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Nov 20, 2015 7:17 AM

Nov 2011
Wow this was nostalgic although the artwork feels different, I think the voice acting was nice.

It's nice to see the main characters back again especially Taichi and Yamato.
Found it kinda interesting they showed Kuwagamon in the beginning considering that was also one of the first Digimon the kids encountered in the original series.

A bit predictable but pretty classic. The fight with the friendship themes (between rl friends and their Digimon partners) were brilliant. Loved some of the OST/theme songs they used to.

Stark700Nov 20, 2015 8:47 AM
Nov 20, 2015 7:34 AM

Sep 2010
hyped for this , will watch later today

"Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss
Nov 20, 2015 7:44 AM

Sep 2009
at least they acknowledge that 02 took place.
Nov 20, 2015 7:48 AM
Jul 2012
This is going to be great.
JakeramsNov 20, 2015 8:23 AM
Nov 20, 2015 8:25 AM

Mar 2015
So this is like 4 episodes now and we will get the next episodes in winter next year? This is so weird. xD
Nov 20, 2015 8:35 AM
Jun 2011
BliuBliu said:
So this is like 4 episodes now and we will get the next episodes in winter next year? This is so weird. xD
yes we will get the 2 episodes in the winter so not long time to wait then
Nov 20, 2015 8:45 AM

Dec 2014
I thought there were six episodes
Nov 20, 2015 8:48 AM

Dec 2012
ibraheem234 said:
I thought there were six episodes
Crunchyroll split the movies into 24 episodes
LightBladeNova said:
It makes me sad to know that still hardly anyone knows what a visual novel is, even in the anime community.
Nov 20, 2015 8:52 AM

Jan 2013
Looks like they are emphasising the love triangle too
Nov 20, 2015 8:56 AM

Apr 2015

and i hate Joei -_-

The Opening:

Nov 20, 2015 8:57 AM

Jun 2011
So i guess that the new girl Meiko will become Taichi's new love interest.
Nov 20, 2015 9:02 AM

Apr 2013
Fine episode. Characters are still very nice, although I'm still not a friend of their design. The ending song was unexpected, but it sounds and looks great! Looking forward to the next parts.
Nov 20, 2015 9:13 AM

Oct 2008
wow. Wow. WOW! That was actually... pretty brilliant.

I came into this with a ton of trepidation but I was absolutely blown away. Phenomenal stuff! With regard to the characters, there was hardly any dissonance at all, considering this took place like only a couple of years after 02 and they were all handled well. The fight sequences were amazing. Though the budget from other places were obviously cut to make up for it. Updated stock evolution scenes were beautiful too. Only thing that I was disappointed by was the lack of a canon Omegamon evolution which is something that I've been wanting to see since Our War Game all those years ago.

Loved all the details that came along with this. Like how Takeru and Hikari kept their D-3s. Not to mention, a ton of fan-service with all the hints at relationships. TaichiXSora, YamatoXSora, KoushirouXMimi, HikariXTakeru. Ah, Takeru's line of "I still love you the most." to Yamato.

As a fan, I couldn't help but smile when I heard that amazing opening and evolution theme. Darn, nostalgia is a scary thing and I haven't enjoyed myself this much for quite some time. I want to watch the next part NOW!
Nov 20, 2015 9:19 AM
Jun 2014
well thats with it..

my childhood is back...ohhh so nostalgic
never expected that takeru x yamato lol
Nov 20, 2015 9:24 AM

Apr 2014
yes for nostalgic sack i love it. but seriously since when they concern destruction in city cause by digimon rampage i barely remember of it(it not tamer universe where government really take the action).i guess they all grow up and more mature or they watched man of steel lol

man,look like normal peopel didn't connect all strange event during 01 02 all movie ):

new evolution sequence i'm not really fan of it.

i wonder what happen to daisuke crew,they got rekt in first 5 minutes.

can't wait for the rest ova.
Nov 20, 2015 9:28 AM

Jun 2009
amazing 10/10 i only wonder why the rest of the 2nd set wern't arround cause they would of been usefull
Nov 20, 2015 9:29 AM

Aug 2013
sooooooooooooooooooooo Dissapointed.......
Nov 20, 2015 9:46 AM
Sep 2012
Wow can't believe they had the guts to kill off Daisuke and the others, especially for a franchise that is traditional for kids, it is like if Pokemon they just killed off Satoshi former travel companions, though in this case they are going for the older audience. Or perhaps they never existed and they were all part of Taichi's dream.

