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Dec 3, 2015 9:13 AM

Apr 2015
silvers0ul said:
I'm a muslim. I think the OST is nice, it doesn't change the meaning of the Adhan, it does not make fun of the Adhan.... the only thing that's different is the rhythm. Overall, I think it's really fine! :-)

Haha, I like a person like you ;)
Dec 3, 2015 12:11 PM

May 2014
Well , this thread has been far more insulting to Muslims than the song "the song is not insulting".
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 3, 2015 4:54 PM
Jun 2015
Anime is not just for Japanese people it it our right to say our opinion too.
Dec 3, 2015 6:12 PM

Jul 2012
Ismael_Elhasadi said:
Anime is not just for Japanese people

lmao what?
Dec 3, 2015 6:20 PM

Jan 2012
I feel like i am missing something, anyone can explain to me what's wrong with ost ?

ps: i haven't watched noragami yet.

Dec 3, 2015 6:22 PM

Jul 2012
AllenVonStein said:
I feel like i am missing something, anyone can explain to me what's wrong with ost ?
they used a religious song in it and autotuned it
Dec 3, 2015 6:40 PM

Jan 2012
Rocksterrock said:
Well this ost certainly

pushed buttons

coincidence, i don't think so .

Dec 3, 2015 11:31 PM

Jul 2013
srsly, adhan in the music is annoying for Muslims.
Difference religions not the reason, the main reason it's ignorance in complex issues in some religions.

AND I don't say that the Islam is complex, to say very clearly that Islam have a basis of some rules and we are compelled to follow it because it is the basis of our religion.
Christian or Jewish or Buddhist or Hindu .. etc each of them have some rules, and we as Muslims respect all religions and don't object to any rules.
anyway adhan For Muslims something sacred, which is ''calling for prayer'' and one of the rule of the Islamic religion don't mention God or sacred lyrics from Quran with the music. And the words that are said in the OST it's sacred for us as Muslims.

But for me I was not angered, Because it's was not make fun or insult to the islam.
plus I think this happened spontaneously from the composer, and because the anime is talking about ''GOD" and the things got mixed up, or maybe he doesn't know that Islam religion have some basis rules.!
I don't blame him, i don't judge him, not at all.

in the end
In humbly way, I would be happy if the composer knows that this thing from Islam. hehehe
Because I always hope everybody knows and loves and respects Islam.
And it accommodates that Islam is a tolerant and open-minded for All religions.

but Unfortunately, there are samples of the muslims are very very emotional. and they mix all the things together and make it turn to the problems, then it becomes a disrespect for religions and cursing ...etc.
This extremely provocative thing.

i just ask only one thing ''understand the laws of the Islamic religion.''

_AkiDec 3, 2015 11:34 PM
Dec 3, 2015 11:43 PM

Feb 2015
_Aki said:
I just ask only one thing ''understand the laws of the Islamic religion.''


I'll just ask only one thing: "Understand that Islamic laws are of no consequence to those who do not follow Islam, for that is the only way to prove that Islam is tolerant."
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Dec 4, 2015 12:01 AM
Jul 2018
uh, as a Muslim (wow, so muslim, such religious) who lives in Libya, I think the hype and what happened is stupid.
It's the same thing that happened with Da'esh (ISIS), stupid people flipping out their shit to appear as righteous and as "pure" as they can, seriously people, fuck you with your ignorant islamic beliefs and uncultured acts.

a wise Sheik (Ahmed Deedat) once said: "The biggest enemy of Islam is the ignorant Muslim, whose ignorance leads him to intolerance, whose actions destroy the true image of Islam, and when the people look at him they think that Islam is what he is."

and BTW, the almost excact same thing happened with Jojo's Bizarre Adventures back in 2008 when they used a page from Quran as a text book or something that wasn't in the manga, and do you know what happened? some people sent mails to "Shueisha" and "A.P.P.P" explaining what they did and why it's wrong.
Simply after that, they apologized for what happened and stopped the DVD sales to edit the scene and re-released them later again. (the apology in Arabic)
and that's what it takes to do these things in the right way, but that was in times where the internet wasn't so widely used and only the people who can afford it had it (they also happened to be well educated people!) so they didn't make a fuzz about it and talked about it in a well-mannered way, and not by flipping out like they fucked their mother or something like they're doing right now.

and for god sake people, you're not even closely involved with the anime industry in any remote way, you're literally STEALING IT (it's not on CR), and guess what's stealing penalty in Islam? cutting your hand! (from the wrist)
and they (BONES) don't even care or give a damn sh*t about you in anyway, it's not meant to be broadcasted outside Japan anyway.

