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Nov 3, 2014 8:26 PM

Feb 2013

The sewer system of the City. Many Gastrea or Infected hide here, but it is mostly home to the black market groups and underground gangsters. Here, they live as kings...
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 3, 2014 9:19 PM

Jan 2013
Groaning a bit she jumps down after Akula. "Its filthy here! And it Stinks!" Sighing a bit she can still follow his smell but the way this place was laid out was akin to a massive maze. "...just need to follow the way the air flows I guess..ugh I should make you clean my boots after this, or heh maybe you rather swim in that water for me?" Walking along she really seems to detest the place more than she worries on who they are looking for.
Nov 3, 2014 9:28 PM

Dec 2011
"Man yer a girly girl, Pup. Didn't ferget yer lipstick, did ya'?" Akula teased her once more as she looked around, though she couldn't disagree with her comment about the smell of the place. It smelled like, well, a sewer. "Rajin definitely would go through a shithole like this... Tha' fucker." She grumbled, shoving her hands in her pockets again as she followed Karen through the maze-like underground. "Any idea how far er close he is?"
Nov 3, 2014 9:34 PM

Jan 2013
Shaking her head she concentrates on her tracking. "Its the air currents, he's here, but it could be aways off, or the next turn in..sewers are difficult to track in, and sound carries on for awhile..luckly there arn't too many areas big enough for someone to live and sleep, soe we should not have to search too long..but we should walk and speak down low.." With that she quitely walks off following the flow of air and the scent as best as she can.
Nov 4, 2014 1:25 PM

Feb 2013
As the pair made their way through the many turns of this sewer, the sound of water touching the solid stone ground could be hear as they were about to make one. Of course, that didn't stop the pair to make their through and then see what was causing the sound.

Multiple bodies stood on the ground, walls and some even on the ceiling. The entire area was also covered in what seemed to be rusted iron knives. One of the men, hung on a wall, was still alive. As soon as he saw the two girls, he raised his head. "You... Run... It's still... Here... Ugh!" The man said as the knife that was lodged on his chest went further in as he tried to speak. It was lodged on the man's lung, tactically aimed with excellent precision to cause as much pain as possible, but to kill the target slowly. However, the more he moved, the more pain he felt, even though it did accelerate the death.

"Just... Run... Get out of... Here... Ugggh!" The man placed his hand on the knife. It seemed like all of them were just gangsters that tried to escape through the sewers, but ended up finding something they shouldn't. This man, hanged on a wall, stood on the other side of a large river that crossed right in the middle of the sewers. Following it would lead to the center of the sewers. The man raised his hand and tried to remove the blade, but it was too lodged too far to be so easily removed. It was then that the knife's hand glowed right and started to beep. The man's eyes aimed at it as he raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes in shock. "No!" He was able to scream just before the explosion that immediatly killed him. Explosive knives, something also strategical. From the looks, it was based on sound receivers placed on the knife, specially made for the situation where the man would call for help.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 4, 2014 4:58 PM

Dec 2011
"Yep, Rajin's been having fun." Akula mused, nearly completely unaffected by the sight. "I wouldn't struggle or speak too-" She began to warn the poor sole apathetically before the man ignored her words and ended up paying for it. "...loudly.... Well, tried ta' warn tha' poor sob. Continue leading tha' way, Pup." She said, nodding to Karen to continue. She wasn't at all surprised by this site. They were probably Rajin's prey... or people who wouldn't leave him alone. Either way, it didn't really matter to her.
Nov 4, 2014 5:09 PM

Jan 2013
Sighing a bit she shakes her head. "Idiots.." She had seen deaths before some far more grusome than this. "Maybe we should walk loud enough at least for him to notice I doubt he's the type of peron that likes surprises.." with that she heads off sniffing forward, they were close, she was sure of it.
Nov 6, 2014 8:38 AM

Feb 2013
As soon as they kept on their way, they would hear and see something they probably didn't expect: A small "town" inside the sewers. Clearly, it was abandoned, and probably served as refugee for the poor that couldn't even live in the Slums. Here, many men stood sleeping on the ground, without much sense to their lives.

