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Dec 6, 2015 7:48 AM

May 2014
Faction (Expedition or Extermination):

Power Explanation:


Bio (Minimal 75 words):
RazorDestinyApr 22, 2016 3:14 PM
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Apr 22, 2016 3:21 PM
Nov 2014
Name: Thouars
Age(16-60): 24
Gender: Female
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: Prism Chains
Power Explanation: She can create chains colored like the rainbow. She uses these mainly to capture enemies to transport them safely to her research center. The chains are very strong seeing as they are magic made but against humans they last for 3 posts. She can create a new pair every 6 posts and can have a max of 4 out at once. Against monsters the chains last for 20 posts
Weapons: She has some acids she throws when needed. She also has a katana

Appearance: Thouars is an incredibly beautiful young woman with long eyelashes, large breasts, delicate pink lips, and long slender legs. She has long straight silver hair that spreads out at the ends, and sky blue eyes. Her clothing color is usually associated with white. She wears a lab coat and mini skirt, as well as a helmet with a face plate at times. Her height is 161 cm and her three sizes: are B:90-W:57-H:85cm.

Personality: Thouars is a very cheerful and carefree girl. However she can become very sexual and horny at times
Bio: Thouars isn't just an ordinary human. She came from another world. She was experimenting with some teleporters and ended up on Earth. She found out the Earth was slowly breaking down and that there was a certain source for it. Being as carefree as she is Touars went on a search to find this source. She learned about a school named WildStar. She got the location and went to the forest behind which it should've been. But when she entered she just ended up at the entrance of the woods again. She was baffled and immediatly began writing down about what she just learned. She went to explore further and found most places were overrun by monsters. She found the Expedition Division and was explained a bit about the current situation. She joined them and now is helping them to try and find what is going on with WildStar
Apr 22, 2016 3:25 PM

May 2014
Thouars approvald

RazorDestinyApr 23, 2016 3:14 AM
Apr 22, 2016 3:46 PM

May 2014
Name: Nyra/Ryan Lionsheart
Age(16-60): 25
Gender: male and female
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Extermination

Power: Quadra no Kenshi
Power Explanation: Nyra/Ryan Has the power of his four ancient blades. One problem however, each blade has its own mind in controlling, switching Ryan to Nyra, or the other way around, when so desired. Each blade has their own fighting style, speed based or strength based, both however, have the ability to slash through magic, getting rid of it entirely be it to defend or when attacking, even though it seems his attacks are only physical and have no magical attribute. He commonly has his 2 calmer modes, in which he either has his broadsword as a male, or a katana as a female. He/she is often found in this mode, and even then gives more than plenty of power and resistance to who dares try to fight. When things get really heated though, or in some moments when he just decides to, he unlocks the more powerful forms. Going from male, he gets a great power boost, dealing destructive damage while maintaining a higher speed than usual, already tremendous in the eyes of those who watch. Going from Nyra to her powerful form, she gains an extra katana and tremendous speed and technique, with a strength boost as well, the speed itself giving a tremendous strength to hits themselves, making it seem like she has both. In bothe modes He/She has amazing resistance. Problem is he cant always control his changes, making him randomly swap when he doesnt want to. Not much else is known of his power, only that its amazing ability came from long and hard vigorous fighting since even before the starting of the calamity, already involved in whatever has been happening since day 1

Weapons: Broadsword, katana



Personality: He is calm and relaxed, liking to hang out and just have a chat, while obviously also keeping his sterner and more serious side as well when needed. Can get quite heated and easily pissed when in his power mode though, leaving all sense of filter go as well.
She is a bit colder, leaving not much space for jokes and focusing on whats in front of her first. Enraged she too becomes more foul mouthed, but has a clearer mind
Bio (Minimal 75 words):
Ryan and Nyra, two friends since growing up. The story of their past is quite hidden for a matter of fact though, and no one actually knows that Ryan and Nyra werent one to begin with, having originated from the power. These two friends had gone exploring, as they often liked doing, and fallen into a cave. Bruised and wounded, they made their ways through to find an exit, while more and more sounds of creatures were heard around them. They tried to hurry on before they would get caught, but eventually found themselves in a room without an exit. Turning around, having just a shimmer of light from way above them, they could see that these werent normal creatures. These were monsters, abominations. They could hear the sound of a woman far above, laughing and walking away. The two didnt look up for long, trying to find a way out, before they suddenly got attacked. Ryan protected Nyra by taking the first hit, leaving him mortally wounded. Falling over with the two of them, they landed on something hard, other than ground. Nyra felt down, feeling the blade of a sword and picked it up. She slashed at the enemies like she had never done before, the sword dancing in her hand. After having scared the monsters off a bit, she put the sword down, a sword who had 4 crests on it, and ran over to Ryan, looking at his wounds, panicking on what to do, when she suddenly heard steps behind her. Before she could even turn around, she felt the cool metal going through her chest, looking down in shock, the metal having gone through Ryan's as well. She saw the 4 crests sticking out just underneath her, then everything went black. When she woke up, she was equipped with a katana as if she always had, and Ryan was nowhere to be found, yet he felt close. After some time, their first switch happened, making them aware of whats going on. Ever since then theyve been training on it, having gone through countless adventures, eventually bringing them to the calamity, being one of the first to enter the forest, and one of the only two to survive those first encounters and stay sane, having taken a different path than his companion, though he still trusts the Expedition leader completely
RazorDestinyApr 23, 2016 9:29 AM
Apr 22, 2016 5:55 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Rowen Bedivere

Age(16-60): 17

Gender: Female

Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: Battle Horn of the Marshall

Power Explanation:

Rowen posses a horn that when blown the Horn allows Rowen to summon two other knights of the round table to aid her in battle. The first is Gawain, who is armed with a pike, and uses it with an average amount of skill. The second is Sagramore, who is armed with a sword and shield and uses both with a small amount of skill as well. These knights will stay with Rowen until they are dismissed by her, or defeated in battle. If defeated in battle, the knights will not be able to join her again until the next battle. When summoned the knights will appear right next to Rowen with their swords drawn.

Weapons: A kite shield and a hand and a half double edged sword


Personality: friendly, happy, headstrong and overall ready to help. She won't stand for those who disrespect her friends, and isn't afraid to use her horn if she needs to. Arwen also has a hot temper as well, and even the smallest insult can provoke her to challenge an opponent to a duel. She has no qualms about challenging a more powerful enemy either, as she believes that the only way to get stronger is to get knocked down every once and a while. However now that she watched the horrific scene that she did, she has a dead look in her eyes, and no joy in her voice. She has difficulty sleeping, and when she does she's plagued by nightmares. She has issues making friends, or even really interacting with anyone at all.

Bio (Minimal 75 words): Rowen is the reincarnation of Sir Bedivere, of the knights of the round table. After being reincarnated and inducted into school made for people like her, or guardians, Rowen joined a mission to save a foreign land from a rival that she thought was dead, Mordred. After a long and drawn out battle, the forces of Mordred eventually overcame the poorly prepared guardians, and wiped out the vestiges of resistance. Rowen, was dragged towards a line, and thrown in it, stripped of her weapons, left with only her horn. The line was being marched slowly towards a stand made for hanging prisoners. As she watched, her friends and comrades were all killed, one by one, until only she remained. and in a cruel twist of fate, instead of being allowed to rest in peace with them, Mordred herself gave her back her weapons and armor, and told her to leave the island, and to live with the memories of her friend's deaths. She became empty, cold, distant. She wondered the land, doing work here and there, until finally she found her way to an organization known as the Expedition after wondering into a strange forest one day. She decided to join the Expedition, hoping to do good to not have to watch her friends and comrades be murdered again, an image that haunts her dreams, her memories, and shows up every time she closes her eyes. Along with the haunting images has come a side effect of the reincarnation, with her memory fading, yet another thing that makes it worst for her in the long run.
Apr 22, 2016 6:01 PM

May 2014
Rowen Approvald!

