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Aug 19, 2014 9:48 PM

Dec 2011
Yugana sighed in relief. "Good... Sometimes I find it a bit difficult to word exactly what I'm trying to say." She said with a giggle. At his comment she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly again. "You'll make me blush." She said with a chuckle before continuing. "Thank you. I try to be easy to talk to in order for people to feel comfortable relying on me... Even though I may not be the strongest person myself, I want to help who I am able."
Aug 19, 2014 10:03 PM

Jul 2013
He had to hold in his laughter a little bit to start off. "If I do happen to make you blush I'll be sure to look away at the last minute." He said and then laughed. "But strength can come in many different ways. I have seen many fights where the supposedly stronger person was defeated by someone smaller and weaker than them. Knowing your limitations and improving on them can make a big difference. And if you're wondering how those weaker people won those fights, let's just say that if your only attack is to swing your swords around blindly you'll be over matched if your opponent can outsmart you and make your power advantage meaningless." He rubs his hands together. "I don't think that I had to tell you that though, you look pretty smart to me."

Aug 19, 2014 10:15 PM

Dec 2011
"Yes, I was aware of that. But still... Aren't there situations where your... "opponent"... is so strong that there's almost no hope at winning unless you greatly improve yourself?" Yugana questioned, obviously referring to something she herself was experiencing currently. However it was equally as obvious that she wasn't trying to make it obvious. The person she needed to overcome could not be dealt with as easily as the people he exemplified. "And I'm not some tactical genius or anything." She dismissed with a laugh.
Aug 19, 2014 10:32 PM

Jul 2013
"I can't deny that there are times when the power of someone else can't be matched. But at the same time, I have seen things where someone was beaten with a just a very good strategy. I've had the honor of dealing with what I would call a great tactician, and someone that was a great fighter. Their methods for winning were much different, but it showed to me that you can fight in multiple ways. If you can't reach someone with your weapon then you may have to come up with something else. I know it isn't as simple as I make it sound though." He laughs. "And compared to me, you may be a tactical genius."

Aug 19, 2014 10:44 PM

Dec 2011
"Do you really think that there's always another strategy to surpass an opponent? No matter how powerful they be?" Yugana questioned him. What he said got her thinking that perhaps there was an alternative to what she was trying to do. At his second comment she shook her head slightly with a small laugh. "I doubt that. I'm young and inexperienced... naive even. All I really have is a will to do things, however most of the time I myself don't know how exactly to do them."
Aug 19, 2014 11:00 PM

Jul 2013
He nods his head to her. "I often heard that there are many ways to skin a cat. I personally wouldn't want to skin a cat though. But I digress, I always took those words to mean that there are multiple ways to win your battles or accomplish things. Sure there are going to be times when you're just banging your head against the walls, but if your head is hard enough then you just might be able to crack that wall, or merely walk around it and attack it from a different direction." He taps his head before saying the next part. "I have beaten my head against many walls, so I may have reverted some when it comes to my intelligence. I do know that having a strong will comes in handy more than you think."

Aug 19, 2014 11:17 PM

Dec 2011
Yugana smiled at his statements. "Thank you once again. That helps more than you realize." She thanked him genuinely. Perhaps there was another way to her goals that she hadn't though of. She'd need to think more on it another time. She giggled once more as he spoke. "I think that would only apply if you literally beat your head against a wall... You... haven't been actually beating your head again walls have you...?" She questioned him with another laugh. "Besides, you've been saying nothing but wise things that have truly helped me since you got here."
Aug 20, 2014 10:40 AM

Jul 2013
"Well," he pauses and just smiles before speaking again. "There was this one time where I was captured by some people and the only way that I could defend myself was to head butt my enemies." He rubs the front of his head again. "I was very lucky that they wanted captives instead of heads to hang on sticks. Needless to say, that was one of the times when I was still in the learning process when it comes to fighting." Italus laughed a little bit at the end. "Then perhaps there are still some smarts left in this head of mine."

