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Sep 24, 2016 10:27 AM

Dec 2015
@Plinius i have updated it as you asked and yeah 15% is talking about the armor hp.

And also if the homing is still too much with this update then i was thinking that maybe the homing is only active when the Blood curse is afflicted.
Sep 24, 2016 12:28 PM

Dec 2015
@tuba mind checking my char once again then?
Sep 24, 2016 2:04 PM

Dec 2015
  • Name : Viole Zahard

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: The Exiled

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Rogue

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12/12

  • Main power: Blood curse
    - 20 Mana

    When Gae Bolg inflicts a wound deals that is deep enough after enchanting his attack a curse is activated, the minimum for this is a light wound so 6% hp dmg must be dealt in order for this to be activated. This inflicts 50% of the initial attacks damage every post for 3 posts.

    This effect isn't stack able and when 15% hp dmg has been inflicted to Viole the curse will stop.

    Cooldown: 2 posts after finished

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 2
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 2
    • Speed: Lv. 3
    • Agility: Lv. 3
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 2

  • Final Force: Death Flight
    -50 mana
    -When thrown the enemy must be in eyesight

    Viole throws Gae Bolg at full force, during this throw it will continue to follow its target until it has hit them once if they are cursed. If it is blocked with a shield then it will lose power due to the loss of Kinetic energy, making the damage it deal less damage.

    If the target is cursed and the spear will follow its target then the spear targets the chest area. And because of the massive velocity of the spear, it behaves like a missile in the fact that its fast, but it can't make sharp turns.

    What happens after the block will be different depending on the shield that is used. If it is a shield that is in your hands that is part of your power then the shield will block it but the damage will result in damage to the arm(s). If it is just a equipment piece then it will go through the shield, the damage dealt will also depend on the endurance stat at all times.

    The speed of Death Flight is dependent on Strength and Mana stats
    *The added speed of the spear is equivalent to strength stat.
    *The initial speed of spear is equivalent to the mana stat.

  • Counter Force: Healing Exoskeleton
    This can only be activated when he is 50% hp or less. When it is activated a lobster like exoskeleton forms on the exterior of his body which heals his wounds. However it can only heal 5% hp every turn until he has recovered 20% or if the exoskeleton has absorbed 15% hp damage making it disappear.

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    Gae Bolg: A spear that was previously owned by his father before his death, he has promised that he will use it until his last fight.

  • Skills:
    - Master Spearman
    - Excellent at throwing
    - Multitasking

  • Biography:
    Viole was born in a clan of proud warriors who lived in the mountains, he was the son of a well respected man in the clan and the daughter of the chief of the village. But because his father had done something unforgivable by bringing a outsider to the village he had been executed, this would normally also mean his death if it wasn't for the fact that he was the grandson of the chief.

    He had been spared with punishment of exile at the age of 11 years, knowing what was best and not going for revenge he lived his life training and becoming stronger in order to prove that he was worthy of becoming a clan member again and meeting his mother. In order to at least keep him safe seeing as that he didn't want his grandson die he gave him a treasure of their clan, The Healing exoskeleton as a prayer of safety.

    During his voyage of strength he met with the banner of Olympia, he thought that there he would find true strength that could show his clan that he belongs with them again.

  • Personality: He is a fierce warrior that enjoys combating a worthy opponent, but he truly wants to believe in justice but knows that its sadly enough not real in this world and is easy to get to known and get along with. He has a playful attitude and a carefree approach to life, but takes it serious when in battle. He has no opposition to killing but would like to hold it as a last resort, but he doesn't think take nicely against anyone who insults him and finds it unlike able if someone disrespects someone whom follows a path of solitude and misfortune for someone else.

  • Additional Information: Gae Bolg can't be used by anybody else because of the blood curse

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences:

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

ByakugaranSep 25, 2016 1:53 PM
Sep 25, 2016 12:35 AM

Dec 2011
If you don't mind, I'll be taking over some of the characters.

she then emits a enormously fearful wail making her enemies shake in fear.
This is effectively powerplay:
What is powerplay?

