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Aug 7, 2016 7:10 PM

Dec 2013

As name suggests, just the streets of the central plaza. Nothing more, nothing less.

Western Gate
Grand Market Plaza
Eastern Ship Port
An Acquired Taste Inn
Explorer's Guild
Central Plaza Streets
Back Alley
Ze-LemAug 7, 2016 7:29 PM
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Aug 7, 2016 7:34 PM

Dec 2013

He stood under the lamp light, waiting for the Arvulan maid to come out. Taking a glance at a his watch which was typically hidden from view due to his sleeve, he decided to give the maid a small window of minutes. If not out be said minutes, he'd just end up walking off elsewhere.

I should probably ask if she'd be up to taking on some jobs... Heck, with that get up, I am sure she should be more than capable of following me into a job of any sort... he thought to himself, as crossed his arms together and looked up at the buildings that spread out from the central plaza square.
Aug 7, 2016 9:13 PM

Nov 2015

Fixing in place the grip of her shields, Alexandra walked towards the Human male. After all, a maid must be near-perfect in terms of how presentable they are to anyone.

She approached Varius in the streets, the rain still drizzling lightly over the plaza. "As I was saying, sir, are you interested in hiring a maid?" she asked, smiling due to the fact that she had finally completed her question with no interruptions.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 7, 2016 9:28 PM

Dec 2013

Seeing the Arvulen maid approach him, Varius looked at how she held the shields all finely. Once more he was asked the question, except this time there wasn't any interruptions of any sort. He had already thought about hiring her, back when they were indoors, but he still had to ask that question he had in mind before any deal with done.

"Listen, before I answer your question, may I ask if you'd be fine with accompanying me anywhere? Even if it means enlisting in jobs that will potentially require you to use those two shields of yours for more than just looks?"
The way he asked her could be seen as a little bit rude, but it wasn't that he was intentional about, more like he's lived most of his younger life with Arvulen maids in his household, and not once was taught to show sincerity when talking with them.
"Depending on your answer, I'll decide wether or not to hire you as my maid." Varius added this statement to his question.
Aug 8, 2016 2:21 AM

Nov 2015

"As long as you don't take advantage of my maid status to satisfy your sexual desires, then I am fine with accompanying you," Alexandra replied with a serious look, contrasting the essence of her statement. "And these shields aren't for show. I was actually formerly a battle maid, tasked to keep anyone from touching, and thus hurting, my master. If my shields were just for show, I would've placed a ribbon. Now that I think about it, adding a ribbon isn't a bad idea..."
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 8, 2016 8:20 AM

Mar 2016
Ramava Cogznat

After a somewhat grueling job involving the elimination of some petty criminals, Ramava found herself sitting on a bench in Novaj Eden's Central Plaza. Sighing, she took her time looking around at the people walking nearby, her gaze sweeping the plaza. Her looking around was halted by a rather amusing sight. A male Human under a lamp conversing with an oddly armed Arvulen maid. "Must be master and servant." she thought, keeping her attention towards them to see what would happen. Ramava's assumption was based on the fact that Arvulen servants were quite common, unsurprisingly. Her attention would occasionally drift to the maid's two shields, which was unusual.
Aug 8, 2016 9:45 AM

Nov 2015

She was roaming around a bit among the crowds earlier, and had gone into one of the alleys for a moment. Once she came out the stain from the drink that was spilled over her had become a bit less, having used a bit of cloth she had seen there to dry herself, and had once again continued walking among the crowds, looking for either something to drink, now that the previous one was thrown over her, or for someone with potential to steal from. For the unlooker however, it merely seemed like her eyes were looking for a store or the like, or sightseeing, you never knew. There were countless of people, and after a bit she held her pace a bit to get out of the bigger mass of people, and start walking in a less dense part of the street, continuing in a casual pace, slowly starting to whistle a bit
Aug 8, 2016 9:58 AM

Dec 2013

"Hmm..." Varius stood there silent for a minute, thinking about his decision of hiring the Arvulen maid before him. The statement of her not being used to for sexual needs of one threw him off a bit, since that question was a bit of a curve ball to him. Anyhow, last thing he needed was someone to slow him down, after all, he had goals to attain and wasn't in the mood to be held back by anyone.
He looked at the maid again, and then came to a decision.

"Very well, I'll hire you. Just don't slow me down in any case. I'm hoping you're a quick footed one despite your dual wielding of shields." Varius said in a serious tone. This would be an interesting choice he has made, after all.. last he remembered, any maid he knew in his home belonged to his father and mother. This would be the first maid of any sort to be directly under his command.
Aug 8, 2016 7:49 PM

Nov 2015

"Oh? I thought for a second you're going to complain about the sexual needs thing... Well, I can run quick enough to get away from the constables or the military, if you're planning on doing crimes."