Well we got a secret organization here, looks like they took tips from Tamers. I think it is kind of cool, and their teacher part of it, who can you trust.

Looks like Tageru and Hikari that is not happening. I guess that differs western and eastern taste, they are popular ship here, but in Japan they might prefer them as friends.

Speaking of shipping, first of all Jo has a girlfriend, way to go Jo, I hope we get to see her. I wonder how old she is, for some reason I picture Jo being with an older woman.

And Koshiro and Mimi is a real thing, at least being teased. We will see if that becomes end game or not, but Koshiro is being interesting in girls is something I thought I would never see, so no mater that is a positive. And Mimi is back in Japan, hopefully

And this new girl Meiko, the ending in the first three "episodes" gave away she was going to be a destined, though it was kind of obvious anyway. Meiko I think of her as Hinata with glasses, not just the shyness, but her dark hair, she reminds me a lot of Hinata. She is probably there so everyone can have a love interest, who ever is left out of the cold in this whole Taichi / Yamato / Sora dynamic, and for the look of things that is going to be Sora. The yaoi is strong in this one. LOL

I wonder if the main villain is a Digimon or human, maybe we have another Kurata in our mist. That would be different.

I enjoyed Reunion, and can't wait for the next one.
Nov 20, 2015 10:08 AM

Apr 2013
This was better than I thought. I loved all the little touches to the characters here, the animation actually looks nice (although the CGI models for the Digivolution sequences could've used a little touch-up--it's kind of sad when Savers' CGI looks better--still, I like the upgrade), and the soundtrack, although it's basically a remix of the series itself (like I had thought), is amazing, I loved it. "Butter-Fly" is gorgeous, "I Wish" is adorable, and "Brave Heart" is epic, like wow.

I think my favorite parts of all was just watching the characters still be comfortable around each other while being not afraid to speak their minds about one-another, and yet still have their own personal lives and problems (Joeeeeeeeee Q^Q). They've grown up, but at the same time, they're still the same characters we know and love. And I can't wait to see this evolution as the movies go on, it's going to be fantastic.

But those action sequences, man. It hearkens back to the movies in terms of movement (guys, guys, is Our War Game officially canon now???), and while I know in the TV series, there was damage whenever battles happened in the real world, but I don't remember them being as awesome as this. Even if it's just a way for them to show off, the peril is believable. Destruction never looked so beautiful. *beat*

The wait was worth it. I do feel bad having doubts in the beginning, and hopefully the quality will stay consistent, or improve in future movies. We'll also see where the story's going to go from here, it could take us for a spin.

Now I'm wondering how the dub's going to handle this. Although I'm glad it was released as a movie, I think this really could've worked fine as a TV series given how it was split up (and considering it was originally going to be a TV series...). So I wonder if that would be a possible choice for the dub to do.
Nov 20, 2015 10:08 AM

Jul 2009
It was good, better then i had expected it to be. I'm just a bit disappointed with the new evolution "effects" (lets call it that :P) the old one from season 1 and 2 was way better. And that they rushed it at the end and they just evolved to Ultra, Mega and DNA form nowhere.
Nothing in this world lasts forever, and it´s time you accept that.
It's better to not cling to these things that you will eventually lose.
Nov 20, 2015 10:10 AM

Nov 2013
very nostalgic...

I watched digimon a long time ago, when it was aired at my local TV channel. And i've forget many event, in the main series.
But still, this movie make me remember how happy i was when i was watching this series as a kid.