On the end of the small town hallway stood someone in a long white coat, tattered and stained with blood all over. The man in the white coat raised another man by holding his neck upwards. "Tell me where this man is." Rajin asked to the man he was holding. The man he was holding up, however, didn't seem very able to talk at the moment. Rajin pressed him against the wall, now releasing his neck, and allowing the blades to be the threat. Multiple daggers stood behind him, aiming at the man in front of him. "If you don't tell me, not only will I kill you, but I will find this man." He said as the other man shivered in fear. "I-I don't know!! Last time I saw th-them, th-they were working at the Central District!" The man screamed, his voice filled with terror.

Rajin narrowed his eyes before turning around and then seeing the couple of girls. One of them, he was able to recognize. It was a coincidence that she appeared just after Baraka had said that she was now rogue. What were the possibilities of this being all planned for him to lower his guard... On the side of the Shark Girl was another girl he had seen once. If his memory didn't fail him now( and believe me, it did many times ), he believed to have seen this girl on the tower, yet earlier today. Rajin didn't say anything, yet. He simply stared at the two, still with his daggers raised.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 6, 2014 11:29 AM

Dec 2011
Akula whistled at the sight. It definitely brought her back. Many people in her slums would use the underground considering how much better it was than the air on the surface. You know it was bad when people would rather take sewer air. As they followed the hallway, the person she had been searching for was right there... choking a man out. Honestly she wanted to smile gleefully and out of character, but still retained her practically unamused face. Another thing that kept her from doing so was the knives. It didn't look like he trusted her or Karen, though that could be understood somewhat. "Still a busybody, Raj?" She inquired rhetorically. "I guess it's true that ya' ain't dead... though it doesn't look like tha' recovery was pleasant." She mused aloud, referring to the visible scarred portion of his face. "Also... don't know who yer huntin', but wouldn't ya' normally get farther with interrogatin' someone who's so low on tha' food chain he's livin' in tha' sewers?" She added, glancing over to the man scared shitless. It wasn't like Akula cared for the bastard, she speaking honestly. She didn't think a sewer rat would hold much valuable information, at least about someone or something Rajin was hunting.
Nov 6, 2014 1:45 PM

Jan 2013
Sighing a bit she looks at the sight, the town and them. Musing to herself she stares at the man. "Just tell him what you want...he already killed several of your friends."

Staring at the man with the knives she cocks her head to the side a bit, she had questions for him, one that needed at least basic answers, plus untill she seen some reaction from him there was not sure sign he wouldn't try and kill them. Wondering what shes gotten herself into she watches.
Nov 6, 2014 8:58 PM

Feb 2013
Rajin's expression was still cold and carried his emotionless as he stared at the couple, with both of them talking. He recognized this girl... Akula... Shark. Rajin stared at her, hearing her words with a slightly narrow of the eyes. "It wasn't all that unbeareable. The scars are just a gift." He said and mused as he turned around. "I kill Baraka, and on the same day he tells me you're rogue, you show up. Coincidence... Or did the Black Claw plan this out?" Rajin asked. However, it didn't seem like the question was aimed at Akula or Karen, as he immediatly moved his hands up to his chin and assumed a thoughtful stance.

"Indeed... Interrogating this man is useless, perhaps you have more information on my prey." Rajin said as he turned around. "However, this man saw and spoke with Jerusalem... And I want Jerusalem dead." He said, probably reminding Akula of old, unpleaseant memories. Jerusalem was the torturer and spy of the Black Claw. He was the leader of the Spy Covenant and an ex-member of European Strike Team. The thing is, he always liked to try new torture methods and also was a spineless bastard that didn't really cared for the Black Claw at all. He just wanted to see people suffer, and to that, he practiced with many tests... On many people. Of course, he never tortured anyone, but he sure as hell tried to with many Black Claw members. Even so, his skills were surely praiseworthy.