RazorDestinyApr 23, 2016 3:14 AM
Apr 23, 2016 12:06 AM

Jul 2014
Name: Sena Misato
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Faction: Expedition (Leader)

Power: Re:Endless
Power Explanation: Existance can be described as an infinite loop, going through birth, life, death and reincarnation before starting all over again, forever, for either animate or inanimate objects. Every creation in the world follows this unstoppable process that goes for all eternity.
However, Sena was granted the power to sever the limitless circle and manipulate the clock of life to an extent, be it clockwise or counter-clockwise. Thus, she has 3 main abilities.
  • Replay, the Art of Mimicking

  • Rewind, the Art of Fixing

  • Restart, the Art of Trial

Weapons: shotgun, military knife, stun gun, wires


Personality: Sena can be described as curious, thing that is obvious given she's the leader of the Expedition Division. However, even if it is said that curiosity killed the cat, Sena doesnt really care, given that she's more or less immortal. Sena is kinda enigmatic and mysterious, having a passion for metaphores, riddles and puzzles, thus granting her sort of a playful aura. Sena is sometimes pretty childish, wanting to find out about the world around her, but she aint reckless to jump in without thinking, even if sometimes curiosity gets the best of her, so someone has to sometimes looks after her.
Sena is a very nice young woman, friendly and kind, willing to help her subordonates, neutral people and even members of the Extermination Army in need. However, she aint naive, so she is not easy to be fooled by dirty tricks and she can sometimes seem skeptical. She is very intelligent and creative, a good strategist and a teamworker. She is very calm, only possible to get her over excited as it is hard to annoy her past her limit. Also, Sena is a lady, so you will rarely hear her swear or act unpolitely.
Bio: Sena was raised in a mansion on a remote island, she being the only daughter of the head of a rich family and a diplomat. However, if you think that her life was 100% happy, it wasnt.
Her mother died after her birth, and she wasnt even her father's wife, more like an affair as the man had children and a family with another woman. In fear that the wife could discover the fruit of his infidelity, he hid Sena in a hidden establishment in the forest with a trusty servant of his as he marked the area of that house as "forbidden" as to avoid his official children to wander in there. Like this Sena has lived for years, away from her half siblings and her father visiting rarely as she spent her life only with the old maid, woman that she started to love like a mother.
However, as much as she loved her and her father, she couldnt live all her life locked away, so one day she started planning her escape, even managing to convince a man in charge of the mansion's supplies to take her away with him. After packing up in secret she leaved the mansion when nobody was watching and tried to sneak out to the hidden harbor by the cliff at the ocean. Unfortunately, Sena slipped and fell to her demise, landing on rougb rocks and ending her life... But was it really over?
(Under construction)
LightSpark090Apr 27, 2016 12:02 PM
Apr 23, 2016 1:27 AM

Apr 2014
Name: Jack
Age(16-60): 25
Gender: make
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition although a lot of people think he should be in extermination just because of his power which annoys him quite a bit but hes used to it

Power: The hunt
Power Explanation:
He can turn into a werewolf once a day for thirty posts

This ones more passive but natural he has enhanced smelling so once he knows what hes smelling is he'll go after it

Weapons: none


Personality: generally kind and caring but he is perverted
Bio (Minimal 75 words): He grew up without a father or a mother he lived in an orphanage until he was sixteen and got himself a job eventually someone decided to rob the store he worked at and the man ran away but Jack already has his scent so the man got found quickly although Jack had accidentally killed the man because of his transformation he then heard rumors of this place and came here to hopefully find out about his family not caring how bad things might be
SleeplessVampireApr 23, 2016 1:32 AM
Apr 23, 2016 2:17 AM

May 2014
alright, in that case I can approve him

Jack approvald

-needs to refind his stamp-

RazorDestinyApr 23, 2016 3:14 AM
Apr 23, 2016 2:40 AM

Apr 2013
Name: Shimura Akane
Age(16-60): 20
Gender: Female
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: The Blade and Spirit of Blood
Power Explanation: Akane has a mystical cursed sword in the form of a katana which she can summon from almost any part of her body. The sword is stronger than most but not indestructible. It can also vanish into a red mist which comes back into her. It has a red ribbon which she can use to extend the sword's reach and also pull it back to her. The sword's main power is regeneration; for every drop of the enemy's blood it absorbs, it heals Akane and repairs itself. The sword also has side effects to Akane's body. First, it gives her enhanced reflexes, speed and strength and makes her more easily smell blood, primarily through scent, next, it also makes her have cravings for it. Third, when it absorbs enough blood or when she drinks enough, she starts to become more unstable and animalistic. The more she turns into the monster, the higher her physical attributes (such as speed, agility and strength) will be but the less intelligence she will have, as she would basically be just looking for blood to taste, whether that be her enemies' or her allies' blood. After she becomes a total monster, she needs to be deprived of blood in order to turn back. After she turns back, she'll remember every single thing she did. Only human blood can heal her or turn her into a psychopath, but she needs to drink a vial of blood at least once everyday or else she would revert to the monster and seek blood for herself.

Weapons: Blade of Blood


Personality: Akane is usually calm and reserved. She is usually stern and hesitant to socialize other than to do her mission. She's often quiet and can be scary at first. The more she succumbs to her bloodlust, the more psychotic she becomes, and when she goes full on, she basically turns into a laughing psychopath craving for blood. She despises the curse and resents having to kill animals to drink their blood everyday.

Bio: Shimura Akane was brought up in relative harmony until supernatural events started to happen around her. Her parents were often called into emergencies, as they were part of the supernatural task force. They one day brought in a sword and put it in lock down, saying that she should never come near it. She never did, until one day a major supernatural occurrence occurred, and a serial murderer had gotten the power to control minds. He used the minds of people to kill eachother, and the effects were transmitted through blood. Her parents had told her to get to a safe place within the house as they fought off the now zombified citizens, but one of them escaped and was chasing her down. Panicking, she went to the place where the sword was stored and used it to slash the attacker, splattering blood over the blade... and her lips. As she tasted blood, she started to yearn for it as the sword started to bond with her, and then she smiled. The next thing she knew, she was on top of corpses, her mouth lined with blood, and her eyes filled with horror as her two parents laid before her, dead.

A government detachment found her hours later, and brought her to a facility where she was taught that she would work under them, and perhaps they could find a cure. She had no choice and so was trained to fight and investigate, as well as control her lust and her powers to some extent. Hearing that a place was rumored to exist where beings with supernatural powers could be de-powered after they left it, she took a mission to explore and investigate the area, hoping to rid of the curse forever.
Apr 23, 2016 2:54 AM

May 2014
Hmmm, with regen, I guess I can approve if the extra status enhancements aren't too big, as thatd be heals and extra power. Just try to not overpower the skills when RPing~

Shiumra Akane Approvald

-seriously, where's that stamp gone-

RazorDestinyApr 23, 2016 3:15 AM
Apr 23, 2016 9:58 AM
Nov 2014
Name: Lilith Tokisaki
Age(16-60): 20
Gender: Female
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Extermination

