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Apr 5, 2012 5:52 PM
Mar 2011
Actually I started that thread at ADC, good to know there are a few othes that have looked at it.
Please pop in over there again when the site goes back up, and introduce yourself, and tell us what you have to share toward any project.

I'll introduce myself when ADC comes back online. I personally would like to work on Swiss Family Robinson, but I'll need a year or so before I start working on Swiss Family Robinson.

Can I add your work to the first post too?

Yeah, please do. For Swiss Family Robinson, just link to that topic on the other website (i.e. WMTSound). The DDL links should never be found through Google searches or any other websites.

[Where can we find Little women?

The Little Women series were uploaded on Megaupload but we all know what happened that January day that changed the Internets... forever. The files will be re-uploaded sometime in July/August. The Little Women English dubs are currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. I'll upload the files right now if people here really, really, really, need to watch it right now. Otherwise, Little Women is not a priority unless requested.
Apr 6, 2012 1:17 AM

Apr 2008
Please upload Little Women. :)
Apr 6, 2012 2:44 PM

Feb 2011
Please apload Little women.
Apr 7, 2012 10:45 PM

Feb 2009
Ok, I'll reseed the torrent of "little women" raws now...

Reseeding now.

Enjoy. ^^
Apr 9, 2012 4:32 PM
Sep 2011
Eire said:
I doubt if it's a good idea. Don't get me wrong, but there's a reason why people do that work manually, instead of relying on automatic translators. Without basic knowledge of the language you aren't able to even be aware of the existence idioms and more complicated grammatical constructions. Moreover your English seems to be a little worse than level I'd expect from translator. Don't be angry, but it would be just a wasted effort.
Actually it worked rather well! (aside from an unnecersery referene to piza and the odd miss-say it allows you to know whats being said and whats going on) plus they are srt's and easily correct whe one is inclined. i've put my "lady georgie" subs up at subscene and made a torrent:
bare with me as i don't seed 247
also still
licca doing lots and watched up to ep40 of pollyanna!
remi- with full subs is at bakabt (kinda stange for it just to show up like that after all my srt searches got me zilch)
Apr 9, 2012 6:02 PM
Sep 2011
RobdeFR said:

I saw your youtube page.
Thanks for the Wizzard of Oz anime, I saw that one on the old days and have fond memories of it.
I saw Sara uploaded there too, but Licca Fansubs already did an exceptional work on that last year.
You shoud share further youtube links on the Free Raw Anime episodes (full) from Nippon Animation on YouTube topic. (of course it's free Ruizu.) to avoid users from being lost and for easy consulting when browsing the forums. Makes it easier for everyone.

Sorry, but I didn't understand your previous posts, so I have some questions;
Why, on youtube do you have Sara named "Hyper Princess Sara"?
Where can we find the Family Trapp anime subbed from episode 25 onwards?
What other WMT series do you have to share with us and where can we find those links?

the name change to princess sara was due to the blocking i had to get round- some uploads got through but for those that didn't i had to manipulate the video so it would not be electronically perceived as the same file with a new name- so i sped it up and named it approapriatly "hyper". its an ongoing problem but the speed up enables me to fit the full eps in the 15 min limit!

my torrents:
(these are my dvd rips with ripped srt files, hence the "disk" designation- they are xvids not iso's. good quall for min size but need a de-interlace filter for best watch- so use wmc or vlc on linux, )

(wizard of oz- currently dead may reseed -no subs)

(lady georgie)
(google translated and turned out well!-)

my attempts to torrent are not going well- some brief interest and then it just dies!
trapp familly best try so far, georgie has peers but its like they paused or something
and woz got leached and left! (i don't have in my folder right now but may put it back)

as for your free channel link, it is blocked for my region (uk) so i will not bother with that- i'll stick to my own channel!

and licca is awsome- i watched princess sara in new light! pollyanna too and am putting links to there torrent page on my youtube uplaods to help spead the word.

