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Nov 22, 2007 4:06 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
There we go, Mamiko Noto is here. (:

I didn't expect Kai to go that far already, he seemed like he had some doubts. I enjoyed this episode again, had an overall good feeling to it. I hope Kouichi and Yuumi will be the movie couple ^^. We also had a larger Eriko scene so I'm satisfied.




[H+] ³  
Nov 22, 2007 4:12 AM

Nov 2007
Oh,the episode is ready? I must watch it then :)
Nov 22, 2007 6:35 AM
Jul 2018
This Episode is unbelievable
Kai is go to far...
but i love the episode *-*
Nov 22, 2007 9:24 AM
Oct 2007
Cool episode, kai's trying to rape Mao.

We're still quite early in the series yet it seems to be already quite well developed, at least compared to some other 13episode shows this season, considering that this is twice as long, so I'm interested to see what else there will be to it.
Nov 22, 2007 11:19 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
I wasn't surprised that he kissed her... I'm wondering if it was a kiss out of love or not though. It seemed like he still had doubts, so was he trying to erase those doubts by kissing her? Or was it out of love? I think the former. And Mao's reaction to it :O Is she not as experienced in love as she claims to be, and was shy? Felt it was out of place? Or did she not want him to kiss her, because she doesn't want to be with him in that way anymore....

I think I'd be sad if Kouchi and Yuumi weren't together tho (ie: Mao x Kouchi) ... they're so cute together. Sooooo glad the frogs didn't come out this episode!!
Nov 22, 2007 12:14 PM
Jun 2007
Why did Mao ne chan run away at the end!!! :(
Nov 22, 2007 3:20 PM

Aug 2007
Nov 22, 2007 3:40 PM

Jan 2007
Loved the episode. Its great to see Kazuki getting into Futami's head. And I was surprised at the end with Kai making that bold move. Another perfectly timed ending to an episode. Looking forward to more.

Q: When did this show become 25 ep.? I thought it was gonna be 13, can someone show me a source?
Nov 23, 2007 4:41 AM

Nov 2007
Whoa, Kai sure is fast.

Looking forward to the next.
Nov 23, 2007 4:42 AM

Nov 2007
The episode was great,I haven't heard of a good source of info on the subject
Nov 23, 2007 5:18 AM

Oct 2007
Its really is a great episode :P
I like how everything is progressing, although i still dont like Kai that much, his attitude seems bleak, then he goes and does that!!!

But at least Kazuki is going somewhere with Futami-chan... She is showing some reaction, that girl has feeling we discovered... lol

cyruz said:
I hope Kouichi and Yuumi will be the movie couple ^^.

I second that, i was actually hoping for it.
Nov 23, 2007 5:27 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Friendlysoul said:
But at least Kazuki is going somewhere with Futami-chan... She is showing some reaction, that girl has feeling we discovered... lol

Lol, I'd really like to see her reaction if someone called her Futami-chan or Eriko-chan. xD




[H+] ³  
Nov 24, 2007 1:24 AM

Oct 2007
oh snap, wondering if kai just pushed mao away a bit,
Nov 24, 2007 6:08 AM
Oct 2007
Faust721 said:
Loved the episode. Its great to see Kazuki getting into Futami's head. And I was surprised at the end with Kai making that bold move. Another perfectly timed ending to an episode. Looking forward to more.

Q: When did this show become 25 ep.? I thought it was gonna be 13, can someone show me a source?

mickal555's list said:
1 Edit - More Kimi-kiss ~ pure rouge Currently Airing -TV 7/25 +

Is where I got it from...
Nov 24, 2007 10:29 AM

Jan 2007
well thats what I'm questioning. I can't find any other source that says 25 as well.
Nov 24, 2007 3:27 PM

Nov 2004
Yeah, I'm not so sure about 25 eps either. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to have that number, but if it's wrong...shame on whoever updated it to that.

As for ep 7, I enjoyed it. I'm wondering when Mao x Kouichi will happen though. Yuumi is nice and pretty cute, but I'm still voting for Mao x Kouichi.
Nov 24, 2007 11:22 PM

Jun 2007
Sawa said:
Loved this episode, being a huge Mao x Eiji fan.
Eiji seems a jealous person, and I'm starting to have my doubts that they'll be fine together. But I really hope she won't 'suddenly' realise her feelings for a childhood friend.

Ya I've been expecting that since the first ep that she just comes out of the blue and admits she likes Kouchi. That would be kind of random and bring unneeded drama into this drama-less comedy. The part where Kouchi is telling them all the story he has for the movie, it kind of felt like it was a story being told about him and Mao.

