Apr 28, 2015 6:09 PM
In this thread, you shall create an "IRL" Character. Meaning that the only function of this profile is to show your character looks and his story from the real world. Note that there will be no "abillities" or "skills" in question here, these are to be made in the Skills and Virtual Appearence thread. [quote] Rules for Character Creation and RPing
Character Profile Name: Age: Gender: Height: Weight: Bio:( A large story about your character ) Personality: Appearance: |
YzmaelApr 28, 2015 6:12 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 29, 2015 7:27 PM
Character Profile Name: Li Han Namukisha Age: 17 Gender: Female Height: 5'1"(155cm) Weight: 116lbs(53kg) Bio: Han is part of one of the very rare people who were prepared for the apocalypse, either because the leader of her town was someone who always expected it to happen and was even able to predict exactly what would happen or because she herself was paranoid about it. Because of that, even after everything went down, Han wasn't affected at all by it and, in fact, she grew used to this world more than the old one she was never able to take a simple glimpse at. From southern Asia, Han was born in a clan of martial artists who lived on top of mountains and preferred to keep to their privacy. Even after the development of the Overseer Network and the advance and expansion of cities, they still preferred to stay away from those and keep to themselves, training high in the mountains while led by the always-strong leader of the clan, her mother. It was like that, as the daughter of a natural-born leader that Han conducted herself ever since she was born, right in the middle of a gigantic torment that was already desolating the world that, according to her mother, was already bound to happen ever since the first development of Virtual Reality. Due to not have suffered from the lack of food, energy or anything else that desolated most children that were born a few years before that, Han never cared for it all. In fact, she was never left in want. Even so, there was only one hunger no one was able to sate except her mother: The need for a battle. Her mother was always kind, gentle and never let her down, but that was what made it so that Han became much of a battle-maniac. She fought against all members of the clan in serious combat, even though she was never able to kill them. Perhaps received down genetically from her mother, Han was incredibly skilled. It wasn't unnatural for her to defeat over 5 enemies in one go without not even breaking a sweat. Such skill was as remarkable as it was similar to her mother's when it came down to quickly destroying enemies. When she was only 15, she yearned for a bigger challenge. Something that would make her want for battles to be sated once and for all. Her mother, the leader of the small group, decided that for that to happen, she would need to go somewhere else. She had a contact in the Americas that told her about the largest dome in existence and that it would be there that the Payback would happen. Yaya decided to guide her daughter into the chaos of this place and so she did. Yaya traveled along with Han through the desolate cities of China, through the destroyed Japan and through the Hawaiian ports until they separated and then Han had to make her own path. The two said their goodbyes on the port before Yaya allowed her to make her way to the Central America. No shortage of blasts would be able to hit her so far and she doubted it would attack her daughter. After all... It wanted to meet at last... It would be nearly two years after she had set to travel that Han arrived at the dome, being welcomed by the ones who were informed by Yaya long before the attacks. For some reason, Han felt as if this was planned for so long that not even she was a part of it... But now, she was here for a reason and a reason only: to fight whoever gets in her way and do what needs to be done. Personality: Like most people that live under the domes, Han has already seen the worst of what has happened to humanity. It was under the protection of her mother, however, that she saw so. However, even after seeing all that has happened, she still believes in the best of humanity and what it has to offer. She is constantly smiling and trying her best to show to others that it is possible. She has words of encouragement for anyone who is currently having difficulties and she was seen more than once helping in any ways she could. It could be said that, however, that this is only to hide her true personality. One of chaos and hunger for battle. When in combat, a simple glimpse of it is what she shows others. Deep inside, she wants nothing but to defeat her enemies and watch them writhe under her hands. She shows her other personality very, very rarely and even more rarely allows others to see it. Appearance: |
YzmaelMay 1, 2015 2:20 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Apr 30, 2015 5:20 PM