For this to be used Ranaa needs to have been stabbed atleast 3 times in the fight, either by herself or the enemy.
Which means she can stab herself, dealing slight amount of damage to herself compared to what her opponent could do. It'd better to have a certain health threshold when you can use it.

Minor Power: Sub-zero dominance
After a delay of 1 second, Ranaa can freeze a spot. When contact is made with this the opponent loses -2 speed for the next post. The freezing can only be done where Ranaa's hands or chains are and costs 10 mana per spot. The spot dissapears in 2 posts.
What happens if Ranaa freezes a living being? Does it then lose speed or is it then Frozen for two posts? How big is the area? As big as what was touching the spot? That could be really strong for a -2 Speed, which costs 10 Mana. Can she also touch her own weapon to apply this? Making it, once again, pretty strong for a 10 Mana thing.

Oh, and. How long does the debuff on her Final Force last?
Sep 25, 2016 12:44 AM

Dec 2015
yeah sure is fine too.

Changed the first two things mentioned, dont really have time to look at the power right now however. I also dont really get what you mean by the debuff on her FF, maybe i overlooked something.
Sep 25, 2016 12:53 AM

Dec 2011
I overlooked it. Sorry for that. The debuff is where you lower other's Stats.
Sep 25, 2016 12:55 AM

Dec 2011
With her current level she can carry 10 vials, with the contents of her pouch revealed at the beginning of every fight.
Due to the low amount of drawbacks this power has, I'd also ask for a low amount of variety in combat, lowering the amount of vials she can carry. At least needing to pick one above the other, 6 vials would do the trick.
Antidote vial: Cure a biological affliction such as poisons, burns and other status impediments. The effects last for two turns before the recipient is susceptible to afflictions again 25% toxicity
A burn shouldn't be able to be stopped by a potion. Unless that potion is water that is thrown over the place of the burn.
Res vial: Cures stat related afflictions, such as an impairment to strength. 30% toxicity
What is the max amount of debuff this can rewind? What if the affliction was -5 Levels of Strength, or -10 Levels of Strength.

I was also wondering if the buff vials stack, as well as the duration of those. The Oculus Vial also increases a higher amount of stats for a lower amount of Toxicity than the Berserker Vial. If one potion is stronger than the other, you'd expect it to have more drawbacks, not less.

She can currently carry 7 of these into a fight and, as with the medicinal vials
Same thing with the bombs, I suggest making her choose one over the other. Since these bombs are much stronger as well, I'd suggest an even lower amount of bombs/fight.

Since these bombs already give a debuff, adding Toxicity to it would increase it's strengths. As of now, there are no drawbacks to these bombs. Their radius also isn't mentioned.

Regardless of the amount of health vials inserted, healing cannot exceed 21%
This seems unnecessary to me, you can heal more than 21%.
Sep 25, 2016 1:02 AM

Dec 2011
When Gae Bolg inflicts a wound deal enough, the minimum for this is a light wound so 6% hp dmg must be dealt in order for this to be activated. He can the choose to pay mana. If he chooses to pay the mana a curse will be on the target on the next 3 posts this inflicts 7% hp dmg every turn.
I suggest he should pay the mana to put the curse onto his next attack. Like an enhanced attack. Other than that, I also suggest that the damage inflicted after should be an amount dependent on how much damage the initial attack dealt that had inflicted the curse.

If the target is cursed and the spear will follow its then the spear targets the chest area. And because of the massive velocity of the spear, it behaves like a missile in the fact that its fast, but it can't make sharp turns.
How fast? Many projectiles depend on the user's Strength to add velocity to it.

Does the homing effect only happen if they're cursed?
Sep 25, 2016 1:18 AM

Dec 2015

-A enchanted attack in fine by me but because of the chance of failure can i lower the cost of the enhancement.

