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Land of the Lustrous
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Dec 23, 2017 6:06 PM

Sep 2016
10/10 nuff said, this alongside MiA are my favourites this year. I hope for a season 2, maybe it will be announced a couple days/weeks later same as what happened with Made in Abyss XD.
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Dec 23, 2017 6:08 PM
Nov 2017
Zelev said:
WHAT THE HELL. The score just shot up by .30 lol. Whoever said the score would easily be around 8.40 in a previous thread, well you were right. I'm so happy for this show.
I hate "I told you so"s but in this case I'll make a happy exception :)

We're getting into the phase where my predictions start to significantly diverge, but based on a lot of speculative calcs at this moment I'd say there's a 50/50 chance it'll've reached/surpassed 8.55 on Feb 1st, and it'll be around that time the score settles in.
Dec 23, 2017 6:24 PM
Nov 2017
As for the episode itself, I was worried about how the cours would end but a thematic bookend with a "and the story continues" did the job as well as could be expected.

Season 2 please.
Dec 23, 2017 6:40 PM

Jan 2011
who would had thought one of the best anime to come out this season and year would be a non traditional one ,don't even care gonna pull the hipster card was following this from the start and i'm glad i stuck with it,while deserving that score jump is funny you almost wouldn't even think this had a score below 7 at one point.

very curious to see where this will go in Phos quest to learn the truth
Dec 23, 2017 6:58 PM

Dec 2015
They should have done more episode . Still w8ing for the newest chapter
Hope for a season 2
Dec 23, 2017 7:11 PM

Apr 2016
What a ride! They did so many things right and so few "wrong".

Visually stunning, pieces of art one after the other, aesthetically my only grip was the ass and hips of the characters, too "overblown".

The voice acting on point, first Tomoyo for Phos of course, being able to make me love this useless and cheeky MC. Then "Ou" aka "Ventricosus" aka "the snail" with Chiwa Saito. I'm already a Senjougahara fanboy but Chiwa Saito's performance was so good that "Ou" disappearing from the show at episode 5 was one of my biggest regret in this season. "hey! my" "Akari" Diamond, Rutile (yeah big fan of Rutile, loved the voice and the character as a whole), Sensei, Euclase, Antarcticite, Yellow, Amethyst, ... all great, the only problem I had here was with bort's too shonen-like tone in the firsts episodes.

Some of my favourite scenes :
_ the twins amethysts hugging Phos in ep 9 saying "yokata neeee, _ Ippa ni natteeee" with one of them moving their hips in coordination with the voice. The detail that made it sooooo cute and soooo good!
_ Sensei saying something like "owagana"? and making a lunarian ship burst into a colorful cloud. Soooo cool !
_ Diamond and Borft at the end of episode 10! So romantic !
_ Sensei holding Jade up in the air and saying "himitsu!"
_ and the whole episode 4 because of "Ou", in her two forms, the snail and the "sexy" one.

I might have loved every character (except Bort at the beginning) and even the humor was on point.

I loved this show. I will miss them ... until the next season. It's not the end! I want to believe!
Dec 23, 2017 7:12 PM
Mar 2017

I need a second season.

and its Seiyuu <3, is the first time I hear it in "serious" mode and not as tsundere


FireCrauterDec 23, 2017 7:18 PM
The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Dec 23, 2017 7:22 PM

Jan 2010
Ignorance is bliss.
"Seize the time, Meribor - live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Dec 23, 2017 7:41 PM

Mar 2016
Can someone who's read the manga explain something to me

Dec 23, 2017 7:43 PM

Jan 2011
Truly one of the most unexpected surprises this season. Everything about this was stunning.
Dec 23, 2017 7:49 PM
Jun 2017
MrCarmichael said:
Can someone who's read the manga explain something to me

That scene between Phos and Cinnabar on the cliff was in the manga. The studio just adapted it early. It's actually the first half of chapter 36.
Dec 23, 2017 7:50 PM

