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Apr 15, 2015 6:46 AM

Jul 2013
Servant: Berserker
Location: Einzbern Forest

Only a few seconds into Berserker's charge, Archer attempts to catch up to him, projecting a halberd in the process which he promptly fires. However, this time Berserker has been expecting such an assault, far less likely to underestimate another Heroic Spirit than an ordinary boy, and quickly turns it around and smashing it with his axe-sword, from its point all the way to the end of its shaft, the resulting explosion being pushed backwards by the sheer force of his swing.


In all truthfulness, the axe-sword that he wields is itself merely a durable formality that he does not necessarily need, as the true strength is ingrained deep into his own body, and each of his movements, be they swings or thrusts, are so intense that they constantly push back the air around him, generating intense wind currents that may very well be compared to a hurricane. Thus, even an explosion on the level of a miniaturized nuke can be blown back through sheer, intensive force - such is what has just transpired, to the point that Archer's attempted assault has only succeeded in burning Berserker's left arm a little. Negligible damage.

That is how monstrous the mad warrior called Heracles is. He does not need any form of technique, be it unique magecraft or advanced weaponry, as those are things that humans themselves have invented to make up for their own pitiful weakness. A factor that need not apply to him, who possesses virtually none of the sort.

Overall, he had ended up wasting another four seconds, one on the stop and three on redirecting the Broken Phantasm's explosion, but that's all they really are. Seconds. At this rate, the next minute will seem like an eternity.

After sending a silent glare like a warning signal towards the approaching Archer, whose inferior speed isn't even worth noting, Berserker turns and proceeds to sprint further into the forest like a fired bullet in pursuit of the retreating younger boy, resuming his charge. The various trees that are around slow him down slightly, but only ever so slightly, as he smashes through them like paper, determined to end this fight swiftly.

Once more, the roar of the undefeatable monster echoes throughout the forest. ""

Having to face such a monster on their own, it seem like an absolute miracle right now that he had lost six of his lives in a trap in the first place.

~ ~ ~

Overseer: Caren Hortensia
Location: Shinto, Fuyuki City

"Hmm... Okay, not quite what I was expecting." Caren admits to herself, observing everything from a safe distance.

Mira/Kira - rather than facing Team Caster with Lancer by her side as originally planned, taking them down so she wouldn't have to - had chosen to instead request their cooperation regarding the events at the forest.

It should take them some time to arrive, but the Ryuudou Temple and the middle of the Einzbern Forest where the battle was taking place are not that far away from each other, meaning that their interference is a fairly realistic possibility. In which case, she will almost undoubtedly have to resort to Raviel. Of course, there is only one real question on her mind.

Will Saber be able to beat Gilgamesh in time?

"Idiots, all of them. It's like they want Saber to lose to the King of Heroes..."

Without using up a huge amount of mana, it won't be easy to hold them all back, so the best chance for the priestess will be to hope that they'll turn against each other, and that Berserker will do his job well. Then, should they ultimately happen to slip or break through his defense and attempt to enter the castle, she will have to resort to sealing it off from the outside.

Above all else, the elimination of the golden, anomalous Servant who shouldn't be there is her highest priority, and she will not let anyone interfere in it, no matter how much they try to.
CarenPriestessApr 15, 2015 7:41 AM

Apr 15, 2015 7:20 AM

Oct 2014
Master of Caster: Elizabeth Reed
Servant: Caster
Location: Ryuudou Temple

Elizabeth still prepped for take off as Caster and Colchis still seemed very tense and suspicious of the two of them, while Elizabeth didn't really seemed to be bothered with there presence at all. If anything it made her happy to finally be able to see Lancers master. It obviously had to mean something was working out in her favor. Perhaps she could even dare to call it team Lancer putting their trust in them. Which made her overjoyed as such a thought.

She then snapped out of thought as the girl introduced herself. Elizabeth had raised an eyebrow for only a brief second. She would be the first to admit that Lancers master looked a lot more like a villain then she had thought. The menacing look in her eyes the way she smiled...It all gave off strange messages and red flags that she might have had to be cautious about after all. But she decided that she would ignore that for now. They were allies after all. It wasn't health to spread thorns of suspicion.

"It is very nice to meet you...Kiria." She said as she thought about it for a moment. It sounded like something straight out of an anime...It sounded pretty creepy and weird to her. She didn't like it at all. But she didn't show any signs of this on the outside. Before she continued. "Yep, yep, yep! He defiantly did! I hope you are okay with this Kiria. I really think that we can all make a really great team. Our power would be quite formidable. You are pretty lucky to have a servant like Lancer. He is a very noble.”

Elizabeth then let out another small groan and exhaled heavily when Kiria had informed her about Bersekers presence. Bringin one hand up the back of her head to stroke her hair gently. “Berseker eh? Why does Caren always want to get involved and make people lives so difficult? I swear she is a sadist or something. If Archer and Shirou don’t get through berseker Saber will certainly fail. That mad scientist will definitely get in the way…” She thought out loud as she closed her eyes and gave a rather annoyed groan, before sitting up straight on top of her dragon and perked up again.

“Well, I have no choice but to aid Archer and Shirou. I still owe the both of them my life for saving mine. Hopefully I will be able to make an impactful difference that will give us an edge. I will head out there immediately. There is obviously no time to waste according to what you have told me.” She said as the dragon let out a small grumble of it’s own as it as just about ready to take off. The actual size of the dragon once he stood up was massive. And his length was especially formidable before it lifted off the ground and began to fly off.
Barbarian1Apr 15, 2015 4:07 PM
Apr 15, 2015 9:52 AM

Mar 2015
~EMIYA 2004~

Master of Archer, Emiya Shirou

Einzbern Forest, 10.10pm

He's coming.

Shirou could feel death charging towards him. Berserker was saner than he was back in the Fifth War, but he still emitted an inhuman amount of killing intent. Shirou knew very well from his growing sense of dread that Berserker was but a few seconds away from him.

Archer, I need ten seconds. Buy me that time, Shirou commanded through his connection with his Servant as he reached behind his back and drew the two Azoth Swords he had brought along.

"Sïchere Freïlässung. Läßt," Shirou muttered as he pushed a trickle of prana into the daggers, releasing the prana stored within and feeling the familiar prickling feeling of overloading his circuits as he filled himself up to the very maximum. Every single one of his twenty-seven circuits hummed and glowed with power as he redirected prana around his body to his left hand, as he raised it above his head, ready for his final projection of the night.

Trace on.
I am the bone of my sword.

Shirou opened his left hand and grasped the imaginary handle of the weapon. It was heavy. It was monstrously heavy, and even a man who has trained for decades would not be able to use this weapon effectively.

But Heracles could, and that was all that mattered.

The handle appeared first, a chiseled grey rock wrapped in white cloth, and Shirou's hand clasped onto it, his grip stronger than any mortal human for that moment. Turquoise prana sparks danced across his left hand as the rest of the axe-sword sprang into existence, the jagged edges of the impossibly large weapon gleaming in the moonlight. Shirou had projected Berserker's weapon.

But it was not enough. Emiya Shirou, even when backed by the monstrous strength of Berserker, would not be able to penetrate the ultimate regeneration curse, God Hand. No, he needed more.

And what better supplement to the blade than the simplest of his magic, Reinforcement?

Analysing components...15% quartz, 65% granite, 20% biotite...Strengthening components by compacting molecules...Basic shape, analyse. Maximising lethality of weapon...achieved.

Shirou pushed even more prana into his creation, as the sword glowed green with energy.

