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Aug 6, 2015 9:20 AM

Nov 2011
Well this episode was amusing. The return of the paper bag man with somewhat thrilling in a way although not scary.

I also thought the episode details the main cast well in terms of coming together. Not sure how I feel about them trying to take care of a kid though:

However, I will say that their analogy is kinda interesting..
Aug 6, 2015 9:27 AM
Oct 2012
That was an oddly pointless episode. There was some humor and some character development so it wasn't bad exactly, but for me when it was done I was left with the "so what" feeling I get after watching filler.
Aug 6, 2015 10:45 AM

Mar 2014
I like how calmly Shadow-man says that he has a bomb tied to him.

Aug 6, 2015 10:57 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Lol that episode was pretty funny and just fun all together....Gotta love Shadow Man and how he thinks that being a pedo is okay xD

I should have known that Black Lizard was behind most of that stuff though xD Kinda funny how all those other things happened at the same time too.....I would have even believed that the baby was really Akechi's as well and LMAO I cant believe that this guy is afriad of cats xD

Also, it's nice to see that Kagami didn't get executed.....I hope to see more of him as the series goes on considering that his prediction came true

Overall, good episode filled with decent character development and fun interactions (Also, that baby mama was hot as fuck)
Aug 6, 2015 11:08 AM

Feb 2015

This felt like a filler, to be honest.
Probably a breather episode before they move on to the next big case.

Best part for me was the ending scene.
I like Kagami and hope he plays an active role in the coming episodes despite being imprisoned.

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Aug 6, 2015 11:13 AM

Apr 2014
Shadow-man is my favorite character

I wonder what the next case will be

Aug 6, 2015 11:19 AM

Feb 2014
Well, this was an, uh... interesting episode I guess. But it was really pointless.
Aug 6, 2015 11:37 AM

Dec 2012
inb4 nakamura-san is a twenty-faces
Aug 6, 2015 11:43 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
That was pointless... but it was also entertaining !

Shadow-man pretty calm and friendly while he has a fuckin bomb attached to him. Best part of the episode.
Aug 6, 2015 11:55 AM

Jul 2015
This episode was hilarious af. This was probably the calm before the storm. Looking forward to next episode!
Aug 6, 2015 11:57 AM

Jul 2015
I'm all for enjoyable filler every once in a while I guess.

No one was murdered in this world, that's a start!
Aug 6, 2015 12:07 PM

Jul 2014
What even was this episode? This was so ridiculously random, even by this show's bizarre standards.

Also, am I the only one who is wondering about why Nakamura walks so strangely. I've not really noticed it before, but it seemed really obvious and really strange in that scene after the credits, even more so given the context.
Aug 6, 2015 12:10 PM

Jun 2014
Shadow Man was the highlight of this episode. He's hilarious. And Akechi is scared of cats lol. While not a great episode, Shadow Man prevented it from being what I would consider bad
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 6, 2015 12:21 PM

Feb 2015
As much as I like this show's 'so bad, it's good' charm, this episode was just fluff. It had the usual humour but I like it more when there is an investigation going on.
Aug 6, 2015 12:30 PM
Jul 2018
This episode is quite pointless. The humor isn't that bad!

Akechi is scared of cats.
Aug 6, 2015 12:45 PM

Mar 2015
Hmm, the episode was a nice change of pace but it was pretty silly - not what I was expecting.

It seems like there are more twenty faces rising in criminal activity.
Aug 6, 2015 1:03 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That was odd, but nothing bad really.

Kagami is not out of the show it seems...which is great, he's my favourite character so far.
Aug 6, 2015 1:18 PM
Sep 2013
ayyy funny episode, loved it. Good break from all the tension and epicness we got last week.... :D
I was laughing a lot and enjoying the shadow man's antics (damn he is sure one of my favs) as well as Akechi being scared of cats and their funny scenarios on trying to get rid of the shadow man lol
BUT THEN THAT AFTER ENDING SCENE ARRIVED...and then I felt the feelz again TT_TT but I'm so glad that Kagami is alive cause he's a really cool guy
Aug 6, 2015 1:36 PM

Jan 2015
that was kinda enjoyable, Akechi is so sweet with kids even though he said he doesn't loke them!! the cat was so cuute too. Happy to see the Kage Otoko again he's amusing, the last part when Nakamura was visiting Kagami in jail was so emotional
Aug 6, 2015 1:58 PM