"Now, Jerusalem doesn't usually leave tracks for people to follow... But this man knows something." Rajin turned back towards the man, who crawled back in an attempt to escape. Suddenly, his legs moved upwards, as something held him from his feet right in the air. "Oh... Don't escape... We're just getting started." Rajin mused in a low tone so that only the man could hear.
YzmaelNov 6, 2014 9:07 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 6, 2014 9:48 PM

Dec 2011
"I was wonderin' why ya' didn't try shanking me on sight.... So tha' ol' man told ya'." Akula mused aloud. "Huh? Yer after Jerusalem now? Not that I can blame ya'..." She scoffed. If she recalled right, the bastard had a bit of a weird obsession with her teeth when she first joined up. He was one of the few people who could legitimately creep her out. Shaking her head to rid herself of the unwanted memories, her attention turned to Rajin once more. "Dunno. You think tha' fucker would try screwin' with me now that I'm rogue? He's a wuss and not stupid." Akula stated with a sigh. "An' why do you think he knows somethin'? If you're interrogatin' him I'd say he doesn't know anything or is just stupidly loyal... and who tha' hell'd be loyal ta' Jerusalem?"
Nov 6, 2014 10:09 PM

Jan 2013
Sitting back she watches the exchange and rolls her eyes a little "Anyone care to tell me what all this madness is about?" Other than that she turns away from the questioning as it were not as shes botherd by it, but so she can truefully say she seen nothing.

(not much I can add here really)
Nov 8, 2014 11:59 AM

Feb 2013
"Well, he does pay well." Rajin mused as he looked once more to the man. "I already told you all I know! Please let me go!!" He pleaded. Rajin's expressionlessness was changed briefly as he raised an eyebrown and then let the man down. "Run before I change my mind." He said, and the man followed without hesitation, running towards the exit as fast as his legs allowed him to.

"Now, what is it that you wish with me?" Rajin asked as he turned back towards the couple. He noticed that the second girl was clearly confused. Well, anyone on her place would be. To inform her, Rajin raised a hand then spoke. "Me and the little girl beside you were once members of a very big and dangerous terrorist group. After some time, we took our decisions and became rogue. I turned rogue for a different reason than her. Though it must probably seem like I'm going after them and killing them for vengeance, what I truly wish is to encounter the Father... So that I may see if he is a fitting enemy..." Rajin said, and then allowed Akula and the girl to speak, with a solid and expressionless stare at them.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 8, 2014 12:49 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, I originally just wanted ta' see if ya' really were alive... but after meeting tha' pup I gotta ask what ya' did to tha' poor girl." Akula questioned him, patting Karen on the head as she spoke. When she found a picture of ya' she was scared shitless." She added on, though it was a bit difficult to tell if she was truly asking or if she was just trying to tease Karen.

"And he may pay well, but tha' people who buy into his shit are as cowardly as he is. And cowards value their lives more than any stack 'o money." Akula responded to the comment of Jerusalem paying well. The bastard tried to pay her once too... again for her teeth. She responded by ripping apart the money he offered, as well as almost his hand with the teeth he was so interested in.
Nov 8, 2014 2:01 PM

Jan 2013
Glaring at the pair she pouts. "I'm not a little kid! And..I'm not scared of him..I just know when there is powers I shouldn't play with..its my other half, at times it controls me more than I do it.." Hearing what he has to say she just sighs. "Why not just ask the center for help? Would solve time." Thinking on the rest she decides to interject a little on Akula's behalf.

"I don't think shes here to kill you, I wound her wandering the slums, and if I had to guess she entered Japan illegally, plus shes armed right now..more like a love struck moron than not." Laughing a bit in her more pompus fashion she stares blankly.

"Why a fitting enemy?"
Nov 9, 2014 6:53 PM

Feb 2013
Hearing all the commotion, Rajin sighed as he turned around. "Well, now you already know I am alive and what I plan to do." He mused as he looked towards the girls from over his shoulder. His yellow eyes shone. The fun thing is... They were always like that. "Help? What help can come from a corrupted system? All I can see happening is the Black Claw discovering my location." He stated as he sighed once more.

"If so, will you be punishing her? She's illegal... Against your laws. The correct course of action would be to emprison her." Rajin said. He wondered what the girl would do with Akula. Truthfully, he didn't really care. The girl could take care of her own, he knew that very well, and if she offered help to him, he would obviously have to say no. His mission was too dangerous for her to follow him.