Alexandra took one step back and bowed in front of her new, albeit temporary master. "I shall devote myself to you then, and I hope you take care of me as your maid," she declared, not raising her head until a few more seconds later. After she had raised her head, she looked around, her eyes locking with the figure of a woman looking at them. Suspicious, she thought, as she stepped in front of Varius in an effort to cover him from the observer's eyes.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 8, 2016 10:38 PM

Mar 2016
Ramava Cogznat

From the actions of the Arvulen maid and the vague words she caught from her and the Human male, Ramava concluded that the maid had offered her services, and the man had accepted. She eased her observation of them, relieved that nothing bad was going to happen to the Arvulen maid, hopefully. At the last moment, however, she saw the maid's reaction and how she was observing her. "I was probably staring too much." Ramava thought as she smiled lightly and waved at the maid. No doubt, the maid thought of her as suspicious, and had adopted a defensive position in front of her master. Ramava hoped that suspicion could be drawn away from her with the friendly action she had just done.
Aug 9, 2016 7:15 PM

Nov 2015


Noticing the action (and declaration of "I mean no harm") of the mysterious woman, Alexandra decided to let the possible threat go for now. With a sigh, she faced towards the woman and gave her a quick bow before facing her new... master once again.

"Well then, ummm... I believe you haven't told me your name yet. Or would you prefer it if I called you 'master' or 'sir' instead?" she asked, glancing every now and then at Ramava.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 9, 2016 8:00 PM

Dec 2013

"Um.." He was distracted a bit by the suddenness of Alexandra's action to cover him from what seemed to be some girl in the distance, who was looking in their direction. Whatever it was, it seemed to have been resolved, since no sooner had Alexandra gotten defensive, she was already back to talking to him like nothing.

"Well, I'd prefer you refrain from said titles, since I am not used to having maids, so those words will throw me off at the current moment." Varius replied to Alexandra's mention of the words master and sir.
"Anyways, I am Varius. Varius Sárivier. I'd stick to just saying Varius though. I'm not some old geezer to be called by last name. Not yet at least."
Aug 9, 2016 11:29 PM

Mar 2016
Ramava Cogznat

Ramava bacame a bit relieved when the maid bowed towards her and returned her attention back to her apparent master. "Good thing I cleared that misunderstanding." she thought as she released a deep sigh. Ramava began observing the people passing by the bench she was sitting at. Despite the situation having been resolved, Ramava found herself occasionally peeking a glance in the direction of the maid, curiosity having a firm grip on her. Surprisingly, she found that the maid would shift her attention between her and the man she was speaking with. Shaking her head, Ramava forced herself out of the state of curiosity, berating herself for continuing to observe the two individuals.
Aug 10, 2016 10:56 AM

Jul 2011
Lunajin Callante

Lunajin is walking along the streets of the Central Plaza for some strange reason. His main reason for doing this is because probably because he no longer has Raul following to chaperone him anymore and he's free to do as he please. Raul always told him to not play baseball with anyone because he said Lunajin played to roughly. To honor the name of the late bully Raul. He decided he would hold back on the baseball. However, Raul will no longer stop him from communicating with people as as Lunajin wished. This brings him back to what he's doing here. He would go and try to make some kind of contact like an alien would. You could almost say this is his first contact. Luajin decided he should go and introduce himself to the people over there. He felt confident about his communication skills! With that said he headed over to sexy platinum haired woman with the mole. Now he needed to be extra careful, this was his first time talking to someone other than Raul ever since he died. He needed for this first interaction to be a good one. He made my way up to behind the blonde woman who was only slightly shorter than him and put each hand on each of her shoulders from behind had she not turned around before he could sneakily introduce himself.

"Hello there, my name in Lunajin Call- No no no, let me restart. My name is Lunajin...but Raul used to call me Luna because Raul is a bully. Oops...I messed up again, One more try. My name is Lunajin and I'm a blond like you. Nice to meet you miss."

Lunajin felt very good about his first impression. Human contact is always amazing. He did't feel creepy about it at all. Raul never let him touch people but now that he's not here Lunajin can do as he pleases. Seeing more people around. He took his hands off of Ramava had she not forcefully done so already and moved towards the maid. Placing his hand on the maids head had she not moved. Luna would begin speaking.

"Hello Miss Maid. My name is Lunajin Callante~ Ooops, I said my last name. Raul always told me not to say my last name. Oh well, now you get to know my secret~. Don't tell anyone okay?

