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May 3, 2015 9:49 AM

Mar 2015
A small Island and fort that the navy is using as a base of operations for their operations against the pirates. Here Navy ships can get repairs, get more supplies, and take more men onto the ships. The small port is inside a bay overlooked by the fort, and the forts guns are always ready, watching for some sign of an attack.
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May 3, 2015 10:06 AM

Sep 2014
Jack and the Officer were Training the Marines, They were marching in columns.

Fortis arrived ahead of Lisbeth and the captain, She had hurried ahead of them and waited for the Two to arrive to the island.

A few men Secretly leave the Man-o-war with a few crates of items, They set up in the island wearing Masks over there face and they were wearing there normal clothes.
61235May 3, 2015 10:30 AM
May 3, 2015 10:10 AM

Apr 2014
James Blackheart had been on top of watch tower enjoying the view
May 3, 2015 11:24 AM

Jul 2014
She walked on the port, patrolling around and ignoring Fortis.
May 3, 2015 11:34 AM

Mar 2015

Julia just accompanied the girl around the island.
May 3, 2015 11:38 AM

Jul 2014
She patrolled around, ignoring Julia as she walked around.
May 3, 2015 11:53 AM

Apr 2014
James yawned and went onto the ship
May 3, 2015 12:29 PM

Sep 2014
A Speck of Sunlight appears on fortis's shirt, It was of no worry to fortis. The Speck of light seemed as though someone was reflecting a mirror onto her shirt. Someone was, It was most typical for a Signaler to shine a light on a target so that the marksman can aim at it.

Jack marches the soldiers around the Fort area, He Has not had the time to Set up any patrols along the other parts of the island, Except for the Fort, The rest of the island is un-supervised. He plans to set up patrols when he has a meeting with the Captain and the Officers of the other ship.
61235May 3, 2015 7:13 PM
May 3, 2015 11:25 PM

Jul 2014
She noticed the light on Fortis's shirt and looked around, concerned.
May 4, 2015 4:54 AM

Sep 2014
Fortis notices that Lisbeth started looking concerned for no reason, She decided to walk to be right next to lisbeth, But tripped on a stone on the ground. A shot had hit where she had just been walking, And if she had not fallen, Would have hit her Square in the Heart.

Jack was about to order men to go investigate the shot, But An officer convinces him that he had sent men to the other side of the island to hunt animals and that he already warned them about the hunting group.

2 Groups of Men hid in ambush, Though they had expected not to put plan b in place, For the Sharpshooter would have taken care of the target if fortis had not tripped. They took out Melee weapons and hid Very quietly,As if they were the Trees themselves.
May 4, 2015 5:01 AM

Jul 2014
-Get up and stay behind me!
she told Fortis, looking around to see who shot the bullet.
May 4, 2015 5:37 AM

Sep 2014
There was a trail of gunpowder from a tree, The sharpshooter takes out a Melee weapon and jumps down the tree landing on his feet. He wore a mask to disguise his idenity, And walked forward looking at them with an intense glare. He loaded his musket then took aim at whoever was gonna try to shoot him or moved to him.

A ship landed behind the island Secretly, using the terrain to hide the ship.
May 4, 2015 5:43 AM

Mar 2015

Julia never turned around, instead, she stuck her pistol out from underneath her arm, and shot the man with the musket before he got a chance to fire. She then walked over to him, drawing her sword in the process, and put it to the man's throat. She smiled sweetly at the man.
"Why did you try and shoot a member of my crew?"
May 4, 2015 5:44 AM

Jul 2014
Before she could create an ice chain she noticed Julia take down the man.
May 4, 2015 7:15 AM

Sep 2014
"Why Miss, So you could be distracted" The masked man said, The Ambush groups that were hidden revealed themselves. They took out rifles and then aimed at Lisbeth and Fortis with muskets, When out of no where " AHOY THERE MATEYS! YOU BE STEALING MY PRIZE! " Edward appeared out of the trees and knocked out one while he landed. "Hello there my fellow friends, We should talk later." he says as one of the Attackers lunged at him, Missing Edward than edward kicked him in the leg, then the back.