Jul 2011
i liked it, especially given me being an mgs fan and all, but it still was a filler... they could have improved a little some things(like the way to defuse the bomb) but overall it wasn't bad.
Aug 6, 2015 2:35 PM

May 2015
for a filler episode it was good
Aug 6, 2015 3:02 PM

Jul 2010
''Okay, then.Let's kill him in a different way'' and Shadow-man's reaction was imo best part of the episode.Cracked me up really hard lol.
Aug 6, 2015 3:21 PM

Jan 2013
lol fuck it , koba is a gril in my eyes even tho she is bullshitting everyone that she isnt
Aug 6, 2015 3:33 PM

Oct 2011
Well... Pointless, but it was fun. Next week will be about the new twenty faces?

OrangeJP said:
Shadow-man is my favorite character

Aug 6, 2015 4:03 PM
Oct 2014
Doctor Faust is really funny in this one. But yeah, this episode does not feel like it belongs to a series that is supposed to make you feel edgy and unsettled.
Aug 6, 2015 4:27 PM

May 2015
Alright. Pretty much a pointless episode, but guess it was entertaining for a bit.

Aug 6, 2015 4:31 PM

Apr 2015
More character interactions this time. Not much of the dialogue caught my interest, but the scenario revolving around the baby and the cat felt entirely random. I would've preferred it if they just immediately moved on to the next case, but it's okay I guess.
Aug 6, 2015 5:05 PM

Feb 2010
SchwingBoner said:
Best part for me was the ending scene.
I like Kagami and hope he plays an active role in the coming episodes despite being imprisoned.

I agree. Last week had so far the best episode for me mostly because of Kagami. This week we get to see something completely different and random but the best scene was certainly the last one.
Nakamura is interesting as well, he deeply regrets the fact that Kagami changed into a 20 faces copycat while he is questioning his role as a police officer. Yet he said himself that there was a time he was very passionate about his work just like Kagami before the tragic death of his sister. In the end, maybe the lack of passion is what can prevent someone from becoming a 20 faces copycat but that is also why law enforcement is messed up in the story.
Aug 6, 2015 7:53 PM

Jun 2013
That was really cute
Sad that this is only 11 episodes though :(
Aug 6, 2015 8:13 PM

Jul 2014
Hmm, fun episode but yeah, I agree. Felt like a filler or like a "tension-reliever" for what will come next maybe? Overall, ok episode, got some laughs out of me.
Aug 6, 2015 8:30 PM

Dec 2014
Pointless episode.

At least we got to see Shadow Man though.
Aug 6, 2015 8:33 PM

Oct 2011
Adorable cat <3

I wonder why he hates them??

Does he have a birthmark on his butt too XDDD

Dat scene after the credits T__T

Now I wonder of Akechi was 20 faces???
Aug 6, 2015 8:42 PM

Oct 2011
So about halfway through the series, anyone thinking of dropping this?
Aug 6, 2015 9:53 PM

Dec 2014
Well ... this episode was kinda light. We got more humor instead of the usual psychological mystery. The revelation about Akechi's fear of cats sure was the highlight in this episode. xD
BlancchetAug 6, 2015 10:06 PM
Aug 6, 2015 10:58 PM
Oct 2012
Gov said:
So about halfway through the series, anyone thinking of dropping this?

Drop? No. There are still several possibilities that could make this show average.

But that said, this latest episode really doesn't build confidence. I had this pegged with 5, what I had hoped to be an interesting show was exposed as a pathetic cobbling of prior episodes and a blatant appeal to the masses. This episode did not provide anything to change that verdict.

As I said above, it isn't that this episode was bad, in isolation, but as the 6th episode of a series, it really stank. Had 1-5 been above average, then a fun sixth would have been fine, but 1-5 were no where near being even average, so this made 6, in context, disappointing. This series has not figured out what it wants to be, it is not horror, it is not camp, it is not humor, it is not mystery. It really isn't anything, and that is the problem.

Now I am no saying that a show needs to have a genre, but there is a difference between a series that is well made so that it doesn't need a genre and a show that is just poorly written. This series is the latter. It is a written mess, which is a bit surprising since it is not a collaboration, but the work of a single individual. I would have more hope if it were the former, bad plotting that is attributed to multiple writers is understandable, but there is no real explanation for such bad writing for a single writer.