Character Profile Name: James (Kid) Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 5'7 (170cm) Weight: 160lbs (72kg) Bio: James, more normally known as just "Kid", is one of many orphans created by the ensuing genocide of the human race. Losing both parents and home in the first invasion against mankind, he was one of few survivors from the initial attack. Traumatized, his hair bleached white and he lost most memory prior to the event including his last name. Managing to escape the rubble and death he was picked up by a priest and his followers who fled with other children to the outskirts of the city to ensure safety. At first things were alright as they rebuilt structures and sustain themselves, but soon things turned for the worst as the priest and his men became violent. Then came the day when it happened, asked to speak with them James was invited to the priest's house. There he was served delicious food and was invited to sleep the night in a plush bed though he wasn't alone. After dinner the priest crept into bed with him and made sexual advances, but unlike most children who submitted or were confused and fearful, James resisted and fought back. Injuring the priest he became enraged and shouted for his servants. Clamoring into the room and they seized James and forced him to the ground where they repeatedly raped him. He screamed and hollered for help but no one came to his aid. The clergy men repeatedly told him to obey them and that he'd grow to like it as the other children did. They also threatened to kill him if he spoke a word of it to any outsiders. With no where else to go he was forced to submit to their demands and he did, for awhile. Then one day an outsider stumbled upon the small village. Approaching them in private James begged to be taken away with them. Reluctant as they barely knew him they politely refused. Desperate he told them about what was going on and that he just wanted to leave at any cost. Instead of leaving the man foolishly confronted the clergymen about the matter. Denying it and claiming James was known for lying the man was heading out when the other children spoke up. Appalled to learn that the things were actually true he thought to rush to his companions for help but wasn't given that luxury. Ganging up on him the clergymen savagely beat the man to death with what was at hand, filled with rage James was their next target. Beaten to the brink of death they didn't stop there, needing to teach him and everyone a lesson they chose a kid at random among them to be tribute for their sins. That night none of the children could sleep for the screams of the priests victim. They all believed it to be their fault and as such never again spoke up when strangers visited though James was more rebellious than his brethren in bondage. Stealing tools and food in secret he devised a plan to escape, rather taking his chances on his own than staying there any longer. Searching the outskirts of the village he found odds and ends he deemed useful for his journey. Packing it all in a backpack he repaired he had to do one thing before leaving. In the dead of night while the clergy men were "busy" with the children, James set fire to the priest's house. Watching from a distance as it slowly burned to the ground and the clergy men rushed to put it out, he left planning to never return. The next few days were amazing for James, he wasn't ordered around by the clergy men and could do what he wanted when he wanted, but after a few days the loneliness sunk in and he had regrets and even thoughts of turning around. Shaking them off he continued on, in search of a better place to live. Exploring what was left of society he quickly gained a collection of different assortments. From weapons and ammunition to books and cooking utensils. He wasn't sure what they meant or how they were used but found them unique and valuable looking. While fun, being on his own wasn't easy, as days went on he found it increasingly difficult to find food, water, and shelter. Surviving two months with no contact he was exhausted and completely without nourishment. Wandering a unknown desert he eventually collapsed from fatigue. Thinking it was the end he blissfully yet reluctantly fell unconscious, only to wake up days later in the hands of traveling merchants. Frightened at first he attempted to flee but was stopped by a man named Max who was the band's doctor, at least of sorts. Calming him down they assured him they wouldn't harm him and just were interested in his stuff. They had been through many cities but never found items of such quality like his collection. Asking him to show them where he found it they promised to let him tag along on their way to the Domes. He agreed under the condition that they would teach him about the Domes and other various things to do with the world. Laughing at the proposition they agreed and shook on it as a promise to fulfill their end of the bargain. In turn he guided them to the untouched trove of old world items he had stumbled upon. Delighted at the find they graciously thanked him as they pillaged from the remains a considerable fortune. After initial chats James learned they had been to many places on the globe and were a friendly bunch of people ranging from mechanics to librarians. When introduced to the structure of motors and mechanical machines they were astonished at James great aptitude for it. Becoming a greenhorn mechanic he quickly learned to repair and build many types of machines from car engines to clocks. Deciding to not leave but permanently join them he soon found a place to belong. Scavenging ruins, learning day and night, experiencing true friendship, it was all very foreign but exciting for