And that was when Berserker crashed into the field, his own axe-sword raised.

Between them was thirty metres. It would take Berserker three seconds to reach him. Hence-

Trigger, off.

Hence, this fight would end in three seconds. One would die and one would survive, and it would be decided in but a single moment.

Berserker would anticipate him; after all, this was his own attack. But Shirou had one advantage.

Archer, now!
OneTrueEmiyaApr 15, 2015 10:02 AM
Apr 15, 2015 10:00 AM

Nov 2010
Servant: Archer

Einzbern forest, 10:10 PM

Archer grits his teeth in irritation; not only was he too slow to match Berserker's speed, forcing him to quickly modify Houtengeki into an arrow and fire it; not only did Berserker redirect the explosion away form him; but whole ordeal slowed Berserker for only 4 seconds before he resumed hunting Shirou.

"Just buy me some time and stay alive. I have a plan", his Master says, making Archer more exasperated. This whole fight could've been avoided... and now, the two of them are locked into fight to the death until Caren calls off Berserker.


Ear-shattering roar, together with sounds of heavy things falling on the ground in succession, can be heard from the forest. Knowing that he can't catch up to Berserker, Archer starts running through the forest in the straight line towards Shirou, ignoring the path Berserker left. "Master, if you're going to run like a chicken, at least do me a favor and lead him towards me", Archer telepathically sends message to Shirou.

Soon after that, while he runs, still with bow in his left hand, he projects a weapon he deems he could use: Varunastra, a weapon which is said to be able to assume any form. And he needs such weapon to slow down Berserker as much as possible.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

As a sword, transparent as water, appears in his right hand. As his Master signals him: "Archer, now!", with some reinforcement usage and putting in some prana, Archer jumps up, locates Berseker thanks to his vision (and falling trees) and, after charging Varunastra for a little more, getting it close to Broken Phantasm, he fires a weapon to the area in front of Berserker.

While the weapon flies towards Berserker, it assumes the form or a cage per Archer's "instructions" and stabs into the ground to trap Berserker if only for a few seconds.
Once Archer lands back down, he resumes the run, hoping to reduce a distance between him and Berserker, knowing that even if he succeeded, it won't last long before Berserker breaks out and resume his pursuit.
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Apr 15, 2015 10:18 AM

Aug 2010
Master of Rider: Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Location: Fuyuki Hotel

It was a very tiring week for Bazett. Having summoned an additional servant has took its toll on her body, and now she's only beginning to recover from it. The problem wasn't as simple as mana efficiency for the new servant, it was much more severe and possibly life threatening in the long term if she didn't take action.

The grail is objecting to her new summoning. It's not outright refusing it, but she's definitely feeling conditions and limitations that shouldn't be there.

Assassin seems like a shell of a servant. He sustains his abilities to their full potential and will listen to her orders has she given any, but... He doesn't seem human. No, that's not the correct description, as she realizes that servants aren't human to begin with. This servant, however, seems to have took the grail's penalty to its full effect.

His eyes are completely white and he doesn't utter a word, revealing an alarming absence of consciousness. Her command spells, her status as a master, are the only wall between his instincts as a servant, and his instincts as an animal. She feels Assassin's Command spells will tear off her arm, if she didn't get rid of them as fast she could.

Five Commands. Five orders is all she can muster before her arm perishes or a berserk Assassin slits her throat. Using the Command spells are certainly out of the question, as she can imagine what would happen has she decided to invoke one.

But still, this is nothing Enforcer Bazett Fraga McRemitz can't handle. This doesn't force her to alter her plans. She was still able to force Assassin to act as her eyes and ears, collecting information for her, and allowing her to make the correct strategical decision.

'Keep an eye on The Overseer.' Was her order. And that order he followed to the latter.

As for her next tactical step, Archer's master, Shirou Emiya as she recalls, has shared a lot of information with her. She was utterly shocked at the amount of information he gave her, and was willing to give freely has she asked. He knew his objective in this war, and he wanted her to trust him.

And she did.

"Master, target sighted. I'm coming back." Rider's voice echoed through her mind via their mental connection.

Bazett stood up, took her gloves out of her pockets and checked the runes one last time before heading to the door with the cylindrical container on her shoulder.
astroprogsApr 15, 2015 10:25 AM
Apr 15, 2015 10:24 AM

Mar 2015
~EMIYA 2004~

Master of Archer, Emiya Shirou

Einzbern Forest, 10.10pm

...And that advantage Shirou had was a distraction.

Berserker had already begun to charge at him, travelling faster than sound as he traversed half the distance between the two combatants in but a single second.

That was when a silver cage fell around Berserker, locking the giant to his spot for a few seconds. It was a measly amount of time, but it was enough.

It was enough to make the difference in a fight between the real hero and his imitation.

Nine in his head, twenty-seven circuits blazing as he crashed the hammer down. He had around three seconds before Berserker would be able to act.

He burst across the field with the sheer speed of Berserker, meeting the Servant halfway across the field, where he struggled with the cage.

Two seconds.

Shirou raised his blade. Berserker stood triumphantly as the cage dissolved into silver prana.

Shirou stepped forward.

One second.

Torrent and swirling vigour.

Upper arm, collarbone, windpipe, temple, diaphram, rib, testicles, and thigh.

-Nine Lives Blade Works.

Eight continuous slashes at point-blank, six lives to spare. Emiya Shirou brought the blade down upon the hulking Servant mercilessly.
Apr 15, 2015 12:10 PM

Jul 2013
Servant: Berserker
Location: Einzbern Forest

Having smashed past each and every tree in his path, the hulking Berserker violently emerges out into a clearing, where his target, the boy Shirou, is awaiting him with unusual confidence. His instincts tell him that there is something unnatural about that confidence and that he ought to retreat or think of another move - however, his pride as a warrior prevents him from doing so, for only a coward would refuse to acknowledge and face such determination from such a person.

Then, halfway through the clearing, he realizes exactly why the boy had been so confident.

It is almost like a mirror image of himself, the boy wielding the axe-sword in the exact same way that he himself would've, appearing to even replicate his strength despite that inferior body. Still, that does not change the fact that the weapon itself is but a mere formality with no true abilities of its own, no deep, inherent meaning within it, and the boy himself must realize this, yet he does not waver.

Instead, he stands upon the field with the deadliest look, as if to convey that what he has replicated is not the weapon itself, but rather, the technique that Berserker has been utilizing with it since the beginning of this war.

However, it is still his own signature technique, and even if that one aspect has been copied, it will never change the fact that that boy is Shirou and the enemy he faces is Heracles, who is far more familiar with it than anyone else.

The truth of the matter is that, it will take three seconds for that boy to strike, yet it will only take him one second to crush the boy. Hence, he does not stop his charge, instead speeding onwards at greater and greater speed, meeting the challenge head-on.

And yet, in his own haste to challenge his own technique, he had forgotten one other factor in this battle. A weapon tries him down from the back, immediately morphing itself to encage him - truly made of a strong material and of excellent form, yet it was still something he could break through with just a few seconds. Of course, it didn't need to be said how those few seconds would affect the course of the battle.

Three seconds.

Shirou bursts halfway through the field with copied strength, charging towards him with near-perfect replication of his own abilities.

Two seconds.

The mad Servant breaks free of the Indian cage, it melting back into silver prana as he prepares his axe-sword.

One second.