- Do you mean like the curse does the dmg inflicted by the spear on the initial attack over 3 turns?

- I was thinking that the speed is same amount of as my characters agility.

- The homing effect is only when cursed, this is because Plinius said that it was powerful too always home
Sep 25, 2016 1:25 AM

Dec 2011
-A enchanted attack in fine by me but because of the chance of failure can i lower the cost of the enhancement.
Fine with me.
Do you mean like the curse does the dmg inflicted by the spear on the initial attack over 3 turns?
A percentage of that damage, for example.
I was thinking that the speed is same amount of as my characters agility.
What is the reason for it to be the same speed as your character's Agility? Since it uses Magic to move like that, Mana would be the stat many would think of. Strength would aid in initial speed.
- The homing effect is only when cursed, this is because Plinius said that it was powerful too always home
That actually depends on the drawbacks. But it is fine like this.
Sep 25, 2016 1:35 AM

Dec 2015

-How high of a percentage do you want like between 70% or 80% or lower?

-The thing with the speed of the spear is that it should go around the 4 speed stat since that is the fastest speed a character can go right right now. But if its dependent on my mana stat then it will be really slow since i don't have a large need for that stat.
Sep 25, 2016 2:00 AM

Dec 2011
-How high of a percentage do you want like between 70% or 80% or lower?
Since it's a constant damage over 3 turns, it should be dealing at least 1/3th of the initial damage each turn, making the full amount ( after the effect has ended ), at least 6%+2%+2%+2% = 12% Damage. Anywhere between 33% and 67% should do it depending on mana cost.

-The thing with the speed of the spear is that it should go around the 4 speed stat since that is the fastest speed a character can go right right now. But if its dependent on my mana stat then it will be really slow since i don't have a large need for that stat.
That does not give a valid reason to use Agility as a stat to justify a magical spell. If it is merely to counter the fastest Speed Character, will you be asking for a raise in Agility once someone has level 5 Speed? Or what if your character does not have the necessary amount of CRE to go up, and would be stuck below Superhuman class stats for awhile, would you ask for an increase in Agility to match that person's speed stat?

The Final Force would become your need for that stat.
Sep 25, 2016 2:20 AM

Dec 2011
Please tell me once you're done looking at the power.
Sep 25, 2016 2:22 AM

Dec 2011
Final Force: It's Literally a Grenade
Johnny takes out a basic fragmentation grenade, unpins it, and throws it or drops it nearby his opponent/s. It explodes by Johnny's next turn after it is thrown. It has a five meter radius. The closer you are to the grenade when it explodes the more damage it will do.
For some unforeseeable reason the grenade requires 60 mana to be thrown, and he can't have higher than 65% health to throw it.
Not sure what I should think of this. I think that grenades can just be equipment of choice/weapons of choice, if handguns are allowed.
Sep 25, 2016 2:58 AM

Dec 2011
The speed of Death Flight is dependent on Strength and Mana stats
*The initial speed of the spear is equivalent to strength stat.
*The speed of spear is increased equivalent to the mana stat.
Logically speaking, Strength is where the speed is increased, while the Mana Stat dictates the base speed. But Strength only aids in the first launch, once it is blocked, it loses momentum. Once it is parried, it loses momentum. Once it misses and has to take a different path, it loses momentum.
Sep 25, 2016 11:37 AM

Dec 2015

Looked at the power for a bit, i tried to follow your directions. But some of the stuff was a bit hard to visualize, so apologies if i missed something
Sep 25, 2016 1:34 PM

Feb 2015

I'll add these to the sheet when I'm at my laptop.

changelog said:

  • instead of bringing all her vials she now comes equipped with three vials or bombs, and can produce new ones at a rate of one per each dedicated crafting post (must actually make them and cannot do anything else for the post she generates one in).
    That should deal with the quantity and drawback issues.
  • I gave that less toxicity because it's in the system the shortest (one post). I'll change it to 27%
  • buffs can stack but that's the point of the toxicity, it's a way of limiting it without limiting it completely.
  • I'll remove the burn thing
  • I'll remove the inhibited health cap too.