Power: Zafkiel
Power Explanation:
Lilith will tranform changing her outfit and will make a big clock appear behind her
Lilith has a gun which can active different effects depending on the bullet
First Bullet: Aleph (Accelerates time on target object or subject) Activated by pointing at 1 o'clock time on the clock. Useable only on herself or other humans. Gives them 2x speed for 2 posts and the bullet is useable every 5 posts
Second Bullet: Bet (Slows down time on a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 2 o'clock time on the clock. Useable on monsters or animals only. Gives them 2x less speed for 2 posts and the bullet is useable every 5 posts
Third Bullet: Gimmel (Effect Currently Unknown)
Fourth Bullet: Dalet (Effect Currently Unknown)
Fifth Bullet: Hei (Effect Currently Unknown)
Sixth Bullet: Vav (Effect Currently Unknown)
Seventh Bullet: Zayin (Temporarily freezes time on a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 7 o'clock time on the clock. Only useable on animals and monsters. Freezes them for 4 posts and the bullet is useable every 9 posts
Eight Bullet: Het (Creates a clone of a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 8 o'clock time on the clock. Only useable on herself. Max of 4 clones and if one dies it will hurt her. One clone can be created every 6 posts
Ninth Bullet: Tet (allows Lilith to share her sense with someone from different time dimension) Activated by pointing at the 9 o'clock time on the clock. Useable one time a week
Tenth Bullet: Yud (Peeks into the past of a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 10 o'clock time on the clock. Useable once a week
Eleventh Bullet: Yud Aleph (Effect Currently Unknown)
Twelfth Bullet: Yud Bet (Effect Currently Unknown)
Lilith's power has a drawback on it which can kill her. Her skills all take the same amount of life essence (10) and she has a life essence of 120. So if she spams her skills she can die. However, her essence refills itself every time a new day comes so 12 AM. She can also kill monsters and humans (she won't kill humans unneeded) to drain essence from them (5)
Weapons: A flintlock pistol, a musket and a big clock which appears behind her so she can activate her skills.

Appearance: Lilith is a girl with astonishing beauty as described by many others. She appears to be elegant and has very good manners. She has long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red tinted while her left eye appears as a gold, inorganic clock face. The clock's position represent her "time" and is covered by bangs. The clock starts at 12 representing 10 life essence and when it hits 12 again she will die. The clock will however move forward whenever she gets new life essence. Lilith is also in a wheelchair due to an injury she got in the past. Though her clones can walk normally. Kurumi's height is stated to be 157cm, and her three sizes are B85/W59/H87. Normally she wears normal shirts and jogging pants seeing she doesn't care about how she looks. However in her power form she gets a beautiful dress which is made out of orange and black frills. She has uneven twintails and wears a big crimson net to hold her hair down.

Power form:

Personality: Lilith is a person whose personality is hard to read. She is a skilled actress, capable of putting on the façade of an innocent, curious young girl when she needs to. However, under that mask lies a psychotic woman, prone to fits of insane laughter and possessing no regard for human life, regarding them as a food source to restore her own time, and thus, a disposable commodity. In hindsight, Lilith possesses some degree of innocence that her psychotic behavior has not entirely ruined; she has a soft spot for small animals and other creatures. She once slaughtered four humans not because she needed to replenish her time, but because they were trying to kill a kitten
Bio (Minimal 75 words): Lilith isn't an ordinary person. She isn't from the time most other people are from in the state the world is now. Lilith is from the old Wildstar. She was sent away but had no clue why, it was way too sudden. However she forgot most of it and can only remember so many things. She wanted to see what the world would be like in later years and so time traveled to the current time. She used the Twelfth bullet for this but she forgot that it existed after arriving in the new time. This means to her the effect of the Twelfth bullet is unknown, or to anyone. She always loved to mess around with people, which she is extremely good at and has always been, but wanted to see how everything would be handled. She knew that in one of the homes her old diary was and hoped people would find it some time to reveal that she wasn't from the current times. She now wants to live along the people and try to act like she is like them. She joined the Extermination Faction. This is mainly because she could kill, something she didn't mind, but it was also key for her survival.
CalCeeeumApr 23, 2016 11:30 AM
Apr 23, 2016 11:32 AM

May 2014

Unless someone else has input on it, ofcourse xD
Apr 23, 2016 1:18 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Helios Forschner

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Faction: Extermination Army

Power: Imperium's Finest

Power Explanation: Helios is just a mere man, nothing supernatural about him, he can't shoot laser beams out of his eyes, he can't fly or breathe fire, he doesn't have cybernetic enhancements, he can't use magic or any of this inhumane nonsense. But the years of lone survival in the lush forests of Callius IV and probably some influence of the Warp gave his persona quite superhuman properties, merely extending his normal human limits to their possible peak.

Left alone in the wilderness, private Forschner learned many survival skills and developed his strength, endurance and perception to the peak of ordinary human capabilities. His aim is so pristine, he can land a shot with his trusty lasgun at a small coin from as far as two miles and in closer engagements he can unleash devastating attacks at high speed and accuracy at multiple opponents at once, example of such feat was elimination of five Ork Boyz in less than seven seconds at twenty meter range, and Orks are tough. In close combat Helios uses his simple combat knife, but the tricks he can do with it might be left unrivaled even by martial art experts, even though Forschner's moves are pretty simple, but highly effective. The breathing and energy conservation techniques he developed allow him to run a marathon at normal pace in full gear for fifteen hours without taking a break. To tell more about his endurance - he proved to be able to hold breath and still stay conscious for twenty five minutes and survive fifteen gunshot wounds, still able to keep fighting.

In the wilderness sometimes Helios had to spend ten days on a tree without any access to water other than from poisonous leaves (which should kill a normal person, but Helios managed to persist) and his own urine. While crossing the sea on a self-made raft, Helios survived for more than a month with no access to any sort of food. But if he's not restricted in his movements and he is out in the wild - he can find food and shelter almost anywhere and make almost anything edible. Scarred, battered, burned and starved his body learned to adapt to most situations the harsh survival might throw at him, this man's morale and will to live are unbeatable.

Private Helios Forschner of the 375th Cadian Regiment is a living example of Man being able to stand in the same row with the supernatural.

1. Experimental Mars-pattern Lasgun - a laser rifle able to deal serious damage to light-armored opponents, burning through armor and flesh alike. Experimental fusion generator installed in the lasgun allows it function for at least a hundred years with no need of reloading. It's rate of fire in Helios's hands allows to make three shots per post, but on the down side - after every twelve shots it needs one post to cool down, unable to shoot. As well, it's very ineffective against heavy-armored opponents, so Helios would have to go for the weak spots only. Every model goes with 3x scope.

2. Standard-issue Heavy Pistol - a pistol that surprisingly shoots .44 ammo that can be found on Earth in abundance. If Helios changes his weapon to the pistol - he can shoot once in that turn. If he's been equipped with a pistol, he can shoot twice per turn. After every seven shots he has to reload for a turn. He carries three spare mags at all times.

3. Combat Knife - a standard combat knife that every Guardsman has. Can be attached as a bayonet to the lasgun, deals normal knife damage and Helios can attack two times per turn with it.

4. Flak Armour - Flak Armour is manufactured from multiple layers of ablative and shock-absorbent materials that are primarily ceramic in origin and are intended to deflect and absorb the kinetic energy of a weapons strike or blow. The armour provides little protection from a direct weapons strike, though the protection it provides is sufficient to deflect damage from shrapnel, adjacent, though not direct explosions, and ricochets. It's also good in heat dispersal, giving some degree of protection against heat attacks. Only protects the chest area, shoulders and head, so it has lots of weak spots - arms, legs, crotch, belly and face.


Personality: Helios haven't talked to people for five years while trapped on the wild planet of Callius IV, so he is a bit distant and likes being alone sometimes. He has nothing against people though, in two years of his time on Earth he got accustomed to the local culture, language and social ethics. Being a human from a galaxy where men were enemies with lots of different dangerous species that wanted only death to them, Helios likes other humans, but despises mutants and abominations. He is very determined and strong-willed, nothing in the Universe could possibly break his will or morale, and with that determination comes his devotion to ideology and absolute loyalty. Believes in God-Emperor.

Helios Forschner was born on the war-torn planet of Cadia into a poor family who lived mostly by scavenging and crime. As any kid on Cadia, Helios learned how to disassemble, assemble and shoot a lasgun to kill a heretic in less than ten seconds at the age of eleven. His parents were not a very kind sort and started using him for their own good as soon as he learned to walk and speak, so he didn't share a lot of love to his family. Eventually when Helios was 18 years old, Imperial authorities caught his father and mother scavenging at a battlefield, condemning them to execution and forcefully enlisting their son into the Imperial Guard - the one military organization where everyone has lifespan of a year at max, with some rare exceptions, and Helios was one of the lucky few.