The Other group of Attackers stood at a distance away from julia with muskets drawn

One of the group leaders yell "Give up the Girl, We will let you kill yourselves and not face a grimsly death"
May 4, 2015 8:14 AM

Jul 2014
She formed her ice chain and spun it like a lassoo, then she wrapped it around the group leader's feet
-Don't talk to Navy like that. she said sternly, the swung the chain sidewards, slamming the leader into a nearby wall.
May 4, 2015 9:12 AM

Sep 2014
Edward Kicked one of the Attackers with his right arm and then kicked him in the chin, He took out a cutlass and started beating the other attackers with the hilt.

Situation Brief
4 people Surround Edward
4 People surround Julia

Edward Knocks out Two men While Lisbeth had tekn out the Third. The Fourth one ran away, But was tripped by fortis and hit his head on the same stone she had tripped on earlier.

"take that!" fortis says as she kicked him in the groin
May 4, 2015 9:21 AM

Jul 2014
-Nice kick, merchant!
she told Fortis with a smirk.
May 4, 2015 10:01 AM

Sep 2014
Fortis nodded and said "Thanks, You also did a number on them."

"IT isint over ladys, Yer captain over there seems to be surrounded. Iv'e seen what that lady with the Flying ice shards will do, So i dont plan on getting her Little Frotis friend yet" Edward says to the both of them.

"Take me where?" Fortis asks, But edward just went into the tree saying "I'll flank em"
May 4, 2015 11:13 AM

Jul 2014
-Even if the captain doesn't need help, its my duty.
she said, preparing her ice chain.
May 4, 2015 11:57 AM

Mar 2015

As the men surrounded her, Julia laughed several times. A beautiful pealing laughter, which was ruined by the fact that Julia plunged her sword into a major artery in the man's neck, spattering her face with blood. She looked at the rest of the men who had surrounded her, and left her sword buried within the man, drawing a tomahawk from her belt. She looked at the men, then id a backflip out of the group. One of the soldiers fired his musket, and Julia caught the lead ball on the flat of her tomahawk, flinging the deadly ball away from her by angling it and directing the bullet away from her. She charged up to the first, and slashed his throat. A man behind her attempted to shoot her, but a shot rang out from the pistol Julia had drawn in her backflip, and he fell clutching his stomach. She turned to face the final two, a crazed look in her eyes, and blood spattering her face. She slowly began walking towards the pair, they stood still staring at her in fear.
"I am the Royal right hand, the death of all who oppose the crown, and attempt to injure it's subjects."
She jumped forward, and slashed the next mans throat out, spattering her clothes with blood again. The man's friend attempted to hit her with a musket, but she caught it with her hand, and drove the axe in her other hand into his skull, killing him instantly. Covered in blood, she drew another pistol from her belt, and grabbed her sword, pulling it out of the man she had killed. She laughed and looked at the brush, wandering if anymore were hidden inside. She smiled and spread her arms out.
"Who's next?"
May 4, 2015 11:58 AM

Mar 2015

As the men surrounded her, Julia laughed several times. A beautiful pealing laughter, which was ruined by the fact that Julia plunged her sword into a major artery in the man's neck, spattering her face with blood. She looked at the rest of the men who had surrounded her, and left her sword buried within the man, drawing a tomahawk from her belt. She looked at the men, then id a backflip out of the group. One of the soldiers fired his musket, and Julia caught the lead ball on the flat of her tomahawk, flinging the deadly ball away from her by angling it and directing the bullet away from her. She charged up to the first, and slashed his throat. A man behind her attempted to shoot her, but a shot rang out from the pistol Julia had drawn in her backflip, and he fell clutching his stomach. She turned to face the final two, a crazed look in her eyes, and blood spattering her face. She slowly began walking towards the pair, they stood still staring at her in fear.
"I am the Royal right hand, the death of all who oppose the crown, and attempt to injure it's subjects."
She jumped forward, and slashed the next mans throat out, spattering her clothes with blood again. The man's friend attempted to hit her with a musket, but she caught it with her hand, and drove the axe in her other hand into his skull, killing him instantly. Covered in blood, she drew another pistol from her belt, and grabbed her sword, pulling it out of the man she had killed. She laughed and looked at the brush, wandering if anymore were hidden inside. She smiled and spread her arms out.
"Who's next?"
May 4, 2015 12:01 PM