I guess they'd change the OST if some smart people talked to them with some sense or something, and tbh the OST and the auto-tune are bad anyway :p

sorry for the messy replay.
removed-userDec 4, 2015 12:07 AM
Dec 4, 2015 12:20 AM

Jul 2013
Caelidesu said:
_Aki said:
I just ask only one thing ''understand the laws of the Islamic religion.''


I'll just ask only one thing: "Understand that Islamic laws are of no consequence to those who do not follow Islam, for that is the only way to prove that Islam is tolerant."

sweetie, the real Islam not blame anyone who's not follow this religion.
In the correct history of Muhammad peace be upon him.♥
He was tolerant with everyone with Christ and Jews. and his neighbor was a Jew. *All this things in his correct autobiography*♥
I'm a Muslim and follow true Islam, and I respect and tolerant of everyone,
but previously stated in my words there is a samples in Islam just opposite of true islam meaning. *So, Just ignoring them*
And by the way I had Christian boyfriend. Hahaha
So my opinion was quite clear.
_AkiDec 4, 2015 12:24 AM
Dec 4, 2015 1:15 AM
Dec 2015
Those who hate it, please dont listen. It isnt like your opinion actually matters anyway, let Allah be the judge don't take His position.
-from a muslim to fellow muslims
Dec 4, 2015 1:27 AM
Dec 2015
Well i am a muslim and came from indonesia. The largest muslim population in the world.
And yes we have this call called Adzan 5 times a day.So i used to hear it. To me adzan is a religious calling and it does good to anyone who hear it and pray afterward.

I love noragami but the soundtrack spoil its fun factor. I am not gonna make the studio edit the song or whatsoever. But i will tell my fellow anime watcher that the song contain adzan and should not used like the OST Push Button. Adzan contain a holy meaning and that what make us Islam different than other religion. Thats it.
Dec 4, 2015 4:23 AM

Jul 2012
Can y'all calm down? My god.
Dec 4, 2015 5:58 AM

Jul 2013
Caelidesu said:
_Aki said:

I'm a Muslim and follow true Islam, and I respect and tolerant of everyone,
but previously stated in my words there is a samples in Islam just opposite of true islam meaning. *So, Just ignoring them*

I only need to ask that one thing: "Understand that Islamic laws (including not using the Quran as a reference point for derivative works of art) are of no consequence to those who do not follow Islam, for that is the only way to prove that Islam is tolerant."

My God, you still argue at the same point.!!
my dear. I'm not responsible for all exaggerated reactions of Muslims..
I'm not responsible for some closed minds that makes everything turns to a complex problem.
in any case, there are good and bad In every religion and state..

I think my point and my words were very clear.
So please don't revolve around one point of my words and leave the rest.

_AkiDec 4, 2015 6:04 AM
Dec 4, 2015 6:22 AM

Feb 2015
_Aki said:
I think my point and my words were very clear.
So please don't revolve around one point of my words and leave the rest.

All I'm saying is that the tolerant thing to do in such a situation is to not complain about having your feelings hurt. If you're not complaining and asking for it to be censored, then great! We're on the same page, and you're looking mighty tolerant.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Dec 4, 2015 6:58 AM

Oct 2014
The funny thing about this Aragoto case is, even though it "looks seemingly crowded" here, the public community (which is pretty much uninitiated to animanga world) does not know about this, does not care about this, and don't even know what Noragami is. Even in my country which pretty much has a "strong" Muslim community, the loud ones are only in the animanga community which only makes up a tiny percent of the country's population. Anyway, does ISIS already make a move/statement against Studio Bones? No, right?

tl;dr ==> you guys are making too much ruckus over small things.

