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Nov 28, 2007 2:14 AM
Nov 2007
Wow, what an ending! Does Mao like Kouichi? What's going to happen with Kai?! Will Futami ever consider Aihara a friend?!!!! Are we going to see those frogs again?!?!?! What is the capital of Iceland? (lol)

Anyways, I'm really anticipating the next episode. Episode 8 was pretty good. I particularly enjoyed the humour. The art went a bit off at times but it was generally good. In addition, Mao particularly looked cute in this episode >.< So what did you guys think?
radiantfireNov 28, 2007 2:20 AM
Nov 28, 2007 2:57 AM
Oct 2007
radiantfire said:
Wow, what an ending! Does Mao like Kouichi? What's going to happen with Kai?! Will Futami ever consider Aihara a friend?!!!! Are we going to see those frogs again?!?!?! What is the capital of Iceland? (lol)

Anyways, I'm really anticipating the next episode. Episode 8 was pretty good. I particularly enjoyed the humour. The art went a bit off at times but it was generally good. In addition, Mao particularly looked cute in this episode >.< So what did you guys think?

I'm still confused by the whole Kouichi/Mao thing. I mean, they seem to be friends who are going out with other people, and have never seemed to look at each other in a love interest way, and yet the ending just seems to suggest that they don't want to see each other with someone else. But then Mao helped Kouichi and the other girl in the first place.
The whole thing makes no sense. >.<
Nov 28, 2007 3:36 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Why doesn't that make sense, they're both insecure about their feelings towards each other. That's a given if you've grown up together. It's easier to get a another girl/boyfriend.

Anyway, good episode. I enjoyed seeing Eriko smile and I'm looking forward to the next episode, it will have swimsuits. :D




[H+] ³  
Nov 28, 2007 10:48 AM

Sep 2007
If I had a friend as hot as Mao, I probably be jealous too even if I consider her to be my sister.

It looks like Kouichi and Yuumi be kissing the next episode! :-)
Nov 28, 2007 11:46 AM

Oct 2007
Lonyo said:
I'm still confused by the whole Kouichi/Mao thing. I mean, they seem to be friends who are going out with other people, and have never seemed to look at each other in a love interest way, and yet the ending just seems to suggest that they don't want to see each other with someone else. But then Mao helped Kouichi and the other girl in the first place.
The whole thing makes no sense. >.<

That seems to be exactly what they are trying to do...
Confuse us... But still, they were together for soooooo long they dont realize how they feel, but i still want the to have their own relationships...
I really like Kai-kun wuth Mao...
Nov 28, 2007 11:47 AM

Oct 2007
Oh man, I really hope Mao won't realise she has feelings for Kouichi now. This will ruin the show for me. Anyway, I really liked Kai on this episode!

SamuraiTom said:
It looks like Kouichi and Yuumi be kissing the next episode!

Looking forward the next episode! Hopefully it'll have some nice development between Yuumi and Kouichi~

Nov 28, 2007 11:50 AM

Oct 2007
Sawa said:
Oh man, I really hope Mao won't realise she has feelings for Kouichi now. This will ruin the show for me. Anyway, I really liked Kai on this episode!

Exactly what i said!!! Its going to mess it up!!!
I agree with you!
Nov 28, 2007 12:08 PM

Oct 2007
Thanks to episode 08 we can see just how clear Kai's actions are. It's also easy to see that him taking a hold of her hand was totally out of impulse --- you can see from his shocked face after the two are brought together (cute blushing time). I would have loved to see what happened right after this, though i'm guessing because we didn't see, it was something not that important. He probably apologies, and that was it. Maybe even a thank you from her.

Regarding Kouichi and his SHOCKED FACE OF WONDERS --- i keep thinking they'll go with the "i can't believe you didn't tell me" path. I guess it all depends on what happens here to do with Kouichi x Mao. Oh and speaking of Kouichi, yay he finally did something regarding Yumi. I look forward to seeing their 'date' in action.