James. He had hopped to stay with them for as long as he lived but unfortunately it seemed fate wouldn't let him. One night James had a squabble with a member of the group over mechanical solutions, resigning himself to solitude for the night. The next morning he found that his friends and company were gone, without reason or trace. Unknown to him they were awoken by bandits who claimed their belongings and freedom. Jointly agreeing to not mention James they protected him as they were dragged away in the night to await a fate much less pleasant. With nowhere to go and saddened at his abandonment James was forced to wander again, but this time more prepared he was able to care for himself. With time he preferred to be alone as it meant less trouble. Exploring unknown parts of the world he headed south until he reached Jiharra. Meeting an old man by the name of Ginzo, he was forced to work and live with him due to circumstances. Often having differing view points the two surprisingly get along, mainly as James has taken an odd liking to the rambling man. When he's not helping Ginzo on the farm he's off tinkering with an engine or reading about electronics and the "Virtual Reality". While not having been to it he's heard and read much about it and the A.I that caused the world to be as it is. Personality: James tends to be quiet and observant. Choosing to simply nod instead of speaking, he only talks when necessary or gets excited. Which he usually does when it's related to mechanics, electronics or history. He likes his solitude and building/repairing things from scraps. He rarely complains or gets angry and to those who do he usually avoids as he doesn't want to cause trouble. This is a result of his past and the frequent times of being on his own. Appearance: |
AstrosApr 30, 2015 7:16 PM
Apr 30, 2015 6:53 PM
Name: Kazuko Tsubasa Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5’4” Weight: 98 lbs Bio: Kazuko was one of the many children that suffered as a result of the genocide, albeit not quite directly. Though it didn’t make her an orphan or directly injure her, it did take the life of her mother and send her father into a spiteful and abusive state of mind, though not at first. When the attacks began, after it took the life of Kazuko’s mother, her father took her and fled, aiming to lead her to the safety of the domes. The plan was simple enough. Unfortunately, the journey is always the hard part. Kazuko’s father, fortunately for her, was former military and no stranger to combat, so he was capable of protecting her from physical threats or that’s what she assumed. However, it did nothing to assist in the most prominent issue; the lack of anything to scavenge. When the blasts began, everyone picked up everything and left… literally everything, which left very little for the father and daughter to scavenge for themselves. If they were lucky, they could find some scraps in the city, but for the most part they were forced to stick to rural areas. Yet still, many times they would go hungry and, of course, the lack of food and supplies would not be their only worries. With the world in its dysfunctional state, everyone outside the dome had adapted to the laws of Darwanism; survival of the fittest. While there were some who still possessed genuine kindness in their hearts, the majority had some sort of ulterior motive… or simply hostility that was blatant from the get-go. Even the genuinely kind ones were pushed away by her father, fearing for and assuming the worst. As for the aggressive ones, the man as well handled them himself, either through direct confrontation or the use of strategy, deceitful or otherwise. And despite Kazuko for the most part being forbidden in taking part in such activities, there were moments during their travels where desperation took control and the girl had no choice in the matter. It was then where Kazuko’s demeanor began to change. She began to think of such attitudes and outlooks as normal or common for humans… even began enjoying a while after desensitization covered the original fear and desperation. Her father noted these changes and, in frustration and the struggles having taken a toll on his own mental state as well, lectured her. Though, it was more relatable to abuse, physical, emotional and as time went on, sexual. This also started Kazuko’s fear of men in specific as, while she had harmed others and even killed them, it was never directly. She was far too weak and petite for that and constantly relied on her mind. It was impossible for her to go against him, one as he was too powerful but as well that she wouldn’t survive on her own, knowing that, she did nothing and accepted everything that happened as normal, mostly cruel and dark, that ensued during the final stretch of their travels. After finally arriving to the domes, it was clear they had both been broken. Not long after they secured a place of residence, Kazuko’s father became quite the alcoholic, continuing to abuse her from time to time, however now for no reason other than being wasted and angry. It ensued until, eventually, Kazuko was one of the children chosen for this new operation, claiming to fight back against the A.I. Honestly, though she should be angry at the A.I. for taking her mother away, she couldn’t care less about the outside world or even the one that