you looking for little women? i got the raw! i try to seed various raws as some titles were vey hard to get but it seems hopeless some times. i found alternative sources of of raws at a taiwanese site i had to 'feel' around and register- i managed to dl jo's boy's directly and used them to heal the broken torrents for a bit, rascal too, which rather awkwardly has two versions with english and japanese titles, and little women had a whole version and a two part torrent. i got the two part version.

i actually got the "black brothers raw from there- and a crappy vhs version that had subtitles so it would be simple (but time consuming all the same to read and type an srt if licca hasn't yet done it..)

and again i will say i put what srts i come across at subscence
Apr 9, 2012 6:21 PM
Sep 2011
Silver_Dragoon said:
Please apload Little women.

YOU MUST DL ONE EPISODE AT A TIME! (skip all, tick one)

cannot seed 247 so bare up- i try to keep it going (cpu is loud and hard to sleep with so will switch to other downstairs maybe but if we get throught this then you must

Apr 10, 2012 5:16 PM
Sep 2011
just saying, my utorrent shows activity for at least 2 seeds (including myself)
for [RAW] Little Women 01-24, but no activity for [RAW] Little Women 25-48 [END].
this might mean some people maybe unaware of the total episode count!

the links to both torrent sets are in my previous comment- there is a torrent with all eps in one go but i can't vouch for its condition. if anyone has discovered it to be more relyable i might just transfer the set in to one folder to emulate it. however it was these two torrents through which i obtained these in the first.
Apr 14, 2012 6:24 AM
Sep 2011
god damn duplicates! no wonder my 23-48 set was ignored! hear is torrent link for actual 'active' torrent- 17 seeds!
Apr 17, 2012 4:58 PM

Aug 2010
Due to the NyaaTorrent tracker shutdown, quite a few of Licca Fansubs' torrents are still down; we've been slowly moving them to minglong's tracker, but considering the sheer number of files we've got, this has proven difficult.

Basically, batch torrents for A Little Princess Sara and Pollyanna are on the new tracker.

We will be putting up a batch of Little Women II - Jo's Boys episodes 1-20 soon, and Porphy 1-26 as soon as I get some v2s encoded.

As for Les Miserables, we will need to talk to the Wasurenai folks about that and see what we should do about that.
- doll_licca
Founder and encoder of Licca Fansubs
Apr 22, 2012 8:18 PM
Mar 2011
Hey everyone, I recently rented a seedbox at the start of April. I'll be using this seedbox to distribute Swiss Family Robinson and Little Women files in the future as an alternative in case the DDLs aren't available. For now, I've been using the seedbox to distribute Licca's, Silver Zero's, and MJN releases. I've also used the seedbox to improve my ratio on several sites.

Here's a screenshot of my seedbox:

Some interesting Facts:

  • Licca's release of Little Women II Episode 21 (h.264) has a ratio of over 85!
  • Licca's release of My Annette Episode 10 (h.264) has a ratio of over 65 O_o
  • My ratio went way up at BakaBT

If anyone fansub group needs help distributing their subs through torrents, I'll gladly help!

I've started seeding your batch torrent for Little Women Episodes 1 to 20 (h.264).I'll be glad to seed the hi10P version as well as your future Porphy batches if you want me too :)

Please upload Little Women. :)
RobdeFR, Silver_Dragoon, and anyone else interested in the English dubs: Would it be alright if I release the English episodes through torrents instead of DDLs for now? I don't have enough space in my DDL to upload all the episodes.

I've already uploaded more than half the English onto the seedbox server and will upload the rest by the end of the week. The torrent will be released by the end of the month.

P.S. I do apologize for the long and late response. I really didn't want to upload the Little Women files as I haven't worked on it since last September. Some episodes required some further editing, and I didn't want to release more files and have you all downloading additional files due to these revisions. I was hoping to release all the English files, all properly fixed and corrected, around summer. Several of the current files STILL need to be fixed as listed in this post:
AlcoholicApr 28, 2012 7:21 AM
Apr 22, 2012 8:48 PM

Aug 2010
Well, you get to add a couple more things to your list. We just had a release bonanza about an hour ago.

