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Mar 19, 2015 11:10 AM

Feb 2015
Ask all your questions here and CarenPriest and Bluepedal will answer them.
VriSantokuMar 19, 2015 8:56 PM
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Mar 19, 2015 2:00 PM

Nov 2010
((Moved the discussion here, for now, to not clog the signup thread))

astroprogs said:
HungryPriest said:

But that's how RPs work in general? Mixing OOC and IC knowledge is called meta RP and is considered a big no no generally. It's same with us posting what we're doing in the thread. Everyone knows where we are and what we're doing it and could be abused the same way.

Mixing OOC and IC knowledge IS what's happening now. Where is the line drawn exactly?

It can never be enforced.

It cases like these, where various parties aren't physically separated to prevent meta RPing, I'd say that ultimately it comes to players and their capability to separate IC and OOC.
With that being said, CarenPriest probably should inform each of the player what he can or cannot see, though it would be tedious with 16 players. Additional problem is time synchonization. Real-time is okay...ish, but not everyone can be online whole time.

Maybe we should with each action mention location and time?

In any case, let's hope for the best and, most importantly, have fun.
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 2:15 PM

Feb 2009
Guess I'll just move my response here.

astroprogs said:
Mixing OOC and IC knowledge IS what's happening now. Where is the line drawn exactly?

It can never be enforced.

Of course it can't be enforced. It never can. But you can ask people to at least try. That much is considered common sense in RP. Tbh I've never seen anyone make an argument against avoiding meta RP in any way so I'm a bit baffled. But if people would really prefer it that way I'm fine either way.
Stev said:
ayy lmao
Mar 19, 2015 2:59 PM
Aug 2014
So my earlier question how is gil here when he is more then one class but that means they are two servants of the same class at the same time
Mar 19, 2015 3:09 PM

Feb 2009
LoveandHate91 said:
So my earlier question how is gil here when he is more then one class but that means they are two servants of the same class at the same time

Each HGW 7 servants are summoned (8 in third war) so if a servant from previous war survives...

And since it seems we're sorta-but-not-really simulating UBW...
Stev said:
ayy lmao
Mar 19, 2015 3:23 PM

Sep 2013
When two servants fight, how do events unfold, and how are winners decided?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2015 3:32 PM

Feb 2015
Mickdrew said:
When two servants fight, how do events unfold, and how are winners decided?
Caren do you have an answer for this?
Mar 19, 2015 3:36 PM

Feb 2009
Mickdrew said:
When two servants fight, how do events unfold, and how are winners decided?

I was wondering about this as well. Ideally it would need to happen in realtime with Merci as moderator, but... yea. Or all participants submit their preferred tactics and whatnot and Merci comes up with the result. The entire fight is written down then in thread. That one is simpler and ends up with prettier writing, but I don't think most are fond of it.
Stev said:
ayy lmao
Mar 19, 2015 3:39 PM

Nov 2010
HungryPriest said:
Mickdrew said:
When two servants fight, how do events unfold, and how are winners decided?

I was wondering about this as well. Ideally it would need to happen in realtime with Merci as moderator, but... yea. Or all participants submit their preferred tactics and whatnot and Merci comes up with the result. The entire fight is written down then in thread. That one is simpler and ends up with prettier writing, but I don't think most are fond of it.

So... Final Fantasy on autoplay? XD

Anyway, yeah, performing realtime with rolls and whatnot would be most interactive, but it forces all combatants to be online for the duration of the battle...
And servant stats are not everything...
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 3:43 PM

Sep 2013
Well I hope we can figure this out, please. My beautiful Saber is already engaged in battle.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 19, 2015 4:16 PM

Nov 2010
Best would probably be if we could design a roll system using Servant parameters, and maybe adding few gameplay-related ones like willpower etc.

But who knows, maybe Caren has something in mind.
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 4:23 PM

Aug 2010
I want to start a truce with Mick and discuss strategy. Can we do it in private as it's considered revealing of long term strategy?
Mar 19, 2015 4:29 PM

Aug 2009
astroprogs said:
I want to start a truce with Mick and discuss strategy. Can we do it in private as it's considered revealing of long term strategy?