Sound good?
WhoremoansSep 25, 2016 1:44 PM

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Sep 25, 2016 1:38 PM

Dec 2011
Yes, it does.
Sep 25, 2016 1:42 PM

Dec 2011
Imagine your character touching another character, and then freezing that spot of the person. If she touches their entire body, or limbs, they could immobilize their target. Or, instead of becoming frozen, will they have their Speed lowered?

Is it stackable? Like, if the opponent steps on two areas after another, would their speed be reduced by 4 then?
Sep 25, 2016 1:49 PM

Dec 2015

When making direct contact the same effect is just in play as the spots for now, namely losing speed. And no this is not stackable, that would be pretty broken lol (imagine losing 6 speed after stepping on 3 spots)
Sep 25, 2016 1:58 PM

Dec 2011
Byakugaran said:

Approved by Your BOI
Sep 26, 2016 4:56 AM

Dec 2011
Uniqvoid said:

Approved by Your BOI
Your house is B-2
Not too much yuri pls
Sep 26, 2016 10:15 AM

Mar 2015

Honestly, I'm kinda just too lazy to come up with a more creative FF for Johnny, and I don't really mind if I could get a grenade otherwise. So, unless you think I absolutely should get a different FF, I'm okay with sticking with a grenade.
Sep 26, 2016 10:23 AM

Dec 2011
How about just an up in Stats?
I do not mind the Grenade as FF, but if that is the case, you could add some additional effects to it. Throwing a grenade should not cost Mana or have a one-time use.
Sep 26, 2016 10:24 AM

Dec 2011
If you've finished editing, please tell me.
Also, in my earlier response, I forgot to tell you that you've used more than 6 Points. Please edit it accordingly as well.
Sep 26, 2016 10:47 AM

Mar 2015

I added an extra ability to the grenade to make it a bit more unique.
Sep 26, 2016 3:46 PM

Dec 2011
That's an incendiary. What you're describing is an incendiary. More commony known is the Molotov variant.
Sep 26, 2016 4:41 PM

Feb 2015
SimplicityKnight said:
If you've finished editing, please tell me.
Also, in my earlier response, I forgot to tell you that you've used more than 6 Points. Please edit it accordingly as well.


There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Sep 26, 2016 8:37 PM

May 2015
Lin's ready to get some people deady
I'm f*cking delirious, need some of Mom's spaghetti
Gotta keep 'em memes comin' like I'm Crocker, Betty
Gonna go to sleep and hope I don't wet my beddy
Sep 26, 2016 11:20 PM

Dec 2011
Your total power points still mention it being at 6. This is actually 12.

The Eros bomb seems a lot like powerplaying.

The antidote still affects burns.

Berserker vial seem to increase perception, did you mean strength by any chance?
Sep 26, 2016 11:44 PM

Dec 2011
she is refunded 50% of the mana used for the ability and her next four basic attacks are free.
I suggest making it either/or. Not both.
and the travel time of the bolts are increased to the speed of an arrow,
The speed of an arrow is variable. But the part after mentions its speed.

Your FF has way too many bonuses for it's prerequisites and conditions.. is what I'd say if I knew what you meant by state of focus.
Sep 27, 2016 8:19 AM

May 2015
Changed the passive to an either statement
FF now details state of focus, removed 25% mana on cast, added prerequisite of 8 successful basic attacks/4 abilities
Sep 27, 2016 8:36 AM

Dec 2011
What I meant is that you choose one of the two to stay, the other goes. So she either gets mana refunded, or she gets 4 free basic attacks.