As a Muslim, I was just surprised by the fact that the OST resembles that of adzan. While it is surprising, I can't seem to find any sign of "offensive" action in the OST. All I can think about is a scenario where a composer finds it pretty fitting for the theme and use it without prior knowledge about adzan is quite sacred in Islam as a call for prayer.

In Islam, should a non-muslim unknowingly uses Islam's sacred "objects", they're not considered offensive. However! If it is clear that someone clearly do some offensive things towards them, it is compulsory for Muslims to give soft warnings. If that someone don't listen, then the best action is to do Istighfaar (A word of repentance), and leave that someone be.

shawnofthedeadzDec 5, 2015 11:20 PM

  1. To have Mars of Destruction, Skelter Heaven, and Pupa properly adapted in TV series form by Madhouse
  2. To have Inferno Cop properly adapted in TV series form by Bones, director: Urobuchi Gen
  3. An anime crossover of Mushishi x ARIA x Haibane Renmei.

Should even one of the above conditions cannot be done, anime is still at risk.
Dec 4, 2015 7:52 AM

Feb 2015
The Noragami Aragoto official twitter acount has just tweeted an apology/statement:

EDIT: From what I could understand from Google Translate, they are taking some actions and removing the OST from the DVD. Let's wait for a better translation, though.
Uve23Dec 4, 2015 7:57 AM
Noragami reading/watching order:

"2016 will be the year of Sanji" - Eiichiro Oda
Dec 4, 2015 8:51 AM

Feb 2014
Uve23 said:
The Noragami Aragoto official twitter acount has just tweeted an apology/statement:

EDIT: From what I could understand from Google Translate, they are taking some actions and removing the OST from the DVD. Let's wait for a better translation, though.

It seems they pull out the OST from distribution, and Blu-ray release will be delayed to revise it.

I think the case is closed, the production committee properly apologize for this mistake and came with a clear solution.
There's no need to continue this pointless discussion.
Dec 4, 2015 8:53 AM

Jul 2012
wow good job japan

brb gotta download it before it's taken off lol
Dec 4, 2015 8:58 AM

Aug 2014
People getting offended by this? lol
Dec 4, 2015 9:07 AM

Apr 2014
Good thing I downloaded it
Dec 4, 2015 9:08 AM

May 2014
Alright is everyone happy now ? the ones who want the ost should be sure to know that they will find it , this is the internet after all , Information is never fading and always accessible, and the people who demanded an apology for "insulting" *lol* them can now be happy with their peace of mind concerning watching the show without feeling bad about it , this thread now has no purpose anymore.
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 9:10 AM

Feb 2015
Yeah, it's bad press, but it's press after all... not sure of how this will affect the sales and a potential Season 3, though.
Noragami reading/watching order:

"2016 will be the year of Sanji" - Eiichiro Oda
Dec 4, 2015 9:10 AM

Jul 2012
Uve23 said:
not sure of how this will affect the sales and a potential Season 3, though.
It doesn't. Not at all.
Dec 4, 2015 9:13 AM

May 2014
mayukachan said:
Uve23 said:
not sure of how this will affect the sales and a potential Season 3, though.
It doesn't. Not at all.

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 9:14 AM

Jul 2012
Akabawi said:
mayukachan said:
It doesn't. Not at all.

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*
It doesn't affect sales because it's mostly Japanese people purchasing it in the first place. There's no reason for a non-Japanese person to buy BDs that have no subs. S3 happens if Japanese people like it or not.
Dec 4, 2015 9:15 AM

May 2014
mayukachan said:
Akabawi said:

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*
It doesn't affect sales because it's mostly Japanese people purchasing it in the first place. There's no reason for a non-Japanese person to buy BDs that have no subs. S3 happens if Japanese people like it or not.
Well there are people in the middle east who buy these stuff , like middle-east Otakus or whatever.
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 9:16 AM

Jul 2012
Akabawi said:
mayukachan said:
It doesn't affect sales because it's mostly Japanese people purchasing it in the first place. There's no reason for a non-Japanese person to buy BDs that have no subs. S3 happens if Japanese people like it or not.
Well there are people in the middle east who buys these stuff , like middle-east Otakus or whatever.
They don't account for more than 1% of the total purchasers.
Dec 4, 2015 9:17 AM
Jul 2018
Akabawi said:
mayukachan said:
It doesn't. Not at all.

