I can't say that i'm not happy about it, but heck!
Front mission was all about grid movement mech mashing madness with some awesme plot.
Now they are going towards a Armored Core version....
And WTF! X360
I really hope that an ps3 is going to be produced...
Well, anyway, graphics seem awesome.
I guess Evolved is only a subestitute fo FM:O, and that Square won't be dropping the tactis system. (then again, i really hope so...)
The thing about being able to exit your wanzer, and being able to control it was always somethign i wanted, but i thoght it wouldn't come as a release, but as a bundle pc game ,like FM:O
I'm buying this game nonetheless.
And even if it doesn't come to ps3, i'm still buying, even if that makes me have to buy shitboxfullturn.
(I'm really worried about square. I mean, leaving sony, changing game engines, changing things that were supposed to be their trademark and stuff sounds like a stupid attempt to change. When you really don't need to.)
On a side note, i quite get why square is realeasing fmE like this, i mean, fm's normal series never had success otuside japan, so they used an 3rd person shooter as a way to attract fans to it...
Edit:Its for PC and PS3 too! check it out!
Edit: I saw this online and i felt like quoting.Ph0enixknight said:Take a great tactical/rpg franchise and cram it into a generic shooter with MECHS. FRAKEN GREAT. Thanks square enix for screwing up a game that was good that some people actually liked. Now your designing it for the retarded console shooter crowd who WONT buy it anyway because its not twitch based enough. Damn ADHD kids messing up gaming worse than WB messes up the music scene, And now Good companies are just catering to them because they curse the loudest. Just wait, give it another few years and all we will have is WII-shovel-ware shit and 1000 360 shooters that are THE SAME DAMN GAME with different wallpaper, over and over again. Cant wait for that.
Of course its kind of biased since there will be an PS3 release as well...
I'd say this full gen is kind of killing old franchises...
I mean, he is right, 80% of games so far were shooters.
That's like forgetting about other genres.
Whats wrong with these enterprises? Can't they see they are doing it all wrong?
Well, i can't badmouth this game since i didn't play it yet, but seriously, i really feel like i lost a franchise i liked alot.... |