Jul 2014
-Bravo, captain, now I see why Lisbeth considers you an idol.
she said with a slightly sarcastic clap of hands.
May 4, 2015 1:48 PM

Mar 2015

Julia turned towards the girl, and growled.
"Do not forget your place girl!"
May 4, 2015 1:52 PM

Apr 2014
Ace arrived hearing gunfire then he instantly went to Julia" Whats going on?" He asked and if one looked he was ready for battle with his sword and pistol drawn
May 4, 2015 2:17 PM

Mar 2015
John Cormac

He showed up as well, both of his pistols drawn.

"I heard the gunfire and I came over as soon as I could!" He called
May 4, 2015 2:21 PM

Sep 2014
(idk if its just my screen, but it looks like there are double posts?)

Fortis grabbed the man she knocked out and tied him up with a piece of rope she had brought from the ship. She looked back and saw the blood crazed captain and the other group of ambushers Bloody, Very bloody. This was really the first time Fortis saw such.....Gorey deaths or death so up close. Fortis looked for a bit and Focused on tying the Rest of the other group she had knocked out with Lisbeth and Edward.

Edward looked at the mess, Coming from the trees "Well, It seems we have a bit of time to talk now, Are you free?" Edward asked without a care in the world. He had put some distance between them, But he was not really in a defensive stance.

Jack Had heard more Shots Fired, He had the Officer that told him that he sent a Hunting party to be arrested Since the Hunting party brought more than a few Weapons along with them. Jack Sends All of the Marines and Infantrymen on the island to Scour for any Traitors.

He came to the conclusion that they were traitors since a Sentry men on the man-o-war found many piles of used uniforms and many missing Muskets and Melee weapons.
61235May 4, 2015 2:31 PM
May 4, 2015 2:42 PM

Apr 2014
Ace waited for Julia's response
May 4, 2015 6:13 PM

Mar 2015

Julia turned and faced him, smiling pleasantly and ignoring the gore spattering her face and clothes.
"Oh nothing really, just a few idiots who didn't know who they were messing with. However, moving back to that point."
She drew her final pistol from her belt, pointing it at Edward.
[b]"What in the bloody hell are you doing alive?"
May 4, 2015 6:14 PM

Apr 2014
"Sorry I couldn't be there for the fun but I will remain here now" Ace said returning the smile
May 4, 2015 7:20 PM

Sep 2014
"Woah there Mate, Calm down, Now that i've Been to this island. This island will be interesting to the Many "Friends" Of the crown will love to flock her for a vacation, I've already prepared for a Few friends of mine to send out messages about this island if i shall be so graciously shot in the heart." Edward did not even move his hand to any of his weapons because he was confident in his safety for the current time.

"You might wanna hear something, Interesting, Though later on since i can't talk to a lady that is covered in the remains of a few people on her. You might meet me at night, on the other side of the island." Edward skipped off.

Some of the People who had been knocked unconscious by the Trio of attackers (Lisbeth,Edward,And Fortis) woke up. They Were met with a Gorey sight that could happen to them at any time. One of the men plead to Fortis "Please don't Let her kill me! I would rather die at the hands of a pirate than to her!" Fortis hit him with a rock, Knocking him out.

Fortis had a sick feeling in her stomach and looked at Lisbeth for a while, Then she looked at the Captain, Looking at her with a Bit of shock, But not fear. She walked over to Lisbeth and Held her hand, Fortis was Too Emotionally Exhausted for talking much or much at all.
May 4, 2015 7:25 PM

Apr 2014
Ace simply aimed his pistol at the knocked out man's head ;may i?" He asked Julia
May 4, 2015 7:27 PM

Mar 2015

Julia lowered the weapon as the man skipped off, there would be time to deal with him later. She walked over to one of the men who had been knocked him unconscious, and drew a knife, sticking the point in his erm... more tender parts. She then preceded to slap him awake. As the man came to, he would be greeted by Julia's blood stained face, and the knife at his crotch.
"Listen very carefully traitor. If you don't answer every question I have for you, i'm going to eviscerate you in the most intimate manner possible, understand?"
May 4, 2015 7:31 PM

Apr 2014
Ren lowered his pistol "Guess not" he said
May 4, 2015 7:34 PM

Sep 2014
The man woke up Really clearly "Yes, Please dont kill me!", He continued on "I'll tell you Everything!."