Mar 2016
Genxun said:
MrCarmichael said:
Can someone who's read the manga explain something to me

That scene between Phos and Cinnabar on the cliff was in the manga. The studio just adapted it early. It's actually the first half of chapter 36.

ok great thank you, i just wanted to make sure that wast something that wouldnt have happend if i read the manga
Dec 23, 2017 8:08 PM
Nov 2017
I need a second season, stat! An incredible show that had some great characters. Phos turned out to be pretty badass.
Dec 23, 2017 8:16 PM

Mar 2014
this anime is just so smooooooth in every aspect. surely the aots and a strong contender for aoty. cant decide if im going to read the manga already or hope and wait for a second season that may never come dammit
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Dec 23, 2017 8:39 PM

Feb 2014
Despite being an extremely odd show it was so fun and touching at times. Did so many things right and far above the best use of CGI yet.

Easy 9/10. This show needs more people to watch.
Dec 23, 2017 8:55 PM

Jun 2014
I ignored this show at first but after hearing many good things about it I decided to pick it up, and boy that was a smart move on my part. This was a really enjoyable show and the CGI was beautiful to look at. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a second season someday.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 23, 2017 9:34 PM

Oct 2011
Seasons 2 Please 😭 😭 💔
Dec 23, 2017 9:42 PM
Jul 2018
It's ended already, i guess it's time to read the manga. 9/10.
Dec 23, 2017 9:45 PM

Jun 2015
I really love when an anime keeps my mouth shut. Good end, definitely Aoty only under Rakugo.
Where is my fucking second season?
Dec 23, 2017 10:03 PM
Jan 2013
why is this soo sad ;_;
padparascha gives me goosebumps, the current phose are so damn in desperation. and shinsha are so lonely it's so sad T_T
Dec 23, 2017 10:18 PM
Jun 2016
Fantastic show, 9/10. I plan to rewatch it soon. But stop calling it underrated though...
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Dec 23, 2017 10:41 PM
Aug 2014
A fun watch. Literally a read-the-manga ending.

Dec 23, 2017 10:59 PM

Aug 2015
twilight10_x said:

I'll take Lunarians for 1200, Alex
Dec 23, 2017 11:04 PM

Nov 2007
Unbelievably great anime! Too bad some people berated it or did not even give a chance to it because of CGI. I actually gave the anime a go because of Kurosawa Tomoyo being in the main role and she totally delivered yet again! It's amazing how voice acting can incredibly enrich an anime. Her performance as Phos was as amazing as her voice acting as Kumiko in Hibike! Euphonium.

And both roles had incredible character development in both anime.

This was undeniably one of the best anime of the entire calendar year of 2017! The biggest worry is whether I will have to resort to the manga or see more of the anime! Kurosawa Tomoyo was so fantastic as Phos that I want to see her as Phos more. And perhaps in more anime roles. I have only seen her in four roles, two of them have been 10/10 performances, on the other two, she hardly had any dialogues (Tina Sprout and Sylphy).

Coming back to the anime, I wonder how much that are left on the dark. While I really missed the Phos before the change in character, the change in character was understandable because of what Phos went through.

The supporting characters like Cinnabar, Dia, Bort, Rutile, Yellow Diamond, Antarcticite, et al had so distinct personalities that it added more to the already intriguing premise.

I never read the manga, but it sure looks to have a lot of potential as a story which I could get from the anime alone. Hopefully we get a sequel.

I gave a 5/5 for an episode since episode 3 and all the way to episode 12, now that's a rarity from me!

9/10 overall from me!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 24, 2017 12:22 AM

Mar 2017
That cliffhanger though.. I'm just hoping for Season 2!

Definitely my AOTS

Dec 24, 2017 12:36 AM
Dec 2010
Really enjoyed the show but I disliked this final episode.

Rather than attempting to wrap up ANYTHING they just added to the already abundant amount of unknowns. When shows wrap up the season this way it's just disappointing due to the fact that sequels are exceedingly rare now a days.