Luna had on a long blue jacket with a black shirt, a blue top hat, blue pants, black shoes, and his brown two handed hammer hanging off his waist.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Aug 10, 2016 11:08 AM

Nov 2015

Having been walking a bit behind the crowd, she eventually saw how most people dispersed, going their own way and giving Tally a good view of the maid and guy from the restaurant earlier, as well as some guy walking up to the maid after having been to some other girl that also seemed to be hanging around. Tally sighed a bit and went to one of the street sides, starting to lean against the wall of the building there while keeping an eye on the people in front of her, curious to see what was playing out this time, as well as it giving an opportunity to hopefully get to see if there were any easy targets around or not
Aug 10, 2016 3:10 PM

Jun 2013
She looked all around as she walked down the streets of the central plaza. She's only been here a couple of times before, and each time she was accompanied by another person. So walking down the streets on her own was a breath of fresh air for the girl. She continued down the streets with a destination in mind; the grand market plaza. She was hoping to buy some dried meat to keep in her bag as a snack while she travels. She licked her lips, salivating at the thought of the delicious food. With a happy smile, she continued down the streets. Unfortunately for her, she had taken a wrong turn somewhere along these streets. The streets became less and less familiar as she traveled down them, hoping that she could find her way back. She puffed her cheeks in annoyance when she realized that she had only gotten herself more lost by not asking for directions. She let out a sigh and opened the satchel on her side. She opened a notebook and scribbled something inside of it before walking up to people and pointing to it. The first few attempts were a failure, as people just walked past her without even sparing a glance at what she had written down. She frowned at how rude those people were, but shook her head and continued to try to get a respond from anyone. At one point, she saw a maid with another guy. Her face lit up. A maid meant she probably knew her way around! With new found determination, she ran up to the two and held out the notebook in front of her. Excuse me, do you know which way the grand market plaza is? She gave them her best polite looking smile.
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 10, 2016 3:25 PM

Mar 2016
Ramava Cogznat

Ramava had been paying attention to some of the people passing by. So when someone came up behind her and placed their hands on her shoulders, she jumped out of the bench she was sitting on in surprise. She was annoyed that someone had touched her without her consent, and payed no attention as the male who introduced himself as Lunajin rambled on with what was apparently supposed to be an introduction. She became a bit relieved when he left and began introducing himself once again to the Arvulen maid and her master. A bit annoyed she turned around and began walking away, passing by an Arvulen girl that was leaning against the wall of a building.
Aug 10, 2016 5:38 PM

Nov 2015

"Very well, Sir Sárivier," Alexandra replied, not paying heed to her employer's request to drop the formalities. It was against a servant's code to lose her master's superiority, even through the use of names. "Then, Sir Sárivier, where shall we-

"Hello Miss Maid. My name is Lunajin Callante~ Ooops, I said my last name. Raul always told me not to say my last name. Oh well, now you get to know my secret~. Don't tell anyone okay?"

A hand landed on the maid's head, skewing her headband a bit and making it lose its graceful form. Alexandra was shocked of the sudden and unseen approach from behind, as she was busy - a little too busy - listening to her master while watching the mysterious woman in the corner of her vision.

In response, she turned and faced Lunajin with a straight face, not bothering to remove the hand resting atop her head. She presented her left hand at the man, palm facing him.

"Oh great Silpheed, blow away the unnecessary like dust in a summer storm," she chanted, eyes locked at Lunajin's.

Wind began forming around the maid's hand, finally manifesting as an orb of dust and wind. Alexandra's uniform and Lunajin's jacket began flapping in unison as the gale showed its power. "Sir, I would appreciate it if you backed away," Alexandra said, her stern face remaining stern.

That is, until another figure walked up to them.

"Excuse me, do you know which way the grand market plaza is?" was written on the pad of paper the girl presented. This girl wasn't the same as the now-gone woman sitting on the bench from earlier; she was an altogether different character. Hoping to not scare the new face away, Alexandra dispelled the wind magic, giving the Callante boy a quick but stone-cold gaze.

"The grand market plaza is that way," Alexandra replied with a smile, facing Evalyn, holding her right arm up and pointing at the opposite side of the street. "Continue that way and go left, and you should see a few stalls selling fruits and vegetables. Turn right at the corner after those stalls, then turn left again. You should see a small weaponsmith there. Turn right twice at the next corners, and you should see a fountain. Go past that and you'll see a few stalls selling cups and plates. The owner is a brown-haired green-eyed Numile with a low but loud voice. The grand market starts there. It could get dangerous there as the place gets crowded quickly, so be on the lookout for cutpurses."
Nice--Aug 10, 2016 6:43 PM
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 10, 2016 6:49 PM

Jun 2013
Her face lit up with gratitude. She nodded at the directions from the maid and quickly scribbled more words on the page. Thank you very much! She turned to follow her directions, but stopped and turned back around to face the maid again. She quickly wrote something else on the page and showed it to the maid. Have a nice day then! :) She smiled widely at her, her pointy teeth showing, before turning back around and heading in the direction the maid pointed out to her. She soon was out of sight. Evalyn left the area.