Fortis looked At Julia, Fortis hoped for a second that the Man should be spared, He had already been taken prisoner and cutting him up like his other comrades.....She stopped the thought and continued to be behind the Back of Lisbeth.

A Group of Marines arrive and spot the mess, They line up and salute the Captain. The Officer of the Group of men asks Julia "Shall we get the Commander and the officers here?"
May 4, 2015 7:44 PM

Mar 2015

Julia didn't respond to the marine officer yet, she was to focused on the man in front of her.
"Good, now, why were you attacking the girl? I suggest you answer me openly and honestly, otherwise my hand might just slip......."
She then looked towards the marine.
"No, just take each one of these traitors, and force them to kill each other with rocks. Then bring the survivors to me. This is the price for betrayal. Leave this one here though, he is mine. Ace, escort fortis away. She is too young to see this."
She then turned her attention back towards the traitor, waiting on his response.
May 4, 2015 7:46 PM

Apr 2014
"As you wish" Ace said as he offered his hand to Fortis
May 4, 2015 7:55 PM

Sep 2014
"We were ordered too by the Organization to take care of anyone with these badges -shows Badge with symbol of the Assassins on it- The Organization is Everywhere, They can see Everywhere." He Continued on Sounding more Frightened about them "Now that I've confessed they will kill my family and burn down my house! There is no point in keeping the name a Secret anymore! The name is---."

He fell down grasping his Throat,He had Eaten his meal with poison by the order of his higher ups in case anything fails. Thoughe e was not informed of it, The others were fine as they had refused the meal, Well at least the ones that were still alive.

The Marine officer Takes the Traitors with his men to the Fort area, Telling the Marine commander(Jack) so he can set up a place for the captain's Arena.

Fortis didint take Ace's Hand, She simply followed him while she was still a bit lightheaded in thought.
61235May 4, 2015 8:16 PM
May 4, 2015 7:59 PM

Apr 2014
Ace just walked to the ship and James soon arrived
May 4, 2015 8:37 PM

Mar 2015

Julia watched as the man died. She felt angry that she hadn't gotten the name out of him, and pulled her arm back, shoving the knife deep into his unbeating heart, and spattering her self with gore again.
"Dammit, those bastards. They are gonna pay for what they did."
May 4, 2015 9:16 PM

Sep 2014
Jack was planning the Patrols with the Officers, When the Officer and his men that was ordered to take the men and have a death game arrived. The Officer told jack the Situation and he Simply nodded as if it was a Normal Occurrence. The Other officers looked like they would protest until they heard the tales of what the Captain did to the rest of the Attackers.

A Small Arena was set up in the Fort, The Prisoners led to the center of the fort and Marines lined the walls ready to shoot anyone that was going to try to escape the Death match. Line infantry Were at the bottom of the walls Also with bayonets ready and Muskets loaded to shoot anyone that looked like they would Try to Escape.

There were Three men in the Center, Jack announced to them

You have incurred the Full Wrath of our Captain, The Captain has decided that he will give the Survivor of a death match a CHANCE at living through this, Possibly even Returning to the Homeland and Exiled to another country.

There were Rocks in the Center, Enough for all Three to have one of Each. The order was Given when a Marine shot off the Round Signalling that it was about to start. The Three men look at each other with rocks in there hands, In a split Second they were going At each other Trying to kill each other with the rocks that they had been given.
May 4, 2015 9:57 PM

Jul 2014
She watched with excitement and interest the traitors from the side of the sma arena.
[I]Oh, how I love gore...
May 4, 2015 10:01 PM

Mar 2015

Julia left the body of the traitor for the carrion birds, wandering to the place where the men she had ordered to fight to the death were performing the deed. It was only just that the traitors betray each other. She sincerely hoped the last one didn't have any kind of poison in his body, she wanted to know a few more things out of whoever survived about this organization.
May 5, 2015 6:43 AM

Sep 2014
The Men fought each other Ferociusly, Though it seemed one of them was getting the others to focus on each other rather than him. There are Three men, Let's give them some nickname. The first Traitor is named Billy pop, The Second character is named Listert Mekah, and the Last character that is fighting in the arena is Kuma Ariashi.

