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Strike the Blood (light novel)
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Mar 22, 2014 8:23 AM

Aug 2013
I`m pretty sure she`s the daughter of Kojou and Yukina. PREEEETY SURE!

Anyways, this anime could of done a 1000x better IMO. Still liked it though.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 22, 2014 8:25 AM

Feb 2014
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

lol The last episode in a nutshell.

But seriously I will miss them fighting together against bad guys :(
Mar 22, 2014 8:39 AM

Jul 2010
Dayuum said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

lol this made my day~
Hyuga Junpei: “Yeah… I’m confident… Because my teammates will help me out! I can shoot confidently.. because it will be okay even if I miss!”

Kagami Taiga: “I don’t know about being the bad guy or whatever. It’s only in stories where titles like that decide the loser. This is our show. We’re the ones who are writing the script.”
Mar 22, 2014 8:59 AM
Apr 2012
It kind of obvious that she is Kojou and Yukina's daughter.
I really hope that not the case though because I dislike them together.
1 episode left and I still don't get Kojou and Asagi's moment.
I thought that they would give me that last arc, but it had to be lookalike.
Mar 22, 2014 9:00 AM

Jul 2013
Dayuum said:

Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Oh my God, you are a genius!! How the hell did no one realize this? lol
Mar 22, 2014 9:03 AM
Nov 2013
Hahaah I felt that they made it toooo obvious I know who the unknown girl is going to be ahaha..but really good episode can't wait to find out wat happens next!!!
Mar 22, 2014 9:05 AM
Nov 2013
Hawkmanh said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

lol The last episode in a nutshell.

But seriously I will miss them fighting together against bad guys :( DUDE ahah take my like aahh ..I wonder if we get to see the other blood partner's children if there is any ahaha
Mar 22, 2014 9:41 AM

Oct 2013
This episode was actually good, something which I liked after La Folia's arc. Natsuki always realizes the situation beforehand. :3
Dayuum said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe
Best post in this thread.
NuviMar 22, 2014 10:45 AM
Mar 22, 2014 9:44 AM

Oct 2013
Hawkmanh said:
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Sir, you won the internet
Mar 22, 2014 10:08 AM
Sep 2012
Ooh, a mix between an offspring of Kojou's vampiric familiar (Regulus Aurum) and Yukina's Schneewalzer lance (Sekkarou); a very nice weapon for what is OBVIOUSLY the offspring of our two lovely protagonists~
Mar 22, 2014 10:18 AM

Dec 2011
That's not Himeragi. The eyes are the wrong colour. And there's no guitar case either.

Of course. Kojou doesn't realise it isn't Yukina. Incompetence points +1

So, who is it?
Clue 1 - For some reason they are pretending to be Himeragi, having presumably stolen Himeragi's uniform.
Clue 2 - Himeragi recognised them
Clue 3 - They called Kojou 'Kojou-kun'
Clue 4 - They talk about something not happening 'yet'
Clue 5 - They recognised Yaze immediately.

Someone from the future?

Hmm... Clue 6 - They know about Kojou's vampiric state.

Natsuki didn't realise either. Or not at first, anyway...
Or Nagisa.
Incompetence points +1 to both of them as well.

Okay Clue 7 and Final Clue to answer everything - She called Nagisa her aunt.

I assume Clue 3 was just a red herring,
but what the hell is with Clue 2 then?

And Asagi doesn't realise either. Looks like it's incompetence points all around.

And all the people standing around staring at them.

And even after all that splurging. They still don't realise?

But when the eyes of Kojou's future daughter turn red...

So she's this super-powered vampire/sword shaman crossbreed. And she's following an enemy that even she can't beat.

Yukina didn't stand a chance. And now she has to leave?

Incidentally, is this filler? The previous story arc's title was from volume 6, but this story arc is not from volume 7.
kuuderes_shadowMar 22, 2014 10:25 AM
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Mar 22, 2014 10:25 AM

Jan 2014
Dayuum said:
How does my hatred for this show grow more and more every episode? I mean are Himeragi and Kojou really that oblivious? That girl looks exactly like Himeragi, She said that she had vampire urges, And she called Asagi her aunt! It dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out who she really is. Also GG Kojou for choosing the worst possible girl out of that entire harem to be your waifu.

My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe
From an outsider's perspective it would be easy to figure, if it happened to you, it would be a rather awkward situation to figure immediately although some thoughts may still lurk.

