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Sep 19, 2015 3:00 PM

Oct 2011
I guess we're mostly busy nowadays

which claim threads need updating btw? don't see difference between special and normal ones in the archive..
Sep 19, 2015 11:19 PM

Apr 2010
Phraze said:
I guess we're mostly busy nowadays

which claim threads need updating btw? don't see difference between special and normal ones in the archive..

You tell me, I don't know what to do first.
We can take our time with updating the Archives, since the left ones are the non-used claims.

I don't know, where somebody left of or what somebody started.
Sep 20, 2015 11:27 AM

Oct 2011
guess I'm check if all the threads are in archive. anck-su seems to be halfway or finished(?)

as for done threads(so far in here):
Character in LCD
Asian Birthdays - done to March 2013

can I suggest we separate the special claims into 2? some hv their own claim list so they don't require updating. others are year-long specials which need updating.... could help us know where to start
Oct 2, 2015 10:54 AM

Aug 2013
@Coco When are we going to start opening claims/OMC?c:

Oct 3, 2015 7:57 AM

Apr 2010
Haine said:
@Coco When are we going to start opening claims/OMC?c:

Sorry, but I am working over-time from last week and I have really no time nor inspiration for layout, also the archives aren't ready, few admins still didn't register in the badge section, we need more staff also we need to make a promotion banner for affilations.
There is really lot of stuff to do.
I think we need to postpone it till next month, since I hardly believe we will make it this weekend.

Also I need to know who is on hiatus or reall busy so they can't do anything in this moment or next month.

I will try to be more active affter my over-times will end and I get some rest, right now I am busy with RL in general. I hope you understand it, I fail as a boss I am sorry T__T
Phraze said:
guess I'm check if all the threads are in archive. anck-su seems to be halfway or finished(?)

as for done threads(so far in here):
Character in LCD
Asian Birthdays - done to March 2013

can I suggest we separate the special claims into 2? some hv their own claim list so they don't require updating. others are year-long specials which need updating.... could help us know where to start

Do as you like, I made the post for the startest what you will add then it's upon you as long everything will be in order.
Thanks for the hard work ♥
Oct 3, 2015 11:20 AM

Jun 2014
claim a tsundere character
December 2010

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

May 2011

OMG FINALLY DONE, this took hours T^T

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Oct 3, 2015 11:51 AM

Aug 2013
@Coco nah no worries Good luck with your jobc: I barely have time to because it's my senior yearq_q, I wish I can make affiliation banner but after trying ..... okay my skills are craplol
I'd have helped with updating the list but kind of confused so I'll try to next weekend smh

Oct 5, 2015 5:03 PM

Oct 2011
completed pet claim, except for some stuff I'm not sure..linked the post so maybe someone can check it. working on twins claim now.
only ones left is Claim an Ancestor and Claim an Attire plus the asian claims. look like not everything is updated yet so I'll get to it soon if no one else does..

Claim a Pet
November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

May 2011

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

October 2011

November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

September 2012

October 2012

December 2012

January 2013
Oct 6, 2015 11:46 AM

Jun 2014
@Phraze l can you update the twins claim, we can divide the work.
l also can help you with the asian claims, just tell me where you left of.
meanwhile l'll do ancestor claim and attire.
gummyghostOct 6, 2015 11:51 AM

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Oct 8, 2015 4:25 PM

Mar 2010
I think i'm done with updating archive lists. I will do a final check on saturday evening. Sorry it took so long -_-
Oct 10, 2015 5:49 AM

Apr 2010
anck-su-namun said:
I think i'm done with updating archive lists. I will do a final check on saturday evening. Sorry it took so long -_-

Thanks dear ♥
Also thanks for hard work everyone :)
I will try make layout ASAP, my over-times are finally over, well not for long time but at least something.
Oct 23, 2015 2:54 PM

Oct 2011
I've rechecked the archive and did some changes. most of the asian claims didn't last the whole year and anck missed Claim a Magical Girl so I added it in. Vongola Guardians is a claim, not a card edition.
this thread is empty. should it be deleted?
and 2 other threads idk if they should be added in and where

also I tried making a member card...

I've done up to February 2011 for the twins claim and here: Asian Birthdays - done to March 2013
I guess you can handle these since you're updater after all...
Oct 24, 2015 4:36 AM

Apr 2010
Phraze said:
I've rechecked the archive and did some changes. most of the asian claims didn't last the whole year and anck missed Claim a Magical Girl so I added it in. Vongola Guardians is a claim, not a card edition.
this thread is empty. should it be deleted?
and 2 other threads idk if they should be added in and where

also I tried making a member card...

The Earth Edition wasn't opened at all, then it can be deleted, so the idea can be used in the uture maybe. The Pirate vs. ninja is not important so it doesnt have to be added to the archives. But the raffle can be added to the events.

Also card is cute :) ♥
Oct 24, 2015 7:41 AM

Apr 2010
I finally made something that can be called a layout, it's simple and black and again with clamp chatacter, coz I am sucker for these things xD Hope you undestand and you will like it.
Please send me a picture with a smiling chatacter so can make your ID ASAP!

We will open the club next week!
So card maker please come up with some opening LE/SE theme for cards.
and claim makers make yourself available again!