I had originally thought they where gonna be the two to hook up and was kind of disappointed when she started liking her classmate. I well, will see what happens.
Nov 25, 2007 12:51 AM
Nov 2007
I am a big fan of Mao and Kai and really liked the end of this ep. If it turns out that Mao ends up with her childhood friend instead, this anime will really be ruined for me. I think that Mao and Kouichi (the childhood friend, maybe I'm getting the name wrong) should stay like siblings. Currently, the only romance I'm particularly enjoying is her romance with Kai. I like how intense his character is and the way they complement each other.

I guess it's because the other relationships really have that high-school kids feel to them, but Mao and Kai seem more on the cusp of adulthood, so it's easier for me to take them seriously and get into the relationship.
Nov 25, 2007 2:58 PM

Jun 2007
I dont know why so man people dislike Mao x Kai!!! T__T They are such a wonderfull pairing!!!! Kouchi and Yuumi are also a very awesome pairing! So they better leave it at that!!!
Personaly I omgwtfbbq-ed at the end cause it was unexpected and so cute and i love kiss scenes!!! but why did Mao run awayyyy!!!!!! noooo's!!! DX

Nov 25, 2007 5:06 PM
Nov 2007
Yay, another fan of Mao and Kai! I was really surprised by how many people aren't into Kai, I think he's an awesome character--cool, gorgeous and great personality. I also love his strong sense of direction and his decision to pursue his dream.

I like Kouchi and Yuumi together too--she's so sweet. But I wonder why she helped him come up with that romance about a boy and his older childhood friend. That will definitely stir things up later I feel.

I am not into genius-girl Futami. I just think she's a bitch and a lousy character and her with the other guy (Kazaki?) doesn't work at all for me. Maybe it'll get better once she eases up, but these genius-teens as they're portrayed in anime really get on my nerves.

Girls, even if they like the guy, always seem to run away the first time they're kissed. At least, it happens tons in shoujo manga. The preview for next ep seemed a little stupid though, where Mao is thinking all these "profound" things about the kiss and what it means. Honestly...they're in high school and they've been dating a while already. What's the big deal...? Unless she isn't really into him or something. :(
Nov 25, 2007 7:44 PM

Sep 2007
I lol'd at the suspicious hair. It really does look suspicious :P

Ah, yeah, Kai seems like an insecure person in terms of relationships so I hope Mao won't realize she likes Kouichi instead. Bah. A big X for me >.<
Kineta said:
Sooooo glad the frogs didn't come out this episode!!

Nov 25, 2007 8:47 PM

Jun 2007
Dorothea said:
I am not into genius-girl Futami. I just think she's a bitch and a lousy character and her with the other guy (Kazaki?) doesn't work at all for me. Maybe it'll get better once she eases up, but these genius-teens as they're portrayed in anime really get on my nerves.

I find their relationship more intriguing then the others since its rare to see in anime shows, that "experiment" plot. The whole point of their story is that shes a genius thats been feared by fellow classmates since childhood. Most geniuses act weird and most of the time don't understand the most basic of things (ie. love). Her problem is, she has no experience with love. She has no idea what it is and what it feels like. She's read about it but that's it. So right now shes trying to experience it with Kazaki but it doesn't seem to be going all that well. I'm sure if he just randomly kissed her when she was least expecting it, things would change. Nut for now it seems like hes the only one "in love".
Nov 26, 2007 10:18 AM

Oct 2007
I like KaixMao but I like KouichixMao more. I think that Mao only sees Kai as a friend so far and liked Kouichi from the beginning. Mmm.. maybe it will be bad for Yuumi but I don't really like her, she's TOO innocent. I like innocent but it can also be too much >.< Who knows, everything can happen.
Nov 27, 2007 10:53 AM

Jul 2007
Dorothea said:

I am not into genius-girl Futami. I just think she's a bitch and a lousy character and her with the other guy (Kazaki?) doesn't work at all for me. Maybe it'll get better once she eases up, but these genius-teens as they're portrayed in anime really get on my nerves.