(Evalyn doesn't speak. She's mute ^^ she wrote that question on a notebook for Alexandra to read)
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 11, 2016 3:02 AM

Nov 2015

She had watched the two people on the street for a bit, which had turned to three when a guy joined to talk, then 4 when some girl with a note came by, all the while keeping her position against the building. The other woman which was just bothered by the guy came passing by, looking at her for a small moment, then turning her eyes back to the group of people. She kept watching for a bit while the maid explained something to the girl, and decided to head closer. Getting up from her position, she headed over to the other guy standing there who was probably owning the maid and chuckled a bit, shaking her head a bit as she stood still next to the guy, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a thumbs up "Seems like someone has an attraction to all kinds of people huh?" She said snickering
Aug 11, 2016 7:27 PM

Dec 2013

There was way too much commotion going on in these streets at the moment. Too many people kept gathering around him and Alexandra. A new guy had interrupted Alexandra as well, though he was brushed off rather quickly by her.
Almost as soon as she had turned around, a new girl appeared next to her. We really are in the middle of everyone’s path… Varius thought to himself as this new girl held up a small notepad with a question, asking for directions of the grand market. Thankfully, Alexandra took care of this as well, it would have been odd if Varius replied since he himself wasn’t that good with giving directions.

When they were finally somewhat alone, Varius finally had a chance to speak up.
"Perhaps we should move off the streets. Get to an emptier spot so I can go over some stuff with you.” He told Alexandra, trying to signal that they should probably clear the streets at the current moment.

Before he could say where they could go exactly though, Varius suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by a girls’ voice. He took a look to his side and saw another Arvulen girl, but this one seemed to be the one from earlier from the small incident inside the small cafeteria he had eaten at.
“Uh, I guess you can say that? It’s been a bit odd for me though, since typically most of the attention I get is shouting and fist fights.” Varius replied with a small chuckle before asking this girl what her business was with him. “So, seeing how others before you have wanted to say something, what is on your mind?”
Aug 12, 2016 5:42 AM

Nov 2015

She looked at Varius and chuckled a bit, shaking her head as she smiled at him with a grin "No no, don't worry, I'm not here to ask the way somewhere or anything, just thought I'd comment on the amount of attention you're getting, or well, your maid is getting I suppose" She said amused, before looking in front of her "Or well, was getting, seems it cleared out. Sorry to bother ya, just thought it was amusing, I'll get going again as well then" She smiled, giving Varius a pat on his back, making sure no one was watching form behind them and that the maid was still in front of Varius while she used her slight of hand to grab Varius' money, leaving a note reading "Thank for the money, a man's gotta eat" In it's place, also used to throw people off of gender. Her hand already emptied in her own hidden pocket, she smiled and waved at Varius "Have a nice day" She said, while starting to head in the direction Varius and his maid came from, and only after she had casually turned a corner and was out of sight she'd swiftly disappear into one of the alleys
Aug 12, 2016 9:29 AM

Jul 2011
Lunajin Callante

The wind started to pick up as the Maid had begun chanting something that rivaled a foreign language to Lunajin. The maid asked if he could back away. Lunajin eyes widened up at this. To him, he as being asked to back away. To her, he was being asked to back away. To most others he was being asked to back away. However to Raul, Lunajin was being asked to not kill random women dressed in maid costumes. Lunajin took his hand off the maids soft head and put his hand on his chin. The woman had disappeared and Lunajin felt lonely. This loneliness could only be caused by Raul. Seeing that he could not win this situation as she began to gather more and more allies. Lunajin backed off as asked. Miss Maid. Please, we should play some baseball at some time. Lunajin had then begin to walk away as this place had become even too crowded for him. He enjoyed being around people but he wanted to be around a lot more people. Or Possibly different people. The other people in the are seemed interesting but he was not interested in them at the moment. Lunajin decided to follow th girl with the note pad as she had seemed to be the type of person who he would not want to play baseball with. Once that was said he would leave as well.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Sep 2, 2016 11:58 PM

Nov 2015

"Baseball...? What might that be?"

The random man had already left before she could even voice out her question. Baseball... never in her life as a maid has she ever encountered a game named 'baseball'.

Turning her head toward the previously occupied Varius, Alexandra asked him "Sir Sárivier, do you know what 'baseball' is?" before tidying up her maid uniform, which had been rustled quite roughly by her very own wind magic.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
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