He proved himself to be a worthy soldier during the 13th Black Crusade when the whole of Cadia fought against the seemingly endless armies of Chaos led by Abaddon the Despoiler. He was promoted from a recruit to private, finally removing that white stripe on his helmet. Unexpectedly, orders from High Command on Terra requested the 375th Cadian Regiment to be relocated from Cadia to the Callius sector which suffered heavily from an Ork Waaaagh! led by Warboss Grimtooth. Helios and his regiment boarded the transport ships and left their burning homeworld to wage war in another part of the Galaxy.

For two years Helios was fighting the greenskins with his fellow brothers-in-arms, seeing hundreds of his fellow guardsmen die every day, but nothing could ever break his morale. For the unrivaled feats of Helios's morale, he was to be promoted to the rank of Sergeant, but he never saw the day of his promotion. Scouting the forests of Callius IV with his small recon team, Helios and his brothers were caught in an ambush of sneaky Ork Kommandos, far from the support range of the main forces. Guardsmen fought to the last against the greenskin threat, but in the end their morale wavered and the team succumbed to the greenskin force. Helios never wavered and was fighting to the last moment, until... he tripped and fell from a large cliff, landing in a river. For a day his unconscious body followed the stream until he was washed onto a shore far away from his regiment.

First months of Helios's separation were spent on trying to reach his camp, as he followed the river upstream. It was rough at first, he had to fight off angry local wildlife, find food, suffer from alien diseases and occasional Orks. But all that only contributed to his strength, instead of breaking his will. Eventually he reached the cliff from which he fell off and was astonished by the height of it, but it didn't slow him down as he started climbing it, which would seem to be insane to any other man but him. Climbing the cliff took him a whole day and a whole night without sleep nor rest, but of course he managed to do it and find the way to his camp. To his shock, it wasn't a campsite anymore, it was a graveyard. Entire hill was covered in decaying corpses of orks and his fellow guardsmen, everything was washed with blood and spikes with human heads were raised atop the hill. The radios in the camp gave off nothing but static. His regiment left the system.

For next five years he had to survive in this wilderness, fighting against nonexistent odds and overwhelming hardships. He was determined to survive and believed that God-Emperor was watching over him and protecting him. His belief gave him strength and his loyalty to the Imperium kept him inclined to find at least some way of contacting local human colonies if there were any left or finding some other groups of guardsmen who were left behind, but managed to stay alive. He was sure that he could get back in touch with humanity, but he never expected that it would happen the way it did.

On the fifth year of his lone survival, something terrifying happened - a warpstorm was raging in the skies and the daemons of Chaos were raining down on this green planet. Normal things turned to bizarre, Orks were terrified and ran for their lives, waterfalls were falling into the skies and chunks of ground were torn from the planet's crust and lifted upwards, ignoring the laws of gravity. Helios feared for the worst - if his fellow brethren failed and Abbadon's Black Crusade had succeeded, but he refused to believe in such heretical nonsense, persisting on his task as it was prior to the warpstorm. But it was only a matter of days until the ground before him was hit by a purple lighting and everything started to fall into an abyss, including him. His thoughts were that he was going through a portal into the Warp. But on the other end of this abyss he found something he did not expect.

He found himself on Earth, which was the old name for Terra, approximately three years after weird things started to happen there. Helios was one of those weird things. He never got to understand if it was time travelling or if he was sent to a different universe, to a different Terra, but it didn't matter as he completed his task and reunited with other humans. His life was one of fighting, as he helped various military groups to cope against the chaos that was happening on this Earth. He rarely spoke about his origins, and if he did - he only mentioned some parts of it, tearing them out of context. Eventually he joined in with the Extermination Army, inclined to help humanity in ongoing crisis and save Terra for the glory of the God-Emperor.

Glorous Theme Song! Emperor Protects!:
Kris_RebelApr 24, 2016 2:39 AM
Apr 23, 2016 2:28 PM

Jul 2011
Name: Ifro C. Nero
Age(16-60): 22
Gender: Male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Extermination

Power: Ninjustu

Power Explanation: He has basic ninja training. The ability to par core and other things similar to that. Jumping to extreme heights. Able to land from ridiculous heights without hurting himself. He can blend into shadows as well. He is slightly stronger than the average human and much faster and agile than one as well. As most ninja's have, he has a teleportation ability that can only be used outside of combat. It allows him to disappear into a shadow and go to another location instantly. Like a ninja he can wall and water run/stand.(this includes ceilings)

Weapons: A Katana and a Hand Cannon. The Hand cannon has two shots in it before it has to reload which takes an entire post to do.


Personality: He is a mute so he does not speak with words but either with a notepad or with gestures. He does not know sign language to well as it wasn't taught to him. He is a rather flirtatious mute however. Although his expression might be blank his intentions are purely for winning the heart of the females he finds attractive. On business he becomes much more serious. He is usually focused on his work until the end. By his creed he does not harm females in anyway on purpose and will do anything in his power to defend them. To his male friends he will seem pretty normal for a mute. He is not one to get angry or to experience any emotion to a heavy extent.

Bio (Minimal 75 words): Being the eldest brother of a family of many sisters and few brothers, Ifro was the first to learn combat after his elder sister left to work for the police in another city. He had to protect the family in her stead and so he learned Ninjutsu from their father. Mastering the basics of Ninjustsu, Ifro was ready. He only managed the basic combat of Ninjustu but it was more than lehal against the unsuspecting enemy. One day his little sister left their home to go study about another city. He was worried for her but she was one of the people in the clan who were inherently super powered. This was something only a few Family members had. Eve his older sister, Ibuki, had to learn her magic before she was able to harness it. His first little sister was possibly more powerful than both of them. Hearing about her leaving saddened him but everyone had to fly the coop eventually that was when he received a mail. It was a mail telling him to go to a certain forest if he ever wanted to see his little sister again. Without a second thought he left to his new destination.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Apr 24, 2016 3:38 AM

May 2014
Helios Forschner
Ifro C. Nero

As always, do make sure to keep things reasonable with RPing! :D

Apr 24, 2016 7:58 AM

Apr 2014

Name: Ren Kurosaki
Age(16-60): 25
Gender: male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination):Extermination

Power: the strings of fate (thats what he calls them)
Power Explanation:
He holds a weapon that is based on wired they are seemingly endless (does not mean he can stretch these strings out for miles the maximum here is 30 meter radius) he can also form weapons out of these wires (no ranged weapons but he can form a spear) he often uses these wires as a motion detector (limit here is said ) these wires are also sharp so he often sets up traps with these (he controls wether they cut or not)


Kind and caring to his allies cruel and cold and sadistic to his enemies

Bio (Minimal 75 words):
He grew up with a cruel father who would always hurt him he has plently of scars from this by the way but the only noticable one is an x on his neck his father put the cuts there to tell Ren pretty much that he would be stabbed there if he ever snitched and it kept him quiet for a while and eventually he began wandering the streets and found something on the ground and he picked it up and it almost instantly bound to his hands although he was able to remove it but he found out he could control the wires coming from this thing and he decided to set up a trap for his father amd caught him in it (quick little gore alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you actually read the bios XD ) his father had gotten caught in the trap and was stuck in the air with non cutting wires Jack used this time to laugh a little to himself and he got a knife and walked over to his father 'oh you could have lived longer but your mistakes will always be your downfall' he said to his father with a wicked grin then he went over to the father and he began slowly skinning the man causing Ren to laugh wickedly as the man screamed his lungs out and eventually he began gutting the man and once he was done with that he cut off the mans head made a spike putting his head on it and then proceeding to put the spike up some unmentionable place... And even after he still feels good about what he did infact he even sold the house with the body guts and skin still there except the guts were mounted on walls using nails once the purchase was done and over with Jack left to go find this school although to be honest hes just here to kill other things his father was an enemy to hime(he doesnt know about the expedition group)


SleeplessVampireApr 26, 2016 4:08 PM
Apr 24, 2016 10:32 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Paul "Lucky" Jackson
Age(16-60): 28
Gender: Male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Unchosen

Power Explanation: None, lucky is just your average Joe, except you know, U.S. marine trained and all.