& yeah poor Kazuki. I'm not going to say he got what he deserved, because he did forget the kind of person Erika is, though we can see from this outing that she can change from the ice queen that she is --- though it'll probably take around 7 evens for him to click onto that.
Nov 28, 2007 2:45 PM

Sep 2007
Friendlysoul said:
Sawa said:
Oh man, I really hope Mao won't realise she has feelings for Kouichi now. This will ruin the show for me. Anyway, I really liked Kai on this episode!

Exactly what i said!!! Its going to mess it up!!!
I agree with you!

Yeah, agreed with both of you. I saw that part at the ending and I was just like "No, no, you're gonna mess it all up!"

Ah, but I felt really bad for Kazuki =/ But I think he remembered what kind of person Eriko is, which explains the little smile after the shocked expression.
Nov 28, 2007 2:46 PM

Jan 2007
Eriko smiling was win, lovin her development.
Kai was pretty cool. Even on impulse, very slick of him to hold Mao's hand like that.
Yay for Kouichi and Yuumi. Finally a date, and supposedly as kiss next episode in their swimsuits >_>
Mao had awesome faces in the beginning.
Kouichi and Mao at the end, god damn.
Nov 28, 2007 2:50 PM
Jun 2007
Eventually this anime made a progress! Wow, that is a progress! XD
Nov 28, 2007 3:02 PM

Oct 2007
Faust721 said:
Eriko smiling was win, lovin her development.
Kai was pretty cool. Even on impulse, very slick of him to hold Mao's hand like that.
Yay for Kouichi and Yuumi. Finally a date, and supposedly as kiss next episode in their swimsuits >_>
Mao had awesome faces in the beginning.
Kouichi and Mao at the end, god damn.

Always up for Erico, it progressing lovely :P she smiles!!!! Kai-kun with Mao is what i want at the end though!!!
Nov 28, 2007 3:57 PM

Aug 2007
I gotta admit, this show always ends on some kind of interesting cliff-hanger type moment.

*gasp* *clink* *crackle* *pop* *ding* *woosh* *oink*

radiantfire said:
What is the capital of Iceland? (lol)

I don't think we'll ever know..
Nov 28, 2007 4:24 PM

Jun 2007
Yes. He'll get jealous. Maybe more. Hopefully never. Reykjavik.

Nov 28, 2007 4:42 PM

Sep 2007
Why why why in the end of every chapter? T_T Mao run away and now the "meeting".
Mao really dissapoint me in this chapter, talking about Kouichi in her date with Kai. Anyways... Mao♥Kai.

Waiting the next Kiss chapter ^^~

Nov 28, 2007 6:33 PM

Aug 2007
Legion17 said:
Yes. He'll get jealous. Maybe more. Hopefully never. Reykjavik.

NOOOOOOOO you beat me to it =P

Anyway, good episode and go Kouichi/Yuumi pairing!
Nov 28, 2007 8:45 PM

Jun 2007
good good
Mao likes Kouchi
kai can just go out with his sax
go mao kouchi pair
Nov 28, 2007 9:09 PM

Oct 2007
dancu said:
good good
Mao likes Kouchi
kai can just go out with his sax
go mao kouchi pair

totally QFT =)


Nov 28, 2007 10:37 PM

Jun 2007
dancu said:
good good
Mao likes Kouchi
kai can just go out with his sax
go mao kouchi pair

I agree. Theres a few ways you can interpret their relationship right now.
1) They where just in shock.
2) She didn't want Kouchi to find out about Kai because she likes him.
3) She cant figure out her feelings.

and judging from this episode and everything shes said I'm guessing it's 3. When shes talking to Eriko Futami in the nurses office she says "I cant even figure my self out" then again later, when she's talking to Kai about his confession she mentions that she has to sort out her feelings. This only leads me to believe that she has some kind of crush on Kouchi but at the same time likes being with Kai. So shes trying her best to keep the two in the dark and try and figure out who she wants to be with.

My guess is, the only reason she hooked Kouchi up with Yuumi was to make him happy since it was apparently obvious he had a crush on her. Now where probably gonna see some jealousy between the 4 and some random drama.