By then,, Heracles realizes that it is already too late. Even if he is capable of swinging forth once, it is not nearly enough to counter those eight consecutive strikes of his own design, sufficient enough to end his life. The boy charges forth, his arm flicking forth with unprecedented power as though a trigger has been pulled, and even if his body moves to defend himself, he knows this move well enough that he cannot counter it in such a maddened state.

...his only regret is that, if only his mind were not so clouded, then perhaps he could-

~ ~ ~

Overseer: Caren Hortensia
Location: Fuyuki Church

Right now, the priestess's attention is entirely on the battle transpiring in the Einzbern Forest, as it slips her mind to check upon the only team uninvolved in the ongoing events, Team Rider. Berserker is putting up a better fight than she could have hoped, yet it is apparent that he is also being lured to a trap. It seems that she may have no choice but to utilize Raviel to save him---

But then, that boy, Emiya Shirou---projects Berserker's own weapon and unleashes a forbidden, secret technique she could not have expected him to know.

Truly, it was a powerful move, bound to destroy her Servant right then and there. Under normal circumstances, she should have been afraid, or reacting as quickly as she could in a panic.

And yet,

all she could do was suppress the smallest of chuckles as she held out her hand towards the screen monitoring the events and,

"Berserker, by my Command Seal, I order you to..."

~ ~ ~


One second.

The replicated axe-sword, held by a mere young adult with what ought to be an unremarkable physique and size, is coming down upon the much more massive, maddened warrior, prepared to smash him into oblivion eight times with a move that he understands more than anyone else. And, for an instant he accepted his fate with but a single regret in his mind.

Yet, that instant comes and goes as another instant comes with the approach of the copy, and his mind suddenly experiences a clarity that he has not felt in quite a long time, like a light violently forcing its way through the overgrown darkness in his mind, tearing down all walls as if in an effort to convince him that he must not let this happen.

And indeed, Berserker does not hesitate, understanding what he needs to do instantaneously.

So, a mere nobody thinks to copy the technique of the mighty Heracles, eh---?!

The last wall is something which he tears down himself, letting his awareness burst through like an arrow, that awareness shooting into his arm. The situation is analyzed, all factors taken into account.

The boy's first movement alone, targeting the upper arm, is enough to give away his next seven - the collarbone, windpipe, temple, diaphragm, rib, testicles, and thigh. If each strike is to be countered, then they are to be done so in reverse position - a strike from the left is to be countered by a strike from the right, and a strike from below is to be countered from a strike from above. A basic principle that he processes instantaneously.

Yes, he still has time to do this, and he is already in the correct position. For him, a quarter of a second is all he needs.

Then, boy, allow me to show you---

The time has come to show this faker how a true Heroic Spirit fights.

---the REAL THING!!!


Suddenly, with renewed vigor, Heracles slashes outwards towards the swirling eight strikes, countering the impossibly-dense torrent with a torrent of his own, and with far more precision than that boy could have thought possible...!

It is without a doubt, none other than the original Nine Lives, and it doesn't need to be said what transpires next.

The strike to Berserker's upper arm is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's upper arm.

The strike to Berserker's collarbone is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's collarbone.

The strike to Berserker's windpipe is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's windpipe.

The strike to Berserker's temple is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's temple.

The strike to Berserker's diaphragm is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's diaphragm.

The strike to Berserker's rib is deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's ribs.

The strike to Berserker's testicles are deflected by an opposite strike to Shirou's testicles.

And the strike to Berserker's thigh is deflected by an incredible, final opposite strike to Shirou's thigh.

The last swing, the end of the eight strikes aimed at the thigh determines it all, as to who is the superior in both strength and technique---the answer to that question does not in the slightest need to be said, for to both of them, it must have been clear the moment it began.

In the end, the weapon that Shirou projected is still inferior to that of the original, as too is his technique. He attempted to remedy the difference in skill through Reinforcement, narrowing that gap as much as he could, but so long as it is even slightly weaker than the original, the greatest and most famous Greek Heroic Spirit "Heracles" - who optimized his technique to the utmost over countless years and decades - will naturally triumph.

Shirou's fake axe-sword is shattered on the last strike and crumbles, negating the velocity of the original in its final instant, making it so that Berserker's axe-sword comes to a sudden halt mere centimeters before the boy's thigh.

Of course, the wind current alone from that alone is enough to blow the boy back several meters across the empty field, signifying his defeat in pure skill. Even if he is capable of recovering, it will not happen straightaway, for the weapon that he had copied was not truly contained in the projected weapon, but in his own, feeble body.


Berserker stays silent for a moment, regarding the boy who surely must have strained his own body to the limits in order to replicate such an advanced technique, before turning around to face Archer. Even after all that, he still has yet to lose another life.

"AR-CHER, will you too ATTEMPT to COPY MY SKILL?" He asks simply, with a harsh, mocking, yet also somehow satisfied tone. "Do not TRY - now that I KNOW that your PROJECTION EX-TENDS to even SOMETHING you should NOT have known about, I will ADJUST."

Then, he readies his axe-sword once more, preparing for more combat. It seems that, even after having unleashed Nine Lives, he is not fatigued at all.

"Will you still FIGHT? Or will you ACKNOWLEDGE your LOSS, SURRENDER, and TURN BACK? My Master has FAITH in both SABER and HOUOUIN KYOUMA, and I SUGGEST you do too."
CarenPriestessApr 15, 2015 12:42 PM

Apr 15, 2015 1:32 PM

Aug 2010
Master of Rider: Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Location: Shinto

There was no time to waste. Rider has informed her of the battle at the Einzbern forest. About how the overseer isn't as neutral as she should've been.

So she made her choice.

Using Rider's motorcycle she was able to reach Shinto in a little less than 5 minutes.

Identifying the silver-haired overseer from afar, Bazett ordered her insanely fast servant.

Faster than a human eye can register, Rider reduced the distance to the overseer, forced her hands behind her back, and pointed the nail at her throat.

"Don't move!" The servant whispered softly in a tone even colder than her usual one. "And don't even think of using your Command spell. I'm quite confident i can snuff your life out before Berserker materializes here."

She doesn't intend to kill the overseer. If she obeyed the instructions, that is.

As the blindfolded servant finished, Bazett stood firmly in front of the beautiful overseer. "Caren Hortensia. We need to talk."

astroprogsApr 15, 2015 1:38 PM
Apr 15, 2015 1:43 PM

Aug 2009
Servant: Saber
Location: Castle of Forest
9.45 pm

Kirei was shooting towards her, body propelling forwards like a torpedo, blades materializing in the space between his fingers. As he headed towards Saber, his left arm jerked to release two of his Black Keys which sunk themselves cleanly into the Emperor's armed limb, forcing the man to drop the weapon he had antagonized Okabe with. It was a moment of impulse where Saber was about to turn and thrust her blade into the body of Gilgamesh's Master, but two realizations stopped her spontaneously: one, she had agreed to not hurt Kirei's student if Okabe was left with breath in his lungs, and, two, Kirei was upon her before her body could even gain the momentum of turning an angle.

It was in the blink of an eye, and not at all provocative. Saber could not even attack, but her blade dug itself deep into the chest of Kotomine Kirei, piercing through his left lung and emerging, blood-soaked, out from the ribs in his back.
He had never used the blades.
He had never launched an attack.
He had simply fell upon her sword when she tried set up a deflect. She never received the blow that she had expected.