Maybe i will do some rewatch i have time....
Nov 20, 2015 10:28 AM
Nov 2012
This was fantastic. I like the little continuity nods they put in there (the 02 Digidestined, Hikari's and Takeru's D-3s), but at the same time I find it funny how people still seemed clueless about Digimon despite all of the previous attacks by them. Plus, the whole warp Digivolution to Omegamon wasn't really explained too well. My only guess is it kind of works like 02's DNA evolution where the crests weren't necessary and all you needed was a strong bond with your partner. Still, I can't wait for the next episode!
Nov 20, 2015 10:31 AM

Nov 2014
Well it was unexpected to me to see this today, and four episodes!

I am disapointed with the animation, the first part was a bit boring tbh, i still have to see the rest though.
Nov 20, 2015 10:37 AM

Mar 2014
Nice English.
Nov 20, 2015 10:43 AM

Jan 2010
Wow, that was mediocre.
I am disappointed at the missing digivolution sequences and I don't get why they never tried to contact the 02-kids.
Nov 20, 2015 10:47 AM

Apr 2015
Was fanboying throughout the whole movie
well I finished it. Time to wait for a year
Nov 20, 2015 10:52 AM

Aug 2008
Are Davis and the rest of 02 kids really dead? O_O

Great start! Loved every bit of it.
Nov 20, 2015 10:54 AM

Aug 2008
Nostalgic trip. When I first saw Agumon evolve together with the music, I got so excited. Alphamon run away facing Omegamon. Dammit Taichi, get your shit together.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Nov 20, 2015 10:56 AM
Apr 2014
The major question from this movie is, where the heck are the 02 kids? we see them fading in the beginning of the movie but no further details.
Ironic isn't it? since most adventure fans don't like 02.
Taichi is a stupid faggot now, you could've reduced the damage if you went all in against it and oneshot it using your mega.
They never learn do they? going at Alphamon with their champion level scrubmons.
Lol'd at Koshiro's digi-babble.
Not a bad start, the artstyle turned out to be fine, let's see how this turns out.
Drake1000Nov 20, 2015 11:00 AM
Nov 20, 2015 11:00 AM
Jul 2010
So uhhhh I had to rewatch it three times.... but what the hell was Tai on about? When did he get so wimpy?

I liked the movie, but the digivolution sequence seemed kind of dull? I don't really know how else to explain it....
Nov 20, 2015 11:14 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The nostalgia while watching brought out a lot of feels from me....I freaking loved this
Nov 20, 2015 11:17 AM

Feb 2013
Nov 20, 2015 11:24 AM
Dec 2014
Well, I got my nostalgia dose, and I really enjoyed it, especially the second half. Good to see all the characters back (We still don't know where 02 kids are now). I really liked the OST which had some original soundtracks mixed in (I wanted to hear bolero though). Fight scenes were great, but some parts of the movie felt weak in terms of animation tbh (Well, that's Toei Animation for you). Let's see how the story will continue. I hope we get the next movie this winter.
Nov 20, 2015 11:39 AM

Jun 2011
>expecting good things from Toei

To be honest this start was kind of flat and I'm not getting used to the character designs yet, but being the Digimon fan I am, I can't hate it.
Nov 20, 2015 11:53 AM
Apr 2014
Intereo said:
>expecting good things from Toei

To be honest this start was kind of flat and I'm not getting used to the character designs yet, but being the Digimon fan I am, I can't hate it.

Nov 20, 2015 12:00 PM

Feb 2013
Ah Digimon <3

Where do I begin...This first OVA seems like a big 1 episode but still had his dosis of action, toei did great job animating the action moments which Im glad.

I also Love they keep the same ost <3 Tai has really grown up and I love it

And oh, Mimori Suzuko my fave seiyuu acting in my fave childhood anime, she did an awesome job and Im really happy, overall I give this OVA an 8/10

Cant wait to see the rest Im really curious to see what happened to 02 kids and why the rest seems to have forgotten about them

Nov 20, 2015 12:00 PM
Aug 2013
I loved it. For an introductory movie, it was really well made. The whole feeling of nostalgia was there, and I loved every minute of it.
I was a little surprised (but pleased) at the re-make of many of the tracks from the original OST. That made it feel a little bit more familiar.
I absolutely loved the new Digievolution sequence. It definitely surprised me, and I was honestly wondering how they would handle it.