I like the pair to be honest '-'
Mar 22, 2014 12:47 PM
Apr 2012
kuuderes_shadow said:
Incidentally, is this filler? The previous story arc's title was from volume 6, but this story arc is not from volume 7.

Its from Strike the Blood EX: Yukina Before / After
Mar 22, 2014 1:45 PM

Dec 2011
pjs312 said:
kuuderes_shadow said:
Incidentally, is this filler? The previous story arc's title was from volume 6, but this story arc is not from volume 7.

Its from Strike the Blood EX: Yukina Before / After

Ah right. Thanks for the info.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Mar 22, 2014 2:25 PM

Mar 2008
R4vel said:
Ophis said:
Aichiro said:
I'm thinking that she might be their daughter from the future. Because she has vampire powers like Kojou and the spear thing like Yukina, that's the only explanation.

Its pretty clear already that she is Yukina and Kojou's daughter.
1. She inherited the vampire curse
2.Looks exactly like Yukina.
3. Has Kojou's blue eyes.
4. Future version of Schneewalzer.
5 Her maiden name is Himeragi.
Considering that she's a vampire as well, I wonder where she got her Schneelwalzer

+1 to all that
Definitely she is their daughter. And Natsuki probably stopped her from telling them that cuz that would change future xD
Mar 22, 2014 4:06 PM

Feb 2013
I LOL'd at the terminator-style time travel.

Seems obvious time-traveler-girl is their future daughter.
Mar 22, 2014 5:02 PM

Dec 2012
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

Non offence guys but I don't understand me too. I know a lot more character that merit to be hated like that, it's not like she killed a chracter that we liked. Moreover, why are you calling her a 'bitch'. Is it because you would prefer to see kojou with another girl or something but i kind of understand it frustrating to not see the one you like be together. I would used the "I prefer 'name of the girl' rather than Himeragi" instead of "I hate her".

I know she prevent kojou to fight but it's only because she doesn't want him to get hurt badly and go in a rampage that destroy the entire city because he is of course the fourth primogenitor.

She isn't that useless, she won against various guys and you can't of course expect her to kill the final boss everytime because their would be no point for the existence of the MC.

I like really like daughter of kojou and himeragi. Personally, I i am ok whether Kojou finish with her or with another. This was really unexpected and for Asagi fan have hope there is a rumor about kojou having another daughter.

Note: I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
Mar 22, 2014 5:09 PM

Jun 2013
14noah said:
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

Non offence guys but I don't understand me too. I know a lot more character that merit to be hated like that, it's not like she killed a chracter that we liked. Moreover, why are you calling her a 'bitch'. Is it because you would prefer to see kojou with another girl or something but i kind of understand it frustrating to not see the one you like be together. I would used the "I prefer 'name of the girl' rather than Himeragi" instead of "I hate her".

I know she prevent kojou to fight but it's only because she doesn't want him to get hurt badly and go in a rampage that destroy the entire city because he is of course the fourth primogenitor.

She isn't that useless, she won against various guys and you can't of course expect her to kill the final boss everytime because their would be no point for the existence of the MC.

I like really like daughter of kojou and himeragi. Personally, I i am ok whether Kojou finish with her or with another. This was really unexpected and for Asagi fan have hope there is a rumor about kojou having another daughter.

Note: I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.

I am fine with them as well, but what is annoying are her catch phrases. The one which annoys me most is:"No senpai, this is our fight". That just makes me wanna hit her with a brick. Aside from that I actually like her character. I do believe though she need a bit more of development, something from her past maybe.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Mar 22, 2014 6:54 PM

Jul 2013
Ophis said:
Aichiro said:
I'm thinking that she might be their daughter from the future. Because she has vampire powers like Kojou and the spear thing like Yukina, that's the only explanation.

Its pretty clear already that she is Yukina and Kojou's daughter.
1. She inherited the vampire curse
2.Looks exactly like Yukina.
3. Has Kojou's blue eyes.
4. Future version of Schneewalzer.
5 Her maiden name is Himeragi.

Yup. She's Kojou's and Himeragi's daughter. That should be fairly obvious.
"Komugi, are you there?"

Mar 22, 2014 6:59 PM

Jul 2013
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

"Komugi, are you there?"

Mar 22, 2014 7:01 PM
Aug 2012
Eesh I would hope for a different concept than time travel. Maybe alternate reality Yukina over this. Time travel concept always feels so stupid and convenient in a shounen style action like this.

