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Jul 7, 2016 3:38 AM

Feb 2010
There are a few characters with positions of importance or influence in Avia. I would be willing to take these roles myself, but it's more fun and less work for me if you would like to play one of these characters. Of course two people can not claim the same position. Also, if you make a character and then become very inactive, I'll likely control them for you.

Important Roles:If these positions aren't filled, I'll have to do so myself, as they absolutely exist. As such, my approval requirements may be just a bit higher.

Optional Positions: These are positions that certainly aren't needed, and will likely be left unfilled if they aren't taken by a volunteer.

Usual template:

Race Information:
CrogLatteAug 12, 2016 9:52 AM
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Jul 7, 2016 10:50 PM
Jul 2016
Name: Juld
Age: 130
Race: Krak


Juld is a fighter and a leader. For at least this life, she has worked tirelessly to unite the assorted groupings of Krak more closely together. Juld is a unique case in that she is not a total rockhead, and is actually capable of some logic and conversation. This veritable social superpower among her fellow Krak quickly enabled her to gain leadership and respect among her clan. Anyone that didn't listen to her words found themselves subject to her fists. Eventually, through either word or hand, she wrested control of the sea Krak and they named her their boss.

Juld's clan spent most of their time by the sea, existing just on the fringes of the Krak territory. They spent their time arguing among one another over who gets what spot near the coast. Juld, sensing an opportunity, spoke to her people as their head honcho and suggested they work together to find even more places to claim. Thus, the age of exploration for the sea Krak started. Juld made her way to the Incas and miraculously managed to have some sea-worthy vehicles constructed for her people. They now spent their time studying plants (I.E. eating them) and traveling across the waters to find what they could find. Their adventures took them far and wide, and they discovered many plant species that had been either studied very little or discarded by the ruling Av and the scientific Incas.

During this time, Juld began to make use of a big rock attached to a stick to keep unruly Krak in order. Although this was of little consequence at the time, it would prove to shape her future choice of weaponry.

While Juld gathered what little intelligence she could with the very few members of the sea Krak that weren't total morons, the rest of them spent most of their time just eating a bit of every plant they encountered. Juld, not to be a fool, made sure to turn over any samples of plants to the Av and Incas, so that they may further their own studies and foster stronger bonds between the sea Krak and these species. Juld's people found many different plants, but barely any of them proved to be useful in any capacity. That is, until a curious 'hungry' Krak munched on what is now known as the Sea Lilly. He claimed that he had never tasted anything as good as that in his entire life. Juld and the few non-idiots of the sea Krak set to work figuring out if this plant had any other benefits. They discovered that it was in fact a very nutritious food source. Those who ingested the Sea Lilly on the regular found their scales hardened and shiny, and their bodies powerful and healthy.

Although it took them a VERY long time to do this, they managed to bring back boatloads of samples and figure out how to grow them en masse. Juld brought this miracle plant to the other Krak clans nearby, and it became a staple food item for any Krak that wanted to be big and strong. The kicker was that only the sea Krak knew where to find the plant in the wild, and by extension they now controlled the most valuable 'food' supply for the entire Krak species. Juld's only condition to the other clans for her permission to let them have their share of Sea Lillies was that every clan united together under one banner.

Their people united, Juld put herself forward for the position of Head Officer, as she essentially represented her people anyway. Her request was accepted without much deliberation from the higher races, since there wasn't really anyone else that could really fill the requirements of the position. In a 100 year lifetime, she had united the Krak, discovered a food source to make them stronger, and achieved the most prestigious position possible for her people in the eyes of greater society.

With access to new materials, Juld now sought to equip herself with an imposing object in order to further cement her image as top dog. The old rock on a stick was too Krak-like, she thought, but it was definitely effective. She eventually settled on a greataxe. A massive chunk of metal fused to wood, the weapon has no chance of being lifted by any other species, and it does the job of intimidating on appearance alone.

And that brings us to the present day. Juld has worked tirelessly for the last thirty years to keep her people together as one species and dole out the tasks requested of her by her superiors. She enjoys her work with a trademark wide smile and a spitfire personality. What does the future hold for a people united by a single plant species? Only time will tell if their unity stands strong.

Another concern is how long the Av and Incas will go without interfering with the steady production of the Sea Lilly. Juld makes sure to keep open channels and provide them with anything they might need, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that these two upper races might eventually take issue with this. Her position as Head Officer buffers her from some future protests, but she is not immune to a takeover. However, the current situation benefits the entire civilization, as all the Krak are unified and peaceful at this time.