Aug 20, 2014 12:00 PM

Dec 2011
Yugana just continued to chuckle at that. "Yes, you are lucky. Please don't do things that could get you gutted or maimed." She pleaded as she stopped laughing. "You should give your own mind more credit... Unless you decide to go headbutt everything again." She said with another small giggle. "I guess that shows that you have a strong will too, doesn't it? You weren't at all willing to give in to defeat... Even if it meant some brain damage." She added with a joking smile.
Aug 20, 2014 12:28 PM

Jul 2013
"You can take my word when I say that I will do my best to not get maimed or gutted. If I was going to make of things that I don't want to do in life, those two things would be high on that list." He says with a chuckle and smile. "My will is very strong. When there is something that I really want it is hard for me to be discouraged from attaining it. And during the time that I was captured, my will was telling me to find a way to escape no matter what. I was able to escape and use that as something to inspire me in the future."

Aug 20, 2014 12:59 PM

Dec 2011
"Good, as you getting injured is quite high on my list of unwanted events as well." Yugana stated with a smile. "It seems we share the same resolve then. Even if I am told that something is naive or hopeless, I still cannot keep myself from at least trying to the best of my ability. If I let it go by without at least doing that... Well, it's simply not in my nature to." She said with a giggle. "Still, I find that kind of resolve admirable and respectable."
Aug 20, 2014 3:39 PM

Jul 2013
"And just so you'd know, anything bad happening to you has reached a high spot on the list of things that I don't want to see happen." He says confidently. "There are times when I was told that things won't work or that they were hopeless. There is a small part of me that loves to prove others wrong, so even in those rare times when my will isn't strong enough to overcome something at first, I have that desire to show someone else that I can do things that they can't or won't even try and that is important to me." He looks at some of the cold food that was on the tables near them, he then looked back at Yugana. "I can't believe that I have been here this long and didn't eat anything. I think that my mind has found something more interesting than food."

Aug 20, 2014 4:52 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, even if we do lose hope, I suppose we can rely on one another for assistance can't we?" Yugana inquired with an assuring smile. Looking to his food as well, she frowned only slightly. "Ah... I can have more food made for you, or have it warmed up if you wish." She offered, feeling a bit bad that he had not had the opportunity to eat. She then smiled again at his excuse. "I'm glad you find your conversation so intriguing. You're quite entertaining to talk to as well." She agreed with a gleeful nod.
Aug 20, 2014 11:47 PM

Jul 2013
After listening carefully to her words, there was really one thing that he wanted to say to her first and he basically hoped that it wouldn't sound too lame. "I think that you and I are on the verge of forming what can possibly be a very good friendship." He politely bows before returning his attention to the food once more. "It is not everyday that I get to talk to a legitimate princess like you. I'll be sure to get some more food before I leave today," He says to her.

Aug 21, 2014 12:20 AM

Dec 2011
Yugana smiled at that. "I am very glad to hear you say that." She said with a nod. "Please don't let that change anything with how you think of, address or treat me. I'd much rather be thought of simply as equal." She told him. "Speaking of which, didn't you say you primarily wandered? Any interesting places you've traveled to?" She inquired curiously, now holding her head up with her hands.
Aug 21, 2014 6:17 PM

Jul 2013
"In truth, had I not known that you were a princess then I would have just assumed that you're just an everyday and normal girl. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just that most people have these thoughts in their heads about how royalty will behave. I can't lie, I had some of those thoughts in my head as well when I first found out that I was sitting with the royal family of this country." He pauses with a smirk on his face. "But then again, my family is pretty uppity when it comes to things though."

He takes a breath and smiles before he continues. "So, you want to know about my crazy travels?" He scratches his head. "I have been to many interesting places during my travels. But the most interesting one." He taps his chin very lightly a few times. "I just left a place called Destin. Destin is partly a desert town and there aren't many things of interest down there, you'd think. But there lies a very beautiful thing down there, they have a secret cave towards the exit of the town. Within that cave you can find all types of jewels, rainbow colored rocks and some fish that I haven't seen anywhere else in the world. The fish were blue and they had golden eyes that glowed in the dark. I thought about capturing one but they are considered sacred or something. It probably sounds funny that I consider fish to be interesting."

Aug 21, 2014 6:30 PM

Dec 2011
"If you talked to me further, you should be able to tell but... I'm actually quite sheltered. I haven't got out of the castle much since I was a child. Even in my early teens when I really started working on my combat and paying attention to my surroundings, I only went out into town... and I'm sure that my mother had someone watching..." Yugana mused, scratching her head sheepishly. "I just don't know much about the world far from the castle. Unless it is well known and relates to military type things... Well, chances are that I won't know about it. Or at least much about it."

