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Sep 12, 2015 12:53 PM

Feb 2015

<In the ghost town of our love
there is a player piano
trying to prove it can make music
without being touched.
My fingertips miss her so much.>
Sep 12, 2015 12:53 PM

Jul 2015
Guys, I recommend rewatch this episode. When I did that, I could absorb everything that happened much better.
Sep 12, 2015 12:54 PM

Aug 2015
This show doesn't cease to amaze me, I started this show with zero expectations. Thought it was some stupid rom-com, with a school setting, and kids with powers. Instead we got an amazing story with good characters. Probobly one of my favourite this season by far.

I'm hoping they wrap this show up really well and don't ruin the greatness these past few episodes have been. 5/5 defiantly, loved it.
Sep 12, 2015 12:54 PM

Sep 2013
It would've been a better strategy if Yu time leaped before Kumagami was captured...

Sep 12, 2015 12:54 PM

Feb 2015
GosuGian said:
Collapse, Hypnotism, Ascertainment, Remove memories, Looting, Obscure, Time leap, Transmission, Evocation.
Look at the first letter.

O.O wows

<In the ghost town of our love
there is a player piano
trying to prove it can make music
without being touched.
My fingertips miss her so much.>
Sep 12, 2015 12:55 PM
Sep 2015
Charlotte is absolutely amazing, okay the guys speak bad engrish, yeah there was no deathflag, but i love how it develops fast, aint nobody got time for a slow as fuck anime, and btw because Pooh had no deathflag it made his death more shocking as you couldn't predict he was going to die, back when i watched the first few episodes i would've never predicted it to become this serious
Sep 12, 2015 12:55 PM

May 2015
JPblueser said:
Since I'm already here, I guess it won't hurt to ask but....

Since Yuu stole the time leap hability from his brother in the future, when he time-leaped he should not have it anymore, right? I mean.... he stole it in the future and since he's back in the past, he teoretically haven't gotten it yet. But if he has, wouldn't it be logical for his brother to still have time-leap? It's impossible for him to have lost it in this timeline because they didn't even meet before this episode....

Ouch... my head.

You know, to be VERY honest I was fine with the first &quot;main&quot; timeline where Ayumi died... This got very messy and not as enjoyable for me anymore, IMO.

This was what im thinking

Tbh, when shunsuke was forming the "plan" with yuu and saying that if everything goes wrong he should just leap, i was thinking "he doesnt have the ability yet! Whuut??!"

But ut seems like he cant uae the ability cuz of the slashed eye. Shunsuke and others themselves say that yuu cant time leap bcoz of this
Sep 12, 2015 12:56 PM

Mar 2010
Kumagami's dead, but it's not like he had much character and Shunsuke's relationship with him shares that lack of development.
Sep 12, 2015 12:57 PM

Sep 2013
So why did those foreigners want with Yuu? They just wanted to stop him from time travel? is that it? Kind of stupid.
There's no magical spell to save someone's life.
Sep 12, 2015 12:57 PM

Feb 2015
Honestly, this just brought the show's rating down for me. Like what the actual fuck P.A. Works, you can't have a happy ending without having some random out of nowhere antagonist to show up to fuck everything up? Oh wait, that's right its because you need feels? Fuck this episode and Fuck P.A. Works

Sorry for rant.
Sep 12, 2015 12:57 PM

Mar 2015
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

If it works for people it works I guess. I bet this show sells like thousands of Blu-Rays.

a failure
less than 5k

May I have a source please, just want to read it in detail. I couldn't find the link tho.

Sep 12, 2015 12:58 PM

May 2012
darboux said:

3) Anyone else found it funny that Nao was in her underwear but when she was saved she was dressed?lol.So kumagami set himself free somehow Houdini style after been tortured almost to death dressed nao and placed himself to protect her while the building was falling down LMAO

She's still in her underwear at the end. Re-watch that bit and you'll see.
Sep 12, 2015 1:00 PM

May 2015
darboux said:

3) Anyone else found it funny that Nao was in her underwear but when she was saved she was dressed?lol.So kumagami set himself free somehow Houdini style after been tortured almost to death dressed nao and placed himself to protect her while the building was falling down LMAO

Wait. Iirc, nao was still in her underwear during the end? Shes even covered with kumagamis blood.
What are u people talking about tbh
Sep 12, 2015 1:00 PM
Sep 2015
This episode feels rushed and dumb.