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*

and what about obtaining it illegally? which is against Islamic beliefs? (isn't it considered stealing?)

EDIT: is there really people who can get anime merchandises from Japan in MENA?
Dec 4, 2015 9:18 AM

Feb 2015
ikkoup said:
Akabawi said:

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*

and what about obtaining it illegally? which is against Islamic beliefs? (isn't it considered stealing?)

if they actually do that and have got no qualms about doing it again,then acting like a crybaby on this topic is literally hypocrisy
Dec 4, 2015 9:19 AM

May 2014
ikkoup said:
Akabawi said:

Yes , this whole controversy is because some people don't want to feel bad watching Noragami *lol*

and what about obtaining it illegally? which is against Islamic beliefs? (isn't it considered stealing?)

Yes , it is but well culture doesn't coincide with religion.
A lot of prohibited stuff and okay stuff in the middle east has nothing to do with religion and more of the culture that people are used to.
They use the buzzword religion as a means of a backup even if there is nothing to support their claims.
Yes it's hypocrisy.
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 9:36 AM
Dec 2015
I'm a muslim, and honestly the ost doesn't bother me as much as some shitty comments of some non-muslims ppl who make it an excuse to harm and insult our religion
Dec 4, 2015 9:39 AM

Feb 2015
When I mean sales getting affected, I meant because of the whole distribution process being delayed :/
Noragami reading/watching order:

"2016 will be the year of Sanji" - Eiichiro Oda
Dec 4, 2015 9:40 AM

May 2014
Uve23 said:
When I mean sales getting affected, I meant because of the whole distribution process being delayed :/
Well I didn't know about Noragami before this lol , and a lot of my friends decided to watch it based on that controversy so , no not really.
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 9:47 AM
Feb 2010
Well, quite an interesting situation here.

The response by the production team (/distributor ?) was not totally unwarranted but it just begs the question of how far they will go to please a vocal minority.

The weird thing is if an unbeliever uses adhan, he violates the Islamic law (which he doesn't follow) and he sinned.

If an unbeliever woman doesn't wear hijab, she violates the Islamic law (which she doesn't follow) and she sinned.

Yet I don't see any controversy (yet) about Hibiki's, Bishamon's, Kofuku's, and other female character's designs. The designer purposefully designed them without hijab, which means s/he violated an Islamic rule (not to mention depicting living beings...and creating 'false gods'), yet there was no protest?

I find it most interesting.
Dec 4, 2015 9:50 AM
Oct 2014
Oh god.. this is why i hate religion because its bullsh*t
Dec 4, 2015 9:50 AM

May 2014
Rheine said:
Well, quite an interesting situation here.

The response by the production team (/distributor ?) was not totally unwarranted but it just begs the question of how far they will go to please a vocal minority.

The weird thing is if an unbeliever uses adhan, he violates the Islamic law (which he doesn't follow) and he sinned.

If an unbeliever woman doesn't wear hijab, she violates the Islamic law (which she doesn't follow) and she sinned.

Yet I don't see any controversy (yet) about Hibiki's, Bishamon's, Kofuku's, and other female character's designs. The designer purposefully designed them without hijab, which means s/he violated an Islamic rule (not to mention depicting living beings...and creating 'false gods'), yet there was no protest?

I find it most interesting.

That's not the case because you do not quite understand it.