Since the CF doesn't have any prerequisites other than the standard Health prereq, + the self-incapacitation condition, it seems to give way more than it could. +6 Stat levels in total, increased effectivity of her ability, disabling all drawbacks as more bonuses are added. And this for a total of 5 turns. It seems highly unlikely that the enemy won't be defeated by then, unless she fights against higher ranks. But compared to equal ranks, the condition doesn't seem to mean much.
Sep 28, 2016 6:19 AM

May 2015
Changed passive to only include 4 free basic attacks
FF prerequisite tweaked to 6 basics / 3 abilities
Deleted 2x damage on CF, if it's still too overpowered I'll edit the duration of the CF
Sep 28, 2016 8:12 AM

Dec 2011
This is just to clarify, but what is the damage on a normal round?
Other than that, I think it's fine.
Sep 28, 2016 11:57 AM

Feb 2015

Should be in order now

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Sep 28, 2016 12:03 PM

Dec 2011
Once again, the Eros bomb seems a lot like powerplaying.

I think you have to tweak your FF in order to fit the updated power, or maybe not. It still says "Must have at least 3 slots free" [ And so does your CF ], while you can only fill 3 slots. This would mean that you would have none of your vials/bombs and try and create a mixture of.. well.. those 3 that are not there.

Unless you mean something else by slots. If that's the case, pay this section no heed. Only the first sentence.
Sep 28, 2016 12:18 PM

Feb 2015
It's a one turn stun, how is that powerplaying? Pssh, fine, I'll change it to some other means of stunning. And done.

She starts with three, she can make more. They just take a post to make.

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Sep 28, 2016 1:30 PM

Dec 2011
The way it was described is powerplaying. > The Nitrogen bomb needs a freeze duration.

Your FF and CF require 3 slots being free, in which they mix every vial/bomb they have into one vial/bomb. But the problem here is, there are only 3 slots, so they have nothing to mix once the FF/CF is activated.
Sep 28, 2016 4:13 PM

Feb 2015
By that I mean that the slots Are loaded. Considering the radius isn't it obvious what it would freeze? Fine I'll make it one post. Just approve it now.

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Sep 28, 2016 10:38 PM

Jul 2015
Elise Midnight (Subject M-17)

"Midnight, targeted and shooting"

Avnore_AlterOct 7, 2016 10:55 PM

Sep 29, 2016 8:21 AM

May 2015
I was planning on letting the opponent decide based on their endurance level/where it hit, as long as they can justify how much the bolt does logically

However, if you want my estimate:
2 shots to a limb = 10%
2 shots to the upper skull = 30%, lower skull (jaw) = 10%
2 shots to the body = 15%

These damage numbers are based off a normal endurance human
Sep 29, 2016 11:07 AM

Dec 2011
Whoremoans said:

Approved by Your BOI
House A-5
You just have to wait for another admin to edit you into a residence.
Sep 29, 2016 11:10 AM

Dec 2011
Tuba said:

Approved by Your BOI.
House B-2
You have to wait for another admin to place you into the residence.
Oct 4, 2016 4:28 AM

Feb 2015
  • Name : Sister Lon'Fon Eurydice [#579]

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname: The Tongue in cheek Templar

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 29

  • Gender: Female

  • Class: Gladiator

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12

  • Main Power:

  • Minor Power:
    Occupational Hazard
    When fighting opponents with demonic properties, Sister Eurydice gains +2 strength and speed

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: Costs 2 power points, increases stat level by one each

    • Strength: Lv. 5
    • Endurance: Lv. 3
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 1
    • Speed: Lv. 3
    • Agility: Lv. 1
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 1
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force:
    Templar Meridian

    • Use of this ability costs Lon'Fon 40% of her remaining health
    • Lon'Fon must discard all of her weapons to use this ability
    • Lon'Fon's opponent must have more health than she does. In situations involving teams, her health must be lower than the average of each member of that team
    • She cannot use any weapons while under the effects of Templar Meridian

    Faced with defeat, Lon'Fon taps into her magically enchanted adrenal glands and pushes her body temporarily beyond the limits of human capacity to achieve immense physical prowess but at great cost to her health. For the next three turns, Lon'Fon gains two levels of strength and speed and her physical attacks deal knockback that require at least three levels of endurance to pass a resistance check on.