When the fight began Billy picked up a rock and hit Listert in the head, Listert retaliated by hitting him in the sides and the Groin. Kuma picked up a stone and the hit them both with both his hands, All three had the need for Survival above the mates they had been with. The fight was intense with blood spilling out, Billy was killed only a few moments later.

Listert attacked Kuma with a rage of attack, It seemed that he was in Bloodlust mode and could no longer see any more options. Yuma attacked by kicking him and hitting Listert repeatedly while showing no Remorse.

A Navy ship arrives near the Fort, A messenger steps off and looks for the Captain of the Phoenix. It was a very stout man.He heard a bunch of sounds from the Fort and went to the fort to check up the people he was supposed to get. He tells a Marine to go get The captain of the Phoenix. The marine walks over to Julia and Salutes "Captain,We have someone waiting to meet you, a Messenger from the Homeland."
May 5, 2015 7:00 AM

Mar 2015

Julia nodded. She wasn't exactly presentable, but she didn't care.
"Bring him to me."
May 5, 2015 7:36 AM

Sep 2014
The messenger was led by the marine to julia, He saw the fight in the Arena but did not flinch at the sight of it. He salutes and takes out a letter "Captain Julia, This is for you."

" Greetings Captain Julia,This is an order from Lord Bastion of England, And an order from High above. You are to send any people with a Badge that has the Symbol of This -Shows the symbol that the men who attacked her were wearing-. You are to immediately send them to the Mainland, Without questioning them. This is a side note of my own, But Failure to comply, Could result in a Punishment.

The Fight in the Arena was intense as Yuma and Lsitert was fighting, Yuma was fighting with strategy, while Listert was fighting with strategy. Yuma struck Listert in the head as he lunged forward, Ending the Deadly match with Yuma's Victory.

Jack Announces You will be spared for a few moment until the captain decides what to do with you, Traitor Scum
May 5, 2015 11:13 AM

Mar 2015

Julia looked the man in the eye, and then decided on her own course of action. She knew her men would remain loyal to her no matter what happened so that wasn't a problem. Maybe what she was about to do was wrong, but her men would follow her. She pulled the last pistol from her belt and placed to the mans chest
"I don't deal with traitors, messenger, the Lord Bastion should no that I'm also at his level in lordship. I've been authorized by the king himself to execute anyone seen to stand in the way of my objective. You can tell lord Bastion, to go screw himself, and get me orders direct from the royal family, I answer only to them."
May 5, 2015 11:35 AM

Sep 2014
The man looked Frightened for a moment before regaining his composure and replying "i will tell that lord all about your reply, and about That pistol that you just placed on my chest!" he left hurrying, Even possibly running from Julia.

Jack walked over to Julia and saluted, He looked at the Captain's Bloodied uniform Commenting about it "Well it seemsI found out the Reason some of our enemies call us Redcoats!" he snickered a bit. "There is only one left standing, He is right over there in the center of the field. Shall i get him or do you want to go to him personally?"

Edward gathered a few things on the island, Making wooden Piles and gunpowder for something, Just as a Pre-caution for any dangers in the later times that he may Encounter.
May 5, 2015 11:40 AM

Jul 2014
-Captain, should I keep an eye on the man that came out of no where?
she asked Julia.
May 5, 2015 11:47 AM

Mar 2015

"Please do scribe. Make sure he doesn't put his nose where it doesn't belong. Commander, bring the man to me. Also I want you to take a few trusted men and personally search every member of the crew and the detachments that just arrived. I want anyone found with the symbol found on the traitors locked up in the brig. I don't want to take any chances."
She looked at the final man in the arena. She didn't plan on interrogating him. It would be best not to, just in case she was in something much deeper then she expected.
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