Juld obviously bears the standard characteristics of most Krak. That is, sharp teeth, scaled skin, and massive height. Juld's clan in particular has skin that has a light blue tone and smoother complexion than her more rocky Krak brethren. This is because their Li has been 'corrupted' by the waters (corrupted used lightly here, it's not a weakness so much as a character flaw). Due to this, Juld and her clanmates stick out quite a bit when grouped with other Krak.

Juld looks like this but larger/more muscular and without the hair. Eyepatch included (the eyepatch is for show, her eye is fine). She also wears a bright red headband, because she thinks it looks nice.

All in all, with the eyepatch, headband, great axe, and scaly blue skin combined, she makes a very fearsome looking sea traveler.


Juld is of above average intelligence for a Krak, and thus is able to communicate quite proficiently with individuals capable of conversation. She is no Einstein, of course.

Worth noting is that Juld's skin is notably less durable than that of her more stone-plated brethren.

A natural born leader who united the arguing Krak during their formative time, her people listen to her words (as long as they can understand them). She knows to use simple ones when she makes her speeches to them.

Nothing of serious note. Juld carries what documents she needs as well as a heavily worn steel greataxe, and as mentioned before, it is far too massive for any non-Krak to even think of lifting. Ceremonial armor is worn as needed, but otherwise she usually wears a loincloth with a large symbolic pin indicating her status as Head Officer.
jillwildroseAug 16, 2016 9:24 PM
Jul 20, 2016 8:14 PM

Feb 2010
Approved, but I have to say, I am pretty curious about her childhood among these Sea Krak, which was left out from the bio, and what may have encouraged her to unite the Krak, though I assume it has to do with her pride and intelligence. The idea of separate tribes and exploration is cool.

One note though. Considering the Incas built the vessels, I assume they requested some share or rights of any interesting plants found on the expedition. The Av, being the Av, would definitely require some sort of occasional or constant offering of it if they found out about it. Do they all know of it, and if so, what sort of agreement would she strike? It would be difficult for her crew to retain a monopoly, but she does currently have the Av's blessing, considering her position, so they might not be interfering with her plans... well... currently at least.

But the position is yours, have fun~
Jul 20, 2016 8:19 PM
Jul 2016
Youth will be potentially revealed in conversations with other characters.

Sea Lillies aren't anything significant nutrition wise for the other races, and there's no reason for the Av to exert any more control over the Krak than they already have, considering they control life and death itself. The Incas/Av dismissed the plant as nothing extraordinary and once they had found out about it (as Juld's clan was returning with news of it) it didn't really matter.

Edited the main.
jillwildroseJul 20, 2016 8:26 PM
Aug 2, 2016 5:07 PM
Jul 2018
Aa/Cil Envoy [I really wanted to make a Aa but I didn't know what he would be in the story so... can I have this role?]

Name: Rab-his (was suppose to be CRab but I added his)
Age: 89
Species: Aa
Bio:When Rabhis was young, the oldest Aa came to him and gave him memories. Like a heirloom from ‘parent’ to ‘child’, Rabhis was told stories about the Aa's past and the limited history that was passed down by the POV's of the Aa. (If the Aa accepts the teachings of course...)

In childhood, Rabhis grew a habit of thinking and walking (pretty much like sleep walking). Rabhis wonders off and finds a baby Cil. Rabhis then brought the Cil home as a companion and called him Nigetory but nicknamed him Nige.
Not knowing why Nige was abandoned he decided to learn more about the Cil's and the other species. Rabhis also wanted to find a way for Cil to communicate. (Being revealed to Nige made Rabhis different than the other Aas who fully kept to themselves)/ Rabhis then began to socialize with the people in the territory although at first Rabhis gets limited conversations back. He learned how to communicate with the Cil and to provoke (bug) the Aa’s to talk to him.
After a few years of socializing and bugging, Rabhis became friends with the majority of the territory. Rabhis then proceeds to attend the Great School but mainly focused on his favorite subject, history and in the others, Rabhis talked… a lot (may have gotten punished a few times). After exhausting the history books from the great school. Rabhis left the great school and traveled to different territories to talk to other species and to befriend them. After, a few years of that, he returned to the territory. Rabhis then sees how different it is between Rabhis's territory and how things are needed for Rabhis's people. Rabhis then decided to become a envoy for the people and of course due to his past of socializing, the people agreed. After returning to the territory, he meets up with Nige who took care Rabhis while Rabhis was occupied.