The Porphy 1-26 batch is delayed because it turns out the translation error was in two episodes instead of one as I originally discovered. (I mistranslated something the same way twice because I did not do sufficient research on the gypsy culture and history.) Hopefully it will be out later this week.
- doll_licca
Founder and encoder of Licca Fansubs
Apr 26, 2012 2:18 PM

Feb 2011
Alcoholic said:

Please upload Little Women. :)
RobdeFR, Silver_Dragoon, and anyone else interested in the English dubs: Would it be alright if I release the English episodes through torrents instead of DDLs for now? I don't have enough space in my DDL to upload all the episodes.

Sure, no problem. And thank you in advance. :)
Apr 28, 2012 2:59 PM

Feb 2011
Alcoholic said:

Please upload Little Women. :)
RobdeFR, Silver_Dragoon, and anyone else interested in the English dubs: Would it be alright if I release the English episodes through torrents instead of DDLs for now? I don't have enough space in my DDL to upload all the episodes.

That would be great! Thanks in advance.
Apr 28, 2012 4:51 PM
Mar 2011
Well, you get to add a couple more things to your list. We just had a release bonanza about an hour ago.

Yup, I added the rest of your releases after I posted that message. Here's the screenshot as of today:

For those interested in the English Little Women dubs

I’ve just uploaded the files right now. You can find the torrent link and additional information here:
Apr 30, 2012 3:05 PM

Feb 2011
I've already download Little Women. Thank you so much :)
I'm seeding it.
Jul 6, 2012 12:05 AM
Jul 2012

I am looking for several animes. One's I'm hoping to get with jp auido/eng sub or eng dub.
first and foremost I'm looking for
The story of the Alps, My Annette. And I realize it's been stated that this site

provides the subs for it but there are supposed to be 48 episodes and there are only 12 on this list, most of which have absolutely no seeds. Anyone know of any other source? The other ones I wouldn't mind having are :

Alps No Shoujo Heidi / Heidi Girl of the Alps
Yama Nezumi Rocky Chuck / Fables of the Green Forest
Flanders no Inu / A Dog of Flanders
Araiguma Rascal / Rascal the Raccoon
Perrine Monogatari / Perrine
Akage no Anne / Anne of Green Gables
Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki - Fushigi na Shima no Flone / Robinson Family Lost at Sea - Flone of the Marvelous Island
Minami no Niji no Lucy / Lucy of the Southern Rainbows
Katri, Girl of the Meadows / Makiba no Shoujo Katri
Little Women would be great too but I've only seen sources with no seeds once again. Any help would be appreciated greatly!
Jul 6, 2012 12:28 AM

Aug 2010
Deedlet said:

I am looking for several animes. One's I'm hoping to get with jp auido/eng sub or eng dub.
first and foremost I'm looking for
The story of the Alps, My Annette. And I realize it's been stated that this site

provides the subs for it but there are supposed to be 48 episodes and there are only 12 on this list, most of which have absolutely no seeds. Anyone know of any other source?

(list snipped for brevity)

I would like to personally apologize for not having them properly seeded. Our torrents were basically messed up after NyaaTorrents decided to shutdown the tracker, and we're still trying to deal with the aftermath. Also, releases for My Annette should go faster as I can now devote more time on it than I could before.

As for Perrine, there is a batch torrent with C1's episodes 1-34 out there (just search NyaaTorrents for it).

Araiguma Rascal has not been subbed past the first episode, so you will probably have issues finding subs for it.
- doll_licca
Founder and encoder of Licca Fansubs
Jul 6, 2012 12:48 AM
Jul 2012
doll_licca said:
I would like to personally apologize for not having them properly seeded. Our torrents were basically messed up after NyaaTorrents decided to shutdown the tracker, and we're still trying to deal with the aftermath. Also, releases for My Annette should go faster as I can now devote more time on it than I could before.