The Black Keys slipped from his hands as the Priest slung forward, the weight of his body falling on the hilt of Excalibur. Saber was still stunned, enough to let her knees buckle and bring herself and Kirei to the ground. His lips were upturned into a smile. A smile that could only be summoned upon the greatest of reliefs. He took one final breath before his head hung limp from the rest of his torso, his face never wiping itself of its last expression.
Saber could faintly hear the diminutive screams of the Emperor of Shrimps in the background. She glanced to where he stood, openly weeping and clutching his head. The Mad Scientist stood a couple of feet further away, stupefied at the turn of events. He was safe.
Saber closed her eyes and slowly pulled out the sword from the corpse of Kotomine Kirei, letting him land gently on the ground.
The overseer of the previous war was dead.

"Saber, I guess you will stand by your word to my late Teacher, and won't kill me. I am gonna leave now. Do you want me to say anything to your Husband-to-be?''

The Emperor's voice cut through her as she stepped away from her suicidal victim.

"I gave him my word, the word of a Knight. I will keep to it," Saber responded in a cold tone, having still not forgiven the shrimp-like stoat for pulling a dirty move. "You may go."

As she turned away from him, assuming him gone, she headed straight towards Okabe.
It was a journey that lasted, perhaps, five seconds in a human life time, but years in a memory's life time. She chose not to think, rather, close her mind completely to every and all sentiment and do what was necessary.

"King woman!," cried Okabe. "We did it! We--"

There was an audible thump as the bottom of Excalibur's hilt connected solidly with the temporal bone of Okabe Rintarou's skull, rendering him unconscious on the ground in the next moment.
Saber stood quietly, looking over the sleeping body of Okabe Rintarou. A rustle of leaves in the trees surrounding them notified her of a small breeze that chose to caress her bangs from her face. A caress that revealed the stain of blood across her right half. The blood of a Priest she had once longed to kill.

"Farewell, Master," she whispered into the wind.

Saber turned and gazed at the Einzbern castle. She could not detect the presence of another mana-holder, but she knew that the instants which followed up with Kirei's death, she had sensed Shirou in the vicnity. Not only that, she had managed to catch a faint scent of Archer, poised ready for an attack in their direction. She had asked the Overseer, Caren, to guard this place. She knew Archer could get past, but she hadn't expected Shirou to follow. She might have turned back to make sure his safety was through, but the knowledge that Archer was present as well convinced her that they could handle anything else that came their way.
The thought of it all brought a smile to Saber's lips. They had followed her out here. And Archer knew exactly what she might have wanted him to do.
Saber took a deep breath, which brought a wave of determination in her lungs along with the blood-tainted air surrounding her. As she began to stride towards Gilgamesh's lair, her mind called out to Archer.

Keep them safe, Archer. I'm counting on you. Keep them both safe.
k0k0Apr 15, 2015 1:47 PM
Apr 15, 2015 1:53 PM

Oct 2014
Emperor of Shrimps, Kotomine Shirou
Einzbern's Castle
about 10 pm

'So Saber has nothing to say to Gil, huh?' I limp back to the castle, and think about what will happen.
'Now comes that part of the play'
It's the highlight of Sensei's work.
Gilgamesh is gonna enter the Stage. Even after Death, the theater Set by Sensei will continue. All of the others are just chess pieces after all
As i walk back to the caslte, i smirk as i remember Sensei's Play.
I smirk as i raise the weapons Sensei left behind.

'Time to Spread Yuetsu.'
Apr 15, 2015 2:03 PM

Jul 2013
Overseer: Caren Hortensia
Location: Shinto, Fuyuki Church

It's not that she hadn't detected Rider's entry into her sacred territory and infiltration of the Church, but just that she had thought micromanaging the fight with Berserker to be an immediately more important matter. Even so, had she been paying a little more attention to the Enforcer's movements, perhaps she should have anticipated and prepared for such a thing sooner.

As Rider's hands press against her, the priestess flinches in pain, as though she'd been touched by hot iron rods, making her painfully aware of the current situation. Merely being in Rider's presence, her body begins to heat up, as though there are alien spiders crawling within, attempting to claw their way out, but most of all, her eyes, they are burning - as though to trying to turn themselves into impossible Mystic Eyes that they can never become. Forced against the wall, she shuts her eyes, keeping in the pain that Rider is unknowingly inflicting upon her.

"Oooh? How... brave of you, Bazett. I didn't think that you were the type to breach the rules of the Holy Grail War like this." Caren says in an amused tone, despite being in intense pain due to Rider's close proximity, and with her life at risk.

Above them, shortly below the ceiling, the floating crystalline chandelier - the Holy Scripture Raviel - continues to act out its function with eight glass panels corresponding to the eight Servants, the contents of which only she is capable of witnessing and interacting with. An unnatural sight in the Church, though not so much as the priestess herself.

"It seems that you are aware of Berserker... which is only to be expected after my mishandling of Elizabeth..."

She disguises her pain with a bored sigh, before temporarily glancing over towards the cold woman in a suit.

"So then, Bazett Fraga McRemitz... what brings you here? Truth be told, I've been planning on coming to see you sometime soon, so this is just as convenient for me... But of course, before I repeat the same question as last time, do state your business." A pause. "And if you may be so kind, could you tell your release me? Unless you intend on molesting me, I do not see the point in such unnecessary force."
CarenPriestessApr 15, 2015 3:06 PM

Apr 15, 2015 3:23 PM

Aug 2010
Master of Rider: Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Location: Shinto, Fuyuki Church

"So then, Bazett Fraga McRemitz, what brings you here? Truth be told, I've been planning on coming to see you sometime soon, so this is just as convenient for me - but of course, before I repeat the same question as last time, do state your business."

The information Bazett has on Caren is limited, to say the least, so she has to play her cards right. What she's going to ask is quite big, but it's not severe.

"And if you may be so kind, could you tell your release me? Unless you intend on molesting me, I do not see the point in such unnecessary force."


Bazett realized Caren's pain right away, but she can't risk the overseer's freedom. She COULD use 'Cybele' on her, but she needed Rider to be an immediate threat on Caren's nerves.

"Before i start I'll assure you that i don't intend to kill you, so you better not think of doing anything stupid." Bazett reassured. "We'll bind to a Geass that I'm sure you'll find fair. Perhaps a little too fair for someone in your position."

The mage took out a piece of paper, and started writing on it.


Binding spell...

Affected Party: Bazett Fraga McRemitz.

The Crest of the Fraga family orders the following,

The pledge is obeyed by the Affected Party upon fulfillment of the terms described herein.

That Bazett , the heir to the house of Fraga, will be forbidden from harming Caren Hortensia or intending her to come to harm. The pledge is valid for her life time.

The terms:
All actions that lead to harming Bazett Fraga McRemitz by Caren Hortensia are forbidden.
All orders from Bazett Fraga McRemitz will be obeyed by Caren Hortensia until the absolute end of The Holy Grail war.


Bazett handed the Self-Geass scroll to Caren. "Your choice."
Apr 15, 2015 4:20 PM

Nov 2010
Servant: Archer

Einzbern forest, 10:10 PM

"That idiot...", Archer mutters as he realizes what his Master is going to do. Despite his best efforts, he didn't manage to catch up to Berserker... and Shirou moved in to use Nine Lives Blade Works against Berserker. Victory was almost in Shirou's grasp, and Archer finally caught up to Berserker, only to see...

...identical move used by both sides.

Needless to say, Berserker's Nine Lives Blade Works surpassed Shirou's, and as a result Shirou was blown away. Thankfully, with only an exhaustion and unconsciousness.