Although a envoy, Rabhis tend to take a while to collect his thoughts before presenting his voice in a good manner. He also occasionally visits the Uninhabited Territory to take some time to collect his thoughts, since he has a hard time resting in his old territory. After, a longer break he found that Nige was missing from their home.

He also occasionally teaches history at the great school but most of the time he spends time travelling around his territory with some breaks to visit old friends or the Great ruler.

Appearance: He has a straight face, two large ears, a big mouth,round crab-like hands and thin layers of muscle and skin. Rabhis is average height of a Aa
Qualities: Heightened ears,lots of energy for talking and Rabhis is able(after trying alot) hold a charcoal(or a writing utensil) and write with it
Powers: N/A
Gear: Light gear for travelling, a small bag for charcoal, a bag full of paper?, a horrible painting of Nige he drew himself in his recent solitude time
>Nige is my other character but I won't make him yet... Lets say hes taking a break from Rabhis for now.

And i legit need to grammer/story fix the whole thing
removed-userAug 2, 2016 5:50 PM
Aug 2, 2016 9:04 PM

Feb 2010
Sounds pretty good for an Envoy, sociable and educated, and with a lot of connections. Also Nige looks like a lion with a pointy nose to me.

Feel free to come up with the past of the Aa as much as you want to, as long as you don't really go back more than 500 years or so with heavy details.

Aug 3, 2016 1:35 PM
Jul 2018
ASimpleHollow said:
Sounds pretty good for an Envoy, sociable and educated, and with a lot of connections. Also Nige looks like a lion with a pointy nose to me.

Feel free to come up with the past of the Aa as much as you want to, as long as you don't really go back more than 500 years or so with heavy details.


Thank you :] Yea haha the painting is a lion[idk if there are lions in this world] but Nige doesn't look anything like that xd. [Nige honestly look like the cil in your drawing but with longer hair] Let's just say Rabhis's crab-like hands aren't greatest at drawing cough cough and not his artistic talent
Aug 12, 2016 12:12 AM

Feb 2010
The Great Ruler

Name: Celine
Age: 17
Race: Av
Bio: To tell the story of Celine, one must tell the story of the Great Ruler. That is, her first incarnation that found the Kor. Although even Celine doesn't remember much about that lifetime so long ago, she is constantly reminded of her previous actions. She lives the life of greatest luxury due to being the one who reigns over the lands. She possesses the Kor itself, and she is fed only the finest meals, and a lot of them. She can have whatever she wants, because she, that is, the first her, created this utopia. And yet, she hates her previous self.

The Great Ruler of so long ago had been very smart, and very ambitious. She took full advantage of the power the Kor granted, and recruited the Incas, who could see things she could not, to make full use of it. She built a society from the ground, and she set things up for her kind to prosper. However, she found eventually that she would need to be reincarnated as her body grew old. Knowing she would be gone a short while and need to be caught up, she commanded her advisers to educate her on all they had learned while she was gone. Eventually, this would lead to the creation of the first school, exclusive to the Av.

Celine, that is to say, the current incarnation of her, however, did not decide to go to school. Celine was forced to go to learn more and more about this place that grew everyday. Celine was given stacks of responsibility to run the world. Celine was given great power, so much so that she felt the need to repress her power over Empathy, sick of feeling the fear and envy of those who she thought she could get along with. Celine doesn't like any of this, and so she hates the choices she made before. She does not hate her life though.

Celine can get entertainment whenever she asks for it. If Celine asks for a break, she will get it. Celine may taste any new cuisine her pallet may desire. Everyone does what Celine wants them to do. All of this is enjoyable. In short, the actions of her previous life have created a spoiled brat. It wouldn't be far off to think of the first incarnation as a mother who wanted better for her child, and ended up making her have to work for nothing. On the other hand, she still tried to make her work, though the royal treatment and responsibilities did not feel linked. After these many years of living the good life, Celine has become a rich, fat, and slothful aristocrat with the mental age of a 17 year old. (Of course, due to the properties of Lo, Celine is not fat, just tall and strong.)

Appearance: Celine is rather tall for an Av at her age, reaching about the average height for adults despite having many more years to grow. More specifically, she is 6'2" Celine has soft, white feathered ears and the lobes of flesh hanging from her arms are very thick, a sign of strength among the Av. Her eyes are very large and circular with dark brown irises. She has the large nose and small mouth characteristic of the Av and pale skin. She wears a long robe made for the Great Ruler in her outings, though in her free time she generally wears small, nonrestrictive garments of silk to lounge in.

Gear: Like everything she could ever want or need probably. On hand she has like nothing though.
CrogLatteAug 12, 2016 12:16 AM
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