As for Perrine, there is a batch torrent with C1's episodes 1-34 out there (just search NyaaTorrents for it).

Araiguma Rascal has not been subbed past the first episode, so you will probably have issues finding subs for it.

Oh thank you soooo much. I would love you forever if you completed My Annette. It's my favorite childhood anime. I'll look for Perrine that you mentioned. Maybe you can update this thread if you complete my Annette? I'll put this thread on watch. :D
Jul 6, 2012 6:49 AM
Mar 2011
I have Episodes 8 to 12 seeded for My Annette, though only the h.264 files. The files are still seeded since their release.

As for Swiss Family Robinson, you can find links to watch the English dub in the first post.
Aug 11, 2012 12:35 AM

Apr 2008
Deedlet said:

I am looking for several animes. One's I'm hoping to get with jp auido/eng sub or eng dub.
first and foremost I'm looking for

You'll find all the info you need in the first post. I recommend you to visit the links that are under the series of your interest, for more information

There you'll find all this info regarding the availability of the series you want to access:
Alps No Shoujo Heidi / Heidi Girl of the Alps (currently being fansubbed)
Yama Nezumi Rocky Chuck / Fables of the Green Forest (some episodes available)
Flanders no Inu / A Dog of Flanders (completed but does have a better version being currently fansubbed)
Araiguma Rascal / Rascal the Raccoon (only one subbed episode available)
Perrine Monogatari / Perrine (completed)
Akage no Anne / Anne of Green Gables (completed but does have a better version being currently fansubbed)
Kazoku Robinson Hyouryuuki - Fushigi na Shima no Flone / Robinson Family Lost at Sea - Flone of the Marvelous Island
Minami no Niji no Lucy / Lucy of the Southern Rainbows (currently being fansubbed)
Katri, Girl of the Meadows / Makiba no Shoujo Katri (Some episodes available)
Little Women (currently unavailable)
Aug 24, 2012 1:41 PM

Dec 2009
1991 – Trapp Ikka Monogatari / Trapp Family Story

Completed by Ericf/Egrimisu:

And please join our warm WMT thread:
Please join & support russian oldschool distributors:
Jan 29, 2013 9:06 AM

Nov 2009
Hello! I am looking for Araiguma Rascal, preferrably the first episode that was subbed by ARR (or any other english releases!). I also have all episodes in raw format. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! ^_^
Mar 21, 2013 10:02 AM
Jan 2013
For those interested ^^ :
All WMT series that have been dubbed in Arabic can be found here :

50 mbs per episode, not bad audio quality, good resolution :)
May 30, 2013 7:19 AM

Feb 2009

I recently edited my previous post to fix the nyaatorrent links of WMT-RAW anime series.

I take to post here my link with the releases I did in Nyaatorrents. There are not only raws, but also anime dubbed in other languages​​.

Enjoy ^^
RuizuMay 30, 2013 7:24 AM
Jun 24, 2013 4:54 AM

Jul 2010
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I can't find it anywhere else. Does someone know where I can direct download or stream Perrine Monogatari subbed episodes 20-34, before Licca Fansubs took over from episode 35 on? I found up to episode 19, but with Anime Factor shutting down and revamping itself, I can't watch the first half of the show.
Jul 6, 2013 5:40 PM

Feb 2009
Firechick12012 said:
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I can't find it anywhere else. Does someone know where I can direct download or stream Perrine Monogatari subbed episodes 20-34, before Licca Fansubs took over from episode 35 on? I found up to episode 19, but with Anime Factor shutting down and revamping itself, I can't watch the first half of the show.

Firechick, you can find here ^^
RuizuJul 6, 2013 5:50 PM
Oct 17, 2014 12:42 PM
Sep 2011
GEORGIE is on its way to getting subbed! i mentioned of it once before with using google to translate lady oscar i think (subs at subscene-look for 247wkman for others) but after breaking the italian source into episodes i just slipped of the plank... Anyway I back on it and making progress with the retiming but expect to take some time with the re-wording of the raw translation.