existed in the domes. The only reason she accepted was that… Kazuko thought it might amuse her. Personality: Kazuko is one who possesses a very grim and dark outlook on the world. She maintains a quiet and reserved persona for the most part. Even were she to greatly disagree with someone or even be aggravated, she would simply remain silent and let them have their way. The reason for this being simply that in the real world, she is weak, both in body and mind. Kazuko would be unable to best anyone physically and, while mentally she surpasses many, it is her weak will that makes her come up short. Despite this, Kazuko does take a sort of twisted pleasure in causing violence between others or harming one other than herself, though this only occurs if she’s sure she herself will not endure harm. Nevertheless, Kazuko’s outward appearance make many people think that she is merely very reserved or mature. However, in truth, she merely hides her true and more abnormal side. Due to her past, Kazuko had originally developed Androphobia which eventually evolved into complete Anthropophobia. She not only despises people and humanity as a whole, but is at the same time terrified of it. Kazuko does not make it obvious, however she has never once made physical contact with anyone, and she especially tries to avoid males, though Kazuko maintains a reserved attitude towards both genders. She is extremely cynical as well as hypocritical and often goes out of her way to examine and analyze all the low points of human nature and then turn around and do just what she criticized. Out of habit, Kazuko tends to carry around headphones and will most often block everything out with music. Appearance: |
Apr 30, 2015 8:48 PM
Name: Ginzo Kurashita Age: 62 Gender: Male Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 lbs Bio: Growing up in the Mountains of Iga during Japanes Remilitarization in the mid 21st Century, Ginzo was part of a curious legacy. With so many people being connected to the grind, and the world more or less peaceful, military production was mostly focused towards robotics, however, with so many people diving into VR a wealth of information was left wide opend in peoples very homes. The world had came full circle. Human Operatives and those skilled in stealth were once more needed, leading the reformation of the Shinobi. Not much is to be said about this period of Ginzo's life, it was rather typical, minus assassinations, planting and stealing information from the inattentive, and being a man prone to violence. Ginzo came to look forward to retirement, as the years went on he even rose to the rank of Master, had a wife and family, and set aside land in Central America, for farming. That was when all hell broke lose. Given his age at the time Ginzo still had to handle operations, and training, plus pacification efforts to restore some means of stability and peace. During the purge his wife passed away in the aftermath and the worn out Ginzo soon found himself suddenly back at his land, where a huge dome was built. Wanting some meassure of peace to his life, the Elderly Shinobi doesn't make his past known to anyone in the town really, and while Students still come to his doors time to time his own children now carry the torch in various lands, though contact is sporadic at best. However even now his life would not be the calm he sought, in place Ginzo found his land being inched back bit by bit, and with the EMP events outside the city any work taken to there would be difficult as it is manpower intensive. Between what few students he takes, and what few workers he trusts, the only person around him with any consistency is James, or Kid as he calls him at times. For all of Ginzo's physical prowness and skill with combat, even in his old age, his skills with repair and salvage are zero. Having the young James stumble upon his hidden store room, while at first a happenstance event worthy of death, Ginzo in place found the pukish youth was of some use in restoring his machines. While he has caught hints at the boys past, Ginzo doesn't question the matter. Letting the boy stay on hand as a mechanic has proven to be a boon, freeing up Ginzo to tackle other matters. Personality: Ginzo's personality can be described as having no middle ground. Between giving sage advice, or pointless rants on the youth and evils of technology it seems to be just extremes with him. Values self effiency and hard work, doesn't seem to like people who engage in pointless small talk, or are wasteful and lazy. Somewhat hostile or cold, the old man does have a bit of a softerside if he feels you are worthy of being shown it. While a bit of a "dirty old man", it seems this is more of an act than a true part of his personality. In fact his whole personality could be built as a means to keep people off guard and guessing his intentions. One thing is sure however, he wants nothing more than to see the world Rid of the AI's and the technology that in his eyes caused all of the current madness. While old, his personality is as eager and head strong as a much youngerman, claiming that while his bones are old, his body still burns with the vigor of youth. And as his random students will atest, there is some truth to this. To most of the city that does not know his past, he's just an old rice and vegitible farmer that seems to take youths in for some sort of martial arts training, and who can be grumpy and is best left alone. The senior city officals know who he is, and rather like for him to be left alone to his small school and large fields. Apperance:[spoiler] |