PS. props to Eriko, shes so cute even though shes so cold. I hope things work out for her somehow.
Nov 28, 2007 10:51 PM

Nov 2007
I really hate Futami-san's attitude :O she's meany although its a good thing that she smiled <3

Looking forward to the next ep :D XD Kouichi and Yuumi kissing :P
Nov 29, 2007 12:53 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
I don't think it's so complicated as it's necessarily made out to be. If you look at the series, it's a very simple series. Kouchi and Mao may end up having feelings for eachother, and if they do and that's the way it goes, I'm sure it'll move somewhat smoothly (the whole damn show moves smoothly).

It also could just very well be that they feel like the other is going away. I mean, Mao says "he doesn't have as much time to spend with me anymore because he has a girlfriend". Friendships (even sibling-like ones) change when you get significant others. Whatever the case may be, I don't think there's going to be any drastic upheavals in this series.

In regards to Eriko - I was wondering if Hiiragi isn't almost better for her: he's not afraid of her like Kazuki is! I really like Kazuki and Sakino though, so I could be biased.

And I hope the frogs never return! Muwahahaha... *cough*.. err....
Nov 29, 2007 2:00 AM
Oct 2007
I hope Mao doesn't end up with Kouichi...

Seems like it'd be awkward when they're together you know... and he screams out mao-oneechan or what have you...
Nov 29, 2007 4:20 AM

Apr 2007
Eriko smiling ftw. that alone made this ep win, but the downside is the ending, As some of you has said, I support the Kai x Mao pairing, I've had enough of childhood friend>lover kinda plot. though, It wouldnt really hurt to see some plot twists, but in the end I still prefer they have their own love partner... lookin forward to the kiss scene next week.
Nov 29, 2007 4:33 AM

Apr 2007
noelhoi said:
Eriko smiling ftw. that alone made this ep win, but the downside is the ending, As some of you has said, I support the Kai x Mao pairing, I've had enough of childhood friend>lover kinda plot. though, It wouldnt really hurt to see some plot twists, but in the end I still prefer they have their own love partner... lookin forward to the kiss scene next week.

Eriko smiling ftw!*can't wait for next ep! (no more eps to marathon... o_o)
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Nov 29, 2007 7:21 AM

Nov 2007
The episode was great,i hope the couples stay as they are now
Nov 29, 2007 4:54 PM

Jul 2007
yaaaa... i keep falling in love with Kai~~that blushing moment.. i do really hope mao-kai do stay together, towards the ending i was kinda puzzled though..but maybe it is just what Shiroth have said, kouichi just felt as if mao didn't tell him about her going out with kai.. hopefully it is not a 'key' of realization of mao-kouichi feelings for each other...
Nov 29, 2007 6:34 PM

Jun 2007
Kineta said:
I don't think it's so complicated as it's necessarily made out to be. If you look at the series, it's a very simple series. Kouchi and Mao may end up having feelings for eachother, and if they do and that's the way it goes, I'm sure it'll move somewhat smoothly (the whole damn show moves smoothly).

It also could just very well be that they feel like the other is going away. I mean, Mao says "he doesn't have as much time to spend with me anymore because he has a girlfriend". Friendships (even sibling-like ones) change when you get significant others. Whatever the case may be, I don't think there's going to be any drastic upheavals in this series.

In regards to Eriko - I was wondering if Hiiragi isn't almost better for her: he's not afraid of her like Kazuki is! I really like Kazuki and Sakino though, so I could be biased.

And I hope the frogs never return! Muwahahaha... *cough*.. err....

ya it will probably transition smoothly no matter what happens next. Even if we do find out she likes Kouchi, chances are they wont end up together simply because thats how the story has been progressing so far, Kouchi with the shy girl and Mao with Kai. Although they could pull something random out of their asses (which i'm hopping for) and have Kouchi and Mao together in the end. But its doubtfully.
Nov 29, 2007 8:18 PM

Jul 2007
dude said:
The episode was great,i hope the couples stay as they are now

Yeah. I think Mao just doesn't know how she feels. I like the three couples that there are now, even with Kai, who I didn't like first.