I'm kind of hoping he'll end up with the soccer girl, but I don't think that's too likely.
Nov 28, 2007 5:39 PM

Aug 2007
Dorothea said:
The preview for next ep seemed a little stupid though, where Mao is thinking all these "profound" things about the kiss and what it means. Honestly...they're in high school and they've been dating a while already. What's the big deal...? Unless she isn't really into him or something. :(

That was Futami reading it though... right?
Nov 29, 2007 3:59 AM

Apr 2007
MajorAddiction said:

is the right quote for this ep. Dang, awesomeness! *goes to watch next ep! (yay for waiting a few weeks for a 4 ep marathon!~) ^w^
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Jan 20, 2008 12:48 PM
Sep 2007
nice episode ^^ quite a lot happening, compared to other shows.
too bad that their heroine didnt work out, but: why dont they take futami ? xD
the story called for a seemingly cold person, can it be more perfect? ^^
Apr 10, 2008 9:48 PM

Apr 2007
Bah I'm still not liking Futami. It's like she's from another planet. I was wondering when Mitsuki would make another appearance. She showed up in the first episode and promptly disappeared. I wonder if she'll become an active participant or fade away in the background once again. Kai's kiss sure shook things up a bit. Mao looked scatterbrained.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 9, 2008 11:48 PM

Jan 2008
magentaanbu said:
I dont know why so man people dislike Mao x Kai!!! T__T They are such a wonderfull pairing!!!! Kouchi and Yuumi are also a very awesome pairing! So they better leave it at that!!!
Personaly I omgwtfbbq-ed at the end cause it was unexpected and so cute and i love kiss scenes!!! but why did Mao run awayyyy!!!!!! noooo's!!! DX

yey she ran away!!! well you coulda expected that after seeing last ep at the ending... i guess she was kinda giving kai false hopes, or she liked him a little bit at first but she realized her true feelings
Jun 12, 2009 1:58 PM

Jul 2008
they kissed >< so he couldnt hold it anymore^^ now i wonder how mao will react to it
hoshino is awesome>< also wonders who will play the heroine
cool beauty xD, was funny to found out that thingie with the bad taste^^

Jul 7, 2009 6:38 AM

Jun 2009
eeeek kissu!!
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Dec 8, 2009 7:22 AM

Oct 2009
Ahh, happy to see Mao happy at the beginning, and Futami's cooking makes me laugh.

Wasn't expecting the kiss at the end to work out like that, but then he defs could have been more subtle and held her hand first or something, not that he really seems like a hand-holding kind-of guy.. hmm dunno, on to the next!
Feb 8, 2010 6:27 PM

May 2008
Well that was unexpected.....
Jun 22, 2010 12:29 PM
Jul 2018
Yes Kai! That's the way to go!

And Futami's taste is really ... ugh (I like how she does her 'coffee' though^^)
Jan 3, 2011 8:26 AM

Oct 2009
I don't like Kai, don't really care for him.
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Jul 22, 2011 10:28 AM

Mar 2011
wow i kind of didn't except that, but Mao running away made me just think that she might like someone else like Kouichi o.O, oooh this is getting interesting, next episode!
Sep 18, 2011 12:57 AM

Feb 2008
cyruz said:

I didn't expect Kai to go that far already, he seemed like he had some doubts. I enjoyed this episode again, had an overall good feeling to it. I hope Kouichi and Yuumi will be the movie couple ^^. We also had a larger Eriko scene so I'm satisfied.

YEAH! Kouichi and Yuumi as the leads will be great! ^^

Wow I can't even imagine what will happend to Mao and Kai now...
日頃の思いを込めた RHAPSODY

Apr 28, 2013 1:40 PM

May 2012
Nice episode, had some slight development in the beginning but had a rather fast bit in the end! While they almost found a heroine for the movie they now still have to look further for one!

Kazuki and Eriko seems to get on a good path, this can get quite interesting!
The ending sure was nice to see that effect from Mao! As I actually really disliked the relation Kai and Mao made... So I wonder what will happen next, now with Kai doing that did she realized who she actually really is in love with?
May 12, 2014 6:22 PM

Apr 2014
Kai has to be one of the most boring characters ever. I don't really care who mao ends up with but man, I don't know how such a energetic fun girl would work with someone who doesn't say or do anything. With that ending though, I hope it doesn't end up Mao secretly loves Kouichi and steps in to ruin Kouichi x Yuumi.
May 4, 2016 5:01 AM

Mar 2014
Just having the same preference doesn't mean its specific . Books and Novels .
A charming heroine ~ !? Last heroine makes her debut ~ .
We can say that , this is just the "Experiment part" .. still trying to be familiar .
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Jan 10, 2018 9:22 PM

Dec 2014
well that was unexpected...never thought kai to be one of the aggressive types
Jan 22, 2020 5:03 PM

Aug 2017
Kai still sucks but he's pulling masculine moves

New rich girl is not pretty

Kazuki spitting nice game on Futami, breaking that barrier
Aug 6, 2023 10:06 AM
Nov 2010
Interesting progress in this episode. Kazuki has managed to make some cracks in Futami's wall.

Good move by Kai. It's a bit aggressive, but I would've done the same, especially since we've already known each other for months. Even if there's a chance of failure, the most important thing is to make her aware of your feelings.

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