In other news- I have figured out how to make srt's for my tough copy protected titles that have little to no subbing support. My first crack after georgie will be TICO AND FRIENDS. i found some russian srt's 01-16 i think so i will work backwards from ep 39 incase i find others (making my efforts pointless).

my approach is to use subrip to create bitmaps of the chinese subs and then paste them into abby fine reader to turn them into pastable print for googles translator. i have to re-type the srt's, as the coppy prtection scrambles the timings when i try to use subrip to make them (while mashing down the enter key to skip telling it what all those chinese symbols are.

if all goes well i hope to do swiss family robinson, cedi, wizard of oz etc what ever i got...
Apr 15, 2015 6:13 PM

Aug 2014
You know there's this Channel called Smile of A Child which has Little Women and Swiss Family Robinson on Friday nights.
Bakuformer00May 14, 2015 2:40 PM
WE ARE BACK BABY!-Ani-Comedy's Return on Cartoon Network.(a fanmade block I made up.)
Apr 17, 2015 3:15 PM

Jul 2010
Bakuformer00 said:
You know there's this Channel called Smile of A Child which has Little Women and Swiss Family Robinson on Friday nights. There's also Ani-Comedy which has Little Women but uncut and in HD. SFR is going uncut and HD too! On August! Can't wait!:)

Source, please? I keep hearing rumors about Little Women being on Cartoon Network but I've found no solid proof.
Apr 18, 2015 11:07 AM

Aug 2014
Firechick12012 said:
Bakuformer00 said:
You know there's this Channel called Smile of A Child which has Little Women and Swiss Family Robinson on Friday nights. There's also Ani-Comedy which has Little Women but uncut and in HD. SFR is going uncut and HD too! On August! Can't wait!:)

Source, please? I keep hearing rumors about Little Women being on Cartoon Network but I've found no solid proof.
It's not an actual Block,it's fanmade. So LW will just stay on Smile of A Child.......forever.
Bakuformer00Apr 18, 2015 3:14 PM
WE ARE BACK BABY!-Ani-Comedy's Return on Cartoon Network.(a fanmade block I made up.)
Apr 26, 2015 5:26 PM

Jul 2010
Bakuformer00 said:
Firechick12012 said:

Source, please? I keep hearing rumors about Little Women being on Cartoon Network but I've found no solid proof.
It's not an actual Block,it's fanmade. So LW will just stay on Smile of A Child.......forever.

Apr 26, 2015 9:30 PM

Aug 2014
Firechick12012 said:
Bakuformer00 said:
It's not an actual Block,it's fanmade. So LW will just stay on Smile of A Child.......forever.

Sorry. It was just a joke. I hope you forgive me.;( SOAC rules anyway. Only for the anime. But maybe Cartoon Network would get the rights to Little Women and Swiss Family Robinson when SOAC loses their rights. Which it will never happen sadly.:(
Bakuformer00May 16, 2015 6:06 PM
WE ARE BACK BABY!-Ani-Comedy's Return on Cartoon Network.(a fanmade block I made up.)
May 20, 2015 9:27 AM
Jun 2013
Is Before Green Gables watchable with the current subs available? A really bad subgroup can just completely ruin a show. Is it worth it to watch ARR?
May 22, 2015 3:07 PM

Jul 2010
Unfortunately, ARR subs are the only ones available, and the other sub group stopped working on it long ago. It sucks, I know, and I liked BGG even with its flaws.
May 30, 2015 11:23 PM

Apr 2013
PixelPenguin said:
Is Before Green Gables watchable with the current subs available? A really bad subgroup can just completely ruin a show. Is it worth it to watch ARR?
I haven't watched it yet, but I've done some quick run through's of the subbed copy by ARR, it seems to have reached the blistering heights of pretty good. Which is surprising considering the group.