Also I wanna thanks Lady-Michaelis for goegeous affilate banners she made, and I will put them on the main page ASAP.
Oct 24, 2015 8:55 AM

Jun 2010
yay, love the layout Coco <3

my pic:

✿ forum set by rubixuitous
'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?'
'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly.
'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.'
Oct 25, 2015 1:58 AM

Apr 2010
Thanks ♥
Glad you like it, I am totally out of ideas these days, so this was the only thing that I could put together, maybe when I will have more inspiration I'll change it.
Oct 25, 2015 4:31 AM

Jul 2011
The layout looks great. <3
So, here is my picture. I hope it works. Sorry I'm so slow, but I'm kinda busy. ^^"
Oct 25, 2015 12:56 PM

Aug 2013
The layout is love<3 Glad we're coming back soon c:~

Picture: Here [Killua on the left side]

Card Edition themes [For the opening and later] :
Lap pillow, Smile, Backhug, SHAFT Head Tilt, Musical Instruments [Violin, Piano etc], Hair styles? [Braids, Pony tail, etc]

Oct 25, 2015 8:41 PM

Oct 2011
ok so I deleted the empty thread and added the Raffle Winners thread to events.
btw I checked the claimed list thread and looks like Claim a Manga/Anime post is missing. mind adding it back please Coco..? I slotted myself as the banner maker since it was vacant..

wonderful layout as always~ and can't wait to see the affiliation banner. this picture for my staff badge please <33
as for themes, I guess CLAMP to go with the layout??
Oct 25, 2015 10:53 PM
Dec 2011
Lovely layout, Coco :3
For my picture, here. Third or fourth image, either is fine. Thanks!
Oct 26, 2015 5:53 AM

May 2012
Beautiful layout, Coco *__*

Picture: Here~♥

Some themes: Holding Hands, Piggyback, Petals, Traditional Clothes
Oct 27, 2015 1:36 PM

Jun 2014
claim an ancestor

asian b-days

good job on the layout coco and here's my picture click
working on twins and attire claims now.

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Oct 27, 2015 2:22 PM

Mar 2010
Sorry for being late T_T
Here is my pic for the id.
New layout looks fabulous Coco, great job<3
Oct 28, 2015 3:02 PM

Oct 2011
leaving the twins claim updates I've done so far here

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011
Nov 7, 2015 6:59 AM

Mar 2014

Here is for my picture, Is this fine? ^^
As for the chibi render, here if you would please~

Also, Thank you for having me back ♥

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Dec 18, 2015 2:55 AM

Apr 2010
Hello guys!
I am really sorry for being inactive, but I was sick and my work was crazy lately and I am barely home.
I hope we can get again active next year since, around Christmas I have no time either.

I wish everyone Merry Christmas ♥
Dec 30, 2015 4:45 PM

Mar 2014
Hope everyone had fun during the holidays~

Advanced Happy New Year to all ^^

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Jan 1, 2016 2:28 PM

Apr 2010
Happy NEW YEAR, everyone! ♥
Are you ready to start the club activities or... ?
Jan 2, 2016 8:19 AM

Jun 2014
oh my god YES! i literally gasped when i saw the claims open <3
and happy new year coco and everyone else~

oh and those past claims i was doing, l'l post them in a little while, i totally forgot about them ;___; sorry.

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Jan 2, 2016 9:40 AM

Mar 2014
Hello everyone~ Nice to see us back~ How are you all doing?

Quick Edit works for me, tho I did find out before that text goes weird when there's ' on the sentence/word after you use quick edit.

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Jan 2, 2016 9:56 AM

Jun 2014
hello zwei <3 im fine, listening to music and you?

the quick edit works for me too, sometimes it says that error thing tho, but it rarely happens.

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Jan 2, 2016 5:40 PM
Dec 2011
Zwei said:
Quick Edit works for me, tho I did find out before that text goes weird when there's ' on the sentence/word after you use quick edit.

Same. The apostrophes and ">" and some symbols were lost (aka turned to gibberish and had to go back and manually fix) so I stopped using Quick Edit. :/

Happy new year everyone, and hope to work well with you all this year as well~
Jan 13, 2016 8:39 PM

Mar 2014
@gummy: been real bored, there's nothing much that interest me lately ;x love your new set btw~

@janree: it works fine to me now c:

Looking forward to this year working with everyone~

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Feb 26, 2016 5:19 PM

Apr 2010
Hello there my dears ~

As you see I am hardly active this past month (maybe you too). I have serious health issues and also I got promoted so I have even more work in my job. I am really sorry to say this, but my will to make something also dropped on zero. That sabotage really took on me, and making a comeback isn't so easy as I thought.
I hope I will regain my will again soon, maybe when I get better again. So for the time being I am putting the club on hiatus.

Sadly, Jinrou is leaving us, so we are quite lacking admins again, since few others are on hiatus too.

I hope you understand :) and we will stay in contact!
Feb 27, 2016 3:22 AM

Jun 2010
Coco-chan, it's alright, don't worry. Just take care of yourself, okay? Hope you get better soon <3

I guess I will just make the banners for February, and that's all. :)

✿ forum set by rubixuitous
'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?'
'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly.
'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.'
Feb 27, 2016 5:39 AM

Oct 2011
Congrats on your promotion, Coco. Stay strong <3 Sorry I wasn't useful all this time.... Will keep in touch and hopefully will still be around when the club is active again ;-;
Mar 3, 2016 10:57 AM

Jun 2014
@coconoelle u get better soon, take care <3 hope the club becomes active again as i would really be sad if this club shuts down ;___;
i'll stay forever haha! so don't worry about losing me ;>

Look alive sunshine!
The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary
Its time to do it now and do it loud
Killjoys! Make some noise!
Mar 12, 2016 3:05 PM

Apr 2010
Thanks all for the kind words ♥
I am feeling better now, but I am still weak. Not mention the spring is here soon, so my slugish-ness won't go away anytime soon...
Hope you are doing well all of you ♥
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