"A fitting enemy... Capable of defeating me... Of ending this tormented life I have. However, only someone with the powers to take my down shall do so... I have no right to take my own life either... It no longer belongs to me." He said as he looked away from the girls and started to walk away. He was almost completely sure they would follow.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 9, 2014 8:15 PM

Dec 2011
Was Akula not so skilled at keeping her normal apathetic face on, she would have probably froze at what Karen stated. "Lovestruck moron? You were tha' one who seemed so attached to yer master, like a cute, loyal lil puppy." She teased her with another pat on the head. Akula seemed completely uncaring and unaffected to Karen's tease. She was quite skilled at making excuses and hiding her thoughts.

Upon hearing Rajin's explanation, Akula sighed once more... quite humorously, much like a disappointed parent or guardian would. "Really Raj? Was yer life ever yer own? Cause it seems one way or tha' other yer always kissin' someone's ass when I see you." She questioned sarcastically whilst shaking her head. "If it ain't yer's, who's is it then? That broad you tried to hide from tha' Black Claw? Some higher up in this "corrupt system"? Don't get me wrong. Do what ya' want... but... do what you want. Quit actin' like yer someone's property fer fucks sake." She scolded him, yawning afterwards. Though she was chastising him, she didn't appear to be all that angry... then again, she was best at hiding her attitude from Rajin specifically.

As he began to walk away, Akula began to follow and nudged Karen as well. "Didn't ya' wanna' talk to him too?" She inquired with her one raised eyebrow.
Nov 9, 2014 8:26 PM

Feb 2013
"The person who I own my actions to is already dead. So is the woman I once loved. Tell me, Akula, what reason do I have to keep fighting, if not to find the person who is to kill me?" As he said that, he stopped on his tracks and turned around to face the two girls once more. "What I want is to fulfill a promise. The promise I made to the woman who remade my body into what you're seeing. I promised her I would prove this world that I am the strongest thing in existence... And that I shall do... One way or another." Rajin said as he stared at Akula's eyes. It was clear, he was far different. The reason to live was lost long ago, all that was left was just a husk of pure power and desire to kill.

"I wasn't even supposed to be alive... It is by her intervention that I am still living... Now I must keep to my word." He added as he once more turned around and began walking.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 9, 2014 8:27 PM

Jan 2013
Glaring at Akula she mummbles something. Looking at Rajin she shrugs. "Not really..but it would save me a problem if you two would register..our divisional head would be understanding of it."

Seeing him walk off she sighs at Akula's push. Rushing after him she speaks. "Look I rather not have any problems, but if you have proof of all of this, wouldn't it be faster to just use our system to track down most of them? If they arn't in it we know black market people who are in the system.

In her serious manner she stares flatly at him. "I don't care for this crusade of yours, but how many people will die if you keep doing it in the dark?" Hearing Akula's remarks she's worried on what will happen next..
Nov 9, 2014 8:34 PM

Feb 2013
At the girl's words, Rajin stopped and then turned back, this time with a silent stare. For a few seconds, he just stared at the girl, with a slightly menacing narrow of the eyes. "You are too naive. I have no reason work with your government. I don't need one more problem on my list. If I work with you, I will have to submit to your rules, and your rules are flawed. Your system is flawed." Rajin said, his voice suddenly turning colder.

"I am here to find the ones that are capable of fighting me, the ones that are up to the task of battling me. The Black Claw are only the first ones that I shall take down... After that, I shall destroy your system, and seek in it, someone worthy of battling me." Rajin said, once more turning his back to the two. "And to that end, I shall kill as many as I see fit." Rajin's tone, briefly, was violent, ushering his wish to kill anyone who got in his way. However, it quickly ended as he sighed. "However, that would all take so much time. Normally, that'd be what I would do. In the end, it is just stupid and it would take too much of my time and desire. Because of that, I will end my fighting with the Black Claw. After that, I shall await for someone who deem themselves worthy." He said as he started to walk... Once more.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 9, 2014 8:39 PM

Dec 2011
"How can ya' fulfill that promise if ya' find someone stronger an' just let yerself get killed, huh?" Akula questioned as if it were obvious. "By dying you'd be breaking that promise... I think whoever helped ya' fucked with yer head a bit, Raj." She commented as she followed. She saw the look in his eyes, and it demoralized her a bit to see it as such, but she'd protect him regardless. "Register? Then I'd get chained up and kept in confinement, trained, capabilities studied and attempted to be paired with someone wouldn't I? Or are ya' suggestin' that we register as partners? I already told ya' that Rajin doesn't really accept help. He wouldn't stop someone from helping if they tried... but he wouldn't accept something official like that." She dismissed Karen's suggestion with a wave of her hand.

