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Akame ga KILL!
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Jul 6, 2014 10:23 AM
Oct 2010
Tokoya said:
skudoops said:

Why do you hate him?
I guess because he's pretty naive...But he gets better, trust me, I didn't like Tatsumi much either when I started the manga, but now I do

I was pretty much going to tell him that haha. He just starts off stupid.
Jul 6, 2014 10:24 AM
Mar 2013
Fuck yeah! Loved this so much. That opening song was pretty nice too. Didnt care for the ending though.
Jul 6, 2014 10:24 AM

Feb 2014
Awesome start
Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers
Jul 6, 2014 10:24 AM

Jan 2011
7/10 for starters. Will follow. Also great art and animation, only the BGM felt lacking.
Jul 6, 2014 10:26 AM

Jul 2013
yes, seemingly uncensored! fk yeah!
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jul 6, 2014 10:27 AM
May 2014
Overall awsome episode, that OST.. it's to die for.. animation for the battles look great! 5/5 the pacing was a little fast but it's inderstandable when they had to afapt the whooole first chapter with 80-90 pages. Can't wait foe next week!!!
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 6, 2014 10:30 AM
Dec 2013
Can't wait to see more!
Jul 6, 2014 10:30 AM
Jul 2013
Ep. 1 didn't disappoint me. They adapted the chapter 1 very well and not to mention it's not censored :3 can't wait for the story to get more serious. *A*
Jul 6, 2014 10:32 AM
Jul 2018
This episode wasn't half bad. Pace is pretty fast,which is usually a good thing,but they went too fast from his friends's deaths to comedy,in my opinion. Fights were animated neatly,with no censhorship.
Opening and ending were kind of average,but the former was better. Still,not something I would not skip if I was marathoning it.
Twist with the family was not all that surprising,still,it was nicely done. Hopefully,it will get better and not turn into gorefest.
Jul 6, 2014 10:33 AM
Oct 2008
Seriously? This is hilariously bad anime. No story whatsoever, cheap animation, bad fights.
Jul 6, 2014 10:33 AM

Feb 2014
Better than I expected :D
Can't wait to the next episode!
I liked the OP though
Jul 6, 2014 10:35 AM

Jan 2014
I think whitefox will animate those still scenes of the girl and her dying.
Jul 6, 2014 10:36 AM

Apr 2014
great start! its nice to see it animated and It looks like there is 0 censorship thank god for that
Jul 6, 2014 10:36 AM
May 2014
Kirion said:
Seriously? This is hilariously bad anime. No story whatsoever, cheap animation, bad fights.

Troll #1 detected!
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 6, 2014 10:38 AM
May 2014
really good so far, i hope they stick to the manga till the end
Jul 6, 2014 10:39 AM

May 2012
I had my doubts how well they would do this adaptation, but I guess I can rest bit easier. Opening and ending were good, though nothing phenomenal. Waiting next episode with bated breath! : )
Jul 6, 2014 10:39 AM

Dec 2011
Before I start watching this I must say I have high expectations of it!

Yeah... episode barely starts a huge ass earth dragon pops out of the ground lol.

Oh look, there the main male character, he seems pretty strong and I hope he will stay that way lol.

Ok, so he's Tatsumi, a village boy that hopes to become someone in the capital city, but the capital is filled with corruption.

OH YEAH! Now that's the kind of Imperial Capital we guys like!

Um... dude... you clearly got totally fooled by that blond girl...

I wonder if they're going to eat Tatsumi lol... oh, they're actually nice people, meh I still don't trust them.

So he was separated from his friends on the way to the capital it seems.

Damn, now that's some really intense shopping session lol.

LOL, she got cut in half O.o

I really want to see how Tatsumi fares against Night Raid.

Meh, Akame OP and Tatsumi turned into a weak coward...

Ohooooooo, looks like I was right to doubt their kindness... well not eat those that they bring home, but torture and kill.

Crap... Sayo was done in by that "kind family"... duh f-ck... even Ieyasu...

Aria... I hope you rot in hell for what you did and just said...

Good job Tatsumi...

Congrats on joining Night Raid Tatsumi!!!

That guy in armor sure was funny XD.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Jul 6, 2014 10:41 AM
Mar 2012
Glad there was no gore censored. Very accurate to the manga chapter, which I'm happy about. Of course, they did miss out the part when Tatsumi was going to sleep in the streets and these thugs approach him - wanting to take his sword but it wasn't very significant to include.

This and Tokyo Ghoul are my favourite animes so far this season. Can't wait for the next episodes to cover the manga!