Discussing alliance strategies in the public RP forum would kind of defeat the point, wouldn't it?
Mar 19, 2015 4:32 PM

Nov 2010
Maybe best to do it privately, and if someone wants to spy on you, resolve that (even inbetween the parties or overseer resolves).
While it's loss RP-wise for others, it's questionable how much will players be able to separate IC and OOC knowledge.
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 6:28 PM
Aug 2014
So even though your offline your master can take control of there servent and the servent can take control of the master?

That dosnt seem right to have someone else even on your team take control of your movements
Mar 19, 2015 8:09 PM

Jan 2015
Perhaps mini sessions for the battles?

Could pretend it's dnd for just the fights and use your own rules
I've quit MAL email me at instead.
Mar 19, 2015 8:12 PM
Aug 2014
Well that means you will ahve to hope the other is telling the truth about if he rolled more or less thats why dice rolls arnt used in online Rp
Mar 19, 2015 8:16 PM

Nov 2010
LoveandHate91 said:
So even though your offline your master can take control of there servent and the servent can take control of the master?

That dosnt seem right to have someone else even on your team take control of your movements

Well, probably people have to move things and cannot wait for partner to come... that's the problem of forum RP. Not something I agree with personally but, heck, it may be necessary evil as long as partner movement isn't anything game breaking or character breaking...
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 8:18 PM
Aug 2014
Well theres a lot of Rp clubs here on Mal and everyone seems ok with waiting for there partner i mean i left for 2 hours and found out my servant was in a fight that i didnt control maybe a rule should be made for how long they have to wait and it seems everyone likes to say how the other player is reacting to what they say which is also diffrent from the RPs i play here on MAL
Mar 19, 2015 8:24 PM

Nov 2010
Give it time ;) We're just started (I don't RP in other games on MAL but I do RP somewhat on other places) and there's ton of things we have yet to establish. We're basically making everything as we go, so expect things to be messy for first few days...
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 8:27 PM

Mar 2015
Aurioch said:
LoveandHate91 said:
So even though your offline your master can take control of there servent and the servent can take control of the master?

That dosnt seem right to have someone else even on your team take control of your movements

Well, probably people have to move things and cannot wait for partner to come... that's the problem of forum RP. Not something I agree with personally but, heck, it may be necessary evil as long as partner movement isn't anything game breaking or character breaking...

Yeah, so long as partners agree that one of them can take over when the other is inactive, it would help move the RP along.
Mar 19, 2015 8:30 PM
Aug 2014
I dont like waiting long for replys but that happens when you do RPs like this on MAL
Mar 19, 2015 8:41 PM

Feb 2015
HungryPriest said:
Guess I'll just move my response here.

astroprogs said:
Mixing OOC and IC knowledge IS what's happening now. Where is the line drawn exactly?

It can never be enforced.

Of course it can't be enforced. It never can. But you can ask people to at least try. That much is considered common sense in RP. Tbh I've never seen anyone make an argument against avoiding meta RP in any way so I'm a bit baffled. But if people would really prefer it that way I'm fine either way.

This may be of help here, I'm not that experienced with hosting or participating in RPs so I apologize.
Mar 19, 2015 8:43 PM

Feb 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
I dont like waiting long for replys but that happens when you do RPs like this on MAL

We apologize for that, I will contact Caren to make sure we're on the same page. She can probably answer many of these questions better than I
Mar 19, 2015 8:44 PM
Aug 2014
If you want help ive been in every Rp club on MAL and have been a admin in about everyone so i have lots of expierence with it
Mar 19, 2015 8:50 PM

Feb 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
If you want help ive been in every Rp club on MAL and have been a admin in about everyone so i have lots of expierence with it

Thank you but we're good for now, we will let you know if we're interested.
Mar 19, 2015 8:57 PM

Feb 2015

LoveandHate91 said:
(No need to get mad about it and if you want to take a look at other RPs they dont need to put down and bold what there class is and besides if you have one character its clear who your playing as and all i did was say something which was my action did i need to say i said that to my master too?)