RedArmyShogunMay 1, 2015 12:39 PM
May 1, 2015 2:16 PM
Character Profile Name: Angus McCoy Age: Unknown. Later twenties from appearance. Gender: Male Height: 5'9" (175 cm) Weight: 185lbs (84kg) Bio: Very few is known about McCoy. Either because he persistently makes it so or because it is difficult to get a chance to ask him about these things. What is known, however, is that he was, even before the attacks, already involved with the development of multiple technologies, including the domes and the current technology used for farming and for energy collection. For reasons unknown, he seems have a lot of knowledge about the A.I. and also about the multiple attacks around the world. Before the city of Jiharra was even a dome, he was already here coordinating the people and helping them prepare to what was to come. This hints that he has a possible connection to what is going on, but it doesn't place him as either an antagonist to it or as a causer, making it difficult to guess where he was before the attack and what happened to his family. Personality: McCoy is a kind, gentle but strict and direct man. He rarely speaks about his personal status, but he is constantly seen trying to make people feel better about their current situation. Perhaps because of McCoy's reserved personality, he becomes someone difficult to talk with when it comes to personal conversations about him. Although extremely intelligent, the man doesn't seem to think of himself as someone who is. He's constantly attempting to help in any and all ways he can, which can cause him to look as someone nosey. Aside from that, McCoy is someone who deeply believes that all this situation can be solved. He is completely focused on his work for this very reason, as he is rarely seen outside the Towers at all and is constantly developing something to help at the resolution of the status humanity is in. Appearance: |
YzmaelMay 1, 2015 3:00 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
May 1, 2015 4:02 PM
Name: Hadrien Dodger Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 5' 10" Weight: 179 lbs Bio:( A large story about your character ) The son of Homera Kayaba (changed to Dodger for fear of abuse) and Melissa Kayaba, two of the survivors of the death game. Heading to America, Hadrien seemed out of place with his white hair and red eyes, nicknamed a rabbit in school. A day before the EMP blasts happened his father rushed his family away from the city. To his horror his father didn't make it far as the EMP blasts fried the portable life support machine. His mother and him settled in one of the domes with only the clothes on their back and a strange necklace that was just a silver chain and a silver ring that occasionally shone red. Personality: Kind and humble. Hadrien always has a smile on his face and puts others before himself, something he shares with his father. Hadrien also has a very dark and sadistic side, ranging from beating people up further than what was constituted or haggling people who haggle others. His sadistic side seems to come from his mother's side, long with his silver hair. Appearance: |
May 1, 2015 6:04 PM
Name: Sylvia Reed Age: 31 Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Weight:115lbs Bio: Sylvia was born to a American Family of modest means in a poor region of the midwest. Not a stranger to hard work, her family was strictly religous, and some would say backwards in there lack of use of technology and the hardships of tutoring plus helping the family farm, and school work placed some hardships on the Young Syvlia, alongside her were four siblings, though it seems shes the only member of her family left at present. Her school grades were almost always on the verge of failing, though further test and social service invesitgations showed no abuse, and that the girl was simply not interested in the studies of the school, while having a great memory and ability to learn quickly. Enlisting in US Army at the age of 17, there generally wasn't much danger given the turning to machinese for defense. Given her enlistment was decided on her grades rather than ability, Sylvia barely was cleared for enlistment, and even then became the Archaic role of personal bodyguard to a group of scientists and commanders that oversaw the Defense systems of the nation. Studying them and there work, Sylvia gained a general rough understanding of how the systems worked, as well as pretty much every control code that was in use to memory. This in turn lead to the more lazy members of the staff, not only not reporting her, but dumping work on the stupid guard to do. Which in turn turned a murky understanding into something much more clear. However when the "contact" happend as some call it, she quickly found herself back in the infantry. Guarding the self same scientists in a desperate bid to recover the system, and soon when that was all but helpless, fighting the robotic automations with what primative Weaponary was still on hand, Sylvia had her first bitter taste of defeat. When the AI lashed back Sylvia was one of the few survivors on the so called