It's a stereotype heavy mess with characters who don't act like normal human being ( does anybody will SERIOUSLY take the risk to ruins multiple time leap , your entire family , and your entire organisation to help 1 guy and his family ? ), new villains out of nowhere, easy ' we can cancel your power like NOBODY ON ANY OTHER TIMELINE HAVE EVER TRIED' etc ...


I hope the last 2 episode will be better than that or the entire series will be pointless
Sep 12, 2015 1:01 PM

Apr 2015
How do these terrorists know Yuu has the time traveling ability because that was his brothers ability, originally? Did they get information from the driver or what?

If they somehow have knowledge of this time traveling ability, how come they are completely fucking clueless about all the other abilities he has? Was their master plan to have a little girl stab him In the shoulder and expect him to fall over unconscious?

Also, since when couldn't you use your powers with only one eye?! How does that even work.
Sep 12, 2015 1:02 PM
Sep 2015
Tylaen said:
How do these terrorists know Yuu has the time traveling ability because that was his brothers ability, originally? Did they get information from the driver or what?

If they somehow have knowledge of this time traveling ability, how come they are completely fucking clueless about all the other abilities he has? Was their master plan to have a little girl stab him In the shoulder and expect him to fall over unconscious?

Pooh have been tortured to tell them everything he knows
Sep 12, 2015 1:02 PM

Dec 2014
Tokoya said:

You sound like that cancerous feminazi that reviewed UBW on ANN

I agree that putting in her underwear was pretty unnecessary but you're blowing this way out of proportion.....Clearly she was left in that state to showcase the severity of her injuries as well as the severity of the situation

Her being left like that can be seen as a tactic as well considering all of the implications that you could get from the scene which in turn would make whomever it is that cares about her to go batshit crazy with anger thus playing into the enemies hands

I'm not going to think of an excuse how plausible that is to explain or justify their decisions because this anime has done nothing for me but disappointment (including the whole sequence), and definitely not from someone expected at least an okay story like that of Angel Beats! (There I said it). All I can say is if you are a writer there's something you have to consider more than your average audience, you have to find an appropriate tone for your show and try to stick with it, you don't want to be excess like the violence in this episode. The question is really simple, what's the point of all these cruelty? Drama for the sake of drama? Does it have something related to the message the writer trying to bring to the forefront? If there's no subtext is it written with care or in some way artistic? No, all these pointless violence is as empty as those they included in episode 6 and 7. They are just cheap tricks to manipulate you into thinking the stake is getting higher (The simplest way to put it is "SHOCK FACTOR!") because well it's violence, it's supposed to be dramatic and exciting(?) in the writer's mind I guess. Who cares if it's inappropriate or repulsive to some, and who said it's the writer's job to balance those elements?

I just don't get it. Why possibly the biggest fucked-up in the writing department in recent year happened to be written by Jun Maeda, and it's really hard to tell if he's intentional or genuinely thinking it's the result of what he had learned from the mistakes he made in AB!, but really no self-respect writer who had a pretty clean record would do anything like that, I don't know if he's a master troll or just being blindsided by his desperation to make a come back. And P.A. Works, you are better than this. Someone should've said to Jun "Maybe it's too much?"
raveninthemuddleSep 12, 2015 1:12 PM
Sep 12, 2015 1:02 PM

Mar 2015
Dexicon said:
Honestly, this just brought the show's rating down for me. Like what the actual fuck P.A. Works, you can't have a happy ending without having some random out of nowhere antagonist to show up to fuck everything up? Oh wait, that's right its because you need feels? Fuck this episode and Fuck P.A. Works

Sorry for rant.

It's not your fault. I do believe many of us felt the same.
Hell, even I piss off when that scene came out.
This is very shocking that Kumagami's death for me.

Sep 12, 2015 1:04 PM

Jul 2015
This episode was really... Well, weird. It just didn't feel right. I understand they are doing it because the show is only 13 episodes long, but still, things happened way too fast. Let's hope that at least we get an ending that won't leave us hanging. (I've never seen a Jun Maeda anime with an ending like that, so that's good, I guess)
I'm guessing that, since Yuu went back into the past, he does not have the time leap ability, and not being able to use the ability due to losing his eye is probably something to make us think it will be impossible for him to go back, and next episode will have Yuu using his looting ability to get time leap back from his brother. Or at least I think that's a possibility, taking into account how this show has been surprising the audience with lots of plot twists.
I hope this is the case, but we'll have to wait until next week and see what happens.
Sep 12, 2015 1:04 PM

Apr 2015
Kilvann1 said:
Pooh have been tortured to tell them everything he knows

You're right.