M8A4 Advanced Combat Rifle: The official rifle of the 2077 U.S. military, when Paul uses this weapon, he's spot on with it. Paul can chose from three firemodes, semi auto, three round burst, or full auto. When firing semi auto, Paul may make two shots per post, for up to three posts, at which point he must reload, taking one full post to do so. On three round burst, paul may make two burst fire shots, shooting four bullets in rapid succession, and must reload after two posts of this. On full auto, Paul may make a full auto shot, immediately emptying the entirety of his gun and requiring that he reload. Paul's rifle is carried on a sling so that Paul may equip his pistol by dropping his rifle. He carries three spare magazines. His rifle is also equipped with a 1x-4x zoom adjustable optic, and a flashlight and laser that is visible to nightvision. Accuracy is based on distance.

Accuracy chart:

Short: Low accuracy

Mid: Medium accuracy

Long: Low accuracy

Liger 10 Cal. Pistol: Paul can use this gun on the semi auto firemode. He must reload every two posts instead though, but he may fire two shots per post. Paul can switch to his pistol at any time, however it will require him to lose a grip on his rifle. He carries two spare magazines. An underbarrel flashlight is attached to this weapon.

Paul also carries two glowsticks, a flare, a 9 inch k-bar combat knife, a regular flashlight, two smoke grenades (capable of producing a thick smokescreen for two minutes), and a PVS-10 Thermal laced nightvision helmet piece for combat at night.

Bullets loaded into both of the guns are impact rounds only, and will not pierce the skin. Think of a super duper high caliber paintball fired from a gun capable of breaking bones with three or four impacts. While it won't kill you, it will hurt like shit.


Personality: Outgoing and generally always happy, Paul likes to look on the bright side of things, all the time. Having nearly been killed to many times then he could count, he tends not to dwell on anything too long. He let's everything just roll off his back, and likes to be too sarcastic for his own good. The only time you'll ever really catch him being serious is when he is getting shot at.

Bio (Minimal 75 words):Biography:

Apr 25, 2016 6:00 AM
Nov 2014
Is the character still in progress or?

Apr 25, 2016 7:21 AM
Nov 2014
Apr 25, 2016 11:10 AM

Apr 2014
Name: Lily (her last name is unknown to her hell she doesn't even remember anything about her past)
Age(16-60): 19
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): sge hasn't decided yet (for a little bit she will be watching both sides of things then she'll make a choice
Power: the four talismans
Power Explanation:
She summons four talismans

One controls fire (a simple blast of fire if she punches the
Talisman towards her opponent and of she throws it it will explode(she can only do the explosion once per battle)

The second is the same as fire but its electicity and she can summon multiple and make them surround her and form an electric wall around her (this last for three posts) she can punch the talisman to shoot electricity at someone or somethingthe wall doednt block attacks it harms people near it and she can use it omce for battle

The third is the talisman of binding

It binds the target for five posts (they are still able to use ranged attacks but as far as close combat goes its a no as she is a ranged fighter abd this talismam is used once per battle)

The fourth is the talisman of stealth (she can turn invisible for five posts)

The first 2 have a range of 10 meters

3rd has range of 20 meters

She can use stealth as much as she wants as long as she isn't vin combat although its cool down is 30 posts

And she can have only one active one (the binding one doesn't count for this she combines it with electricty or fire

She can summon the fire talisman enough to get her through the fight but elelectricity has a 15 post cool down

The binding only works on one target if they are spread out if theur like back to back or an inch away from eachother here comes an exception except the one the power partially binds can easily break free as it would only be the leg bound as for the one whos completely bound the bindings cant be broken through but as i said before the bound enemy can still fight

And yes the thrown range is the same

Paper talismans


She also has cat ears

Personality: kind caring and cheerful but shy although if driven far enough in battle she becomes more aggresive and she shows hints of perversion from time to time (this means shes a pervert but she just hides it)
Bio (Minimal 75 words):

she woke up in a forest with no memories only her name she remembers she was soon attacked and she killed the monsters although afterwards a voice played in her head 'go to wildstar and all shall be clear' the voice said to her and she had began wandering the forest eventually finding the town and the school but now shes lost in the town and whats rolling through her head was the names of the two forces saying to join one in order to succeed in her own quest as she cant fight alone
SleeplessVampireApr 26, 2016 4:05 AM
Apr 25, 2016 11:17 AM

Jul 2014
Any cool down between talisman summonings? How many can she summon per turn? How many can she have active at once? What's the range for the first three talisman types? How many times can she use the stealth talisman?
Apr 25, 2016 11:32 AM

Apr 2014
LightSpark090 said:
Any cool down between talisman summonings? How many can she summon per turn? How many can she have active at once? What's the range for the first three talisman types? How many times can she use the stealth talisman?

The first 2 have a range of 10 meters

3rd has range of 20 meters

She can use stealth as much as she wants as long as she isn't vin combat although its cool down is 30 posts

And she can have only one active one (the binding one doesn't count for this she combines it with electricty or fire

She can summon the fire talisman enough to get her through the fight but elelectricity has a 15 post cool down
Apr 25, 2016 11:39 AM

Jul 2014
How many times can she summon the electric wall? What is its "durability"? (is it indestructible or something?)
Radius of explosion? Is the thrown range as big as the punched range?
Just to confirm, the binding works on only one target, right?
Those cooldown are somewhat ridiculously high. Lower them, please
Apr 25, 2016 1:17 PM

Apr 2014
LightSpark090 said:
How many times can she summon the electric wall? What is its "durability"? (is it indestructible or something?)
Radius of explosion? Is the thrown range as big as the punched range?
Just to confirm, the binding works on only one target, right?
Those cooldown are somewhat ridiculously high. Lower them, please

I thought i put once for battle abd what do yiu reccommend i lower them to?
The blast radius of the explosion is 5 meters and the electric wall doesn't stop attacks it hurts anyone near the wall for three posts

The binding only works on one target if they are spread out if theur like back to back or an inch away from eachother here comes an exception except the one the power partially binds can easily break free as it would only be the leg bound as for the one whos completely bound the bindings cant be broken through but as i said before the bound enemy can still fight

And yes the thrown range is the same
Apr 25, 2016 6:17 PM

May 2014

Its either one of two facts, unchosen isnt really a thing there, sorry ._.
Apr 25, 2016 6:43 PM

Apr 2014
RazorDestiny said:

Its either one of two facts, unchosen isnt really a thing there, sorry ._.

Does the sane go for my character.... If so it fucks up the way i planned to play my character
Apr 25, 2016 8:08 PM

Mar 2015
awwwww...... so he can't just be neutral until he picks a side?
Apr 25, 2016 8:15 PM

May 2014
-le sigh-

Only if it doesnt take too long then
Apr 25, 2016 10:59 PM

Jul 2014
Ok, I think the abilities are good to go. Edit that into your sheet and you're approved (need a new stamp)
Apr 27, 2016 10:42 AM

Nov 2014
Name: Aiwass Aleister
Age(16-60): 17
Gender: Male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Extermination

Power: Dark Matter
Power Explanation: "Lore"(aka useless text):

The Actual Explanation and Capabilities:

Dark Matter Construction:
Aiwass can turn Dark Matter into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs. If he could ever master this ability, he could use it in almost any situation, creating anything they need for that specific situation.
But right now, he can only created objects of limited capabilities and sizes. Each of the constructs cannot be around for more than 5 turns, and Aiwass can make them disappear at will.
Most commonly, he uses this ability in order to create various weapons, ranging from blunt weapons, like bats, to more unnatural weapons like chains. Unfortunately, they are not as durable as normals ones, not that there is need for them to be durable, as they disappear in a matter of 5 turns.
He can make more complex weapons as well, for instance a gun, but it would take him two turns to make one. Then if he would try and make a shot gun or minigun, it would mean at least 2~3 posts of slowly and carefully creating them.
He can also create a wall of Dark Matter of sorts, which can withstand even an RPG missile, tho... It takes him a post to gather enough Dark Matter to make it dense enough to handle an RPG though. The wall is 2 meters high and 3 meters wide. If he were to create it normally, it without charging for a post, he could probably make a wall thick enough to stop a few bullets.
He can only keep 6 constructions open at a time.

