headmaster began to ask them questions, Anna began to formulate a way to respond. However, the imposing presence she felt from the Headmaster as he stood up threw her thoughts astray, and while the Headmaster served himself liquor, Anna tried to stitch together a reply. As he turned around towards them, Anna wondered if Kaden felt as she had. Not wanting to keep the Headmaster waiting, nor wanting to lack initiative as she had at the gate, Anna spoke up in reply with her back straight and her shoulders back, giving her the slight boost of confidence she needed. Or at least thought she needed.

"W-well," Anna began, berating herself mentally for the stammering she started with. "We are here before you because you have heard of our capabilities. Capabilities that may prove, nay, have to prove, essential to fight back against the threat that humanity faces. And if trained, we may very well be able to accomplish such a goal. This is why we are here." Anna had heard much of the Order from various different acquaintances she had in the Maderiv Kingdom's military. Some was hearsay. Some was fantastically incorrect. But she had managed to gather enough facts to know what she was getting into. She just hoped that her response to the Headmaster was the correct one.
Feb 1, 2018 6:31 PM

Feb 2010
Kaden waited with his eyes on the older man, not noticing Anna's slight glance while he waited for their superior to, well, respond. Alright. The man seemed unmotivated to greet them at first, but once he stood up he was starting to sound like a headmaster, nay, a commander. It almost felt like he was going to give a speech, but again he wondered why they were getting a private one instead of having all the newer recruits go to some orientation. Maybe he'd find out based on where this was going, but he could only assume he wanted to get a personal look at new recruits, and actually set aside time to be that hands on. As if he'd even remember them in a few days. Well, eventually Kaden would distinguish himself from the many soldiers and then he would be remembered. Might as well make a decent impression now.

Hearing the headmaster ask why they were asked to be there, he was tempted to say something arrogant like that they were strong, but decided against it. However, before Kaden could speak, Anna did. Well, she stuttered at first, and he felt a little bad for her, since he didn't expect her to respond before him and then she started it on a bad note. Her answer was good though, and she even said what he had decided against, in a more humble way though, simply stating that they had capabilities. After hearing it, he began to wonder if this man was like a stereotypical military trainer, and was planning to berate them for thinking they were ready and tell them they needed to be here to be of any use. Eh, either way, he better speak up.

"There's no doubt that this new threat is relentless, powerful, and intent on devouring every last human on this planet. There is no job more pressing and more honorable than training and working to fight back against this threat." Kaden recited something very similar to what his father had taught him. That was the purpose this place was formed after all, they considered this fight far more pressing than the wars had been. Part of him agreed, in that it could not be ignored. Just like the other nations had been a threat to Tervalek, so too were these monsters. Standing straight and looking ahead, stealing glances at the headmaster as he seemed to go back to a state of leisure when he wasn't speaking, he waited to hear a response and get a read on this man.
Feb 1, 2018 10:03 PM

Dec 2013
Wulfard Messeril

Wulfard stayed where he was, taking a sip of his drink as he heard the replies from both people before him. The girl seemed to stutter a bit at first which had caused him to raise an eyebrow for a second before she seemingly got into a better focus of what she wanted to say. The guy seemed more straightforward in his reply.
Wulfard finished his drink, placing the glass on the table again, before he walked over to the two. Silently going around them, arms crossed, sort of inspecting them. He nodded a bit when he completed a circle around them both.
"Good answers. Honorable. Well hearted." He began to speak. "But try to keep it simple next time. The reason you both are here, the reason I recruited you, the purpose of you joining this order. It's simple. To protect our world through the extermination of those vile creatures."
Wulfard went back around to behind his desk.
"My name is Wulfard Messeri. I am a general of the Imperial Army of Velfareth. And now I currently head the Order of Rezvali as it's grandmaster. Any orders I give you are to be followed without question. If you believe an order of mine is unjust, I suggest taking a boat trip back home. We aren't here to work in some peachy club. We are hunters and huntresses. We deal in the art of war and we are agents of death. The only difference now a days is that our target is something that has massacred a lot of our kind without any mercy, so of course we may as well return that same feeling to them. Destroy without mercy."
Wulfard's tone oddly stayed passive, as he was used to speaking in such dark terms like it was some light topic one would have tea over.
"I expect both of you to pull your own weight in this order. Aside from battle, you also represent our order when you're out on the field. I would prefer not to receive any reports of either of you slacking off on the field or running away in fear. I have no need of such uselessness in my ranks. Do you understand?"
Feb 2, 2018 10:10 AM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Anna nodded lightly upon hearing Kaden's reply to the Headmaster, finding it agreeable. Afterwards, she could only wait with bated breath as the Headmaster downed his drink. The silence was making her nervous. Perhaps their answers were not satisfactory. Or perhaps the Headmaster was testing then. Either way, when he began pacing around them, Anna stood still as a rock, as if the Headmaster were a lion that would pounce her at the sign of the slightest movement.