Jul 6, 2014 10:42 AM

Jan 2012
Hmm not bad :p Will see how it goes oO
Jul 6, 2014 10:42 AM
Dec 2012
That was amazingly bad ass....
Jul 6, 2014 10:43 AM

Nov 2013
Great start, has lot of potential. Really like the art and animation.
Sadly the video was lackey, so ill have to re-watch when it eventually comes to my usual website.
Jul 6, 2014 10:44 AM

Jul 2013
Thank You Based White Fox.
Screw censorship !!
Jul 6, 2014 10:47 AM

Mar 2013
Douglas24 said:

Lol that one guy looks exactly like sadamitsu

overall it was pretty cool though, pacing was extremely fast but it was entertaining
Jul 6, 2014 10:48 AM
Oct 2008
kikohunter said:
Kirion said:
Seriously? This is hilariously bad anime. No story whatsoever, cheap animation, bad fights.

Troll #1 detected!

Not trolling, genuinely amazed at what would you like in this shit. Bad art, bad animation, bad cliche story, bad attempts at humor. Yay gore?
Jul 6, 2014 10:50 AM

May 2012
Pacing was also fast in the manga. It start slowing down after a few chapters. I Give it till about episode three when the pacing starts evening out.
Jul 6, 2014 10:50 AM
Oct 2010
Kirion said:
kikohunter said:

Troll #1 detected!

Not trolling, genuinely amazed at what would you like in this shit. Bad art, bad animation, bad cliche story, bad attempts at humor. Yay gore?

You just said it had no story...
Jul 6, 2014 10:51 AM

Jul 2014
Watched it because there was so much hype surrounding it and I have to say I really enjoyed the first episode. I'm looking forward to see what happens next (I have no idea; haven't read the manga)

On a side note, I just knew something was wrong with that damn family... man, that was fucked up
Jul 6, 2014 10:51 AM

Jan 2013
My goodness, how'd they manage to pack so many tropes and edge into one episode?

The OST sounds good and other than MC having a textbook dense anime personality, the grimdark story is intriguing. Nothing new going on but let's see how it develops. There's a lot more violence than we usually see in anime and I've seen a few pages from the manga to know it's just like that. Hopefully we'll see more of MC's home town to get a better idea of how people are actually living under the stresses of the government.

I hope the show doesn't lose focus. There's a lot of comedy in it - are we supposed to laugh or feel for the characters in this terrible situation. I mean MC just saw 2 of his friends dead/die and he's all "hurr durr why am i in this situation with these weird people".
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Jul 6, 2014 10:53 AM

Apr 2009
Oh WhiteFox..I expected more of you.
The production was ok, but certainly not what I thought I would see from them. ED and OP theme are forgettable, OST was good, the filler scenes before the opening were strange and the stillshots really don't give me a lot of hopes for the rest of the series' budget.
The toning down was expected, but it certainly didn't bother me as this story is quite generic anyway. Seriously, who didn't expect that twist? :D

Oh well, as a manga reader I hoped WF could improve on the average source material but sadly that wasn't the case. Gonna continue anyway to see how it is produced.

phantom19 said:
My goodness, how'd they manage to pack so many tropes and edge into one episode?

Fair warning, it will only get worse. Watch as people will cream their pants once
appear. Hopefully they won't adapt that
NidhoeggrJul 6, 2014 10:57 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 6, 2014 10:54 AM

Oct 2012
In all honesty, I don't think this was bad. Execution was a bit over the top and the story, structurally, looks formulaic (I could be wrong,) but definitely not bad. I still have my doubts, but I genuinely hope this ends up hitting the right notes. A bit optimistic, really.
Jul 6, 2014 10:54 AM

Jun 2013
what the..

i can't believe it that akame VA is same with fujimiya kaori :D
her voice is so different haha

i`m glad that there is no censor
a bit rush, but good adaptation :)
Jul 6, 2014 10:55 AM

Apr 2014
Tatsumi was really a great warrior he can defeat that Earth Dragon easily!... But his air headed guy who thinks he can be anyone who he may want... He came to the capital to find some job to help his country.

Then he met "Boob Lady" and he ask for help to get a position and job... But in exchange for her help he needs to buy her a meal and a fee for it... But he didn't knew he was been swindled already.Because he doesn't money left he decided to sleep outside...Then a rich girl named Aria came and offered him to stay on their home... And they are kind to him.