After she spoke she shoved her hands in her jacket pockets again and followed behind him, side by side with Karen. Akula didn't think Rajin would get forceful with Karen... much as it seemed he might. Unless, that is, she physically got in his way.
Nov 9, 2014 8:50 PM

Jan 2013
"Well tell me about that girl at least..or what? You'll kill all of us here? Thats the only reason we went after you, to file a report. For all I care you can go drown in this shit hole. But I have a job, you have a vendetta, mine at least pays money, so why did that girl attack you?" Crossing her arms she stops clearly not prepaired to go more.

"I already know why you are here, black claw something another, and like I said, as long as it causes no problems for me, I'm not mentioning it..not as i care on the trouble it will bring down on Akula nad you." Smirking a bit however she decides to prod him just a little. "In place of fighting assholes here, why aren't you wiping out the Gastrea? Like human blood more? Is that why you attacked her?" While it didn't seem it at first glance, she was prepaired to jump away.
Nov 9, 2014 10:17 PM

Feb 2013
"So far, I've already fulfilled that promise... I've been the strongest of the strongest for years... No one has challenged me and lived... However... I am tired." Suddenly, Rajin stopped. This time, however, he didn't look back. He lowered his head and stared at the ground for a few minutes. "I have yet to find a new reason to be alive... For now, I just want to kill the Black Claw... But what happens after that, I don't know..." Rajin said as he turned back towards the two, and heard the other girl's words.

Upon hearing the word "money", Rajin truly wanted to laugh. However, his emotionlessness was unchanged. He stared at the girl silently for a few seconds before speaking. "Money means nothing to me." He started, speaking those words at her with a truth in it and a quick glare-like narrow of his eyes. At her words of him liking more human blood than Gastrea's, his eyes narrowed further. Briefly, he closed his eyes and then sighed. "How dare you say that... I have killed more Gastrea than you will on the rest of your miserable life. You and your thrash master have been defeated not only once, but twice on the same day. You allowed the Minister to die, in case you forgot... I'm not the one who's body is stained in innocent blood." He said, looking away from the girl briefly before staring at her eyes.

"I know nothing of the girl. She attacked me out of her own free will. If you wish to know anything about it, ask her..." He said as he turned around. "Akula... I don't think this girl will help you. She is just another puppet of the system. One that I will make sure to wipe out later. Follow her if you wish to, but be warned... You will not achieve what you want." Rajin said. Though he didn't act like it, he was very much more knowloadgeable than he seemed. From time to time, he would notice Akula's act, even though he never knew the reason for her act. "Go back to your master, lapdog. Before I have to actually get you out of my way." Rajin added coldly before he looked over his shoulder.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 9, 2014 10:30 PM

Dec 2011
"Find a reason then, ya' jackass. Er just take a breather. After finding slums as nice as tha' ones here, I'm gonna' relax plenty." Akula stated with a tired stretch. Compared to her native slums in Russia, these were paradise... As in you could breath. She ignored his rant to her. She expected them to have differences, but as long as one didn't point a blade at the other, it would stay at that, differences. After his retort, Akula heard Rajin speak again. "I ain't followin' her. And she already did help me. But... what is it that ya' think I want to achieve, Raj?" She inquired whist tilting her head with a blank expression.

"Now, now. No need fer threats. Tha' lil Pup ain't getting in yer way. Yer just arguin'... and please let it stay that way." Akula pleaded, however in a more complaining tone than actually pleading.
Nov 10, 2014 7:06 AM

Jan 2013
Glaring at him angerly she growls at him. "If your bloody barbarism worked humans wouldn't be on the verge of being wiped out...Killer of the arn't the only one that knows how to look in on things..maybe I have the blood of a minister on me, but that beats a city." While the details weren't fully there she did skim the records enough to peice bits of it together. "But don't worry I won't speak of that..after all." Taking a pause she seems to take a more toughtfulpose.