While Archer looks at the spectacle that just happened, Berserker turns to him and speaks:

"AR-CHER, will you too ATTEMPT to COPY MY SKILL? Do not TRY - now that I KNOW that your PROJECTION EX-TENDS to even SOMETHING you should NOT have known about, I will ADJUST."

"Hah", Archer smirks, still brimming with confidence - at least on the outside. On the inside, he wants to get his Master away from the forest. "I don't need your skill to defeat you if we clash.

"Will you still FIGHT? Or will you ACKNOWLEDGE your LOSS, SURRENDER, and TURN BACK? My Master has FAITH in both SABER and HOUOUIN KYOUMA, and I SUGGEST you do too."

Archer thinks a little. Now is not a good time to fight Berserker, with the two other battles happening soon and possibility of a dragon appearing being very hard. "Very well. You seem sane enough, so if you can provide me satisfactory answers to both questions, I'll leave", he speaks to Berserker, adding: "I have more important stuff to do than to fight you here and now."

Pausing a little, Archer opens his eyes and looks straight at Berserker: "Can you and your Master be sure that Gilgamesh will die? And can you and your Master be sure that Saber's Master will be safe?"

First question is obvious - aside from Lancer, Gilgamesh is biggest enemy and has to be eliminated. And second question is related to Saber's unspoken wish; when he left Ryuudou Temple, he and Saber exchanged silent glances and Archer understood what Saber is going to do. He accepted it, grudgingly, as it's Saber's wish... but a certain Master wouldn't accept that easily.

Having said what he wanted, Archer projects his favored twin swords just in case the clash continues... and silently waits for Berserker's answer.

AuriochApr 15, 2015 4:30 PM
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Apr 15, 2015 5:12 PM

Oct 2014
Master of Caster: Elizabeth Reed
Servant: Caster
Location: On the way to Ezinbern forest

Elizabeth quickly began to ride Colchis as Caster followed closely behind as they made their way to Berseker and Elizabeth bit down on her lip and grabbed the dragon by the horns and gently rocking back and forth nervously as she made an attempt to get the dragon to go faster. "Come on Thoom, you got this!"

Caster raised an eyebrow at such a nickname but shrugged it off as that was the last of their worries. Before they continued to head twoards Archer and Shirou's location. "Master, the forest isn't that far from here we should be able to make there fairly quick so relax."

Location: Einzbern forest.

Elizabeth had let out a hardly laugh and hit the dragon on the head as if she expected him to do something like they had rehearsed or something odd. Before the dragon let out a might roar as it flew over head, which caused a sudden and massive burst that made everything around them that was loose shake relatively violently and continued to laugh until the massive phantasmal beast has silenced istelf. As Caster quickly followed. Elizabeth then turned and looked form Archer, to Shirou and scoffed gritting her teeth lightly and turned to Berseker, all relatively quickly. She had been fairly late, but tehre was still time to turn the situation around. She was thankful she had gotten there when she did.

'I respect your Loyalty to Ashikaga and the way you valiantly carried out his final wishes...However! You will regret the day you turned your back on Elizabeth Reed you filthy dog!" She stated before the dragon swooped down a little bit lower and then let out a massive roar before opening its mouth as wide as it could to release a massive blast of excruciatingly burning hot fire down onto Berseker, being a massive target h was rather easy to his, especially considering the actual spray of the blast as well. Dead in the middle of their conversation Berseker was engulfed in the massive power Colchis's flame.

She then let out another hardy laugh and turned to Archer with her childlike grin and another reasuring thumbs up. In the same position she had the night she had first encounters him fighting Archer. And yelled down at him trying to speak over the painfully loud noise of her dragon.

Apr 15, 2015 10:16 PM

Apr 2014
Servant: Gilgamesh
Location: Einzbern Castle
Time: 10:10pm

All of the actors have descended upon this battlefield of a main stage. Masters, servants, allies, enemies... The cliches typical to the performance put on by humanity has been present throughout this entire ordeal. So repetitive, but yet with each iteration they always manage to unfold in a manner that allows them to maintain their entertainment value and freshness.

The steady air now becomes invigorated with wind gusts increasing in frequency. The invisible hand has turned the page.

From the rooftop, I witness the Emperor of Shrimps trudge back toward the castle in a miserable and defeated state. He smirks as he wields the late priest's weapons in his hands. A mind forced to remember its own fragility. Dried tears mark the scars that shall never be seen. Certainly he shall live on and carry out the will of his teacher. In the name of Kirei shall he spread Yuetsu so that all may know of the glory that is the priest, and all will know that he, the Emperor of Shrimps, shall be the one to succeed upon that glory. Why is it that I sympathize and pity this mongrel who fancies himself an Emperor?

Another gust of wind signals from the right. I focus my attention in a different direction and notice a knight clad in blue and silver nearing my location. I anticipated that she would be accompanied by others envious of my power and deeming me as their largest threat, but the King of Knights advances alone with a steadfast determination that I remember all too well. What does she seek in the war this time? Does she still cling to her ridiculous ideals? Have those burdens continued to haunt her and bring her misery? A tragic figure hurt by despair foolishly self-imposed. It is a beautiful sight. Combined with such beauty, she is a treasure more precious than anything I have yet to encounter in this era over my numerous summonings.
Apr 16, 2015 7:08 AM

Mar 2014
Servant : Lancer
Master : Kira- Nyanko
Ryuudou Temple, Einzbern Forest

As Elizabeth and Caster flew off with the dragon,

* Kira- Nyanko starts walking out of the temple, as Lancer follows behind her*

"Now that Team Caster and the Dragon went ahead to the Einzbern forest, It's about time for us to head there too "
Just as Planned...

"There's gonna be 4 servants in one battlefield on the entrance of Einzbern Forest, that is if Archer and Berserker are still going at it"

" Now that Caster's out of her territory, Caster should be way weaker than she was here . Now if we take her out for real we would have one more command seal as compensation. Not a bad deal .. "

"Now now. we shall go there as well "

* Lancer and Kira- Nyanko head out towards Einzbern Forest *

A couple of minutes later.. they arrived at the Einzbern Forest... It was truly a scene of a battlefield, Trees destroyed, cracks all over the ground,

And then there was Caster and the dragon floating above, Berserker and Archer

"Both Lancer and Kira was just standing there, watching whats in front of them*

* Kira- Nyanko then shouts *

" I shall now take my first step in becoming The God of the New World !! "

Apr 16, 2015 12:53 PM

Jul 2013
Servant: Berserker
Location: Einzbern Forest - 10:20 PM

"Can you and your Master be sure that Gilgamesh will die?"

"My MASTER will offer SUPPORT through her HOLY SCRIPTURE. Even if SABER does not have the sufficient STRENGTH for a certain FEAT, her MOVEMENTS will be BOOSTED." Berserker responds with a deep grunt. "The only OBSTACLE is OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE."

"And can you and your Master be sure that Saber's Master will be safe?"

"THAT, I do not KNOW. HOWEVER, SABER is not so DUMB as to IGNORE HIS SAFETY. She must have a PLAN..." His loud voice falters somewhat as he receives a telepathic message from Caren, and by the look on Archer's face, it seems that the faker has also received a message of his own from Saber. "...her MASTER is currently UNCONSCIOUS, deeper INTO the FOREST. Thus, I WILL-"

However, before he can finish, a massive dragon suddenly appears above the forest, roaring, with an oh so familiar figure riding it - the magus he had turned his back on.

'I respect your loyalty to Ashikaga and the way you valiantly carried out his final wishes... However! You will regret the day you turned your back on Elizabeth Reed, you filthy dog!"