This format is added to reduce confusion as some participants have been complaining about, and due to the volume of participants, it is necessary. I am not mad, I simply desire participants to follow the guidelines.

As for Identification, if you are making a new post where only a master is involved, you only need to add a Master Identification. The same works vice-versa. If both Master and Servant are involved, you will need to list both of them in the identification format given.
Mar 19, 2015 8:57 PM

Feb 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
(Considering that Rider was able to find Archer who was hiding I'm sure berseker would be easier to see)
"Master it seems we have another eavesdropper should I intervene"

And please do try to spellcheck your posts, in order to avoid mistakes and misinterpretations. Your grammar in the previous post was also confusing. Please add punctuation.

To bold a text: you must type [ b ] and place text here [ / b ] without the spaces.
Mar 19, 2015 9:05 PM
Aug 2014
Aww I had the / on the wrong side.
Mar 19, 2015 9:12 PM
Aug 2014
Well I said earlier that if people actually played their own characters and not other players it may not be as confuseing.
Mar 19, 2015 9:23 PM

Feb 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
Well I said earlier that if people actually played their own characters and not other players it may not be as confuseing.
That is not feasible, as everyone is in different time zones, and not to mention not everyone can be only 24/7 to respond or keep up in dialogue with their partner. That's why a master might post in place of their servant who may be offline.
Mar 19, 2015 9:32 PM
Aug 2014
Yea and thats why my master posted in place of me because I was gone for 2 hours.
Mar 19, 2015 9:34 PM

Nov 2010
My partner and I are separated by 6 hours, for example ;)
I'm going now to sleep, so I gave him permission to RP a conversation.

I agree with Loveandhate that everyone should stick to his own character, but there might be 2 exceptions:
1) Player gives partner control voluntarily
2) Both players think of a conversation via PM, and one posts in order to keep the thread clearer.

But that's just me. :)
astroprogs said:
If HF ended up being a single movie, what would it need to do so it can get a high score from all of you?

Not air.
Mar 19, 2015 9:39 PM

Mar 2015
Since Shirou knows who Garcher is, there is bound to be some spoilery content regarding Archer's identity. Is this OK for everyone? I need to make sure I don't accidentally spoil UBW's biggest twist to any unsuspecting guy...
Mar 19, 2015 9:40 PM
Aug 2014
Yes I understand not everyone is in the same time zone and can't be on all the time but I play in a lot of RPs here on MAL and play with people from other countries and we all seem to be ok with waiting for others to play.
Mar 19, 2015 10:24 PM

Apr 2014
Shrimp will have to post for me at times if necessary.
Mar 20, 2015 1:44 AM

Mar 2015
Ohgawd, It takes seemingly forever for me to finish an update... .___.
Mar 20, 2015 2:16 AM

Mar 2015

LoveandHate91 said:
(You can get a upgrade just like that well then what upgrade can i get for playing with myself)

Oh no, the prana flow thing is minuscule at best (Shirou's reserves are pathetic). The main "upgrade" was their relationship- Shirou and Archer now trust each other.
Mar 20, 2015 2:18 AM
Aug 2014
So not a major upgrade so what archer can get what 1% more prana from Shirou?
Mar 20, 2015 2:29 AM

Mar 2015
LoveandHate91 said:
So not a major upgrade so what archer can get what 1% more prana from Shirou?

I won't put it in percentages, but let's just say it has not much impact in battle. I would say he gets only ~5 units of prana more, compared to the ~1200-1300 prana units Saber has. As I said, it's not about battle capabilities, it's about how their relationship has developed. They can now fight enemies without keeping an eye on each other in case of backstabbing.

The prana thing I just threw in there because Shirou, being Shirou, had probably held back the full prana connection just to spite Archer, and vice versa.
Mar 20, 2015 2:34 AM
Aug 2014
ok then
Mar 20, 2015 2:46 AM

Jul 2013
OneTrueEmiya said:
Since Shirou knows who Garcher is, there is bound to be some spoilery content regarding Archer's identity. Is this OK for everyone? I need to make sure I don't accidentally spoil UBW's biggest twist to any unsuspecting guy...