When the towering man finally spoke, Anna finally relaxed, silently releasing her pent up breath. So relieved Anna was of the (mostly) positive reception of the answer, she did not mind the minor critique they received. In passing, Anna wondered of Kaden's reaction, but dared not look back to see. And besides, once Wulfard introduced himself and stated their purpose more brusquely, Anna felt right at home. Being a soldier in the bloody Seven Year War had ingrained in her the mentality that Wulfard expected of them (barring perhaps her slight lack of nerves at times). When asked if they understood, Anna stood in attention and said, "Yes, sir!
Feb 2, 2018 4:01 PM

Feb 2010
Keeping the same composure as before during the pause, he mostly looked again while occasionally checking the man's expression. Ah, so he was that kind of guy. A simple answer might have been better after all, they were here to kill monsters effectively. Wait, this guy was a general in Velfareth?! Shit! He broke into a scowl for a second there. Quickly fixing his expression, Kaden continued his serious, all business eyes, his lips a straight line below his nose.

Taking orders from the man was acceptable. If there was anything truly blasphemous he expected of them, Kaden had the option to betray him or leave. He did however find fault with his next statement. The man had been a general in years of war. What difference was he talking about? Did he think massacre didn't still count as massacre if you were human? He doubted there were many beasts with body counts higher than the man before them, the only difference was that the beasts were nearly indiscriminate. Wulfard's passive tone only added to the feeling that killing was business as usual for him. Because his mind was filled with such thoughts, Kaden took the headmaster's last words in and answered without a filter, "There will be no problems there, sir," he stated assuredly, realizing as he heard Anna answer in unison that "Yes, sir" was likely the choice response in this situation.
Feb 2, 2018 7:17 PM

Dec 2013
Wulfard Messeril

"Good." Wulfard said before he sat back down in his chair. "Now then, for the first order of business."
He took out a notebook and opened up to read something.
"Ah yes. Since you two are new to this place I suggest taking a quick tour of this facility. Get acquainted to it. Meet the other head guards who will pretty much oversee most things in this place. Aside from that, I'll giving you this first day as your only easy day. After today you'll most likely be tasked with things to do. Any questions?"
Feb 3, 2018 4:50 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

Listening attentively as Wulfard explained what they were to do next, Anna noted in her mind the opportunity to get acquainted with more than just Kareth and its people. Glancing over to Kaden, she knew that perhaps getting to know her fellow companion would be a good next move. After all, cohesion was going to be essential if humanity was to win the battle for its existence. But before that, she decided to ask a question.

"I have a question, sir" she began, stepping a bit closer to the Headmaster's desk as she did so. Anna also remembered Wulfard's words from before and kept the question as short as possible. "Understanding the level of severity of the threat these creatures present, at what point do you think we will be able to finally push back and retake our lost territory?" Anna aimed the question with the intent of getting Wulfard's impression. It could very well receive only conjecture as a reply, seeing how relatively new the Order was. But Anna figured, if anyone could give the best answer to the question, it would be the head of the Hunters and Huntresses of Rezvali. Such was her desire to see Contigo again.
Feb 3, 2018 6:45 PM

Feb 2010
The first orders given were very basic and not too informative. He didn't even give them the names of the head guards or any clue where they might be. Overall it felt like he really was just giving them the first day off, which was fine since it was just the first day. He had to get set up anyway. He wasn't going to bother asking for the head officer's names, but in order to get set up he needed to know where he was rooming.

Before he asked his very relevant question, the woman beside him asked a much less relevant one. It seemed to have nothing to do with what they were doing now or what she needed to know. Chances were this was personal to her for some reason, and she was going to take her first chance to ask the man in charge, which was a little selfish of her. Wait, maybe he wasn't giving her credit. This could be a roundabout way of determining how organized their forces were and how much knowledge they had about the enemy and their remaining forces. "As far as our barracks, are we assigned them, or just go wherever is open?" He asked nonetheless, wanting an answer to his basic question before they left.
Feb 4, 2018 2:01 AM

Dec 2013
Wulfard Messeril

Wulfard listened to Anna's question, waiting for her to finish, although the nature of the question itself to him was a bit odd for the time.
"As you are aware... the Order is still fairly new. We are still trying to gather more people with each passing day. Even so, the amount of people who are skilled enough to really be of a skill level that is worth noting is still minimal. Folks like you two are hard to find. Granted there's been plans to train general soldiers to be better skilled when confronting this current threat, but my expectations for that plan are abysmal. All I see with that plan is just a few skilled combatants like you two leading small platoons of slightly better than average soldiers. Which in my opinion is just a fancier way of giving you guys temporary meat shields. Though... if each one of you were to train them personally over time...." Wulfard seemed to get lost in thought for a bit before snapping back into the current moment.
"Anyway, point is we are long from being able to really engage in all out warfare at our current level of manpower. I assume though that the reason you ask this question is due to your home city, town or village being lost when the creatures first invaded?"
Wulfard then turned his attention to Kaden to answer his question quickly.
"You folk who have personally been recruited by me are assigned to a specific barrack. They will be specially marked and will always have a constant guard by the door should you require anything. Please take note that this does mean that people handpicked by me are expected to preform better than the others here who have been generally recruited from each nations own special forces. They are elites, but you will be our aces. The only ones above you are the other head guardians and I."
Ze-LemFeb 4, 2018 2:07 AM
Feb 4, 2018 3:13 PM