I presume we aren't going to get closure on that glasses guy in the witch arc now.
Mar 22, 2014 7:22 PM

Jul 2013
Hawkmanh said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

"Komugi, are you there?"

Mar 22, 2014 7:22 PM

Jan 2014
14noah said:
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

Non offence guys but I don't understand me too. I know a lot more character that merit to be hated like that, it's not like she killed a chracter that we liked. Moreover, why are you calling her a 'bitch'. Is it because you would prefer to see kojou with another girl or something but i kind of understand it frustrating to not see the one you like be together. I would used the "I prefer 'name of the girl' rather than Himeragi" instead of "I hate her".

I know she prevent kojou to fight but it's only because she doesn't want him to get hurt badly and go in a rampage that destroy the entire city because he is of course the fourth primogenitor.

She isn't that useless, she won against various guys and you can't of course expect her to kill the final boss everytime because their would be no point for the existence of the MC.

I like really like daughter of kojou and himeragi. Personally, I i am ok whether Kojou finish with her or with another. This was really unexpected and for Asagi fan have hope there is a rumor about kojou having another daughter.

Note: I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
Now this post here is fairly accurate. I'd give it 10 likes if there was a like option (unless I do not see it?)

Yukina is a good girl, but if people like others they are in their right to do so, but hating a girl because of that, sounds a bit excessive. It is as if we started to hate on Misaka or Itsuwa because we like Kanzaki '-'

Yukina is fine the way she is, even if she can be tsundy, it does not go the full and usual tsundy way does she?

PS: Even though they made it look as if new Yukina had a bigger bust, I honestly did not see much difference with Yukina's, as she has a fairly nice size on that behalf.
Mar 22, 2014 10:03 PM

May 2010
ashlelouch said:
Hawkmanh said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe


LOl I see what you did there.
Mar 22, 2014 10:44 PM

Dec 2011
Dayuum said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

So~ much win...
FritzionMar 23, 2014 6:41 AM
"There is no sorrow if you are prepared"
Mar 23, 2014 12:31 AM

Mar 2014
So the girl who kissed Kojou was his sister?That wouldn't make sense.Well
It kinda does.She has the same eyes.But a sister kissing her brother..?Also,I've been looking for who that person was.Dang,I really want to know who it is.
Mar 23, 2014 1:31 AM

Oct 2013
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

I have nothing against Yukina or Kojou but her overused dialogues with him are so unbearable at times.
People just direct their hate towards Yukina but let's just not forget that it's always Kojou who initiates these dialogues.
Mar 23, 2014 1:54 AM

Apr 2013
ashlelouch said:
Hawkmanh said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Hahaha I laughed so hard xD
Good one!
Mar 23, 2014 1:57 AM

Jun 2010
HanaOtome said:
hmm...i think since her name is himeragi, that sort of implies that kojou didnt actually marry her persay( harem?) which means she is more like one of his woman so makes sense why he isnt that close with his daughter(s)...+ the title looks like kujou makes his own empire?(in one episode left apparently)

she actually said that her 'maiden name' was himeragi before yukina appeared.

Kojou might have died in the future but another way of seeing it is that he might not have been around her growing up because their 'daughter' thought that kojou and yukina weren't that close or so she heard from her mother, yukina in the future.

Also, Kojou might still look the same in the future since he is immortal after all or maybe he didn't just aged much.. look wise since it would be weird calling him otou-san since he doesn't look that much older than her.. just saying.
Mar 23, 2014 2:39 AM

Feb 2014
Dayuum said:
How does my hatred for this show grow more and more every episode? I mean are Himeragi and Kojou really that oblivious? That girl looks exactly like Himeragi, She said that she had vampire urges, And she called Asagi her aunt! It dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out who she really is. Also GG Kojou for choosing the worst possible girl out of that entire harem to be your waifu.

My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Sorry didn't quote right.
Mar 23, 2014 2:47 AM

Feb 2014
kuuderes_shadow said:
pjs312 said:
kuuderes_shadow said:
Incidentally, is this filler? The previous story arc's title was from volume 6, but this story arc is not from volume 7.

Its from Strike the Blood EX: Yukina Before / After

Ah right. Thanks for the info.