Weapons: Dark Matter weapons


Personality: He is a rather "chill" type of person, disliking conflicts, and if possible avoiding them as well. Of course, life isn't as kind as that but he's simply learned to accept that fact.

Bio (Minimal 75 words): He was born in an orphanage. But just because of something like that, he wasn't some push-over or reject. In fact, he had a rather easy time making friends, he was pretty popular and hung out with them everyday.
But that kind of life style was rather... Boring. He did enjoy the time he spent there, but he didn't enjoy the amount of time he wasted like that.
One night, he snuck out of the orphanage and went off for adventures~
As he was going around everywhere, he came upon a weird forest. He then decided he might as well go to the forest, just because it felt interesting~
TheAnimeAdmiralApr 28, 2016 8:37 AM
Apr 27, 2016 5:03 PM

May 2015

Age: 24


Power: Fire and Ice scythe

Power Explanation: Morco's Scythe burns with fire said to be his anger at his creator and the ice ability is remembrance losing his young friend triv. The scythe will change color from red to blue when switching elements. Red: fire inferno the scythe sets ablaze causing increased damage and can cause third degree burns if close enough (it didn't make people all of a sudden cumbust into flames though it not accountable if a piece of clothing catches on fire when the blade makes contact.) .
Blue:The sword part is ice attacks. When Morco makes an attack with the sword any opponent he kills reform into a ice statue where he can take cover or even allies. He can also slow a an opponent (example 2 times faster then the average human. then they become 1.5 times faster then the average human.) for one turn if he lays a hit on them a thin layer of ice will surround them freezing them in a thin ice coffin the only people this does not effect those who have fire capabilities.

Weapon :

Pic :

Personality: He is a nice guy he just bears the scars of being tortured and has nightmares sometimes. He loves sweets and keeps a white rose pinned to his chest in remembrance of the one he tried to protect but failed.


Faction: Extermination

So I know i have to work on something's in this so ill edit it when I get on a computer to fix the writing errors i made. Other wise I'm done unless i need to fix more things.
Morco3131Apr 29, 2016 3:23 AM
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Apr 28, 2016 8:36 AM

Mar 2015

The Codex Astartes approves Aiwass Aleister. The Emperor Protects.

Kris_RebelApr 28, 2016 8:57 AM
Apr 29, 2016 3:55 AM

Mar 2015
(example 2 times faster then the average human. then they become 1.5 times faster then the average human.)

You've got a typo, change it to "slower" :3

The Codex Astartes approves Morco. The Emperor Protects.

May 4, 2016 11:07 PM

Jul 2015

Power:All-Seeing Eyes

Power Explanation:Avnore has special eyes that shine light blue and even when his eyes are closed, he can still see in the vision of humans.
One Eye: He can see farther and he can see in the dark. His eyes light up though so it will be hard if he is doing a stealth mission.
Both Eyes: He gains X-ray vision and can see as far as binoculars at their full potential. The only catch is that he can't use both his eyes at the same time for very long. If he keeps it open for a certain amount of time, he will start getting headaches and will get dizzy from it. (Duration = 2 posts, Cooldown = 5 posts)
Don't stare: If Avnore and someone else meets eyes, the person who looked into one of Avnore's eyes as Avnore looks at their eyes will be temporarily paralyzed. Avnore cannot use it again on the same person due to the eyes not allowing Avnore to use it again for a short time. (Paralyzation = 1 post Cooldown = 3 posts)
Weapons:A knife with a charge up meter. When every time Avnore blocks or parries a strike, depending on the power of the strike, the meter will go up from 1-10 depending on how strong it was. He can redirect the power back at the opponent by trying to strike at his opponent. If he misses or his knife gets parried, the force will be lost and he would have to wait a little while before the knife can absorb power from strikes again. (Cooldown = 3 posts)


Personality:When he isn't taking anything seriously, he acts goofy, chill and weird. He'd make jokes and try his best to prank others if he has the opportunity to. Though when things get serious, he is extremely serious and will not act goofy at all if that does happen. He is intelligent and clever when he is doing his work. He also does detective work so he could use his intelligence and cleverness. He is kind of sadistic seeing his friends suffer from his pranks or seeing someone suffer. He most enjoys it when it is someone he despises. Even though he is sadistic, he doesn't like taking anyone's lives since it seems unnecessary to do so. For that, he is also a merciful man for being sadistic. He isn't afraid to kill if the situation calls for it though.

Bio:Avnore found himself in the woods alone with no memory of his past life. Why? Because he was actually made into the world as a 20 year old man with powerful eyes during Earth's breakdown. He turned out to be an intelligent, clever, but also goofy man. He had a knack for detective work and he wanted to use his power to find out what the mysteries of the world were.
Avnore_AlterMay 6, 2016 11:55 PM

May 4, 2016 11:47 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Zeta
Age(16-60): 20-25
Gender: Unknown
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Extermination

Power: Mark of the Outsider
Power Explanation:

Mark of the Outsider (Picture):(The Mark faintly glows when Transversals are used, the mark is located on the back of Zeta's left hand.)

Transversal: What a Trasnversal looks like.

Wrist-Mounted Crossbow: fires a singular small bolt, takes one full post to reload.

Singular 1-Handed Sword: Single edge, 1-hand to use, a bit shorter than the average sword.


Personality: Zeta personality is rather surprising, given their mysterious appearance and past. Zeta is rather snarky, usually responding to questions sarcastically. If asked about their past, they'll give different answers each time, and the answer will usually be fabricated. Zeta's voice is obscured by a voice changer built into their helmet, making their voice sound somewhat deep, and robotic. Zeta's gender is indistinguishable, due to their obscuring armor and voice changer.

Bio (Minimal 75 words): While not much is known about Zeta's history personally, they are a highly regarded Mercenary, (or Assassin?) who is renowned in certain circles for being discreet, and they are said to run an entire network of mercenaries and assassins. It is bit of a mystery how and why Zeta has joined the Extermination Army. Although, there are rumors circulating as to why Zeta joined. While Zeta has quite the reputation, innocent, average, or more "law-abiding" people probably wouldn't know of them. Zeta possesses the Mark of the Outsider, and they apparently gained it at some point early on in their career as a mercenary. Zeta occasionally converses with the "Outsider" who can appear before Zeta in visions and in their dreams.
MontyMarsMay 6, 2016 7:43 PM
May 7, 2016 3:50 AM

Mar 2015
@MontyMars @EarnestMovie

The Codex Astartes approves Avnore and Zeta. The Emperor Protects.