  • Counter Force:
    Divine Palisade

    • Lon'Fon must be at at least 40% health
    • She must spend the turn of its activation casting an incantation
    • Is only provided to allies within a 15 meter radius

    By recanting lines from ancient Templar scripture, Lon-Fon is able to summon a protective barrier over herself and allies that adds fifty armour points to them. Armour acts like health but disparages in several areas.

    • Armour cannot be regenerated by healers
    • Any attack that connects with the wearer's body, regardless if the attack was being parried, deals damage to armour
    • After three turns, armour will start to dissipate at a rate of 5 points per post
    • Armour is twice as effective against fire based attacks, dampening the damage, but is also twice as susceptible to acid damage

    If an opponent has demonic properties, herself and allies gain an additional 15 points of armour however allies with any demonic properties themselves cannot be given armour

  • Equipment and Weaponry:

  • Skills:

    • Competent tactician whose skills reveal themselves in the form of a proficiency for commanding her troops even in the most chaotic of trials.
    • Current women's weightlifting champion of the world, three years running
    • Punishing CQC specialist
    • Extensive knowledge of the demonic

  • Biography:
    Hell-divers, wardens of virtue, hierophants, the crusaders of Justice have had many names over their existence, Templars being the most used in the common tongue. They originated in the eastern kingdom of Byyzar, in a city far surpassing Legion's technologies. There are, as many means as names for the order, a plethora of ways to fight evil. Preachermen and philosophers have metaphorical means of tackling this threat. Templars, on the other hand, take a more literal approach to fighting evil, by actually fighting it. Genetically modified into creation and conditioned to their physical peaks, Templars were the answer to the long-standing question of "if we could get to hell, how much could we fuck that place up?" With the means in place, these artificial humans were sent in droves into the deepest regions of the netherworld, their minds so corrupt and twisted by their creators that they knew only glory and honour.

    Their goal was simple, cause enough destruction for their creators, under some false religion induced illusions, to earn their way, through simony, into the heavens of their god Morgala, a much crueler and demanding god than the god of legion city's populous 'Atlas'. As punishment for their obnoxious self of entitlement in thinking it was their right to exact judgements in his name, the old god Morgala plummeted Byyzar into the lowest depths of hell, never to return, and burying the templar order with it. All but one, One who fought her way back for something other than glory or honour, an enomoly among her peers, the Templar with a tongue.

  • Personality:
    While it was common knowledge that all templars were without feeling, having every emotion stripped from them along their gruelling trials, Templar five seven nine, informally known as Lon'Fon Eurydice, showed slithers of personality even when she was in training as a child. Most of their lack of emotion can be explained by their inability to speak. Templars were never taught words, only how to fight. While it was not uncommon for templars to know at least some words, these are mainly just commands or requests. Lon didn't first display her personality with words however. It was in her four hundred and twenty-first training session, at the age of nine, when she first exhibited signs of 'taunting' her opponent. She was marked down for extensive surveillance from that point on.

    Normally, these genetic humans were too cognitively underdeveloped to grasp the complexities of language and expression, however she proved to be the exception, having adapted words she had heard from her makers such as "cunt" and "bastard" appropriately into her fighting vocabulary. While highly unimpressive in any other context, this was a breakthrough, and she was thus forced through as much academic conditioning as she was physical. While her vocabulary, having never finished her training prior to D-day, is still rather poor and she is often unable to construct correct sentences, it can be assertained that she is an extremely playful, bording on sadistic, girl with an abnormal fascination for toying with her opponents.

    It was also observed in an experiment examining her resistance to short impulse manipulation that she has an extremely addictive personality, and something of a sweat tooth.

  • Additional Information: Any additional things you may want to add for this character

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes/No
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No/Yes: (Specify which house or character(s))

  • Recommended by: Fill this in with the username who invited you if this is your first time making a character.