The vocal minority believes that the show is trying to "insult" them by making their prayer a joke or whatever .
This is what happens when people believe that everything is a conspiracy against them.
The thing is people here don't understand that the middle east is sensitive because he has been influenced in a way to believe that everyone is conspiring against them and quite frankly a lot of US politics have been vouching for that.
AkabawiDec 4, 2015 9:55 AM
Given the right situation , the right story , anyone can be shaped into Snake.
-Revolver Ocelot , MGS2
Dec 4, 2015 10:02 AM
Oct 2009
They posted an official apology to all muslims and will Collect the OST from stores, delete the old OST and make a new one.
Dec 4, 2015 10:08 AM

Oct 2012
i'm muslim.
i do mind.
they deleted it fortunately ^.^
Dec 4, 2015 10:10 AM

Feb 2015
some try hard people we are seeing here,people are creating new accounts and posting for the first time in their MAL life to substantiate their shallow claim...some people can be really pathetic.
Dec 4, 2015 10:11 AM

Aug 2012
I just don't understand it... Tried listening to it, doesn't sound like it at all. I send it to others and most of them said the same thing.
Dec 4, 2015 10:17 AM
Jul 2018
TragicRomance said:
Well, that track is a bit racist (whether it was willingly or unwillingly, doesn't matter) Adhan is a very sacred call for us Muslims, and for it to be used as bgm itself is a big thing.
Islam is not a race.
Dec 4, 2015 10:20 AM
Jul 2018
laidellent said:
some try hard people we are seeing here,people are creating new accounts and posting for the first time in their MAL life to substantiate their shallow claim...some people can be really pathetic.

referencing to me?
I was linked here by a friend. and I've not watched an anime in over 9 months now, since I'm a die-hard manga fan and MAL seems like kinda bloated compared to MH and MU.
just saying. time to lurk back to where I came from.
Dec 4, 2015 10:46 AM

Jul 2012
rinoaaff said:
They posted an official apology to all muslims and will Collect the OST from stores, delete the old OST and make a new one.
What a waste of time... For a few people who don't even live in Japan.
Dec 4, 2015 10:56 AM

Jul 2012
As a muslim I found that track weird to listen to
Dec 4, 2015 11:03 AM

Nov 2010
rinoaaff said:
They posted an official apology to all muslims and will Collect the OST from stores, delete the old OST and make a new one.

They should have stood their ground and let it be .I`m so tired of this "OMG I`m so offended" Culture that is spreading like fire in the last few years on the internet.

I can't comprehend how exactly that shitty song [ shitty because it was actually painful to listen to because of the autotune] is not only offensive but also harmful and racist
shawnofthedeadzDec 5, 2015 11:33 PM
Dec 4, 2015 11:06 AM
Feb 2010
Akabawi said:
Rheine said:
Well, quite an interesting situation here.

The response by the production team (/distributor ?) was not totally unwarranted but it just begs the question of how far they will go to please a vocal minority.

The weird thing is if an unbeliever uses adhan, he violates the Islamic law (which he doesn't follow) and he sinned.

If an unbeliever woman doesn't wear hijab, she violates the Islamic law (which she doesn't follow) and she sinned.

Yet I don't see any controversy (yet) about Hibiki's, Bishamon's, Kofuku's, and other female character's designs. The designer purposefully designed them without hijab, which means s/he violated an Islamic rule (not to mention depicting living beings...and creating 'false gods'), yet there was no protest?

I find it most interesting.

That's not the case because you do not quite understand it.

The vocal minority believes that the show is trying to "insult" them by making their prayer a joke or whatever .
This is what happens when people believe that everything is a conspiracy against them.
The thing is people here don't understand that the middle east is sensitive because he has been influenced in a way to believe that everyone is conspiring against them and quite frankly a lot of US politics have been vouching for that.

Oh, I meant that why they took offense to adhan in particular. But now rereading it, yeah, it was an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Dec 4, 2015 11:14 AM

Dec 2014
Username said:
Wait, wth :P
That ost is made by Japan or by an Muslim hater?
Probably by japan which led to muslim hater
I'm a muslim but dont understand the hate though. Like the show anyway
Dec 4, 2015 11:26 AM

Dec 2015
anime forum turns out to be"religion war"...
just to see you alone, (both muslims and non-muslims), it made me sick...
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