May 9, 2016 5:07 PM

May 2015
Faction :Expedition

Power:Dead puppet
Power Explanation:



Personality:Insanity is the game and insane is his name... He is insane there is no denying it when it comes to science sometimes he will disturb people by saying how he could switch body parts without them noticing or him asking if they want an examination witch he does do surgery. He will even sing Christmas carols while performing surgery while the person is awake and can feel every thing... That is when given a potato, three chocolate strawberries, and a good reason why that person deserved it or you pissed him off. Other wise Insane is a sweet and nice guy he will randomly give you a flower if female and a hive five if your a guy.
Bio: After getting kicked out of every college and was so close to heavy a doctors degree in medical and biological science every time till his rivals told the campus authorities that he switch there feet around left was right and right was left.(which he did) Ending up in a insane asylum for three years, and he some how was able to convince the doctors he was ok. He then became a illegal doctor who was also hired by secret agencies to get people to talk. He recently join the expeditionary force when he herd the rumors of people with powers losing them and well losing it. So he packed his bags and headed there to find a way to help further research.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
May 10, 2016 3:46 AM

Apr 2014

Name: Ace Blackheart
Age(16-60): 27(supposedly)
Gender: male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: lost souls

Power Explanation:
First the non-combat.... he can speak to ghosts

Fading Soul ....
Thus is the weakest and it only takes one hit to disperse this soul and its not skilled in combat at all (can summon 10)

Soul of a nameless soldier (can summon 2 ) this soul is skilled in close quarters combat but like the fading soul it dies in one hit

Soul of a proud knight (can summon 2 for 30 post ) skilled with sword and shield

Soul of a brave warrior: 2 only skilled with a multitude of weapons (can summon two)
Lasts for 25 posts

Soul of a hero :1 only

this one dies in one hit and is skilled in pyromancy and close quarter fighting although when it dies it explodes into a ball of fire

Soul of a great hero. This one binds his target for five posrs

Please note he can only summon two types of souls per battle


For his own weapon he uses a sword


Personality:hes kind amd caring and seemingly happy although the kind and caring is true the happiness is false deep down he is actually depressed and wants to kill himself
Bio (Minimal 75 words):

He lived a normal life until he was 16 and his family was murdered in front of him while he was forced to play dead he killed the men that invaded his home using the spirits although he didn't know this then an old man came to his house and spoke with him revealing that he had been cursed with the souls of the dead who will not let him rest he was told to come to this place to find a way to break his curse (also when he dies in this rp he revives in his home although once my character dies he wont he going back to wildstar) he joined the Expedition division in hopes that his curse is related to the creatures ...

Constantly he watched his loved ones die slowly while he lived he wants to break this curse so he can join them

SleeplessVampireMay 11, 2016 4:00 AM
May 10, 2016 6:50 PM

May 2015
Name: Maddy
Faction: Extermination

Power: Sword dancer
Power Explanation: She can summon three different swords and can only summon one at a time.
String Sword:

Heavy Blade:

soul blade:

String sword:

Heavy sword:

Soul sword:


Personality: Maddy likes to sleep a lot But once you wake her up she is a hyper person that loves the outdoors. She is a kind person and likes music. She can play piano and is kind to all even if the person is a jerk.
She likes to kill sometimes just to watch the person eyes look at her or say their finale words. she has frequent nightmares of her family's murder.

Bio: Maddy was a Raintech experiment that at day of creation was taken by a scientist who had no children of his own. She lived on a farm with her parents. Which her father helped her train her finding out she didnt need a serum to use her powers. There was one day when five experiments and a Speaker of Raintech went to the farm and found out about maddy. Then an argument broke out and ended up in a fight Maddy's parents held off the Raintech personal while she ran. Her parents where no match for the experiments who hunted Maddy down. Maddy defended her self and killed all five and went back to the farm and killed the speaker. She the n became a mercenary for a while. She did heard about the Weird things about a old building being responsible to the recent freak accidents and such, and went and join the extermination army. She now hopes maybe that she could do something that would make Her dead parents Proud.

Morco3131May 13, 2016 11:57 AM
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
May 11, 2016 4:06 AM

Apr 2014
SleeplessVampire said:

Name: Ace Blackheart
Age(16-60): 27(supposedly)
Gender: male
Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: lost souls

Power Explanation:
First the non-combat.... he can speak to ghosts

Fading Soul ....
Thus is the weakest and it only takes one hit to disperse this soul and its not skilled in combat at all (can summon 10)

Soul of a nameless soldier (can summon 2 ) this soul is skilled in close quarters combat but like the fading soul it dies in one hit

Soul of a proud knight (can summon 2 for 30 post ) skilled with sword and shield

Soul of a brave warrior: 2 only skilled with a multitude of weapons (can summon two)
Lasts for 25 posts

Soul of a hero :1 only

this one dies in one hit and is skilled in pyromancy and close quarter fighting although when it dies it explodes into a ball of fire

Soul of a great hero. This one binds his target for five posrs

Please note he can only summon two types of souls per battle


For his own weapon he uses a sword


Personality:hes kind amd caring and seemingly happy although the kind and caring is true the happiness is false deep down he is actually depressed and wants to kill himself
Bio (Minimal 75 words):

He lived a normal life until he was 16 and his family was murdered in front of him while he was forced to play dead he killed the men that invaded his home using the spirits although he didn't know this then an old man came to his house and spoke with him revealing that he had been cursed with the souls of the dead who will not let him rest he was told to come to this place to find a way to break his curse (also when he dies in this rp he revives in his home although once my character dies he wont he going back to wildstar) he joined the Expedition division in hopes that his curse is related to the creatures ...

Constantly he watched his loved ones die slowly while he lived he wants to break this curse so he can join them


May 12, 2016 3:17 PM

Feb 2015
Name: Neil Themass Tri-son

Age(16-60): 21

Gender: Male

Faction (Expedition or Extermination): Expedition

Power: MPS (Muscle Protein Synthesis)

Power Explanation: Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is the driving force behind adaptive responses to exercise and represents a widely adopted proxy for gauging chronic efficacy of acute interventions, (i.e. exercise/nutrition) In other words, muscle protein synthesis is the bodies response to exercise. After exercising, the muscle fibers tear. To become stronger, the muscle fibers are repaired through proteins created by muscle protein synthesis. So what would happen if someone could control their bodies muscle protein synthesis in such a way that they could control how big and strong their muscles get through thought?

This power controls the bodies ability to use muscle protein synthesis. The user can flex any muscle, therefore tearing the muscle fibers. As the user flexes, he can force his body to produce large amounts of proteins that repairs the damage muscle fibers through accelerated muscle protein synthesis. Essentially, he can decide whether he replaces those torn fibers with slow twitch or fast twitch muscle fibers.

Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers: Slow-twitch fibers contain mitochondria, the organelles that use oxygen to help create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the chemical that actually fuels muscle contractions, and are considered aerobic. Slow-twitch fibers are also called red fibers because they contain more blood-carrying myoglobin, which creates a darker appearance. Because they can provide their own source of energy, slow-twitch fibers can sustain force for an extended period of time, but they are not able to generate a significant amount of force. Slow-twitch fibers have a low activation threshold, meaning they are the first recruited when a muscle contracts. If they can’t generate the amount of force necessary for the specific activity, the fast-twitch muscle fibers are engaged. The tonic muscles responsible for maintaining posture have a higher density of slow-twitch fibers. Steady-state endurance training can help increase mitochondrial density, which improves the efficiency of how the body uses oxygen to produce ATP. 

Slow twitch muscle Fibers are used for endurance activities. They are not as strong as fast twitch muscle fibers. They are leaner and smaller.

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers: Fast-twitch fibers can be further classified into (1) fast-twitch IIa - fast oxidative glycolytic, because they use oxygen to help convert glycogen to ATP, and (2) fast-twitch type IIb - fast glycolytic, which rely on ATP stored in the muscle cell to generate energy. Fast-twitch fibers have a high threshold and will be recruited or activated only when the force demands are greater than the slow-twitch fibers can meet. The larger fast-twitch fibers take a shorter time to reach peak force and can generate higher amounts of force than slow-twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers can generate more force, but are quicker to fatigue when compared to slow-twitch fibers. The phasic muscles responsible for generating movement in the body contain a higher density of fast-twitch fibers. Strength and power training can increase the number of fast-twitch muscle fibers recruited for a specific movement. Fast-twitch fibers are responsible for the size and definition of a particular muscle. Fast-twitch fibers are called “white fibers” because do not contain much blood, which gives them a lighter appearance than slow-twitch fibers.