Her words affect him little, for he is used to such words and has long since hardened his resolve to follow what he believes is correct, even if he may feel a little guilt at having turned his back on her. Ignoring the young magus, someone else catches his eye, a cloaked figure riding on the dragon with her. Could it be... Medea?

Still, he does not have any time to think about it as an excruciatingly hot torrent of flames are blasted directly towards in the forest clearing. Does the young magus plan on creating a forest fire...? He thinks, preparing for it. Archer will probably be able to defend himself and his own Master, and as for Berserker, he is confident that he can withstand the direct fury of flames for around thirty seconds without losing a life.

Yet, contrary to his expectations, the flames do not come. Instead, a wide violet barrier in the shape of petals has been erected up in the sky, absorbing the entirety of the dragon's inferno - the form of that shield seems vaguely familiar, and he soon comes to realize that it was the ultimate shield originally utilized by his former old friend, Aias. How peculiar, to think that Archer can project even that.

Yet, as his thoughts keep getting interrupted one after another, an urgent message abruptly echoes in his head in the midst of this intense situation, calm yet hurried, as though the sender is unsure of how much time they have left. Understood.

Berserker turns to Archer, who has helpfully projected his old friend's shield to save both him an the forest, and is currently maintaining it. "THANK YOU." He states, as the torrent of cackling flames continue on loudly above them, but that isn't all he wishes to say.

"I have been ORDERED to tell you, ARCHER, that a 'BAZETT' has summoned ASSASSIN and plans to place a GEAS on my MASTER, becoming OVERSEER herself. THIS will DISRUPT the WAR,as the HOLY SCRIPTURE cannot be allowed to fall into the HANDS of anyone else. She wishes for you, IF POSSIBLE, to eliminate BAZETT the FIRST CHANCE YOU GET."

And with that, he turns his attention back to the sky, preparing himself for what will come next.

~ ~ ~

Overseer: Caren Hortensia
Location: Shinto, Fuyuki Church


Binding spell...

Affected Party: Bazett Fraga McRemitz.

The Crest of the Fraga family orders the following,

The pledge is obeyed by the Affected Party upon fulfillment of the terms described herein.

That Bazett , the heir to the house of Fraga, will be forbidden from harming Caren Hortensia or intending her to come to harm. The pledge is valid for her life time.

The terms:
All actions that lead to harming Bazett Fraga McRemitz by Caren Hortensia are forbidden.
All orders from Bazett Fraga McRemitz will be obeyed by Caren Hortensia until the absolute end of The Holy Grail war.


Despite her burning eyes and fading eyesight, she forces herself to read it,, the confident smile that the priestess has had since the beginning falters, ever so slightly, at the Self-Geas Scroll with such outrageous conditions. It would involve permanently enslaving her to Bazett, a force that continues on even after death, and somehow, it feels like this is karma, since it's almost the exact same thing that she made Elizabeth agree to.

To sign it would be to forfeit her rights not only as the Overseer, but also as an individual. She would be at the absolute mercy of this ruthless Enforcer, who takes advantage of the rules of magi in a way that they would normally consider absolutely unacceptable.

While under normal circumstances, she would be able to utilize the abilities of Raviel to get her out of this situation, there was one thing she had to keep in mind; Fragarach. So long as she relied on the Holy Scripture, there was no telling when it would activate.

Combined with the pain that Rider's mere presence is inflicting upon her, it is creating increasing amounts of pressure. Still, even under such circumstances, she continues to observe events elsewhere. Even if her eyes are shut and refusing to function, the images themselves are still viewable by her and her alone, being projected into her mind.

Things are not looking the best in the Einzbern Forest, where Team Caster and Team Lancer have just arrived, with Mira (Kira?) being rather psychotic, but at least it seems that Archer is siding with Berserker. Hopefully Shirou will wake up in time to support them, so that the odds will even out a little more. Meanwhile, Saber has just entered the Einzbern Castle where Gilgamesh is awaiting her, though at this rate she may not be able to have backup from Raviel, and the Emperor of Shrimps continues to weakly make his own way there. She thinks about him for a little bit, wondering about a certain something.

"Your choice." Bazett says coldly, handing over the pen as well.

"My, my. Desiring victory so much that you would force the Overseer of the Holy Grail War into such a compromising contract... Even if you are an Enforcer, I honestly did not expect that you would resort to a tactic like this." Caren asks mockingly, turning to face the Enforcer.

Her eyes open - and trails of blood flow down like crimson tears, as though it has been stabbed from the inside. The faded irises signify that they have ceased functioning, that she has gone blind due to Rider's proximity.

"I'm sure you are aware, of course, that should the Holy Church discover an act like this, they will not take it lightly, nor will they forgive the Magic Association for their betrayal. They have offered their cooperation out of goodwill, not only to confirm the Grail's legitimacy but also to minimize the resultant casualties. However, what you are doing could send the two organizations into war. But of course, you already knew that, did you not? Otherwise, I doubt you would have gone as far as preparing a Self-Geas Scroll."

Although she is blind, she is still capable of observing herself through the perspective of Team Rider, due to Raviel's direct link with her. And also, even whilst being in intense pain, knowing that her body is trying to break itself - to become a monstrous Gorgon of unimaginable size even though it is aware that it cannot possibly hope to simulate something like that - she remains cool and sarcastic to Bazett.

"Before I sign this, just in case you order me a command that strips me of my free will or something ridiculous like that, could you indulge in me one thing? A question of mine - I'm sure you know what it is, since you refused to give me a proper answer when in the presence of an audience." While talking, her eyes begin to bleed more and more, but she's unable to wipe them away due to her bound arms. "Even should you answer, you can make sure that I will left incapable of speaking about it, and if you're that paranoid, you can also have me forget about it straight afterwards. For me, who wishes to live solely in the present... I see not how it would inconvenience you."

Then, Caren tilts her head, and she meets Bazett's gaze with her own bloodshot, broken eyes. "To sign this contract would be to forfeit my status as Overseer, but I would at least like to do my job to the very end. Therefore, please let yourself indulge in me this one little thing before I sign it. So tell me this... What are you fighting for?"

For a moment, it seems as though she is waiting for the suited woman's response, but then she lets out an amused chuckle, as if unable to keep down a certain thought in her mind.

"No... no, no, no, there is an even more important question that I should ask of you." The priestess smiles, showing just the tiniest hint of malicious intent. "What I ought to really say is - even though you have lived so hard for this opportunity, why did you not summon Cú Chulainn, oh Bazett Fraga McRemitz?"

Her hand moves to the contract, showing her readiness to sign it once she is satisfied.

"Without his presence, you have no truly meaningful purpose in this war, no wish to be granted... So why? That is all. "
CarenPriestessApr 16, 2015 9:04 PM

Apr 16, 2015 1:49 PM

Nov 2010
Servant: Archer

Einzbern forest, 10:20 PM

'So, that little overseer has her fingers in it, huh?', Archer thinks as he hears Berserker's answer. "Saber's Master is unconscious? Honestly... so selfish, dumping on me one more job while she does what she wants...", Archer mutters. Receiving satisfying answer, Archer lets his twin swords dissolve into the air. "Alright, Berserker... let's have our match other time. I have to take care of-"

He doesn't manage to finish it, as suddenly a dragon roar signals the arrival of additional party - and one far more problematic at the moment. "You've got to be joking...", Archer says in exasperation, which only increases as he hears Elizabeth's shouts.