The sad thing is that this show has nearly crossed the Rubicon. As I said above, I can imagine many possible plots that can still make this show interesting, however we are at the point where 90% of the viewers no longer care, and nothing shown so far makes their judgment wrong.
Aug 6, 2015 11:03 PM

Mar 2009
Kind of needed an episode like this after last week's depressing one.
Aug 6, 2015 11:23 PM

Jul 2011
I liked this episode. It's good for comedy relief especially after the events occurring from the previous episodes. Long story short, too much mature themes is no good for you lol. I am, however, looking forward to when the comedy dies down and the setting changes more to a dark and twisted theme again. Hope the next arc is more interesting than the last.
Aug 7, 2015 2:25 AM
Nov 2010
I found this episode amusing. It's nice to see the interaction between some of the characters.
Aug 7, 2015 2:28 AM

Jan 2015
Lol, pretty good episode
Aug 7, 2015 2:59 AM

Nov 2012
really pointless episode. at least it had some kinda funny moments.
Aug 7, 2015 3:02 AM

Apr 2013
Man this episode was way more upbeat then usual, I actually enjoyed it though. It's a nice change of pace from all the murder and fucked up shit that's happened throughout the series. Some very funny moments in this episode too.
Aug 7, 2015 3:26 AM

Jun 2011
6 episodes in and I'm starting to think that Hashiba would have been better as Akechi's assistant than Kobayashi.
Aug 7, 2015 3:37 AM
Jun 2015
Pointless but strangely fun episode.
We established that Akechi has a fear of cats and hates children, the shadow man still thinks being a pedo is okay, Kagami is still alive(thank god) and there's a cat in the building for the time being.
Aug 7, 2015 4:20 AM

Mar 2015
How can these characters act so calmly towards a man who has a bomb attached to his chest like they think that's a part of everyday life and their reactions are just peaceful to every single thing that is unusual in "our world".
Aug 7, 2015 4:22 AM

Nov 2007
So the scene after credists gave us more story development than rest of the episode. Pretty bad for 11 episode anime. This episode + 5th gave us very little story progress, as 5th just showed what we have been thinking since the end of 4th and stretched it into 20mintues drama flashback.
Aug 7, 2015 6:33 AM

Dec 2013
After the crazy show we had last week, I'm guessing the director figured some of us here would need something of a respite from the regular progam.
I'm amazed how Black Lizard managed to orchestrate the kidnapping and planting of the bomb on Shadow-Man so easily. I would love to see the crazy stuff she would do to express her "Love" to Akechi if she weren't in jail.

The post-ending scene though..... does anyone other than me feel like there's something fishy with the Senior Cop (I'm speculating that he was the original 20-Faces).
Aug 7, 2015 7:02 AM

Sep 2014
Uh....meh episode. I honestly thought last week's episode was decent. But this was just dull, sigh.
Aug 7, 2015 7:11 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow man acting calm at the front door is reasonable. He already had his freakout before showing up. However everyone else acting so calm and even slamming the door on the bomb is ridiculous! Especially when Akechi shows great fear for a cat but doesnt bat an eyelash at a bomb. Completely urealistic even with suspended disbelief.

Also I honestly don't think Shadow Man is a perv and maybe not even a pedo. He is strangely obsessed with little girls but he's not shown a single sign of sexualness towards them.
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Aug 7, 2015 7:33 AM

Jul 2014
Disappointing. it was a pointless episode, while it was funny, it kinda ruined the whole dark atmosphere it had goin on
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Aug 7, 2015 8:03 AM

Jan 2014
Never thought I'd have this much fun from a random cluster of shenanigans up.

This was seriously amazingly executed. As Akechi put it, Cat, Baby, Pervert and Bomb, no to mention Terrorists, I mean What The Fuck!?

But I lol'd immenselly and the episode went out fast out of that. I lol'd hard at the Metal Gear Solid sequences, everybody "oh yeah this is a good idea" even Shadow Man agreeing until he was "Wait, I'm Dead". That made it even more funny.

Ultimately it seems the bomb was a lot of noise and paper (as in I assume it wasn't lethal)? Anyway what was amazing to see was Kobayashi getting flared at abandonement, I wonder if he has some personal experience or something.

Anyway this was a nice break from the usual disturbing cases we have.
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