So we aren't getting a proper ending after all :(

When's the second season?????
Mar 23, 2014 2:49 AM

Feb 2014
Th3L4stW0lf said:
Hawkmanh said:
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Sir, you won the internet

All credits goes to Dayuum-kun.
Mar 23, 2014 5:00 AM
May 2013
Hawkmanh said:
Dayuum said:
How does my hatred for this show grow more and more every episode? I mean are Himeragi and Kojou really that oblivious? That girl looks exactly like Himeragi, She said that she had vampire urges, And she called Asagi her aunt! It dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out who she really is. Also GG Kojou for choosing the worst possible girl out of that entire harem to be your waifu.

My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Sorry didn't quote right.
You are forgiven
Mar 23, 2014 6:03 AM

Dec 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
14noah said:
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

Non offence guys but I don't understand me too. I know a lot more character that merit to be hated like that, it's not like she killed a chracter that we liked. Moreover, why are you calling her a 'bitch'. Is it because you would prefer to see kojou with another girl or something but i kind of understand it frustrating to not see the one you like be together. I would used the "I prefer 'name of the girl' rather than Himeragi" instead of "I hate her".

I know she prevent kojou to fight but it's only because she doesn't want him to get hurt badly and go in a rampage that destroy the entire city because he is of course the fourth primogenitor.

She isn't that useless, she won against various guys and you can't of course expect her to kill the final boss everytime because their would be no point for the existence of the MC.

I like really like daughter of kojou and himeragi. Personally, I i am ok whether Kojou finish with her or with another. This was really unexpected and for Asagi fan have hope there is a rumor about kojou having another daughter.

Note: I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.

I am fine with them as well, but what is annoying are her catch phrases. The one which annoys me most is:"No senpai, this is our fight". That just makes me wanna hit her with a brick. Aside from that I actually like her character. I do believe though she need a bit more of development, something from her past maybe.

Ok, I understand you guys hate the catch phrases such as "No senpai, this is our fight". It never actually bother me but it's kind of frustrating however it's not her fault. It's actually her job to prevent kojou to fight because he's the fourth primogenitor and also because she has feelings for him. You can't expect her to say "Go Senpai, unleash your power and go on full rampage". He would surely destroy the entire city, his school, the island and hurt lot of innocent people. People might have misunderstand the meaning of "this is our fight". 'our' she isn't being selfish and helping kojou. I would be more annoyed to see someone doing nothing while the main character is fighting for his life. I am rather grateful to Himeragi since she saved some of the characters I like.

Note: Again, I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.
Mar 23, 2014 6:09 AM

Aug 2013
Aichiro said:
I'm thinking that she might be their daughter from the future. Because she has vampire powers like Kojou and the spear thing like Yukina, that's the only explanation.

That's what I think too. Either way I hope they'll explain everything in the last episode.
Mar 23, 2014 6:29 AM

Jan 2011
Dayuum said:
My predictions for next episode.
Kojou: You're my daughter?!
Himeragi: No SENPAI. THIS IS OUR DAUGHTER!!11!!! asdfasdfasdfasdf ksdfawe

Haha genius!

kawaii-despair said:
lucidbrandon said:

is it just me or did the animation look really off this episode?

I noticed that too.

Same here.

Yukina just became a clairvoyant. Wonder how will they fix her spear.
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Mar 23, 2014 8:48 AM

Feb 2014
Dimitrije1606 said:
14noah said:
uran10 said:
I still don't understand the yukina hate. She can be annoying but I don't think she deserves of all that hate

Non offence guys but I don't understand me too. I know a lot more character that merit to be hated like that, it's not like she killed a chracter that we liked. Moreover, why are you calling her a 'bitch'. Is it because you would prefer to see kojou with another girl or something but i kind of understand it frustrating to not see the one you like be together. I would used the "I prefer 'name of the girl' rather than Himeragi" instead of "I hate her".

I know she prevent kojou to fight but it's only because she doesn't want him to get hurt badly and go in a rampage that destroy the entire city because he is of course the fourth primogenitor.

She isn't that useless, she won against various guys and you can't of course expect her to kill the final boss everytime because their would be no point for the existence of the MC.

I like really like daughter of kojou and himeragi. Personally, I i am ok whether Kojou finish with her or with another. This was really unexpected and for Asagi fan have hope there is a rumor about kojou having another daughter.

Note: I did not mean to harm anyone feeling or criticize the point of view of other. These are my point of views.

I am fine with them as well, but what is annoying are her catch phrases. The one which annoys me most is:"No senpai, this is our fight". That just makes me wanna hit her with a brick. Aside from that I actually like her character. I do believe though she need a bit more of development, something from her past maybe.