That just makes the terrorists even more retarded, though.
Sep 12, 2015 1:05 PM

Feb 2015
DatRandomDude said:
Beside Nao pointlessly attached with only her underwear, that was actually good.
Pretty shocking death but thats pretty much it, he was just the dude who told them where the power holders were.
Anyway, RIP.

Dexicon said:
Honestly, this just brought the show's rating down for me. Like what the actual fuck P.A. Works, you can't have a happy ending without having some random out of nowhere antagonist to show up to fuck everything up? Oh wait, that's right its because you need feels? Fuck this episode and Fuck P.A. Works

Sorry for rant.

You should rant to Jun Maeda and not PA Works tho

Is that the director? If so fuck him too.
Sep 12, 2015 1:05 PM

Dec 2014
Woah x.x"

Read too many posts, filled with too many opinions..

Now I will honestly say it, I am a real sucker for happy ending :T {Yeah those cliched impractical ways like how Natsu got powerboost without even freaking training and saves the day xD} so I am kinda heart broken after seeing this episode. But can't help it... The fact is this is not a fairy tail :v Yuu is a normal kid with Shinji syndrome....eer I mean normal kid with normal fears, any normal person would also freak out at such scenario {Idk what Shunusuke or Kumagami is made out of} I bet that is one of the reasons why he used telekinesis on the iron pipes but not on that weird shota/loli as he was simply scared {Imagine how we would react if we suddenly got fire on us}

Nao was probably humiliated and not ...bleeped :v as the underwears were still on and if they wanted to show her..without those then they could have without making this a Highschool dxd xD

Kumagami death flag started waving right from the moment when the driver was unusually nervous{Like c'mon blackmailing is pretty common}

But I find one thing illogical... If the driver was informing them terrorist-samas from the start of the organization then why didn't they go after Yuu earlier? O.o or did Shun just hid that his brother's ability was plunder until now? And moreover why did terrorists only target Yuu and not others? Hmm.. And one thing how come Nao was targetted but not Teleport man Takajo and Yusarin? :v

But now the despair is real as Yuu has lost one of his eyes, and both are required to activate Susanoo!.. Oops I meant Time leap, but if somebody decided to give his/her eye for transplant to restore his vision maybe Yuu will save the day... Idk if it impossible to transplant a damaged eye.

This episode had good developments{it's short so rushing can't be helped} but as I said, I hate sad endings.
Sep 12, 2015 1:06 PM
Aug 2012
They could've just had Yu memorize the condo number, time-leap, save his family, and then kill the guys.
Sep 12, 2015 1:06 PM

Feb 2015
-I thought the english was actually quite good, it didn't sound as forced or bad as usual

-also, did yuu forget he can fly? Like seriously? He shoulda just leaped onto the top pillar and then killed them. Or at least utilized the flight ability...

-Kumagami got rekt really bad heh. But at least he took the first to hits like a man. I thought when the driver guy was running back to the car it would explode honestly. I think that would have made it more interesting.

-Like somebody else mentioned, Yusa and Takajo are now completely irrelevant. And honestly, Yuu should just loot takajos power. Would be waaaayyy more useful, and since special powers is a 'temporary' condition(and caused by a disease), its not like it matters if he had the power or not.

-Nao ofc just causing more people to die. First it was Ayumi by forcing Yuu and her to transfer to her school and now its kumagami. This episode was intense and entertaining, but It's still written quite poorly honestly. Good ideas, but bad execution

end thought:
kumagami is the real mvp
Sep 12, 2015 1:07 PM
Sep 2015
Tylaen said:
Kilvann1 said:
Pooh have been tortured to tell them everything he knows

You're right.

That just makes the terrorists even more retarded, though.

Shitty vilain for shitty twist lol, and what's the point of having him captured if he doesn't have his power anymore ? i really don't understand this series
Sep 12, 2015 1:07 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Dexicon said:
DatRandomDude said:
Beside Nao pointlessly attached with only her underwear, that was actually good.
Pretty shocking death but thats pretty much it, he was just the dude who told them where the power holders were.
Anyway, RIP.

You should rant to Jun Maeda and not PA Works tho

Is that the director? If so fuck him too.