Being left with zero closure and introducing additional questions in the eleventh hour is the polar opposite of what I want in a finale. Particularly in shows that don't have guaranteed sequels.

The series was easily an 8/10 for me up until the final episode, which has left somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth...
Dec 24, 2017 1:10 AM
Sep 2017
Will it got season 2? ;_;
Cause from my observasion, if there's going to be a continuation there will be a preview of new character in the end of last episode
Dec 24, 2017 2:22 AM

Apr 2014
after seeing the 2d ona, i was skeptical whether i should watch this or not.
so glad that i did. aots for me. 8.5/10

s2 when?
Dec 24, 2017 4:43 AM

Feb 2017
I am so glad I watched this show. It really surprised me. An example of how CGI shows should be done, it looked really beautiful the whole time.
That cliffhanger... I will have to read the manga now.

I heard the show is really popular in China and Japan so I'm hoping we get second season soon.
Dec 24, 2017 6:01 AM

Apr 2016
This anime was so amazing..I want a 2nd season
My score is 9/10

Dec 24, 2017 7:33 AM
Apr 2014
this episode seems to have the most deviation from the manga out of the others, and it seems like they're saving Ghost for future season 2 which might end in

edit: saw Heliodor on credits, but where exactly they are in the anime? flashback?
monochrom3Dec 24, 2017 7:46 AM
Dec 24, 2017 7:48 AM

Apr 2013
I thought it's 24 episodes?! They gave us Code Geass cliffhanger lol

Dec 24, 2017 7:51 AM
Nov 2017
monochrom3 said:
edit: saw Heliodor on credits, but where exactly they are in the anime? flashback?
The scene where Sensei was teaching babby Phos.

F8L-Fool said:
sequels are exceedingly rare now a days.

...Seriously? Have you actually looked at a seasonal chart recently? Or is this the first anime you've liked that wasn't made by Madhouse?
Dec 24, 2017 9:46 AM
Dec 2010
Areku2021 said:
Seriously? Have you actually looked at a seasonal chart recently? Or is this the first anime you've liked that wasn't made by Madhouse?

It's pretty well known that most animes are made just to boost manga sales and are one offs. Far more shows never continue beyond the first season—or at best receive a sequel yet never finish covering all of the source material—than receive sequels.

Yes, a decent number of the more recent shows are getting sequels. I think that has more to do with the fact that studios are also not choosing stories unless they have a TON of content to adapt.

Many of my favorite shows from the last two years almost immediately announce they will have a sequel, but have to wait years due to using up too much material in one go. It's an extremely common issue with newer shows.
Dec 24, 2017 10:44 AM

Jul 2015
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh Phos has grown so much, and just from the start of this anime, and... I don't even know how to feel about this really, I had so much fun with this anime, I love the characters, I love the art style even though it's CG, I love the world and want to learn more, and to think I almost skipped this one because it didn't seem all that interesting at first glance. It was so good to me, and I'm seriously gonna miss this, was one of the hardest ones to wait every week for.

I'm giving this a solid 10/10, for me, this anime is truly one of a kind, and is going to remain in a special place in my heart for years to come. It's one I will definitely re-watch in the future, and I pray that a new season will come one day.

Who would have guessed that turning Bejeweled into an anime would be such a good idea.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Dec 24, 2017 12:12 PM

May 2017
10/10 from me. I can easily see a second season.
Dec 24, 2017 1:56 PM

Apr 2009
This show is a living proof that there can be a high quality anime made with 3DCG. Plus, almost everything else was top notch as well. The plot, the characters, the setting, the overall theme, the pacing, and etc...

This show definitely deserves a second season. An absolute 10 out of 10 from me.
To be or not to be... that is not the question. ;3
Dec 24, 2017 2:27 PM

Jul 2014
Lets build half a world and then.... screw it, lets end it there. Terrible ending.
Dec 24, 2017 2:41 PM

Jun 2017
Sokah said:
Lets build half a world and then.... screw it, lets end it there. Terrible ending.