Details about his history and abilities are okay, but apart from that, don't outright reveal it. Some of the people here have only watched F/Z and F/SN UBW First Cour (along with maybe the DEEN F/SN), in which case, this should be respected. If you're having trouble, then just be vague most of the time - it should help.

Aurioch said:

I agree with Loveandhate that everyone should stick to his own character, but there might be 2 exceptions:
1) Player gives partner control voluntarily
2) Both players think of a conversation via PM, and one posts in order to keep the thread clearer.

^Also, in the event that a player is inactive for longer than a day and is holding others back, then I suppose taking control of them for a single action just to keep things going - that would be fine too.

astroprogs said:
I realized something when i was reading the previous pages...

CarenPriest said:

Now, while most of the Servant names here are listed and it's pretty easy to look up each of their identities, remember that, in-universe, none of you will know the identity of the other Servant. That's something you guys will have to discover for yourselves as the war goes on.

Yeah, no way in hell this rule can be enforced in practice. It'll become worthless the moment someone avoids Gil or Berserker and disguise it as a coincidence.

Pretty much everyone here is a fan with a considerable amount of knowledge about Fate. Asking them to deliberately nerf themselves because they, supposedly, shouldn't know about the opponent abilities is not fun and is actually unfair.

Even if it can't be enforced, please do try. Act as though you are your characters - you have little to no information about your opponent, so you must act as such. I don't see any reason with deliberately avoiding Gil or Berserker and passing it off as a coincidence.

True, that mixes IC and OOC somewhat, but it is still a plausible outcome in-universe. That would be preferable, as opposed to knowing what an opponent's NP is before they've even used it.

Mar 20, 2015 3:12 AM

Jul 2013
HungryPriest said:
Mickdrew said:
When two servants fight, how do events unfold, and how are winners decided?

I was wondering about this as well. Ideally it would need to happen in realtime with Merci as moderator, but... yea. Or all participants submit their preferred tactics and whatnot and Merci comes up with the result. The entire fight is written down then in thread. That one is simpler and ends up with prettier writing, but I don't think most are fond of it.

Simply put, both of you try to beat down the other in a realistic manner within the limitations of the character you are using.

Stats, abilties, and the environment should all be taken into account, and there should be no problem with being creative, though I will raise my voice if you do something that's beyond the limitations of your own character.

At the same time, it'd be preferable if both combatants discuss with each other the overall flow about how they'd want the battle to go. You can either determine things bit by bit, or up to the end - it's up to you.

Also, don't be afraid to admit your loss when...well, when it's your loss. Most of the time, retreat will be an option.

Aurioch said:
Best would probably be if we could design a roll system using Servant parameters, and maybe adding few gameplay-related ones like willpower etc.

I do know of such a system... Actually, I think I have it in a PDF somewhere on my laptop. Basically, it's RP data for a Holy Grail War detailing the mechanics and all that. However, such a thing may be a little too complex for you guys to absorb while keeping track of the fight.

Not to mention how a lot of it involves rolls, like a tabletop game. While rolls are nice and all, unless I'm the one deciding them, they'll be too subjective.

If a battle is in realtime and I'm around, then I could definitely be able to moderate the fight, but I highly doubt that this'll be the case most of the time.

I think what I'll do is have each of the Servants' stats added to the Google Doc page, and then each Servant and Master will be assigned a HP value in accordance with that.

I'll assign a certain amount of damage to each Rank (so for example, if their strength is Rank B, then a successful attack would inflict 30 damage - may change, but that's the gist). Each NP, due to their unpredictability and variations, will be assigned their own damage value, along with a basic description on how they would affect and damage the enemy.

Although, since NPs are generally instant-kill like Fragarach, I think it's unavoidable that a situation like abusing luck will occur to prevent the target from immediately dropping out - but that's also okay, since such an NP should still inflict crippling damage.

As for HP itself, it will recover slowly, depending both on the Master/Servant's actions and the passing of the day. A Servant who spends the whole day resting will recover more HP than a Servant who spends their time randomly traveling Fuyuki, and a Servant who dedicates the first few days entirely to fighting will be much more vulnerable later on.