Potomic Front, though even that was at a price. Suffering the effects of radiation blasts, she had an advanced form of Marie Antoinette Syndrome, plus third degree burns to her back, neck, and left side of her face., and arms. While crawling and fighting her way out of what amounted to hell, she wanderd aimlessly, from camp to camp, mercenary band to band. Even begging and worse. Running deeper than her burns was the mental and emotional baggage from these events. However when the domes were being built, what defense systems were salvaged were utterly useless no one knew the coding and those that did, didn't know the passwords and command lines for the US centric weapon emplacements and generators. Praticularly the Anti-Air Batteries. The area she happend to have learned everything on. Using that knowladge to prop up what was left of mankinds defenses earned her a more senior position among the families that in the aftermath gained the most from the new economic and social system, while still considerd an idiot infrantry woman from the Midwest by some. Sylvia regardless played a role and gave information that soon spread to other technicians earning her a higher spot in society. Technically while just a paper title as they have no true forces per-see, she was granted the Title of Defense Commander and acts something like a Marshal for the city of Jiharra...a job she finds boring. Personality: Sylvia talks at a slow pace with a bit of pauses and drawl, plus her blank inattentive stare leads to some that don't know her, to think she is simple minded, or stupid. Which is far from the case, she just simply doesn't have the social graces to pretend to be interested in something when she's not. And her slow speaking is a result of the conservitive lifestyle she grew up in, which while on the mark of being poor, plus the families religious values, installed a sense of caution in her..only made worse by the contact. In those regards, shes dependable and a tenacious fighter, however in some regards she is still in a state of shock, and has a strong hatred for the AI's, it is rumored she has a drinking problem, though she seems stoic enough to not showcase these problems to the general public. Her words are often simple and to the point, and can switch to full blown conversation at a momments notice. Which hints at potential instability. Her personality seems to be rather flat in terms of sadism or machoist, hope or despair. However she seems to think of humans in much the same way as one would machines. Progress is marked only if it costs too many bodies. Because of this flowing into her own command style and in a manner her unpassionate nature of pretty much anything, it produced fear and pity in her underlings. Rumor has it that also was used as reasoning to keep her someplace rather quite. Appearance: |
May 1, 2015 11:29 PM
Name: Whitney Kanzaki Age: 19 Gender: Male Height: 5’9” Weight: 164 lbs Bio: Born from a Japanese father that walked out on the family and a European mother, Whitney escaped the cities with his mother as well as his younger sister. Luckily for them, they one of the first to reach the domes, likely due to his mother’s hand in the research and development of Virtua and the Overseer Network. Their mother was one of the first to know about the upcoming transgressions and flee with her two children to the domes, where she raised her children for the most part as she spent her expertise contributing to the new attempt at payback against the Artificial Intelligence. ...Unfortunately, her assistance in the operation didn’t last long. After a couple years, Whitney’s mother suddenly turned very ill. While medical personnel did what they could, and while she didn’t necessarily get worse, she did not get better either. Another year passed and the woman fell into a coma to which she remains in in the current day. As their mother kept most of her work secret from Whitney and his kid sister in a wish for them to remain uninvolved in the whole endeavor, the two children never really knew much more than the average individual. However, what Whitney does know is that this… A.I. whatever it was, was the thing that stole the technological standards of today and pushed humanity back into the bubbles known as domes… as well as turned many humans into a feral state, or at least that was what he heard the world was like outside the walls. A while after his mother grew ill, Whitney offered his own services in the contribution to the development of Operation Payback, both in the technological department… as well as a participant in the operation when they began recruiting. Personality: Whitney, or rather Kanzaki as he’s called by all, is often labeled as a simple yankee and delinquent, for the most part back in his school days, but still so now. He dislikes his first name, believing it to be too wussy and has done a good job as to keeping it secret for the most part. The fact that he seems to have a pretty simple way of looking at things, is rather blunt, quick to solve issues with a punch and the orange hair he possesses, it’s not odd to classify him as some sort of nerdowell. However, Kanzaki is not so bad as people tend to see him and is actually intelligent enough to make his mother proud and earn his keep not only as a member contributing to Operation Payback, but as well act as a recruit and participant in it. He often tries to help and stick up for those around him, even should he not know them all that well, and often ends up in conflict because of this fact… Though appears to have trouble lifting a hand to girls, even if they prove capable of defending themselves. Truthfully, all he wants is to help people who need it. To say he has a hero complex wouldn’t be too far-fetched, either. Appearance: (Replace the collar shirt with something more resembling a lab coat in length.) |
