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May 3, 2016 12:36 PM

Jul 2014
In the midway point of hallways on each floor, there will be 2 set of elevators that take you from one Level to the next in about the same time a normal elevator on earth would. The inside of these elevators have a steel tile flooring, mahogany walls, and a gold railing. The doors are also golden.
LeCroweJun 2, 2016 2:01 PM
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Jun 3, 2016 10:33 PM

Aug 2013
Clymenus Vatos

In just a short amount of time, there were already quite a bit of people in the elevator. One of them included a new girl, which Hades summoned a book on from thin air before taking a look inside. As it appeared, she was from one of those many other dimensions that wasn't in the restrictions of the Olympians, since her death involved a god he has never heard of. Overall, the girl wasn't bad at all really.

He, then, made the book disappear.
Jun 3, 2016 10:44 PM

Aug 2013
Aria snow(nickname Red Snow Demon)

Aria looked up and noticed an abnormally large figure, she didn't say anything for awhile as she glared at him waiting for him to speak and make sense as to what was going on. She continued to wait quietly before rudely speaking.

So old man you going to explain to me what the hell this place is, why am I here and why the hell I cant remeber anything. Some damn answers would be nice you know old man, so start talking I don't have all day. As soon as I can im on the next flight out of here. What a dump this place is hmph.
Jun 3, 2016 11:02 PM

Aug 2013
Clymenus Vatos

He listened to the girl for a second before he had an epiphany: Her personality is the bad part. No wonder she was arguing with her parents...

Hades just turned to her, with his serious face and an idea in mind. Look into my eyes and I will explain it to you. He said, looking directly at her. Then, he beamed a short clip of her parents getting shot in their house by burglars before her mother gets raped by one of them and her dad has his eyes be eaten by the burglar's dog. If you don't want to see that again, then don't ask questions so rudely to me, little girl. He said with intimidation in his eyes before he went back to looking forward with his default expression.
Jun 3, 2016 11:09 PM

Aug 2013
Aria snow(nickname Red Snow Demon)

Do you take me for a fool old man I may not remeber how I got here or what happened to me, but I do remeber one thing that isn't how my parents died. I at least remeber that much you old fool, now ill say it one more time before I get angry. What the hell is going on, where am i, how did I get here, and why am I here?

Aria continued to glare as she got angrier with his silence, as she waited even longer she began to grit her teeth.
Jun 3, 2016 11:30 PM

Aug 2013
Clymenus Vatos

He just looked at the girl, now getting obviously tense. He wasn't known to get irritated like this (except for that whole 'destroy a whole city' thing), so anyone who knew Hades would be shocked by his expression. about this? Why don't we have a little battle? If I win, you will receive punishment for your rudeness. If you win, I'll abide by how you roll, so to speak. Deal? He told her, holding out his hand.
Jun 3, 2016 11:42 PM

Aug 2013
Aria snow(nickname Red Snow Demon)

Aria looked at the large man with a obviously annoyed loo and replied as she knocked his hand away.

You must think I'm an idiot don't you, I obviously know who you are you old koot. However I just don't care right now because it's the last thing on my mind, so all I care about right now is why I'm here, how I got here, I obviously die....

Just as she began to say it she realised and remebered everything just like that, her expression grew sad and dark as it all hit her at once. She finally spoke after a few moments had past.

Hey old man is it true I died by giving up my very soul to bring back my dad? I'll never be able to see him again and apologize for all those terrible things I had said to him will i? I don't understand what went wrong she was supposed to give me her will so I would live...., but what went wrong.. I dont understand we just talked yesterday. We just made the deal.. that ceal just a moment ago.
Jun 3, 2016 11:58 PM

Aug 2013
(Aw. It would have been fun throwing her around in the VR room.)

Clymenus Vatos

He returned to his normal self when she slapped his hand away. He had not been thinking clearly for a while now, considering he gave the gods free reign to revive whoever they wanted to here. That was one of Hades' buttons, which was getting pushed constantly with every new soul appearing the mansion. He needed to calm down before it all gets to him.

"Well," Hades started answering the girl's question, seeing how she realized the situation she was in, "You are dead, and the god you talked to was either, A, a trickster who just killed you and didn't fulfill your wish, or B, did fulfill your wish, but took over your body after removing your soul from it. Either way, that God was bad news.