Needless to say, if their HP drops to zero, they die.



Of course, this is just a suggestion. I'll see if it can be implemented, but for now, as I go about looking over that system, just make things up as you go along ^^;

Preferably, I actually wouldn't want to use HP and such a numerical system, since that's not much fun. It'd be cooler if we could simply stick to a story-like format - stats and such will still be there and taken into account, along with damage, but the extent of their impact is something you guys would have to determine.

Imagine the battle between Saber and Berserker. Berserker heavily outclassed her in all stats, but she still held her own due to technique, Mana Burst, and notably the graveyard was what turned the tables.

Similarly, you guys should use logic in tandem with values when it comes to fights~ Instead of making it like a game, it's making it more like a dramatic story contributed to by multiple people.

Well, which would you like better?
CarenPriestessMar 20, 2015 3:20 AM

Mar 20, 2015 3:21 AM

Mar 2015
Caren, is it alright if you post the Servant parameters, identities, status, etc etc from Google docs onto a post/thread here? I can't access Google docs (or Google, for that matter), unfortunately.
Mar 20, 2015 3:30 AM

Jul 2013
I should probably do that, yeah~ I'll get right to it in a little while, and then add it to the team rosters on the front page.

Mar 20, 2015 4:44 AM

Mar 2014
CarenPriest said:
I should probably do that, yeah~ I'll get right to it in a little while, and then add it to the team rosters on the front page.
Also agree with this, work hard !
Mar 20, 2015 6:05 AM

Aug 2009
CarenPriest said:
Similarly, you guys should use logic in tandem with values when it comes to fights~ Instead of making it like a game, it's making it more like a dramatic story contributed to by multiple people.

I have never RP'd before, but I agree with this, Caren. It is much more fun to formulate the RP as a story that is narrated by 14 different people. Makes the event much more interesting and unpredictable (competitive participants might get a bit bothered about settling things in a manner so casual and disorderly, perhaps).
Mar 20, 2015 6:19 AM

Feb 2009
A query to Merci. Considering Caster is a powerful mage casting a ritual over an entire city, how good is she at scouting, while sitting in her Temple ofc? Can she detect servants wherever or does she need to focus on specific areas to detect them? Also how detailed info can she get with that?
Stev said:
ayy lmao
Mar 20, 2015 7:00 AM

Jul 2013

For everyone who wanted me to compile everyone's abilities, you may now check the front of the Sign-Up and RP IC threads. Can't believe it took so long, like, three hours... Well, once we have Team Assassin ready, I'll probably ask Blue to see if I can move most of the Sign-Up info to the discussion thread.

k0k0 said:
CarenPriest said:
Similarly, you guys should use logic in tandem with values when it comes to fights~ Instead of making it like a game, it's making it more like a dramatic story contributed to by multiple people.

I have never RP'd before, but I agree with this, Caren. It is much more fun to formulate the RP as a story that is narrated by 14 different people. Makes the event much more interesting and unpredictable (competitive participants might get a bit bothered about settling things in a manner so casual and disorderly, perhaps).

Good! That's just how I like it, instead of adding in troublesome RPG elements that'll only confuse everyone! =D

HungryPriest said:
A query to Merci. Considering Caster is a powerful mage casting a ritual over an entire city, how good is she at scouting, while sitting in her Temple ofc? Can she detect servants wherever or does she need to focus on specific areas to detect them? Also how detailed info can she get with that?

From what I've read, Caster has only begun expanding her territory and feeding on the people of Fuyuki now. So she won't be able to scout very well for the first day. Over the next few days, she should be able to determine other locations with an unusual amount of concentrated magical energy (AKA the other three leylines or the magus bases).

Within a week, assuming that someone hasn't already kicked her out of Ryuudou Temple, observation of the whole city and determining the other servants will be possible, though the only info she'll get from observing them is the the stat ranks.

Mar 20, 2015 3:02 PM

Oct 2014
A Question,
do the servants remember what happend in the 5th war - ubw?
Because Archer somehow does, even if he shouldn't....
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