Fast twitch muscle fibers are used for strength and power activities. They are are larger and heavier than slow twitch fibers. They produce the most strength and power.

Offensive capabilities: By flexing and tearing the current muscle fibers, the user can use MPS to rebuild them using either fast twitch muscle fibers, or slow twitch muscle fibers. Depending on the situation and opponent, a combination of both can be created to give the user more speed, agility, endurance, strength, and power. This allows him to change the make up of his muscles in a fight to allow him to become quicker and stronger (Fast Twitch), or slower and move longer. At the absolute max level of strength with all Fast Twitch muscle fibers, the user can hoist a small car over his head and throw it. (Small car= Current model Honda civic for reference) At the absolute max level of endurance with all slow twitch muscle fibers he could run a marathon without breaking a sweat. (At a world record pace for reference.)

Defensive capabilities: While the power itself does not bolster very many defensive capabilities, that does not mean it cannot be used in a defensive way. MPS can create muscle fibers to soften the blow of a blunt force object, as well as a sharp object. Muscle fibers can be created to increase the distance from the skin to vital organs so piercing objects must pass through more tissue making it more difficult to hit the vital organs. The muscular wounds can also be repaired once the object has been removed; and depending on the size of the object, even completely around it. Vital organs cannot be repaired.

Time (In posts): The time it takes for a complete creation of 1 type of muscle fiber is 2 posts, as this is the max output. For any combination of the 2 muscle fibers, it takes 1 post as this is not the max output. Other attacks can be performed during creation, but combat effectiveness is reduced.

Energy Usage: This power will have an energy usage meter that will be displayed during all combat posts, or posts where the power is in use. A full transformation to slow twitch or fast twitch muscle fibers takes 50% energy. And combination of both muscle fibers take 20% energy. At full transformation, each post takes away 10% energy. During a partial transformation, each post takes away 5% energy. Due to the nature of each muscle fiber type, incredible feats of speed and strength can be accomplished in one post for Fast Twitch fibers and incredible feats of endurance can be accomplished in one post for slow twitch fibers.

Weapons: His own body is his weapon. He has been heavily trained in Mixed Martial Arts. He holds a black belt in Ju Jitsu.


Personality: Neil is a very calm and emotionally stable person. He was never popular with the ladies before the incident, so he tends to be calm. However, he has gotten used to talking more and breaking out of his shell. When he gets angry, he quite literally, turns into the hulk. Minus the green of course. He can get nervous when talking to people, but is generally laid back and relaxed, even when talking to girls. He hates seeing people mistreated like he was, so he will always stand up to assholes. He enjoys helping others and feels it was his mission to help others. He feels he was put on the earth to help others.

Bio (Minimal 75 words): Neil was a very scrawny kid for most of his life. He grew up in a normal little town in the middle of po dunk, USA. His family never had a ton of money, though they were never super poor either. His family was always bang average. He attended a bang average high school, and the only thing that wasn’t bang average, were his grades. He was a straight A student. He did not participate in any sports. Neil was what is often referred to as a nerd. He was often picked on in school, and beat up. Though through all of that, he never developed any animosity for he knew that those who bullied him, were struggling within themselves. One day on his way back home from school, some bullies followed him into the neighborhood, and then they began to beat him up. He made no attempt to fight back, as it was useless. He was about to lose consciousness when in the bright sunlight, a huge muscular figure appeared and slapped the shit out of the bullies. He picked Neil up and took him to a gym nearby. He said Neil had been watched, and subsequently chosen as a trial participant for a new steroid. ”You will never have to worry about being bullied ever again, and you will be able stop other from being bullied as well. Is this a power you want? To have the responsibility of human justice on your shoulders?” Neil answered yes without a moments hesitation. So he was given the serum and developed the MPS ability. Neil was never bullied again and began to help others who were being bullied. He changed his name from Neil Degrasse Tyson, to Neil Themass Tri-son.
Something Important
May 13, 2016 6:51 AM

Mar 2015
About Insane - if the ressurected corpses are just corpses with no brains who can only do as he commands, it's fine. But I'm not sure that there are going to be many corpses for him to use... well, if you want it exactly like that, he's approved.

Maddy is insanely OP. 4x faster than the fastest human is a no-go, make it 2x maximum. The trap thing is too powerful if it can immobilize 6 people at once in such a wide range, it 3 people for one turn in 10 meter range. If she can swing the heavy blade only once per three posts it's fine. Determination as a source of power can be abused too much, as it is up to you if she'll stay determined or not and 5-hit sheild is too OP, make it three for weak attacks, two for medium attacks and one for strong attacks for up to two people with 5 turns to recharge.

Ummm... well... whoa. First, he can summon way too much spirits. Are cast times for a type of soul instantanious? Can all of them only take one hit? Can he re-summon them after they're been defeated? How strong is every one of them, what exactly can they do, how strong are their attacks, what exact weapons they use? Just "pyromancy" is not an explanation of a power. How long do all of them last?

Thank you for making a good character. Approved.
May 13, 2016 6:59 AM

May 2015
Well why do you think i made insane double up as a surgeon plus i know sometimes there are going to be clean kills. plus he does have a gun and knives to defend him self.

Maddy ill tweak it down a bit to your expectation
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
May 13, 2016 7:10 AM

Apr 2014
Kris_Rebel said:
About Insane - if the ressurected corpses are just corpses with no brains who can only do as he commands, it's fine. But I'm not sure that there are going to be many corpses for him to use... well, if you want it exactly like that, he's approved.

Maddy is insanely OP. 4x faster than the fastest human is a no-go, make it 2x maximum. The trap thing is too powerful if it can immobilize 6 people at once in such a wide range, it 3 people for one turn in 10 meter range. If she can swing the heavy blade only once per three posts it's fine. Determination as a source of power can be abused too much, as it is up to you if she'll stay determined or not and 5-hit sheild is too OP, make it three for weak attacks, two for medium attacks and one for strong attacks for up to two people with 5 turns to recharge.

Ummm... well... whoa. First, he can summon way too much spirits. Are cast times for a type of soul instantanious? Can all of them only take one hit? Can he re-summon them after they're been defeated? How strong is every one of them, what exactly can they do, how strong are their attacks, what exact weapons they use? Just "pyromancy" is not an explanation of a power. How long do all of them last?

Thank you for making a good character. Approved.

Like i said ALREADY

he can only use two types per battle

Now stuff i didnt state

And the pyromancy is controling fire i dont plan anything op

He cant resummon them

Proud knight dies after 10 hits

The warrior dies in 15 hits
May 13, 2016 7:11 AM

May 2015
done editing maddy
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
May 13, 2016 11:28 AM

Mar 2015

Theses wires once tripped on will wrap around whoever tripped it and two others leaving them there until Maddy gets there.

Change "until Maddy gets there" to "for one turn", otherwise power seems mostly fine.

I wasn't asking how many types can he summon per turn, I saw that. You still haven't answered how long is the cast time, is it instantaneous or not? If it is, you have to change it so it has to take him at least one turn to summon one type of spirits while he can't do anything. "Controlling fire" is a stretchy definition, how well does it control it? Can it create fire? Shoot fireballs? Create inferno on the battlegrounds? Or just light up a cigarette? "Dies after x hits" is not applicable as well, since hits are of different strength and types. This way warrior would die the same way if somebody would hit him fifteen times with a spoon or dropped fifteen nuclear bombs on him, so better just describe their endurance by comparisons.
May 13, 2016 11:47 AM

May 2015
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
May 13, 2016 1:12 PM

Apr 2014
Then why say he can summon to many then and of course it takes a post or two to summon one and these spirits are intentionally weak in that case im horrible at fighting rps my and the pyromamcer can do as much surround him in his target with a ring of fire and shoot fire and throw fireballs
May 13, 2016 1:58 PM

May 2015
And edited
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
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