We're not even half way through the story. Not sure what you expected them to do.
Dec 24, 2017 11:29 PM

Dec 2015
So this entire show was established by the built up of adding more and more questions only to end with exactly zero answers. Honestly, fuck this show now. I was going to give it a decent 6 or 7/10 but now it's no better than 4/10.
Dec 24, 2017 11:29 PM

Dec 2015
sorathecrow said:
Sokah said:
Lets build half a world and then.... screw it, lets end it there. Terrible ending.

We're not even half way through the story. Not sure what you expected them to do.
Ohhhh, I dunno...finish the damn story?
Dec 24, 2017 11:47 PM

Jun 2017
Hylianticipated said:
sorathecrow said:

We're not even half way through the story. Not sure what you expected them to do.
Ohhhh, I dunno...finish the damn story?

How, my dude? Do you think they had room to cram another 30+ chapters of an ongoing manga in there somehow? Welcome to anime adaptions of ongoing works. Maybe they'll get a season two to adapt the rest.
Dec 24, 2017 11:54 PM

Jul 2017
Hylianticipated said:
sorathecrow said:

We're not even half way through the story. Not sure what you expected them to do.
Ohhhh, I dunno...finish the damn story?

There's literally zero ways to end it satisfyingly without heavily butchering the source and cutting important plotpoints. Orange at least did a decent job of ending it by cutting Chapter 32-35, ending it on 36 and adding some original material to it, and it was great of them to not cut anything in the past episodes and made a faithful adaptation of the manga. This manga is written in such a way that every details have been planned and foreshadowed from the start, and cutting one thing will lead to the cutting of multiple other parts.
In short, either read the manga or buy the BDs if you want a conclusive end. Even if we get a second season I doubt we would get a conclusive ending, since now at Chapter 63 the mysteries are still building up with an end barely in sight.
Dec 25, 2017 5:19 AM

Jan 2015
Hylianticipated said:
So this entire show was established by the built up of adding more and more questions only to end with exactly zero answers. Honestly, fuck this show now. I was going to give it a decent 6 or 7/10 but now it's no better than 4/10.

dude if you are so eager to know the continuation read the manga, its obvious that the anime is only in the beginining (its first season) you are not the only one who wants more but you gottta wait for inevitable 2nd season. I think pretty much everyone realizes that that's why everyone giving it a 9 or 10
Dec 25, 2017 7:42 AM

Sep 2016
T-T I will definitely miss this show...
Anime of the Season for me!
We need SEASON 2!
Dec 25, 2017 8:19 AM

May 2016
I have to say, this show is indeed the 'gem' of this season. Glad I bookmarked the show initially & decided to stick to the very end.

This has to be one of the best CGI anime I've seen in recent memories. Hope there's a sequel someday!
Dec 25, 2017 8:47 AM

Jan 2015
The second best show of the season but the best non sequel (3-gatsu too good). CGI was the best I've seen, just too bad the framerate was so poor. Had to watch at faster speed for it to not feel bad. At least 8/10.
Dec 25, 2017 11:03 AM
Apr 2014
Unfortunate ending since it is considerably worse than the amazing stuff they put out in the first 11. Still enjoyed it, but the ending leaves a lot to be desired. It feels more like an interim episode or an episode that's like halfway through the season rather than a conclusion (though they sort of concluded in the final 3 minutes). Hopefully they will announce a second season.
Dec 25, 2017 12:29 PM

Mar 2008
Sadly for time constants they had to adapt this ending to fit that scene with Cinnabar, letting out a lot of chapters in the middle.
But it worked in the end anyway, just not the best it could be.
Dec 25, 2017 1:13 PM

Sep 2013
Padparadscha going back to sleep but gives phos some advice.
Zircon and bort to get stronger and both him and pho's realizing they were spoiled.
Pho's learning fast and Cinnabar sad that she didn't fully remember the promise but she's help anyways :'(
Hopefully a season 2 happens, 9/10
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