As for where you are now, this is a mansion that rests on the side of Mount Olympus. I'm Clymenus Vatos, otherwise known as Hades. You've been revived by one of the gods and will be fighting against the other people here in a quest to become part of the next generation of Greek Gods."
Jun 4, 2016 12:14 AM

Aug 2013

Aria snow(nickname Red Snow Demon)

Aria never looked up as she started to laugh as if her mind had broken, after a while she stopped and looked up with broken dark ruby eyes, it was obvious she didn't she'd a tear.

One soul for another that's the price for ones life, isn't that the code all you gods go by? Why would I want to become a god in this damned world it matters not to me if I were to die again nothing would change the fact that I have died, to never see my family again, to apologize. Nothing matters to me anymore I have no soul to give away now, I'm just an empty shell. Look into my eyes now and tell me what you see, is it vengense, happiness, or destruction you see? Maybe it's the brokenness I'm putting away, I could car less what you or these other gods want from me, but I will fight but heed my warning god of the underworld. If any of you get in my way I will run my sythe through who ever it is, I have nothing left to lose is that what you wanted to hear from me.

Arias expression along with the look in her eyes had changed to something of pure evil, her eyes had grown almost to a blackish red in color and shimmered at the passing light. Aria was different then before, she had realised the possibilities and the consequences that could take place.

(Last post for the night it's 2:15 am I'll post a reply later on)
ZyphkinJun 4, 2016 12:26 AM
Jun 4, 2016 4:02 PM
Oct 2014

When Icarus stopped shaking Lisa's hand and followed Hades into the elevator, yet another girl showed up. She started saying some things he felt he understood partially, it was definitely an insult. Of course he wasn't going to let her just move past him, with his high reaction time there was no way she would be able to do it. Except suddenly he felt paralyzed and unable to react to her despite his high reaction time and superhuman speed. That was the only possible way for her to do this, other than him being paralyzed. It was as if she was the Gorgon Medusa herself. Furthermore she had already started a conversation with Hades and moved farther into the elevator before he could react. That hate's certainly mutual, bitch.he thought as a conversation began between the two children(whiny bitch girl and Hades).

It was quite a fancy elevator, although he wasn't too unused to elevators. It was just another future thing, and this time it wasn't even unfamiliar, his father had made similar contraptions of even higher complexity in his Labyrinth. The girl whined about the usual confusions to Hades and got a telepathic message from Hades.

Hades challenged a mere mortal to a battle, as if that would be anything but a stomp. But then...his hand was knocked away.Impossible..gods are far too fast to be hit like that! Either that, or maybe gods were not always at their full divine strength. That would be helpful information.

What the whiny bitch said about her earlier life didn't make him care one bit for her. But he could confirm something. So others had their afterlife memories sealed as well, this could be bigger than just Helios' whims.

Icarus automatically assumed the God being talked about by Hades was greek, the thought never occured it could be non greek. After all, the greek gods were the only gods that existed.

Eventually he finally felt unparalyzed mentally, and spoke up to the bitch who was whining about her past. He felt a lot more at home with this foreign-sounding tongue he was speaking easily and started to pick up the dialect. Right after she said to Hades 'Look into my eyes and tell me what you see.'"You can shut up now, whining witch. Nobody cares about your little sob story. Since you decided to be very rude, I'll be fighting you as well, after I win or lose my first fight, unless you want to back down now and admit you could never become a real God."

Icarus was ready to react if she pulled anything, using his superhuman Dexterity. He called her a witch specifically because she somehow made him unable to move. But her dishonorable little tricks were nothing compared to real combat magic, so he knew he'd easily win against her.
Jun 4, 2016 4:48 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Lisa Lightshield
Health: 100% Prana: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Current Mood: Irritated

After hearing about what Hades and the girl had to say, it seemed Lisa was not alone. Icarus was also quite angry, but unlike her, he burst out in it. Like him, Lisa did not care about the girl's past enough to actually bring a tear to her eye. Icarus' outburst made Lisa step to his side, actually holding her hand diagonally in front of him to hold him back. "Calm down, Icarus. This is not the time, nor the place. Your anger or irritation, whatever it is, will not help anything.".

After she said that, she looked towards the little girl, "Just like him, I wish to challenge you to a duel. Your past.. quite sad, yet.. it lacks originality. I have been in the front lines, and heard of countless stories such as these. Unfortunately.. I can't seem to care a lot about it. Condolences.". Lisa slowly lowered her head in form of respect, although irritated, she was to remain calm as her soldier's spirit made it.