Well, not the director but the guy who wrote the script and pretty much the original creator.
Sep 12, 2015 1:08 PM

Sep 2014
Good episode despite the pacing issues and the antagonist coming out of nowhere. We all know everything will be okay in the end as with every key anime. Would be nice if they don't go that route, at least not completely. Hope some bad things happen and stick, don't be undone at the very last minute via time travel or some sort of other miracle ass pull.

davinci12Sep 12, 2015 1:16 PM
Sep 12, 2015 1:10 PM

Feb 2013
Woah... this was so intense! Damn poor Kumagami, still crying T^T and just 2 episodes left. How is this going to end?

At least seems like Yuu noticed he's falling for Nao...?
Sep 12, 2015 1:10 PM
Aug 2015
I agree with comments on pacing problems and reliance on generic "twist" elements like the syndicate villains. This show has a tendency to foreshadow by offhandedly mentioning that a thing exists once, which is really too little to get invested in a lore or mystery - and it's compounded by introducing characters and then throwing them away without even properly developing them. Everything is a sacrificial lamb to the whims of this plot.

But it still gets my adrenaline up during these action scenes, and there is just barely enough there to reward a close reading.

I think the moral that we're supposed to end up with by the end is something along the lines of "trying to fix it just makes it worse". That or a miracle is devised through which the comet ceases to exist in the past and Yu gets into the top school and meets the cutie properly and everything is perfect(except he doesn't meet all those other people ever again and they don't know him).
Sep 12, 2015 1:11 PM

Jul 2015
fredchickens said:
>Kumagami, you'll always be remembered
>Yuu lost an eye, great he can't use time leaping power now
>So the comet Charlotte is the main cause of these powers through sniffing the particles of that comet
>So saving Ayumi leads to worse outcome, huh
>And also this though,
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
that hell happened
completely crazy episode
Sep 12, 2015 1:11 PM
Aug 2013
Is Maeda the shittiest writer ever?

[ ] Yes
[X] Yes
Sep 12, 2015 1:13 PM

May 2015
Nao tied up? Nothing new...
mao666Sep 12, 2015 1:19 PM
Sep 12, 2015 1:13 PM
Aug 2012
IvanPBF said:
Is Maeda the shittiest writer ever?

[ ] Yes
[X] Yes

Yeah, this just seemed like a really bad NTR doujinshi in terms of writing.
Sep 12, 2015 1:14 PM

Jun 2015
ririchiyomika said:
GosuGian said:
Collapse, Hypnotism, Ascertainment, Remove memories, Looting, Obscure, Time leap, Transmission, Evocation.
Look at the first letter.

O.O wows

Except it's actually a comet.
Sep 12, 2015 1:15 PM

Apr 2015
But... But... But...

Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... that is coffee.

My anime list
My manga list
Sep 12, 2015 1:15 PM
Oct 2010
IvanPBF said:
Is Maeda the shittiest writer ever?

[ ] Yes
[X] Yes

lmao I think I have to agree.. how the hell would the guys detect anomalies from the past when they don't even know about the abilities until after capturing that one guy.
Sep 12, 2015 1:15 PM

Jun 2015
skudoops said:
IvanPBF said:
Is Maeda the shittiest writer ever?

[ ] Yes
[X] Yes

lmao I think I have to agree.. how the hell would the guys detect anomalies from the past when they don't even know about the abilities until after capturing that one guy.
Sep 12, 2015 1:16 PM

Jul 2010
The plan was such a failure at start, what was the point of going alone?

I must've been happy because Nao is alive, but poor Pooh.

Summary of episode:
[spoiler]Don't look, seriously
Sep 12, 2015 1:16 PM

Dec 2014
shizu_bara said:
raveninthemuddle said:

Just why the hell Nao has to be stripped down to her underwear? I guess keeping her pajama just wasn't enough to show how brutal and dire of the situation is.

I agree, there is seriously NO reason for her to have been stripped down to her underwear. So I decided to 'fix' the screenshot.

You got the pattern wrong, but I have to admit those cakes make the shot kind of humorous.
Sep 12, 2015 1:16 PM

Mar 2010
skudoops said:
IvanPBF said:
Is Maeda the shittiest writer ever?

[ ] Yes
[X] Yes

lmao I think I have to agree.. how the hell would the guys detect anomalies from the past when they don't even know about the abilities until after capturing that one guy.
Because their plan is perfect.
Sep 12, 2015 1:16 PM

Feb 2015
DatRandomDude said:
Dexicon said:

Is that the director? If so fuck him too.