And Eriko needs to smile more ^_^
Nov 29, 2007 11:23 PM

Nov 2004
dancu said:
good good
Mao likes Kouchi
kai can just go out with his sax
go mao kouchi pair

I agree.

Kai is a lamer. I actually didn't like this episode that much. Cheesy a bit? OMG SOMEONE IS GOING TO RUN YOU OVER WITH A BIKE, HERE LET ME GRAB YOUR ARM AND PULL YOU INTO ME. Give me a break.

The ending with the blushing between Kouichi x Mao made some sense. I'd think Kouichi should be a little hurt as Mao didn't tell him anything about Kai.

Anyway, Mao x Kouichi. Yuumi's alright, but eh, she's too shy.
Dec 3, 2007 1:14 AM
Nov 2007
I'm liking this show less and less. I really don't like futami and it annoys me how everyone is so accommodating of her. Sakino actually apologizes to her when Futami was the one who was totally rude in the library. Same for Mao. Also about Mao, I didn't like how she was avoiding Kai from the beginning. It just seemed childish and inconsiderate. Then Nana goes and confronts Futami like it's any of her business and causes for that awkward scene. That really ticked me off.

I'm still not sure what to make of the end. I don't think Kouichi and Mao necessarily have romantic feelings toward each other. If they end up together, I will hate this show.
Jan 20, 2008 1:16 PM
Sep 2007
great episode, berry berry ramen and chips with honey and mayo ftw
somehow it really was an awkward situation at the end, for whatever reason ^^"
mao x kouichi HANTAI!
go go yuumi x.x
Apr 13, 2008 4:03 PM

Apr 2007
Too much Futami time this episode >_>

Mao better keep her hands of Koichi. To try and go after him when she's the one who got him closer to Hoshino would suck. I'm hoping that whole scene with them averting eyes was just because of she didn't want her relationship known at that time.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 10, 2008 8:55 AM

Jan 2008
DeathfireD said:
dancu said:
good good
Mao likes Kouchi
kai can just go out with his sax
go mao kouchi pair

I agree. Theres a few ways you can interpret their relationship right now.
1) They where just in shock.
2) She didn't want Kouchi to find out about Kai because she likes him.
3) She cant figure out her feelings.

and judging from this episode and everything shes said I'm guessing it's 3. When shes talking to Eriko Futami in the nurses office she says "I cant even figure my self out" then again later, when she's talking to Kai about his confession she mentions that she has to sort out her feelings. This only leads me to believe that she has some kind of crush on Kouchi but at the same time likes being with Kai. So shes trying her best to keep the two in the dark and try and figure out who she wants to be with.

My guess is, the only reason she hooked Kouchi up with Yuumi was to make him happy since it was apparently obvious he had a crush on her. Now where probably gonna see some jealousy between the 4 and some random drama.

PS. props to Eriko, shes so cute even though shes so cold. I hope things work out for her somehow.

wow... yeah. i guess kouchi finally has noticed his feelings towards mao, either that or he started to realize that if she is going out with kai, he cant hang around her like he used to. ive noticed there are alot of girls in mangas and animes that will give up their happiness for the ones they love/like like in SCHOOL DAYS.

i give props to kai for his smooth moves =]
Jun 13, 2009 2:57 AM

Jul 2008
meeh what would happen now? imo its not that terrible, i am more looking forward to hoshino in school mizugi ><

Jul 7, 2009 7:34 AM

Jun 2009
Haha i loved that berry-berry ramen scene
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Oct 24, 2009 7:41 PM

Jun 2009
mickal555 said:
I hope Mao doesn't end up with Kouichi...

Seems like it'd be awkward when they're together you know... and he screams out mao-oneechan or what have you...