Yugana listened to his story with interest and curiosity, shaking her head at his assumption. "Nonsense! They sound amazing. Those are the kind of things I don't get to hear about... Actually, I'm not even sure I've heard of Destin... I usually find even the most trivial stories interesting as I have never experienced the likes of them."
Aug 21, 2014 6:48 PM

Jul 2013
"Your life is so much different than mine so far. Even as a kid I was still able to venture out for some short distances. The only problem is that I always had to have some of the servants with me during those times." He laughs. "Now that I think about it again, you can say that I had someone watching me at those times too. I guess that our lives weren't as different as I just thought a second ago." He says with a smile on his face. "When you really think about it logically, we can both say that our parents did what they felt was right in order to protect us."

He started to think more about the places that he had been and the oddest thought came to his mind about taking her somewhere with him. That would be foolish though and he knew it. "I was very happy to be able to share that story with you. I wanted to tell you something that wasn't too violent and I succeeded with that. I honestly think that you would be amazed if you were able to see some of the other things that this world has to offer. I'm almost starting to feel like you're a bird that is trapped in a cage at times." He says while looking over at her.

Aug 21, 2014 6:59 PM

Dec 2011
Yugana laughs at this. "I suppose we aren't that different after all. Mother can be a bit... malicious towards others, however she does care for family as anyone would." She mused, mainly to herself. "In actuallty, it might've been my fault that I was 'trapped'. Back then I was only focused on trivial things, never even gave a thought to others. I was naive because I myself believed that my little... 'bubble' persay was the world." She commented, seemingly just speaking aloud and to no one in particular. Shaking her head a giggling nervously, she spoke again. "Sorry... I started blabbering."

"I would love to see the outside world... Unfortunately, I have my own ambitions to complete. And I do not think I will see the light at the end of the tunnel for a long while yet." Yugana stated sadly and with a sigh. "I can't let anything take priority over it, even if it would be amazing to do."
Aug 21, 2014 7:18 PM

Jul 2013
It was that it sunk in to him that he had never met a queen before. He wasn't planning to stay around the castle all that long but he might be able to catch a glimpse of how a queen behaves before he leaves. "You can't blame yourself thinking that way. I mean, I would like think that all kids had their own versions of bubbles. My bubble featured giant monsters, golden weapons, and flying horses." He says and laughs. "Not only were you not blabbering but what you said made some sense to me."

"Your ambitions don't have to be hurt in order to see some of the outside world." He says with a smirk on his face. "You told me that you want to go with your brother the next time that he has a battle. I'm sure that you'll be able to catch a glimpse or two while you're out there with him."

Aug 21, 2014 7:53 PM

Dec 2011
"Well... Yes but I don't think we'll go that far from our territory. Unless we go to war that is... And if that's the case I don't think I'll be able to focus on much else." Yugana said with a sigh. "I meant more that I would love to go to other lands, ones far from here. That is something that I myself cannot due, much to my own dismay." She corrected. "Well, at least I can get you to tell me some tales when we see each other. Help quench my curiosity." She said with a giggle.
Aug 21, 2014 8:48 PM

Jul 2013
"I should have known that is what you meant when it comes to seeing other lands." He places his hands in front of his face almost in the same fashion that someone does when they pray. "Hmm. I have an idea now." He takes his hands away from his face. "I'll have some souvenirs sent out here to you one day. I might even steal one of those fish and have it sent to you as a present one day." He grins. "I'm going to make sure that I get some things for you and send them here when I can."

Aug 21, 2014 9:10 PM

Dec 2011
"Really?! Would you? It wouldn't be too much trouble would it?" Yugana questioned with gleeful, childish eyes. "I would love that. In turn I'll... Well, I'll repay you somehow." She said with a chuckle. "Anything you need you can ask of me and I'll help however I'm able. You can also come and go here however you like. Think of it as a second home. We always have spare rooms, and it would be fun to have you around." She offered to him.
Aug 21, 2014 9:26 PM

Jul 2013
Her offer to him was so nice, it is going to be hard for him reject it it is just that he is so set in his way about that stuff. "I hope that you don't take this the wrong way, but I can't ask for anything in return. I don't give that many gifts...So when I do give them I don't like to ask for stuff in return. The food that I'll get from here and your friendship are good enough for me though."