Well, not the director but the guy who wrote the script and pretty much the original creator.

Ahh I see.
Sep 12, 2015 1:19 PM

Sep 2015
I cant see anything. This episode was too dark ;-;
Don't expect things to happen. It is better to be surprised, than to be dissapointed.
Sep 12, 2015 1:21 PM

Dec 2014
Oh wait... I think now I know how Yuu restored his memories from time leap.. Maybe that blind Zhiend vocalist's song reminds peeps bout what they have forgotten? Maybe that's how Nao's bro also remembered everything after listening to her song? But it still doesn't explain how the memory which should have not existed because of time leap came back? .-. Is her voice like hax?
Sep 12, 2015 1:21 PM

Dec 2013
Seriously, I don't get how any of you guys can still defend this show.

First off, still no explanation as to why Yuu would even remember an event from a completely separate timeline from what he went through, not to mention the fact that he actually remembers a person (the scientist dude) who died in said timeline WHICH YUU NEITHER EXPERIENCED NOR SHOULD HAVE ANY MEMORY OF.

Then of course, the other point which was made positively clear to us by the fact that they were unable to restore Ayumi's memories of Shunske, just why the heck would Yuu be able to recover his memories from a song from Zhiend, and NOT to mention those "memories" are ones that he definitely shouldn't even have? Even if he had inklings of memories of his brother from before that the memory dude forgot to erase (which unless it was Shunske's plan all along, though he himself denied it, wouldn't make sense in any other way considering that Ayumi's were ALL erased completely, ergo the memory dude did a VERY THOROUGH JOB), why would the ones that come back to him come from a timeline which NEVER OCCURED?

And seriously, Shunske spends the entire series it seems to protect all the ability users from harm in Japan, but once the family of one of his friends gets taken hostage....
then it's "Fuck my little brother, and screw all the rest of ability users in Japan, lets just go do what the foreign terrorists tell us to do because, hey, we're honorable people who take care of our friends first, even if it means risking the lives and well-being of EVERY SINGLE OTHER ABILITY USER IN JAPAN...... but hey, it's perfectly fine because apparently no one except myself should know that you cannot time leap without both eyes, even when the terrorists told me explicitly that Kumagami and Furuki spilled the beans about EVERYTHING, eh? The plan to send an unready, untrained Yuu in is PERFECT!"

Seriously, if the entire situation started because Kumugami was jacked heading back to school, why the hell did they not just have Yuu leap back to their meeting and STOP Kumugami from going back to school!?!?!
They could have thought of countermeasures to rescue Furuki's family from that point on, and the terrorists would have been none the wiser. It's not like Furuki and the terrorists had actually PLANNED Kumugami would find a new ability user right THEN, now is it?

Was there even any point of introducing the blind Zhiend main vocalist's back story? For one thing, if she had the same ability as Shun, she's already blind so she can't help with any current situation at hand anymore. For another, it's not like they even have time to recall her back story, unless it's something that can be used to tie up all loose ends, including that huge plot hole of why Yuu regained memories from ANOTHER TIMELINE, which I just don't see as likely...

I tried to enjoy this show as much as I could, but seriously, from the waste of time weekly ability format, to the ridiculous time-wasting side plots about antagonistic scientists (conveniently solved by big bro Shun's one episode of time leap story telling), to all those half-opened "plotlines" (including the sudden switch of antagonists from "scientists" to "foreign ability users") which considering we have just 2 episodes left really have no other way of getting solved save for "different timeline changes things up" shit, I seriously cannot consider this show as anything but one huge mess right now.

And to think I didn't even mention the fact that Nao got beaten up and stripped down for no good reason in all of the above... seriously what the hell?
Sep 12, 2015 1:25 PM

Jul 2014
Tokoya said:
LMAO, the entire thing was completely logical

Sep 12, 2015 1:25 PM

Jul 2008
raveninthemuddle said:
shizu_bara said:

You got the pattern wrong, but I have to admit those cakes make the shot kind of humorous.

lol, I wasn't trying to match her pajamas, I was just trying to give her some clothing and yes, make it a bit humorous. ^___^
Sep 12, 2015 1:25 PM

Oct 2009
Yuu_vi_Britannia said:

9 July -> 2 August -> 24 August

*0.0k -> 50.2k -> 13.9k Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX: Believe in Justice and Hold a Determination to Fist
*3.3k -> *6.3k -> *8.9k Overlord
*5.8k -> *7.0k -> *6.5k To Love Ru Darkness S2
*6.3k -> *5.7k -> *6.0k Prison School
*0.0k -> *5.1k -> *5.2k GATE
*4.1k -> *3.6k -> *5.1k Monster Musume
*0.0k -> *3.6k -> *4.9k Charlotte
*7.2k -> *5.2k -> *4.8k Non Non Biyori Repeat
*0.0k -> *2.8k -> *3.9k Himouto! Umaru-chan
*0.0k -> *6.3k -> *3.6k Ushio to Tora
*2.6k -> *2.8k -> *2.8k Gakkou Gurashi!
*2.2k -> *2.5k -> *2.7k Gangsta.
*2.2k -> *3.4k -> *2.5k Fate/kaleid S3

You forgot the important part:
And the last summer pre-order stalker estimates(untill the week of release, in the later weeks of september)

At the moment it sold nothing at all, because it's not released :x
Sep 12, 2015 1:26 PM
Aug 2013
L-Ryoshi said:
Seriously, I don't get how any of you guys can still defend this show.

First off, still no explanation as to why Yuu would even remember an event from a completely separate timeline from what he went through, not to mention the fact that he actually remembers a person (the scientist dude) who died in said timeline WHICH YUU NEITHER EXPERIENCED NOR SHOULD HAVE ANY MEMORY OF.

Then of course, the other point which was made positively clear to us by the fact that they were unable to restore Ayumi's memories of Shunske, just why the heck would Yuu be able to recover his memories from a song from Zhiend, and NOT to mention those "memories" are ones that he definitely shouldn't even have? Even if he had inklings of memories of his brother from before that the memory dude forgot to erase (which unless it was Shunske's plan all along, though he himself denied it, wouldn't make sense in any other way considering that Ayumi's were ALL erased completely, ergo the memory dude did a VERY THOROUGH JOB), why would the ones that come back to him come from a timeline which NEVER OCCURED?

And seriously, Shunske spends the entire series it seems to protect all the ability users from harm in Japan, but once the family of one of his friends gets taken hostage....
then it's "Fuck my little brother, and screw all the rest of ability users in Japan, lets just go do what the foreign terrorists tell us to do because, hey, we're honorable people who take care of our friends first, even if it means risking the lives and well-being of EVERY SINGLE OTHER ABILITY USER IN JAPAN...... but hey, it's perfectly fine because apparently no one except myself should know that you cannot time leap without both eyes, even when the terrorists told me explicitly that Kumagami and Furuki spilled the beans about EVERYTHING, eh? The plan to send an unready, untrained Yuu in is PERFECT!"

Seriously, if the entire situation started because Kumugami was jacked heading back to school, why the hell did they not just have Yuu leap back to their meeting and STOP Kumugami from going back to school!?!?!
They could have thought of countermeasures to rescue Furuki's family from that point on, and the terrorists would have been none the wiser. It's not like Furuki and the terrorists had actually PLANNED Kumugami would find a new ability user right THEN, now is it?

Was there even any point of introducing the blind Zhiend main vocalist's back story? For one thing, if she had the same ability as Shun, she's already blind so she can't help with any current situation at hand anymore. For another, it's not like they even have time to recall her back story, unless it's something that can be used to tie up all loose ends, including that huge plot hole of why Yuu regained memories from ANOTHER TIMELINE, which I just don't see as likely...

I tried to enjoy this show as much as I could, but seriously, from the waste of time weekly ability format, to the ridiculous time-wasting side plots about antagonistic scientists (conveniently solved by big bro Shun's one episode of time leap story telling), to all those half-opened "plotlines" (including the sudden switch of antagonists from "scientists" to "foreign ability users") which considering we have just 2 episodes left really have no other way of getting solved save for "different timeline changes things up" shit, I seriously cannot consider this show as anything but one huge mess right now.

And to think I didn't even mention the fact that Nao got beaten up and stripped down for no good reason in all of the above... seriously what the hell?

you forgot to mention that there is 0 character development throughout the entire series
Sep 12, 2015 1:26 PM

Oct 2014
And everything that can go shit went to shit...

Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
Rokka below 2k

Ah Japan, your shit taste never ceases to amaze me.
Sep 12, 2015 1:27 PM

Jun 2015
Shrimperor said:
And everything that can go shit went to shit...

Yuu_vi_Britannia said:
Rokka below 2k

Ah Japan, your shit taste never ceases to amaze me.

Rokka deserves better.
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