WhoremoansOct 4, 2016 9:42 AM

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Nov 8, 2016 1:36 AM
Oct 2015
  • Name : Pyralis Ignitus

  • Alias/Stage Name/Nickname:

  • Level: 1

  • Age: 15

  • Gender: Male

  • Class: Mage

  • Appearance:

  • Total Power Points: 12

  • Main Power:

  • Minor Power:

  • Stats
  • Total Stat Points Boosters: 3

    • Strength: Lv. 1
    • Endurance: Lv. 1
    • Stamina: Lv. 1
    • Mana: Lv. 4
    • Speed: Lv. 2
    • Agility: Lv. 2
    • Mana Regeneration: Lv. 3
    • Perception: Lv. 1

  • Final Force:
    Flames of the Soul Dragon

  • Counter Force:
    Ascension of Flames

  • Equipment and Weaponry:
    Pyralis carries a matching pair of flamberges and four throwing knives.

    The flamberge is an undulating blade that is found on both long blades and rapiers. When parrying with such a sword, unpleasant vibrations may be transmitted into the attacker's blade. These vibrations cause the blades to slow contact with each other because additional friction is encountered with each wave.

  • Skills:
    Being a pyrokinetic, Pyralis naturally has Fire immunity and thermal resistance and due to his bloodline he is paired with the soul of a dragon.

  • Biography:
    Pyralis Ignitus was born into a branch family of the Draco family. The Draco family was an influential family said to be descendants of a man who once housed the soul of the Dragon Overlord. Within the branch families there were many that proclaimed they housed the souls of dragons but only those of the main family would be able to house the soul of the Dragon Overlord. Pyralis’ family apparently held the soul of a dragon by the name of Ignitus however the previous generations had not exhibited any sort of power supporting this. After the war the Draco family and its branch families were left in an unsightly state, the power the family once had was no more.

    Pyralis first displayed his pyrokinetic abilities when he was a child. His family took this as him having the soul of Ignitus with him. Pyralis was the first of his bloodline in five hundred years to have a dragon’s soul inhibit him however Ignitus continued to sleep within the boy and the boy’s pyrokinetic abilities were innate. As the soul continued to sleep with no sign of waking, the family’s initial joy died down and fear over the boy’s ability grew. Pyralis was then forbidden to make use of his ability but this did nothing to stop him from using it in secret.

    Pyralis gained proficiency with each use of his pyrokinesis slowly mastering it, though this progression was hinder by the fact he had to stay hidden while training. The strain of hiding such a secret from such a young age caused him to pull away from society. He would spend holidays at home rather than playing with friends. Being so different from normal humans made his logic different from the normal child’s. He did not understand the concept of love, seeing that it had no effect in making someone strong. He would not react in anger when he should instead thinking of murder. And so he had no strong bonds with other people, leaving himself no hesitation to kill them if he wanted to.

    Eventually Pyralis realised that he was only truly able to have fun when battling with strong opponents, this influenced his decision to head to Olimpia. Even now he had yet to realise that possibly some of his strength was being supplied by the soul of Ignitus which inhabits him, why else would his blood be able to trigger such a power from his flames.

  • Personality:
    A quiet boy who is unable to interact properly with people, he meets for the first time. It takes time for him to warm up to other people and even then he’ll never completely trust them. Rather than having an outburst when angered Pyralis become quiet and his mind begins to fill with thoughts of murder. Dislikes being within the presence of many people and has a tendency to randomly disappear and appear. This is only possible as he has little presence. When walking he will always look at the ground rather than the faces of those around him.

  • Additional Information:

  • Theme (Optional):

  • Residential Preferences: Fill this out according to your preferences for your character's residential assignment

    -Is your character okay sharing a roof with people of different genders: Yes
    -Do you have a preference for which existing characters you want your characters to live with? If not then your character will be assigned randomly: No

  • Recommended by: Fill this in with the username who invited you if this is your first time making a character.

HellblazeIfritNov 8, 2016 2:25 AM
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