Dec 8, 2009 7:53 AM

Oct 2009
First of all: AWWW!
That was the sweetest slickest hand-hold I have ever seen :D

I love Kai! Especially with him apologising and shiz for the previous episode, really glad that they didn't go avoiding each other for aaaages like so many other anime.

The glances at the end of these episodes really annoy me! Before there was the Mao look, and now these looks at the end of this! HE CALLS HER -NEECHAN!! ahh, really don't them to go down that road, I loved having main characters without any romance between them :'(
..Plus i'm loving Kai and Hoshino.
Apr 28, 2010 12:32 AM

Nov 2009
Dorothea said:
Also about Mao, I didn't like how she was avoiding Kai from the beginning. It just seemed childish and inconsiderate. Then Nana goes and confronts Futami like it's any of her business and causes for that awkward scene. That really ticked me off.

I really agree with both of these statements =/ Seriously make me go grr >:
Jul 11, 2011 4:04 PM

Apr 2011
Hmm I didn't really get the ending scene.
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Sep 19, 2011 9:11 PM

Feb 2008
radiantfire said:

Wow, what an ending! Does Mao like Kouichi? What's going to happen with Kai?! Will Futami ever consider Aihara a friend?!!!! Are we going to see those frogs again?!?!?! What is the capital of Iceland? (lol)

But seriously I don't know what to think anymore.. I mean, Kouichi and Mao just seem like childhood friends for me, two people who grew up as siblings. Having love relationship between them is a little... I don't knoe, they just don't fit together. I love Mao and Kai, even though he loves her while she's not sure about her feelings, I think there's a big chance she will be able to fall for him, and if yes - they just fit perfectly.
Also Yuumi and Kouichi, they're both so clueless but it's cute, they fit together and they make a good couple in my opinion.
That's why it's pretty hard for me to think about Mao and Kouichi, it's kinda off for me. :/
日頃の思いを込めた RHAPSODY

Apr 16, 2012 7:34 PM

Nov 2011
Apr 28, 2013 2:21 PM

May 2012
Some nice and funny development, she sure got some bad taste :p

The ending like last time was rather interesting, things sure are getting interesting with their relationship. Some hidden feelings towards each other to only surface when things get serious makes it really nice!

Lets find out what will happen next!
May 8, 2013 6:47 PM
May 2013
NO! I want Kai x Mao!!!
Mar 11, 2014 3:06 PM

Apr 2012
futami is more interesting than the other female leads XD
Though I think i like all of them :D
good god berries in your ramen?

Dec 28, 2014 9:29 PM

May 2011
Got to try that berry-berry ramen once in my life. I expect more development from Aihara's side, he interests me with the two girls. The shock value of the end is just rather...unbecoming. I have to admit that I am kind of okay with the pace of the story, and given that this will be presented in an omnibus format, that is when the story may branch out after the first half or so. It is rather unique, as I thought that it would be similar to Amagami given they are from the same company (VN). Whereas, Kimikiss thus far has not transit into omnibus yet, so I am waiting for further and better progress for the following episodes.

Eriko SMILED! woot
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Apr 4, 2015 11:57 PM

May 2012
pretty funny berry berry ramen scene :p and that was smooth as fuck when he went to hold maos hand, and all the awkward encounters are real xD that one at the end damn
May 4, 2016 6:51 AM

Mar 2014
Ahah !! I know this phase !! Its the "Trying to-get-to-know-each-other" ~ !!
Yep , They're just trying to feel each other . Such "Reckless love" I suppose ~ .
Certainly a girl of weirdness . Bad taste is conclusive enough ~ .
So ,you can give love advice but in reality , you haven't experienced it at all .
Great Episode . The confusing feeling ~ .
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Jan 11, 2018 7:23 AM

Dec 2014
well more development...I really like futami part of the story
Apr 11, 2018 10:08 PM
Aug 2017
Futami is such an interesting character tbh,i really like her :)
that smile is pure win!
Jan 22, 2020 8:06 PM

Aug 2017
Kouichi and Mao both busted! I still don't like Kai but he pulled a suave handholding move

Err yummy, purple berry berry ramen!
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