Realizing that dragon is going to spit fire - and on Berserker, of course - Archer quickly runs to the position from which he can face the dragon directly. After few seconds of focus during which he gathers necessary prana, dragon comes close and opens its mouth to breathe fire, and in that moment...
"Rho----- AIAS!"

A pink shield in the shape of seven-petal flower appears above the trees to meet the dragon's fire, preventing majority of the trees from being set ablaze. Each petal has the defensive of the fortress wall, and Archer is sure it will be able to resist fire and blasts. However... the defense will be on for only one attack, and next one will easily be able to incinerate him, his Master... and half of the forest. Not to mention, while the shield is resisting the fire, Archer himself is getting burns as a side effect.

Surprisingly for him, he hears Berserker addressing him: "THANK YOU. I have been ORDERED to tell you, ARCHER, that a 'BAZETT' has summoned ASSASSIN and plans to place a GEAS on my MASTER, becoming OVERSEER herself. THIS will DISRUPT the WAR,as the HOLY SCRIPTURE cannot be allowed to fall into the HANDS of anyone else. She wishes for you, IF POSSIBLE, to eliminate BAZETT the FIRST CHANCE YOU GET."
'Great', Archer thinks, not being able to respond back due to him focusing on maintaining the shield against the fiery torrent. 'This war is becoming more pain in the ass with each passing hour.'

Once the torrent of fire stops temporarily and flower-like shield dissipates, Archer can't help but be insanely irritated at the young woman's foolishness and shouts back: "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? WHAT DO YOU THINK WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE CITY IF YOU USE DRAGON? ESPECIALLY HERE, WHERE YOU CAN SET WHOLE MOUNTAIN ABLAZE! CASTER, KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOUR IDIOTIC MASTER!!!" He then adds in his normal voice, conversing with Berserker: "Honestly, not even him was that idiotic."

Before the dragon manages to attack again, Archer goes to Shirou and picks him up, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack. "Berserker, it seems they're here to kill you. I doubt they'll be able to take more than a few of your remaining lives even with Caster's support, so if you want, lead them somewhere where they won't cause much damage. I'll try to join you as soon as I can. We have to take down that dragon before it causes irreparable damage!"

After staying for the moment to hear Elizabeth's or Caster's responds ((I'm giving myself the opportunity to write a that part later once others respond)), he then runs away, nor forgetting the one thing that Berserker's told him about Saber's Master... however, it seems that he wanted to say that he himself will pick Saber's Master before he was cut off by Elizabeth's voice. Deciding to trust him for a moment, Archer rushes out of the forest, carrying Shirou back to Tohsaka residence as fast as he can.

As he runs, he suddenly hears a proclamation: "I shall now take my first step in becoming The God of the New World !!" Turning to look in the direction the proclamation came from, he notices Lancer and his Master, and grits his teeth in additional irritation: "Great, another lunatic. There really weren't enough of them."
AuriochApr 16, 2015 2:32 PM
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Apr 16, 2015 3:33 PM

Oct 2014
Emperor Shrimpy
Einzbern forest, about 10:15 PM

I hear the Dragon.
This Dragon is sure gonna cause some Destruction here.'
With Saber going to face against her future husband, i doubt said husband would want me to interfere, so i decide to move away from the Castle, and try to avoid the numerous Servants that are fighting.
'Well, i guess this area doesn't need my help for Yuetsu to spread. It will spread alone just fine'
Sensei's Play is going on just fine. It doesn't need my meedling
I decide to move out of the Forest.
I don't have anything to do here, after all.
I am only a Master, i can't do much between all those Servants. And the King of Heroes will be furious with me if interrupt his Wedding.
'I still have 3 command Seals, tho'
I know, i will need those.
After all, taking Sensei's inheritance won't be a walk in the park.

*proceeds to walk out of the forest*
Apr 16, 2015 4:17 PM

Oct 2014
Master of Caster: Elizabeth Reed
Servant: Caster
Location: Ezinbern Forest

Caster observed the situation silently as she hovered a small distance away from the dragon. And gave the slightest smirk when Elizabeth as said what she said and then released the dragon to do the amount of damage that it was causing. It was perfect. She did give Elizabeth such an option however Elizabeth wasn't really taking anything she said with a grain of salt and kept spouting nonsense. Which was actually fine with her as they had approached. At that point honestly, she was banking on the idea that with the first blow maybe Archer would die too, and the flames created from the forest fire, or perhaps even another burst. Could kill everyone in the forest and possibly even take most of Bersekers life's. However perhaps taking Elizabeth's advice on optimism also wasn't the best call. In such a situation.

She let out a small sigh and nodded to Archer. "I TRIED BUT SHE WOULDN'T LISTEN! NOW THAT IT HAS BEGUN PERHAPS I CAN NOW TALK REASON!" She yelled back in response, as continuing further violence in this situation would be very much fatal. Their backs were against the wall as it was and if worse came to worse and all 3 had turned on them. Even with the might of their dragon. They would surely fall in the end. If nothing else, genuinely surprised of Archers ability to summon such a shield

Elizabeth had chuckled softly as if to pat herself on the back before she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes as she realized it had actually been Archer who had saved Berserker. She raised an eyebrow as the wind blew through her hair widely before she opened her mouth back and was about to say something before Archer had yelled back rather harshly as she turned to see why he was in such a way. The dragon's damage was extremely dangerous and defiantly not something to play around with freely. Even now remaining embers had sparked small fires already and everything around them had gone completely black and burned. The slow beginning of a forest fire Elizabeth her self had not taken account of due to simply acting on impulse.

A attempt to save an ally had turned into practically a suicide mission that could have gotten them all killed. She groaned and then slapped her hand against her forehead hard as she fell back onto the dragons back. "God damn it, god damn it! How could I be so stupid! What was I thinking Archer? Not only could this just the outsiders involved, with this power it could destroy everything in the city. Aargh stupid, stupid, stupid. No way Ashikaga will be proud of this now. Oh, what the hell. I am this makes me the bad guy now doesn't it? Argh! Stupid. Caster, shouldn't you have told me how strong he actually was. This situation has already gotten way out of hand."

Caster sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she got closer. "That is what I have told you." She spoke in between Elizabeth's coughs as steam rolled out of the dragons mouth before another booming roar.

Elizabeth had turned to the dragon and grabbed him by the horns on the back of his head. "Hold it, hold it buddy! Calm down, Calm down I didn't expect you to have this much fight in ya." She gave an awkward laugh, as the dragon stopped preparing it's next blaze for a moment.

Caster had over heard what Berseker addressed to Archer about Bazzet and decided to keep that to herself for a moment. "I suggest we try damage control don't you think master?" She replied to Elizabeth in almost a cocky manor for not having listened to her earlier.

Elizabeth huffed and turned away from Caster and sighed, looking over the dragons head and looked down at Berseker. "About what I said earlier about killing you. I still want to kill you! Just give me a chance to fix up what I have done. I know this is kinda in formal way of doing things but I kinda screwed up here. Think it would be a good idea to do some damage control. I got the perfect remedy. They are not the brightest of creatures. But you probably think anyone is brighter than me right now huh?"

She laughed before she pulled a rock out of her pocket. And cringed in pain as she re opened one of the many cuts that were on the end of her palm from earlier. And took her time to create a small beast summoning seal. "Things are spreading quick so I want you to take this!" She yelled to him and tossed the rock down to him. "Please catch it! Careful not to smear! We can at least if nothing else extinguish the fire with minimal damage. It won't hurt you...It is kinda like a parasite that manipulate elements by using small mana producing pores in its skin. Kinda think of it as a large slime, but a lot COOLER." She said emphasizing that part to make a really cheesy pun referencing what she was about to do.