May 4, 2015 9:10 PM
Name: Lance Hunter Age: 21 Gender: Male Height: 6'3" Weight: 220 lbs Bio: Lance is the grandson of a former player (Drache) in the death game that was the first VR game, it was do to Lance's grandpa that their family was more prepared then most for the attack, having purchased a farm off the grid they made due for a time till the building of the dome city of Jiharra soon begin close by and their farm as well as many others properties were to be part of it and at first they were going to have none of it but after a few threats and talks they agreed to become a part of the dome as long as they could keep their farm and were left alone, a promise which the government would break many times over. Lance was brought up after the Dome was in place and was always interested in the stories his grandpa had to tell him about the old world and even more interesting to him the VR world he was trapped in, he grew up with the stories of bravery and courage and never breaking human spirit and will to survive they had as all the world plunged into chaos, His father had joined the military not long after he was born to try and make a better world for his child but unfortunately lost his life in one of the many failed attempts to fight back against the A.I. so he often looked to his grandpa as a father figure despite his mother's constant disapproval of listening to his crazy stories and that he should spend more time tending the farm or studying if he really wants to be a Hero this day and age. As Lance went about being a teenager he's fascination with the old world only grew as he was regularly seen staring out passed the dome when not helping out at the farm and when he was 16 he snuck outside passed the patrols and the world he was met with was far from the world in grandpa's stories but interesting all the same, he was able to get back in undetected as well and soon made regular explorations into the unknown until he was finally caught, he was 17 at the time and the government of the dome was going to try and make an example out of him if nothing else because of the shoty history they had with the Hunter family from the way Lance's mother protested fighting the A.I. to his grandpa bringing up how they forced people to be a part of their dome but they soon realized that without any training this boy was able to get passed their guards and traverse the unknown (to him) outside world and he had brought back with him quite a few things of value so they came up with compromise, he was to become a scavenger for the military and receive training, his mother was completely against it but Lance saw it more as a reward then a punishment. Over the next few years Lance became more then just a Scavenger and was soon a member of an elite recon and strike force to not only uncover tech from the past but drive off or out right dispose of raiding partys and Lance being a big fan of the stories of his Great grandfather and ballistic weaponry being in short supply he used a sword while out in the wild that got larger over time till he could wield a Greatsword just like in the stories he was so found of as a kid, this tendency of his as well as how he wouldn't shy away from a fight earned him the nickname Berserker from his peers a name he wore with pride. Having heard rumors about the payback project through his military connections and people that knew about his interest in VR Lance tried to get all the information he could on in and once he learned it was to try and take back our old world the stories from his grandpa began to flow through his mind and his grandpa had been saving a few telling him a bit more about how the game's of the past would work compared to the reimaginings and attempted remakes of today, Lance was hooked, he had to be apart of this project no matter what but getting into something like that would take more then just asking his superior for a transfer so he decided to try and sneak in. Personality: Lance is a very straight forward kind of guy that often wears his emotions on his sleeve, he is very interested in the tech and things from the old world and loves hearing the stories of the VR world from his grandpa, he is a very kind person at heart but has learned to hide this fact for the most part as it can be taken as a weakness and has worked hard to establish his tough guy persona but tends to forget about it when back at home or around the kids near by as to them he is like a big caring brother, he tends to be the over protective type when it comes to his friends and family and as gotten into many fights even with higher ranking officers over this, he has a Hero complex in a way that he'd fight for and give his life if he thought it was for the right cause. Appearance: |
DracheNaitoMay 4, 2015 11:56 PM
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