Mar 2016
Anna Carina

While Wulfard answered Kaden's much more relevant question, Anna mulled over the Headmaster's response to her own. Obviously, she should have expected the answer she received. Of course no large-scale engagements were planned at the moment. And Wulfard had nailed Anna's reason for asking such a question quite well, which stung her a little. Was she so transparent? In her present, emotion-driven condition, she was. Her desire to see Contigo free was such. She clenched her leather-gloved hands tightly, a slight anger at herself forming. Her behaviour was not one fit for a soldier. And if she expected to live and win the coming battles, she would need to knock some sense into the more emotional parts of her self.

Once Wulfard had finished answering Kaden's question, she answered the one he had posed to her. "You are correct, sir," she said. "My town was lost to the creatures. Although it may have very well been lost long before that. But that is neither here nor there. I thank you for the accommodations you have prepared for us, and promise to be of use to the Order. I will make my leave now." With that said, Anna bowed lightly to the Headmaster and made her way out of the office, not looking back nor waiting for a reply. The stomping of her boots on the ground as she exited the room were muffled by the lush carpeting the floor bore.
Feb 4, 2018 4:57 PM

Feb 2010
Alright well that was interesting to note. It seems Anna's inquiry had yielded some interesting and useful information after all. In fact, the head master was quite open with sharing the overall progress of the Order. He figured they would try to keep the solider's spirits up and keep any projects still in development top secret. Then again... what were they gonna do, share this information with the enemy? He was still thinking like they were at war with humans, but they weren't. That was also likely why basic soldiers didn't seem as useful. These vicious beasts had killed man of them in the war, and they didn't seem to do much about it. Meanwhile they had no clue where the beasts came from... how many more there might be. Specialty soldiers who could come back alive reliably, with experience and more information, where a better choice for now. He eye'd the woman besides him, taking her seriously for the first time. Maybe he should have realized before, but she wasn't just some solider from the war. She was an elite among elites whom the headmaster thought could last against these monsters. The idea of training them personally overtime must have sounded convenient to the headmaster... like cloning their specialty skill sets onto soldiers who had experienced basic training. Unfortunately for him, Kaden didn't plan on sharing the technologies his father gave him and how to use them willy nilly. Then the best soldiers were often battle hardened survivors, like the headmaster himself, but real experience couldn't be taught. Experienced soldiers was a thin resource, with how bloody the war had gotten, especially after the beasts arrived. They were likely all here already.

Kaden had some trouble listening to the answer to his question with all the processing he was doing, but it came together at the end. It was hard not to think of himself as special compared to the other soldiers, after what had just been said. The head master was probably just saying such things as a formality.

Oh, so Anna's question had come from a personal place after all. Drive... another important quality for good soldiers. Clearly she had a reason for fighting, and she would do what it took to advance their efforts. Following Anna's lead, he saluted the head master. "I'll begin my rounds as well. Thank you for your time, sir." He waited for a reply if there was one soon enough before turning to leave the office behind. He wondered how soon he'd be back for his accomplishments in the field.
Feb 5, 2018 7:21 AM

May 2013
Arthur Wellington

Thanks to a guard's help, Arthur would soon find his way to the headmaster's office. He would give a knock at the door before entering and speaking "Arthur Wellington of Wheldrake, reporting for duty sir." He would say in a serious tone, as he didn't wish to show the headmaster any disrespect. While he await a response he would find his eyes wandering around the room, taking in how much more lush this one looked compared to the rest of the fort. guess it's only natural that the boss would have the best stuff he would think to himself, he was never one for formalities or rather he didn't know any as he simply stood there curious as to how the Headmaster would look and react.
Feb 5, 2018 4:29 PM

Dec 2013
Wulfard Messeril

Wulfard would remain silent after he had finished talking, simply listening to Anna's response to what he mentioned. He dismissed Kaden with a nod as Anna had simply walked out. When he thought he could return to his book a third person appeared.
This new person introduced himself and Wulfard simply looked at him.
"So.. Mister Wellington. I want to ask something that I've already asked the two previous people before you. Do you know the reason you're here? The reason you were recruited by me?"
Feb 5, 2018 5:46 PM

May 2013
Arthur Wellington

The blank stare he would receive from the headmaster was enough to keep Arthur at attention as the man spoke. He would ask him a question after saying he had already asked the two that walked about before him, Arthur would answer without hesitation " To stand toe to toe with the ugliest monsters nature has to offer and defeat them! So the people at home don't have to live in fear." He would say with fire of determination in his eyes, he was young and ambitious, ready to find out all he could learn from battling various creatures. His answer was straightforward as he figured the headmaster wouldn't want to waste too much of his time on new recruits.
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