Aug 8, 2016 7:22 AM
Welcome to the Club Guide thread. Here, you will find all sorts of information to begin your time at Legion City RP. Please make yourselves at home and try to read as carefully as possible through all the sections you deem important. If you have an unanswered question, please ask an admin. Have fun and happy reading! |
LeCroweAug 19, 2016 4:30 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 8, 2016 7:50 AM
SECTION 1: CHARACTERS Character Creation You can create up to 3 characters at the start, more will be unlocked once you've earned credits. Further information can be found in the Character Creation thread Character Classes In Legion City, every fighter is assigned a specific class which suits their fighting style best. Each class has strengths and weaknesses. as well as unique benefits. Here are a list of classes: Knight
Class ability mana costs double with every level. Powers and Abilities You can have any kinds of powers in Legion City as long as they are balanced. This means that there are no power bans, but for usually overpowered powers like teleportation and time manipulation, they would have to be severely limited and you will have to make a very good case for them to be valid. Active powers should require mana to activate. Main powers should be at least twice as strong as minor powers. Powers can be upgraded in ranks. The general rule is that powers will double in power with each rank, meaning that a Rank 2 Power will be 2x a Rank 1 Power, and a Rank 4 Power will be 8x a Rank 1 Power. You can have special skills and weapons, but not anything unnatural, unless they are linked as part of your powers. An exception to this are powers which do not have much impact in battle and are just utilities in everyday life. This is permitted to be put down as a skill. The Stat system Stats are physical attributes that your characters have. These stats determine if a physical feat done by your character can be justified or not. There are 8 stats including: Strength
Mana Regeneration
[/list] The Stat Scale There is a scale for each power based on Stat Classes and Stat Levels, or SLs as such: Human Class
Superhuman Class
Demigod Class
God Class
As a rule of thumb, a person can compete with someone above them by 2 levels at most, albeit with a disadvantage, whereas a 3 level gap would mean certain domination by the higher level person. Each character automatically starts out with level 1/stat, however you can purchase SL with credits as well as increasing it at the cost of starter points when you create your character (see the character creation thread). Stats have predetermined stat caps, i.e. the maximum mount of levels one stat can be depending on your character's level. Character Levels Character classes are levels of power your characters have. For example, a starting normal member will start at Level 1. Levels determine your stat cap and the limits of your abilities. This is important. You can have many benefits by leveling up, including evolving your characters and giving them better powers, gaining extra powers, and even have a final form or attack. Here's what levels can unlock:
FAQ If you are confused about anything regarding this section, comment below with your question, and we'll add it, plus the answer to the FAQ. |
HarukaSep 17, 2016 8:22 PM
Aug 10, 2016 1:22 AM
SECTION 2: GENERAL RP GUIDE Layout and Posts Your posts should at least be comprised of 3 sentences long, have your character's name in the top and also be detailed and creative. Layouts like colored text, character portraits and a variety of text formats are encouraged, the more creative the better. You don't have to make walls of text for each post but it is advised for you to be as detailed and creative as possible. Please put important information, such as your character leaving the area, in bold so that people will know important things such as how many characters are in the area. Putting up additional info like your specialization, multiple names, and special layouts are optional. Here's a template for a basic fully featured post format: [quote][center][b][u][color=coloryouwant]Name[/color][/u][/b] [spoiler][img]Pic of your character[/img][/spoiler] [color=green][u]Level=x(Optional)[/u][/color] [color=red]HP=X%(Optional, Mandatory in battle)[/color] [color=blue]Mana=X(Optional, Mandatory in battle)[/color] [/center][/quote] Godmodding, Powerplay, and Metagaming What is godmodding? Godmodding occurs when characters venture outside the realm of credibility. For example, brushing off an attack like it was nothing, evading an attack with large aoe despite having not enough speed, or declaring your attack unevadable and unblockable. Godmodding should be avoided at all times, it is a common mistake. What is powerplay? Powerplay involves controlling another character's actions, and can occur both out of combat and in combat. Examples of powerplay:forcing other characters to be hit in your post, controlling someone's thoughts about your character. Avoid powerplay at all times. What is metagaming? When your characters knows things IC that they should not know, based on OOC knowledge, this is metagaming. For example, your opponent's ability makes their back take twice as much damage when they are transformed, and your character immediately tries to attack their back, despite not knowing IC that they have such a weakness. The same is true of out of combat actions. For example, your character knows the other character is lying, despite their excuse being believable to your character, and your character being a close and trusting friend of theirs who is not good at telling the signs of lies. These are all forbidden Combat The combat system in Legion City is relatively detailed. First, to enter combat, you must openly state your intention to fight another person, then list which combatants are joining. Then, an admin controlled NPC will take the combatants to a stadium where he/she/they will choose a terrain for the fight to take place in. Next, the first to post will be the one with the most speed and agility combined. The combatants will then have a chance to post once in order to prepare for the fight. After that, the fight will start, and admins will step in if they see anything unfair or odd. Please note to list your HP and MP during combat. The battle ends when one of the enemies forfeit, are defeated, or are disqualified. There is a real world maximum time limit to battles, as such:
If the fight has not ended by then, the winner will be those who have higher HP in the case of 1v1s. In the case of team battles, the team with the most surviving players win, and then it is decided by total HP if it is tied. If someone does not post for more than 3 days without notice, her/his character is considered to forfeit the fight. Generally, the rules of combat are:
There are two systems you need to know in order to battle RP efficiently; The HP system and The mana system They are relatively simple. Everyone starts with 100% HP when they start a battle. This goes down as you take damage. The amount of damage you received is dependant upon the power of the attack and how high your endurance is. Someone with higher endurance receives less damage from the same attacks compared to someone with less endurance. Light scrapes, cuts, and bruises damage you between 1%-5%. Light wounds damage you between 6%-15%. Heavy damage ranges between 16-30%. Critical damage, like amputation, can result in 31%-60% damage, and near deadly attacks may damage you 61%-90%. Death blows of course count as 100% drain on your HP. Please again note that damage percentages is counted based on resulting damage, not given damage. If a person with lv. 1 END would be heavily wounded by an arrow to the chest, a person with lv. 5 END may only be scratched by it. Mana is treated numerically. You know stats go from 1x to 90x right? Well for mana, 1x=100 mana. That means, for example, if you're level 3 (2x) you have 200 mana. You drain it by using abilities. You regenerate mana every post you don't use an ability that consumes mana. The rate at which you regenerate mana is similar. 1x=10 mana/post. That means, lv. 3 mana regeneration would regenerate you 20 mana every time you post. In a match you can also use a Final Force and a Counter Force once each. They are powerful abilities that can be used to turn the tide of a battle. Final Forces are usually more offensive while Counter Forces are defensive, and can only be used when you're at least under 50% HP Please be respectable to your fellow RPers and try to not be selfish/disrespectful, for example not taking any damage at all or striking on target every time. No matter how high your stats are, you should play along to keep the RP fun. Creativity is paramount and is considered the main factor that decides whether a fight is won or lost, so be creative! FAQ If you are confused about anything regarding this section, comment below with your question, and we'll add it, plus the answer to the FAQ. |
HarukaSep 17, 2016 8:26 PM
Aug 10, 2016 1:23 AM
SECTION 3: THE CREDITS AND STORE SYSTEM Credits Credits (or CRE for short) are the OOC currency in the club. They are used to purchase things at the store and have many uses, including:
Meanwhile, CRE can be attained through these means:
CRE points will be recapped in your account in your character profile Store System There is a store where you can sign up to "buy" upgrades for your characters and for your general RP experience. Within them comes detailed info of items and packages you can purchase. You can use CRE points to purchase packages. For further information, please head to the Store thread. FAQ If you are confused about anything regarding this section, comment below with your question, and we'll add it, plus the answer to the FAQ. |
HarukaAug 19, 2016 6:40 PM
Aug 12, 2016 6:13 PM
SECTION 4: THE LEAGUE AND COMPETITIONS League The League is a ranking of all fighters based on wins, draws and losses. Fighters get points from fighting, and these points are added to your league standing. You may get achievements and special awards. Here is a list of possible winnings for battles of the same level and class:
Credits and League Points for losses will not be given for losses where you have posted less than 3 times, resigned, disqualified for not posting in 3 days. All official fights are taken into account in league standings, even competition matches. You can only fight 4 times a month, and you cannot fight the same character in a row, unless the number of fighters change. There will be a 3 month seasonal league as well as an all time ranking. In seasonal leagues, you don't retain points from the last season, but in the overall rankings, all points are totalled. Seasonal leagues may also have LP and CRE rewards. The League Winners will receive 400 CRE and LP The Runner up will receive 300 CRE and LP Third Place will receive 200 CRE and LP Fourth Place will receive 100 CRE and LP Tournament wins and other bonuses will count towards Overall League rankings, but not to seasonal League rankings. Competitions Competitions give special awards to winners as well as allowing additional fights per month. Further information will be detailed in every competition thread, and the rewards per match is the same as normal challenges. FAQ If you are confused about anything regarding this section, comment below with your question, and we'll add it, plus the answer to the FAQ. |
HarukaAug 31, 2016 10:06 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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