She was waiting in the elevator to get to the VR Room. It shouldn't take that long, or the elevator was really slow. Maybe the VR Room was very far away from where they entered. "Are we arriving soon, Hades?", Her respect to the God slightly remaining, she wished this journey in the elevator would end soon. A crammed room, two idiots and one irritated.
Jun 5, 2016 7:34 AM

Mar 2015

Alkura couldn't help but remain silent in the corner she chose, the elevator was most definitely slow, and people seemed to forget that she even existed. Well she supposed the whole remaining silent in the corner thing helped quite a bit, but still, how hard is it to notice a red haired wolf girl wielding an extendable combat baton? Was she really that short? Silently, Alkura blinked and looked at each of the people in here. From what she had overheard, three out of four of them were going to fight. Alkura didn't much like fighting, it always ended up in someone getting hurt. It was always bad all around for people.
Jun 5, 2016 1:31 PM

Aug 2013
Clymenus Vatos

He looked into the eyes of Aria Snow and saw a broken mind...which wasn't really that rare. He sees souls every day with a more grim look than hers, so it wasn't really that chilling to see. He was about to reply when the other two in the elevator spoke before him. In which case, he just kept quiet as he made the book vanish. In his personal opinion, he really didn't like the contenders that the other gods resurrected. He didn't choose neither of this mortals, but he had to suck it up and roll with it.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Lisa, asking when they were getting to the 2nd floor. It was right after she finished her question that the elevator arrived at the floor. "We've arrived. Follow me." He said, the doors of the elevator opening before he stepped out.
Jun 5, 2016 1:55 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Lisa Lightshield
Health: 100% Prana: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Current Mood: Irritated

As the elevator stopped, Hades mentioned that they had arrived. Obviously. It seemed like the floor they were in was floor 1, taking awhile to have them arrive at their current floor. Floor 2. It really was quite an interesting thing that the elevator was so slow. She wasn't very well versed with modern technology, but she had thought something like this would've moved faster. Maybe it was supposed to move at this pace.

After that, Hades left the elevator as the doors opened, with Lisa following him after letting out a sigh. "Quite a slow invention. Or are the floors far from each other?", Lisa asked as she stepped out of the elevator.
Jun 5, 2016 2:24 PM

Aug 2013
Aria snow(nickname Red Snow Demon)

Aria looked at the two her confronted her and just glared at them, just as she was about to reply the elevator had stopped and the doors opened. Aria walked out still carrying her scythe on her shoulders amd clicking her tongue then smirked.
Jun 5, 2016 2:42 PM
Oct 2014

After he yelled at the annoying girl, Lisa tried to calm him down. He was still upset at the girl, but as long as he could fight her it would be fine. He hadn't really paid much attention to the little girl who had made her way into the elevator. Lisa also wanted to challenge the one girl, it seemed the whole 'fight each other' plan of Hades was working out after all due to the general unlikability of some people. He also had a strange feeling something would be different about a fight in this 'VR room' due to his modern knowledge kicking in.

Icarus walked out after Hades left off through the opening elevator, entering the hallway.
Jun 5, 2016 6:02 PM

Mar 2015

Alkura sighed as the people in the elevator said nothing more, at least until they arrived on the proper floor. Once they arrived, Alkura waited until the others had started to leave the elevator, then she herself darted out. Through this action she left the elevator and entered the hallway.
conman2163Jun 5, 2016 6:12 PM
Jun 6, 2016 11:49 PM

Jul 2015

Avnore waited for the elevator to go down from the 2nd floor to the first. With that in mind, that tells him that there would be a higher chance someone would be in the 2nd floor. With that in mind, he decided to go to the 2nd floor instead of the 3rd. Once the elevator opened, Avnore walked inside and pressed the button that would take him to the 2nd floor. Avnore then waited for the elevator to take him up. It wasn't very long for him to make it to the 2nd floor as he was only a floor under. The elevator door then opened and Avnore walked out of the elevator.

Jun 10, 2016 11:27 PM

Apr 2013
Robin Hood II (True name: Anwen of Locksley)

Cautiously, Anwen was surprised as suddenly the room moved. She panicked a bit and tried to punch the door and even almost shot an arrow to it, but then it opened and she could see the hallway. She regained her calmness and cautiously walked out
Jun 16, 2016 8:11 AM

Oct 2015
Evangeline Boozle

She stepped in but she didn't want it to take too long so she clicked to go to Level 2.
Evangeline wondered at what kind of people she would meet. And what weapons she would see. Soon after the ding she waled out.

-----❀❀❀❀ art by vickisigh ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀
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