I think I get where Taichi is coming from. When they fought for the first time, they were still children. As kids, you won't really understand all the danger the Digimon have in the actual world. Going back to Digimon Adventure, its similar to how his mom felt when him and Hikari were taken by Greymon when all the chaos was happening in Odaiba. Because of this new sense of growing up, he's becoming more conscious of the situation. He's worrying about the possible lives he could take; something he didn't think of as a child. He isn't necessarily running away, as Yamato says, but he's just growing up.

Anyway, one thing that bothered me was, why didn't the other guys appeared. It seems obvious to me that Daisuke, Miyako and Iori would be in the same school/classes as both Hikari and Takeru. It seems unfair that they never called them out.

I'm excited for the rest of the OVAS. I can't wait for them!
Nov 20, 2015 12:01 PM

Mar 2014
Wow, those first 7 minutes of the second episode were complete and utter garbage. Worst directing I have seen in a while, it was all awful, to much standing around looking at nothing (ah, but wait! Those moments where he stared at a broken cellphone for 30 seconds are actually relevant! We'll still flashback to them again in case you missed those 30 seconds though... multiples times) and doing nothing while the huge ass monster destroys the city, which had no tension because Taichi simply didn't really care, I was just waiting for Agumon to pop out and when he does... he does, there's no grand OST (sound directing was pretty shitty in general) playing as he appears at the last second to save Taichi's ass, nothing, it's just "oh hey, you're here... now digivolve!".
Same for when everyone just appeared, please calm down guys, I can barely contain my excitement here, woah, so suspenseful.

"Drama" in this went from weak to downright stupid, what are the odds, uh? Everyone had something to do and oh my god, I'm so lonely, we're never going to be together again, no... no.
And then the "oh no they think the monsters are scary, why... time to wonder around depressed... what... You want the monsters who destroyed half the town gonne!? HOW DARE YOU!!! You should thank that these monsters you know nothing about appeared! It totally didn't seem like a random fight from your side, you totally know who the good and bad guys are but are just putting them all on the same bag! Yeah! Fuck you!" came and no... no.
I'm glad these things kept getting handwaved though, yep, just forget about them completely.

And this just isn't how you develop a character, turning Taichi from reckless to a pussy doesn't count as development, not how it works.

Sure am glad they just digivolved off screen at the end and one hit-a-punched antagonist guy away, yep, not that the digivolutions were that great but seriously? Seriously?
You could have at least tried to not make it this obvious that this is no movie and just 4 normal TV episodes aired at the same time and that you have no idea how pacing works.

Animation also felt sloopy all around, characters took too long to react most of the time, too many stills, too much nothing happening, too much sliding around, too many frame rate changes during fights, they'd be pushing each other around and it'd be going super slow at like 5 FPS and then some dust cloud would rise and it'd go super fast and cut back to being slow when they start pushing each other again. I mean, you can make it work if you use it once in a while at the right time but everytime?
Toei. Toei never changes.

I'm glad I wasn't hyping this up.

Oh, and nice boats, by the way, yeah... just keep on sailing away.

Mimi was good though, damn, was she was good, dat ponytail.
Nov 20, 2015 12:03 PM

Mar 2013
I got bored easily. Not sure if it's due to the character designs or the fact that I grew up with the dub. Couldn't follow along well as well.

Toei seems to have a new logo though.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Nov 20, 2015 12:05 PM

Dec 2012
Nostalgia made it for me, was a decent watch. Liked how they emphasized that people do change as they grow up, although I felt that it was done... in a wrong direction. It was slightly frustrating to see an emo-Taichi instead of the guy we all know any love.

Mimi actually looks a lot better now.
Nov 20, 2015 12:08 PM

Jun 2011
Drake1000 said:
Intereo said:
>expecting good things from Toei

To be honest this start was kind of flat and I'm not getting used to the character designs yet, but being the Digimon fan I am, I can't hate it.