"I will tone down the fire a bit and go with something a bit more realistic. The last thing I want is to get outside people involved. That would take away from the whole purpose of doing what I am fighting in this war for."

Caster leaned in as she watched Lancers master and whispered into her ear. "Elizabeth, I believe Lancer's master wants you to continue using the dragons breath. If she becomes a problem for your morals. I suggest we take them out instead."

Elizabeth turned to Caster quickly and raised an eyebrow. Whispering back. "Not this again! I have been through this with you a million times it seems like now."

Caster scoffed. "Right, because this Kiria is someone you would want to be the God the New World?"

Elizabeth shrugged it off and looked back at Kiria and blinked from Caster refrencing Lancers master. She did think it was a bit off to say such things. But Elizabeth might have admittedly gone a bit too far. And even if she had to pay for it. She needed to make things right with the city before she continued her fighting. She just hopped that Berserker understood. Which, judging from Archer and Bersekers reaction's. She thought Berseker would be okay with this.

The whole time these small flames that had surrounded Bersker and had been close by had started to spread a bit more, and crackle a bit louder as they would soon begin to devour the forest. On a massive scale. The hungry sounds of the flames crackling against trees and burning ground while moaning in agony.
Barbarian1Apr 16, 2015 4:23 PM
Apr 16, 2015 8:01 PM

Nov 2010
Servant: Archer

Einzbern Forest, 10:25 PM

Caster shouted back: "I tried but she didn't listen." A sentence which Archer can't believe to, knowing that Caster was planning to summon it all along. Running through the forest, Archer shudders, thinking about how many people saw a dragon flying over their heads; after all, midnight still hadn't pass and there were many people on the streets when he entered the forest. "I hadn't see bigger idiot for a long time...", Archer sighs in irritation; current situation is everything but good.

As soon as he exits from the forest, Archer remembers that Saber came with her Master using the motorbike. Not wanting to raise any more suspicion than necessary, Archer goes to it, allows small triumphant smile as he finds a key inside, places Shirou into a sidecar, gets on the motorbike and heads to Tohsaka residence, hoping that Berserker will keep his word and protect Saber's Master while Archer deals with his own Master.

Tohsaka residence, 10:35 PM

As Archer comes to the residence, he parks motorbike inside the boundary field and picks up Shirou. Without any effort, he unlocks the residence using the method his Master provided him early during the War, goes to the sleeping room and drops Shirou on the bed.

"Honestly, that idiot... he looks as stupid as he always did. I don't know why do I follow him anymore...", Archer mutters as he looks at Shirou's face. Sighing, he turns around and, leaving the room, mutters: "Well, it doesn't matter. At least he's not how I expected him to be, which is a good sign... probably."

As he leaves the residence, locking back everything in place, he sits back on the motorbike and heads back to the Einzbern forest. As he drives, he contemplates about the current situation... and the fact that, if that dragon deals starts posing threat to citizens, he'll have to put his duty of the Counter Guardian ahead of duty as a Servant... and right now, neither duties look appealing right now.

*Archer heads towards the Einzbern forest. Time to arrival to the outskirts of the forest: 10 minutes.*
AuriochApr 16, 2015 8:04 PM
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Apr 17, 2015 5:18 AM

Mar 2014
Servant : Lancer
Master : Kira- Nyanko
Einzbern Forest

" Now Lancer, we stand by here and watch as Berserker and Caster go at it against each other "

" By my calculations, Berserker should be able to win this fight. Once Caster is weakened, we take the kill, before Berserker does. But the big factor is the dragon, as we don't know how strong and what its limitations are yet "

I have to admit, this is a bit underhanded... I feel bad for Caster here. But this is only natural. all things eventually come to an end... Lancer thoughts

" Yes, my Lord. Says Lancer. I will serve as the right hand of God and become the right hand of Justice. "

Lancer is , to put in the simplest terms a soldier. When commanded, he behaves as though the very concept of defiance does not exist. To Lancer , there is no liking or disliking to an order that has been given to him, to the point he will just ignore to consider how said order relates to the situation,

As only the fact that he serves the Master who summoned him is what is really important. In other words, he does not raise objections about orders, as those thoughts have already been removed from his mind.

Even so, he shows some small doubts regarding the elimination of Caster given but he convinces himself that Caster and the Dragon is a great threat. that makes all the more reason why would be worth fighting her.

*They continue to watch waiting for the moment to strike as the events transpire *
Apr 17, 2015 9:47 AM

Aug 2010
Master of Rider: Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Location: Shinto, Fuyuki Church

"My, my. Desiring victory so much that you would force the Overseer of the Holy Grail War into such a compromising contract... Even if you are an Enforcer, I honestly did not expect that you would resort to a tactic like this."

What nerve.
The Overseer, whose duty is keeping the peace and stay neutral, is controlling a servant and has manipulated the participants for her own benefit.
The agent of the Holy Church, whose teachings condemn magic and magi, is partaking in a war between those same filthy mages.
And she's accusing her of breaking the rules? Truly. What nerve.

Are her eyes bleeding?

"I'm sure you are aware, of course, that should the Holy Church discover an act like this, they will not take it lightly, nor will they forgive the Magic Association for their betrayal. They have offered their cooperation out of goodwill, not only to confirm the Grail's legitimacy but also to minimize the resultant casualties. However, what you are doing could send the two organizations into war. But of course, you already knew that, did you not? Otherwise, I doubt you would have gone as far as preparing a Self-Geas Scroll."
No need to even respond to this nonsense. Why would the church risk going to a war with potentially millions of victims to protect the honor of a nun who defied them and acted behind their back?

The Overseer is acting as confident as she can, but she can't even hide how her body is shaking. What's going on... ?
Bazett gave a look to her servant that she immediately understood.

Then, Caren tilts her head, and she meets Bazett's gaze with her own bloodshot, broken eyes. "To sign this contract would be to forfeit my status as Overseer, but I would at least like to do my job to the very end. Therefore, please let yourself indulge in me this one little thing before I sign it. So tell me this... What are you fighting for?"


"What I ought to really say is - even though you have lived so hard for this opportunity, why did you not summon Cú Chulainn, oh Bazett Fraga McRemitz?"
How does know about that?

Well... It's not like her having this information is going to change anything.

"...It's true. Summoning Cú in this war was my only motivation to partake in this ritual in the far east." Bazett opened her eyes. "But not as my servant. You see, I've lost his catalyst long ago in one of my missions and that... wasn't a pleasant experience"

"But i got an idea at the moment. I didn't have a wish from the grail in the first place, so what if i wished summoning him to this era."She looked down. "Of course that dream of mine came tumbling down when Archer's master told me the truth about this farce of a war."

"You could say I'm taking some of my frustration on you, so I'm sure you would understand if i killed you the instant i deem any of your actions suspicious." Bazett said in a tone that even surprised her herself. "If that answered your question, then let's get on with this."

astroprogsApr 17, 2015 9:57 AM
Jul 3, 2015 6:22 PM

Dec 2014
Rock falls, everyone dies.
Kirei survives and wins the Holy Grail

I am the Priest of my church
Yuetsu is my body, and wine is my blood
I have trolled over a thousand users
Unknown to sympathy, nor known to apathy
Withstood Shirou to eat Mapo Tofu
Yet, my question will never be answered
So as I rejoice, Unlimited Kirei Works!
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