Honestly I think her catch phrases are cute :p
And after that the battle theme kicks in, which by the way is damn good.
Mar 23, 2014 8:55 AM

Mar 2011
I wonder who the girl could be.. come on just drop a few more hints, you didn't make it obvious enough D:.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Mar 23, 2014 11:48 AM

May 2009
Well, they're not really hiding who this girl is, do they?

Let's review the clues:
- She's the spitting image of Yukina, except her blue eyes (which she obviously must have gotten from her father)
- Her maiden name is Himeragi
- She has the same weapon as Yukina, only gold-colored instead of silver
- Knows Yukina's personality through and through
- Has the same immortality curse as Koujou, even gets nosebleeds when she gets too excited
- Can summon monsters, just like Koujou

And if all of that wasn't enough, the biggest clue is when she calls Nagisa her aunt, making her unmistakably Koujou and Yukina's future daughter. Only thing she hasn't told yet is her first name, but I assume we'll learn that in the last episode. Also interesting how she calls her parents by their first names and not 'Mother' and 'Father'.

All that's left is for Yukina to realize she's in love with Koujou and they can become an official couple.

This seems like a scenario ripped straight from The Terminator.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 23, 2014 12:07 PM
Jul 2013
TheAnimeSentry said:
So the girl who kissed Kojou was his sister?That wouldn't make sense.Well
It kinda does.She has the same eyes.But a sister kissing her brother..?Also,I've been looking for who that person was.Dang,I really want to know who it is.

It was and at the same time wasn't Nagisa. It was Nagisa's body, but Avrora's conscious. When Avrora takes over, Nagisa has no memory of what happened during that time. She isn't aware she kissed Kojou.

Also, there's nothing wrong with a sister kissing her brother.
Mar 23, 2014 1:01 PM

Mar 2014
Edon613 said:
TheAnimeSentry said:
So the girl who kissed Kojou was his sister?That wouldn't make sense.Well
It kinda does.She has the same eyes.But a sister kissing her brother..?Also,I've been looking for who that person was.Dang,I really want to know who it is.

It was and at the same time wasn't Nagisa. It was Nagisa's body, but Avrora's conscious. When Avrora takes over, Nagisa has no memory of what happened during that time. She isn't aware she kissed Kojou.

Also, there's nothing wrong with a sister kissing her brother.
Oh Thank you,seriously I appreciate the answer.What I meant by kissing was mouth to mouth but whatever.So she used her 12th familiar?Also,How does Kojou even meet Avrora in the first place.
Mar 23, 2014 3:43 PM

Jul 2010
Are you guys that are wondering who the "Yukine clone" is seriously not getting that she is Yukine and Koujo's daughter?
I'll put this part in spoilers in case you don't want to read the reasoning...

Anyway, I am looking forward to next week. Kojou better get his ass in gear and make sure that Yukina doesn't leave him! Tell her what she means to you for real, you dense bastard!

Oh, and the most patently stupid thing in the episode is that nobody noticed her eye color change? Come on! I know Kojou is supposed to be a bit dense, but you should at least know the color of the eyes of the woman whose blood you desire most in the entire world! He's stared deeply into them enough times... Maybe those times his blood lust made his vision cloudy?
TheAnimeSentry said:
Edon613 said:
TheAnimeSentry said:
So the girl who kissed Kojou was his sister?That wouldn't make sense.Well
It kinda does.She has the same eyes.But a sister kissing her brother..?Also,I've been looking for who that person was.Dang,I really want to know who it is.

It was and at the same time wasn't Nagisa. It was Nagisa's body, but Avrora's conscious. When Avrora takes over, Nagisa has no memory of what happened during that time. She isn't aware she kissed Kojou.

Also, there's nothing wrong with a sister kissing her brother.
Oh Thank you,seriously I appreciate the answer.What I meant by kissing was mouth to mouth but whatever.So she used her 12th familiar?Also,How does Kojou even meet Avrora in the first place.

I played the first episode, where Avrora talks with Kojou, and the part where Nagisa possessed by Avrora talks to Kojou on two different devices one right after the other and we verified that it is the same voice. So, yes, it was Avrora that was in the driver's seat there.

As to how they met, I would guess that she took over his sister and Kojou took her out in order to save Nagisa. He does have a bit of a siscon. (That is why the Lion King organization chose a girl who looks an awful lot like her as their blood partner candidate... She is "his type". A girl that is his sister's age and looks remarkably similar to her. Yep, he is a siscon!)
zensunniMar 24, 2014 7:34 AM
Mar 23, 2014 8:53 PM

Mar 2014
zensunni said:
Are you guys that are wondering who the "Yukine clone" is seriously not getting that she is Yukine and Koujo's daughter?
I'll put this part in spoilers in case you don't want to read the reasoning...