Oh, wow...
Nov 20, 2015 12:18 PM

Feb 2013
FueledbyKass said:
I think I get where Taichi is coming from. When they fought for the first time, they were still children. As kids, you won't really understand all the danger the Digimon have in the actual world. Going back to Digimon Adventure, its similar to how his mom felt when him and Hikari were taken by Greymon when all the chaos was happening in Odaiba. Because of this new sense of growing up, he's becoming more conscious of the situation. He's worrying about the possible lives he could take; something he didn't think of as a child. He isn't necessarily running away, as Yamato says, but he's just growing up.

Glad to see there's people who get it lol you all guys wants a 17 years old guy to keep acting like when he was 12

Nov 20, 2015 12:19 PM

Aug 2014
Please..... TAI X HIKARI .... thats all I want...
Nov 20, 2015 12:21 PM

Apr 2013
ClawViper said:
Nostalgia made it for me, was a decent watch. Liked how they emphasized that people do change as they grow up, although I felt that it was done... in a wrong direction. It was slightly frustrating to see an emo-Taichi instead of the guy we all know any love.

If anyone was to have teen angst, it should've been Matt Joe since he's on the cusp of adulthood and he's struggling to find his footing and to get himself in a good school. And also that nobody believes he has a girlfriend.

But I'm not that bothered so much that Tai's having some problems. It may be a little too much, and probably not in a way it should've been, but I think it's nice that he's encountering gray areas. Things aren't black and white like it was when they were kids, and he's going to run into people who aren't happy about what's going on, and probably don't care to know why things are happening unless it's directly affecting their own personal matters (kind of like with the two students who were complaining about it). Who knows how many people still remember Myotismon's invasion (which I'm not even sure if the damage was as much as it was with the Kuwagamon and Alphamon combined, I think there was more), or even a couple of years prior in the World Tour arc, and even then, it seems mob mentality overtakes all. People are going to be angry, and there may be people who are going to end up dying in one of the encounters.
Nov 20, 2015 12:22 PM

Feb 2013
ooo333 said:
Please..... TAI X HIKARI .... thats all I want...

Tai x Agumon > all

Nov 20, 2015 12:27 PM

Jan 2008
This was INFURIATING. I really wanted this to be good, but it pissed me off so goddamn much. I wanted to slap Taichi so bad during this movie. Who would have though Taichi, of all people, would be the designated whiny bitch? Who the fuck cares about the goddamn city? Your friends are getting MURDERED right in front of you? And I'm pretty sure it's Taichi's fault that Omegamon didn't take the shot against Alphamon. You can see the distortion in Omegamon right after Taichi hesitated.

As bad as Taichi was, I wanted to outright PUNCH Joe in the face.
DmonHiroNov 20, 2015 12:30 PM
Nov 20, 2015 12:44 PM

Mar 2015
Well, I watched it and it kinda met my expectations, which were not high at all. The new evolution scenes are not that great, everything that happened was pretty standard, there was nothing new or special, the pacing was a bit jarring, the fights were flashy but kinda boring, there were few mistakes in a few scenes (Tailmon's ears were not colored), the sound mixing was a bit odd for me... The interaction between Chosen Children was great though and I liked the Tailmon/Angemon tag team in Kuwagamon fight, haha. Maybe the next part will be a bit better. I saw some of you having more positive opinions about some aspects but I disagree completely. 6/10 from me for now because I still enjoyed it. I just thought it was kinda standard. Nothing exciting really.
BliuTigerNov 20, 2015 12:50 PM
Nov 20, 2015 12:47 PM

Jul 2014
Tai, I thought you were cool, man... I thought you were cool.
Nov 20, 2015 12:49 PM

Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
The interaction between Chosen Children was great though and I liked the Tailmon/Angemon tag team in Kuwagamon fight, haha.

Same here, I thought that was a neat addition. Probably because she needed a boost since she didn't become Angewomon at all, but I'm not complaining, it was cool to see.
Nov 20, 2015 12:50 PM
Apr 2014
Okashi said:
Tai, I thought you were cool, man... I thought you were cool.

Teenage faggotry got him, I bet Matt will NTR his ass again.
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