They also completely subbed "Tsurikichi Sanpei" as well (I know its not WMT) but its another case of them doing a good subbing job of a series.
Nov 18, 2015 3:06 PM
Sep 2011
TICO AND FRIENDS- don't get excited as google translator just can't interpret chinese, but i uploaded all episode subs so at least timings don't have to be manually typed and anyone who can transcript them has something to work with...
As for googles translation results, they're pretty scary:

00:06:49,042 --> 00:06:50,976
to poor mutual fishing deep sea treasure

00:06:51,111 --> 00:06:52,579
I was going to make a killing

00:06:52,779 --> 00:06:54,440
{Magic Bu Jue `silkworm is to buy hereby] <tank port Pakistan

00:06:54,581 --> 00:06:56,049
search for a word already creeping clover> 'Green> East Library

00:06:56,182 --> 00:06:58,412
Now hereby J <box Jue amount longer stays decade

//as usual upload any language of anything to subscene! as Anne of green gables was last title of mention i'd like point out again my subs here:

And SUBEDTOR IS AN AWSOME sub ripper- drag and drop vids and rip even chinese in a minute! i was gonna rip the subs to bmp and enlarge them in blender, then use abby fine reader to scan each sentence which would take days per episode just to get the results above. thank god i discovered this- if i had any other language than chinese.. that said i do get variance in results from different translators and might just find a few comprehensible sentences to re-word but i'm back to doing that for georgie for now on ep06..
Nov 27, 2015 2:07 PM

Jul 2009
I did some research, and I found out that the new Nanatsu no Umi no Tico (Tico of the Seven Seas) English dub on comes from Interpacific Productions, which uses Ocean Studios' recording facilities to produce the English dubs.

The translation puts emphasis on creative re-writing to promote natural rhythm, and as a consequence, the script has "several dozen errors per episode when compared to the Japanese original. The English dub version has cut out huge chunks of the storyline, making it hard to follow in several places". I verified such suspicions by comparing the Minor Ja Nai's subs to the Interpacific Productions dub.

Also, I verified Chantal Strand did the voice for Nanami in the dub.
ExistentialUFONov 28, 2015 8:31 AM
Nov 27, 2015 3:01 PM
Sep 2011
well you can get two weeks free and cancel before you have to pay for the month...
Nov 28, 2015 11:24 PM
Nov 29, 2015 5:34 AM

Mar 2008

Seeding on Bakabt is hell. You can stay weeks seeding without improve your ratio. At least the download is fast. Check on Nyaa too.
Nov 29, 2015 11:14 AM

May 2014
PaninaManina said:

Seeding on Bakabt is hell. You can stay weeks seeding without improve your ratio. At least the download is fast. Check on Nyaa too.

Any problems for me on bakabt ;)
Jan 10, 2016 9:40 PM
Jul 2012
Hi guys!

I'm an amateur translator (self taught, do it as a hobby and for pay sometimes). I've been really wanting to work on Tom Sawyer no Bouken, but the biggest obstacle is that I'm really not that good with Kansai dialect, especially if it's audio only.

Can anybody help me find some rip of the subtitles? I'd prefer Japanese.

I actually found a DVD of the full series on ebay of the Taiwanese release. The thing is, the subs are only in Chinese, and the seller insists it has no English. However, another site that sells the same box set (no longer in stock) insists that it DOES have English subs. Also, I thought I heard some people saying that other WMT Taiwanese releases had English subs as well. I know they'd be bootleg quality, but it would be no problem for someone with my level of experience.

So, basically, I'm trying to decided whether or not to spend $33 on a dvd set that may or may not help me with my endeavors.

If I could at least convert the Chinese to Japanese, that would be helpful, but google doesn't usually do such a great job with that, sadly. And I no virtually no Chinese! It's actually completely different from Japanese.

It's a shame that Minor Ja Nai abandoned the project after the first episode. I've seen it, and they did such a great job with it. If only they could have passed their resources on to someone else ...