Anyway, I am looking forward to next week. Kojou better get his ass in gear and make sure that Yukina doesn't leave him! Tell her what she means to you for real, you dense bastard!

Oh, and the most patently stupid thing in the episode is that nobody noticed her eye color change? Come on! I know Kojou is supposed to be a bit dense, but you should at least know the color of the eyes of the woman whose blood you desire most in the entire world! He's stared deeply into them enough times... Maybe those times his blood lust made his vision cloudy?
TheAnimeSentry said:
Edon613 said:
TheAnimeSentry said:
So the girl who kissed Kojou was his sister?That wouldn't make sense.Well
It kinda does.She has the same eyes.But a sister kissing her brother..?Also,I've been looking for who that person was.Dang,I really want to know who it is.

It was and at the same time wasn't Nagisa. It was Nagisa's body, but Avrora's conscious. When Avrora takes over, Nagisa has no memory of what happened during that time. She isn't aware she kissed Kojou.

Also, there's nothing wrong with a sister kissing her brother.
Oh Thank you,seriously I appreciate the answer.What I meant by kissing was mouth to mouth but whatever.So she used her 12th familiar?Also,How does Kojou even meet Avrora in the first place.

I played the first episode, where Avrora talks with Kojou, and the part where Nagisa possessed by Avrora talks to Kojou on two different devices one right after the other and we verified that it is the same voice. So, yes, it was Avrora that was in the driver's seat there.

As to how they met, I would guess that she took over his sister and Kojou took her out in order to save Nagisa. He does have a bit of a siscon. (That is why the Lion King organization chose a girl who looks an awful lot like her as their blood partner candidate... She is "his type". A girl that is his sister's age and looks remarkably similar to her. Yep, his a siscon!)
Oh wow.Thanks.
Mar 23, 2014 10:37 PM

May 2008
I honestly don't know whether those who are posting along the lines of "who's that girl" are being sarcastic, or aren't thinking things through (one of the flaws of online communication). All signs point to her being Yukina's and Kojou's daughter; it'd be pretty weird with all the tell-tale signs if she actually wasn't.
(Almost) 13 years on MAL!
Mar 24, 2014 6:55 AM

Jun 2010
So where's Kojou and Asagi's daugther? They better have one if Yukina and Kojou had a daughter...
Mar 24, 2014 7:22 AM

Mar 2014
-MgZ_ said:
So where's Kojou and Asagi's daugther? They better have one if Yukina and Kojou had a daughter...
You can easily tell Himeragi and Kojou marry.Asagi becomes a doc.

Mod edit
Spoiler button added
double post merged.
AversaMar 26, 2014 2:38 PM
Mar 24, 2014 7:28 AM

Jun 2013
So we finally meet Kojou and Himeragis child. And she even came from the future. What a lame ass plot, hey at least they have some decent fanservice.
If I drive for you, you get your money. You tell me where we start, where we're going, where we're going afterwards. I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive.
Mar 24, 2014 7:44 AM
Apr 2013
Hiimchase said:
Am I the only one who wants Kojou to stop being such a bitch and kick some ass for once? I mean seriously, you are the fourth Primogenitor. Why are you letting some dragon stare you in the face while you're cowering. Seriously, man up.

As mentioned by Yukina, he can't go and fight at that moment. If he did, his Familiars would go and total the entire place. Plus, his powers would attract others (like Nagisa and Aiba) into the scene and blow his cover. Plus, that's the entire reason, unfortunately, why Yukina is sticking up with him. Although LKO's orders to Yukina were to kill him if he's dangerous, she's trying to stop him from being dangerous by minimizing his combat time. The first two arcs already showed what his Familiars could do in his uncontrolled tantrum. Right now, seeing as he hasn't even acquired more than half his Familiars, I don't see him as Kaleid Blood yet so seeing him go all out now would throw all the logic this show's built up since episode 1.

EDIT: Some grammar errors.
Mar 24, 2014 1:02 PM

Apr 2013
Lol a Terminator from the future xD
Mar 24, 2014 3:26 PM

Jan 2013
Their daughter xD.
Damn... poor yukina :(.
Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.- Tifa lockhart
Which is it? A memory or us? -Tifa lockhart
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