"The Chinese had a saying. A Man after vengence dig too graves. Think on that you barbar. If you ever decide to become civilized you know where to find us."

With that she knows further talk with the man is dangerous but she knows know to look into who the girl is and if the scatterd timeline and blacked out parts of the files on him were related to the destruction that took place there, in part what she did was to provoke him, but he had a point, she needed to get much stronger. Looking at Akula she shrugs.

"I did my part, see yah, I have a nice little dog box to return to. Its not quite as lovely as this shithole and the present great one I must say." She would have to inform her master on this, as far as she was concerned this man was far more dangerous than just for his power. He was a sociopath that if left alone would destory the city.

"Do care to not drown in the shit..or to follow him into the two graves he is digging...good luck.." While she now hated and detested the man, she had to admit he wasted his skills on minor things, rather than a real threat. With that before either can stop her or retaliate she hurls down a smoke bomb, but runs down a tunnle in the opposit direction, taking numerous tunnles, she quicly forms a maze behind her, the shark could likely catch her, but the man could not. Unless he wanted the whole city to know of his being there. She couldn't beat him, but she could make things difficult for him.

Breathing a sigh of relief she triggers her collar, calling for Excita she wanted to be far away from this.

(Hmm how woul you like to have had otto spying on this and trying to work a deal out with him?)
Nov 12, 2014 3:02 PM

Feb 2013
(Rajin probably wouldn't cut out a deal with anyone at all... After all, he believes no one is at his level... You can try if you think it'd be fun to see the two villains speaking to each other.)

Rajin stared silently at the girl for most of the time. When she spoke something about the German Region, he closed his eyes. "A necessary loss." He said as he looked at Akula briefly before once more hearing the girl in front of him.

Well, in the least, she had the balls to say what came to her mind without the fear of being obliterated in an instant. "I already said it... I do not seek vengeance. I hold no grudges against the Black Claw, they simply did what they were told... However, killing them is an actual challenge, which is the exact reason I'm hunting them. Besides, by hunting them, I am doing exactly what your petty politics are afraid of doing... Bourocracy would never allow them to truly punish the members of the Black Claw. After all, the Black Claw is the one who is currently funding all of the traitors of your government." He said before the girl then turned herself to Akula and shrugged strangely.

"Paper houses all fall down when the big bad wolf blows the winds." He said as she mentioned her "dog box".

Rajin stared blankly as the girl released the smoke bomb right in front of him and then ran away as if he couldn't see her. Unfortunately for her, his robotic eye could easily see through any sort of smoke.

Rajin takes a quick glance towards Akula. "She truly believes I would hunt down such an insect... As if I'd waste my time. You're free to follow me if you wish to erradicate the pests, Akula. However, if your wishes differ, feel free to carve your own path... Perhaps one day we shall meet again." Saying that, he turns around and prepares to walk away, but, instead, disappears from sight in a flash of yellow, leaving behind a small card. The card was his card from the GCS, an access card that would allow Akula or anyone else to check his other information.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 12, 2014 6:28 PM

Dec 2011
At the mention of Germany, rage filled Akula's mind once more, however it didn't show, and it wasn't directed at Karen. The thought of the Black Hand's betrayal still pissed her off to all ends.

Listening to Rajin's retort, she couldn't help but agree with what he said, but even so she couldn't exactly hold it against Karen. Most Cursed Children didn't get opportunities like hers. They either stayed in slums and, rarely, they got a chance to serve someone somewhere, and you were damn stupid if you passed up such a chance, She guessed that Karen was there because it was the best of her options, just as The Black Claw was the best of Akula's options.

"Well, you did somethin' ta' terrify her. When she looked ya' up an saw yer picture the poor pup froze." Akula defended with a slight shrug. As he finished speaking and flashed away, Akula sighed. "Then actually let me follow ya' easier, damn it." She complained as she walked forward to retrieve the card. "Looks like GCS... Access Card maybe? Well, it's gotta' do somethin' useful at least." She murmured, shoving into her pockets. "Maybe I'll stop by another base. Check out what I can get." After speaking that to herself, Akula found the nearest exit of the sewers and climbed up it, easily punching the cover out of the way and leaving the undergrounds.
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