Well, anyway, those are my thoughts.
Feb 3, 2016 8:30 PM

Nov 2011
There's this but I'm still waiting to see if SVS will do it themselves because the subs up on there have been restyled to just 1 style. And the subs are off by 200 ms at the least (well I can always just adjust it in mkvmerge).
Nov 13, 2016 12:07 AM
Nov 2016
Hey all. Have been looking desperately for the Bush Baby WMT serial online for years and came upon this thread again. The original torrent in this thread is no good anymore (no seeds), but I apparently happened to stumble on the motherload torrent which is still live and kicking as of today:
also here:

It's a link to perhaps the entire WMT collection from 1975-2009. Over 280GB and is still being seeded. If you happen to have missed any shows that have been hard to find before, snag'em now. Unfortunately not all shows have subs available in the torrent (in particular my Bush Baby show), but at least having the videos complete is better than nothing if you don't even have that yet.

Signed up just to share this so, cheers!
Nov 13, 2016 7:47 AM

Mar 2008
Strange, someone removed that HUGE torrent on Nyaa with ALL WMT?
Dec 25, 2016 3:36 AM

Dec 2015
South Wind Subs released Fables of the Green Forest 01-52 (Complete) [Yama Nezumi Rocky Chuck] with audio English (44) and Spanish (8) & Subs ENG/RO/NL.
Dec 31, 2016 1:22 PM

Oct 2009
5 (Akage no Anne) (Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri / 3000 Leagues In Search of Mother) and (Alps no Shoujo Heidi )

Basically you can find pretty much any anime on that Russian tracker, most of it comes with 2 audio tracks, rus and 2nd jp. Registration is not much of a hustle and the best thing about it is ratio free download yet always plenty of seeds available!!
Feb 26, 2020 1:30 AM
Dec 2017
I've been looking around to complete as much of WMT as possible, and also once complete I would love to upload a complete copy somewhere, so that those who want to get into WMT in the future, have a relatively easy way to go about doing so. Unfortunately, I currently have no idea about how to do either.
If it helps, this is what I have currently:
3000 Leagues in Search of Mother Complete
A Dog of Fladers Complete (1-25 Silver Zero Subs, 26-52 External srt Subs)
Anne Before Green Gables Complete ARR Subs
Anne of Green Gables Complete AniDL
Dororo 1969 Complete Rising Revenger Subs
Fables of the Green Forest English DUB Complete (Southwind Subs)
Famous Dog Lassie Complete OldCastle-Southwind Subs
Heidi, Girl of the Alps Complete Silver_zero_subs
Katri, Girl of the Meadows Complete about half are Ushi Subs
Les Miserables - Little Girl Cossette Complete WSRN-Licca and WSRN-Aoi
Little Prince Cedie Eps 1-12
Little Women Eps 1-9
Little Women II Complete Licca
Lucy May of the Southern Rainbow Eps 1-3 Licca
Moomin 1969 Episode 1 ARR and Raws Complete
Moomin 1972 Episodes 1, 26 and 38 + Raws Complete
My Daddy Long Legs Complete C1
Peter Pan Complete C1
Pollyana Complete Licca
Princess Sarah Complete Licca
Remy, Nobody's Girl Complete
Romeo's Blue Skies Complete
Story of the Alps - My Annette Complete Licca
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ENG DUB Complete
The Bush Baby Low Quality Dub Complete, and High Quality RAWS Complete
The Long Journey of Porphy Complete Licca
The Story of Perrine Complete 1-35 C1 36-53 Kiteseekers
The Swiss Family Robinson - Flone of the Mysterious Island Complete Silver_zero_subs
Tico of the Seven Seas Complete episodes 1-16 MJN, 17-39 Srt External
Trapp Family Story Complete A mix of sono1998 and Live-eviL
Jan 7, 2021 2:11 AM

Nov 2017
does anyone know where to download the subs for a dog of flanders?
--PhantomJan 7, 2021 2:14 AM
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