Aug 21, 2014 9:35 PM

Dec 2011
"Then don't think of it like repayment. We're friends aren't we? Doesn't that mean that we should rely on each other for help regardless? As for coming and going from here, as I said, you're fun to have around. Wouldn't you want a friend to at least drop by if they were in the area and were able? It's the same concept." Yugana said happily before gaining a small blush and chuckling a bit out of slight embarrassment. "Also... I don't really have that many of what you'd call a true 'friend'... So think of the latter offer more for me than yourself if you must." She said with another sheepish laugh.
Aug 21, 2014 11:43 PM

Jul 2013
A grin appears on his face after she finished speaking to him, he decides to ignore a certain reddish color that was starting to form on her cheeks. "You may not have that many true friends. But there is one thing that you most certainly have in spades, and that thing is called a way with words." He says and shakes his head now that he knows that she won this one with her words. "I'll take you up on your offer and be happy to pop in and visit when I'm in the area." He knew that wasn't a total agreement, it was still kinda close in his eyes.

Aug 22, 2014 2:30 PM

Dec 2011
"I don't think my speech is much to scoff at... Honestly, you praise me too much." Yugana still with only a minor expression of embarrassment. "I suppose that's good enough. At least we'll be able to converse a bit." She mused. It was probably the best she was going to get out of him. But, it was good enough. She just hoped he didn't feel as though she were pressuring him. "Just as long as you tell me more tales of your adventures." She told him with a smirk.
Aug 23, 2014 10:25 AM

Jul 2013
"I don't praise you too much, I only offer you praise when you do something that is worthy of my admiration." He says with a smile on his face. "We are most certainly going to be spending some time conversing in the future. Considering the fact that I'll be doing a lot of traveling soon, I will have a whole lot of stories to bombard you with the next time I walk through these castle walls." He then grins. "You might even have a lot of battle experience by then."

Aug 23, 2014 3:22 PM

Dec 2011
At that, Yugana gave a confident smirk and lightly pounded her right fist against her chest with determination. "By the next time you see me, I'll be leading my own detachment." She stated without a doubt. "I need to catch up with some stories and exciting events of my own. Can't let you leave me in the dust. But I'm still not going to let you skip out on any details on your tales."
Aug 24, 2014 1:33 AM

Nov 2012
Reira didnt know what to do. she kind of just let them talk and just sat there. she was really bored and wanted to do something
Aug 24, 2014 10:01 AM

Jul 2013
"If you are really going to be doing all of those things then you'll have to work hard and get very stronger. I'm going to have many high hopes for you from now on thanks to those strong words." He looks at her with a lot of pride. "I'm going to ask you to fill me in with tales of your adventures from your first adventures. Especially, if you end up falling down after getting your foot stuck in a hole like I did." He says to Yugana and then he waves at Reira.

Aug 24, 2014 10:27 PM

Dec 2011
"Don't worry, I'll tell you plenty and won't spare details. Especially about getting stuck in a hole in the ground." Yugana stated with a small giggle. "And getting stronger is something that I will accomplish. That I swear. I need to anyway. Even if I didn't, I want to. I have dear family to protect after all." She spoke, patting Reira's hand after she spoke as well as looking to her sister with a confident smile.
Aug 25, 2014 5:33 AM

Jul 2013
"I have heard before that people who have something to protect can somehow gain greater power than those with nothing to protect. It is a very old thing, but the concept lies in the whole 'gaining strength to protect the ones that you love' kinda thing." He scratches his cheek with one of his fingers. "I have yet to experience something like this personally, or to even know if it is true. But once I heard your words it immediately made me think of that."

Aug 25, 2014 1:12 PM

Dec 2011
"I suppose that is somewhat good, yes? That you haven't experienced that I mean. It means you haven't really had a need to protect the ones close to you. I think that's preferable. And from how you spoke of your experience, if something happened I'm sure you'd be able to protect them regardless." Yugana spoke. "But I too have heard of that phrase... From a man who once worked under my mother." She doted off, gaining a slightly saddened expression for only a moment before regaining her smile. "He actually acted as my teacher once in a while. Many thought he came off as one who simply loved battle and nothing else, but he was actually quite wise at times." She added with a giggle.
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