"Night Raid" assassin group appears! The poor girl was just been slice without fighting for her life!
Akame was really fast and skilled swords woman! She killed the guards fast! Then her next target to eliminate was Lady Aria but Tatsumi tried to defend her... But it seems Tatsumi was no match for Akame then suddenly the big boobed lady came and ask to Akame to spare him...
Aria and her family's true nature was been revealed... They lure people with helping them but they actually intended to torture them and make them as their toys...
Poor Sayo she was been tortured to and hanged to death and the one who that was Aria because her hair?!... Aria's true color was revealed she's really insane and I want to kill her too!
And Ieyasu was actually tortured there too but he dies too because he was seemed to be poisoned... And because of that Tatsumi killed Aria himself...

Because Tatsumi has no hesitation to kill Aria and he proves he was a skilled strong warrior the "Night Raid" Assassin group offered him to be their new member but He refuses to join them but as Akame said nobody can't oppose Leone the "big boobed lady" decision so he doesn't have any choice so he joins them even if he didn't wan to!

Wow this is really a good adaptation of Akame ga Kill! White Fox Studio animation of the manga was really good! The OP and ED was good too!... I can't wait for the next episode next week!
RayzerJul 6, 2014 10:59 AM
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 6, 2014 10:56 AM

May 2012
Kirion said:
kikohunter said:

Troll #1 detected!

Not trolling, genuinely amazed at what would you like in this shit. Bad art, bad animation, bad cliche story, bad attempts at humor. Yay gore?

There is a story. It will be explain in next episode. Everything else is just how you feel. If you think is bad. Then you just think it's bad. That's your opinion. We can't force you to like it, but I say get it at least two more episodes.
Jul 6, 2014 10:56 AM

Dec 2011
That was good. Liked OST a lot. Looking forward to next week's episode.
Jul 6, 2014 10:58 AM

Jul 2010
Oh my god...
That was so fucking intense.

I wasn't expecting it to be this good.
I liked the light-heartedness of the first half, really turned me on to the show. While it's intense like Tokyo Ghoul, it also knows not to take itself too seriously.
I really liked that.

I can't say whether it's lived up to the hype so far, but I know that I'll at least enjoy the show, and that's good enough for me.

Gave me Gurren Lagann feels, strangely...
Great first episode! Can't wait for next week!
Jul 6, 2014 11:00 AM
Oct 2010
Nidhoeggr said:
the stillshots really don't give me a lot of hopes for the rest of the series' budget.

Hopefully those are just because they are saving $$ for the major fight scenes. Though I did feel that those stills were a stylistic choice firstly, but either way the scene didn't require any fluid animation, the fights at least did not have anyway stills and the slow motion was used well.

The toning down was expected, but it certainly didn't bother me as this story is quite generic anyway. Seriously, who didn't expect that twist? :D

When I was reading the manga I didn't really expect it. Not like they gave anyone a chance to be surprised with the intro thing and then the OP.
Jul 6, 2014 11:01 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
That was perfect....Brilliant Adaptation, White Fox did not disappoint

I dont even think that there was any censorship either and if there were, it was so little that it's barely noticeable

Everything was just amazing, the OP and ED, the VA's were all great, the BG music was interesting but fit the mood well, the action was on point

5/5 Can't wait to see the rest
Kirion said:
kikohunter said:

Troll #1 detected!

Not trolling, genuinely amazed at what would you like in this shit. Bad art, bad animation, bad cliche story, bad attempts at humor. Yay gore?
I welcome people like you...When a series gets trolled like this that means that it did a hell of a good job..So thank you hater :) I really appreciate all the love man

Mod Edit: Double post combined
TokoyaJul 7, 2014 6:59 AM
Jul 6, 2014 11:05 AM

Jul 2012
this anime looks dark i like it
Cty Best mid
Jul 6, 2014 11:05 AM

May 2011
Awesome first ep<3
''I was dead serious''

Jul 6, 2014 11:06 AM

Feb 2009
Liked a lot! Although the pacing was quite strange with the heavy stuff being quickly followed by the comedy (and sometimes even in the middle of it), but that's ok.

I'm not really expecting much from this show anymore regarding the complexity of the plot after what I read, I prefer enjoying the fights and see the characters interact and develop but I hope it does not get TOO silly later on.

Also, I have a question. I though there was another character (a woman) in the Night Raid group but she didn't appear in this episode and barely appeared (or didn't?) in the OP and END. Is she going to be introduced later or the studio was just being lazy not putting her in the OP when they should have?
Friend Code 3DS: 4914-3165-5517
Jul 6, 2014 11:06 AM

Dec 2013
Pretty good start. Enjoyed the 1st episode. I wonder how closely the anime follows the manga. Should I read the manga as well?
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Jul 6, 2014 11:09 AM
Oct 2008
Tokoya said:
Kirion said:

Not trolling, genuinely amazed at what would you like in this shit. Bad art, bad animation, bad cliche story, bad attempts at humor. Yay gore?
I welcome people like you...When a series gets trolled like this that means that it did a hell of a good job..So thank you hater :) I really appreciate all the love man

I have a feeling like I stepped on a landmine. Never guessed that this aniime would have such a rabid fanboys.
Jul 6, 2014 11:09 AM
Oct 2010
Danniel said:

Also, I have a question. I though there was another character (a woman) in the Night Raid group but she didn't appear in this episode and barely appeared (or didn't?) in the OP and END. Is she going to be introduced later or the studio was just being lazy not putting her in the OP when they should have?

She's going to be introduced later on, you can see hear in the PV for the next episode at the end. Speaking of that I don't know if they are going to do two chapters at once next episode or skip a chapter, since Kill the authority from what I recall is chapter 3. I can't really see them doing a full skip so they may just animate what's necessary.
Jul 6, 2014 11:10 AM

Jul 2013
after finishing and comparing with manga... well, it is close to manga (unlike tokyo ghoul)

but for some reason tokyo ghoul was more intense, i think it was the comedy afterwards not befitting the death scenes. oh well.

to all guys thinking this is bad and got full of shounen troupes... well, it is a shounen. the main difference and selling point of this series is the gore and actual deaths of the characters... PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED, not revived with edo tensei like in naruto or the MC using talk-no-jutsu, reborn as a spirit or healing major wounds like in bleach or simply somehow beating the enemy with the power of friendship like in fairy ****.

for the others who are interested in the series... DO NET GET TOO ATTACHED WITH THE CHARACTERS... or you will break your heart... *sobs* like petra in attack on titan... *SOBS HYSTERICALLY*
current LN reading:
Death March kara hajimaru isekai kyousoukyoku
translated here
for those who are interested in other forums about animes, check, and
Jul 6, 2014 11:10 AM

Oct 2013
Dat opening

Yeah not bad. Hoping for an 7/8 quality anime
Jul 6, 2014 11:11 AM

Apr 2013
Urek said:
after finishing and comparing with manga... well, it is close to manga (unlike tokyo ghoul)

but for some reason tokyo ghoul was more intense, i think it was the comedy afterwards not befitting the death scenes. oh well.

to all guys thinking this is bad and got full of shounen troupes... well, it is a shounen. the main difference and selling point of this series is the gore and actual deaths of the characters... PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED, not revived with edo tensei like in naruto or the MC using talk-no-jutsu, reborn as a spirit or healing major wounds like in bleach or simply somehow beating the enemy with the power of friendship like in fairy ****.

for the others who are interested in the series... DO NET GET TOO ATTACHED WITH THE CHARACTERS... or you will break your heart... *sobs* like petra in attack on titan... *SOBS HYSTERICALLY*
The main characters have enough plot armor, so it's ok. All the important characters stay alive.
Jul 6, 2014 11:11 AM

Nov 2013
Kirion said:
Seriously? This is hilariously bad anime. No story whatsoever, cheap animation, bad fights.

OT: Very good first episode, haven't read the manga, all I knew was that this series was pretty dark and after watching the 1st episode, I don't think censorship will be a problem, looks like this season of anime might be the best of the year with other good shows coming out as well
"Now, let us drink. Let us drink. Drink to the human race. In every age, there will be good humans and bad humans. Human life is too long to devote to reproduction, yet too short to devote to learning, in the helix of time. Perhaps that is why humans succumb to desire and seek release. Despite the fact that life is complete with the sun, the land and poetry." Supreme Leader Diego(Real) (Hunter x Hunter 2011)
Jul 6, 2014 11:13 AM

Jan 2014
The first episode was pretty freaking amazing in my opinion. It was more than I expected. I actually felt bad for the mother at first, being sliced in half and all, but now I'm just glad those rodents are dead.

Great start in my opinion. The characters seem really likable and I thought the gore was great as well. Definitely looking forward to this series!
Jul 6, 2014 11:14 AM

Mar 2014
Holy shit that was fantastic! Great adaption of the manga. If it keeps this pace up it'll be the best anime of the summer!

My feelings for this:
Jul 6, 2014 11:15 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Danniel said:
Liked a lot! Although the pacing was quite strange with the heavy stuff being quickly followed by the comedy (and sometimes even in the middle of it), but that's ok.

I'm not really expecting much from this show anymore regarding the complexity of the plot after what I read, I prefer enjoying the fights and see the characters interact and develop but I hope it does not get TOO silly later on.

Also, I have a question. I though there was another character (a woman) in the Night Raid group but she didn't appear in this episode and barely appeared (or didn't?) in the OP and END. Is she going to be introduced later or the studio was just being lazy not putting her in the OP when they should have?
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